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Hannia Daniel

Professor Bowers
English 1101
Argument Sketch
November 21, 2016

According to an online survey I made via Facebook, I asked friends

what were their opinions on abortion, soon enough many had commented
within five minutes. Without me responding to any of the comments people
started arguing with one another, it got to the point where I had to intervene
and explain to them that it was all part of an assignment. This only proves
that Abortion has been the biggest controversy that has separated all of us.
Is abortion a good thing? Is it really a womans choice whether to terminate
or not? Many of us may say its the womans choice and many may say
abortion is murder and then theres the other people who say abortion
should be allowed if a woman was a victim of rape. In my opinion, abortion is
wrong and here are the reasons for my opinion and why I strongly feel that
an unborn childs voice should be heard.
If you want an abortion because you were raped, youre the same
type of person as the rapist. A rapist is someone who takes advantage of an
individual who cannot defend themselves, performing an abortion is
MURDERING someone who cannot defend themselves either. (Vazquez)

A unique but rather an amazing statement made by a friend via

Facebook. There are many other alternatives rather than terminating a
human life. For example, adoption. If you dont want anything to do with a
baby that was an outcome of rape, give it up for adoption. Yes, I understand
that being raped was a traumatic event that will affect the lives of many
women. We need to look at the big picture here. Who are we to end a life if
we wouldnt think twice of the life of a baby who was an outcome of a happy
couple, makes us a little selfish dont you think? According to Post Abortion
Syndrome: An Emerging Public Health Concern article written by Anne C.
Speckhard and Vincent M. Rue, In the United States, prior to the
liberalization and legalization of abortion, permission for an abortion
sometimes required psychiatric determination of individual psychopathology
(Scotland 1989) who knew that a woman needed permission to abort an
unborn. Yet again according to Elliot institute: After Abortion In a study of
post-abortion patients only eight weeks after their abortion, researchers
found that 44% complained of nervous disorders, 36% had experienced sleep
disturbances, and 31% had regrets about their decisions. (Elliot) It wasnt
the babies fault for a woman to be raped. These women are victims of rape
not victims of pregnancy. Whether you commit the act of abortion or not,
Abortion has consequences. If you decide to go with abortion be aware of the
consequences. Worry about your health and the babies!
Moving on, an unborn fetus should not be a result of abortion. Many of
teens who commit the stupidity of an abortion because of an unwanted child

is clearly ignorant to the consequences of unprotected sex. Many of our

school districts lack to educate their students to why it is important to
participate in safe sex. Yes, we get the talk in sixth grade and/or middle
school and how a girl gets their period and so on and so forth but we lack to
continue to educate our students and reminding them of potential unwanted
outcomes. For example, driving, A website called Bustle, states you would
never hand your car keys to your kid and say, OK honey, go drive to the
store. Youd wait until you have confidence that theyll be safe and that
other people will be safe. We dont do the same thing with sexual health.
Sexual safety needs to be normalized in the same ways as driving safety,
especially since reckless behavior in either can create life and death
situations. (Sanoff) You see we lack the confidence to talk to young adults
about sex. Yes, sex is an awkward topic to talk about especially over dinner,
but what else can you do? We need to prepare them even if theyre only 11
years old. Many parents argue the fact that once you tell your kids how to
practice safe sex, youre giving them your blessing to go fool around, no.
Giving the sex talk to young adults doesnt mean anything other than
educating them of possible outcomes such as Sexual transmitted diseases
and of course pregnancies. Ever wondered how our society would be like if
we enforced sex education?
Another reason why Im against abortion is because it can also kill the
mother who is carrying the unborn fetus. According to
Researchers from the statistical analysis unit of Finlands National research

and Development Center for Warfare and Health examined death certificate
records for all women of reproductive age (fifteen to forty-nine) who died
between 1987 and 1994, a total of 9,029 women were victims of abortion.
Abortion itself is a dangerous medical procedure that puts both the mother
and the child in danger. Not to mention the fact that abortion can have a
slight chance in affecting future pregnancies. The first step for the
termination procedure is dilation of the cervix. In case of a tight cervix, more
force has to be used to dilate it, which can traumatize the tissue. This can
lead to an incompetent or weak cervix that can result in miscarriage or
preterm birth. Sais Dr. Geetha Venkat, director of Harley Fertility Clinic. This
is just one of many ways the process of abortion can affect future
You see Abortion isnt an easy choice. Whether you become pregnant
because of being uneducated on how to perform safe sex, to being victims of
rape. There are alternatives for Getting rid of a child one of them being
adoption. Give the child a voice and let them live! Its not their fault for being
the outcome of an unwanted pregnancy. You never know, the baby you
aborted yesterday could have been our president today or the greatest
scientist to have found the cure for cancer.

Work Cited

Action, TFP Student. "10 Reasons Why Abortion Is Evil & Not a." 10
Reasons Why Abortion Is Evil and Not a "Pro-Choice" TFP
Student Action, 15 May 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.
Collard, George. "8 Reasons I'm Against Abortion: Reason #1."
ProLife Youth. Profile Youth, 16 July 2014. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.
Millstein, Seth. "How to Argue Pro Choice: 11 Arguments Against
Abortion Access, Debunked." Bustle. Seth Millstein, 5 Mar.
2014. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.

Sanoff, Rachel. "7 Problems With The State Of Sex Ed In America Today, And
How We Can Make It Better." Bustle. Bustle, 27 Aug. 2015. Web. 10
Dec. 2016.

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