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ike Koldyke {] Sent: Monday, May 23, 2014 3:30 PM To:; Swanson, Elizabeth: david vitale Subject: Happy Cireurnstance Just a note to tell you of a happy circumstance. | have encouraged Chicago's leading performing arts organizations to provide ticket subscriptions for their 2011-12 performances to J.C, Brizard and Noemi Donoso - two tickets for each thus making it possible for them to see firsthand the richness and diversity of the Chicago performing arts organizations. ‘Thus far Goodman Theatre, Lyric Oper, Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Shakespeare Theater have all enthusiastically agreed o do this. We will hear shortly from several other organizations. Once completed, we will present the subscriptions ta J.C. and Noemi Warmest regards. From: {mailto:mayor] Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 12:12 PM To: Mike Koldyke Subject: Re: Golden Apple Scholars of Hingis Ok Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: Theresa mint Sont: Monday, May 23, 2011 7.30 PM Devion; Schrader, Lisa 10: Abbey Hall? ‘On May 23, 2011, at 4:07 PM, wrote: > Thanks very much > ——-Original Messag > From: Chris Devron > To: Rahm Errantiel > Subject: Abbey Hall? > Sont May 23, 2011 3:29 PM > Rahm, > Thanks again for coming to VIVA last Thurs. and making that extraordinary public commitment ‘of jobs for our students to work in your office. To make this a reality and get logistics clown, with whom would you like us to work? Abbey or someone else? > > Also- as you know, your commitment will mobvate business feaders in the private sector as we continue to identify jobs so we can meet our expansion and serve more students next year. Of course we will work with Tarrah Cooper to approve the message that you want made publi, > Thanks again? > > God biess, > FrDevron > Sent via BlackBorry by AT&T From: Schrader, Lisa Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 2:14 PM To: '’ Subject: Police stories Tb is boter than . "which gave the FOP tote of play. loinawahions,shicnantibune.comlctaut 8/201 1/0S/emenuctanweis-nlen-to hilt savas. biml Emanuol unvoits pan to shift 500 potiee offcors to high-crimo aroas, Posted by John Byone ond Jerumny Gomer ot 41:49 2m. wpdatod af 2:28 pam, Mayor Rahn Emanuel todey formally announced that $00 Chicago police offiear will bo revopioyod to highvorime reas thes summer. “This is 4 down payment on my promise to add 1,000 police officers to the beet,” Emanuel seid in a news release before a prass conference ata police station in the Aubum-Gresham neighborhood, "We cannot beat crime without ‘more officers on tho bal” ‘Ounng the campaign, Emanuel promised to put 1,000 adkitional officers on the streets. Some of them would be shifted from Uosk jabs and soma would bo new hires, ‘The 400 oF so officers from the two specialized units already were on the atreut, however Ald, Latasha Thomas, 17th, sid she expects her ward to benefit In the shor term as the 800 officers are redoployed intima for tha surnmer. But sho also notad manuals campaign ploige. | want to seo a pian about the thousand,” Thomas sald after the news conterance, “| stl think is a thousand, beceuse these ate affiagrsalreedy on the books, right?” Emanuets announcement contiems what the Tribune firs renova lastnight. For 90 days, ar estimated 450 of those officers will leave two specislized units = the Mobile Strike Farce and Tatgotad Responée Unit ~ and transfer fo somo of tha most dangerous distriets on the South and Wost sides. The balance will bo pullag from vaviou cthor units within the department. ion of "a shift n management philosophy.” acting Police Supt. Garry MeCarthy said today tho diatticta, ‘whore the rubber mete tho rand,” Calling the mavo an ind ita important to put resources i Disticts gotting the extia manpower ara Grand Crossing, South Chicago, Calumet, Grosham, Englowoad and Chicago Lawn districts, one of the sources said, The tno districts on the West Side getting more officers ane the Havnison ane ‘Austin districts, the source sai, OF the 500, 400 of tho officors wil yo the high-crimo disicts. The other 100 wil bo cistitutod to the five larger gale ‘areas and the local brass can determine haw to use thern to combat exima hat spot. “Tho source described the 20-day raassignments ~ the longest duratian of te the dapartmont can deta offcars 10 other units without their consent — as an evaluation pertod for Acting Superintendont Garry MoCarthy to decide whothor the alficre’ prasonce an ene! patrol is more offestive in arene with a high erm mate than if they wore Working in ihe Mobile Strke Farce and Targeted Response Unit Prsted al 11:40:17 AM in Mayor of Chivage Umaconsoanuclesitts500-onheeficcrehut-nnionsisntdononssed bund vintluue Sscannsaat Fandivnue entinss com Mayor Eamqais shits 500 patice oteees, bul ign isn't impressed BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hat Reportortepieimangasunimes. com {at Modified: May 24, 2011 02:37PM Mayor Rtanm manual on Tuesday desvored wht ne call “dawn gaaymont” on his promise to put 1,000 more police officers on the stiact — by shifting 500 officers from specialized units to high-erkne disticts But a union foador dismissed the summer cima plan as a roshufllng of the dack that fils to deliver on Emanvels ‘campaign promise and misleads the publ tho beat officer .. That's where you fight crime — notin. topheavy specialized units, That's what wo top-haavy, specialized uit Police Dapartmont,” Emanuel 24d. ‘The 500 officers will be primarily drawn fram two elit unit: the Mobile Stake Farcn tind Targeted Response Unit ‘Starting Sunday and continuing for 90 ays, 400 of tose officers will be eassignad to Highcsime astcts on tne city’s South ane Wost Sides: Grand Crossing: South Chicago: Calumet; Gresham: Englewmod; Chieage Lawn: Harrison and Austin. The remaining 100 officers wil he unevanly distsbuted to five polien araas basod on crime statistics to respond to “ere-ups," the nev mayor seid Acting Police Supt. Gamry McCarthy aatied a “shift in managerial plsloeophy” that will usher in & new ara of ‘avcountabily, using thy COMPSTAT model he championgd in Now York Gly. ‘and over again, Commendors sil be held “The tennis “aooounlabiity’ and “authority” you'r going to hose evar and ove i tne resources In hair nands to maka ‘accountable for reducing wrime in tne dstcts and Wiel areas. THs fs put thom doi," McCarthy said FFratemal Order of Polae President Mike Shields argued that what the Chicago Potico Conartmant dasporatoly needs is to bin moro officors — not play a game of chackers with the officers i aleencly hav Emanuel campaigned on a promise to put 1,000 more police officers on the streets of Chieago. He hoped to ‘accomplish that by: hling 250 officers with funds. ganerated by taxineroment-finonoing (TIF) distiots; using polica ads to free officers from desk duly, cracking dow on medical abuses and ranegetiaing a pari that kos olficers to take 385 sick days avery twa yeas, “To say this Is 500 more officers on the street ~ no, fs nol, Cont misfeed the public, There are no more police officers today than thore wore yesterday. Thoy'0 taking 500 officars 2s if thay viore nave on tha stent and plating ‘thom into bent ears, Theyre acting as If they were assigned lo some desk duly," Shields sold, “Ofticers in the Targeted Response Unit and Mecbile Sthike Force aro some of the hardest working olcers on tho stroel. Wiethor they're inthe units or net, they/re stil gonna work hard, That's not the issue. Tho issba is, wo cespoately need to iro more potee ocr. Unt thy cote ht, wee Goma be own manpower. PO alter how you slice i" Asked twice whether he sf intencs to honor his campaign promise to put 1,000 adeltiona oticers onthe streak, manu appeared lo hedge. His staff cubsequenlly arguad thal Emonel promised 1,000 naw ofizer “on tha baat" and that, by that meesure, he’s halfeway home. ‘That's not how Ald, Latasha Thomas (17th) 306s it "Tactually thik ware sil at 1,000 [and counting] because thaste inre supposed to be new aficers, ight? But, | naed to See now we pay for them,” Thomas sai after joining Emanuel At a news conference at the Gresham Disbiet, 7800 S. Halsted ‘Ald, Howard Brookins (21s), newly-clocted chairman of tho City Council's Black Caveus, sald he would have proferrad former Supt Jody Weis’ paltically explosive plan to pemnanotly redeploy officars to high cri datiot, But, Brooicins suid he welcomes an infiux of beat officers to replace, what he called "paraanlitary strike foree that ‘would swoop in, terrariza Ure commurity and eweop oUt again Be chance, But is a.start. Absokutely, fm happy that there {wil be] more police in the community and wo give the pan a ‘appaars that it's not working, IV bo ia tho mayor's war axein Brooking sa A two-yenr hiring slowdown has lft the Chicago Potion Oepartmont moro than 2,400 officers day wher! of authorized strength, counting vacatcies, sick leave and limited duty. Former Mayor Richa! M, Defoy’s final Ludget calle! for hing up to 200 raw officers, but not a single one of those olficrs hae entered the palioe acadany, mn Lise Sebwaster Office of the Mayor SATIS From: Mather, Chris Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 6:21 PM To: GG: Faulman, Mike; Mintle, Theresa Subject: TV on trial A few mentions about how little time you were there ~ “in and out in less than five minutes - and jury consultant said rat the defense will have to explain why they dragged the Mayor of Chicago to court for three hours, There was less news about you as there was about JC's swearing in. CBS .2_ NEWS at 6PM: Blagolewich trial *SUMMARY: Dana Kozlov reports on the trial of Rod Blagojevich today. Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Congressman jesse Jackson, fr, tastfied for the defense, but Kozlov says Jackson damaged the ex-Governor's case. This may lead Blagojevich to testify himself, Kozlov says the Mayor's testimony may have helped the defense, though. ARG 7 News at SPM: Blagojevich trial, SUMMARY: *Payl Meineke reports on the Blagojevich trial where Mayor flahm Emanuel testified today. "But the damaging testimony came from Congressman Jesse Jackson, jr., who spoke of 3 pay-to-play incident Blago reportedly was involved in. “Meincke says it remains to be seen whether Blagojevich will take the stand in his oven defense. NBC 5 NEWS AT 6PM: Blajevich tial, “SUMMARY: Phil Rogers reports on today's proceedings in the Blagojevich tial, where Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Congrossman jase Jackson jr. took the stand today. “Rogers says it was a bad day for Blago. ‘Jury consultant William Healy says the defense will need to explain in closing arguments why it brought the Mayor to court for only three minutes worth of testimony. SSUMMAR ‘Dana Kozlov reports on the Blagojevich tral, saying both Mayar Rahm Emanuel and Congressman Jesse Jackson, jr, took the stand today Kozlov says the Mayor helped the defense’s case, but the Congressman did not. Betense attorneys distiked Congressman Jackson's testimony so much they asked ora mistrial fazlov says. NBC 5 News at SPM: Blagojevich trial, SUMMARY. “Mary Ann Ahern and Carol Marin report on proceedings at the Blagojevich wal, where Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. leveled serious allegations against the former Govemor today. “Both Congressman Jackson and Mayor Rahm Emanuel testified taday, but Emanuel was in and out of the courtroom in jess than five minutes, Marin tals about the Congressional investigation Jackson faces, ABC 7_News at SPM: Blagoievich trial, =SUMMARY: “Charles Thomas reports on proceedings at the Blagojevich tla, focusing on the case's effect on Congressman jesse jackson, Jr. “Thomas says this case led Jackson to miss out on one: the Senate and Chicago Mayor. NBC 5 News at 4:30PM: Blagoiev SUMMARY: {Phil Rogers reports on today's happenings at the Rod Blagojevich tal “Goth Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Congressmen fesse Jackson, Jr, took the stand today for the defense, but Rogers says that Emanuel ottered ‘virtuatly nothing’ of help to Blagojevich and that Jackson actually hurt tho ex-Governor's ens. “Jury Consultant william Healy says the defense will nave to explain why they bothered to have the Mayor of Chicayo testity it dosing arguments. lifetime opportunities, such as running for hs trial. ARC. 7. Naws at 4f SSuMmaR Paul Meincke reports on today's proceedings in the trial of Rod Blagoievich. { "Both Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Congressman Jesse jackson, JF, took the stand today. Nieincke says the Congressman’s testimony could be potentially damaging to the former Governor, while the Mayor was only on the stand for less than five minutes Blagolevich trial Chris Mather Director of Communications Mayor Rahm Emanuel From: Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2011 11:03 AM To: Rahm Emanuel CG: Mintle, Theresa Subject: Univision From: Rahm Emanuel To: conde Subject: message Sent May 26, 2011 12:09 PM My office said you left a message last night. 'm working on assembling the inter-departmentat team and will get you a point of contact by the end of the day. Sent via BlackBerry by ATAT From: Erandson, Michael S. [Mike.S.Erlandson@supervalu com] Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 5:51 PM To: Rahm Emanuel GG: Herkert, Craig R; Vanhelden, Pete: Erlandson, Michael S.; Spieifogel, David: Simmons, Mike Subject: RE: Good meeting today - THANKS! Mr. Mayor, ‘Thank you for including Supervalu. We look forward to working with you and your team to help address this chailenge facing Chicago citizens - your constituents. with your leadership and engagement, we can continue to develop stores in Chicago. Contact info: Pete Van Helden, Executive Vice President ~ pete., Craig Herkert CEO and President ~ craig, Additionally, Craig has a meeting with the White House Let’s Move team in Washington hext week. ‘We hope to leverage the federal resources racantly made available to help address the challenges af developing stores in food deserts, Finally, when you have your event with the First Lady this fail we would be honored to host the affair at one of our stores or host you both fora special store tour. Again, thank you. Mike to Se From: Rahm Emanuel {mailto:mayor re@rahmemall.corn) Sent: Wednesday. Jung 15, 2012 4:09 PM To: Erlandson, Michael 5. Subject: Good meeting today Hi Pete, lewas great to see you today. Thank you so tnvch for your work on this project up uuti dis point. T took Forward to seeing what we ean accomplish in the cooing months aU lenow there is mech potential here, Frat anxious (© work with SuperValu to make aa impact on the food desert issu, Thanks again, Rabi P.S, Please Forwanl on any dirust contact information for Pete so to update my contacts From: Klein, Gabe Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 9:23 AM ‘To:; Spielfogel, David Subject: Great story on Capital Bikesahro being the U.S. model And good quotes from Sec. LaHload too http://www 1/06/22/the-morning-dig-how-tlcs-capitat-bikeshare- provides-a-modelfor-us-citiesy From: Me Carthy, Gary F. [] Sent: Friday, August 05, 2017 12:27 PM Tot ‘’, Mintlo, Theresa Subject: FW: 13 year old shot 4244 S. State As per your direction From: Wysinger, Alfonza Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011. 01:07 PM To: #Superintendent Subject: Fw: 13 yaar old shot 4244 8, State Parent's phone and info. From: Cuelle, Beatrica V. Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 01:00 PM To: Wysinger, Alfonza Subject: Fw: 13 year old shot 4244 S. State She left message. Told her u would call From: Byme. Thomas M. Sent: Wecnasday, August 03, 2011 06:50 PM To: Cuello, Beatrice V. Subject: fw: 13 year old shot 4244 S, State Fyi From: Nowakowsk!, Jono L. Sent: Wednesday. August 03, 2011 06:20 PM To: Wysinger, Alfonza; Peterson, Steven; Byrne, Thomas M.; Andrews, Constant G.; Walsh, Patricia A. Dutta, Kevin 8, Subject: 13 yaar old shot 4244 S, State Mother] rien, a’ Ph Actin is Wm cntical / Grave condition ot Comcr'é Hocprtar with a GSW antanng forFupper chast exiting back. Ablack or silver Oodue Chartier stopped and opaned fire fram car. Vietien was struck, From: Mc Carthy, Garry F. (Gamy McCarthy@chicagopolice. org} Sent: Salurtlay, August 06, 2011 10:52 AM To: 'mayor_re@rahmemail. com’; Mintle, Theresa ‘Subject: FW: Update 12 Year Old Shot from 010 Will get # asap. Here’s the update ~~ Original Message --—- From: Byme, Thomas M. Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2011 03:50 AM To: Wysinger, Alfonza; #Superintendent; Brown, Emest T.; Ruiz, Berscott F. Cc; Johnson, Eddie T.; Byme, Thomas M. Subject: Update 12 Year Old Shot from 040 Ad Update: Aggravated Battery w/Handgun (Shooting) 2830 W. 24th Blvd (Beat 1033} 06 Aug. 2011 1915 hrs: a. —«_ sig °° IR ‘Aunt wos with Vietim at time of incident. Injuries: 1 GSW to loft side of abdomen, exiting out the right side. TreatediAdmitted at Mit, Sinai Hospital in eritical but stable condition Offender: Unknown waite-20, 5-2 to 5-6, 120-160, wearing dark short and white tshirt Evidence: ‘One (4) 8mm shell casing One (1) bullet ragment. PODs: #143 located at 2401 8. C: ifornia (Requested) Possible video from Saucedo School at 2860 W. 24th Bivd. (follow up being conducted) Synopsis; The victim wes with her aunt lan her chitéren playing on the parlovay at 2824 W 24th Blvd when they heard numereus gunshots cont ved a Mi4 (see above description) standing on the east side of Califomia shooting a randguun towards the wast sido of Califomia, HBr en reatized her niece was shot and called 911. The Offender fed £/B and then $/B in the east alley of Califomia, Witnesses have been relttotant to talk to police due to the gang conflict between the Satin’s Disciples who control the area east of California and the Latin Kings who contiol west of California, Area 4 Detectives are following up by conducting additional canvassing for witnesses, viewing any video available for investigative value and submitting evidence to the ISP Lab. Bost Regards, Sgt, Timothy Gilbert #15860 Area 4 Dot, Div From: Mc Carthy, Gany F, {Garry MeCarthy@chicagopolice org] Sent: Saturciay, August 06, 2011 11:00 AM To: ‘’ Mintle, Theresa ‘Subject: Fw: Phone # ~— Original Message From: Byme, Thomas M. Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2011 11:56 AM To: #Superintendent ‘Subject: FW: Phone # Hore itis below, ASA Cuello also asked for it and was provided the #f about an hour ago, From: Gilbert, Timothy T. Sent Saturday, August 06, 2014 9:56 AM To: Byrne, Thomes M, Subject Phone # sorry about the omission. Ta From: Me Carthy, Gany F. (Garry MeCarthy@chieagopol Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2041 10:21 AM To: ‘’ Mintle, Theresa Subject: Fi: 6 year old aor) Original Message —-- From: Byme, Thomas M. Sent: Sunday, August 07,2011 11:14 AM To: #Superintendent Co: Cuello. Beatrice V.; wysinger, Alfonza Subject: 6 year old ‘Sco below for preliminary synopsis."**** Although description below on offenderis vague, Mt detectives have some good leads to follow up an, “Preliminary Information Only** Newsworthy (F(B/08 yo DOA) First Degree Murder, 7417 S. Sangamon 97 Aug 11, 0555 hrs HT 436 147 Injury: One GSW thru rfarmpit lodged in hip/FATAL MER 119 AUG 14 Mothor © injury: One GSW to the left foot; Gaod condition/Christ Victim #3 1A) IR# 2085574: PSMV Gang: Unknown at this time Injury: One GSW to the lower left side chest, currently in surgery at Stroger Hospital Offender Unknown MIB/18-20 ylo Braidedidread locks Offender walks up the exterior steps of the residence and fires shots throuigh the front window into the living room area striking the victims. Vict rn EEE =13/06 is DOA at Comers Hospital sustaining one GSW thru the armpitlodged in hip. The other wo victin’s FIB/7 & M/B/I7 are currently being teated at local hospitals and expected to survive, Victim was pronounoed by DriYER @ 0710 hrs. Canvass & interviews are currently being conducted. Investigation is on-going. Information to follow. From: Me Carthy, Garry F, (Garry.] Sont: Sunday, August 07, 2011 1448 AM To: ‘’; Mintle, Theresa Subject: Fw: Homicide Info HT 436 147 More into fyi From: Byrna, Thontas M. Sent; Sunday, August 07, 2011 12:40 PM To: #Superintendent: Wysinger, Alfonza Ce: Cuello, Beatrice V.; Murphy. Bria Subject: Fev: Homicide info HT 436 147 ati, Nicholas J.; Byme, Thomas M. Here Is a little more detailed update provided by Al, From: Lamporis, Dimitrios J. Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2013 12:20 PM To: Byime, Thomas M.; Andrews, Constanti G. Ce: Williams, Eugene €.; Gulliford, Wayne M.: Welch lil, Eddie la; Carothers, Anthony Jui Schmitz, Leo P. rman, Joseph F.: Walsh, Fates A: Brown, erest T Wysinge,Alfonze: Dutt, RevinB; Lamberts, raltrios, Subject: Homicide lnfo HT 436 147 HOMICIDE. 7417 S. Sangamon. FIT 436 147 liminary Information Onty** Newsworthy (F/B/06 ylo DOA) First Degree Murder, 7417 8. Sangamon 07 Aug U1, 0555 tes We 436147 Per CPS the victiny is sill episteed a nyt Facil lodge! in hiplATAL, MEM 119 AUG 11 Mother Pm CPS student a Lagjury: One G ‘ood concltion/Cheist SW to the lef foot, Mother of (041A) MGs? IIR 2085574: PSMV Gang: Unknown at this time Dropout from Bloom Township HS Injury: One GSW to the lower left side chest, currently in surgery at Stroger Hlospital G Vu "il Offender Unknown MUBII8-20 ylo Braileddreal books NED Synopsis: Otfendor walls up the exterior steps of the weaidenes and Gres shots throug the rent window into the living room area striking the viens. Viet] F/B/06 is DOA at Comers Hospi ing one GSW tru tie earmpit lodged mv hap. The otter vo victim's FAB/LT & M/BIT we ‘eurrently boing treated at veal hospitals andl expected to survive. Vietim was pronounced by Dr IYER @ O70 hes, Canvass & interviews are curently being conducted, Investigation is on-going. + Te appears the Motive for this incident is Gang related. Through interviews of reskleuts on the block the anknown oceupants that frequent the question (7417 S. Sangamon) are the problem house ofthe black, These subjects use this residence for gang related activity, + Information has been received from the residents on the block that these unknown subjects nt (7AI7 S. Sangamon) are members of the Gangster Disciples street gang and are ia conflict with, mbers of the Gangster Disciples trom the area of 73" & Morgan, + The suevivin vlonly eyewitnes I 2 2085574, boty pro minimal information regarding the ineitent prior to bemng transferred into surgery, relaced he believed the offender involved in the ineide tevtorgan with members of the G/D's. Det’s are currently awaiting to r hen the surgery is concluded. Pee eae elie Eo «Residents of 7417 S. Sangamon have been interviewed generating no other tends at tis time, + There is high probability fo don due to the chill’s murder between members of the GID's feo 74!/Sangamon and G/D's 73M gan, + Tn regards to the shoo /Malsted under RD# HT 436 067, if appears that they are not related. + Detective's a in the area. isfolfenders currently reviewing databases in hopes of ides S Bimitios Lamporis: Sergeant ‘Area One Dataotve Division Uni 810 BIDS. Wentwerth 312.747.8880 Dimivigs, LAMPERIs@acnicagoPelion org From: Mo Carthy, Garry F, (Garry.] Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 8:44 PM ‘' Mintlc, Theresa Subject Fa Fyi Info just changed —~ Original Message ——- From: Byme, Thomas M. Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 06:42 PM To: #Superintendent; Wysinger, Alfonzo Subject Fyi Offender and/or person of interest in this shooting on State is NO} custody. “victim is talking but not very cooperative w/ police. Not going to die, *we ron scene. Gary Yamishishitya w/ maureen biggane giving quick update to media. “will send a batter update w/ more facts later. “my cell on ifneeded. From: James Ri Sent: Monday, August 15, 2041 1 To: CC: Mintle, Theresa Subject: FW: Letter Attachment(s): “Libby-reilly 8-15-11 .pdr" silly (} 201 PM Mayor, Attached Also note John Coli's desire for a meeting on 9/t or 9/2. 1am working on a short term sheet as you requested and will have it by the close of business today. tt occurs that one way to put that to Franks would be for me to draft a response letter to Frank, after your approval, which | would copy to you and the Governor. Jim From: rranczek, james C.J. (mallto;] Sent: Monday, August 15.2012 12:28 PM To: James Reilly Subject: Fw: Letter Horo is the latter ‘Also col calla fe wants a meating with the contractors, tke speakers and president offices anc! tne mayor and ‘governor, He fs suggesting the Tet or 2 of suplamber.svhat fe your avaatlity?? Jee James G, tvanezet 342.986.6110. Diteet Jelerteancrdhcow Branevek Radel South: Wacke Chiewgo, 60606 $42.986.0300 » Main From: Terry McGann To: Franczak, james C., Sent: Mon Aug 15 12:13:82 2041 Subject: Letter Terrance B, McGann Whitfield, McGann & Kettarman 4111 E. Wacker Dr, Suite 2600 Chicago, Il 60601 (312) 251-9700 Fax (312) 254-9701 epirwe Seno i obi Ge ae cere aes ee a ac art CHICAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS August 45, 2011 Mr. on Rely Metropolitan Pler & Exposition Authority Corporate Conter 301 £, Cermak Roadt-Sth Floor Chicago, 1.60616 Dear Mr. Reilly: As we discussed during our mecting, its the intention of the Carpenters union to work: with the MPEA and representatives of both state and local government to resolve the Issues that confront the Chicago trade show industry and the members of the Carpenters union, It's undisputed that the legislation passed by the General Assembly in May 2010 had the effect of displacing many of the trade show workers who earned their fiving working at MeCormick Place. | proposed that in exchange for exhibitors being able to perform the work on thelr company's product, alternative employment opportunities must be found for those carpenters that will be displaced. Therefore, we strive to collaborate with state, county and local governmental representatives in securing gainful employment for those members who have been and who will continue to be dlsadvantaged as @ result of the work rule changes. We can begin to address the current issues by collaborating on publicly funded public and private projects and events where members of the unlon can provide valuable services undar the unton’s customary and historical work jurisdiction. These projacts would not only include construction projects but also government incentive ‘weatherlzation work and training, green-building initiatives and energy-efficlency programs In new construction, retrofit or modernization, and spectal events conducted at state, clty, county and park district venues. Additional measures would include the establishment of a jointly administrated trust to promote the Chiengo trade show industry in order to address the funding dlspacity between Chicago, Las Vegas and Orlando (the $2 per hour that was offered). This initiative wll be used to incentiviza Chleago as a teade show destination, 2 Phone: 312.787.2076 + F Hak ¥: abby, fysidewmseonive Bevery wt Brie Suet, Chicago, tals 60611-2796 3129811510 + wewearpenternvion.on wer *Jettey Ismeson Fist View President MERIC A ation Finally, the parties must establish and implement a policy of transparency in the trade show industry, which will provide tangible, sought-after value to the exhibitors who choose Chicago as their business cestination, Again, remains our hope to reach a full resolution that promotas the Chicago trade show industry and provides new opportunities for unton members who have been and will be adversely affected under the work rule changes. | look forward to your response. ‘on how we can work with governmental agencles to Identify opportunities and secure the work described In this proposal for our members. iy rere ea lest Il Prasident / Executive Secretary Treasurer ee: Governor Pat Quinn Mayor Rahm Emanuel James Franezok Chicago Re 12 Hee rie Banke. Libby, Presidenl/Pceative Secretary: Treasure Ieffey Issieson, Fist View President From: Jamos Reilly [] ‘Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 2:11 PM To: CC: Angelgon, Mark; Hynes, Matthew,’ Subject: FV: DC-250-5A9221,1000 has been scanned Attachment(s): "" ‘This was faxed a few minutes ago to Frank's office. Jim, could you forward to Terry McGann? Mark, thanks for all of your help on this. Good luck in your negotiations! | tofd Joraeloy e-mail that the PLA would apply to all of the building trades and {wil tell him by pione agsoon as he returns my call Original Message: rom: [maillo,Corp5-GEO-4] Sont Wednesday, August 17, 2041 10:34 AM To: James Reilly Subject DC-250-5A9221 1000 has been scanned The following document has been scanned on the Fiery and attached to this email DC-250-5A92211000.pdf Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority hen Ee MDH pie CSE NAO By AR August 16, 2011 Mr. Frank T, Libby Prosident / Executive Secretary Treasurer Chicago Regiomat Council of Carpenters 12 East Erie Street Chicago, H. 60641 Deve Mr. Libby, | very much appreciate your fetter of August 15 in which you state your intention to work with MPEA and representatives of bath state and local government to resolve the issues that confront the Chicago Tracie Show industry. While you and | have occasionally differed in the past, | have never doubted your commitment to our industry. Indeed mare than onee in the past, we hava been able to conclude agreements that have served that end, ‘The framework that you propose, working with other governmental units to find alternative ‘employment opportunities for carpenters and creating a jotntly administered trust fund to Incentivize Chicago as a trade show destination from the proceeds of a $2 per hour benefit surcharge on carpenter labor at McCormick Place, is acceptable to me and provides a solid basis for negotiating an agreement. | would simply add the following observations, First, time is of the essence. We need to reach agroament on the outstanding issues before Labor Day. I fear that after Labor Day, as the possible session date of September 13 comes closer and closer, the possibility of actions beyond your control or mine will increasingly hinder meaningful discussions with consequences that neither of us would want to contemplate. Second, as thave previously explained, while | anpreciate your willingness to allow exhibitors to do work on their product as 3 way to open discussions, a step that i fully appreciate was difficult for you to take, that simply does not go far enough to reassure show managers and ‘exhibitors that things have changed in Chicago. lf we ean agree on additional work for carpenters and on the trust fund, as! believe that we can, then we need to restore the right of ‘exhibitors to do thelr own work with their own employees, if they so choose, in a booth of any sie. {1 agree that we need to step up enforcement of the rule that exhibitors cannot hire cay Jabor to do that work and cannot perform work that would not be safe for them to do.) Third, lam more than willing to convene a meeting with the trade show contractors to disouss the S2 per hour issue and the creation of the trust firnd and {am very optimistic that, together, we can get that done. Forth, while | am supportive of your clesire to work out agreements with the City, County and State, | would suggest that, in the interests of time, we concentrate on a shorter list of agreements that could be finalized in the time between now and Labor Day. This would notin any way preclude further discussions on a broader range of sirailar issues should the Mayar, County Board President and the Governor be willing to engage tn those discussions. have had a brief discussion with Mayor Emanuel and | believe that he Is ready expeditiously to discuss and, hopefully agree, on a project labor agreement that would cover work performed under the auspices of the Public Building Commission and to discuss in cetail your suggestion concerning the incentive weatherization work and training, green bullding initiatives and enerey-efficiency programs in new construction, retrofit or modernization work, Fifth, Lam in complete agreement that we must establish and implement a policy of transparency in the Chicago Trade Show inclustry. | believe that the letter that I recently sent to You establishing a robust audit process isa giant step In that regard but, as indicated, if there are issues which you believe that | have missed, would be very appreciative of any suggestions ‘that you might have. if there are ideas that would require Further togislatlve action, those eoul bbe considered in a “clean up” bilin the vate session. Once again, appreciate the spirit and goals reflected in your letter and the talks that we have had and | believe that we can come to agreement on terms that will serve your natural interests in protecting the interests of your members while providing the basis For moving the Chicago Trade Stiow industry into un ever brighter fucure, ustee Metropotitan Pier & Exposition Authority From: Mo Carthy, Gatry F, (Gany] Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 10:35 AM To: ‘' Mintle, Theresa Subject: Fw: Newsworthy 9 yoar old shot ~~ Original Messago — From: Byine, Thomas M, Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2041 08:10 AM To: Wysinger, Alfonza Go; #Superintendent; Byme, Thomas M. Subject: Newsworthy 9 year old shot Incident: Aggravated Battory - Handgun (Shooting) 19 AUG 11 2459hre (Friday) Location: 6451 5. Racine Bt. 724/ Front Porch Victim #4 Mig) CPS Injury = (1) GSW nt, side neck exiting T/T upper back Admitted to Comer Hospital listed in serious condition, per attending Dr. Paik. lother of 9 year ok I aI 3.01 1c2ni8009 F2 ‘Gang: Denied IR# Unknown at this time Injury - (1) GSW graze A. breast. Treated and Released at St Bernards Summary: Both victims were in the company of several subjects on the porch al the above location Unknown Mit fired rounds in the direction of the porch and stuck both victims. s described mentioned offender Various wine PODHIN14 (6450 5. Racine) requested Evidence: ET recovered Sram shell casings from sgene where shooler stood. (1) spent round from hall of premise. Possible Nexus to another case w! adult victim per Area One Sgt Jackson: R/SgL reviewed (via /CLEAR) 2825 E. 76th Pl. address and revealed: RD: HT424418 31 Jul 14 Home Inv: in: viet ll 23 Offender: MA20's 5°07 — 5110, thin build, white tee MINS #57418 Sgt. Gregory M. Jackson Bureau of Detectives Area One 312 747-8382 Pax 1127 From: Mintle, Theresa Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 10:40 AM To: 'Gany McCarthy@chicagopolice.ory’ ‘! Subject: Re: PERSHOT 007-2 (gyo child shot 6451 S Racine) A shoot out in the middle of the block. This is crazy. Original Message —- From: Mc Carthy, Garry F, [mailto:Gary.McCarthy@ohicagopolive org} Sent Saturday, August 20, 2011 11:35 AM To: ‘mayor re@rahmernail. com’ ; Mintle, Theresa ‘Subject: FW: PERSHOT 007-2 (yo child shot 6451 S Racine) Fi, the people on porch were shooting back. Be careful... Original Message From: Roti, Nicholas J. Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 12:21 AM To: #Superintondent; Wysingor, Alfonza Subject: PERSHOT 007-2 (yo child shot 6451 S Racine) Cmdr Gorman and GID officers on scene. Brief preliminary update from them below: Residents from 645% Racine and severat guests sitting on parch, Lone MB approaches and opens fire striking 2 victims. Offender on foot and flees. Det sorting out information, nota lot of information at this timo, Child shot at Comer in serious but stable. Looks like some of the people on the porch may have retumed fire and let prior to police arriving, Shots from the residence and into the residence, Gould be someone in the house had a debt. Nicholas Roti Chie Buroau of Organized Crime Chicago Police Department From: Mintle, Thoresa Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 1:47 PM Tot 'Garry.MoCarthy@chicagopolice.or ‘Sublect: Re: 9 yo shot! Thanks for the update. Original Massage — From: Mc Carthy, Garry F. [mailto:Garry MeCarthy@)chicagopolice org] Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 02:44 PM To: '! ; Mintle, Theresa Subject FW: 9 yo shot Fyi.. Original Message ~ From: Byrne, Thomas M. Sent Sunday, August 21, 2011 02:42 PM To: Me Carthy, Ganry F. Subject: Re: 9'yo shot The positive is that boy is improving and will be okay. As for the invostigation, no significant leads have come in on this one. Atoa detectives have re canvassed area to no avail, Still working ithard. ‘As.u know on the pregnant female, a person of interest is in custody. We r working to do list for ASA, Two wilhesses idenUty offender, However, we stil have to get them to grand jury. ts 50/50 ‘on getting this one charged tonight. I think state will CA it until we get witnesses fo GJ tomorrow. Offenders 48 hrs runs out at 0200 tonight --- Original Message From: Me Carthy, Gary F. Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2014 02:34 PM To: Byme, Thomas M, Subject: 9 yo shot From, Soirry {9 bother you on sun, mayor is asking abt shooting thurs nite. Any update? From: Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 10:12 AM To: Beth Swanson; Mintle, Thorosa; David Spielfogol Subject: Fw: Thank you Attachment(s); "id Cover lettersad?", "une - Abstact pdl", "13 Letters of Support List.pd” Its mike- passing along as an fyi Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: "Rauner, Diana" Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2014 10:58:51 -0500 ‘To:> Ce: Swanson,> Subject: Thank you Rahm, ‘The Ounce has officially submitted its 13 proposal to the U.S. Department of Education, ‘Thank you agaln for providing a letter of support for our application. if funded, we believe that our proposal to provide intensive professional development for teachers and leaders, in community-based early childhood programs will significantly improve instruction and student achievement for Chicago’s at-risk young children. ve attached the application cover letter, an abstract of the project, and the full roster of individuals who wrote in support of our application. t's a formidable list ~ due in no small part to you. ‘Thanks again -we'll keep you posted on the status of the application. Best, Diana ‘lana Mendley Rarer President “The Ounce of Provention Fur 33 West Monroe Sect, Suite 2400 ‘Ghia, lols 6060S 312.453.1830 direct ‘wwe ounceofprevention org Ounce Professional U ABS velopment Initiative PRACT ‘The Ounce of Prevention Foncl (Ounce), in partnership with Chicago Public Schools (CPS), requests an i3 Development grant under Absolute Priority 3 and Competitive Preference Priotity 6 to implement and evaluate the Ounce Professional Development lnitiative (PDD, which focuses on the parallel improvement of elassroain instruction and vchool leadership in carly childhood edvention settings. This PP approach is a component of a highly-comprehensive model of early childhood education for high-needs, low-income chitdren and their famitios developed by the Ounce in Chicago ia 2000 (called Educate). Educare has now been replicated in LI diverse and high-necd sites across the country. Rigorous inclependont evaluation of implementation at these Educare schools, including the PD component, show that classroom and iruetional quality are high and that high-neods children who participate in the program enter kindergarten achieving near national norms. We hypothesize that this PD approach ean significantly clevate early childhood instruction ix community-based settings, which provide the majority of early learning opportunities for Chicago’s low-income children bieth to five. In contrast to normative cruly childhood settings, Educate programs have a strategic focus on ors" aclivity towards helping children’s achievement and organize their systerns and supervi teachers be effective. Exiending an initial Chicago-based pilot to include the preschool years and transitions to kindergarten, this proposal will replivate the core design elements of the PDE, plementation to the prevailing conditions in community iteratively adapting them and th ‘The goal is to raise the quality of instruction, leadership supports based early childhood settings for effective teaching, and children’s achievement in those settings while simultaneously preparing she PDL ior an efficacy evaluation in community-based setdlags in the a cof Prevention Fund 1g in Tunovation Grant Proposal ive Leters of Support Re Congressman Danny K, Davis Rahm Emanuel, City of Chicago Paul D. Goten ancl Penny Bender Sebring, Consortium on Chicago Schoot Research, University of Chicago David Hiller, Robert R. McCormick Foundation Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. Kimberly Johnson, BL Hogar del Nino Tim Knowles, Urban Education Institute, University of Chicago Christopher Kock, IMlinois State Board of Education Ron Lally, Westd Adam Levine, Circle of Secviee Foundation Samuel Meisels, Krikson Institute John F, Sandner, CME Group Foundation Allison Slade, Namaste Charter School Sandy Young, Center-Basedl ‘training Institute ‘OUNCE OF PREVENTION FUND |. sPamGFELD OFFICE “Ounce | eee TT ill ||| waseneraecci th tov ie tare cumin ostHEROARO Balers ML Segot Dw Aentey Rounes Ph STRATEGIC INITIATIVES sere Roger voano of sinzerons, te Wh Adoms, ME. an al Sina Bald Paaets ei, sol Pcksb ‘si ie Davi Canpe 1 sbeegate lene Fo sine alin Ptr Hawn Fehon Nor 0 etn sit Prien Keith Wiles 6 Marcia Mt Ra int Inahet Aneneete Bay, SLD. Af, asker Ra ep ies hormept Dian Son dean Solemn Nts Seta Aanioe bso Goheyine Mes Inge Shere arise fs Sens a ft Issn th )Wonowner FOUNDING sist cir Wns ‘enteaeo, 1 30608 SPUNCIEND, 2201 ne ianza.tue| aunt sat9 August 2, 2011 Me, Ame Dunean Secretary of Education U.S, Departracnt of Education 400 Maryland Avenue SW Washington, DC 20202 Dear Secretary Duncan: ‘On behalf of the Ounce of Prevention Fund and our Official Partner, the Chicago Public Schools (CPS), (aun pleased to submnit ow proposal For am Investing in Innovation (i3) Development Grant for the Ounce Professional Development Initiative (PDD in early learning. Oue project responds to Absolute Priority 3 and Competitive Priority 6 and will focus on building early learning teachers’ capacity to design and deliver standards-aligned, data-driven instruction toward the Fongetecr goal of closing the achievement gap for high-needs students, ‘The Ounce's professional development (PD) approach hus been developed over the last deoade through our work with tho growing network of bitth-to-five schools across the country which are replicating our Faducare model of early childhood education Robust evaluations of Educate, including the PD component, show that classoom and instructional quality are high, and that high-nceds children who participate in the program enter kindergarten sehieving near national norms, Our proposed projoct will ate our efforts to implement our PD approach beyond the Educare network to atc carly obildhvad instruction in community-based settings in Chicago, ‘These settings provide the majority of carly leaning opportunities for Chicago's low-income, children ages bitth to five. Specifically, through i3, we will extend a Chicago-based effort to pilot our PO approach in community-based settings in partnership with CPS tw include the preschool years and transitions to kindergarten, Our project will benefit fiom a new partnership with Des, Steven Tozer and Saniuel ‘Whalen, leading resenrchers at the University of tlinois at Chicago's Progra in Urban Education Leadership. Over the three-year grant period, we will replicate the core desiga elements of our PD approach and iteratively adapt them and thoir implementation to the prevailing conditions in community-based settings. Our aim is to improve and refine our PD approach in order to inform future sealing cfforts and prepare for an efficacy study of our approach following the i3 grant. As a national leader in carly childhood education practice, professional development ‘nl research, the Ounce has the capacity to fully leverage this new partnership with UIC, which will provide a strong foundation for our proposed research-to-practice initiative, ‘Our proposal offers a unique and much-needed opportunity to bring the perspective and research lineage of leading K-12 researchers into the carly childhood education space. Our UIC ‘colleagues contribute a love! of rigor and expertise with design and development research and established methodologies for studying implementation that will be invaluable to out iterative progrmm development effort aud, { believe, to the broader eatly chifdnood field. At the samme time, our pactnersbip provides a conduit through which tho Ounce can share knowledge and strategies for improving effective teaching and sustaining children's gnins from early childhood education with cotleagues in K-12. ‘We approciate this opportunity to submit this proposal and applaue the Department of Education’s priorily of investing in effective early learning initiatives through i3 and the flarly Learning Chatlenge program. We share your commitment to ensuring that al! high-needs students can benefit trom a birth-to-12 grade education system that maximizes their educational growth and achiovement and prepares them for success in life. If funded, our proposed 13 project will mak a vital contribution to this important ancl long-term goat. look forward to your review of this proposal and would be happy to answer any questions you may have, Best regards, MitrsaleMenisim— Diana Mendicy Raunet, Ph.D. President From: Mc Carthy, Gany F, [Carty] Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2017 12:28 PM To: ‘mayor'; Mintle, Theresa Subject: Fw: Infant Shot Fyi From: Calloway, Keith A, Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 12:38 PM To: Superintendent; Wysinger, Alfonza; Byme, Thomas M; Andrews, Constanti G. Subject: Infant shot Update - Doctors at Children's Memorial Hospital have determined the baby was Indeed shot, baby flat lined once, but was brought back to life, and is now in extremely critical condition and is currently in surgery. We have witnesses to the shooting who are cooperating with the investigation. Two of the wanted offenders have been identified, and personnel assigned to this command, as well as the 004th District, and the Geng Units are all currently involved in the search for the offenders. Will update as this investigation continues. Keith A. Calloway Commander Area Two Detective Division Chicago Police Department From: Mc Carthy, Garty F, [] Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 20171 5:59 PM Subject: Fw: Contact Info 1 Year Old Fyi = Original Message — From: Byme, Thomas M. Sent Wednesday, August 24, 2011 06:95 PM To: #Superintendent Ge: Wysinger, Alfonza; Byrne, Thomas M Subject: Contact Info 1 Year Okt iia Name (Victim) Por A2 at least one individual will be charged before 2030 hrs and the other before 0200 hrs. All progressing well. No weapons recovered at this time, Once charged, email notifications to follow. From: Mc Carthy, Garry F, [Garry] Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 6:11 PM ee | Subject: Fw: UPDATED: Aggravated Battery/83568. Muskagon Fyi From: Baker, James L, Sant: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 07:04 pat To: Tate, johnny E,, # Superintendent; Mc Carthy, Gamry &.; Wysinger, Alfonza; Calloway, Keith A.; Beeninan, Brendan D.; Byme, Thomas M.; Alexander, Dana; Andrews, Constanti G. Ce: Selabura, Stanlay: Pellegrini, john F.; Burka, Michael F Wright |r, David Ts Bigg, Kenneth Ax Luera, Francisco }.; Winstead, Kevin T. Subject: RE: UPDATED: Aggravated Battery/358 $. Muskegon UPDATE: often te AM 2992127 angio: 2104036) nave bon been charged, ASA mitler approved charges SMEs on 2a Big 21 Both offenders are charged with 2 Counts of Att Murder, 1 Count of Aqg Battery, ancl 1 Count of Aga Discharge. oftendels st attare. Baker From: Tate, johony Sent: Wednesdey, August 24, 2011 7:28, AM To: #Superintendent; Mc Carthy, Gamy F: Wysinger, Alfonza; Calloway, Keith A.: Deenihan, Hrancian B. Byrna, Thomas M,; Alaxander, O3na; Androws, Constont! G, Ce: Salabura, Stanley; Pellegrini, John F,; Burke, Michact F.; Baker, James L,; Wright jr, avid Ts Bigg, Kenneth A. Luera, Francisco J: Winstead. Kevin T.: Tate, Johnny E. Subject: UPDATED: Aggravated! Battery/0358 S, Muskegon UPDATE: 24 Aug 11 @ The third offender @o71Shes this incident has beon identified and taken into custody. The offender isin Ar ‘Two and the Investigation is in progress. The second offender Rukyut Jones his not bet apprehended at this time and Investigative Alert 299971212 is active, Det. Allen and Det. Davi assigned and all updates will follow. are cdg HE-AG 1474 Aggravated Battery/ Ha 8358 8. Muskegon Stable but Guarded (Heavily Sedated) Offender in Custody Offender's Name TRAZOSTSO Upeated teanxported Are: Updated: As of £70She5 the viet ts table but guarded condition, ‘The vietin is being leg, TUS IS AN ARFA TWO VIOLENT CRIMES SUPPLEMNTAL REPORT BATTHRW) AGGRAVATED: Handgun IUCR: O41, RDM EEG 1474 DATE & TIME AS 25 Auy 2011, O820hes ‘ood LOCATION 8358 South Muskegon Avenue ee eee] liwNickrane Nove ‘esa Adate: tig: 200, Was tn fy NONE: SS# Unknowa Gang Affiliation: None Schioul Atiliation: None 7 ‘Allas/Nicknume: None rong i Brau ez Light Complain ‘ii fee 3 eae a keno S50 Untnown Cane At: Ni oon EE... Alsen Sunn lial tr aT ng Aton ate Dagons Senet atmo Rv he ‘Alfas/Nieknanie: None Medium " Coanletion Ade fee unk Wg ‘Al III 40 oe Uys 8 Gang ATiliation: None School AMiliation; Nowe REAT OF OCCURRENG Beat 0423 POD Loeatio jone in Ares Private cament: Unknown Seboot Attia ion: None Method: The offenders stiot several ttnes iu the direction of te victins striking victim #1 in he fea Motives An onyoing gang war between te Latin Dragons and Conservative VieesLords, Vietim U3 is known member of the Latin Dragons, The offenders who we known Conservative Vicor served fackson on 84th and Brnhm and shot at their rival gang member aekson, Tons ol Evidence Recovered havewtory (12599739) Thue 45 caliber carrie casings Inventory (12399736): One fired bullet recovered trom 2810 East Rath Street Inventury (12899734) Two swabs of REDAIRN substance tnvemory (12399998). Phot Auays: PERSONNEL ASSIGNED: P.O. S, Maldonado 16223 Beat 411 (Paper Car) EV, Purvis 16067 Beal 3829 Det A. Davis #21110 Det. K. Allen 20209 Beat 5298 INVESTIGATION. SGT. Burke 4947 assigned the Reporting Detective the following Aggrvated Battery Investigation on 23 ‘Aug 201, at approximately 0820brs, R/D respouded iamtnediatcly to Trinity Flospltal. R/D spoke to the attending phycieian Dr Johnson who stated thatthe victim was in ertieal and would bs tanyported to Chile's Menor Hospital, K/L proceeded t interview tie victins ie love listed interview is in essence a summary an! not vor bats, B on Séth steot with her doy and her ieee, Mts! stsposioel 958 Suh Megan toy or ogo cece Alli stated that she was bolling, the vitin in ber arms and heard two shoky tates that she observed a M/ riding a grey bike whl Dei ae Mi ih 2 en heard (wo more shots as the victim began to cry] Hates ste then looked down and observed blood coming frou the vietim's head and blood on het SH hen fled E/B on 84th and N/D on Muskegon eerie netrine oc vreeetais ences oe cu itonoagua eee es runt tektoueret tootsie snore RUD then relocated to the crime scene, Upon attival at the erime scene R/D observed several single Family nd multanit homes in residential area, R/D algo observed 3 shell casinys, ove fired bullet and suspect blood spatter. ‘The vetin Gen spoke to victin AAPM ic below listed igerview i in essence aa summary and not ver bakin MI kaos aed CH to meni PRAT orf ithe hands o fend ha: Shooting iis enrection. "Gay" wa holding what appeared to be a 43 caliber weapon bs | was holding an ankeown cativer weapon. Je a member of the Latin Dragon street gang ad buggy to Tice at he Waals fur of being states tha fase him 3 Mirbut stopped atthe alley in the mille of te block. Feontinyed to fe N/B on Muskegon 7 gsLafter he lit hear any ures ted the police via hig cell phone, Pn abso liad | rls io Dery He epee lhe dicclgr ot evecare The ole ey tc tunder (bavll 12390938). states that there és an ongoing war bowween the Latin Dragons ago and he is unaware of why the war began. Interview terminated. R/D then interview e y 88 =. thst she was ‘one SHO round andl observed M/] swith short hat, wearinys a white shirt and blak, jeans ru tien observed the aforementioned M/F shoot three times as he was menting. Es, states that she may De able (a identify the shooter but is not sure, fnterview texminated. sing Ni on tartan an tne MMM ent toe Pollovring the above svene investigation and subsequent interviews, R/D initiated the following Violent Scene Supplementary Report. Investigative alerts Clones 11299971212, Moore #299971211) submitted and the offenders in this ease are ewendy wot in custody. ‘The investi This is the report of Deteative: Det, A. Davis #28110 Det. K. Allen #20209 From: Me Carthy, Garry &. [Gary] Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 &:10 AM {For mayor! Minte, Theos Subject: Shootings Mayor, ‘Yeasteray there were 3 shootings vs 9 last year, we gained more ground and are down 75 for year. 0 murdors ysttdy, now down 38 for year. Since midnight there were 2 shooting incidents, totaling 1 murder, and 4 victims in 2nd incident ‘There were 9 shootings this date last year. From: Mc Carthy, Garty F. [Garry MeCarthy] Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 4:45 AM Toi ‘’, Mintle, Theresa Subject: Fw: Juvenile Shooting Victims From: wysinger, Alfonza Sent: Wednesday, Ay To: #Superintender ‘Subject: Fr: Juvenile Shooting Victims Tracy, Robert FYI From: Winstead, Kevin T. Sent: Wednesclay, August 31, 2011 01:35 AM To: Wiysinger, Alfenza; Byrn draws, Constanti G.; Cuello, Beatrice V.; Calloway, Keith A. Ce; Ovenian, Brendan O.; Burke, Michael F.; Pellegtin jot F. Subject: Juvenile Shooting Victims Two (2) 25 year ole! From: Jamas Reilly [] Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 10:14 AM To: GC: Hynas, Matthew Subject: FY. labor talks From: Greg Hin {mailto:ghinzi@erain,com| Sent: thursday. September O1, 2011 10:46 AM To: james Reilly Subject: labor talks ‘auinn’s people tell me talks are proceding, "real (if unspecified) progress" has been made and the definite game plan is to have a negotiated settlement, if nothing happens, quin Still intends to call a sept. 13 session, quinn said to be making calls and holding meetings hitnsell how's things fuok from your the record, From: Mc Carthy, Ganty F. (Garry. Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 2:20 PM To: '’; Mintle, Theresa Subject: Fw: MAJOR INCIDENT DISTRICT: 025-HOMICIDE — Original Message ~— From: Byme, Thomas M. Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 03:14 PM ‘To: #Superintendent; Wysinger, Alfonza Subject: Fw: MAJOR INCIDENT DISTRICT: 025-HOMICIDE, Domestic related is an accurate description. See below. —-- Original Message — From: major.incident@CHICAGOPOLICE.ORG [mallto:major Incident@CHICAGOPOLICE.ORG] Sent: Friday, September 02, 2041 03:12 PM To: Velaz, Carlos E.; Andrews, Constanti G.; Salemme, Joseph P.; Byrne, Thomas M. Subject. MAJOR INCIDENT DISTRICT: 025-HOMICIDE, Notification Date/Time: 02-SEP-2011 12:07 Occurrence Address: 5034 W DIVISION ST,CHICAGO,IL District: 025 IUCR Code: HOMICIDE FIRST DEGREE MURDER ‘Summary: Domestic Related - Victim 1 F/8/25, mother, now at Stroger Hospital in critical condition with multiple stab wounds to the body. Vietim # 2 M/B/3 pronounced at Stroger Hospital al 1218 hours by Bokahri. Offender, father, W/B/27 In custody now al West Suburban Hospital with a broken ankle, From: Mc Carthy, Garry F. {Garry McCarthy @chicagopolice org] Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2014 10:16 AM To: '’, Mintle, Theresa Subject: Fw: Newsworthy Murder Update (Lincoln Park) — Original Message —~ From: Byrne, Thomas M. Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2011 14:05 AM To: Wysinger, Aifonza; #Superintendent Ce: Ogiiore, Mia M.; Yarnashiroya, Gary H.; Brown, Emest T.; Williams, Eugene E.; Tobias, Matthew & ‘Subject Newsworthy Murder Update (Lincoin Park) Please see below update trom Sgt Mia Ogliore from Area Three Violent Crimes: 3Sep 14 oosshrs, 4132 W Wrightwood -Sidewelk 19th District Background: IR# 2008907 (3) misdemeanor rotail theft arrests (1) felony retail theft (convicted). Injuries/Deceased-2 stab wounds to the chest. ‘Student: Roosevelt University located in the Loop, W185 Background: IR# 1995707 (4) misdemeanor arrasts; ratail thet, cannabls, disorderly Injuries: Treated & released with 1 stab wound to left buttocks. Student: Art Institute of Chicago which is also located in the Loop. Offender(s) Unknown Mwari7-22 600-603 220-230Ibs, blond/strawberry blond hair medium complexion Motive: (Probabla) verbal altoreation that starts on the sidewalk that timed physical, Still unclear 5 to what prompted the initial verbal altercation, Many interviews and re interviews still need to be conducted. Does not appear lo have any nexus to gangs. Once clarified, update will be forthcoming. “A house party with the altendee number ranging from 50 to 75 people, was held at an apartment located at 1146 W Wrightwood, “The party was posted on Facebook and drew a larger crowd than expected, “According to several witnesses located at the scene, once the party ended (when the alcohol was depleted) the attendees began to spill out into the street “Itshould be noted that both victims never made it into the apartment where the party was held - as related by witnessesiriends of victims, “Witnesses related that both victims were involved in an argument with (2) unk male white Hispanics, one of which was observed with a knife. “The argument became physical at which point both victims were stabbed and victim #4 exnired from his wounds. “Victim #2 related a similar account to detectives, however he will be re-interviewed today, “Although the inciclent occurred in the vicinity of the De Paul University campus was a student at Roosevelt University which is located in the Loop and victim # 53 student at the Art Institute of Chicago which is also located in the Loop, ‘Area 9 Detectives continue to investigate this incident, Several witnesses were interviewed on scane and re interviews will be conducted through the course of the day. “In an effort to locate video surveillance a canvass was conducted at the time of the incident with negative results ‘Detectives have retumed this moming during daylight hours to continue thoir efforts, “This investigation remains in progress. Sql. Mia Ogliore Area Three Detective Division Homicide/Gangs/Sex Chicago Police Department Pax 3115. Bell: 312-744-826 1Cell 312.718.2958 From: Mintie, Theresa Sent: Tuosday, Soptomber 06, 2014 1:05 PM To: Me Carthy. Garry F.; ‘’ Subject: RE: Crime Figures Gary, How does this past Weekend's violence impact these numbers? Also, do you have the monthly numbers dating back to January 1, 2011? ~--Original Message--—~ From: Mc Carthy, Garry F. [mailto:Ganry, McCarthy @chicagopolice.orgl Sent Tuesday, September 06, 2011 1:39 PM To: ‘’; Mintle, Theresa Subject: Grime Figures Mayor, ‘Asa follow up to yesterdays conversation, last weeks crime was down 29 pet, and down in all categories. Murder was down 14 pet (12 vs 14), and shaotings were down 17 pct (48 vs 58). 28 days we are doing very well. Overall down 20 pet, murders down 38 pct (36 vs 56), shootings down 13 pct (199 vs 230). From: Mintle, Theresa Sent: Tuescay, Septamber 06,2011 1:11 PM To: ‘! Subject: RE: Crime Figures Mayor, just you. I hay m ii numbers, riginal Message. From Mc Carthy, Garry F. [mailto:Garry,] Sent: Tuasday, September 06,2011 1:30 PM Fo: mayor. re@rahmemall. com, Mintle, Theresa ‘Subject: Crime Figures Mayor, As a follow up to yesterdays conversation, last weeks crime was down 29 pet, and down in all categories, Murder was down 14 pet (12 vs 14), and shootings were down 17 pct (48 vs 58). 28, days we are doing very well. Overall down 20 pet, murders down 38 pet (35 vs 56), shootings down 18 pet (199 vs 280), From: Pritzker, Penny (] Sent: Wednosday, September 07, 2011 4:59 PM ‘To: '’; Swanson, Elizabeth Subject: Re: Trade school idea 1 will follow up with Beth, From: {mailtormayor_re@rahmemail,com] Sent: Wecnesday, September 07, 2011 05:59 PM To: Pritzker, Penny, Subject: Re: Trade schoo! idea Love it Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: "Pritzker, Penny” Dato: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 17:53:40 -0500 To: ‘mayor_re@rahmemail,com'; ‘elizabeth.' Subject: Fw: Trade school idea Rahm, Below Is a great opportunity for City Colleges. By the way, I was working on our national Skills for America's Future effort toclay, We are organizing @ series of regional dialogues with heads of HR of major companies and heads of leading Community Colleges. in the last 24 hours | met with CC Presidents representing 1 million students and 25 heads of H R from Fortune 200 companies. They want city leadership involved. What if Chieago and Skills for America's Future host the first meeting? Penny From: Ptak. Frank (mailto:Rrank} Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2021 05:46 PM To: Pritzker, Penny Ce: Garvin, Randy Subject: Tracie school idea I our mayor is going forward with the trade school idea that you mentioned, Marmon’s Prince Castle (western suburban location) would gladly be the "Guinea pig” for the mechanical engineering Intern program that | described to you on the phone recently {ie teams of two intems from the same class and school working 6 months on and 6 months off). Please call me if they are interested in pursuing such a program with us. Randy Garvin, Marmon's Sector President in this area, is also available to pitch Prince Castle to the appropriate city folks, Frank Ptak. your favorite Righteous Republicantt COMrIMENMALITY, Tas onel mesnae a he sola Has of ie ated rly and nay conta content wor prilaged Innate Any cnsuthoriaed oview, tse atasura or dst OF any kin is aot prORaNed. you OF hoe insted Peek, plenve aontat to sont ta reply onal ahs deo) 3 open ttm oigt neseaga FD From: Clark, Frank M.(ComEd) [] Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 8:18 PM To: Rahm Emanuet CC: Spiettogel, David Subject: Announcement Tomorrow morning | wi announce my retirement from ComEd. My pian is to feave in the first quarter of 2012. Iwill remain in Chicago and intend to stay active. Frank ‘This e-mail and any ofits attachments may contain Commonwealth Edison Company proprietary information, which is privileged, confidential, or subject to copyright belonging to Commonwealth Edison Company or its affiliates. This e-mail is intended solely for the use of the individual or ‘entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the Intenclad recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying, or action taken In retation to he contents of and attachments to this e-mail is stictly prohibited and may be unlawiul. Ifyou have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete the original and any copy of this e-mail and any printout, Thank You. frank clark@® Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 11:13 AM To: CC: Spieltogel, David Subject: Mayor “Thank you fer your message. It was very thoughtful. By the way, | changed! my residence back to the Cty this past Anni. Frank sererannnrerenantaranernenenannersveaneneree This o-mail and any ofits attachments may contain Commonwealth Edison Company proprietary information, which is privileged, confidential, or subject to copyright belonging to Commonwealth Edison Company or its affiliates. This e-mail is intended solely for the use of the incividual or entity to which itis addressed. Ifyou are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying, o action taken in relation to the contents of and attachments to this e-mail is striclly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and pormanently dotote the original and! any copy of this e-mail and any printout. Thank Yous istssennnesberesvunerasstennsnarseseesa From: Me Carthy, Gany F, (Garry. Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2017 5:07 AM To: ‘mayor te@rahmemail.con’’ Mintle, Theresa Subject: Fw: Homicide: Victim: M/4/18 at 6000 S. Praire 19-SEP-11 From: Bigg. Kenneth A Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 11:01 PM To: Bigg, Kenneth A.; #Superintendent; Wysinger, Aiforza; Byrne, Thomas Mz Oean Andrews: Cuello, Beatrice V.: Aloxander, Dana; Calloway, Keith A. Flatehar, Christoph D.; Deanihan, Brandan D.; Kuernmeth, Michael T. Ce: Tate, johnny .; Luera, Francisco J,; Satabura, Stanley: Petledeini, John F.; Burke, Michael Fs Weight Jr Bavid T. Winstead, Kevin T.: Baker. James Subject: RE; Homicide: Viclim: M/1/15 at 6000 5, Praite 19-SEP-11 Uate: The teephone umber or he victns ot o Sergeant Kennath BIGG ‘Area Two Detective Divi Chicago Police Department Work: 312-747-8271 Cell: 312-810-0345 Esmait Kenneth Bigadechicagopalice,crst From: Bigg. Kenneth A. Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 22:42 To: #Superintendene: Wysinger, Aifonza; Byme, Thomas M.; Dean Andrews: Cuello, Beatrice V.: Alexander, Dana; Calioway, Keith A. Fletcher, Christaph D.;Deenihan, Srandan D. Ce: Tate, johnny €; Luera, Francise® |. Salabura, Stanley; Pellegrini, jonin F,, Burke, Michaed F.: Wright Je, David T.; Winstead, Kavin'T.; Baker, james L; Blog, Kenneth A, Subject: Homicice: Vietim: M/U/AS at 6000 §. Praira 19-SEP-12 Incictem {lomicide ££¢-504962 Victim M/S DatesTimelT ovation: 19-88 Lal 17:49 his at 6000 §, Praice i's Name Seaftsconge MMAR 0 2:5ccr,00118 8th Grade wester Diseiple ~ Beiek Sql Mutkipte CiSWs - Fatal Open Motive: Undetenained Private Video(s): Pending, Results: Pending, ‘Weapon Recovered: None Offender’s Name Sex/Race/A ge ‘Synopsis: The viet: was watkin down dhe sect witha witness when 4 peison on a bcyele appro informed then that there were guys in the alley with guns and to be careful, The ‘te lil. possibly a seeond offender then ererged ftom te alley and fatally shot the vita, Investigative Alert be issued. Area Two Detestives MORALES, CAVAZOS, CONNOLLY, and KULLEN Sergeant Kenneth BIGG ‘Area Two Detective Division Chicago Police Department Work: 312-747-8271 Gell: 31.2-820.0345 E-mail Kenneth Bigud@chicaaopalice.ora From: Angelson, Mark Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 4:02 PM To: ‘'; ‘mayor! CC: Hynes, Mattiew Subject: Re: Fw: My guess is that we won't get Matt til Thursday, which would be fine with Bruce. From: James Reilly [} Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 05:00 PM To: Angelson, Mark; mayor Ce: Hynes, Matthew Subject: RE: Fw: had a fong conversation with Bruce. He continues to worry thet even If we get | stil believe that a cali tomorrow, if Matt is available, with Mark, Matt, me and Bruce would be helpful. To: James Reilly Subject! Re: Fu: Sent vin BlackBery by AT&T From: James Reilly Subject: Re: Fw: We tices! Matt for this. I spoke with Beuee ad we agreed that this would await is etm, Matt, Bruce togetfier, Hope alls well. M. From nay ely Fue, 27 Sep 2011 15:48:40 -0500 Ralim Emanuel (,cont; Mighiel J. (jaca gerulp.comn) jen getlp.corte™ Subject Can three of us talk for 5 minutes about mecarmick? This is heading for major screw up Bence V. Raunor GTCR gINrEANE Cm HEE, From: Sent: Tuesday. September 27, 2011 4:14 PM To: Jim Reilly, Angelson, Mark CC: Hynes, Matthew. Subject: Re: You guys work it out Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: James Reilly Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 18:00:26 -0700 To: Angelson, Mark« Gc: Hynes,> Subject: RE: Fw: (had a long conversation with Bruce. He continues to worry that even if we get everything that we are asking for, it won't be “permanent” unioss we put it in statute. { still believe that a call tomorrow, if Matt is available, with Mark, Matt, me and Bruce would be helpful. a fay, sepeember 27, 2 ‘To: james Rely Subject: Re: Ew: Sent via BlackBerry by ATE? famnes Reilly Subject: ls this okay? 0 you vant to amend it? Do youneed to check with legal? Holw would you like to ‘annoaunce It? DRAFT Mayor's Award for Civic Engagement Purpose and Criteria ‘The Mayor's Award for Civle Engagement is presented! annually to recognize e graduotings senior who, in his/her Ume at Columbia College Chicago, has embodied Columia’s mission to condut eelueation in close relationship to the vital utban reality and sorve an important civic purpose through active engagement in the life and culture of the City of Ghicago., ‘The award recipient will have reached beyond Columbia's carpus and grown asa leader while making energetic and oroative use of his/her talents to make meaningful contributions to the weitare. cuiture, andl vibrancy of the city of Chicago anc! its people, Each year's recipient will be a student who has demonstrated a commitment to the ideal of Service as a responsibilty of being both an artist and a citizen, Nomination and Selection Processes: Faculy, staff, and fellow students are encouraged to nominate deserving individuals using the online Form st LINK. Self nominations will be permitted. The nomination process will ‘lose on Maren 11 af each year. ‘An award committee consisting of three fulltime faculty members (one appointed by each of the schoo! deans); one part-time Faculty member (appointed by the vice president for academic affairs): and one college advisor (appointed by the vice president for student affairs) wil review the nominations and select each year's winner, The Award ‘The Mayor's Award for Give Engagement will consist ot a check for 8500 and a framed award certificate, The Award will bo made each spring. in & ceremony hosted by The Office of Academic Affairs, lo Carthy, Garry F. [Gany McCarthy} Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2011 2:56 PM To; ‘mayor_re@rahmemail,com Mintle, Theresa ‘Subject: Fw: MLD and LK Round-Up Totals (so far) Fyi Original Message From: Roti, Nicholas J. Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2011 03:53 PM ‘To: #Superintendent, Mc Carthy, Garty F. Subject! MLD and LK Round-Up Totals (s0 far) Boss, BTW, Joe PatlersoniJoe Gorman/and Lt Jim Sanchez grabbed a yang banger with a gun in 003 last night. Working exempt deployment and working in the area of the gang conflict bordering 002/003... ‘The following is a summary of these round-ups thus far: Latin Kings-Sgt Perez 19 of 20 targets in custody 6 weapons recovered Maniac Latin Disciples-Sgt. Ramirez 14 0f 29 targots arrosted and in custody, including cocaine dealers for the gang. Five (5) additional members of the MLDs are currently at Homan Square and being name chocks and debriefed. For a total of 19 in custody at this time. The remaining targets (15) have arrest warrants or pending charges. . The 014th district tactical loam has the names of the wanted subjects and is seeking them now. Fugitives and GED has also been notified, Investigative Alerts un these subjects have been entered, Additionally, Search warrant at 2706 W, Division-positive for 200 grams of cooaine recovered, This location is 4 store owned and operated by members of the MLDs . Namo of Storo : Paseo Boriqua 2708 W. Division. Owner arrested ‘Search Warrant at 1483 N. Faicfiold-approx 250 grams of cannabis recovered Additional search warrant being drafted at this time Nicholas Roti Chief Bureau of Organized Grime Chicago Police Deparment From: Al From [! Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 12:50 PM To: Rahm Emanuel CC: Swanson, Elizabeth Subject: School at Matcoim X Community College Rahm - good seeing you in Little Rock. As I mentioned briefly, I'd fike to arrange for you to visit a very successful charter school at Malcolm X Community College that | believe can be a model for the next generation of urban education all across the country. The schoo! is the Youth Connection Charter School (YCCS). This is a school for the hardest core kids — kids who have been out of the system for at least a year. It was setup when Arne Duncan was superintendent as a so-called hybrid school — a school with brick and mortar facility that uses a virtual curriculum taught by certified teachers. Its graduation rate has been higher than 90 percent. | really think it foreshadows where education is going in the information age. The linkthat follows is a short video about YCCS. bttp www, youtube,com/watch2v-|XdCBMhaiVQ I sent this to Ami Desai — and he asked them to make a presentation on YCCS at the Clinton Global initiative in Chicago. By way of quick background, YCCS is run a company | advise called k12, whictt ‘operates virtual charter schools in more than half the states — including two in Chicago, YCCS and Chicago Virtual Charter School at 28 S. Peoria. | think it's a terrific company. The CEO of k12 is an entrepreneur named Ron Packard, and the Chairman of the Boord is Andrew Tisch. | got Packard in touch with jack Markell, who hired k12 to fix the worst schaol in the state and gives them rave reviews. 'd love for you to visit YCCS. | think it would be good for you, good for YCCS, and good for education reform. If you're willing to schedule a visit, I'd arrange for Ron Packard to come out ~ and I think both of you would benefit from the relationship. Let me know whom on your staff we can work with to ty to set up a visit. Thanks so much, Al From From: Mc Cathy, Gany F. (Gary.] Sont: Wednesday, Oolobsr 05, 2014 8:21 PM To:’ Mintle, Theresa Subject: Fw: 15 yearold shot-Warrant Obtained From: Byine, Thomas M. Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2014 08:09 Pmt To: #Superintendent Ce: Tracy, Robert; Wysingor, Alfon ‘ | DISTRICT20 mip 16s Ta we DISTRICT TS i AREAS GON TEAM 7 AREA 7 SATURATION TRAM” DUFRICT 14 a RICT eta cg DISTRICT I TT p15 | 90 DISTRICT TF 3 3 awa or i Bi “AREA § SATURATION TEAR | T 7 7 LARA zis OE i : GRAND TOTALS saur | aie | asa | 262 | sae | aso From: Mc Carthy, Garry F. [Garry] ‘Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 1.34 PM. To: ‘mayor', Mintlo, Thorosa ‘Subject: FW: Curfew Numbers This is more like it... From: Amezaga, Laura A. Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 02:29 PM To: #Suparintandent ‘Subject: FW: Curfew Numbers From: Wysinger, Alfonza Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 2:23 PM To: Amazaga, Laura A. Subject: FW: Curfew Numbers Aifonza Wysingor First Dopuly Superintencent Wicage Police Department From: Wysinger, Alfonza Sent: Monday, October 32, 2012 1:56 PM To: Me Carthy, Garry F Ce: Miniotis, Constantine Subject: Curfew Numbers Jan May 15 2010 total 7264 Jan = May 15 2011 total 5743 22421 ay 18-~ Ost 29 2010 total 10738 fay 18 — Oct 29 2014 total 13555 e917 an « Bet 29 2010 total 16902 clan ~ Get 29 2041 (otal 19998 "796 “Total curfews 11 yrs and under 168 Aitonza Wysinger First Deputy Suporintoncont Cicage Patice Department From: Mc Carthy, Gary F. [Gamy McCarthy@chicagopolica org] Sent; Tuestlay, November 01, 2011 7:05 AM To: ‘’; Mintle, Thoresa Subject: Fw: Aggravated Battery Handgun - 10-year-old victim From: Dyme, Thomas M. Sent, Fuesday, November 01, 2011 07:08 AM To: Wysingor, Alfonza Ce: #Superintendent Subject: Fv: Aggravated Battery Handgun - 10-year-old victim Info on 10 year old shot below. Tom Byrne Chie of Detectives Chicago Police Department 312 745-6001 From: Roppen, Kevin Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2012 05:41 AM To: Byrne, Thoinas M.: Andrews, Constantine: Salemme, Joseph P.: Sullivan, Karen L. Ce: Lott, Cometia C. ‘Subject: Aggravated Battery Handgun » ko-year-ol! victim sir-soagia, ins #59773 Date, Time, Location of Oceurrance: SL OCT 2041, 2155 hrs 4841 N. Sacramento (in Ronan Park) Be 1713) vies Miao NOIRE /No gang affiliation Injurles: GSW (lodged) to upper left thigh - Stable at Chikiren's Meenarial event Offenders (In Custody) 1. PERE, Cruz m/ajze 3887 W. Foster Iie 1768377 Be 18270837 (atin King (Self admitted) 2. FIGUEROA. Steven M/AIL® 3008 W. Guinnisan a 1353889 CBW 18270052 Latin King (Self-admitted) Summary: Investigation revealed that the victim and his friends had been out “trick or treating." As they cressed Ronan Park, they were confronted by a group of teens who yelled "Latin King” slogans and ordered them to feave the park. As the victim and his friends ran away, shots were fired and the victim was struck In the loft thigh. CFD Ambulance #32 transported the victims to Children's Memorial Hospital, where the victim is curvently listed as stable. A witness subsequently identified the above offendars in a show-vp at 2930 W. Lawrence, where they were taken into custody. The Investigation continues, with lineups scheduled for the third watch on 1NOV 2011. Updates to follow. Sgt. Kevin D. Reppen #2459 Area Five Detective Division 5555 W. Grand Ave. Chicago, tL, 60839 G17y746.6782 From: Mc Carthy, Ganty F. [] Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2017 4:58 AM To: '’; Mintle, Theresa Subject: Fi: UPDATED: Homicide 507 E. 130th Steet Inger, Alfonza Sent: Thursday, Novambar 03, 2011 05:52 AM To: #Superintendent; Miniotis, Constantine; Tracy, Robert ‘Subject: Fw: UPDATED: Homicide 507 £. 130th Street FYI From: Wright Jr, David T. Sent: Thursday. November 03, 2041 O52 AM ‘To: Calloway, Keith A. Deanihan, Brandan D.; Wysinger, Alfonza; Byme, Thomas M.; Burke, Miche! F.: Luera, Francisco |; Pellegrini, John Fy Tate, johnny E.; Baker, james L,; Bigg, Kenneth A. Alexander, Dana; Ball, john €. Subject: UPDATED: Homicide 507 F. 130th Street Officers responded to a person shot at the Connect Cellular store 507 E. 130" street, On the officers arrival they discovered that three vitins had been fatally shot on the scene and three other vietins at been transported by tfiends to Roseland and Metro South Hospital. Responding units also observed 1 semi-wuto pistol with an extended magazine clip lying on the floor was later Mentified as one of the offender weapon, Other officers responded to eails of ren with guns fleeing from the Cellular store ta 13101 S, Forestville Atthat location officers recovered any AK-47 and a 9mm pistol along the side of the fence a that location, Officers entored the residence and recovered an additional weupon from inside the residence and teansperted ‘wo offenders to Area Two Detective Division for further investigation, Detectives learted that this ineident maybe over stolen property taken in bunglaries abouta week ago that was purchased by the Connect Cothular Store. According to witnesses the owners ofthe store refuse o return the stolen property back to the alleged victims. The one witness from the store sated” that his is revenge from the stalen property”. Updates to fatlow From: Mc Carthy, Gamry F. [] Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 5:44 AM To: ‘'; Mintle, Theresa Subject: Fw: OC Original Message —— From: Kennedy, Christoph J. Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 08:43 AM To: Mc Carthy, Garry F.: Miniotis, Constantine; Wysinger, Alfonza: Lott, Comelia C.; Brown, Emest T,; Williams, Eugene E.; Tobias, Matthew E.; Prive, Ralph M. Kliby, Debra Ki Hamilton, Saraby; Biggane, Maureen C. Subject: Re: OC. 15-20 protesters remained in area of FRB ovemight. No incidents Christopher J, Kennedy Commander- 001st District Chicago Police Department. - 1716 S. State St.Chicago, IL 60616. (B12) 745-4205 ——-- Original Message From: Kennedy, Christoph J. Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 06:36 AM To: Me Carthy, Garry F.; Miniotis, Constantine; Wysinger, Alfonza; Lott, Comolia C.; Brown, mest T.: Williams, Eugene &.; Tobias, Matthew E.: Price, Ralph M.; Kirby, Debra K.: Hamilton, Sarah; Biggane, Maureen C. Subject: Re: OC No change-8 present Christopher J. Kennedy Commander- 00st Distict Chicago Police Depariment, - 1718 S, State StChicago, Il. 60616. (812) 745-4295 ~~ Original Message — From: Kennedy, Chiistoph J. Sent; Thursday, November 03. 2013 05:27 AM To: Me Carthy, Gamty F.; Miniotis, Constantine; Wysinger, Alfonza; Lott, Comelia C.; Brown, Emest T.; Williams, Eugene E.; Tobias, Matthew E,; Prico, Ralph M. Kirby, Debra K.; Hamilton, Sarah; Biggane, Maureen C, Subject: Re: OC No significant updates since last night's march and orceriy dispersal. Christophor J. Kennody Commander. 01st District Chicago Police Department. - 1718 S. Stale SLChicago, IL 60616. (312) 745-4295 -—~- Original Message —- From Kennedy, Christoph J. Sent Wednesday, November 02, 2071 08:25 PM ‘To: Me Carthy, Gary F.; Miniotis, Constantine; Wysinger, Alfonza: Lott, Comelia C.: Brown. Emest T.; Williams, Eugene E.; Tobias, Matthew E.; Price, Ralph M,; Kirby, Debra K.; Hamilton, Sarah: Biggane, Maureen C. Go: CPIC. Subject: Re: OC Via notification from Capt, Vaclavik -OC march now approaching City hall(city hall secured for the evening) with 250 partlcfpants- orderly and poactul-not building in size at present- 199 in charge and on scene utlizing 007 foot, tact and Sat teams. No need for additional resources. Ail on zone 4, Christopher J. Kennedy Commander-001st Distict Chicago Police Department. - 1718 8, State StChicago, IL 60616. (312) 745-4295 + Original Message From: Kennedy, Christoph J. Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2014 04:15 PM To: Me Carthy, Garty F.; Miniotis, Constantino; Wysingor, Alfonza; Lott, Comelia C.; Brown, Emest T.; Williams, Eugene E.; Tobias, Matthew ce, Ralph M.; Kirby, Debra K.; Hamilton, Sarati; Biggane, Maureen C. Subject: Re: OC No change in events or location—crowd holds at 30 Christopher J. Kennedy ‘Gommander- 00 1st District Chicago Police Department. - 1718 S. State S.Chicago, IL 60616. (912) 745-4205 Original Message —- From: Konnody, Christoph J. Sent: Tuosday, November 01, 2011 11:24 AM To: Mc Carthy, Garry F.; Miniotis, Constantine; Wysinger, Alfonza; Lott, Comelia C.; Brown, illiams, Eugone &.; Tobias, Matthew &.; Price, Ralph M.; Kirby, Debra ik; Hamilton, Sarah; Biggane, Maureen C. Subject Re: OC No change--25 currently at Jackson and lasalle Christopher J. Kennedy ‘Commander- 0001s District Chicago Police Deparment. - 1748 S. State StChicago, IL 60616. (312) 745-4295, Original Message —-- m: Kennedy, Christoph J. Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2014 05:31 AM To: Mc Carthy, Gary F.; Miniotis, Constantine; Wysinger, Alfonza; Lott, Cornetia C.; Brown, Emest T.; Williams, Eugene E.; Tobias, Matthew E.; Price, Ralph M,; Kirby, Debra Ks Hamilton, Sarah; Biggane, Maureen C Subject Re: OC OC never grew to more than 40 protesters yesterday. There are 10 that remain from over night at present. No arrests or events of interest. Christopher J. Kennedy Commander: 00st District Chicago Police Department, « 1718 S. State StChicago, tL 60616. B12) 745-4295 riginal Message -— ‘ennedy, Christoph J, Sent; Monday, October 31, 2014 14:51 AM To: Me Carthy, Garry F.; Miniotis, Constantine; Wysinger, Alfonza; Lott, Comelia C.; Brown, Emest T.: Williams, Eugene E.; Tobias, Matthew E.; Price, Ralph M,;Kirby, Debra K.; Hamilton, Sarah; Biggane, Maureen C. Ce: CPIC; Schmit, Susan M.; Klich, Robert H. Subject: Re: OC Protest at CH over-next update 1600hrs unloss necessary Ghristopher J, Kennedy Commander: 004st District Chicago Police Department, - 1718 S. State StChicago, H. 60616. (342) 745-4295 ——~ Original Mossago —- From: Kennedy, Christoph J. Sent: Monday, October 31,2011 10:65 AM To: Me Carthy, Garry F.; Miniotis, Constantine; Wysinger, Alfonza; Lott, Comelia Emest T.; Williams, Eugene E.; Toblas, Matthew E.; Price, Ralph M.; Kirby, Debra K.: Hamilton, ‘Sarah; Biggane, Mauroon C. Ce: CPIC; Schmit, Susan M. Klich, Robert H. ‘Subject: Re: OC 30 individuals on Sth floor protesting library cuts. No OC protesters present, 182 monitoring as is 190F. Will update upon change. Christopher J. Kennedy ‘Commander- 007 st District Chicago Police Department, - 1718 S. State SiChicago, IL 60616. (12) 745-4295 ~~ Original Message -- From: Kennedy, Christoph J. Sent: Monday, October 31, 2014 05:46 AM To: Me Carthy, Garry F.; Miniotis, Constantine; Wysinger, Aifonza; Lott, Comelia G.; Brown, Emest T.; Williams, Eugene E.; Tobias, Matthew E.; Price, Ralph M. by, Debra K.; Hamilton, Sarah; Biggane, Maureen C. ‘Subject Re: OC Numbers remained fess than 40 for yesterday including their evening meeting which was held on west side of Michigan ave to avoid the rain, No issues or notable events on any watch, Christopher J. Kannedy Commander- 00st District Chicago Police Department, - 1718 S, State StChicago, iL 60616. (812) 745-4295 <> Original Message — From: Kennody, Christoph J. Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 07:00 AM To: Me Carthy, Garry F.; Miniotis, Constantine; Wysinger, Alfonza; Lott, Comelia C.; Brown, Emost T.; Williams, Eugene F.; Tobias, Matthew E.; Price, Ralph M. Kirby, Debra K.; Hamilton, Sarah; Biggane, Maureen C. Subject: Re: OC No notable incidents or events for sat 29 Oot - nurnbers remained diminished throughout the day. ‘0600 hrs today - 8 protesters on scone Christopher J. Kennedy ‘Commander 00st Distiiot Chicago Police Department. - 1718 8. State SLChicago, IL 60516. (312) 745-4298 “= Original Message From: Kennedy, Christoph J. ‘Sent: Tuesday, Oclober 25, 2011 05:40 AM ‘To: Mc Carthy, Garry F.; Miniotis, Constantine; Wysinger, Alfonza; Lott, Comelia C.; Brown, Emest T.; Williams, Eugene E.; Tobias, Matthew E,; Price, Ralph Mi: Kirby, Debra K.; Hamilton, Sarah; Biggane, Maureen C. Subject: OC 2nd W- 1000-1100 hrs city hall nurses protest approx. 50 people protested on Sth floor and were met by member of mayors staff . FRB- 40 persons present through out day - no arrastwincidents Std W-At 1600 hrs there were about 30 protesters at Jackson and LaSalle. At 1900 approx 75 protesters arrived and marched to Michigan and Congress for their usual meeting. No arrests or issues this watch, (0400hrs - 12 protesters present, No arrests or incidents this watch. Christopher J. Kennedy Commandor- 00st District Chicago Police Dopartmont. - 1748 S. Stato SLChicago, IL 60616. (B12) 745-4295 From: Me Carthy, Garry F. (Gary.} Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 6:12 PM To: ‘mayor’ Mintle, Theresa Subject: Fi: OC Update “= Original Message ——- From: Tobias, Matthaw E. Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 07:08 PM To: #Superintendent; Wysinger, Alfonza: Williams, Eugene E,; CPIC Ce: Kennedy, Christoph J Subject: Re: OC Update OG has started their regular evening Generat Assembly at Congress and Michigan. Approximately 200 on scene. They indicate that the GA should end around 2130 and that they do hot intend to compel arrests tonight. Matthow E. Tobias Deputy Chief of Patrol Area Three Chicago Police Department --—- Original Message —— From: Tobias, Matthew E. ‘Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 06:44 PM ‘To: ’' ; Wysinger, Alforza: Willian, Eugene E; CPIC Ge; Kennedy, Christoph J. Subject: Re: OC Update Numbers remain around +25. Peaceful. Matthew &. Tobias Depuly Chief of Patrol Area Three Chicago Police Department os Original Message == From: Tobias, Mattiew E. Bent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 06:08 PM To: 'GMAC59@chicagopolice ory’ : Wysinger, Alfonza: Williams, Eugene .; CPIC Ge: Kennedy, Christoph J. Subject Re: OC Update 125 now marching from Jackson and LaSalle towards Congross and Michigan for their regular evening General Assembly. Matthew E. Tobias Deputy Chief of Patrol Avea Three Chicago Police Department _—~ Original Message From: Tobias, Matthew &: Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2041 05:58 PM ‘To: '' ; Wysinger, Atfonza; Williams, Eugono &.; CPIC Ge: Kennedy, Christoph J. ‘Subject Re: OC Update ‘The 50 oF so on the Red Line have exited and are now marching towards Jackson and LaSatle to join the others, Matthew E, Tobias Deputy Chief of Patrot Area Three Chicago Police Department ~~ Original Message —- From: Tobias, Matthew E. Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 05:46 PM To:’ ; Wysinger, Alfonza; Williams, Eugene E.; CPIC Ge: Kennedy. Christoph J. Subject: OC Update Approximately 25 protesters at Michigan and Congress, 50-75 on the Red Line headed downtown to meet al Jackson and LaSalle, currently 50-75 al Jackson and LaSalle. Peaceful at this time, Matthew E. Tobias Deputy Chief of Patrol Area Three: Chicago Police Department From: Me Carthy, Gony F. (Garry McCarthy] Sent: Thussclay, November 17, 2011 3:32 PM To:'; Mintle, Theresa Subject: Fw: SEIU Protest Update -— Original Message ~ From: Tobias, Matthow E. ‘Sent Thursday, November 17,2011 03:29 PM To: #Superintendent; Wysinger, Afonza; Williams, Eugona E. Subject SEIU Protest Update Tho protest is sot to bogin at 1830 hours. Thore are approximately 200 protestors at tho Stato of linois Center (SOIC) now. They plan to start thelr march at approx 1600 hours. They will march on the sidewalk of LaSalle north to Wacker. We have negotiated that they will be on the bridge and we will stop traffic. They will have some chants. At that time ! will wam them that they are in violation of City ordinance. After a few minutes, | will wam them that they will be subject to citations if they do not clear the roadway. We have negotiated that 30-40 will receive an ANOV if they sit down and do not leave. After the second warning, we will approach, give them the final personal warning. Those that do not {eave will be escorted to a bus where they will be writlen an ANOV. The roadway will be cleared and traffic will resume. We have prepared for several contingencies. My next e-mail will have additional information Matthew E. Tobias Deputy Chief of Patrol Area Three Chicago Police Department From: Mc Carthy, Gary F. (Gany. McCarthy] Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 4:35 PM To: ''; Mintle, Theresa Subject: Re: SEIU Protest Update Making arrests now. —— Original Messago From: mayor_re@rahmemail,com [] Sent: Thursday, November 17, 20114 04:29 Pid To; Me Carthy, Garry F. ‘Subject Re: SEIU Protest Update We ok? Original Message From: Me Carthy, Garry F. To: mayor,’ To;’ Subjoct: Fw: SEIU Protest Updato Sent: Nov 17, 2011 3:54 PM ~ Original Message From: Tobias, Matthew E. Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 03:53 PM To: #Suporintondont; Wysinger, Alfonza; Williams, Eugene &. Subject Re! SEIU Protest Update The program outside of the SOIC is under way. There are approx 350 protestors. Thay aro waiting for 2 more buses to anive. They plan to star marching between 1600 to 1615 hours. Matthew E. Tobias Deputy Chief of Patrol Area Three Chicago Police Department Originat Message —~ From: Tobias, Matthew E. Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 09.29 PM To: '’ ; Wysinger, Alfonza; Williams, Eugene &. Subject SEIU Protest Update ‘The protest is set to begin at 1630 hours, There are approximately 200 protesters al the State of ilinois Center (SOIC) now. They plan to start their march at approx 1600 hours. They will march on the sidewalk of LaSalle north to Wacker. We have negotiated that they will be on the bridge and we will stop waic, They will have some chants. At that ime | will warn ther that they are In violation of City ordinance. After a few minutes, ! will warn thern that they will be subject to citations if they do not clear the roadway. We have negotiated that 30-40 will receive an ANOV if they sit down and do notleave. Alter the second warning, we will approach, give them the final personal waming. Those that do not leave will be escorted to a bus where they will be written an ANOV. The roadway will be cleared and traffic will resume. We have prepared for several contingencies. My next s-mail will have additional information Matthew E. Tobias From: Mc Carthy, Garry F. (Garry. Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 4:50 PM To: mayor_re@rahmemail. com’, Mintle, Theresa Subject: Re: SEIU Protest Update Will give you total shortly. Amests made, bridge abt to be reopened, group marching south on lasalle ~~ Original Message From: [] Sent Thursday, Novernber 17, 2011 04:29 PM To: Mc Carthy, Gany F. Subject Re: SEIU Protest Update We ok? --~-Otiginal Message From: Mc Carthy, Gary F. To: To: theresa.’ Subject: Fw. SEIU Protest Update Sont: Nov 17, 2011 3:54 PM ~~ Original Message —- From: Tobias, Matthew E. Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2014 03:53 PM. To: #Superintendent; Wysinger, Alfonza; Williams, Eugene E. ‘Subject: Re: SEIU Protest Update ‘The pragram outside of the SOIC is under way. There are goprox 350 protesters, They are waiting for 2 more buses to arrive. They plan to start marching between 1600 to 1618 hours. Matthew E. Tobias Deputy Chief of Patrol Area Three Chicago Police Department Original Message From: Tobias, Matthew E. Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 03:29 PM To: '! ; Wysinger, Alfonza; Williams, Eugene &. ‘Subject: SEIU Protest Update The protestis sot to begin at 1530 hours, There are approximately 200 protesters at tho Stato of flinols Genter (SOIC) now. They plan to start their march at approx 1600 hours. They will march on the sidewalk of LaSalle north to Wacker. We have negotiated thal they wil! be on the bridge: and we will stop traffic, They will have some chants. At that time I will wam thom that they are in Violation of City ordinance. After a few minutes, I wilt warn trem thal they will be subject fo citations if they do not clear the roadway. We have negotiated that 30-40 will raceive an ANOV if they sit down and do not leave. After the second waming, we will approach, give thom the final personal waming, Those that do not leave will be escorted to a bus where they will be written an ANOV. The roadway will be cleared and traffic will resume. We have prepared for sevaral contingencies. My next e-mail will have additional information From: Mc Carthy, Garry P. (Gary McCarthy @chieagopolice. org] Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2014 4:54 PM To: ‘’ Mintle, Theresa Subject: Re: SEIU Protest Update Bridge open -— Original Message -——- From: (} Sont Thursday, November 17,2041 04:29 PM To: Me Carthy, Garry F. Subject: Re: SEIU Protest Update From: Me Carthy, Garry F To: mayor_se@rahmemait. To:’ Subject: Fw: SEIU Protest Update Sent: Nov 17, 2014 3:54 PM = Original Message — From: Tobias, Matthew E. Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 03:53 PM To: #Superintancent; Wysinger, Alfonza; Williams, Eugene & Subject: Re: SEIU Protest Update The program outside of the SOIC Is uncler way. There are approx 350 protesters. They are waiting for 2 more buses to artive, They plan to start mnarching between 1600 to 1645 hours. Matthew E. Tobias Depuly Chief of Patrot Area Three Chicago Potice Department ~~ Original Message From: Tobias, Matthew E. Sent Thursday, November 17, 2011 03:29 PM To; "GMACS¢’ ; Wysinger, Alfonza; Williams, Eugene €, Subject SEIU Protest Update The protest is setto begin et 1590 hours. There are approximately 200 protesters at the State of linois Center (SOIC) now. They plan to start their march at approx 1600 hours. They will march on the sidewalk of LaSalle north to Wacker. We have negotiated that they will be on the bridge and we will stop trafic, They will have some chants, Atthat time {will war them that they are in Violation of City ordinance. After a few minutes, I will wam them that they will be subject to citations if they do not clear the roadway, We have negotiated that 30-40 will receive an ANOV if they sit down and do not leave. After the second warning, we will approach, giva them the final personal waming. Those that do not eave will De escorted to a biis where they will be written an ANOV. The roadway will be cleared and afc will resume, We have prepared for several contingencies, My next e-mail will have additional information: Matthew E. Tobias From: ‘Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 5:37 PM To: Minlle, Theresa Subject: Re: SEIU Protest Update Agros. Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T Original Message—- From: “Minlla, Theresa” : ‘'> Subject RE: SEIU Protest Update Good job~under 50, riginal Mossage—— From: Mc Carthy, Garry F,,[inailto:Ganry.] Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 5:25 PM To: ‘mayor’; Mintle, Theresa Subject: Fw: SEIU Protest Update Original Message -— From: Tobias, Matthew E, Sont: Thursday, November 17, 2017 05:23 PM To: #Superintendent; Wysinger, Alfonza; Williams, Eugene E. Subject Re: SEIU Protest Update Processing is complete on the 46 ANOV's. All went smooth, Approximately 360-400 protesters aro at Jackson and LaSalle with Occupy Chicago. have kept all teams and will continue to keep them until OC thins out, Matthew E. Tobias Deputy Chief of Patrot Area Three Chicago Police Department += Original Message ~ From: Tobias, Matthew E. ‘Sent: Thursday, Novernber 17, 201 03:53 PM. To: '' ; Wysingor, Alfonza; Williams, Eugene E. Subject: Re: SEIU Protest Update The program outside of the SOIC is under way. There are approx 350 protesters. They are waiting for 2 more buses to artive, They plan to start marching between 1600 to 1615 hours. ‘Matthew E. Tobias Deputy Chief of Patrol Area Three Chicago Polies Deparment ~~ Original Message — From: Mo Carthy, Gamy F. (Garry] Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 4:09 PM To: ‘mayor,’ CC: Mint; Theresa Subject: RE: Weekend Violence Summary [No Mayor, it's not, AS you Koow, the mast mpartant peramotor tit we measurA Is Shocting necideats, Met shooting vietims. Additionally, tho tarm homicides can inchide justiiablo, peice shootings of vehicular homicide, anc ie therefore not used for comparative purposes, mutder fs. Yesterday, 124 completed week 148 of 201 Wa arrived at to begin'ing of woek ft 20. Since that timo, wo have had 9 weekeds with a higher shooting rate, and B wisdkernle ‘wth a highor murdar rte, and 8 ult higher rates on both, Addtionally, 1 should bo noted that In 2 of tho above references! (8) weekents, the violence rale was Iowor is 207 than 2010, Also, since we measure week to date, not ‘woolen! #s, you should knew that in 2 of @) weeks referenced above, the violence rate was lower bs 2011 that 2010, Sory forthe floleyrel ragpense, but | only got your amail on my danktop, not my Mlaekbary, nn hed ta got th researcn done anee | I. From: [mailtosnayer,] Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 7:45 AM To: Mc Carty, Garry F. Sublect: Fw: Weekend Violence summary Is this aCeurate? Sent via BluckBeny by ATRT From: Felicia Davis Date: Mon, $ Dec 2011 07:35:57 -0600, Tos mayor_re Subject: Re: Re: 190.0761 Overall improvement. You are getting credit for putting more cops on the street and but for a few Pockets, namely Englewood, things look better. Both stories covered Garry's efforts to bring a more traditional method of crime fighting to the neighborhoods and that it seems to be working. Theresa On Dee 31, 2011, al 4:10 AM, “mayor” wrote: > Is crime soon as improving or going sideways? > ——-Original Message- > From: Mintle, Theresa > To: mayor_re@rahmemail. com > Subject > Sont: Dec 30, 2044 1:15 PM > > Good Moming, > There has been a year-ond spike in notable news. CST carried a cover story on our crime numbers, They had a good interview with Garry. Over all Homicide numbers are down but the number in Englewood is up. Garry defended Carothers and talked about plans to fight crime block by block, Tribune followed up with a piece today. | wanted to hold the erime numbers for when you got back but since we didn't get to 400 and sexual assaults and auto theft are up, the stories worked wall to have Garry as the lead. We are working on another crime angel for when you are back. Today CST Steve Huntley did @ good piece supporting increased criminal penalties for NATO-G8. He stil had it incorroct that they are temporary increases but we corrected. We had an off-duty officer shot and killed last night. He was working as a private seourly guard, > Looking forward to your return, > Theresa > Sent via BlackBemy by AT&T This e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is intended only foruse by the addressee(s) named herain and may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information. If you are not the intencled recipient of this e-mail (ar the person responsible for delivering this document to the intended recipient), you are hereby notified thot any dissomination, distribution, printing or copying of this, e-mail, and any attachment thereto, is strcily prohibited. 1 you have received this e-mail in error, please respond to the individual sanding the message, and permanently delete the original and any copy of any e-mail and printout thereof. From: Mintle, Theresa Sent: Saturday, Decombor 31, 2011 9:44 AM To: Subject: Fe: Re: Re: ‘Year stories have been good. You are feature in everyone (of course). You and Preckwinkel gotting high marks for tackling tough issues in government, when Quinn is mentioned, itis not very good. Everything we put out this week got good coverage. Year end features and Republican caucus in lowa getting most of the coverage. ‘Theresa On Dec 31, 2011, at 5:09 AM, "" wrote: > How where the end! of the year stories not ust crime but the wrap up themb sucker pieces for us? > Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T > —-Original Massage: > From: "Mintle, Theresa” > Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 04:28:15, > To: > Subject: Re: Re: > > Overall improvernent. You are getting credit for putting more cops on the street and but for a few pockets, namely Englewood, things look better. Both stories covered Garry's efforts to bring a more traditional method of crime fighting to the neighborhoads and that it soemes to bo working, > > Theresa > > On Dec 31, 2011, at 4:10 AM, “mayor" wrote: > >> Is crime seen as improving or going sideways? >> Original Message-—— >> From: Mintle, Theresa > Tu! >> Subject >> Sent: Dec 30, 2011 1:15 PM >> Good Morning, >> Thare has been a year-end spike in notable news. CST canied a cover story on our erime numbers. They had a good interview with Garty. Over all Homicide numbers are down but the ‘number in Englewood is up. Gamry defended Carothers and talked about plans to fight crime block by block. Tribune followed! up with a pioce today. | wanted to hold the crime numbers for when you got back but since we didn’t get to 400 and sexual assaults and auto theft are up. the stories worked well to have Garry as the lead. We are working on another crime ange! for when you ara back, Today CST Steve Huntley did a good piece supporting increased eriminal penalties for NATO-G8. He still had iLincorrect that they are temporary increases but we corrected. Wo had an off-duty officer shot and killed last night. He was working as a private security guard > Looking forward to your retum. > >> Ther >> Seni via BlackBerry by AT&T. > This e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is intended only for use > by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain tegally privileged > andlor confidential information. f you are not the intended > recipient of this e-mail (or the parson responsible for delivering > this document o the intended recipient), you are hereby notified > that any dissemination, distribution, printing or copying of this > e-mail, and any attachment thereto, is strictly prohibited. if you > have received this e-mail in error, please respond to the > Individual sonding tho message, and permanently delete the original > and any copy of any e-mail and printout thereof. From: Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2011 10:00 AM To: Mintle, Theresa Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Gotit Sent via DlackBenry by AT&T Original Message- From; "Mintle, Theresa” Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2014 0 ‘To: ‘Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Office duty as private security quard. Was trying to stop armed robbery. 1220 block of N Austin. Thoresa On Dec 34, 2011, at 9:54 AM, "" wrote: » How was he shotand where > Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T > > —Original Message- > From: “Mintle, Theresa" Dato: Sat, 31 Doc 2011 09:53:21 > To: > Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re. > I should note, that dependin: eral, you will be attending that. > > Theresa > > On Dec 31, 2011, at wrote: >> In general are things good? >> Gent via BlackBemy by AT&T > >> —Original Message- >> From: "Mintle, Theresa" Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 09:40:51 >> To: mayor_re@rahmerail.comemayor_re@rahmemail,corm> >» Subject: Re: Re: Re: Rc :43 AM, "” > >> On Deo 31,2011, at 4:69 AM, "" >> Original Messagi >>> From: "Mintle, Theresa” > Dato: Sat, 31 Doc 2014 04:28:15 >>> To:> >>> Subject: Re: Re: >>> >>> Overall Improvement, You are getting cred for puting more cops on the street antd but for a few pockets, namely Englewood, things look better. Both stories covered Garry's efforts to bring a more traditional method of crime fighting to the neighborhoods and that it seems to be working. >>> Theresa > >>> On Des 34, 2011, at 4:10 AM, “” wrote: >>>> Is crime seen as improving or going sideways? 3532 Original Message— yeee From: Mintle, Theresa sass To: >>> Subject: >>> Sent: Deo 90, 2011 1:15 PM poo >>> Goad Morning, Doe >>55 There has been a year-end spike in notable news. CST carried a cover story on our crime numbers, They had 4 good interview with Garry. Over all Homicide numbers are dawn but the number in Englowood is up. Garry defended Carathors and talked about plans to fight crime block by block. Tribune followed up with a piece today. | wanted to hold the crime numbers for when your got back but since we didn't get to 400 and sexual assaults and auto theft are up, the stories worked well to have Garry as the lead. We are working on another crime angel for when you are back. Today CST Steve Huntley did a good piece supporting increased criminal penalties for NATO-G8. He still had it incorrect that they are temporary increases but we corrected. We had an off-duty officer shot and killad last night. He was working as a private security guard. >>>> Looking forward to your return. sae Thorosa >>>> Sent via BiackBeny by AT&T 35> This e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is intended only for use >>> by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain tegaily privileged >2> andlor confidential information. If you are not the intended >>> recipient ofthis e-mail (or the person responsibie for delivering >>> this document to the Intended recipient), you ave hereby notified >>> that any dissemination, distibution, printing oF copying of this , and any attachment thereto, is strictly prohibited. f you received this e-mail in error, please respond to the ‘> individual sonding the messago, and permanently dalote the original >>> and any copy of any e-mail and printout thereof. From: Green, Melissa Sent: Sunday, Januiary 15, 2012 1:29 PM To: ‘mayor’; Hamilton, Sarah; Faulman, Mike Subject: Mark Giangroco Joel hooked us up, he just called me. He is pumped. Seems full of energy and thoughtful BestMG James Rellly (} puraday, January 19, 2012 4:00 PM 5 To: CG: Hynes, Matthew Subject: Congrats on the Map! From: Loti Healey (| Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 7:19 PM To: rahm emanuel GC: Theresa E. Mintlo; Michael Sacks; Hamilton, Sarah Subject: Molise Harcis/Trib She did a profile piece on me for tomorrow. Sarah knows but i didnt want you guys to be Surprised. Sony the timing is so bad. Sent from my iPhone From: Thoresa a Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2012 1 To:; Hamilton, Sarah Subject: Re: Tree tim press release Copying Sarah to get on this. Theresa On Feb 4, 2072, at 17:08 AM, wrote: Great, Byrne should do news radio this weekend. Wobm. Wis. Wan. Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T From: Thoresa Mint Sis Date: Sat, 4 Fab 2012 10:57:41 -0600, To: Rahm Emanuel

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