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Principal N1: desire is the starting point of all individual achievement

Principal N2:you can be, do, or have, anything you want in your life
Principal N3: you become what you think about most of the time
Principal N4: success is a decision away,decide that from now on you will be happy and
Principal N5: what you focus on expand, Focus on what is positive and beautiful in your life
Principal N6: your present thoughts determine your future result
Principal N7: you have infinite potential within you, you are a magnificient humain being
Principal N8: youre a greater than your circumstances, you have within you the power to
overcome any obstacles
Principal N9: feed your mind with positive thoughts,your thoughts are powerful so choose
them well
Principal N10: dont be afraid to fail,use faillure on your advantage to create great result on
the future
Principal N11:persistence is the key to success.dont give up until you achieve your dream
Principal N12: feel the fear and do it anyway,dont let fear stop you from achieveing your
13 persistence is the key to a succesful life
16overcome your weakness ou are the only one that overci
Principal N17: dream bigger dreams,if you can dream it you can do it
Principal N18: inspire others to follow there dreams
Principal N19: create a compelling vision for your life
Principal N20: aim higher in life
Principal N21 what you resist persist,
Principal N22 read inspiring books, you are the average of 5 books you read regularly
Principal N23 surround yourself with positive people, you are the average of five people you
surround yourself with

24 say no to negativity
25 believe in yourself is the first step to achieve anything in your life
26 believe in your dreams
27 visualise yourself as a success,imagination create reality
28 define your dream,be definite about what is you want in life
29 follow your heart, your heart know what is best for you
30 take massive action toward your goals and dreams
31 feed your mind heart and soul with positive messages
32 help people to achieve their goals
33 encourage yourself,say encouraging words to yourself
34 appreciate yourself for your accomplishments
35 be unstoppable, be unreasonable, be fearless
36 overcome the fear of rejection
37 be happy for no reason, say to yourself I dont need a reason to feel happy
38 always keep looking forward
39 be grateful for everything
40 free your mind from negative thoughts
41 always smile in life
42 you create your own luck
43 say to yourself everyday Im getting better and better everyday
44 overcome your fears, say to yourself everyday im an overcomer
45 always ask what I can do now to get closer to my dreams
46 persue the type of ideas that makes you better
47 if you want success study success, if you want happiness study happiness
48 always maintain a positive attitude toward life,

49 Find your Purpose in life,finf your why for living

50 love yourself as you are,
51 be grateful for everything in your life, when gratitude appear fear disappear
52 motivate yourself from the inside,
53 have a big ambitions in life,have a strong purpose
54 be nice to yourself,you are doing your best every time
55 see your problems as opportunities to grow
56 success is the progressive realisation of a worthy goal or ideal
57 you create your life with your thoughts, images of the mind and actions
58 if you want to change your results in life change your thinking first
59 whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve
60 dig deep down and ask yourself what do I want, what makes me happy
61 your outer world is a reflection on your inner world,change happen in the inside first
62 take100% responsibility for your life,you are responsible for the results youve got
63 have a purpose that makes you hungry,purpose that excite you
64 have a dream and have a burning desire for it achievement
65 stay inspired and motivated all the time,
67 say to yourself: I can live My dream, I can live My purpose
68 say to yourself : its possible I can do it,I can make my dreams came true
69 have faith in yourself you can do great things with your life
70 commit yourself to your goals and dreams,
71 listen to audiobooks that inspires you to move forward
72 attend seminars and workshops,get with like minded peaple who have dreams and goals
73 Always be positive persistent and patient no matter what
74 think speak and act as if you are already the person you want to become

75 dont let other people steal your dreams hold on dont give up
76 fight for what you want in life Ask For what you want and never give up
77 think outside of the box you are special,dont just follow the herd
78 say no to negativity in your life, you can choose be positive under any circumstances
79 commit yourself to constant growth,and reminber happiness equals progress
80 follow your heart desires,your heart know what is the most important to you
81 serve a cause that is larger than yourself,find something that you are willing to die for
82 find your purpose in life,find your natural talents and gifts
83 you have infinite potential within you,you are a worthy humain being
84 follow the things that excite you the most in life,
85 say to yourself in the mirror I love myself as im,im perfect
86 say to yourself I can be do or have anything, I have faith in my self
87 dont fear change embrace it,change is inevitable but personal growth is not
88 you are capable of doing great things in life dont settle for less
89 create a vision for yourself and take a massive action toward it achievement
Principal N90: nothing will change in your life until you change,your outside world is a
reflection of your inside world
91 talk to you positively, Say to yourself im strong im powerful im confident
92 say to yourself its not over until I win,I will not stop until I reach my goals
Principal N93: say to yourself its possible I can live my dream, I can find my purpose in life
94 the secret of living is giving, share your gifts with the world
95 to be truly happy in life you must contribute to society,contribution is the key to happiness
Principal N96: live with passion live with drive live with purpose
Principal N97 you deserve to be happy and successful, you have the right to become happy
and successful

Principal N98 you are what you believe yourself to be, believe you can accomplish anything
you want
Principal N99 believe and you shall receive,
Principal N100 you get in life what you expect, say to yourself everyday: something
wonderful will happen to me soon

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