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Group Charter Peer Review English 360

Reviewers: Tyler Hua, Bree Mokede, Wesley Kamau



1. Format:
Does the charter employ standard memo format (see Markel 254-55), such as an
informative heading with members names, the date, the subject, etc.? subject
line needs to be below team name and logo from: team member names not
team name.
Does the charter have consistently formatted, well-named headings separated
with appropriate white space?
White space everywhereBold or underline headings.
2. Content:
a. Does the charter include a prominent team name and logo?
b. Does the charter discuss overall performance expectations for the project and
team, including information about meetings, communication media, timelines and
meeting times and Communication methods
c. Does the charter explain in detail how the team will resolve conflicts?
needs conflict resolution
d. Does the charter cite two sources (one of which may be Markel) in its
discussion of team work or conflict resolution? Are those sources cited both in
the text itself as well as in a list of works cited, bibliography, or reference section
at the end of the memo?yes
e. Does the charter include a firing clause that specifies the types and numbers
of charter breaches that constitute grounds for bringing Dr. Bruce a firing
request? what constitutes a warning?
Does the charter include a mission statement specifying the projects audience and purpose ?
be more specific on audience
Does the charter include a copy of a timesheet on which the team plans to record
participation/effort rates?no
Does the charter include a timeline for iFixit Milestones plus the ifixit due dates listed on
our English 360 schedule?yes
Does the charter specify the week the team will photograph its disassembly of its device,
and whether the team will use a team members camera or one of the Universitys

cameras (available in the English Department)?

lacks specific date

Team Charter Evaluation

1. Format:
a. Yes, most of the components are included, however some components are not
completed. There is not communication basis or time sheet. The timeline is scattered; it
should be more organized.
b. Yes, the charter includes good white spacing and heading titles.
2. Content:
a. The logo is great!
b. No, communication basis, timeline and timesheet are not completed.
Also guidelines in resolving a conflict and the corrective policy are not complete.
c. No, the guidelines for resolving a conflict is not complete.
d. Yes, the charter does cite the two sources.
e. A firing clause is not specified in the charter and should include a firing request that follows
Dr.Bruces guidelines.
f. Yes, the charter does include a mission statement by specifying the projects audience and
g. No, the charter does not include a timesheet. They should include each team members
record for participation in each assignment.
h. Yes, a timeline is included with the designated ifixit deadlines.
i. The charter does not specify the week at which they will disassemble the device. Also, the
camera is not specified as well.

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