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Space and Furnishings

Indoor Space
Sufficient space for number of children enrolled

Good ventilation, natural lighting (through windows or skylight), can be


Space is in good repair

Space is clean and well maintained

Adequate lighting, temperature control and acceptable noise level

Space for Gross Motor Activities

Ample space available outdoors and indoors

Younger children have a separate space from older children

Outdoor space has suitable surface for different types of play


Notes/Changes to be Made

Outdoor space has protection from the elements

Space for Privacy

Space for individuals or small groups

Children can create their own private spaces

Spaces can be supervised while ensuring privacy

Room Arrangement

Children may bring self-selected materials into private spaces

Furnishings for Routine Care

Space for eating, napping, storage of childrens possessions

Furnishings are appropriately sized for the children

All furnishings are cleaned daily

Furnishings for Learning and Recreational activities

Basic furnishings for learning and recreational activities are appropriately sized

Space for display of work done by the children in the school age care group

Furnishings are in good repair

Sand/water table

Woodworking bench


Materials are labeled for independent use

Open storage of materials

Sufficient number of materials for number of students

Furnishings for Relaxation and Comfort

Soft furnishings are clean and in good repair

Rug available in play space

Cushions or pillows in the reading area

Planned cozy areas

Furnishings for Gross Motor Activities

Appropriate stationary gross motor equipment is in good repair indoors or

Variety of gross motor equipment is readily available

Variety of portable materials are available for individual or group gross motor

Different pieces of equipment are available fro a variety of skill levels

Health and Safety

Emergency and Safety Policy

All regular staff have current first aid and CPR certification

Written safety and emergency procedures are available

Regular inspections of the grounds and facilities are done to identify and
eliminate potential hazards

There are always 2 adults present allowing one to leave in case of an emergency

Emergency information for each child is accessible

All staff are trained in safety and emergency procedures

Facility has passed official fire safety inspection

Safety Practice
Phone accessible for emergency use

Emergency procedures posted

First aid supplies are well stocked and accessible

Emergency numbers are posted near the phone

Evacuation procedures practiced monthly

Parents are informed about accidents

Children are taught safety rules

Environment is planned to avoid safety problems (younger children are

separated from older children during active play, outdoor play equipment is
appropriately sized, etc.)
Parents are required to call if their child will be late or absent

Attendance is recorded

Staff call parents about unnotified absences or persistent tardiness

Center has an answering machine, bulletin board or some other communication

system so that parents can leave messages regarding absences

Staff check messages frequently

Parents are required to come into the facility to sign the child out

Parents are required to notify staff of alternate arrangements

Children who are bussed or go home on their own are dismissed by a staff
member who records departure

Only parents or others authorized by parents can pick up the child

Without prior authorization, child is not permitted to leave until staff obtain
verification from the parent

Staff are actively involved in departure procedures

Arts and Crafts

Regimented use of materials

Variety of materials available for free choice daily

(felt pens, crayons, colored pencils, paints, glue, scissors, clay, play dough, etc.)

Materials are in good condition

Staff help available when needed

Very few examples require following an example

Opportunity to learn new skills and complete long range projects (sculpting,
pottery, embroidery)

Music and Movement

Some provision for musical experiences weekly (musical instruments, CD player,

Music activities available as a free choice (listening to tapes or CDs, dancing)

Variety of CDs, dance props, musical instruments are accessible

Music or movement instruction provided weekly

Blocks and Construction

Some construction materials are available daily (blocks of various shapes and
sizes, Legos, Lincoln Logs, etc.)

Appropriate space for use of activities

Materials are in good repair

Sufficient materials for 3 or more children to use at one time

Pretend and drama props accessible (dress up clothes, costumes, puppets, etc.)

Staff extend dramatic play by offering suggestions, finding appropriate space for
play to continue

Opportunities for developing drama/theater productions (children write scripts,

design costumes, plan productions)

Language/Reading Activities

Age appropriate stories read or told on a weekly basis

Books and age appropriate language games are accessible to the children on a
daily basis (Junior Scrabble, Pictionary, etc.)

Staff are responsible participate in language games when appropriate (play

rhyming games, etc.)

Children are encouraged to use reading/writing in practical situations (read

instructions, etc.)

Staff bring the children to the library on a weekly basis

Staff help children write their own stories, poems, newspaper

Children are encouraged to bring favorite books from home to share

Math/Reasoning Activities
Age appropriate math/reasoning games or activities (puzzles, dominoes, board
games (Chutes and Ladders, Stratego, Monopoly, etc.) chess, checkers

Variety of age appropriate games/activities available daily

Staff encourages children to practice math/reasoning skills in daily activities (set

table with correct number of plates, divide snacks, record game scores, etc.)

Games and activities are coded for difficulty and introduced when children are

Science/Nature Activities
Variety of science/nature materials (aquarium, terrarium, measuring tools,
magnifying glass, magnets, plants and pets, science books) are accessible daily

Children are involved in science and nature activities (help feed animals, water
plants, etc.)

Staff encourages questions about science or natural phenomena and help

children find answers.

Staff extends childrens interest and introduces new concepts (recycling,

conservation of water, endangered species, etc.)

Cultural Awareness
Staff do not display stereotypic or biased approach to children

Multicultural materials are visible that reflect the diversity of people

Non-sexist materials are visible that depict males and females in non-traditional

After-school Childcare Observation Checklist

Placement Location:
Age of Children Observed:
Date of Observation:

Time of Observation:

School Age Observation Journal (based on SACERS)

Use classroom assessment tools to identify safe and stimulating environments that are conducive to learning (NAEYC Standard: 1c)
Staff display non-biased approach to activities (EX: girls encouraged to
participate in carpentry, boys encouraged to participate in cooking)

Staff plans activities to broaden childrens cultural awareness (EX. Invite

storytellers and musicians from different cultures, etc.)

Staff encourage acceptance and understanding of differences (discourage

derogatory remarks, help children understand and empathize with hurt feelings
due to prejudiced comments

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