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Macbeth McKee

Dramatic Circle
Performance Dates:

The Purpose of this on-going mini-theatre group is to produce a scene

from Macbeth that combines the traditional script with original and
contemporary monologues. In doing so, you will be applying the ideas
and themes of the play to the modern world. You will be given class
time to work in your Dramatic Circle groups, and will receive both a
group mark and an individual mark for your surely brilliant work.

Your Production Group will:

1. Select a scene or portion from Macbeth (if you need help

deciding on a scene, I can make suggestions). Your scene should
be no more than 15 minutes, but at least 10 minutes. The scene
must include all members of your group (actors may double on a
single role if need be).

2. Acquaint yourselves with the scene, identifying major ideas, and

themes and plot developments. You will be acting out this scene
together with the aid of a script (use note cards or small sheets
of paper), but you should attempt to memorize at least part of it.
Remember to read with expression!

3. Each group member must, at some point in the

production, break out of the scene (which will freeze at
that moment) and step forward. Your group ahead of time
will decide the timing of these moments, and you may choose
any point in the action to do so perhaps choosing to mark the
freeze with a bell or clap. While remaining in character, the
group member will then deliver a brief (one minute max.)
monologue in modern English, which ties the action on stage to a
modern idea. For example, Malcolm’s speech in Act IV scene iii
in which he states, “A good and virtuous nature may recoil/ In an
imperial charge” could be linked to what power can negatively
do to one’s character, perhaps using an example of a current
president/prime minister, your (nameless) boss or even to
another book or movie. Have fun with your choices! When the
monologue is finished, step back into place and continue the
scene. After the performance, all group members will hand in a
written copy of their individual monologues.

4. You may use simple props and costumes. Remember, clear body
language like stance and gestures, are the best props of all.
Macbeth McKee

5. It is important to speak clearly and concisely. Try to never have

your back to the audience, unless the scene requires it, and even
then, to remain audible.

6. Taking inspiration from Shakespeare, don’t forget to name your

theatre group. Sorry, The King’s Men is taken.

Name: ______________________

Block: _______________

Dramatic Circle

You will receive a group mark and an individual mark:

Individual Monologue (written /10

copy to be handed in after
performance) – connection
making, details, original thinking
• IRP Paragraph Response Rubric

Individual Performance – volume, /10

clarity, sense of character,
• Performance Rubric
• Peer-Assessment

Group Organization – /10

dramatization worksheet handed
in, props and/or character choices,
staying on task during class time

• Self-assessment Rubric (4) -

times 2
• Group Dramatization
Worksheet Handed-in (2)



Macbeth McKee







Total Mark: ________________/ 30

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