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NAME: ___Emily Morris____ DATE: _11/30/16__ SCHOOL: ____Glenbrook Middle School___

LESSON#: ____1___ FACILITIES: _Gym____CLASS SIZE: _18-22__ GRADE: _6th, 7th & 8th__
UNIT/THEME: ___Dance_____ GENERIC LEVEL: _Pre-control- Control
EQUIPMENT: 1. Stereo/music__ 2._Ipad__ 3.__Videos of Dances__ 4. ____
FOCUS OF LESSON: _Learning 2 basic beginner dances.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
P.) SWBAT demonstrate dance steps to the counts of 1-8 when practicing the cupid shuffle during the
lesson with 80% accuracy. (S1.M1.6,7,8) (MACF 2.10)
C.) SWBAT Name what types of dances were practiced today during the lesson when asked by the
teacher during the closure. (MACF 2.10) (S1.M1.6,7,8
A.) SWBAT participate safely and respectfully with classmates and the teacher when working as a class
by helping with skills and following directions 100% of the time without being spoken to by the teacher.
(S4.M7.6,7,8) (S4.M5.6,7,8) (MACF 2.15)
Check each objective: Is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate?
TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - During the lesson the teacher will:
1. Hold students accountable if the activity and classroom rules are not being followed by sitting them out
or speaking to them privately.
2. Give specific directions and demonstrations of dance steps being taught in class.
3. Progress from simple to more complex when going through each dance.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students
in this class?
National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education by Couturier, Chepko, and
Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework, 1999



1 min

- (Safety: In all activities students need to
use follow all directions given by Ms.
Morris. Students will need to be spaced
out so they are unable to reach out and
touch anyone standing next to them.
Students will need to be respectful to all
classmates and the teacher to decrease
distractions from learning)
- Students will enter the gym, and change
their clothes if needed.

5 min

Instant Activity (music playing):. Read

the Get Goin on the white board.
Students will read the question under the
get goin. Students will ponder their
answer and once gathered for the
introduction, they may choose to answer.
Why do you think dance was created?
A long time ago dance was used as
special rituals, traditions, and has
recently become for more entertainment
and expression.

30 sec

Transition: When the whistle blows, students

will listen for directions form Ms. Morris. Ms.
Morris will ask students to come sit at the white
board quietly.

5 min

Instruction: Ms. Morris will greet the students

and read the days objectives.

Ms. Morris will inform the students that

today we will start our new unit of dance.
Ms. Morris will read over the question on the
board and ask if anyone thinks they know
the answer.

A long time ago dance was used as

special rituals, traditions, and has
recently become for more entertainment
and expression.



30 seconds

10 (15)

Ms. Morris will explain that we are

going to learn 2 dances today (6th grade)
(3 for 7th and 8th) that are easier to learn
to we can prepare for more difficult
Some people may have heard of these
dances before or seen them be performed
but others may not have. Ms. Morris will
explain that some people may be more
experienced with dancing and that it is
okay! Those people may be able to
nicely help others if needed.
The two dances we will learn today are
the Cupid Shuffle, and the Cotton Eye
Joe. (and electric slide) These two/3
dances are types of line dances, they do
not require a partner and are performed
in several lines of people facing the same
direction. (Ms. Morris will draw lines on
the board of how she will want the class
to line up)

Transition: Students will get into lines on the

middle basketball court just like Ms. Morris drew on
the board.

Part 1: Cupid Shuffle

-Before starting the dance, Ms. Morris will show
a video to the class on the Ipad to the students.
- At the beginning of the song there is an intro
where students will have time to relax and feel
the beat of the music.
- At first students will just listen to the
song to get the feeling of the speed and
listen to the instructions of the words
which tell you what to do.
- Once students listen to the song, Ms.
Morris will go through the steps without
the music.
- After this, Ms. Morris will turn on the
music and have students follow along
with her to the steps.
- Next, students will continue to practice
with the music but without Ms. Morris to


- Take four steps to the right. Step your right
foot out to the side, and then bring your left foot
to meet it. This is dont on a 4 count so students
will four times total to the right.
- Next, students will do the exact same thing but
to the left side.
- After moving to the left 4 times stand with
your feet together, the music will call out now
kick. On this cue, student will kick their right
foot out so that their heel taps the floor in front
of them. Students will bring their right foot back
to center and then tap their left foot out as they
did the right. This will alternate on at 8 count
(each foot 4 times)
- Next, the music will call walking it by
yourself. On this cue, students will stand with
their feet hip width apart and bend their knees.
Just like the steps and the kicks before this,
students will be alternating going from right to
left, twice. Lift your heels up a bit, so most of
your weight is on the balls of your feet. Swivel
back and forth from right to left, with knees
bent. When students swivel, they will rotate their
body a quarter turn to the left.
- This dance will repeat itself multiple times
until the students are facing their original
- During the whole dance students may sway
their arms, clap or do any dance movement with
them because there isnt any choreography for
them. Ms. Morris will encourage students to be
creative and let loose.
10 min

Cotton Eye Joe

-Before starting the dance, Ms. Morris will show
a video to the class on the Ipad to the students.
- At first students will just listen to the song to
get the feeling of the speed and beat.
- Once students listen to the song, Ms. Morris
will go through the steps without the music
piece by piece.
- After this, Ms. Morris will turn on the
music and have students follow along

with her to the steps piece by piece.

Next, students will continue to practice
with the music all together, then without
Ms. Morris to watch.

STEPS: (16 count line dance)

1. Stick out your right foot and tap the ground
with the bottom of the heel once. (1)
2. Put your right foot behind you and tap the
ground with your toe once. (2)
3. Repeat 1 and 2. (3-4)
4. Raise your right foot up to the left thigh in
front of you and touch the foot with the left
hand, then foot down. (5-6)
5. Raise your right foot up to the left thigh in
back of you and touch the foot with the left
hand, then foot down. (7-8)
6. Grapevine right, on the 4th count step together
and clap. (1-2-3-4clap)
7. to the left, step and turn for 4 counts back to
your original position, and clap on the 4th count.
8. The rest of the dance is exactly the same but
on the left side.
- Once students get the hang of the dance, they
can add a little pep to their step or a different
move instead of spinning around.
Electric Slide: (7th & 8th)
10 minutes - Before starting the dance, Ms. Morris will
show a video to the class on the Ipad to the
- At first students will just listen to the song to
get the feeling of the speed and beat.
- Once students listen to the song, Ms. Morris
will go through the steps without the music
piece by piece.
- After this, Ms. Morris will turn on the music
and have students follow along with her to the
steps piece by piece.
- Next, students will continue to practice
with the music all together, then without
Ms. Morris to watch.

1. Grapevine right, tap left foot on 4 count (1-23-4)
2. Grapevine left, tap right foot on 4 count (1-23-4)
3. Take 4 steps back starting with your right
foot. (1-2-3-4)
4. Step forward with your left, and tap the right
behind. (5-6)
5. Step back with your right, tap left. (7-8)
6. Step forward with left, Step-kick your right
foot turning left 90 degrees. (quarter turn)
- all of these steps repeat until the music
Transition: Ms. Morris will have the students
gather around the white board to review the
15 seconds

3 minutes

- What were the types of dances we
learned today? -Line
- Does anyone have suggestions of dances
we might like to learn?
Students will walk to the locker room and
change to leave.

4 minutes

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