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Text from my initial


An observation or
questions I received
from De Piero or

Changes I made!

How this change

impacts my paper:

There are many

types of literary
genre everywhere.

I think I told you this

in class (not sure why
you didn't change it),
but this "hook" isn't
How can you get
your readers jazzed
up about reading
this? What interesting
observations did you
make that you could
share with your

I did not change the

hook because I
figured the title was
attention grabbing

Not changing the first

sentence may leave
my paper sounding

Most genres has its

own exigency such
as Domestic
Violence Cases.

OK, I like how you're

using "exigence
here," now I'm
wondering: what IS
the exigence for
various genres in
domestic violence

Exigence is the
circumstance or
condition that invites
a response.

Since my paper is
based on Domestic
Violence i think it was
important to define
Exigence! Reading
these cases invites
the sad response.

If you are not familiar

with domestic
violence you should
take a look at a
victim's written
statement writing is
a word-by-word,
e process(Bunn 72)
that can help you
better understand
exactly what you are

I like how you're

citing Bunn here, but
I don't know if this
flows within the
sentence as
smoothly as it could.
You might be missing
a word or a phrase.
Trying reading it
aloud to see if you
can "hear" what's
going on.

When reading
domestic violence
cases, the case will
grab more attention if
the victim and her
perpetrator are well

Instead of using
Bunns quote to finish
my introductory
paragraph, I inserted
a thesis statement

If you are a celebrity

the media outlets
such as TMZ should
have reports and the
celebrity statements
posted on their
website. Domestic
disturbances also
occur in the sports

This is interesting
stuff here, Santiago,
but -- as a reader -- I
feel like you're
jumping around a bit
too much. Use your
topic sentence to
give your reader a
preview of what's
coming up in the

This paragraph is
going to be about
occurring in the NFL.
For example,
according to Ryan
Phillips's article, the
NFL does not handle
domestic violence
cases properly.

I made it clear that

this paragraph was
gonna be about DV
occurring in the NFL

Pushed her against a

door, yelled at her or
slammed on the
floor in April 2015.
The Giants then
gave Brown a 2 year,
$4 million deal in
April, before his
suspension. When
The Giant's coach
Roger Goodell was
asked about the
behavior of Brown he
claims that he was
not given enough
facts from the law
enforcement and this
prevented him from
taking further
actions, besides the
one suspension.

OK, this is all

interesting, but I'm
wondering why
you're telling me this.
How/why does this
relate to your main

According to police
documents, Brown's
wife Molly accused
him of being physical
with her more than
20 times in the year
2015. The Giants
then gave Brown a 2
year, $4 million deal
in April, before his

Instead of writing
about the incident i
shortened it. I also
didn't include the
coach because this is
about Josh Brown,
and his wife.

Celebrity domestic
disputes have a lot of
textual literacy.
Police reports such
as- what the problem
is, where did the
crime happen, what

There were so many

comments here
stating confusion and
asking W
HY is this
information needed.
What does this have
to do with my

Here is another
Domestic Violence
written in Huffington
Post, this article is
titled This Is How A
Domestic Violence
Victim Falls Through

I realized that in my
initial WP1, I had a
lot of information that
didn't really fit into
the assignment or the
argument. So i
deleted that

time did this occur,

and who is involved.
Some more literacy
can also be
documents that the
police found or
If you wish to see the
domestic violence
statistics visit the
Bureau of Justice
Statistics website.
The website site
shows studies that
compares the
domestic and
offenses of sexual
and aggravated
assault on 11
conviction, and
sentencing outcome
measures. This data
states that domestic
sexual assault
dependants have a
98% rate of overall
conviction. It also
states Domestic
aggravated assault
defendants (54%)
were less likely to be
granted pretrial
release than
aggravated assault
defendants (62%).


The Cracks. This

story is about a
woman named Laura
Aceves who lived in
Berryville, Arkansas.
Laura was abused by
her now ex-boyfriend
Laura however, is not
famous so her story
most liking won't
make headlines.
Laura was stalked
and shot by her ex
boyfriend, whom she
tried to avoid on
several occasion.
One day Laura told
the police officer that
she had suspected
that Victor poured
bleach in her gas
tank, she even told
the police officer
where Victor might
be located, but he
was not found. At the
time Victor was
charged with two
prior attack of
aggravated assaulted
towards Laura. Victor
was out on bail with
the court order to
have no contact with
Laura and to check in
with probation by
phone each week..
Victor was not
charged because

paragraph and
continued on with
my next case, which i
trimmed up the
paragraph and tried
to leave out the
unimportant parts.

Laura was blamed for

her own death.
allegedly beat her
with a baseball bat,
dragged her behind a
car, strangled her
until she blacked out
on the floor and told
her over and over
how he would kill her
if she ever left him.
One day after Laura
had finished her shift
at work she realized
that someone had
poured bleach in her
gas tank, terrified
she called 911.
Laura told the police
officer that she had
suspected that Victor
was behind all this,
she even told the
police officer where
Victor might be

OK.... what does this

have to do with our
assignment -- with
studying writing and
writers' decisions?

Jacquelyn Campbell(
the country's leading
expert on domestic
homicide) testifies
that Arkansas did not
use the screening
tool that she has
created. This screen
tool consists of a
series of questions
that a victim of
violence should be
asked, based on their
answer you can then
determine if they are
in serious danger and
how it can be
prevented. If Laura
were to have taken
the screening test it
would have proved
that she was in
extreme danger. Now
several states have
screening test for
their victims.

I decided to delete
the whole getting
beat with a baseball
thing.That paragraph
wasnt needed so I
put the paragraph
about the screening
tool in its polace.

. 48 hours later
Laura was found
dead in her
apartment with a
gunshot wound to
the head and her 4
month old baby still
in her arms. Laura's
plead for protection
was completely

I'm not seeing how

this is relevant to this
Santiago. These
seem like very
important details,
but... so what? Why
are the details of a
case important for us,
here, studying writing
and genres and

Both of these articles

portray a sense of
pathos. One of our
victims lost her life
but the other is alive.
One article is mainly
focused on the male
perpetrator while the
other article is
focused on the

I decided to compare
and contrast the two
victims and how
regardless of their
reputation, justice
was not met.

ignored in Arkansas,
Laura's mother Ms.
Ponce is devastated.
Ms.Ponce told the
Sheriff of Berryville
what Victor is
capable of she even
gave him the history
of his past
aggression towards
her daughter, but
Victor didn't serve
much jail time.

exigences and tone

and audience, etc,

female victim.
Perhaps if Laura
Aceves was famous,
her death would be
made more
worldwide, maybe
she would still be
alive today. In Ryan
Phillips's article about
Josh Brown, he
included details
about the NFL player.
Ryan mentions that
Brown is a kicker for
the New York Giants,
he also mentions the
$4 million dollar deal
that Brown was
offered. In this case
his wife Molly wasn't
really provided with
much information.
The only information
about Molly that we
know are her
accusations. Despite
being the wife of a
famous football
player, she did NOT
get the justice she

Text from my initial

WP2 submission

An observation or
questions I received
from De Piero or

Changes i made!

How this change

impacts my paper:

Whether it be,
beneficial to our
health or for religious

This is an incomplete
Santiagoit lacks a
subject/noun (who or
what the sentence is
about) and a
verb/predicate that,
together, form a
complete thought. I
strongly recommend
that you check out
this resource:
sentences generally
arent valued in
academic writing,
although theyre still
common in creative
ns, etc. Basically, you
need a 2nd part to
this "Whether it be X
or Y, Z
...." What's
that Z? (PS: It could
be the first sentence
of your paper.)

Both Aamodt and

Rodriguez aims to
persuade their
readers by using
textual evidence,
conventions, or
rhetorical devices.
With that being said,
Diets do not
effectively work.

Based on your Intro,

I'm anticipating that
your paper is going to
hit on dieting from a
religious perspective
and a hard/natural
perspective.... but I
don't know how/if
Aamodt and
Rodriguez are a part

Whether it be,
beneficial to our
health or for religious
purposes or to simply
try out new foods.

Aamodt is a

compared to
Rodriguez who is a
nutritionist. Both
Aamodt and
Rodriguez aims to
persuade their
readers by using
textual evidence such

Its now a complete


I introduced both
authors ahead of
time which can give
my readers more
information of who i
am writing about.

of that. Is it worth
clearing this up early
on and telling me
"Aamodt is a
religious scholar..."
-Also, I'd like a little
bit more direction in
your thesis: what
KIND OF evidence,
WHICH conventions,
and WHAT rhetorical
devices? Give me a
little bit more of a
preview of what I can
expect to come up
later on in your
Both of these pieces
have a similar topic,
but the argument
presented between
the two definitely
have its own
purpose. How can we
determine whether
both of these articles
construct different
arguments? One
prime example can
be the use of their

Great! After read this,

I'm thinking: cool, this
paragraph is going to
focus in on the
authors' different
purposes, which is a
fundamental idea.
(It's good to include
this sooner in your
paper, rather than

as referencing
experiments or
everyday facts we
already know,
conventions, or
rhetorical devices as
persuasion. With that
being said, Diets do
not effectively work.

One prime example

can be the use of
their moves,
another example can
be that each author
presents their own
rhetorical message.
In literature the term
moves have many
different concepts, I
am using this term to
identify decisions or
strategies that each
author used when
writing their articles.
Rhetorical messages
are something the
author will use to
make you believe
that their argument or
article is legit, which
can be beliefs,
documents, facts,
interest, motives.

So the main idea can

be more clear!

(Bitzer 306).
Understanding the
different moves and
rhetorical messages
in each of these that
each author used is
very important when
comparing and
contrasting these

. In literature the term Wait a second, you're One prime example

moves have many
different concepts, I
am using this term to
identify decisions or
strategies that each
author used when
writing their articles.
Rhetorical messages
are something the
author will use to
make you believe
that their argument or
article is legit, such
as Constraints which
can be beliefs,
documents, facts,
interest, motives.

jumping around it
looks like -- you just
told me you were
going to inform me
about how/why the
writers' purposes
were different.

can be the use of

their moves,
another example can
be that each author
presents their own
rhetorical message.
In literature the term
moves have many
different concepts, I
am using this term to
identify decisions or
strategies that each
author used when
writing their articles.
Rhetorical messages
are something the
author will use to
make you believe
that their argument or
article is legit, which
can be beliefs,
documents, facts,
interest, motives.
(Bitzer 306).
Understanding the
different moves and
rhetorical messages
in each of these that
each author used is

I am not jumping
around anymore, its
clear that im talking
about moves.

very important when

comparing and
contrasting these

Aamodt starts off her Is this all 1 sentence? Aamodt starts off her

article with a quote

and then starts to tell
us about her
experience on The
Biggest Loser
Aamodt argues The
problem isn't
willpower. Its

article with a quote

and then starts to tell
us about her
experience on The
Biggest Loser.
Aamodt argues The
problem isn't
willpower. Its

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