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Anemia can be classified on the basis of morphology & etiology.

Morphological classification.
On the basis of size & Hb content in RBC, Anemia may be
classified as normocytic, macrocytic or microcytic, this each type
further classified into hypochromic or normochromic.
Etiological classification On the basis of cause of anemia.
1) hemorrhagic anemia.
2) Hemolytic anemia.
3) Nutrition deficiency anemia.
4) Aplastic anemia.
1) Hemorrhagic anemia
Acute hemorrhage in accident, uterine bleeding. There is
reduction in total red cell count. Anemia is normocytic
normochromic anemia.
Chronic hemorrhage Due to continuous loss of blood over
prolonged period, lot of iron is lost from body. This affects synthesis
of Hb & cells do not contain adequate amount of Hb.
Hypochromic & microcytic anemia.
2) Hemolytic anemia Due to excessive destruction of red cells as in
1) Infections like malaria.
2) Presence of isoagglutinins like anti-Rh.
3) Chemical poisoning like lead.
4) Congenital default in red blood cells as sickle cell anemia,
3) Nutrition deficiency anemia
Due to deficiency of iron, proteins, vitamins like C, B12, folic acid
which are necessary for erythropoiesis.
1) Iron deficiency anemia microcytic hypochromic.
2) Protein deficiency anemia Hypochromic.
3) Pernicious anemia or Addisons anemia Due to def. Of vit. B12
(extrinsic factor) or intrinsic factor. Before knowing the cause
the disease was considered to be fatal. Hence the name
Macrocytic normochromic anemia.
4) Megaloblastic anemia
Due to def. Of folic acid. Maturation of red blood cells does not
occur. Cells are large with immature nuclei.
Macrocytic hypochromic.
4) Aplastic anemia Due to disorder of red bone marrow causing stoppage or
formation of red cells.

The red bone marrow is reduced & replaced buy fatty tissues in
conditions like repeated exposure to X-ray.
Normocytic normochromic.

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