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CASUALTY INFORMATION FH Pubished by Det Norske Veritas No. 801 Edited by DTP-803, ‘SHIP TYPE: Tanker for Oil SIZE(GRT): 80000-90000 BUILT YEAR: 1992 Heavy weather damage - near casualty Course of events “The ship was stuck by a freak wave ina North Atlantic winter storm. k sustained substantial damage tothe forward deck area and stores areas, leading o flooding ofthe forward compartments. “Te vessel proceeded safely, but with a heawy forward trim, to port of safe refuge for survey and repairs Extent of damage ‘The folowing damage was noted + The forward compartment access dog house had its watertight door tom off and washed overboard, resulting in flooding of the entire forward space from the keel and up tothe main deck. The stores hatch caver was torn open, breaking the dogs and was “Yormed” around the hatch coaming by water pressure. ‘The ventlator atthe base of the forward mast was damaged beyond repair Two small goose neck ventlators in the forward area were damaged by distortion, ‘The starboard ballast tank vert head received minor damage. Below the deck, inside the stores area, all machinery and equipmert were fooded, The paint locker fire door was badly distorted and tom of is hinges, + The emergency fre pump diesel engine was damaged inching its wiring hamess, starting batteries, and various other Probable cause Under the extreme weather conditions extensive amounts af green sea ht the forecastle deck ‘There are, however, indications thatthe condition ofthe equipment may have contributed sigrficarly othe extent of damage and its consequences. [is considered to be of umost importance to provide regular and good maintenance, especially for vessels trading in these weather- ‘exposed areas, in particular with respect tothe maintenance ofthe cleats forthe access halches and the closing dogs forthe watertight doors. ‘The forecaste, being the most weather and sea exposed area on the ship, is hardly accessible under conditions as the above. The crew's often forced to wait unl the weather has improved to carryout temporary remedial actions. This may resultin extensive secondary damage, and even danger tothe ship as the increased forward draft may become a critical factor when the vesselis ina fully leaded condition Lessons to be learned The equipment on deck should be kept well maintained and in good working order so as to prevent water ingress inthe foreship ((orecaste, forepeak, hold no.1) folowing heavy weather damage to closing applances andlor deck structures. Tho exposed forecastle deck, of course is especially vulnerable, where: + Allclosing appliances for openings into the hull should be subject to regular inspection and maintenance, particularly when trading in waters where heavy weather may be expected. + Locking devices for access hatches and doors should be kept in good working order so that unintended opering, due to green seas, is greatly educed, + Condition and clamping devices of air and sounding pipes should also be subject to regular folow-up by the shp's crew, as Internal corrosion and inadequate clamping may tum out tobe entcal DNV has established a project (Fore end watertight integrity’ to imestigate classif\cation requirements and survey methods for Possible improvements ‘The temational Association of Classification Societies (ACS) is also investigating the issue. Other similar casualti 1. Buk carter (17000 GT, builtin 1981}: Forecastle access cover swept away, and hatch cover no. 1 damaged. Vessel in distwess with heavy forward trim but arrived safelyin port 2. Chemical tanker (5735 GT, builtin 1977): Ingress of water allegedly due to snappinglsubmersion of forward alr vent heads on woathor deck. Vesselsark. 3, Several fishing and supply vessels: Forward hatch deformed due to heavy sea on deck, allowing water ingress tothe hull. Mlustative photos, nt fom the tual incident dese above Photo I: Damaged hatch coveron omwcasie wo yo 4 Photo 2: Damaged vensator Casuy iforatonis published by Det Norske Vets, asifcation _prevertion f similar cccuences inthe Sure. The venation includ is rot ‘Sopot. ocossaily rotted Lo coo’ ships class with OW ards poser, whet cbgaten, fr feraton purposes oly Det Norske Vera NO-"322 Howe, Nowa Curses may be directed to "er +47 67579900, Det Norske Vert, Clssifistion Suppar, NO-1322 Hovk, Nowa. Fax 64767 97 90 1 Fac M7 67579011, emal: egperarce bedback@awcem “Tho purpose of Casual infamatan is opr tho mate industy wh © Det Nosko Vestas AS. Tis pulicalon may bo epaaucos tly on tescons to bo lear Fo nciderts of hp damage ard more srcus cordon that Dut Nosko Vas AS (ONN) always laf a th Source, acces. is way, Dat Narske Vera AS hopes to carte tothe ONY accepts no responsibly fo ary eros or msitepretatens, vawedncomimaritime

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