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close STDERR;
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
# zonestat: tool that displays each zone's usage of resources
that can be controlled.
# Concept, design, implementation: Jeff Victor, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Versions:
# 1.0: Initial release
# 1.1: Group zones by resource pool, display in order of pool number
# 1.2: Provide total usage and physical capacity data, improve output precisio
# 1.2.1: Various minor fixes:
* -h option to swap(1M) not available until S10 5/08 (GaelM)
* Change $update value for Solaris Nevada to 7
* Fixed bugs in CPU cap & FSS output
* Added -h (help)
* Added -P (easily parseable output)
* Inhibit command-line error messages
# Usage: zonestat [-l] [interval [count]]
-h: display usage summary
-l: display columns showing the configured limits
-P: display output in easily parseable format (assumes -l)
# Output (with -l):
#Zonename| IT| Max| Cur| Cap|Used|Shr|S%| Cap|Used| Cap|Used| Cap|Used| Cap|Used
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# global 0D 66K
0.2 1 50
0 16E 318M
# ozone 0D 66K
1 1.7 0.2 1 50 100M 31M 50M
0 200M 26M
# zone1 3P
0.0 1 HH 100M 44M 50M
0 200M 40M
#twilight 5S
8 1.7 0.9 50 50 100M 54M 50M
0 200M 45M
# zone5 5S
8 1.7 0.9 50 50 100M 33M 50M
30M 100 200M 43M
# zone2 6P
0.0 1 HH 100M 52M 50M
0 200M 43M
32G 387M
100 48G 515M
# Explanation of output:
# Pool: Data about the pool in which the zone's processes run
# IT: "ID" + "Type"
ID: Pool ID number, from poolstat
Type: Type of Pool: D=Default, P=Private ("temporary"), S=Shared
# Size: Number of CPUs

Max: Configured for pool (-l)
Cur: Currently in pool
# CPU: Data about CPU usage or usage constraints
# Cap: capped-cpu (-l)
# Pset Used: amount of CPU 'power' used by the processes sharing the pset
in which the zone's processes run - compare to "Cap".
# Shr: Number of FSS shares (-l)
# S%: This zone's portion of all shares in all zones in this pool ('HH'=100) (
# Memory: Data about memory usage or limits
# RAM: Physical memory
Cap: capped-memory:physical (-l)
Used: RSS of zone
# Shm: Shared memory
Cap: max-shm-memory (-l)
Used: amount of shared memory in use by this zone's processes
# Lkd: Locked memory
Cap: capped-memory:locked (-l)
Used: amount of memory locked by this zone's processes
# VM: Virtual memory
Cap: capped-memory:swap (-l)
Used: amount of virtual memory (RAM+Swap) in use by this zone's processes
# The special row marked "==TOTAL= displays a total or 'absolute maximum'
# value, depending on the object being measured, and the amount used across
# all zones, including the global zone.
# Problems:
# * By far the "most broken" part of this prototype is CPU%.
It is not difficult to create surprising results, e.g. on a CMT system,
set a CPU cap on a zone in a pool, and run a few CPU-bound processes:
the "Pset Used" column will not reach the CPU cap.
# Ideas for Future:
# * Add -c: list zones that are configured, even if halted (like 'zoneadm list
# * Add -d: also display disk statistics (fsstat?)
# * Add -n: also display network statistics
# * Add -p: only show processor info, but show more, including:
* prstat's instantaneous CPU%, micro-state fields *and* mpstat's
CPU% during a sample
* scheduler used for the pset in which the zone resides
* queue length for the pset in which that zone resides
# * Add '-m': only show memory-related info for each zone and its pool,
adding these:
* paging columns of vmstat (re, mf, pi, p, fr, de, sr)
* output of 'vmstat -p'
* free swap space
# * Add optional [<zonename>] argument to limit output to one zone
# * Debate the inaccuracy of prstat's CPU data vs. the sample time
and potentially misleading data of mpstat. Then choose something better. :)
# * Add a one-character column showing the default scheduler for each pool.
# * Report state transitions like mpstat does, e.g.
* Changes in pool configuration, new pools, deleted pools
* Changes in zone states: boot, halt
# * Improve efficiency and robustness with Perl extension module Sun::Solaris::
Would only help locked-memory and swap-cap until more kstats are available.
# * Improve efficiency by re-writing in C or D.
# * Improve robustness by handling error conditions better.


Variables and arrays.

%poolid: integer ID of zone's pool - from poolstat
%poolmembers: list of zones in each pool
@poolshares: total of FSS shares in all zone of a pool
%psetid: integer ID of zone's pset - from poolstat
%ztype: type of pool: Private, Shared, Default - derived from zonecfg
%pset_cfg_min: minimum CPUs configured for this pool - from zonecfg, poolstat
%pset_cfg_max: maximum CPUs configured for this pool - from zonecfg, poolstat
current CPUs configured for this pool - from poolstat
CPU cap - from prctl
%cpu_percent: Percent of pool in use by this zone - from mpstat
%cpu_shares: FSS Shares configured - from prctl
%cpu_shrpercent: Portion of pool's shares in this zone - sum of zones' shares
$cpus_used_sum Total "CPU power" used, in CPUs
RAM cap - from rcapstat
RAM used - from rcapstat if rcap enabled, prstat otherwise
$rss_use_sum Total RAM used in system
Shared memory cap - from prctl
Shared memory used - from ipcs
$shm_use_sum Total shared memory used in system
Amount of memory a zone can lock - from kstat lockedmem_zone
Amount of memory locked by a zone - from kstat lockedmem_zone
$lkd_use_sum Total locked memory in system
VM cap - from kstat
VM used - from kstat
$vm_use_sum Total (RAM+swap) used in system

use Getopt::Std;
# Subroutine 'shorten' shortens integers that won't fit into 4 digits, for
# compact, predictable output columns. Example: 234,567==>234K.
# Note that 1K=1,000, not 1,024.
# Compute constants once.
sub shorten {
my $n=$_[0];
#if (!defined($n)) { $n=0; }
if ($n < 10)
{ $n = sprintf ("%1.1f", $n); }
if ($n >= 10 && $n < 1000) { $n = sprintf ("%d", $n); }
if ($n >= 1000 && $n < 9500) { $n = sprintf ("%1.1fK", $n/$K);}
if ($n >= 9500 && $n < $M) { $n = int(($n+500)/1000) . "K"; }
if ($n >= $M && $n < 9500000) { $n = sprintf ("%1.1fM", $n/$M);}
if ($n >= 9500000 && $n < $G) { $n = int(($n+500*$K)/$M) . "M"; }
if ($n >= $G && $n < 9500000000) { $n = sprintf ("%1.1fG", $n/$G);}
if ($n >= 9500000000 && $n < $T) { $n = int(($n+500*$M)/$G) . "G"; }
if ($n >= $T && $n < 9500000000000) { $n = sprintf ("%1.1fT", $n/$T); }
if ($n >= 9500000000000 && $n < $P) { $n = int(($n+500*$G)/$T) . "T"; }
if ($n >= $P && $n < 9500000000000000) { $n = sprintf ("%1.1fP", $n/$P);}

if ($n >= 9500000000000000 && $n < $E) { $n = int(($n+500*$T)/$P) . "P"; }

if ($n >= $E ) { $n = int(($n+500*$P)/$E) . "E"; }
sub expand { # Assumes that the argument ends in a metric suffix!
my $n=$_[0];
if ($suffix eq 'K' || $suffix eq 'k') {$n *= $K};
if ($suffix eq 'M' || $suffix eq 'm') {$n *= $M};
if ($suffix eq 'G' || $suffix eq 'g') {$n *= $G};
if ($suffix eq 'T' || $suffix eq 't') {$n *= $T};
if ($suffix eq 'P' || $suffix eq 'p') {$n *= $P};
if ($suffix eq 'E' || $suffix eq 'e') {$n *= $E};
# A numeric sort subroutine.
sub numerically { $a <=> $b; }
# Gather static info
open (MEM, "/usr/sbin/prtconf |");
while (<MEM>) {
if (/Memory size: (\d+) Megabytes/) {
close MEM;
open (PGSZ, "/bin/pagesize|");
close PGSZ;
# Process the command line
# Options...
# ...and [interval [count]]
$decrement=1; # Change to zero (below) if infinite loop
# Default
$interval=0; # sleeptime between iterations
$doheader=1; # Display a new header after 25 lines of data.
if ($#ARGV>=0 ) {
if ($#ARGV>=0 && $ARGV[0]>0) {
# U4 added several RM features

# U5 added CPU Caps

# For U0-U3, we show what you could be doing if you upgrade... ;-)
open (RELEASE, "/etc/release");
close RELEASE;
if ($rel =~ /3\/05/) { $update=1; }
if ($rel =~ /6\/06/) { $update=2; }
if ($rel =~ /11\/06/) { $update=3; }
if ($rel =~ /8\/07/) { $update=4; }
if ($rel =~ /5\/08/) { $update=5; }
if ($rel =~ /10\/08/) { $update=6; }
if ($rel =~ /snv/) { $update=7; }
if ($opt_h) {
print "
Usage: zonestat [-h] | [-l] [interval [count]]
-h: usage information
-l: display columns showing the configured limits
Output with -l option:
Zonename| IT| Max| Cur| Cap|Used|Shr|S%| Cap|Used| Cap|Used| Cap|Used| Cap|Used

information about the Solaris Resource Pool to which the zone is assigned.
Pool identification number for this zone's pool
Type of pool: D=Default, P=Private (temporary), S=Shared
Maximum number of CPUs configured for this zone's pool
Current number of CPUs configured for this zone's pool

CPU: information about CPU controls and usage

Cap: CPU-cap for the zone
Used: Amount of CPU power consumed by the zone recently
Shr: Number of FSS shares assigned to this zone
S%: Percentage of this pool's CPU cycles for this zone ('HH' = 100%)
Memory: information about memory controls and usage
RAM: Physical memory information
Cap: Maximum amount of RAM this zone can use
Used: Amount of RAM this zone is using
Shm: Shared memory information
Cap: Maximum amount of shared memory this zone can use
Used: Amount of shared memory this zone is using
Lkd: Locked memory information
Cap: Maximum amount of locked memory this zone can use
Used: Amount of locked memory this zone is using
VM: Virtual memory information
Cap: Maximum amount of virtual memory this zone can use
Used: Amount of virtual memory this zone is using
# Outer loop
for ($n=$count; $n>0; $n -= $decrement) {

# Gather list of zones, their status and pool type and association.
open (NAMES, "/usr/sbin/zoneadm list -v|");
while (<NAMES>) {
if (/^\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
if ($1 eq "ID") { next; }
close NAMES;
# Update vCPU count.
open (PSR, "/usr/sbin/psrinfo |");
while (<PSR>) { $total_cpus++; }
close PSR;
# Are we using pools?
open (POOLS, "/usr/bin/svcs -H pools|");
close POOLS;
# Does rcap exist and is it enabled?
open (RCAP, "/usr/bin/svcs -H rcap|");
close RCAP;
# Get pool minima, maxima, current sizes. Note that some of these
# values are stored in /etc/zones/index but do *not* reflect current
# reality. Where appropriate, those values will be updated later with
# current reality.
# Note that the data collected here will be obsolete if a zone's cfg
# is changed after the most recent boot of that zone. These commands
# should be replaced, e.g. with
# 1) "ps -eo zone,pset,comm | grep zsched"
# to collect the mapping from zone to pset ID, and then
# 2) "poolstat -r pset -o pool,rid" to complete the mapping from zonename
# to poolname.
foreach $z (@names) {
open (ZCFG, "/usr/sbin/zonecfg -z $z info pool|");
if (/pool: (\S+)/) {
} else {
open (ZCFG, "/usr/sbin/zonecfg -z $z info dedicated-cpu|");
if (/dedic/) {
if ($range =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)/) {
} else {
$range =~ /(\d+)/;

} else {
close ZCFG;
# Run several commands which summarize per-zone output for us.
# Actual pool cfg sizes may overwrite data collected above.
# Get amount of shared memory in use by each zone.
# "ipcs -mbZ" lists segments in all zones, but we must accumulate the sizes.
open(IPCS, "/usr/bin/ipcs -mbZ |");
while (<IPCS>) {
if (/^m\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
$shm_use{$2} += $1;
$shm_use_sum += $1;
close IPCS;
# Future: What is the default scheduler for each pool?
# poolcfg -dc info
# Get amount and cap of memory locked by processes in each zone.
# "kstat -p caps:*:lockedmem_zone_*" conveniently summarizes all zones for us.
open(KSTAT, "/usr/bin/kstat -p caps:*:lockedmem_zone_* |");
while (<KSTAT>) {
if (/^caps:(\d+):lockedmem_zone_\d+:usage\s+(\d+)/) {
$lkd_use[$1] = $2;
$lkd_use_sum += $2;
if (/^caps:(\d+):lockedmem_zone_\d+:value\s+(\d+)/) {
$lkd_cap[$1] = $2;
close KSTAT;
# Get amount and cap of swap used by processes in each zone.
# "kstat -p caps:*:swapresv_zone_*" conveniently:
# * summarizes all zones for us
# * includes space used in all tmpfs mounts
open(KSTAT, "/usr/bin/kstat -p caps:*:swapresv_zone_* |");
while (<KSTAT>) {
if (/^caps:(\d+):swapresv_zone_\d+:usage\s+(\d+)/) {
$vm_use[$1] = $2;
$vm_use_sum += $2;
$vm_use_sum += $2;
if (/^caps:(\d+):swapresv_zone_\d+:value\s+(\d+)/) {
$vm_cap[$1] = $2;

close KSTAT;
# For zones with RAM caps (U4+), get current values for RAM usage and Cap.
if ($update>3) {
open (RCAP, "/usr/bin/svcs -H rcap|");
close RCAP;
if ($input =~ /online/) {
open (RCAP, "/usr/bin/rcapstat -z 1 1|");
while (<RCAP>) {
if (/^\s+\d+\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
$rss_use{$1} = $mem;
$rss_use_sum += $mem;
$rss_cap{$1} = $3;
close RCAP;
# Per-zone commands to gather more data. If there are many zones on the system,
# the amount of CPU time burned by this section can distort the results.
foreach $z (@names) {
# If rcap not enabled, or if this zone doesn't have a cap, we get current
# values for RAM usage with prstat. prstat consumes much more system time
# than other methods which might work (e.g. rcapstat).
if (!defined($rss_use{$z})) {
if ($z eq 'global') {
open (PRSTAT, "/bin/prstat -cZz $z 1 1|");
} else {
open (PRSTAT, "/usr/sbin/zlogin $z /bin/prstat -cZ 1 1|");
while (<PRSTAT>) {
if (/^ZONEID/) {
$mem = &expand($2);
$rss_use{$z} = $mem;
$rss_use_sum += $mem;
$cpu_percent{$z} = $3;
close PRSTAT;
# Get current values for pool configurations. If pools not enabled, use the
# default pool.
# This should really be run once per outer loop, without -p, not once per zone.
if ($pools_enabled =~ /online/) {
open (POOLS, "/usr/bin/poolstat -r pset -p $pool{$z}|");
while (<POOLS>) {
if (/^\s+(\d+)\s$pool{$z}\s+pset\s+([0-9\-]+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+
)/) {

$poolid{$z} =$1;
$poolmembers{$1} .= $z . ' ';
$psetid{$z} =$2;
if ($psetid{$z} ==-1) { $psetid{$z}=0; }
$pset_cfg_min{$z} =$3;
$pset_cfg_max{$z} =$4;
$pset_cur{$z} =$5;
close POOLS;
} else {
# Pools not enabled
$poolmembers{0} .= $z . ' ';
$pset_cur{$z} = $total_cpus;
if ($cpu_percent{$z}<0) { $cpu_percent{$z}=0; }
# For each zone, gather some caps.
if ($opt_l || $opt_P) {
foreach $z (@names) {
if ($update>4) {
open(PRCTL, "/bin/prctl -Pi zone -n zone.cpu-cap $z|");
while (<PRCTL>) {
if (/.*privileged (\d+)/) {
$cpu_cap{$z} = $1/100;
close PRCTL;
open(PRCTL, "/bin/prctl -Pi zone -n zone.cpu-shares $z|");
while (<PRCTL>) {
if (/.*privileged (\d+)/) {
$cpu_shares{$z} = $1;
close PRCTL;
open(PRCTL, "/bin/prctl -Pi zone -n zone.max-shm-memory $z|");
while (<PRCTL>) {
if (/.*system (\d+)/) { # Only use if no privileged entry.
$system = $1;
if (/.*privileged (\d+)/) {
$priv = $1;
$shm_cap{$z} = $priv ? $priv : $system;
if ($priv) { $shm_cap{$z} = $priv; }
{ $shm_cap{$z} = $system; }
close PRCTL;


# Summarize shares per pool
# which can be used by that
for $z (@names) {
for $z (@names) {

to display the minimum portion of a pool

= 0;
+= $cpu_shares{$z};

# Get system info and tunable param's

open (MDB, "/bin/echo 'pages_pp_maximum/D;segspt_minfree/D' | mdb -k|");
while (<MDB>) {
if (/pages_pp_maximum:\s+(\d+)/) {
$lockable_mem=$RAM - $pagesize * $1;
if (/segspt_minfree:\s+(\d+)/) {
$shareable_mem=$RAM - $pagesize * $1;
close MDB;
# Note that swap(1M) doesn't report memory pages that the kernel has locked.
open (SWAP, "/usr/sbin/swap -s|");
while (<SWAP>) {
if (/= (\S+) used, (\S+)/) {
$VM=&expand($1) + &expand($2);
close SWAP;
# Now that all data manipulation is complete, modify output data
# to match field sizes.
= &shorten ($VM);
$rss_use_sum = &shorten ($rss_use_sum);
$shm_use_sum = &shorten ($shm_use_sum);
$lkd_use_sum = &shorten ($lkd_use_sum);
= &shorten ($vm_use_sum);
$lockable_mem = &shorten ($lockable_mem);
$shareable_mem = &shorten ($shareable_mem);
foreach $z (@names) {
# $pset_cfg_max{$z} = &shorten ($pset_cfg_max{$z});
if ($cpu_shares{$z} > 999) { $cpu_shares{$z} = ">1K"; }
$cpus_used_sum += $cpu_percent{$z}*$pset_cur{$z}/100,
= &shorten ($rss_use{$z});
= &shorten ($shm_cap{$z});
= &shorten ($shm_use{$z});
$lkd_cap[$zoneid{$z}] = &shorten ($lkd_cap[$zoneid{$z}]);
$lkd_use[$zoneid{$z}] = &shorten ($lkd_use[$zoneid{$z}]);
$vm_cap[$zoneid{$z}] = &shorten ($vm_cap[$zoneid{$z}]);
$vm_use[$zoneid{$z}] = &shorten ($vm_use[$zoneid{$z}]);
if ($opt_l || $opt_P) {
= int(100*$cpu_shares{$z}/$poolshares[$poolid{$z}]);
if ($sh_in_pool{$z} == 100) { $sh_in_pool{$z} = 'HH'; }

# Display data
# 123456789112345678921234567893123456789412345678951234567896123456789712345678
# Zonename| IT| Max| Cur| Cap|Used|Shr|S%| Cap|Used| Cap|Used| Cap|Used| Cap|Use
# Data fields, ranges and sizes:
# Zonename: 8 chars
# PoolID: 2 chars. If >99, replace with HH
# PoolType: 1 char.
# Size:Max: 4 characters: 1-3 digits, optional suffix K, M, G, T, P, E
# Size:Cur: 3 chars: "ddd"
# CPU:Cap: 4 chars, one of "dddd", "d.dd", "dd.d"
# CPU:Use: (same as CPU:Cap)
# CPU:Shr: 3 chars. If >999, replace with ">1K"
# CPU:Sh%: 2 chars. If =100, replace with 'H'
# Memory:RAM:Cap: 4 chars: 1-3 digits, optional suffix K, M, G, T, P, E
# Memory:RAM:Use: (same format as RAM:Cap)
# Memory:Shm:Cap: (same format as RAM:Cap)
# Memory:Shm:Use: (same format as RAM:Cap)
# Memory:Lkd:Cap: (same format as RAM:Cap)
# Memory:Lkd:Use: (same format as RAM:Cap)
# Memory:VM:Cap: (same format as RAM:Cap)
# Memory:VM:Use: (same format as RAM:Cap)
if ($doheader) {
if ($update<5) {
if ($opt_l) {
printf ("
printf ("
printf ("Zonename| IT| Max| Cur|Used|Shr|S%| Cap|Used| Cap|Used| Cap|Used| Cap|U
printf ("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
} elsif ($opt_P) {
printf ("Zonename:IT:Max:Cur:Used:Shr:S%:RAMCap:Used:ShmCap:Used:LkdCap:Used:VMC
} else {
printf ("
printf ("Zonename| IT|Size|Used| RAM| Shm| Lkd| VM|\n");
printf ("------------------------------------------\n");
} else {
if ($opt_l) {
printf ("
printf ("
printf ("Zonename| IT| Max| Cur| Cap|Used|Shr|S%| Cap|Used| Cap|Used| Cap|Used|
printf ("-----------------------------------------------------------------------

} elsif ($opt_P) {
printf ("Zonename:IT:Max:Cur:Cap:Used:Shr:S%:RAMCap:Used:ShmCap:Used:LkdCap:Used
} else {
printf ("
printf ("Zonename| IT|Size|Used| RAM| Shm| Lkd| VM|\n");
printf ("------------------------------------------\n");
} else {
if (!$opt_P) { print ("--------\n"); }
# Group the zones by pool and print the pools in numerical order.
foreach $p (sort numerically keys (%poolmembers)) {
$zones = $poolmembers{$p};
foreach $z (split (/ /, $zones)) {
if ($lines++ > 25 && !$opt_P) { $doheader=1; $lines=0; }
if ($update<5) {
if ($opt_l || $opt_P) {
if ($opt_l) {
$format = "%8s %2s%1s %4s %4s %4.1f %3s %2s %4s %4s %4s %4s %4s %4s %4
s %4s\n";
} else {
$format = "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%.1f:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n";
printf ($format,
$z, $poolid{$z}, $ztype{$z},
$pset_cfg_max{$z}, $pset_cur{$z},
$cpu_shares{$z}, $sh_in_pool{$z},
$rss_cap{$z}, $rss_use{$z}, $shm_cap{$z}, $shm_use{$z},
$lkd_cap[$zoneid{$z}], $lkd_use[$zoneid{$z}],
$vm_cap[$zoneid{$z}], $vm_use[$zoneid{$z}]);
} else {
printf ("%8s %2s%1s %4s %4.1f %4s %4s %4s %4s\n",
$z, $poolid{$z}, $ztype{$z},
$rss_use{$z}, $shm_use{$z},
} else {
if ($opt_l || $opt_P) {
if ($opt_l) {
$format = "%8s %2s%1s %4s %4s %4.1f %4.1f %3s %2s %4s %4s %4s %4s %4s
%4s %4s %4s\n";
} else {
$format = "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%.1f:%.1f:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n",
printf ($format,
$z, $poolid{$z}, $ztype{$z},
$pset_cfg_max{$z}, $pset_cur{$z},
$cpu_cap{$z}, $cpu_percent{$z}*$pset_cur{$z}/100,
$cpu_shares{$z}, $sh_in_pool{$z},
$rss_cap{$z}, $rss_use{$z}, $shm_cap{$z}, $shm_use{$z},
$lkd_cap[$zoneid{$z}], $lkd_use[$zoneid{$z}],
$vm_cap[$zoneid{$z}], $vm_use[$zoneid{$z}]);

} else {
printf ("%8s %2s%1s %4s %4.1f %4s %4s %4s %4s\n",
$z, $poolid{$z}, $ztype{$z},
$rss_use{$z}, $shm_use{$z},
# Display totals and maxima
if ($update<5) {
if ($opt_l || $opt_P) {
if ($opt_l) {
$format = "==TOTAL= --- ---- %4s %4.1f --- -- %4s %4s %4s %4s %4s %4s
%4s %4s\n";
} else {
$format = "==TOTAL=:::%s:%.1f:::%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n";
printf ($format, $total_cpus, $cpus_used_sum,
&shorten($RAM), $rss_use_sum, $shareable_mem, $shm_use_sum,
$lockable_mem, $lkd_use_sum,
$VM, $vm_use_sum);
} else {
printf ("==TOTAL= --- %4s %4.1f %4s %4s %4s %4s\n",
$total_cpus, $cpus_used_sum,
$rss_use_sum, $shm_use_sum,
$lkd_use_sum, $vm_use_sum);
} else {
if ($opt_l || $opt_P) {
if ($opt_l) {
$format = "==TOTAL= --- ---- %4s ---- %4.1f --- -- %4s %4s %4s %4s %4s
%4s %4s %4s\n";
} else {
$format = "==TOTAL=:::%s::%.1f:::%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n";
printf ($format, $total_cpus, $cpus_used_sum,
&shorten($RAM), $rss_use_sum, $shareable_mem, $shm_use_sum,
$lockable_mem, $lkd_use_sum,
$VM, $vm_use_sum);
} else {
printf ("==TOTAL= === %4s %4.1f %4s %4s %4s %4s\n",
$total_cpus, $cpus_used_sum,
$rss_use_sum, $shm_use_sum,
$lkd_use_sum, $vm_use_sum);
# All that processing takes at *least* one second...
sleep $interval>0 ? $interval-1 : 0;
undef @names; # Handle zone transitions.
undef %poolmembers;
undef %rss_use;


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