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Diabetes tipe 2: Oral:
Catatan: tablet Regular tidak dapat digunakan bergantian dengan formulasi
tablet micronized
tablet biasa (Diaeta, Micronase):
Awal: 2,5-5 mg / hari, diberikan dengan sarapan atau makanan utama pertama
hari. Pada pasien yang lebih sensitif terhadap obat hipoglikemik, mulai dari 1,25
mg / hari.
Penyesuaian: Peningkatan bertahap tidak lebih dari 2,5 mg / hari pada interval
mingguan berdasarkan respon glukosa darah pasien
Pemeliharaan: 1,25-20 mg / hari diberikan sebagai dosis tunggal atau terbagi;
maksimum: 20 mg / hari
tablet micronized (Glynase PresTab):
Awal: 1,5-3 mg / hari, diberikan dengan sarapan atau makanan utama pertama
hari pada pasien yang lebih sensitif terhadap obat hipoglikemik, mulai dari 0,75
mg / hari. Kenaikan bertahap tidak lebih dari 1,5 mg / hari dalam interval
mingguan berdasarkan respon glukosa darah pasien.
Pemeliharaan: 0,75-12 mg / hari diberikan sebagai dosis tunggal atau dalam
dosis terbagi. Beberapa pasien (terutama mereka yang menerima> 6 mg / hari)
mungkin memiliki respon yang lebih memuaskan dengan dosis dua kali sehari.
Maksimum: 12 mg / hari
Pemantauan ParametersSigns dan gejala hipoglikemia, glukosa darah puasa,
hemoglobin A1c
top Rekomendasi Referensi Rentang untuk kontrol glikemik pada orang dewasa
dengan diabetes:
Hb A1c: <7%
Preprandial glukosa plasma kapiler: 70-130 mg / dL
Puncak postprandial glukosa darah kapiler: <180 mg / dL
Tekanan darah: <130/80 mm Hg

Dosis: AdultsType 2 diabetes mellitus: Oral: dosis awal harus didasarkan pada
dosis saat sitagliptin dan metformin; dosis harian harus dibagi dan diberikan dua
kali sehari dengan makanan. Maksimum: Sitagliptin 100 mg / metformin 2000
mg setiap hari
Pasien tidak cukup terkontrol pada metformin saja: Dosis awal: Sitagliptin 100
mg / hari ditambah dosis saat metformin. Catatan: Per produsen label, pasien
sedang menerima metformin 850 mg dua kali sehari harus menerima dosis awal
sitagliptin 50 mg dan metformin 1000 mg dua kali sehari
Pasien tidak cukup terkontrol pada sitagliptin saja: Dosis awal: Metformin 1000
mg / hari ditambah sitagliptin 100 mg / hari. Catatan: Pasien sedang menerima
dosis renally disesuaikan dari sitagliptin tidak harus beralih ke produk kombinasi.
Dosis: AdultsNote: Titrasi dosis sesuai dengan respon pasien.
hipertensi akut (urgensi / darurat): Oral: 12,5-25 mg, dapat mengulang yang
diperlukan (dapat diberikan sublingually, tapi ada keuntungan terapeutik
Hipertensi: Oral: Awal: 12,5-25 mg 2-3 kali / hari; mungkin meningkat 12,5-25
mg / dosis pada 1 sampai interval 2 minggu sampai dengan 50 mg 3 kali / hari.
Maksimum: 150 mg 3 kali / hari. Tambahkan diuretik sebelum dosis kenaikan
lebih lanjut.
Biasa kisaran dosis (JNC 7): 25-100 mg / hari dalam 2 dosis terbagi
gagal jantung kongestif: Oral:
Awal: 6,25-12,5 mg 3 kali / hari dalam hubungannya dengan glikosida jantung
dan terapi diuretik. Dosis awal tergantung pada status cairan / elektrolit pasien.
Target: 50 mg 3 kali / hari
Pencegahan disfungsi LV berikut MI: Oral: Awal: 6,25 mg; diikuti oleh 12,5 mg 3
kali / hari; meningkat menjadi 25 mg 3 kali / hari selama beberapa hari ke depan;
berikut dengan peningkatan bertahap untuk tujuan 50 mg 3 kali / hari (Beberapa
jadwal dosis meningkatkan dosis lebih agresif untuk mencapai dosis tujuan
dalam beberapa hari pertama inisiasi).
nefropati diabetik: Oral:
25 mg 3 kali / hari. Dapat diambil dengan terapi antihipertensi lain jika
diperlukan untuk lebih menurunkan tekanan darah.
atas Dosis: ElderlyRefer untuk dosis dewasa.

atas Dosis: PediatricNote: Titrasi dosis sesuai dengan respon pasien.

Hipertensi: Oral:
Bayi: Awal: 0,15-0,3 mg / kg / dosis; titrasi dosis ke atas untuk maksimum 6 mg /
kg / hari dalam 1-4 dosis terbagi; Dosis yang diperlukan: 2,5-6 mg / kg / hari
Anak-anak: Awal: 0,5 mg / kg / dosis; titrasi ke atas untuk maksimum 6 mg / kg /
hari dalam 2-4 dosis terbagi.
Anak-anak yang lebih tua: Awal: 6,25-12,5 mg / dosis setiap 12-24 jam; titrasi ke
atas untuk maksimum 6 mg / kg / hari.
Remaja: Awal: 12,5-25 mg / dosis diberikan setiap 8-12 jam; meningkat 25 mg /
dosis maksimum 450 mg / hari.

Hipertensi: Oral: Dosis awal: 5 mg sekali sehari; Dosis maksimum: 10 mg sekali
sehari; secara umum, titrasi dalam 2,5 bertahap mg selama 7-14 hari. Biasa
rentang dosis (JNC 7): 2,5-10 mg sekali sehari
Angina: Oral: dosis biasa: 5-10 mg; dosis yang lebih rendah yang disarankan
dalam penurunan tua atau hati; kebanyakan pasien membutuhkan 10 mg untuk
efek yang memadai
Hyperlipidemias: Oral: Awal: 10-20 mg sekali sehari; pasien yang
membutuhkan> 45% penurunan LDL-C dapat dimulai pada 40 mg sekali sehari;
Kisaran: 10-80 mg sekali sehari
pencegahan primer CVD: Oral: 10 mg sekali sehari
atas Dosis: ElderlyRefer untuk dosis dewasa.
Amlodipine: Dosis harus mulai dari ujung bawah kisaran dosis karena
kemungkinan peningkatan kejadian hati, ginjal, atau gangguan jantung. pasien
usia lanjut juga menunjukkan penurunan clearance amlodipine.
Hipertensi: 2,5 mg sekali sehari
Angina: 5 mg sekali sehari

Hipertensi: Oral: Dosis awal: 5 mg sekali sehari; Dosis maksimum: 10 mg sekali

sehari; secara umum, titrasi dalam 2,5 bertahap mg selama 7-14 hari. Biasa
rentang dosis (JNC 7): 2,5-10 mg sekali sehari
Angina: Oral: dosis biasa: 5-10 mg; dosis yang lebih rendah yang disarankan
dalam penurunan tua atau hati; kebanyakan pasien membutuhkan 10 mg untuk
efek yang memadai
Hyperlipidemias: Oral: Awal: 10-20 mg sekali sehari; pasien yang
membutuhkan> 45% penurunan LDL-C dapat dimulai pada 40 mg sekali sehari;
Kisaran: 10-80 mg sekali sehari
pencegahan primer CVD: Oral: 10 mg sekali sehari
atas Dosis: ElderlyRefer untuk dosis dewasa.
Amlodipine: Dosis harus mulai dari ujung bawah kisaran dosis karena
kemungkinan peningkatan kejadian hati, ginjal, atau gangguan jantung. pasien
usia lanjut juga menunjukkan penurunan clearance amlodipine.
Hipertensi: 2,5 mg sekali sehari
Angina: 5 mg sekali sehari
Dosis: AdultsNote: Dosis harus individual sesuai dengan tingkat dasar LDLkolesterol, tujuan direkomendasikan terapi, dan respon pasien; penyesuaian
harus dibuat pada interval 4 minggu atau lebih; dosis mungkin perlu disesuaikan
berdasarkan obat bersamaan
Homozigot hiperkolesterolemia familial: Oral: 40 mg sekali sehari di malam hari
atau 80 mg / hari (diberikan sebagai 20 mg, 20 mg, dan dosis malam 40 mg)
Pencegahan kejadian kardiovaskular, hyperlipidemias: Oral: 20-40 mg sekali
sehari di malam hari; Kisaran: 5-80 mg / hari
Pasien hanya membutuhkan pengurangan moderat LDL-kolesterol: Mungkin
dimulai pada 10 mg sekali sehari
Pasien yang membutuhkan pengurangan> 45% di low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
kolesterol: Mungkin dimulai pada 40 mg sekali sehari di malam hari
Pasien dengan penyakit jantung koroner atau berisiko tinggi untuk PJK: Dosis
harus dimulai pada 40 mg sekali sehari di malam hari; simvastatin harus dimulai
bersamaan dengan terapi diet.

penyesuaian dosis untuk simvastatin dengan obat bersamaan:

Cyclosporine atau danazol: Awal: 5 mg, sebaiknya tidak melebihi 10 mg / hari
Gemfibrozil: Dosis tidak melebihi 10 mg / hari
Amiodaron atau verapamil: Dosis tidak melebihi 20 mg / hari
Dosis: Dewasa Lihat Insulin reguler. Insulin ASPART adalah analog insulin cepat
bertindak yang biasanya diberikan sebagai komponen pra-makan dari rejimen
insulin. Hal ini biasanya digunakan bersama dengan long-acting (basal) bentuk
insulin atau administrasi basal terus menerus insulin melalui pump SubQ infus.
I.V .: Insulin ASPART dapat diberikan I.V. di dipilih situasi klinis untuk mengontrol
hiperglikemia. pengawasan medis yang tepat diperlukan.
SubQ: Ketika digunakan dalam rejimen pengobatan yang berhubungan dengan
makanan, 50% sampai 70% dari total kebutuhan insulin setiap hari dapat
diberikan oleh insulin aspart sebagai bolus pra-makan dibagi dan sisanya
disediakan oleh intermediate atau long-acting insulin atau administrasi basal
terus menerus insulin melalui pompa SubQ infus. Karena onset yang cepat dan
durasi singkat, beberapa pasien mungkin memerlukan lebih banyak insulin basal
untuk mencegah hiperglikemia pra-makan ketika menggunakan insulin aspart
sebagai lawan insulin reguler.
SubQ infus pump: pemrograman awal dari pompa mungkin didasarkan pada total
dosis harian insulin (TDD) diberikan dalam regimen sebelumnya dengan ~ 50%
dari TDD diberikan sebagai bolus pra-makan dibagi dan ~ 50% dari TDD
diberikan sebagai infus basal ; menyesuaikan dosis yang diperlukan.

Interactions between your selected drugs


amlodipine simvastatin
Applies to: amlodipine, simvastatin
Talk to your doctor before using simvastatin together with amLODIPine. Combining these
medications may significantly increase the blood levels of simvastatin. This can increase the
risk of side effects such as liver damage and a rare but serious condition called
rhabdomyolysis that involves the breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue. In some cases,
rhabdomyolysis can cause kidney damage and even death. You may need a dose adjustment

or more frequent monitoring by your doctor to safely use both medications, or your doctor
may prescribe alternative medications that do not interact. Let your doctor know immediately
if you have unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness during treatment with
simvastatin or similar medications, especially if these symptoms are accompanied by fever or
dark colored urine. You should also seek immediate medical attention if you develop fever,
chills, joint pain or swelling, unusual bleeding or bruising, skin rash, itching, loss of appetite,
fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dark colored urine, and/or yellowing of the skin or eyes, as these
may be signs and symptoms of liver damage. It is important to tell your doctor about all other
medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications
without first talking to your doctor.
Switch to professional interaction data

captopril glyburide
Applies to: captopril, glyburide
Captopril can increase the effects of glyBURIDE and cause your blood sugar levels to get too
low. Symptoms of low blood sugar include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, hunger,
tremor, weakness, sweating, and fast or pounding heartbeats. Talk with your doctor before
using these medications together. You may need a dose adjustment or more frequent
monitoring of your blood sugar if you have been using glyBURIDE and are starting treatment
with captopril. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use,
including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your
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glyburide sitagliptin
Applies to: glyburide, sitagliptin
SitaGLIPtin may help control blood glucose levels, which may lead to a reduction in your
dosage requirement of glyBURIDE or any other diabetic medications you are receiving. Your
blood glucose should be closely monitored so that medications may be adjusted accordingly
by your doctor. Let your doctor know if you experience hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nervousness, weakness,
tremor, nausea, hunger, sweating, and palpitation. Likewise, if sitaGLIPtin is discontinued,
your blood glucose may increase and hyperglycemia may occur, which may require
readjustment of your medications. It is important to tell your doctor about all other
medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications
without first talking to your doctor.
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captopril sitagliptin
Applies to: captopril, sitagliptin
Using sitaGLIPtin together with captopril may cause angioedema, a condition associated with
swelling of the face, eyes, lips, tongue, throat, and occasionally also the hands and feet. Each
medication alone can also cause angioedema, but the risk may be increased when they are
combined. Angioedema can occur with the first dose of medication or after many doses. You
should discontinue the medications and seek immediate medical attention if you develop
symptoms of angioedema or have difficulty swallowing or breathing. In addition, captopril
may enhance the effects of sitaGLIPtin and increase the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood
sugar). Symptoms of low blood sugar include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea,
hunger, tremor, weakness, sweating, and fast or pounding heartbeats. You may need a dose
adjustment or more frequent monitoring of your blood sugar if you have been using
sitaGLIPtin and are starting treatment with captopril. It is important to tell your doctor about
all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any
medications without first talking to your doctor.
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captopril insulin aspart

Applies to: captopril, insulin aspart
Using captopril together with insulin or certain other diabetes medications may increase the
risk of hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include headache,
dizziness, drowsiness, nervousness, confusion, tremor, nausea, hunger, weakness,
perspiration, palpitation, and rapid heartbeat. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or
concerns. You may need a dose adjustment or more frequent monitoring of your blood sugar
to safely use both medications. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications
you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first
talking to your doctor.
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amlodipine diclofenac
Applies to: amlodipine, diclofenac
Before using diclofenac, tell your doctor if you also use amLODIPine. The combination may
cause your blood pressure to increase. You may need a dose adjustment or your blood
pressure checked more often. Also, if you are already taking the combination and stop taking
diclofenac, your blood pressure may decrease. It is important to tell your doctor about all
other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications
without first talking to your doctor.

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glyburide diclofenac
Applies to: glyburide, diclofenac
Diclofenac can increase the effects of glyBURIDE and cause your blood sugar levels to get
too low. Symptoms of low blood sugar include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea,
hunger, tremor, weakness, sweating, and fast or pounding heartbeats. Talk with your doctor
before using these medications together. You may need a dose adjustment or more frequent
monitoring of your blood sugar if you have been using glyBURIDE and are starting treatment
with diclofenac. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use,
including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your
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captopril diclofenac
Applies to: captopril, diclofenac
Talk to your doctor before using captopril together with diclofenac. Combining these
medications may reduce the effects of captopril in lowering blood pressure. In addition, these
medications may affect your kidney function, especially when they are used together
frequently or chronically. You are more likely to develop impaired kidney function during
treatment with these medications if you are also using a diuretic ("water pill") or if you are
elderly or have preexisting kidney disease. You may need a dose adjustment or more frequent
monitoring by your doctor to safely use both medications. Contact your doctor if you
experience signs and symptoms that may suggest kidney damage such as nausea, vomiting,
loss of appetite, increased or decreased urination, sudden weight gain or weight loss, fluid
retention, swelling, shortness of breath, muscle cramps, tiredness, weakness, dizziness,
confusion, and irregular heart rhythm. It is important to tell your doctor about all other
medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications
without first talking to your doctor.
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insulin aspart sitagliptin

Applies to: insulin aspart, sitagliptin
SitaGLIPtin may help control blood glucose levels, which may lead to a reduction in your
dosage requirement of insulin aspart or any other diabetic medications you are receiving.
Your blood glucose should be closely monitored so that medications may be adjusted

accordingly by your doctor. Let your doctor know if you experience hypoglycemia, or low
blood sugar. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include headache, dizziness, drowsiness,
nervousness, weakness, tremor, nausea, hunger, sweating, and palpitation. Likewise, if
sitaGLIPtin is discontinued, your blood glucose may increase and hyperglycemia may occur,
which may require readjustment of your medications. It is important to tell your doctor about
all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any
medications without first talking to your doctor.
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captopril amlodipine
Applies to: captopril, amlodipine
Consumer information for this minor interaction is not currently available. Some minor drug
interactions may not be clinically relevant in all patients. Minor drug interactions do not
usually cause harm or require a change in therapy. However, your healthcare provider can
determine if adjustments to your medications are needed.
For clinical details see professional interaction data.
No other interactions were found between your selected drugs.
Note: this does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult with your doctor or

Other drugs and diseases that your selected drugs interact


amlodipine interacts with more than 300 other drugs and 4 diseases.

captopril interacts with more than 300 other drugs and 8 diseases.

diclofenac interacts with more than 200 other drugs and 10 diseases.

glyburide interacts with more than 400 other drugs and 6 diseases.

insulin aspart interacts with more than 300 other drugs and 3 diseases.

simvastatin interacts with more than 200 other drugs and 5 diseases.

sitagliptin interacts with more than 200 other drugs and 2 diseases.

Interactions between your selected drugs and food


simvastatin food
Applies to: simvastatin
Grapefruit juice can significantly increase the blood levels of simvastatin. This can increase
the risk of side effects such as liver damage and a rare but serious condition called
rhabdomyolysis that involves the breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue. In some cases,
rhabdomyolysis can cause kidney damage and even death. You should avoid the consumption
of grapefruit or grapefruit juice during treatment with simvastatin. Let your doctor know
immediately if you have unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness during treatment,
especially if these symptoms are accompanied by fever or dark colored urine. You should also
seek immediate medical attention if you develop fever, chills, joint pain or swelling, unusual
bleeding or bruising, skin rash, itching, loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dark
colored urine, and/or yellowing of the skin or eyes, as these may be signs and symptoms of
liver damage. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including
vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.
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captopril food
Applies to: captopril
It is recommended that if you are taking captopril you should be advised to avoid moderately
high or high potassium dietary intake. This can cause high levels of potassium in your blood.
Do not use salt substitutes or potassium supplements while taking captopril, unless your
doctor has told you to.
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amlodipine food
Applies to: amlodipine
Consumer information for this minor interaction is not currently available. Some minor drug
interactions may not be clinically relevant in all patients. Minor drug interactions do not
usually cause harm or require a change in therapy. However, your healthcare provider can
determine if adjustments to your medications are needed.

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