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Name: ________________________________________
Direction: Analyze each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. Write it before
the number. Write E if the answer does not exist.
__1. This refers to a higher order thinking skill which involves active awareness and control
over the cognitive processes engaged in learning.
A. Creativity
C. Metacognition
B. Cognition
D. Problem Solving
__2. A person is practicing metacognitive skills if he/she _______________.
A. studies hard.
B. always asks questions from the teacher.
C. instantly give at a solutions to problems.
D. knows what learning strategy is effective for her/him.
__3. This is a helpful strategy in developing metacognitive skills.
A. Identifying what you know and what you do not know
B. Identifying the task to be done
C. Laughing and thinking out loud
D. Keeping a journal
__4. The following are indicators of a novice learner EXCEPT:
A. Promptly gives solution to a problem
B. Attempts to process all information they receive
C. Design new strategies appropriate for the tasks
D. Isolates each knowledge in different subject area
__5. You know that it is hard for you to understand Math; thus, when taking exams, you prefer
to take it last. This is an example of _________ variable.
A. Person
C. Task
B. Strategy
D. Work
__6. Metacognition is the capability to conceive better thoughts than what you had before,
whether it is acted upon or not. Is this true?
A. Yes.
C. Yes, it depends.
B. No.
D. No, it depends.
----------------------- learning
__7. Learning is emotional as well as intellectual. Give your interpretation.
A. Internalization of ideas results to better understanding.
B. Teachers must draw the learners ideas and skills.
C. Teachers should appeal to their students acquisition of ides.
D. Learning is maximized if feeling and thoughts are in harmony.
__8. This is the modification of a behavioural tendency by experience.
A. Metacognition
C. Learning
B. Perception
D. Schema
__9. Teachers should present few ideas in depth rather than discuss many topics superficially.
This implies that :
E. A teacher must have deep understanding of every topic that he/she discusses.
F. Teachers must be able to identify which topic is more crucial and which is not
G. Mastery learning should be the topmost priority in the classroom
H. Quality of instruction must be considered over its quantity
__10. From which of the following statement would a behaviourist adhere to?
A. Learning is a cognitive process.
B. Learners are candle to be lighted.
C. Teacher is the major source of knowledge inside the classroom.
D. Every stimulus is processed inside a central room which serves as basis of response.
----------------------------developmental theories ---piaget
__11. In which order does cognitive development proceed according to Piaget?
I. Formal operational stage
III. Preoperational Stage

II. Sensorimotor stage

V, I

IV. Concrete operational stage


__12. The role of play in the pre-school and early childhood years is that it _________________.
A. develops competitive spirit in sports
B. separates reality from fantasy as they play
C. develops the upper and lower limb through physical activities
D. increases imagination due to expanding knowledge and emotional range
__13. A grade 1 pupil likes to play with his friends, but gets angry when defeated. Piagets
theory states that this pupil is under _____________ stage.
A. concrete operational
C. formal operational
B. sensorimotor
D. Pre-operational
__14. A child is not capable of ________________ under Piagets concrete operational stage.
A. Doing mentally what was just physically done
B. Reasoning applied to specific examples
C. Classifying objects into different sets
D. Imagining the steps necessary to solve a problem
__15. Which of the following will enhance the learning of preschoolers?
A. Always give rewards and never punish.
B. Activities should be hands-on and not written.
C. Use colorful, attractive and challenging materials.
D. Make activities too easy, simple and for a short period of time.
__16. Which of the following strategies would Piaget recommend for assisting preschool
children in learning about flowers?
A. Create a learning center that contains familiar wildflowers for children to play
with in open-ended ways, so that novelty is assimilated.
B. Encourage parents to provide children with nature walks in the neighborhood or a park, so
that learning is connected to real-life family experiences.
C. Create a learning center with unusual flowers that create puzzlement and cause children
to alter their understanding of what flowers are.
D. Create a learning center with unusual flowers that children can touch and name in an
open-ended fashion.
__17. Juana can now arrange her staffs according to sizes. This is called _______________.
A. Centration
C. Transductive reasoning
B. Decentering
D. Seriation
__18. If you are willing to sacrifice for the betterment of all, what stage of moral development
are you in?
A. 3
C. 5
B. 4
D. 6
__19. Which classroom activity can help in moral development of a child?
A. Brainstorming
C. Debate
B. Monologue
D. Role play
------------------- focus on learning
__20. All except one are characteristics of Skinners reinforcement and operant conditioning.
Which is it?
A. Stressed the consequence of behavior in order to learn.
B. Proved that reinforcement is a powerful tool in shaping and controlling behavior in and
out of the classroom.
C. Emphasized the greater influence of the environment on learning and behavior
that is either to reinforce or eliminate.
D. Behaviors are emitted in particular stimuli because it is a natural tendency.
__21. His theory was rooted from Thorndikes law of effect.
A. Tolman
C. Pavlov

B. Bandura
D. Skinner
__22. This theory bridged the gap between behaviourism and cognitivism.
A. Connectionism
C. Neobehaviorism
B. Classical conditioning
D. Operant conditioning
__23. If you happen to get bored as upon watching a pageant, youll tend not to watch any
pageants as such. This is best explained by Thorndikes law of ________________.
A. effect
C. exercise
B. readiness
D. disuse
__24. Every past lesson in your class must be integrated in other subjects or present discussions
as far as possible so that they will not forget it. Which law explains this?
A. effect
C. exercise
B. readiness
D. disuse
__25. If you were Skinner, how will you deal with a misbehaving child?
A. Praise other students who behave inside the class.
B. Investigate for his background by conducting home visitation.
C. Assume that he is able to learn the lesson even if it is not evident.
D. Tell him that he will clean the room after class if he will keep on misbehaving.
__26. It is a stimulus that does not trigger a response in an individual.
A. conditioned
C. unconditioned
B. neutral
D. both b and c
__27. Why should teachers provide positive feedback and realistic praise?
A. To motivate the students to study.
B. So the students will know what to do.
C. To be liked and loved by the students.
D. So the students will praise him/her.
__28. Which of the following is an application of classical conditioning inside the classroom?
A. Absences are monitored by the secretary.
B. The assignment given is being checked everyday.
C. Cleanliness and orderliness are a must in Mrs. Claros classroom.
D. Mrs. Ana greet her students with a smile whenever she meets her students.
__29. In Banduras stages of modelling, this is where you transform whatever youve learned
into symbolic form so that you could easily remember it.
A. Attention
C. Retention
B. Motor Reproduction
D. Motivation
__30. Every Filipino citizen must be lenient in their actions because it could be a basis of our
countrys identity in the eye of other nations. This effect could be labelled as __________.
A. Discrimination
C. Generalization
B. Extinction
D. Spontaneous recovery
__31. You must always be optimistic about teaching because setbacks are inevitable. This
mentality is powered by :
A. Discrimination
C. Generalization
B. Extinction
D. Spontaneous recovery
__32. Whatever you are doing, you are doing it with a purpose. Which key concept of Tolman
could explain this?
A. Cognitive map
C. Goal-directedness
B. Intervening variable
D. Latent learning
__33. This is a type of learning in which behaviour is purposely emitted to earn a reward or avoid
A. Classical conditioning
C. Purposive Behaviorism
B. Connectionism
D. Operant conditioning
__34. Teacher Nae Nae said that Trump usually utter foul words in my class. Maybe, thats what
he usually hears in their home. Teacher Nae Nae shares same point of view with
A. Thorndike
C. Pavlov

B. Tolman

D. Bandura

__35. The following is true to reciprocal determinism EXCEPT:

A. A person can influence his own behavior.
B. Our behavior is influence by our environment.
C. Ones biological structure can affect his/her behavior.
D. None of the above
__36. How should one teach effectively according to Tolmans theory of Sign Learning? By
A. Strengthening the stimulus-response bond
B. Coming up with a model presentation for the learners
C. Helping the learners come up with cognitive map that leads to learning
D. Creating favorable environment where learners fell a sense of belongingness
__37. The following are assumptions of Bandura EXCEPT:
A. You are what you think.
B. Experience is the best teacher.
C. Humans are product of their learning.
D. We tend not to do things we think we cannot do.
__38. In teaching addition, you must provide drills in addition so that your pupils will get
acquainted with it and learn how to solve it faster. This refers to Tolmans _____________.
A. Cognitive map
C. Goal-directedness
B. Intervening variable
D. Latent learning
__39. It is easy for a child to learn division because he is already knowledgeable in
multiplication. Which is the sign in this situation?
A. the childs knowledge in multiplication
B. the childs knowledge in division
C. the childs knowledge in multiplication and division
D. the childs knowledge in mathematics
__40. The following theorists believe that learning can occur even without a change in behaviour
A. John Watson
C. Albert Bandura
B. Edward Tolman
D. Jean Piaget
__41. Watson experiment showed that behaviour is learned through stimulus response
associations, specifically the development of emotional responses to certain stimuli. This
helps us in ____________.
A. Interpreting reflexes as emotion
B. Understanding fear, phobia and love
C. Understanding the role of overt behaviour
D. Connecting observable behaviour to stimulus
__43. s

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