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What strategies and approaches worked and for whom?

Formative Practices
Oral feedback, feed forward, Some written feedback
Providing them with relative feedback/feed forward
Providing daily feedback/feed-forward - teacher/peer
Success Criteria - Spoken/Written/Co-Constructed /unpacked /
Sharing work with others as an exemplar
Students have ownership of goals and targets
Student agency
Ownership of learning placed on student
Engaging learners as self-monitoring learners
Evidence based learning conversation structure in place
Knew what they were learning
Children articulate their learning and successes
Student voice - Where am I? Where am I going? Next steps
Notice - analyse - practise
Use literacy progressions to help identify students
LLP - Creating a pathway of progress
Visual tracking for kids
Breaking down learning needs - specific acts of teaching
Identifying skills in reading
Meeting needs as they arose
Personalising learning needs and addressing these everyday
Using identified needs to teach to
Regular dialogue about childrens needs to classroom teacher
Knowing individuals, knowing teachers
Creating student / teacher agency
Responsive to student / teacher needs
Explicit Teaching
Work from what the children can do
Move at the right pace

Getting to know learners/ positive relationships
Building student relationships
Knowing the students and building on strengths/interests
Relationships-making connections, teacher-teacher, teacher-student,
Creating a safe environment
Knowing ourselves as writers - Self belief
Confidence building
Purposeful learning vehicles
Writing on topics that matter
Focus of active learning driven by student
Student ownership - Authentic/interests/tangible / real contexts
Contextualising learning - Authentic, purpose, meaningful
Meaningful topic - to hook boys - purpose
Meaningful making connections
Learning experiences and inquiry to engage reluctant writers
Oral language explicit - Student talk input, purpose
Language enrichment - experiences and dialogue
Writing from prior knowledge or high interest (building vocabulary,
planning, getting ideas into structure)
Integration with topical events, use of language to motivate e.g. create
Curriculum integration
Collaborative planning and reflection with children
Moved away from recount - purposeful writing
Children shared their writing with others - purpose/engagement
Children carry forward their confidence and attitude into class
Selecting texts that are relevant to children - engagement- audience
Text selection - key to engagement
Use of models/visual aids/reminders
Sharing great writing models/exemplars / Examples of quality writing
Writing Models - more than one, constantly refer back to, revisiting,

Well planned
Embedded culture of differentiation
Explicit instruction/deliberate/small acts of teaching
Explicit precise teaching - specific
Consistent teaching or regular teaching session
Interweaving reading and writing
Purpose based writing - audience
Making connections
Students able to explain and express parts of writing cycle
Developing ideas/structure
Focus on reader strategies

Data / evidence based practice

Evidence based data driven - including student voice
Valid testing and sharing it
Close analysis of data
Breakdown of what levels meant and how they relate to own
Triangulate data
Looking at students work
Identifying what suits individual students, consistent tracking of
progress over a number of years
Responding to childrens needs/responses
Sharing data with children so there is a shared understanding of
where they are and where they need to go
Able to see when progress is halted across a cluster of students
and focus on how to move them onto the next step, teachers
were better informed about specific strategies, outside experts
(secondary teacher)
Identify global need; within a group
Using data to inform, regular meetings, specific group targets

Modelling book
Modelling - using teachers models
Modelling/prompting together
Shared experiences
Student conversations - lots of talk
Clear link to a foundation of oral language - learning experience,
building oral vocabulary, teaching inquiry questions, team meetings,
voice record then write - shared reading and questions
Motivation before writing
Organising thinking and reading - GO
Capturing moments
Develop independent writing tasks for students to work on while teache
takes group Writing tasks for at home
Use of science book - 1 blank page/1 lined for writing
Teaching as Inquiry
Inquiry and knowledge building cycle
Building teacher effectiveness in teaching and understanding
We can make a difference
Notice recongise, respond, flexible
Teachers to look to themselves and their practice first - willingness to
Being passionate
Flexibility to change your approach
Establishing collaboration between teachers
Creating collaborative inquiries
Linking TAI to school appraisal
Inquiry planning sheet
Self-review - in-depth - in class, across inquiry group
Professional conversations
Teachers having critical learning conversations
Collaboration between teachers
Professional reading

Tracking children below and well below

Regular running records/behaviours (identifying next learning
step and building own knowledge)
Continue to monitor childrens progress as they move on to the
next class

Pedagogy and Practice

Deliberate acts of teaching
DAT for what is going to be done differently
Teaching responsively, just in time Go with the flow
Daily practice
Boosting oral language - D.A.T

Building teacher knowledge

Observations - found where to work next - PD
Filmed teacher observations
Teacher videoed so they could reflect on practice (watch a few times)
Time to reflect - Reflections- what worked?
Experimenting, permission to be adaptive, reflection on results
A time to talk - Professional Research Group, how teachers change their
teaching from discussions Be prepared to change direction
Planning, reflection time each week - video
Look at data, Problem solve, celebrate - as a team
Coaching buddies/mentor
Proactive in seeking help from colleagues
Deliberate conversations with colleagues
Expectation all will be involved - schools having/talking the same
Whole school staff meetings/team meetings discussed learning inquiry.
Focussed learning conversations in teams
Staff meetings - first task - best fits - Literacy Learning Progressions,
Success Criteria,
United/support team and regular professional talk (dialogue)
Mentor teacher/coach to work alongside others across the school
Professional Learning Partners groups
High level of communication with lead teachers - dialogue
Changed - challenged practice
Cultural identity - Tataiako - Ka Hikitia - Understanding culturally
SIT - timetabled meetings, mentor asking the hard questions
Individual meeting - SIT, teacher, written up as a report/minutes
Pedagogy and Practice
Small group instruction
Small group - able to be more intensive and all children actively
Small groups children comfortable to take risks with their reading

planning and writing links DATs
Risk taking Pedagogy
Short sharp and simple
Quick writes/power writing
Writing is a tool to access across the curriculum
Regular in-depth lessons (build on needs) Reflection every day
Think, pair, share
Peered learning/became tuakana
1-1 conferencing
Writing buddy (older children working in junior call to support)
Strong Collaborative writing - shared need
Interactive writing,
Working together (shared writing)
Learning buddies taking learning back into the class
Celebrate success

Fluid approach to grouping and targets based on need

Variety of grouping, no groups but targeted support, small groups,
Teachers giving children more one on one
Developing independence
Learning across class, beyond the target group
ICT to promote engagement - - creates vocab
Mileage! Mileage! Mileage!
Building reading mileage - same text - linking the learning
Reading first on timetable - more of a flow into other curriculum areas
Reading without any disruptions
Culturally responsive
Initial focus on surface features then moved to focus on deeper features
Writing task included in reading rotation
Writing, published become part of buzz box
Feedback from audience
Authors chair - highlighters
Not publishing everything
Writers toolbox

What learning conditions supported acceleration for students?

Teacher Learning
Consistent focus of acceleration
Not only a group of children, teacher focussed
Unpacking LLP progressions - precise
Common language across the school
Weekly comprehensive team review - flexibility of programme
Staff, Led workshops
Building capability
Opportunities to attend PD
Support of staff - ownership
Network meetings - valuable to see how to make sustainable in
classroom and onwards
Trust established

Strategic Planning
Chain of influence from charter to strategic goals
Strategic whole school plan
Thinking strategically - BOT inclusion / ownership/support
Self-review - Rubrics - Part of what a school does
Alignment - annual plan - ALL - teacher appraisal
School-wide approach/consistency / Sustainability
What does sustainability look like?
Having everyone on board - A clear vision - Buy in from all
Early intervention
Support of the school structure
Transferring the learning
Planning - taking intervention to other Y4+Y1 teachers
Range of intervention support at different tiers, identifying individual

Working alongside teachers

Teachers buy in

How IT can support the writing - meaningful
Use the technology as a learning tool

Parents and Whanau

needs at a deep level, shared analysis of levels across the school

Withdrawal groups and separate instruction for 2 years then integration
into class
Changed timetable - made full two hour
Block to teach writing - changed bells
MIxed up times so children didnt miss classroom routines to often
Teacher release - 4 days a week - 1 hour - 8 Students
Hour daily to work with literacy children across the school
Children will be continued to have support moving forward - help
teachers with interventions to expand knowledge across the school
Whole staff input into CaAP
At risk register established
Safe and secure environment
Literacy rich learning environment
Reading - writing focus learning environment
Flexible learning spaces
Time and space to support
Dedicated space for writing
Withdrawal groups to increase confidence
Changing bell times - 2 hour writing block
Smaller teacher student ratio - provides better recognition of needs
What proved challenging?

Knowing our community as an important foundation for

engagement Connections - families - teachers - leaders shared
with staff - powerful
Structured plan to meet with parents
Making learning visible for whanau - lesson modelled for
whanau, sending book home
Parent involvement - Letter home, Interview time - Parent
Interview Sheet survey - Parents informed and children shared
at home
Whanau support - buy in - Selling the intervention in a
Reading Together Programme as a catalyst for developing
Making it easy and enjoyable to be at school - food-Crechechildren-cultural awareness - non-threatening
Embracing and valuing of different families and the diversity
they bring

Accelerated progress stalling over holiday breaks

Staff buy in
Meetings . Time
Whanau involvement / engagement - varying degrees of success
Barriers - home support, attendance
Knocking down the resistance
Teacher resistant to change
Physical environment - working in another teachers space

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