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Empathy has many different definitions that encompass a broad range of

emotional states, including caring for other people and having a desire to help
them; experiencing emotions that match another person's emotions; discerning
what another person is thinking or feeling; and making less distinct the differences
between the self and the other.[5]
It also is the ability to feel and share another persons emotions. Some believe that
empathy involves the ability to match anothers emotions, while others believe that
empathy involves being tenderhearted toward another person.[6] Compassion and
sympathy are two terms that many associate with empathy, but all three of these
terms are unique. Compassion is an emotion we feel when others are in need,
which motivates us to help them. Sympathy is a feeling of care and understanding
for someone in need.
In the field of positive psychology, empathy has also been compared with altruism
and egotism.[7] Altruism is behavior that is aimed at benefitting another person,
while egotism is a behavior that is acted out for personal gain. Sometimes, when
someone is feeling empathetic towards another, acts of altruism occur. However,
many question whether or not these acts of altruism are motivated by egotistical
gains. According to positive psychologists, people can be adequately moved by
their empathies to be altruistic.[6] [8]

Decision making skills and techniques

A significant part of decision making skills is in knowing and practicing good

decision making techniques. One of the most practical decision making techniques
can be summarized in those simple decision making steps:

Identify the purpose of your decision. What is exactly the problem to be

solved? Why it should be solved?


Gather information. What factors does the problem involve?


Identify the principles to judge the alternatives. What standards and

judgement criteria should the solution meet?


Brainstorm and list different possible choices. Generate ideas for

possible solutions. See more on extending your options for your decisions on my
brainstorming tips page.


Evaluate each choice in terms of its consequences. Use your standards

and judgement criteria to determine the cons and pros of each alternative.


Determine the best alternative. This is much easier after you go through
the above preparation steps.


Put the decision into action.Transform your decision into specific plan of
action steps. Execute your plan.


Evaluate the outcome of your decision and action steps. What lessons
can be learnt? This is an important step for further development of your decision
making skills and judgement.

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