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1. The absolute permeability in a free space (0) =-------------- (4*10-7 H/m).
2. The force required to demagnetize the iron piece is known as ------------- (Coercivity).
3. The hard magnetic materials are used to make------------------magnets (Permanent).
4. The dielectric strength can be measured in terms of-------------- (KV/cm).
5. The ratio of Peak value to the R.M.S value is called as-------------- (Peak factor).
6. In parallel resonance circuit, current at resonance will be--------------- (minimum).
7. In case of Star connected system, Line voltage is equals to---times the phase voltage ( ).
8. The load current (I2) corresponding to maximum efficiency will be ------ (I2=


9. Open Circuit test is conducted on ------------side of a transformer. (Low Voltage).

10. Short Circuit test of a transformer is also called as ------------- (Impedance test).
11. The rating of a transformer is independent of ------------------------- (Power Factor).
12. Specifications of cable: 7/20VIR, Aluminum conductor, twin core, 650/1100V grade in
this Specification 7 indicates ---------------- (No. of Strands in a Cable).
13. Color of Earth wire :-------------( Green).
14. The nodal analysis of the circuit is based on---------------------- (KCL and Ohms Law).
15. At half power frequencies, the current in the series RLC circuit is ---------------------(1/ *current at resonance).
16. For the circuit given below, the voltage across inductor (VL) will be----------

Given V=200V,VR=100V
17. The most suitable and economical connection for small KVA, High voltage,3-phase
transformer is---------------(Star/Star Connection).
18. The starting torque of a 3-phase induction motor is maximum when ----------- (Rotor
resistance per phase equals to rotor reactance per phase).

19. The following amplifier configuration yields the largest power gain of all transistor
amplifier configurations :-----------------( Common Emitter).
20. The curve plotting between discharge in m3/sec and time in hours is known as ----------(Hydrograph).
21. Induced draught fan used in steam power plant serves to create draught in------(Chimney).
22. Demand factor on a power system is always -------(less than unity).
23. The distributors in residential areas are-------------- (Three-phase, 4-wire).
24. Under the influence of fluorescent lamps, sometimes the wheels of rotating machinery
appear to be stationary .This is due to the --------------- (Stroboscopic effect).
25. The coefficient of adhesion is highest when ------------ (the rails are dry).
26. Area under the speed time curve represents --------------- (distance travelled).
27. In which services of railways, is the specific energy consumption lowest? (Main Line ).
28. To save the energy during braking-------------------------is used (Regenerative Braking).
29. The Boolean function for the AND gate is--------------(Y=A*B).
30. The number of full adders in a4-bit parallel adder will be---------- (Three).
31. A half adder includes----------- (a AND gate with XOR gate).
32. In a dynamometer type watt meter, the Pressure Coil should be---------- (Highly resistive).
33. A Buchholz relay is used for ------(protection of a transformer against all internal faults).
34. Which type of alternator is used in hydroelectric power stations? (Salient pole alternator).
35. A hydroelectric power station is commonly found in--------------------- (Hilly Areas).
36. Water hammer occurs in----------------- (Penstock).
37.In power station, the cost of generation of power reduces most effectively ,when ------(both diversity factor and load factor increase ).
38. Skin effect depends upon------------- (cross section of the conductor, supply frequency,
permeability of the conductor material).
39. Bundled conductors are mainly used in high voltage overhead transmission lines to ---------------------- (reduce corona).
40. According to the fuse law, the current carrying capacity varies as---------- ((diameter)1.5).
41. Fuse material must have ------------------- (low melting point and low specific resistance).

42. As per recommendation of ISI, the maximum load that can be connected in one sub
circuit is----------------- (800 Watts).
43. The shape of the disc in an induction relay is -------------- (Spiral).
44. A differential protection system responds to the -----------of the two electrical quantities
(Vectorial difference).
45. The principle of operation of a 3-phase Induction motor is most similar to that of a------------------ (Transformer with a shorted secondary).
46. The direction of rotation of a synchronous motor can be reversed by reversing -----------(Supply phase sequence).
47. The most economical method of finding no-load losses of a large d.c shunt motor is ---------------test (Swinburnes).
48. The d.c series motor should never be switched on at no-load because ------- (the speed
becomes dangerously high).
50. The Ta/Ia graph of a d.c series motor is a ----------(Parabola upto full-load and a straight
line at overloads.
51. Load saturation curve of a d.c generator gives relation between----- (V and If).
52. The main function of interpoles is to minimize ---------between the brushes and the
commutator when the d.c machine is loaded (Sparking).
53. Avalanche breakdown is primarily dependent on the phenomenon of ------- (Collision).
54.The canonical form of (0,3,6,7) is-------------------((1,2,4,5).
55. The simplified form of the Boolean expression A+ B is ---------------- (A+B).
56. Negative feedback in an amplifier-------- (reduces gain).
57. The snubber circuit is used in thyristor circuits for--------- (dv/dt protection).
58. The most suitable device for high frequency inversion in SMPS is ------- (MOSFET).
59. The minimum number of watt meters required to measure 3-phase, 3-wire balanced or
unbalanced power is----------------- (2).
60. The frequency of oscillation of Phase shift oscillator in Hz is ------ (f=1/(2*pi RC* ).
61. The 2s complement of the number 11100111 is------ (00011001).
62. A relaxation oscillator is one which --------------- (produces non-sinusoidal waves).

63. Coefficient of adhesion is the ratio of tractive effort to slip the wheels and ------(adhesive weight).
64. Skidding of a vehicle always occurs when ------raking effort exceeds its adhesive weight).
65. The function of a starter in a dc motor is to ------ (limit the starting current to a safe
66. In a synchronous machine, damper windings are used to ---------------- (help in starting a
motor and to reduce hunting).
67. When a synchronous motor is running at synchronous speed, the damper winding
produces ---------------- (no torque).
68. Skin effect results in ----------------------- (increased effective resistance but reduced
effective internal reactance of. the conductor).
69. In transmission system a feeder feeds power to -------- (distributors).
70. During storm the live conductor of public electric supply breaks down and touches the
earth. The consequences will be --------------- (current will flow to earth)
71. The bundling of conductors is done primarily to -------------- (reduce reactance).
72. String efficiency is given by ----------(Voltage across the string) / ((numbers of discs on the string) x (voltage across disc nearest
to the conductor)) .
73. The power factor of an a.c circuit is given-------------power divided by --------power
(active, apparent).
74. Suspension type insulators are used for the voltages beyond ------------ (33KV).
75. If the string efficiency is 100%, it means that------ (Potential across each disc is the
76. In short transmission lines, the effects of -----------------are neglected. (Capacitance).
77. A distributor is designed from--------------------considerations (Voltage drop).
78. In a 3-phase, 4-wire a.c system, if the loads are balanced, then the current in the neutral
wire is --------- (Zero).
79. The minimum relay coil current at which the relay operates is called------ (Pick-up value).
80. The most commonly used system for the protection of generator is-------- (circulating
current system).

81. Arcing ground can be prevented by------------- (earthing the neutral).
82. Pole mounted sub-stations are used for ----------------- distribution (Secondary).
83. Insulation resistance of a cable is----------------- (Rins= (rho/2*pi*l)*ln(R/r)).
84. One of the advantages of d.c transmission is-------- (No skin effect).
85. Short Circuit KVA = Base KVA *(100/%X).
86. The transient voltage that appears across the contacts at current zero during arcing period
is -------------- (Restriking Voltage).
87. One of the advantages of free wheeling diode will be-------- (to provide continuous
conduction of current).
88. GTO can be turned off by using the --------------gate current (Negative).
89. Field test is only applicable for ---------motors (Series).
90. Example for register addressing mode of 8085 micro controller is ---------- (ANL A,Rn).
91. The rotor efficiency of an induction motor is expressed as ------------ (N/NS).
92. In case of an induction motor, P2 : Pc: Pm = -------------- (1 : S : (1-S)).
93. Form factor of a half wave rectifier is ----- (0.57).
94. The output of a AND gate is high if------------ (both inputs are high).
95. In 8085, the DAA instruction is used for ---------- (Decimal Adjust Accumulator)
96. In 8085, SPHL instruction means---- (transfer the contents of HL to the stack pointer).
97. D-filp flops are used as ------------------- (Buffer Register)
98. After firing the SCR, the gate pulse is removed .The current in the SCR will ------ (remain
the same).
99. A thyristor can be termed as ------------ (d.c switch).
100. Earth fault relays are----------- (directional relays).


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