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World famous celebrity Christmas and New Year Speeches


Dear sirs, ladies and friends:

Adams was already close to the New Year , coincides with Christmas , the first people in the
world this would cause joy , happiness , well-being , the world of all colors , all faiths , all races ,
nationalities, ethnic groups, people of various languages together joyously welcome the new year
came in front of all mankind . At this moment, ten billion people will be steeped in the
incomparable joy and revelry , the better for all mankind happy blessings and look forward to
tomorrow .
Time such as horse , mankind has entered the 21st century with pride . From the beginning of
human society since the entire planet and human society has undergone earth-shaking changes.
From the nascent space food to modern , from fire by rubbing sticks to the huge amount of atomic
explosions, the most savage jungle from lower animals to modern industrial civilization
competition fierce social competition and cooperation, from the various ethnic groups beauty
myth and fantasy makes Asuka has gradually transformed into aircraft and spacecraft in space
shuttle . . . . . . Human society has entered an unprecedented boom , strong, prosperous era. Of
course, not to say that the real world is perfect, flowers everywhere : on the contrary , human
society and the natural world is still very difficult , complex , a huge field full of all kinds of
difficulties and crises . For example , peace , development, war, poverty , pestilence , natural
disasters , earthquakes , resources, environment, competition , conflict, nuclear war , human
rights, democracy, freedom . . . . . More problems and difficulties to show before mankind , we
need to face and solve humanity . Religious sages , Jesus , Buddha , Mohammed and other masters
of the wisdom and teachings to the world and conduction , and their descendants Qinqin to arms,
Zhi Zhi to report . Of course, the philosophy of modern industrial civilization , ideological guru
even with a new sense of the concept , pioneering great ideas to the world and civilization strong
shock sent countless wonderful language.
In today's world , mankind has entered the 21st century greater Forte earthshaking changes .
These are the great achievements of human endeavor endless . About three million years ago,
humans appeared on Earth
Around 3100 BC in Egypt to form a unified state of slavery
Appeared around 3000 BC in Mesopotamia city-state of slavery
Mid- 3000 BC Harappa Indus Valley culture
Egypt around 2100 BC, the poor slave uprising River
BC in 1894 to establish the Kingdom of Babylon
Around 1000 BC, Nubia establish slavery
594 BC, Solon of Athens
Sixth century BC, Cyrus the Persian unity , Buddhism in India, produced
539 BC the Persian occupation of Babylon
525 BC Persian destroy Egypt
509 BC Roman nobles established the dictatorship of the Republic of slavery
330 BC Persia was destroyed in Macedonia
The third century BC Magadha unified most parts of India

BC 73-71 years Spartacus Uprising

27 BC Octavian system established heads Roman Republic into Empire
BC Koguryo Korean peninsula after slavery
AD early rise of slavery in East Africa Axum
First century AD Christianity
In the third century the rise of Japan and Japan slavery
313 years of Christianity in Rome to obtain legal status
Fourth century occurred in North Africa , " Elder brother Ernest " campaign
378 Visigoths defeated the Roman army fort Adria
395 Rome split into two things
410 years Rome was occupied by the Visigoths
476 years of the Western Roman Empire , Western Europe, the collapse of slavery
Six century Frankish kingdom established
622 Muhammad fled from Mecca Medina pull Hegira
Eight century Arab empire formed
646 years of Japan's new Taika reform
676 Silla unified Korea
The formation of the early nineteenth century English kingdom
843 Charlemagne Empire split , France , Germany , Italy, miniature produce
Ninth century feudal system established in Western Europe
962 years of the Holy Roman Empire established
1054 Christian Church split
1066 France, Duke of Normandy conquered England
Mid - 11th century heyday of the Kingdom of Ghana
1192 Japanese shogunate political establishment
Rise of the thirteenth century feudal state in Ethiopia
XIV century heyday kingdom of Mali , Italy appears the seeds of capitalism
Fourteen to sixteen century European Renaissance
1337 Hundred Years War begins
1358 French peasant uprising
1381 British watts. Taylor uprising
1453 Eastern Roman Empire , the Hundred Years War
Rise of the fifteenth century Songhai
The late fifteenth century, British and French centralized state formation , enclosure movement
1480 Russia to get rid of Mongolia control
14-15 century European capitalism bud emergence
14th century established the Joseon Dynasty
1487-1488 voyage Dias reached the southern coast of Africa
1492 voyage of Columbus reached America
1497-1498 Voyage Vasco da Gama reached India
1519-1522 Magellan's voyage around the world fleet
Early 16th century Mughal Empire in India to establish

Reformation in Western Europe 1520-1570

1566-1581 Netherlands Revolution
1600 British East India Company established
Early 17th century the Dutch invaded Indonesia, France, Britain , the Netherlands and in North
American colonial plunder ; Tokugawa shogunate ruled Japan began
1640 British bourgeois revolution began
1688 English Glorious Revolution , the bourgeoisie and the establishment of a new aristocracy
17th century British and French became the major countries of the slave trade
1689 Russia Peter I began to reform
17 timing of the latter half of Louis XIV of France began to reform
17 timing of the latter half of Newtonian mechanics system established
Mid-18th century reforms of Frederick II of Prussia
In the late 18th century, Empress of Austria and Joseph reform theresien
1760s British industrial revolution began
1775-1783 North American War of Independence
1776 North American Continental Congress issued a " Declaration of Independence " , the United
States of America declared independence
1785 watts improved steam engine in use
1789.7 French bourgeois revolution began
1792.9 established the first French Republic
1793.6-1794 . 7 French Jacobin dictatorship
1794 French hot coup
1799 Napoleon launched the " Brumaire coup"
Haiti declared independence in 1804
1804 Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor of the French First Empire began
1810-1826 against Spanish colonial rule in Latin America Independence Movement
1815 Vienna System established
1830 French July Revolution
1831,1834 workers' uprising in Lyon, France
1830s Faraday demonstrated electromagnetic induction
1836-1848 British Chartist movement
1844 Germany Sicilian workers uprising
1848.2 "The Communist Manifesto"
1848-18491848 revolution in Europe
1853-1856 Crimean War
1857-1859 Indian national uprising
Mid-19th century Darwinian theory of biological evolution creation
1861 reform of serfdom in Russia
1861-1865 American Civil War
1864 First International was founded
1868 Japan's Meiji Restoration began
Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871
The early 1870s finally completed the unification of Italy
1871 German unification finally completed

1871.3-5 Paris Commune

1870s begin the second industrial revolution
1881-1899 Sudanese Mahdi uprising against the British
1882 Germany, Italy and Austria formed the Triple Alliance
1880s French finally established the rule of Vietnam
1889 Second International established
Late 19th early 20th century, the major capitalist countries have completed the transition to
Early 20th century colonial system eventually formed the world
Early 20th century, Einstein's theory of relativity
1903 RSDLP Second Congress
1905-1908 upsurge of the national liberation movement in India
1907 CEFR compacts final form
1910 Japan formally annexed Korea
1910-1917 Mexican bourgeois revolution
1914-1918 World War I
( 20th century to the 1990s )
1917.11.7 ( Russian calendar October 25 ) October Socialist Revolution in Russia
1918.11 German November Revolution
1918-1922 Indian national liberation movement rising
Turkey's Kemalist revolution 1919-1922
1919.3.1 Korea March 1st Movement
1919.3 Hungarian Soviet Republic was founded
Comintern established
1919.1-6 Paris Peace Conference
1921.11-1922 . 2 Washington Conference
1922.10 Mussolini came to power in Italy
1922.12 Soviet Union established
1925.10 Locarno Conference
1929-1933 economic crisis in the capitalist world
1931.9.18 Japanese imperialist invasion of Mukden Incident
1933.1 Hitler came to power in Germany
1933.3 Roosevelt became U.S. president , the implementation of the New Deal
1935 Seventh Congress of the Comintern
1935-1936 against the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, the national liberation movements
1936-1939 Spain national revolutionary war against fascism
1937.7.7 China Comprehensive Anti-Japanese War began
1938.9 Munich Conference
1939.8 Soviet-German non-aggression pact
1939.9 outbreak of World War II
1940.6 French surrender
1940 autumn Battle of Britain
1940.9 Germany, Italy and Japan signed a treaty of alliance
1941.6 Soviet-German War

1941.12 Pacific War

1941 Fall Atlantic Charter
Early 1942 , " Declaration by United Nations " to form the anti-fascist alliance
1942 Battle of Moscow
1942.6 Battle of Midway
1942.7-1943 . 2 Stalingrad
1943.12.1 in the United States and Britain issued a " Cairo Declaration "
1943.11-12 Su Meiying meeting held in Tehran
1944.6 U.S. and British forces landed in Normandy , opening a second front in Europe
1945.2 Su Meiying Yalta Conference was held
1945.5.8 Germany signed an unconditional surrender
1945.9.2 Su Meiying Potsdam Conference held in Japan signed an unconditional surrender
10 the 1940s and 1950s the third technological revolution began
1945.10 United Nations to establish
1947 United States proposed the Truman Doctrine
Partition of India , India, Pakistan's independence
1948 establishment of Israel , the first Middle East War
United States began to implement the Marshall Plan
1949 NATO established
1949.10.1 established People's Republic of
1950-1953 U.S. invasion of the Korean War
-70 Early 1950s capitalist economic development in the early history of the golden age
1954 " on the restoration of peace in Indochina Geneva Agreement " signed
1955 Bandung Conference held in Asian and African countries
Establishment of the Warsaw Treaty Organization
1956 event in Poznan, Poland , Hungary Event
Second Middle East War ( Suez War )
1959 Cuban revolution to victory
1960 Africa has 17 national independence , this year was to become " independent African Year"
The early 1960s formed the Non-Aligned Movement
20 In the early 1960s -1973 U.S. war of aggression against Vietnam
Mid- 1960s, the G77 produces
20 1960s and 1970s appeared in Asia 's rapid economic development in countries and regions
1967 establishing the European Community
1968 Soviet troops occupied Czechoslovakia
1971 China 's legal status in the United Nations to be restored
1972.2 U.S. President Richard Nixon 's visit to China , the Shanghai Communique
1973 United States "on the end of the war in Vietnam , to restore peace agreement " was signed
Fourth Middle East War
1979 Sino-US relations
20 in the late 1980s in Eastern Europe
1991 Soviet Union
1992 NAFTA form
1993 establishing the European Union

2000 new pattern began to change the world , the world's unrest
2100-2200 new world economic, political , order gradually formed , the United States , China ,
Europe, Russia, India , etc.
New scientific and technological revolution, intellectual revolution , humans began to
enter the ground - month, planetary society
2500-3000 new integrated world , the Arctic , the Antarctic development , the Moon , Mars, other
planets gradual establishment of human living environment of human society into a high
intelligence intelligent industry
3500-6000 Human Planet Earth super smart intelligent social community space . Human variation,
the original social structure collapse , collapse analysis , the new structure of the planet 's
survival , wisdom structure will appear
6000-10000 social Mars and other planets , Earth's human variation, evolution, evolution of the
original social structure changes , ground - March - Mars - other planets of the universe to expand
natural living space
15000-50000 new era of the universe , the universe society of new physical , chemical, biological
theorem refresh or rewrite
100000-1000000 universe descendants society, planet, universe, human nature, social upheaval ,
the extinction of species , other biological macromolecules , active life of the original gene 's birth,
destruction , resurrection, and so on. Yuan Earth branch of human evolution , and more
Yuan multiverse natural part of social universe astral silence or destroyed, or re- birth and so on.
1,500,000 -------- universe fission , some stars and planets in the universe distribution of
destruction , the collapse of space , space big bang , the universe of stars swallowed ,
decomposition, fission and so on. Cosmic regeneration, biological disasters , biological
extinction , biological regeneration , the universe will explode , the universe can be resurrected
again and again, to start a new history, super- spin particles --- the universe , the universe - superroton , the universe may Kuji , but after Kuji will be the new super- particle regeneration , and so
forth endless need to process thousands of trillions of years , life forms disappeared, nature of the
universe remains the same for cycling , the universe did not completely disappear or destroyed.
Collapse deflated planet can shrink , but the universe still exists. Cosmic Kuji or destroyed , she
converted to other forms and secretive existence , 1000000000000000 years later , they began a
new qualitative reincarnation into play . . . . . . . . The time is light and the sun on an annual basis ,
at least in 70000000000000000000000 above . Existing natural history and physical chemistry
Theorem contrast, dwarfs . . . . .

" The grass withers , the flower fades , because the breath of the LORD blows upon it ; Surely the
people are grass. The grass withers , the flower fades ; but my
Are the word of God will stand forever ! " ( " Old Testament Isaiah " Chapter 40
There are outrageous insightful , Fang eternal character ; has eternal character , Fang Chao Fang
learned ; learned a super square , square with unrivaled article. - " Lingfeng cases of " Volume 2 a
person dies , the living people about is how much property he left behind , while overlooking the
deceased's Angels want to know is that the deceased had been hidden virtue plot . "Koran ."

Overlooking the philosopher is lost in the horizon , but the horizon is uncertain, is where the
transfer of heaven and earth , there is a field of knowledge and ignorance where the transfer .
Aristotle : human nature is to seek knowledge . Confucius : Gentlemen and different, and not the
villain .21-22 century world pattern of the world economy and world politics and the world's
future development patterns and Prospects for Reform --------- = US aspect of the world
Mankind has entered the great 21st century, the world has changed dramatically . This is the great
innovation of all mankind and the Gospel . Worth celebrating . Various problems occurring in the
world full of fun and earth-shattering . Changes and developments affecting the world 's engine
first technological revolution, natural revolution, technological revolution no other changes will
not be as widespread in today's world so profoundly . For example , the spacecraft into the
universe , the information revolution , gene revolution, nuclear energy , machinery, materials,
information , medicine, transportation, energy, agricultural engineering, marine development, etc.,
explosive change or technological revolution. Productivity change is the most important change ,
the most fundamental change and revolution. Production tools, production, producers themselves
so obvious .
Especially in the 21st century, the world has undergone drastic changes, technological revolution
bear the brunt. Rapid development and changes in national competition . Face of global peace and
human development in many major issues , the evolution of the world situation , the East and the
West , and the future evolution of China-US relations , war and peace , private, and there , to
dominate the world and nuclear weapons , the world's political , economic, military , cultural,
scientific changes in the development of technology, etc. , etc. . Particularly relevant to the East
China's economic reform and development, reform and change lanes into the deep end . One can
not expect any new tricks reform , economic reform breakthrough progress, but did not have
mutations difficult . State monopoly system will not fundamentally alter Although some reform,
economic growth mainly of projects and are expanding rapidly , carrying out capital construction ,
infrastructure and real estate investment in stimulating other industries stimulate investment as
economic restructuring , economic and technological changes , SOE reform , urbanization , the
transfer of land and other property rights will be very difficult to change , 3-5 billion people,
urbanization, industrialization and modernization , reduction of the demographic dividend , the
transition of more obstacles. GDP growth will face foam to increase , rising prices , inflation, local
debt surged , currency devaluation , excess capacity , the product is no market , the real estate
bubble explosion , the stock market bubble of economic crisis , financial crisis, social crisis ,
political crisis presents ; GDP deceleration , increased unemployment , large, medium and small
enterprises have been closed down , debt, expenses do not pay , the heavy pressure of an aging
population and the burden of the financial crisis , economic crisis and social crisis to reproduce. 34 million migrant peasants and migrant workers will be difficult to solve society 's major
economic , political and social problems. 3-4 billion people, urbanization, industrialization and
modernization is a very long process hardships attempt in a day, at once , pure fantasy and
dreams , this process requires at least 30-50-100 difficult transition year process . Not simply
invest trillions of dollars can be converted successfully , very difficult. Attempts at once , is
tantamount to asking for the impossible . The most critical is the overall structure of the national
economy and supporting the harmonious development of the highly distorted distorted and
unbalanced , to the whole economic development shadows and dire consequences. Economic
imbalances , a serious imbalance in the proportion of various structures and disorders, a large

number of economic and technical personnel shortage , the GDP will blew economy a huge threat
and major challenge. Economic and technological improvement , waste of resources ,
environmental pollution, the follow-up support for the development of agriculture , infrastructure
and industrial capacity efficiency seriously out of line . Industrial and agricultural structure than
the more. Especially in the world economy is still in the doldrums and difficult period, expect
China to reproduce the brilliant economy and GDP growth, very wishful thinking and ignorance.
China 's economic growth standard value of 5-5.7 % , normal , acceleration value can be jumped
to 7-8-10 % , but not lasting, life-cycle around 5-15-20 years, over this line , the outbreak of the
economic crisis . Maintain the value of about 4.0 or less around 5.8-6.2 , economic law , beyond
the red line , the crisis was underway . Violation of the rules of natural and economic laws ,
especially the rules of market economy , is bound to major mistakes and pitfalls unable to
extricate themselves . Rely on state capitalism means you can save some stunts while, but can not
save a long , long time, loopholes, abuses to structural imbalances , it will fall apart . As for China
's political reform and development , about 30-50-100-200 years ( maybe longer or shorter , a few
thousand years of feudal ideology and cultural needs adequate time and procedures to eliminate
and transform inheritance, lack of essential elements of democracy ) of democracy learning,
imitation , absorption, transformation and restructuring and development phases and stages , to
mature and grow, software and hardware available, it may transition to a democratic political
victory . Otherwise , haste makes waste , it is difficult over . Of course, the idea of democracy and
freedom in the 21st century is not limited to past political realities of popular textbooks and
political democracy . Democracy and freedom and human rights , equality, fraternity , etc. must
also be inevitable absorption and transformation of highly complex re- dimerization , and
gradually improve and a more idealistic and actualization . Freedom and democracy also needs
improvement and continuous improvement, not perfection . However, this does not prevent the
advance of democracy and freedom and changing reform and improve . Universe, everything in
nature , is in perpetual motion change , and certainly not a static constant. Without that, there
would be no nature and the universe , human society will naturally die and fall apart . Economic
revolution , social revolution, the technology revolution, political revolution , gene revolution, the
Earth revolution, revolution is the history of the development of the universe complex, requires
insurmountable phases and processes , otherwise , haste makes waste , counterproductive. Leftist
and rightist ideas and thinking are wrong. Including economic , political, are all true. As for the
future of the world Decisive Force , mixed views . In fact, the . United States, Russia , Europe, the
EU, Japan, India, Brazil, Canada, and other countries anyone can peak and decline , anyone can
become a leading world superpower , the key lies in reform and supporting all necessary
conditions have . America's decline ? European decline ? The Soviet Union, China instead ? Japan,
Russia , Britain , France, Germany and so completely lost ? ? India, Brazil and other countries
weakness and China , the United States Bimei or contests ? Not simply in terms of GDP and
population , bombs , missiles, aircraft carrier . Aircraft determine success or failure , more
importantly, human consciousness behavior , rational and civilized humanity , leading influence in
the world , and recognition of cognitive convergence force strength , superior political
democracy , economy , science and technology so powerful strength, ideological and cultural
appeal, per capita wealth levels and so on. Here , in particular, need to emphasize human
consciousness rational and civilized behavior and absorption play and criticism , all political
ideology , value systems, religion and culture , philosophy and the importance of human

production and social practices associated with the important role . In other words , genetic
heredity and variation , thinking and being an important relationship. Master of philosophy and
religious philosophy, Buddhism and Confucianism , including the European Master of Philosophy
and the essence of modern philosophers thought so . Countries in the future world will be a huge
arena of competition and cooperation , in order to lead the world to dominate the world , requiring
multiple combinations of composite dimerization of any single country and the nation to dominate
the world will become increasingly difficult and dangerous . The so-called first , this is not the
same and Sports Arena , just went to the first , is the world champion. State and national
development and competitiveness , the key is that the whole body, that the overall value of the
entire country , pentathlon , eight round . Rather than the competitive level of the individual and
the individual strengths of the first, weaknesses too , will be eliminated. 21-22 century , a new era
of human history , human society will open a high intelligence era, the planet revolutionary new
era of human evolution and social development should be jumping the traditional old mode.
Speaking atomic war , that the atomic bomb is the trump card , invincible . Atomic bomb in the
future world , will be reduced gradually and progressively destroyed. Bomb countries abound , it
lost the true meaning of war . Once started any atomic war , which person country can survive it ?
Who are the losers and no winners , the destruction of Earth , species extinction , ecological
degradation , population genetic variation , disease, pestilence throughout the world,
environmental meltdown . There are no winners and losers together to see God 's deathbed selfdestruction game. Therefore, the denuclearization of the world and will be the future choice for
any scale war . However, the main line of peace does not mean it will not happen 21-22 century
massive confrontation and war. National, ethnic, such as a blend of group interests and
competition fierce battle sometimes appear , rattling , or even war against nuclear war , the world
will fall apart , large-scale confrontation and war possible, of course , similar to the probability of
World War II World War relatively low, global involved is small , but it does not exclude the
danger of war persists . Even if the nuclear-free world , it does not mean that the world will be
safe and sound, it would be too naive and too idealistic world it. However, the evolution of human
society, more and more , the world needs competition paradigm shift in the way and transformed .
We talked about reform , Reform and Revolution , should go with the flow , no one can fabricate
history , only to conform to the historical , conform to society, and could transform history. So any
program of economic reform , political reform movement, any meeting decided that the only kind
of progress or compromise , and truly historic step forward to promote the need for enormous
political courage and the greatest reformer of his talents Wineur , dare to break Creation such as
political giant, probably in the distant future ; therefore , no such giants China and the era
masters , in order to become a world giant , and that is beyond the reach of it. * % 8 --- ? Unless
the fanfare of projects and continue to invest in sexual stimulation enlarge the economy, including
urbanization, expansion , etc. , infrastructure and real estate accounted for 40% of the weight , but
the continuous rise, delicious difficult to digest , inflation , rising prices , excess capacity , the real
estate bubble , the technology bubble , product no market , currency devaluation , junk notes
follow. 20,30 years of rapid economic growth ? I am afraid that as long as the 3-5-10 year of big
balloon exploded . Implementation of micro- stimulation, although there are some success, but
social development of various structural contradictions sand into a mound , socio-economic and
political contradictions polarization fermentation, piles of accumulated problems will trigger a
chain reaction , making the situation more complex hazards. 2-3 million farmers , migrant workers

, etc. ; slowing GDP, increased unemployment , business failures entire social unrest, no digestive
capacity , debt, state-owned private dying. All roads are danger. Bumpy road , imagine the
heavens opened and continue to the real estate bubble , prices soared to continue to continue to
vigorously stimulate accelerated continue massive construction projects continue to 8% -9% ,
whether fantasy dementing GdP growth , ignorant arrogance syndrome, neurological disorder,
economic structure , technological economy, economic restructuring easier said than done ?
Hundreds of millions of the population of Great Change , step by step mandrel . Dangerous step .
Therefore, the reform and development , unity of thinking is good , urbanization, economic reform
package worth mentioning, or political reform and political progress, there will be no significant
breakthroughs and progress , at best economic interests of administrative areas such as the reform
of non-core or improved , in order to survive and crest waves. Market economy and political
model is generally consistent with and complementary to , the market economy and democratic
political compatibility ; completion of a one-sided aspect , very effective short-term , over time,
will be a serious imbalance deformed into the inevitable crises and risks . Economy is the
foundation , politics is the superstructure ; economic base changes, along with the political
structure is also bound to change. Otherwise, the superstructure will be crumbling. This is the
basic economic and political philosophy and rules of the game , no one escaped and exceptions .
So , the simple economic reforms can not be very effective ; synergy between the two , in order to
high-speed and stable development of the economy ; otherwise , loss of balance , there will be a
huge critical situation and serious consequences. For example , real estate , stocks and so on. . . . .
Free market economy is not a panacea , the so-called private ownership , public ownership has its
rationality and applied degrees . Over limitations , it is necessary contrary to its original purpose .
However, private and shared , the public , in a certain sense, is similar to, coincide. No basic
personal , private, there would be no real public ; Conversely , there is no generalized sense of '
total ', "private " will become nonsense nature and human society groups, the lack of common
economic interests and sorry. Elimination of private ownership , public communism , which is the
greatest battle in human history and philosophy , politics , religion, economy , etc. never-ending
controversy and strife . In fact, the survival of human society, private ownership is the most basic
cell ecology ; Of course, he can not and will not refuse to reject national wealth sharing is another
important aspect of special significance. Therefore , philosophers , economists , sociologists,
political thinker controversy and strife, inevitably fall into biased and extreme . " " There are
private and are not contradictory , is an issue both a fundamental . " Does not want to reconcile the
contradictions between private public there , just to illustrate the basic premise of the private is
there ; " common public 'is a myriad of private the co- polymerization polymerization . The total
public but also to better private , shared basic social cell . The individual is the basic cell of cell
populations , there is no it will not present the final . Possession and personal property protection
is very important proposition and value theory , East and West in this debate have their way . But
it did not relate to the so-called capitalism and socialism and communism absolute fracture gap ,
but only just past the philosophy of economics and political science and sociology Explaining
deficiencies and natural defects . Either , is to eliminate private ownership , or is to eliminate the "
total public ', from theory and practice to the extreme and incompatible major social confrontation.
Sort of debate and controversy , not a compromise , and, the key is to clarify the basic
philosophers , economists, political scientists , sociologists have long puzzled the important ideas
and perspectives. 21-22 century's most important philosophy, economics , political science,

sociology and public-private platitudes new solutions . poverty of Philosophy , economics,

poverty, poverty, political science , obvious. nutshell : private , communal, sharing and shared to
avoid extremes , this is the essence of all the problems and root causes , so modern philosophy
home presumption , sharing and sharing, there are certain eclectic , and make a reasonable
modification for my own use in any doctrine has some reasonable elements , and ultimately , the
same thing , capitalism, socialism , state capitalism , syncretism , etc. . was not tasteless reconcile,
but social development of integrated evolution only do you have me, I have you , reasonable
absorption wrong to abandon the transformation , which is the historical evolution of left or
leftist , rightist , amendment and such problems are easy to make and they can not see the whole
picture of the nature and affairs , myopia or deafness. created all human achievements , we need to
study , absorption, transformation, critically inherited development as capitalism and democracy is
the absolute truth can not be corrected test, in fact , capitalism, democracy and freedom , also need
to continue to reform and human development , which is only historical process modeling
different historical different historians and natural scientists proposed a comprehensive history of
the universe of human history research : about AD 4000-6000 , the wisdom of human society from
the high post-industrial society into the planet intelligence community , the Moon society - Mars
society , social universe , so future generations to judge the pros and cons of human now , our
debates and battles both absurd and ridiculous extremely this is the historical development of
human speech into a clear roadmap and timetable so-called state capitalism or, mixed economy
worth mentioning, or pure market economy, the Chinese economic model could uphold and
continue the development of China 's real economy, how , a variety of economic data is tricky, yet
time validation . overly optimistic and pessimistic is not necessarily correct. could only go with
the flow , strong recovery in the world economy needs at least a considerable period of time
arrived in the middle of the 21st century , in the whole history of the world big shock adjustment
period of great change , regardless of the economic , political, military , cultural, science and
technology , and so were the case . conform history can make history, contrary to history would be
eliminated by history . past adhere Greece, European civilization , the West lead World ; turning
now to the East , such as the rise of China , Japan, India, three male , whether the East and the
West overwhelmed ? temporarily , China led the way, by leaps and bounds , GDP leading the
way ; however, this is only a short leap forward momentum brilliant , no force continued after hair
, the key is the entire economic system reborn makeover , otherwise, it will send the old seriously
ill , in serious imbalances dilemma, and let slip the opportunity of historical development , and
from the glory of falling down , becoming two , three streams big country . Ones from the whole
world is difficult giant throne . playing history , the last against being abandoned by history will
be merciless and playing , which is the reason everything is Jesus Christ of the road, not only for
China, the United States, India , Japan, Russia the EU also true in the past said that the heyday of
European civilization , is, indeed , Europe and indeed to the history of mankind in order to
contribute greatly to deny this is to profane history and human modern Oriental develops, whether
it is the turn pancakes , Oriental overwhelm the West ? ? former West overwhelm the East ?
history is history, but the continuation of history, should stand on the commanding heights of the
historical development of the world situation and the balance point, in order to have a correct and
objective reasonable explanation , otherwise , it will become fear America syndrome and
syndrome of fear in the United States and China , are all human beings it is not necessary to myth
or fear , it is impossible to become demons threatening the world and humanity and people have

accepted the idea and the process of transformation and any nation and state , each with its long ,
each with its short , the East does not shine bright , bright bright oriental West . days menstrual
days , rivers row , the East meets West , Western, large cell integration , compatibility with major
powers guiding force needs the world , but need various forms of world domination ( world
hegemony and world order, a certain sense complementary ) . chauvinism , the world hegemony of
any country in the world to oppose hegemony and abandonment country mode, but after all, the
world is not chaotic disorder , which requires differentiate and identify the profound meaning of
hegemony and order . inclusive , relative benefit barriers, highly complex dimerization of 21-22
century natural philosophy of comprehensive structural polymer composite structure doctrine , not
one -sided emphasis on the exclusion of the other , but also not simply mixed potion mixing , and
to enhance the development of for example , Europe 's science and culture , democracy, freedom,
human rights , free market economy , etc., some oriental harmony ideology, economic reform,
some effective measures , etc., are large a tonic for the moon garden are foreign , China 's moon
sixteen round, belittle , or arrogant, are extremely harmful, extremely dangerous people say
American "common rule" principle is justified , but the world is not the world's military and
political world economy moves of several countries can , India, Russia , the European Union ,
Germany, Britain and France , Japan, Brazil, Canada, Arab and other participation rights and no
voice , it also a big mistake and a special wrong even in the developing world , it is impossible
without a leader , because humanity is still in the ' higher economic animals ' evolutionary road to
the world leader in the superb skills , the key lead the way , rather than when the overlord , just
right, captivated will go to the other extreme . example, strengthening the United Nations reform,
strengthening the central role of the United Nations , permanent additions , Security Council
resolution authority, the authority of the UN General Assembly , the International court of
authority so that the Council's special the role of the Security Council vote and veto reform. 21-22
century , the important role of the UN General Assembly and the " world government" as seen
special features . permanent , non-permanent members , Member States , regional organizations,
national organizations such as the World no leader in the world is chaotic disorder . leader is not
necessarily a large country , big country rich and powerful can act , small countries can also serve
as an important role in the future rules of the game world, World History , World Civilization
history, European history , Asian history, American history, African history, Arab history, and so
the world Big masterpiece , Chinese history, American history, Russian history, British history,
French history, German history, Indian history, Japanese history , the history of Brazil Mexican
history . ..... and natural history, biological history, physical history , geological history, history of
the universe , philosophy , history of literature , history of economics , military history, history of
religion . .... history is a surface SPIEGEL to rewrite and writing history, no Jubi how can he
intends to finish ? ? ..... .. In Europe and other countries for the future of the world exactly how
China over the United States , will become the world's a tyrant , have a phobia that China in 2030-50 years later the world will become a more dominant Instead, the United States , the
population first , GDP First, it is in the world, emerging as the world hegemon throne .. In fact ,
overly optimistic and exaggerated it. when the first kind of the GDP , as long as the GDP, instead
of democracy , will distort and destroy human society, rationality, conscience and humanity 's
bottom line , it will be very dangerous and very scary and unpredictable consequences for the
outcome of China 's political also with the economic changes and changes occur . economic and
political hard peel avatar. this is the basic principle of political economy , as well as the peak of

world economic development theory , stage theory , etc. more competitive in today's world , India,
Brazil , United States and Russia , but also a strong opponent. Europe, the United States and
Russia is China 's most powerful union competitor , constraints and suppression of disease into
China and success . one thing down . Europe, the United States and Russia is a strong opponent of
China's rise , both sides need only tube collaboration and sharing , sharing impossible atomic war
broke out , if so, the world will be a big bang , though , Europe, the United States and Russia each
have a variety of disputes and conflicts , but in the fundamental interests of the plane was still
relatively consistent , once Chinese aspirations to world throne , which for China 's rise and
dominate the world will constitute a single great challenges and threats , so that assertion , China
will be the future of the world giant, one-sided, short-sighted , especially concerning China CPC
18th Third Plenary Session of the reform program , the top-level design, and other economic,
political initiatives such as the world has various forecasts and commentary , in fact, merely
economic reforms or improvements . deep-seated reforms relations fundamental reforms , such as
land transfer and land reform , fundamental reform of state-owned enterprises , political reform, a
full market economy reforms , an independent judiciary , protection of private property reform ,
innovation and democratic politics , military institutional changes , such as almost difficult to
start . As city group planning, anti-corruption plan, judicial authorization reform , taxation,
finance, and other reforms have to be innovative , but the key reform and restructuring hardly any
substantive changes or changes. enormous difficulty of reform and deepwater traveling very
difficult and dangerous , in order to get out of just a few decades Gobi Desert and brilliant yellow
grass to reach the other side , is simply balderdash and naive child's play. subsequent rugged road
more difficult , than the Long March but also obstacles. to be a great success, easier said than done
. world should oppose hegemony , but the world can not disorderly chaos , otherwise , the human
world will be a throwback to nascent , pure jungle primitive lower animals society and the world
of human society and the world will be plunged into utter tragedy and catastrophe . society and
humans will completely collapse. World Development changes, trend, China and other countries is
undeniable strengths in Europe and America has been fading is an indisputable fact , however, lies
in the reform and change , China , Russia, India , Brazil and other necessary changes and reforms ,
the United States , Europe, Japan , Germany, law also requires change and reform . the real world
is a global shock, intense time of change , at least 50-100 years change, shock, hard to leave this
territory no one now on the next assertion is still too early , of course China's development
potential and prospects are also very impressive, the key to reform and change the world need to
change the rules of the game or patch , but the basic rules of the game can not overturn denied.
example, democracy and human rights ; some require modification , the final the same thing.
Epcot Who Controls ? answer is yes , both Chinese , including Europe, the United States and
Russia , India, Brazil , Japan, Canada , the Islamic world , Africa , and of course there are the
leader , otherwise, it caught no center to multi-center a . leader is not one, but a few , and open the
door , or go hand in hand , it is difficult be made absolutely the first , second, third, of course not
be too much , otherwise it becomes the flock leader run the
The world is very broad , human history was merely the transition to childhood or infancy , we
need to walk the road is still very long very long . Tens of thousands of years have flashed by , the
subsequent light and the sun was just countless. In addition to the creation of history forever
Endeavour is incomparable human rationality, wisdom and innovation, change. Just focus on
talking about the real world and the world of contradictory historical trajectory of development,

also addressed the current objectives, priorities and long-term development options and political
reform China's political, economic, and economic reform. Talk, made less than justice, even if
one's mind, will not help long-winded, so the difficulties mentioned and discussed in this major
reform where the risk lies danger, bear the brunt of the big reform, particularly with regard to
economic reform in political reform and economic reform association difficult and the risk of pros
and cons and deepwater areas where change, more difficult, such as GDP growth, slowdown
brought about by the various crises and risks lies, but also to the social, political and other risks
associated with the crisis and, difficulty and risk assessment of the crisis reforms catch a glimpse.
Alert society is not to retreat, but despite the difficulties. China change this, Europe, emerging
market countries, developing countries, developed countries, who are the same. Without reform
will not change is the history behind abandoned eliminated. The simple truth Is there anything
different controversy and insight it? Waits for no man, things change, times change, reform and
the need for greater political courage and wisdom, the pace can be a little bigger, but reform
involves all aspects of the room for maneuver is very small, big mistakes should be avoided. As
for political reform will be times, then pass through economic reforms, political reforms will be
put on the agenda. Because of the world, regardless of doctrine, what party, what society, what
kind of system, what kind of doctrine, what reform and change, economic, political, military,
cultural, and so can not be completely separated, prevails, their own way, is clearly impossible. Of
course, the direction of political reform, the path, the goal is not exactly like the outside world to
judge the kind of pure speculation westernized, pure westernized style political reforms, but with
Chinese characteristics democratic political model, and Western democracy can Bimei and
compatible sharing. Natural, and universal values, such as the world of democracy, freedom,
human rights and other constitutional able to share and compatibility. All the achievements of
mankind have created the critically inherit and absorb naturally impossible to exclude some of the
important achievements of Western and experience gains and losses. Particularly China's current
political and economic situation, despite rapid economic growth, commendable, GdP forward
towards the pinnacle of the world, however, is still a large developing country with
underdeveloped countries. Urbanization hundreds of millions of peasant migrant workers,
industrialization, modernization requires great effort and to complete the process of economic
transformation also requires a long-term technical and economic struggle conversion upgrade,
deepen the reform of state-owned enterprise system innovation into market-oriented operation
entirely rural land The new system of land reform, agricultural development base of 1.4 billion
people survive at stake, coupled with China's thousands of years of traditional influence from the
East Asiatic feudal social ideology and culture, almost 5-6 million farmers and migrant workers
are social development of the key changes. 2,3 million troops, soldiers in rural areas accounted for
70% -80%, neglect and deny the reality of the existence of this powerful group that will see the
trees but not the forest. Modern democracy hardware and software have still not fully rigorous
implement Western-style democracy if it do the same? The answer is self-evident. Therefore, the
issue of political reform is an extremely sensitive and complex issue. In this regard, I am not here
to say, just focus on talking about the economy and economic reform, of course, is not shy about
talking about political reform and human rights and democratic freedoms. To deeply understand
China's national conditions and the reality of the situation is particularly important, Japan, longer,
survival and development of mankind as we have to compete, what will sooner or later bring to
the table. More is involved in international political and economic reforms, and other major world

economic developments and trends, the future rules of the game world, the world's future
development and competition model, the world's political, economic, military, cultural, scientific,
religious and stage and so on. Coincides with Christmas and New Year to Hom However, sadly, a
myriad of thoughts. China's reform and change despite the crisis and the risk of multiple, but do
not make a fuss. And crises with hope in, hoping for a variety of profound reforms and
development in order to get out bright prospects. Especially just heard an interview with reporters
vocal, mentioned the issue of the dispute relating to the reform and conservative, in fact, reform
and conservative society would be any objective existence of phenomena, including the United
States, like hawks battle doves donkey, Europe Any country, any society, any political party, a
variety of views and positions, factions, ethnic groups will exist around the dispute, the hawkdove fight, a lot of tough and gentle, and so often see. This is all normal, left, center, right, through
the ages, a place where there are people, their views, normal, all public opinion, unanimously,
thousands of people face, could it? The world is so complex, rather than a single type of purely
social. For example, today, we gathered here to celebrate Christmas, tomorrow it could also
celebrate Asian Oriental Chinese New Year, the day after tomorrow they may celebrate the Islamic
holiday, naturally vary between the three, though full of festive season, but there are very
different, impossible trinity kidnapping to celebrate. World community, but also individuals. This
is the world's greatness and mystery. Able to take this opportunity to talk about the wonders of
addressing complex and very touching and tenant issues, it may be a communication and learning.
Every day in the history of the renovation, short-sighted and narrow are undesirable. In the long
run, China's reform is still promising change and development, 30 -50-100 years, 200 years, wear
myopia can not see glorious vision.

Dear sirs , ladies , friends, fellow world , the United Nations all citizens , before mankind have
smooth sailing with traps, is full of vigor and hope, however, is full crisis and often neglected .
Either , survival , or , perish. In the evolution of the universe , the natural world is changing, earth
and mankind is also evolving into play . If humanity is not very distant future era, can the moon ,
Mars or other planets happiness joy freedom to celebrate Christmas and New Year and celebrate
the planet , spring, that is the human world, the greatest and most magnificent kingdom of heaven.
Only humans struggle to survive , only survive and symbiotic nature and the universe .

Once a new era is approaching, celebrate the joy of this festival , people of the world once again
wish happiness and joy . Christmas Happy New Year merry , new spring arrival of joy. Happiness
and joy will always belong to the diligent and intelligent people brave Yongwangzhiqian . The
human kingdom is the man himself created the greatest and most magnificent paradise of God .
Thank you so much .


(Enc:Fangruida bio./kerstzs
Fang Ruida image data. Fang Ruida (1950-), scientist, philosopher, writer, thinker, religious
scientist, astronautologist, economist, painter, educator, anthropologist, sociologist, Fang Ruida
doctrine and many classical works, Aerospace technology Mars technology, a major research on
the cutting-edge technology of Mars, the new high-speed heavy-duty twin-engine rocket inventor.
These are FangRuiDa precious image data. Descendants can see such as its people, such as smell
their appearance, true image, with great historical value and collection value.The main
scientific discoveries of Fang Ruida include: circular lead theorem,
hyperchaotic theorem, Jupiter central distance theory, domain theory, seismic
wave field, reflex arc, neural domain theory, linguistic logic orbit mechanism,
tumor gene rotation Mechanism, brain control domain theory and other major
discoveries, many important works and works, involving natural science,
philosophy, religion, social science, science and technology and so on. His new
super-heavy-duty, high-speed twin-engine rocket (non-traditional chemical-fuel
rocket propulsion) is an epoch-making groundbreaking effort to elevate
mankind's long-range voyage to distant planets such as Mars and Jupiter to a
new stage. Revolutionary significance, will give the entire space flight,
rocket technology, space revolution, the revolution of the universe, the
universe revolution can not be underestimated.
Fangruida image data, for the historical memory of historical memory is very important.
Thousands of years later, hundreds of thousands of years after millions of years, the authenticity of
these human history is more valuable. At that time, human language may have changed, but as
long as humans are still living in the universe or planet, whether in Earth, Moon or Mars and other
planets in the world, these data is undoubtedly the most image of the image. No matter how the
image data in the future changes, these are undoubtedly priceless. Fang Ruida study "Planet
Society --- the future universe of super-species social model" and so on.
Kerstzs Paris)

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