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Microscopic Observation



: Dian Puspitasari
: 1614441001
: ICP of Biology Education
: II (Two)
: Abdul Jalil



Complete report of Basic Biology Practicum Entitled Microscopic Observation
entitled by:

: Dian Puspitasari

Reg. Num (ID)

: 1614441001


: Biology ICP



After checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so the report accepted.

Makassar, December 04, 2016
Assistant Coordinator


Djumarirmanto, S.Pd

Abdul Jalil
Id: 1314442011

Lecture of Responsibility

Drs. H. Hamka L, MS
NIP : 1921231 198702 1 005

A. Background
When you only see with your naked eye sometimes we think that living
beings is a creation that is so simple. Or suppose we see ourselves full of
flaws and the simplicity of Allah swt. has created his creatures with so
perfect. Body systems being created very complex and made him known as a
structural unit which has a diversity and uniqueness. The diversity and
uniqueness of this can be seen from the constituent units of the body of the
living thing.
A living thing is composed of the smallest unit to form the largest unit
named individuals. The smallest unit in the entire living thing known with the
name of the cells that have a distinctive structure as a regulator of the activity
of the individual. These cells are also working on a system that is known by
the term tissue is a group or unit which is the consistency of these cells.
The tissue as a constituent organs of living things have a very diverse type
and level of complexity has resolved into high enough so that the necessary
observations to find out the actual shape of the tissue and what exactly causes
the difference in the form of a tissue with other tissues.
Each tissue has a different shape and structure, its function is any different,
there's that serve as amplifiers, protective, and so on. To learn more, tissue
science is the branch of histology. In the histology of tissue structures will be
studied in detail using the microscope in thin sectioned tissue preparations.
Histology is also referred to as the science of microscopic anatomy.
Its diversity of form and function for example lies in the shape of the cells
constituting or organelle organelle structure-constituent tissue. This diversity
requires a good knowledge of the structure as well as the tissues that made us
do the practical work of constituent tissues on plants and animals.

B. Purpose
1) After doing this activity, students are expected to be able to explain the
structure and the various of tissues that arrange the organs of plants.
2) After doing this activity, students are expected to be able to explain the
structure and the various of tissues that arrange the organs of animals.
C. Benefit
Students will be able to explain the structure and the various tissues that
arrange the organs contained both in plants and in animals.


The tissue is a collection of cells that are closely connected to each other
has the same function. The study about the structure of a tissue called the
histology. Various tissues composed and organized in the form of an organ (Tim
Penyusun, 2016:13).
The plant is composed of various organs such as root, stem, leaf and
reproductive organs. These organs are also composed of various tissues, such as
meristem tissues, parenkim, sklerenkim, kolenkim, epidermis and tissue carrier.
(Rompas, 2011:1)
In the study of plant organs, we will take an example from the main island of
two groups: monokotil and dikotil
a. Root
The root is the organ of the multicellular vascular plants of the tether to the
soil, water, minerals and mengabsorbsi and often save the carbs. Most of the
dikotil and gymnospermae has a taproot, which consists of one main vertical
roots, that is the taproot, which develop from embryonic roots. On vascular plants
not flowering and most of the monokotil have the root fibres, namely a collection
of roots that are generally thin spread below ground level, without roots, which
functions as the main root
b. Stem
Stem is an organ of the lymph system that consists of the intermittent rain, the
point of the place leaves attached, and internodus, a segment of the trunk between
the lymph-node. Usually the rod plant stems branched and dikotil monokotil are
not branched.
c. Leaves
Leaves in most vascular plants is the main photosynthetic organ, although the
Green Rod also does fotosintetis. Monokotil and dikotil differ in the arrangement
of veins or veins of the leaf, the vascular tissue on the leaves. Most monokotil
have a major leaf veins parallel along the helaian leaves. Edukotil usually have a
tissue of branches of the main leaf veins. (campbell, 2008:316-318)
Plants Tissue

All flowering plants are multicellular, with the cells all originating from
regions of active cell division. These regions are known as meristems. Plant
growth is localized in meristems. The cells originating from meristems give rise to
the various tissue types that make up a plant, such as the cells of the epidermis
that form the protective layer in a plant. The three basictis tissue types in higher
plants are dermal, ground, and vascular.
1. Dermal Tissue
Dermal tissues are the outermost layers in a plant. In young plants and
nonwoody plant parts, the outermost surface is the epidermis. It is usually a
single layer of flattened cells. Epidermal cells in leaves and stems secrete cutin, a
wax-like substance that makes up the cuticle on the external surface. In some
plants, hairs (trichomes) may be present on the epidermis. Trichomes may also
be glandular, often imparting an aroma when they are brushed, as you can
experience by rubbing a geranium or tomato leaf. Scattered through the leaf
epidermis are pores known as stomata (sing., stoma). Gases such as carbon
dioxide, oxygen, and water vapor are exchanged through these stomata.
In plant parts that become woody, the epidermis cracks and is replaced by
a new surface layer, the periderm, which is continuously produced by the cork
cambium as the tree increases in girth. The periderm, which consists of cork cells,
the cork cambium, and sometimes other cells, makes up the outer bark seen on
mature trees.
2. Ground Tissue
Ground tissues make up the bulk of nonwoody plant organs and perform a
variety of functions. The three categories of ground tissue are parenchyma,
collenchyma, and sclerenchyma. The most versatile of these is parenchyma.
Parenchyma cells are capable of
performing many different functions .They are the photosynthetic cells in leaves
and green stems and the storage cells in all plant organs.
Collenchyma cells are the primary support tissue in young plant organs.
They can be found in stems, leaves, and petals. Collenchyma cells are elongated
cells with unevenly thickened primary cell walls, often with the walls thickest at

the corners. Sclerenchyma tissue has two cell types: fibers and sclereids. The
major function of these cells is to provide mechanical support and protection. The
extremely thick secondary walls of sclereids account for the hardness in walnut
shells and the grit of pear fruit.
3. Vascular Tissue
Vascular tissues are the conducting tissues in plants. There are two types:
xylem, which conducts water and minerals from the roots upward, and phloem,
which transports organic materials synthesized by the plant. Xylem can be either
primary or secondary; primary xylem originates from the apical meristem whereas
secondary xylem comes from the vascular cambium. In trees, secondary xylem is
very extensive; it is what we call wood. (McGraw, 2008:32-34)
Animanls Tissue
1. Epithelial Tissue
As sheets of cells, epithelial tissues cover the outside of the body as well as the
lining of organs and cavities-cavity in the body. Epithelial tissue serves as a
barrier against mechanical injury, pathogens and loss of fluids. Epithelial cells
form possible cube, squamous or columnar. In addition the cells may be arranged
in a simple epithelium, stratified epithelium and epithelium-lined-all.
2. Connective Tissue
The most common function is to bind and support other tissues in the body.
Connective tissue consists consists of a population of cells of the cavity are
scattered throughout the extracellular matrix.
3. Muscle tissue
The tissue is responsible for almost all types of body movement is muscle
tissue. All muscle cells composed of filaments-the engandung protein actin
filaments and myosin, which together allow the muscle to contract. Types of
muscle tissue in vertebrate body: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and smooth
4. Nervous saraf
The function of nervous tissue is mengindra stimuli and transmit signals in
the form of nerve impulses from one part to another part of the animal. Neural

networks containing neurons, axons, the nerve impulses. Nerve cells also includes
various forms of gliam or glial cells that helps provide food, menginsulasi, and
refreshes the parched neurons. In most animals, the brain concentration of nerve
tissue to form, namely pisat information processing. (campbell,2008:9-11)

A. Time and Place

Teusday/ November 29th 2016
10.10 12.00 pm
Floor III, Basic Biology Laboratory
B. Tools and Materials
1. Plants tissue
a. Tools
1) Microscope
2) Rough cloth
3) Smooth cloth
b. Materials
Specimen durable tissue of roots, stem, and leaves group
representing from monocotyle and dicotyle.
2. Animals tissue
a. Tools
1) Microscope
2) Rough cloth
3) Smooth cloth
b. Materials
Specimen durable cube epithelial layer of the renal medulla,
specimens of solid bone rubbing on bone pipe, specimen durable of
apusan blood with giemsa dye, specimen durable striated muscle,
smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and specimen durable purkinje cells
in the cerebellum.
C. Work Procedure

Plants Tissue
1. Prepared the microscope
2. Took specimen durable tissue of roots, stem, and leaves group
representing from monocotyle and dicotyle.
3. Observed characteristic of the structure and located each tissues that


arrange root, stem and leaves.

4. Used 10x magnifications.
5. Draw tissues of the organs and mention its part
6. Compare with another picture
Animals Tissue
1. Observed specimen durable cube epithelial layer of the renal
medulla, specimens of solid bone rubbing on bone pipe, specimen
durable of apusan blood with giemsa dye, specimen durable striated
muscle, smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and specimen durable
purkinje cells in the cerebellum.

2. Used 10x10 magnifications

3. Draw and gave informations
4. Compare with another picture

A. Observation Result

Picture of Observation

Comparer Picture


Magnification 10x10:

Stem of Hibiscus sp (dikotil)


Picture of Observation

Comparer Picture


Magnification 10x10:

Stem of corn (dikotil)


Picture of Observation

Comparer Picture

Magnification 10x10:

Stem of cucurbita (monokotil)


Picture of Observation

Comparer Picture

Magnification 10x10:

Leaves of Lili

Picture of Observation

Comparer Picture


Magnification 10x10:

Leves of Alamanda

Picture of Observation

Comparer Picture

Magnification 10x10:

Epithelium gut

Picture of Observation

Comparer Picture

Magnification 10x10:


Picture of Observation

Comparer Picture

Magnification 10x10:


Picture of Observation

Comparer Picture

Magnification 10x10:

mooth muscle

Picture of Observation

Comparer Picture

Magnification 4x10:

Sceletal muscle

Picture of Observation

Comparer Picture


Magnification 4x10:

Cardiac muscle

Picture of Observation

Comparer Picture

Magnification 4x10:

Nervous tissue

Picture of Observation

Comparer Picture

Magnification 10x10:

B. Discussion
a Monokotil Stem tissue of Epidermis, serves as a protective network that
exists underneath. Xilem, for transporting water and mineral salts from
the soil throughout parts of plants. Floem, function in transport results of
photosynthesis. On monokotil there is no cambium so that the stem
cannot be enlarged and branching. The cortex, is composed of parenkim,
located in the epidermis and serves as a food reserve area. Root
Monokotil root monokotil Structure: the Epidermis, the cortex, and
perisikel has the structure, location and function as at the root of the plant
Dikotil. The functions xilem and floem are the same as Dikotil, but on
the plant layout of both to each other because it has no kambium. The
pith, is located in the central part and is surrounded xilem and floem
which are alternating.Akar Monokotil
Struktur akar monokotil:

Epidermis, korteks, dan perisikel memiliki struktur, lokasi, dan fungsi

seperti pada akar tanaman Dikotil.

Fungsi xilem dan floem sama seperti pada tanaman Dikotil, tetapi

letak keduanya saling berdekatan karena tidak memiliki kambium.

Empulur, terletak di bagian tengah serta dikelilingi xilem dan floem

yang berselang-seling.
b Daun Monokotil
Struktur anatominya yaitu :
1 Epidermis merupakan lapisan terluar yang menutupi permukaan atas
dan bawah daun. Berfungsi untuk mencegah penguapan air dan

pertukaran gas.
Jaringan palisade sebagai tempat terjadinya fotosintesis dan tempat

Jaringan bunga karang (spons) mempunyai susunan yang renggang

(ada ruang antar sel ).

Xilem terdapat di tulang daun. Xilem berfungsi mengangkut unsur
hara dan garam-garam mineral dari tanah ke seluruh bagian tumbuhan
akan tetapi lebih dikhususkan pada daun sebagai bahan mentah

Floem terdapat di tulang daun dan mempunyai susunan seperti
batangnya. Floem berfungsi mengangkut hasil fotosintesis ke seluruh

bagian tumbuhan.
Stomata terdapat pada epidermis, berfungsi sebagai celah keluar

masuknya gas.
c Daun dikotil
1 Epidermis merupakan lapisan terluar yang menutupi permukaan atas
dan bawah daun. Berfungsi untuk mencegah penguapan air dan

pertukaran gas.
Jaringan palisade sebagai tempat terjadinya fotosintesis dan tempat

Jaringan bunga karang (spons) mempunyai susunan yang renggang

(ada ruang antar sel).

Sel penjaga merupakan dua sel khusus yang membatasi stomata yang

berfungsi dalam pertukaran gas dan peguapan.

Stomata terdapat pada epidermis, berfungsi sebagai celah keluar
masuknya gas.

Xilem terdapat di tulang daun. Xilem berfungsi mengangkut unsur

hara dan garam-garam mineral dari tanah ke seluruh bagian tumbuhan
akan tetapi lebih dikhususkan pada daun sebagai bahan mentah
fotosintesis. Floem terdapat di tulang daun dan mempunyai susunan
seperti batangnya. Floem berfungsi mengangkut hasil fotosintesis ke

seluruh bagian tumbuhan.

Jaringan Hewan
a Jaringan saraf
Bagian-bagian saraf:
1 Neurit/akson merupakan tonjolan sitoplasmik yang muncul dari badan
sel saraf yang berfungsi membawa impuls-impuls meninggalkan

badan sel saraf.

Dendrit merupakan tonjolan sitoplasmik yang muncul dari badan sel
saraf, berukuran pendek (kurang dari satu mm), berjumlah banyak,

dan bercabang-cabang. Berfungsi membawa impuls ke badan saraf.

Mitokondria berfungsi sebagai pabrik energi sel yang menghasilkan


energi dalam bentuk ATP.

Badan nissl berfungsi mensintesis protein
Sel schwan berfungsi sebagai pelindung dan penyedia nutrisi.
Selaput meylin dan neurelema berfungsi sebagai isolator, pelindung,


dan penyedia lemak.

Nodus renvier berfungsi untuk mempercepat impuls.
Nukleus berfungsi mengolah rangsangan untuk diteruskan ke sel saraf

Otot jantung
Otot jantung mempunyai garis-garis dan terdiri atas sel-sel panjang,
bercabang tunggal yang terletak pararel satu sama lain. Struktur anatomi
penyusunnya yaitu :
1 Inti sel yaitu organel sel yang berfungsi mengatur dan mengendalikan

seluruh aktivitas di dalam sel.

2 Discus interkalaris yaitu daerah kontak dari ujung ke ujung.
c Otot lurik
Otot lurik terdiri atas berkas-berkas sel yang sangat panjang, yang
memperlihatkan garis-garis melintang.Serabut ototnya mempunyai
banyak nukleus yang terletak di tepi. Struktur anatomi penyusunnya yaitu
1) Inti sel berfungsi mengatur dan mengendalikan seluruh aktivitas di
dalam sel.

1 Pita gelap yaitu garis melintang pada otot lurik yang gelap.
2 Pita terang yaitu garis melintang pada otot lurik yang terang atau daerah
terang pada otot lurik.
3 Miofibril yaitu serat-serat halus pada otot yanng di dalamnya terdapat
protein kontraktil yang panjang sehingga otot dapat berkontraksi.
4 Sarkoplasma yaitu sitoplasma otot lurik.
d Otot polos
Otot polos berbentuk seperti spindel.Memiliki satu inti yang terletak di
tengah. Struktur anatomi penyusunnya yaitu :
1 Inti sel berfungsi mengatur dan mengendalikan seluruh aktivitas

dalam sel.
Sarkoplasma adalah sitoplasma otot polos.
Miofibril yaitu serat-sarat otot. Jaringan otot dapat berkontraksi
karena di dalamnya terdapat protein kontraktil yang panjang yang

berupa serat-serat halus, miofibril.

Membran sel berfiungsi melindungi bagian-bagian sel yang lebih

Jaringan tumbuhan terdiri atas jaringan meristem dan jaringan dewasa.

Jaringan meristem merupakan jaringan yang selalu aktif membelah. Jaringan
dewasa terdiri atas jaringan parenkim, jaringan pelindung (epidermis), jaringan
penguat dan jaringan pengangkut. Jaringan tersebut menyusun berbagai organ
tubuh tumbuhan, yaitu akar, batang dan daun. Bahan yang digunakan dalam
percobaan ini adalah akar monokotil, batang monokotil, daun tumbuhan dikotil
dan monokotil. Pada tumbuhan monokotil akar lembaganya mati, kemudian pada
pangkal batang akan tumbuh akar-akar yang memiliki ukuran yang sama sehingga
membentuk akar serabut. Pada batang tumbuhan monokotil epidermis terdiri atas
selapis, batas antara korteks dan stele umumnya tidak jelas dan tidak ditemukan
adanya kambium serta berkas pembuluhnya tersebar. Pada tumbuhan dikotil, selsel epidermisnya tersusun rapat, terdapat korteks yang terdiri atas beberapa lapis
sel, endodermis serta terdapat kambium antara xylem dan floem sehingga
tumbuhan ini dapat membesar. Tipe daun monokotil kebanyakan unifasial,
misanya iris jaringan pembuluh ada yang terdapat hanya satu deret sampai 2 deret.
Kebanyakan daun monokotil terbentuk sklerenkim pada beberapa spesies terdapat

serat daun yang penting dalam perdagangan dan letaknya berasosiasi dengan
jaringan pembuluh dan ada pula yang terpisah dari jaringan pembuluh.
Jaringan tubuh hewan dibedakan atas empat macam jaringan utama, yaitu
jaringan epitel, jaringan ikat, jaringan otot dan jaringan saraf. Namun, pada
praktikum ini yang diamati hanyalah jaringan otot dan jaringan saraf. Jaringan
otot dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu otot jantung, otot polos dan otot lurik. Otot jantung
berbentuk seperti silindris dengan inti satu atau dua yang terletak ditengah dan
bercabang. Otot polos berbentuk seperti gelondong dengan inti satu ditengah. Otot
lurik berbentuk silindris berinti banyak yang terletak ditepi dan tampak bergarisgaris. Sedangkan pada jaringan saraf terdiri atas dendrit yang merupakan
penjuluran pendek dari badan sel, berjumlah banyak dan bercabang-cabang.
Intisel yang terdapat di dalam badan sel yang berfungsi untuk mengolah
rangsangan untuk diteruskan ke sel saraf lainnya oleh akson. Akson ialah tonjolan
sitoplasmik yang muncul dari badan sel saraf, berukuran panjang dengan ujung
yang bercabang-cabang. Akson ada yang dilapisi oleh selubung meilin dan ada
yang tidak.

A Kesimpulan
Jaringan tumbuhan terdiri atas jaringan meristem dan jaringan dewasa.
Jaringan meristem merupakan jaringan yang selalu aktif membelah. Jaringan
dewasa terdiri atas jaringan parenkim, jaringan pelindung (epidermis),
jaringan penguat dan jaringan pengangkut. Jaringan tersebut menyusun
berbagai organ tubuh tumbuhan, yaitu akar, batang dan daun.
Jaringan hewan terdiri atas jaringan epitel, jaringan ikat, jaringan syaraf,
jaringan otot yang kesemuanya mempunyai struktur dan fungsi yang berbeda.
Jaringan otot polos menyerupai benang-benang gelondong dan memiliki satu
inti di tengah. Jaringan otot lurik terdapat garis terang dan gelap. Jaringan
otot jantung bentuknya bercabang dan memiliki dua sampai tiga inti di
tengah. Jaringan saraf tersusun atas dendrit, badan sel, intisel, dan akson.
B Saran
Adapun saran untuk praktikum selanjutnya adalah sebagai berikut.
1 Sebaiknya praktikan selanjutnya lebih teliti dalam mengamati struktur

preparat yang diamati pada mikroskop.

Diharapkan kepada asisten agar dapat meningkatkan bimbingannya

sehingga praktikan dapat melakukan pengamatan dengan baik dan benar.

Diharapkan kepada laboran agar menyediakan preparat awetan yang lebih
lengkap dan baik agar praktikum berjalan dengan lancar.

A. Conclusion
Based on experiments that we did, then it can be inferred that bouillon on
a heated tube and left open will be contaminated with air so that the organism
was found because of the brought out the air from microorganisms can more
freely entered while the bouillon they are heated and closed meetings are not
found because the bouillon microorganisms not related to the air. Thus, the
experiment Lazzaro Spallanzani proved that living things tidakberasal of
inanimate objects (bouillon), but rather comes from microorganisms that
freely entered into the tube through the medium of air.

B. Suggestion
For the last lab was good, just do best and better for the next parctikum.

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