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Reading &


Newspaper Front Page

Category: Reading & Writing
Imagine you are a famous newspaper editor and you are responsible for
creating the front page of a newspaper about your novel. What are
the biggest headlines? What important information and stories do the
people NEED to read about that relate to your novel? Think about BIG
changes and BIG developments that take place in the novel and how they
affect worldview. Are there any controversial issues that you think people
need to know about? YOUR job as newspaper EDITOR is to PROVIDE THE
PEOPLE with IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Give your paper a unique name and
discuss the happenings of your novels worldview. How does your
newspaper show show the worldview of your novel?
General Outcome 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.


Use Strategies and Cues

Respond to Texts
Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques
Create Original Text

Step by
1. Recall significant and important moments and developments from your
novel and choose what you want to feature on your newspaper cover.
You must write down all of your research, notes, and work.
2. You may find it helpful to look at real newspaper covers for inspiration.
Ask your teachers, find a copy of The Lethbridge Herald, or go the
library. There are exemplars and templates at the end of this project
write up, as well as others on Google Classroom.
3. Come up with a creative newspaper name and include editor
information, the cost of the newspaper, and the date of the

4. You must have at least 2 articles about MAJOR events from your Novel.
How have these major newsworthy events affected the worldview? Is
there anything you can take away from this experience?
5. Brainstorm and come up with OTHER articles or pieces of information
to include on your newspaper front page. You could include editorials,
political cartoons, advice columns, roast & toast, etc.
6. Explain and discuss in detail in all of your articles. You must be very
7. GET CREATIVE!!!! Use juicy words!
8. Edit and revise your articles and all other writing or creating done by
9. The front page of your newspaper needs to be inviting, creative,
and engaging for the reader!! Your job is to grab my attention
and inform me about important happenings and events
occurring in your novel study.
Submit on google classroom after you have looked it over
numerous times.
Be sure to include:
a. Title
b. Editor & paper info (date, etc.)
c. Name of writers contributing to newspaper
d. Large, interesting headlines
e. At least 2 articles about MAJOR issues or events from your novel
and how these moments have greatly affected or demonstrate
the worldview
f. Engaging images and graphics for your readers
1. Community Announcements
2. Roast & Toast Section (giving praise or complaining)
3. Advice/Opinion pieces
4. Wanted ads
5. Political Cartoon If you would like to include this, then please
analyze the cartoon and critique it. Ask yourself: What message
is this cartoon sending to the public? Why is it saying that? What
is the rationale behind this cartoon?
6. Editorials
7. Other.
Supplies Needed:
Chrome book
Access to Internet & Google Docs
Your Novel
Google Classroom

Scissors, glue, paper, etc. (whatever you may need to work on YOUR

Additional Resources:
What is on a newspaper front page
Newspaper templates on google classroom
Newspapers to look at (Lethbridge Herald, for example)
Below is a picture of a front page from the Calgary Herald and an exemplar:


Change This Title

Catchy Subtitle, if you want to put one, if not, erase this line.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Title of Your First Article
Your name
VERONA Here you write an

Caption about the picture above.

Start your second paragraph

here. it might be necessary to
adjust size and the information
to fit inside the columns.

The third paragraph here

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title of Your Second Article
Your name
VERONA - Here you write
another article about anything
you like.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is placeholder text; you
just highlight this text with the
cursor and clear it or start
writing your material.
This is placeholder text; you
just highlight this text with the
cursor and clear it or start
writing your material.

A Third Article
Your name
VENICE - Here you write
another article
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is placeholder text; you
just highlight this text with
the cursor and clear it or
start writing your material.

Bio Poems
Category: Reading & Writing
You will create a biopoem for 3-4 characters in your novel, and one for
yourself! You will be required to follow the format of the biopoem templates
attached and to adhere to formatting choices. Get creative and add your
own personality into your biopoems. Additional embellishments or artistic
freedoms are allowed and encouraged-maybe your biopoem will be written
something other than paper, or maybe your biopoem will be made out of
different materials or take the shape of something important from your
novel! Make it jazzy and USE JUICY WORDS!!!
General Outcome 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.


Use Strategies and Cues

Respond to Texts
Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques
Create Original Text

Step by
1. Begin by brainstorming a list of qualities and information about the
characters in your book. You could do this in the form of a mind map or
web. Write everything down into Google Docs! Dont forget to
brainstorm about yourself!
2. Next, decide which bio poem format or template you want to use. You
can use the same one for every character and yourself, or you can
choose different ones.
3. Create your first drafts for every character. Make sure you are using
juicy words!
4. Ask peers for feedback and read over yourself. Check for spelling and
grammar mistakes. Avoid repeating the same words over and overalways use different words when describing your characters in your

5. Once you have revised and edited your first draft (hopefully you have
used more juicy words, it is time to begin writing your final drafts for
each poem.
6. Get creative!!! You can make your biopoems however you want- but
they MUST follow the patterns in the template.
7. Submit on Google Classroom when finished
Supplies Needed:
Chrome book
Access to Internet & Google Docs
Your Novel
Google Classroom
Biopoem templates (see below)
Any other material or items you may want for your poems (glue,
markers, scissors, etc.)
Additional Resources:
Below you will find 3 different examples of biopoems. You may find
others online!

Autobio Poem #1
Poetry deals with the emotions, just as music. An autobiographical poem is
personalit reveals something about the person writing the poem. It does
not have to rhyme. Below is a simple plan to write your own autobiographical
poem. Just follow the steps andbefore you know itits done. Use pictures
and photos to decorate your poem, as it will be displayed on the class
bulletin boards.
I AM Poem
I am (two special characteristics you have)
I wonder (something you are actually curious about) I hear (an imaginary
I see (an imaginary sight)
I want (an actual desire)
I am (the first line of the poem repeated)
I pretend (something you actually pretend to do) I feel (a feeling about
something imaginary)
I touch (an imaginary touch)
I worry (something that really bothers you)

I cry (something that makes you very sad) I am (the first line of the poem
I understand (something you know is true)
I say (something you believe in)
I dream (something you actually dream about)
I try (something you really make an effort about) I hope (something you
actually hope for)
I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

Autobio Poem #1 Example

I am inquisitive and a dreamer.
I wonder what the future will bring.
I hear the whimsical laughter of children.
I see a wondrous dream within reach.
I want to inspire my students to learn and grow. I am inquisitive and a
I pretend to be a rock star and dance when no one is looking. I feel a passion,
burning within.
I touch the hearts of my loved ones.
I worry about the uncertain path ahead, full of possibilities.
I cry when I am angry, frustrated, or hurt. I am inquisitive and a dreamer.
I understand that everyone makes mistakes and we all learn from them. I say
Dont worry, I am here for you.
I dream about achieving my life long goals and winning the lottery.
I try to understand everyones point of view.
I hope that I will make a difference in the lives of others. I am inquisitive and
a dreamer.
- Macky Le

Autobio Poem #2

Poetry deals with the emotions, just as music. An autobiographical poem is

personalit reveals something about the person writing the poem. It does
not have to rhyme. Below is a simple plan to write your own autobiographical
poem. Just follow the steps andbefore you know itits done. Use pictures
and photos to decorate your poem, as it will be displayed on the class bulletin

Follow these steps:

Remember to end the last line with a period (. ) End all other lines with a
comma (, ). All first letters of each line are capitalized.
First name1. Four descriptive adjectives,
2. Relative of (students can use sister, brother, son, daughter, niece,
nephew, grandchild)
3. Lover of (3 items listed),
4. Who feels (3 items and when they feel it),
5. Who needs (3 items),
6. Who gives (3 items),
7. Who fears (3 items),
8. Who would like to see (3 things),
9. Who lives/lived (be descriptive/creative),

Last name.

Thats it! You've created your own poem. Congratulations!


Autobio Poem #2 Example

Hardworking, fun-loving, curious, and caring, Sister of Jimmy,
Lover of the smell of freshly laundered sheets, walking barefoot on cool
linoleum floors, and hot tea with honey on a cold winters day,

Who feels frustrated when no one is listening, joyful when I am sitting

outside in the hot sun, and peaceful when I am reading a good book,
Who needs warmth, encouragement, and love,
Who gives advice when others need it, smiles to passing strangers, and hugs
to someone having a bad day,
Who fears huge spiders, bee stings, and losing loved ones
Who would like to see the Roman Coliseum, the Eiffel Tower in France, and
the gondola canals in Venice,
Who lived in the small, stinky town of Brooks, Alberta,

Autobio Poem #3
Poetry deals with the emotions, just as music. An autobiographical poem is
personalit reveals something about the person writing the poem. It does
not have to rhyme. Below is a simple plan to write your own autobiographical
poem. Just follow the steps andbefore you know itits done. Use pictures
and photos to decorate your poem, as it will be displayed on the class bulletin

I was...
12 lines
Use words and phrases that describe you as a child
I am...
12 lines
Use words and phrases that describe you now
You could match them to the words and phrases you used earlier Your name
I was...
unsure careful
caring curious reckless artistic passionate unaware
easy to anger a daydreamer
I am...

happy-go-lucky bold determined responsible thoughtful

a life-long learner
passionate as ever
more aware of my surroundings calm
Macky Le

Create a Childrens
Category: Reading & Writing
You will create a childrens story that explores and demonstrates a major
theme from your novel! Think about your favourite book from childhoodwhat do you remember about it? The colours, images, or funny characters?
Or the absurd language and rhyming pattern? Childrens storybooks are
beautiful works of art that explain big concepts in ways that kids can
understand-so, that is now your job. Teach an important theme to
children through your book. Provide your own personality and really jazz up
your book! Make it become your own piece of artwork, just like
Michelangelo!! For example, if you are studying Touching Spirit Bear you may
create a childrens storybook about how to work through with anger, or how
to forgive. You must show the Worldview of your novel and how the
main theme of your story relates to Worldview! Like all storybooks, your book
must have text, illustrations, and front and back covers. Get creative and be
original- maybe your book could get published!
General Outcome 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.


Use Strategies and Cues

Respond to Texts
Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques
Create Original Text

Step by
1. Begin by choosing a topic or theme from your novel to explore and
showcase in your childrens storybook. Make a mind map and
brainstorm to begin the writing process.

2. Your book must contain the following:

a. Characters
b. A clear plot/storyline
c. Illustrations
d. Text
e. Front Cover (title, author, any awards your book may have won)
f. Back Cover (author/artist information, a brief summary of the
g. A connection to worldview
3. Create a first draft of your book and check it over with your teacher
before you work on the final copy. You may also want to ask a peer to
read over your rough draft and give you feedback.
4. Revise and edit your first draft based on conferencing with your
5. Make sure that your illustrations are completed or near completion
before conferencing
6. Create a final draft of your storybook and get creative!!!! You can
make your storybook however you want. For example, you could
watercolour your illustrations, create an interactive book, or make your
book out of any material. You could also create your storybook online
using program software.
7. Remember: you are being marked on your writing skills!
8. Submit to Google Classroom with a picture and hand in your hard copy
(if necessary)
Supplies Needed:
Chrome book
Access to Internet & Google Docs
Your Novel
Google Classroom
Markers or Pencil Crayons
Childrens books to get inspiration from
Any other items you would like for your storybook.
Additional Resources:
The Canadian Childrens Book Centre
Childrens storybooks in the library

Character Diary
Category: Reading & Writing
Imagine you are a character in the book. Write a minimum of 8 entries that
follow along with the novel from the perspective of that character. Your
entries must be dated and include the important details to link them to
events in the book, however your job now is to GO FURTHER and DIG
DEEPER. How did this event make you feel? What are you going to do about
it in the future? Or, how did today go? What was hard or easy about it?
Does your emotion change throughout your journal entries? Perhaps your
writing starts very angry and then becomes more positive. Take on the traits
of your chosen character and become them in your writing.
General Outcome 2: Students will listen, speak, read,
write, view and represent to comprehend and respond
personally and critically to oral, print and other media


Use Strategies and Cues

Respond to Texts
Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques
Create Original Text

Step by
1. Choose what character you will be.
2. It may help you to decide on the key moments from your novel you
want to write journal entries about.
3. For each moment of the novel you decide on, write down everything
you can recall about how your character reacted, thought, and felt.
4. You may want to go through the 5 senses when writing your journal
entries: what did it feel like? Smell like? Look like? What did you hear?
Did you taste anything?

5. Keep in mind that journals often work to help someone work through
their feelings, reduce their anxiety, or come to a solution for a
problemwhy would YOUR character be writing in a journal? Give
your writing purpose.
6. Remember: you are being marked on your writing skills!
7. Turn in on Google Classroom.
Supplies Needed:
Chrome book
Access to Internet & Google Docs
Your Novel
Google Classroom

Letter from the Future

Category: Reading & Writing
Pretend you are a character in the book. Write a letter 10 years after the
book ends from the perspective of your chosen character. It can be
addressed to another character, or to someone else. What did you learn
and how have you changed since the novel ended? Are you grateful for
any events that happened to you during the novel? Provide insight and
detailed character analysis throughout your letter. Your letter will be
lengthy because you are writing to someone you havent seen in a while and
because you have lots of important things to share with them, so it should be
at least 3 pages long. Your letter will also demonstrate your characters
worldview. Reminder: Follow the rules for writing a letter!! (who is it
addressed to, date, from who, etc.)
General Outcome 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write,
and represent to comprehend and respond personally and
critically to oral, print and other media texts.


Use Strategies and Cues

Respond to Texts
Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques
Create Original Text

Step by
1. Choose what character you will be.
2. Decide what they will be writing about: what big learning moments
occurred in your novel? How has your character changed?
3. Keep in mind that letters are written to share important information
why would YOUR character be sending a letter? Give your writing




purpose. Is your character writing to apologize? To share an exciting

idea? To ask for forgiveness or maybe even help?
Begin to write a first draft of your letter. Ask peers to read it over and
provide feedback. Was the letter deep enough? Were there any
mistakes to fix? Does the letter make sense with where your character
could be 10 years later?
Using the feedback, revise and edit your first draft.
Check: are you following letter writing rules (see examples online or
below for more help with this!)
Write your final draft of your letter.
Remember: you are being marked on your writing skills!
Turn in on Google Classroom.

Supplies Needed:
Chrome book
Access to Internet & Google Docs
Your Novel
Google Classroom
Additional Resources:
How to Write a Friendly/Personal Letter
How to Write a Friendly Letter

Alternative Point of View

Category: Reading & Writing
Take your novel, or a specific section from it, and rewrite it from another
perspective. Your story must still include the major events from your novel
that have been focused on in class, but through the lens of someone or
something else. For example, if you are reading Touching Spirit Bear, you
may want to write about Coles journey through the perspective of another
character or object (how would the trees see Coles journey?) Get
creative!!! Make sure when you plan your story by using a plot diagram to
map out your storys plot, climax, and resolution. Ask yourself: How
would _______ write this story? What stood out to them? Make sure
you are following correct grammar and writing skills when writing your
version (using quotations and commas correctly, for example). This is your
opportunity to write your own story-how YOU want it to be.
General Outcome 2: Students will listen, speak, read,
view and represent to comprehend and respond
personally and critically to oral, print and other media



Use Strategies and Cues

Respond to Texts
Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques
Create Original Text

Step by
1. Choose what section of your novel you will rewrite.
2. Decide from what perspective you will be writing from (another person,
life force, or object)
3. Begin to write a first draft of your version. Ask peers to read it over and
provide feedback. Was it clear what section of the novel you were
rewriting? Were there any mistakes to fix?

4. Using the feedback, revise and edit your first draft.

5. Check: are you following novel writing rules?
6. Other details to think about:
a. what is the name of this story?
b. does anything differ from the original Touching Spirit Bear?
c. what is the authors name? (YOU!)
7. Write your final draft of your version.
8. Remember: you are being marked on your writing skills!
9. Turn in on Google Classroom.
Supplies Needed:
Chrome book
Access to Internet & Google Docs
Your Novel
Google Classroom
Grammar slides

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