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Seringkali ketika kita sedang membaca atau membuat resep, kita akan banyak memakai ukuran-ukuran takaran.

1 sendok teh gula, 1

sendok makan peres tepung terigu atau 6 gr bubuk cokelat, 500 cc air dan lain sebagainya. Namun kalau kita bukan seorang koki
profesional, kadang kita kebingungan sendiri mengartikan berbagai ukuran takar tersebut. 100 gr tepung beras itu berapa sendok makan
Nah, berikut berbagai ukuran takar untuk bekerja di dapur.
Ukuran Cup
1 cup = 1 gelas belimbing peres
1 cup tepung terigu
1 cup tepung ketan kering
1 cup tepung ketan baru ditumbuk
1 cup tepung sagu
1 cup tepung beras kering
1 cup tepung beras baru ditumbuk
1 cup tepung roti baru (buatan sendiri)
1 cup tepung roti kemasan
1 cup gula pasir
1 cup gula halus
1 cup gula palem kemasan
1 cup margarine
1 cup buah kering (sukade, kismis dll)

150 gr
130 gr
190 gr
100 gr
100 gr
150 gr
75 gr
150 gr
250 gr
175 gr
175 gr
175 gr
175 gr

Ukuran dengan Sendok Makan

1 sendok makan peres = 3 sendok teh
1 sendok makan peres gula pasir
1 sendok makan peres gula halus
1 sendok makan peres tepung terigu
1 sendok makan peres margarine
1 sendok makan peres bubuk cokelat
1 sendok makan peres maizena

15 gr
12 gr
8 gr
15 gr
6 gr
12 gr

Ukuran Dasar
1 liter = 1000 cc
1 kilogram = 1000 gr
1 sendok teh = 5 cc
1 sendok makan = 15 cc
1 gelas = 250 cc
1 pint (US) = 454 cc
1 quarts (Imperial) = 907 cc
100 cc = 6 2/3 sendok makan
1 galon (US) = 3.8 liter
1 pound / lbs = 454 gr
1 oz = 30 gr

How to Make Fresh Pasta

105 comments - 01.09.2012

I have to admit, Ive gotten a bit slack and have been buying dried pasta for the past few years.
Theres nothing wrong with store-bought pasta Ive become fond of the whole wheat pasta spirals I
get at my natural foods store, tossed with greens, garlic, and olive oil but I was recently at the
home of a friend and while we were talking over wine, he pulled out a disk of dough, quickly rolled it,
and put together a simple lasagna with those just-made noodles. It was so good, and made me realize
that Id forgotten how good fresh pasta is. And its not difficult at all to make.

Unlike pastry and bread doughs, pasta dough isnt very fussy. You dont really need a machine to
shape the pasta, but a pasta roller really helps and its one of lifes great pleasure when you pull that
final cut of the pasta strands out of the machine and drop them into a pot of boiling water. I have
an attachment for my stand mixer, although the small hand-cranked machines are inexpensive and
do a good job, too. You can handroll pasta with a rolling pin, but be prepared for a bit of a challenge if
you want the dough really thin.

Pasta dough is simple and forgiving. Its one of those recipes thats more about technique than
ingredients or quantities, like macarons. Its basically only two ingredients, but because of variations
in eggs, flour, and other factors, you may need to tinker with it a bit. Kind of like trying to tell
someone exactly how much butter to swipe on toast, or trying to give a precise time for frying an egg
to your liking its impossible to give exact instructions to get it just right, but its very easy enough
to figure out. I like the heartiness of semolina, so I use half of that, half all-purpose flour. Its best to
make the dough the day you plan to use it; if left overnight, even in the refrigerator, the dough will
turn an unappealing grey color.

Semolina is relatively easy to find, although you can make pasta dough without it. (Some of my
favorite baguettes in France have semolina added, which gives them a creamy richness.) If for some
reason your dough feels a bit dry after youve been kneading it for a minute, wet your hands and add
that small amount of water into it. I also weigh the ingredients since its more accurate.
Homemade Pasta Dough
1 1/2 pounds (665g) 4 servings

7 ounces (200g) all-purpose flour

7 ounces (200g) coarse semolina

or 14 ounces (400g) flour

4 large eggs, at room temperature

Mix together the flour and semolina in the bowl of a stand mixer, or mix them up and create a mound
on the counter top with a crater in the center. If using a stand mixer, add the eggs to the dough and
mix them together with the paddle or dough hook until well mixed. On the counter top, crack the
eggs into the center of the flour and semolina. Use your fingers to gradually draw the dry ingredients
into the center, mixing them with the eggs. The dough will be hard to mix at first a pastry scraper
will help you draw it all together but eventually it will come together and be relatively smooth.
Knead the dough with the heel of your hand for at least three minutes until the dough is very smooth.
The dough should not feel sticky. If it sticks to your fingers, knead in a small amount of flour, just
enough so your fingers come away clean when you pull them away. Wrap the dough and let it sit at
room temperature for an hour.

(You can keep the dough for several hours at room temperature.)

To roll out the pasta, on a lightly floured surface, cut the dough into six or eight pieces. Working one
piece at a time, fashion each piece into a rough rectangle, then pass it through your pasta machine on
the widest setting (usually #1). Fold dough in half or in thirds and pass it through again. Then fold and
pass it through one more time.

Continue passing the pasta through the machine, closing down the opening of the rollers a few
notches with each pass (and dusting them very lightly with flour or semolina if the dough is sticking)
until youve reached the desired thickness. Then, if you wish to make fettuccine or spaghetti, use the
pasta cutter attachment to cut the sheets into the desired thickness, or cut the pasta by hand on the
counter top with a chefs knife to whatever size strands or shapes you want.

Once rolled, fresh pasta should be dusted with semolina (preferably) or flour to keep it from sticking if
youre not going to cook it right away. You can lay it on a semolina- or flour-dusted baking sheet or
linen kitchen towel, until ready to boil. Or drape it over a suspended rolling pin or pasta drying rack
until ready to use.

Once you get the hang of making fresh pasta, you can start adding your own touches to it.
Experimentation is fun and even pasta that you think looks funny or doesnt look perfect tastes pretty
darned good when tossed with butter or olive oil, fried garlic, crisp bits of bacon, and some hot chili
flakes. Actually, now that I mention it, Im going to have that tonight.

Try adding some chopped fresh herbs or freshly cracked black pepper, or perhaps some saffron to the
dough at the beginning, or experiment with different flours, replacing some of the wheat flour with
buckwheat or whole wheat flour.

Notes: You might notice the color of the pasta dough is slightly different in the first set of pictures,
when its being made, to the later set, when its being rolled in the machine. Thats attributed to the
fact that it was rolled in the machine later in the day, when the light had changed.
Youll also notice that I used the lasagna noodles uncooked in the lasagna I made. I only use uncooked
noodles if using a very wet sauce, since otherwise the pasta can absorb quite a bit of the liquid,
robbing the lasagna of a good deal of moisture.
I didnt post a photo of the finished lasagna because it might prompt folks requesting a recipe, and I
didnt use one. Its just layered with a tomato sauce I made with ground pork, spices, and a few
anchovies, then the other layer was a seasoned ricotta cheese mixed with eggs and generous handfuls
of chopped greens that were stewed with lots of garlic and some bacon.

Pengaturan pada pembuat pasta bervariasi, kami menggunakan lampiran rol

KitchenAid pasta sheet, tetapi Anda dapat menggunakan mesin apapun selama Anda
mengubah pengaturan secara bertahap.

HASIL:Membuat sekitar 1 pon

Fave itu

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6 ons wortel (3 sampai 4 media), kupas dan potong-potong 1 inci

2 telur besar

1 kuning telur besar

Tepung 2 1/2 cangkir all-purpose, ditambah lagi untuk debu

Garam kasar

Tepung semolina, untuk penyimpanan



Tambahkan 2 inci air ke panci sedang, dan cocok dengan insert steamer. Didihkan. Tambahkan wortel, tutup, dan
uap sampai lunak, sekitar 10 menit. Haluskan wortel dalam food processor (Anda harus memiliki sekitar 1/2 cangkir


Tambahkan telur dan kuning telur ke haluskan dalam food processor, dan proses sampai gabungan. Tambahkan
tepung terigu dan 1 sendok teh garam penumpukan, dan proses hingga adonan hanya datang bersama-sama, sekitar
20 detik.


Mentransfer adonan ke permukaan baik berupa serbuk. Uleni sampai halus dan elastis, 5 sampai 10 menit,
menambahkan hingga tepung 2 sendok makan adonan jika terlalu lengket. Tempatkan pada selembar perkamen, dan
tutup dengan mangkuk terbalik, atau bungkus rapat dalam plastik, biarkan istirahat selama 1 sampai 2 jam.


Potong adonan menjadi 8 bagian. Bekerja dengan 1 buah pada suatu waktu (menjaga sisa potongan ditutupi dengan
mangkuk terbalik), ratakan adonan menjadi bentuk persegi panjang sedikit lebih tipis dari pengaturan terluas pasta
mesin (nomor 1). Adonan Debu sangat ringan dengan tepung, dan pakan melalui mesin. Lipat memanjang menjadi
tiga bagian dan memutar 90 derajat. Ulangi dua kali pada pengaturan yang sama untuk kelancaran adonan dan
meningkatkan elastisitas.


Putar tombol ke pengaturan sempit berikutnya. Lulus adonan melalui dua kali, mendukung lembut dengan telapak
tangan. Terus menekan adonan, melewati melalui pengaturan yang selalu halus, dua tiket pada setiap pengaturan,
sampai lembar hampir tembus dan sangat tipis tapi masih utuh (nomor 5 dari 8 di KitchenAid pasta rol). Adonan
akan meregang untuk sekitar 16 inci panjang. Jika gelembung adonan atau air mata, lulus melalui lagi, dan debu
dengan tepung jika adonan menempel.


Untuk farfalle, kotak lasagna, atau ravioli: Tempat digulung lembar pada permukaan berupa serbuk ringan, dan
memotong seperti yang diarahkan dalam resep yang sesuai, dengan menggunakan sikat kering debu tepung off jika
diperlukan. Untuk pasta pita: Tempat adonan di atas rak pengeringan sampai sedikit norak, 10 sampai 15 menit, dan
kemudian menggunakan mesin pasta atau memotong lampiran potong helai. Dibaurkan di atas rak sampai helai yang
semidry dan tidak akan menempel bersama-sama, sekitar 20 menit. Masak segera, atau berbaring datar di atas
loyang ditaburi dengan semolina, tutup rapat dengan bungkus plastik, dan mendinginkan semalam.

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