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eet) REDDING Dre Oar. MYSTERIES UNVEILED ‘The Hoary Past Comes Forward with ‘Astonishing Messages for the Prophetic Future ERNEST LOOMIS & CO, Preesction-Hioneoy, N. Ye ‘A eTATEMENT In placing thie Look before the ‘laaied that all the facts and thooghte i are ew, fee olomon tags that there i noting new under the fas, and 1 bellve hin. It frac that we ave cea anely mecting with things which sve have never fees of heard before, Dat that ja no proof that they ro not In existence long before we mee thet. Principles cbvays existed, Dut they ie dormant aad wa tall spoie one come slong and, by Fevela lon ro sme unseen force, dlacoversa point or two “nboo ther, adie apples them toe, and then the ‘orld declares that Se. —-"incte" great tog, Iberean the fact he Mavendad” nothing He aia Ply tinct « thing whieh hed been fa existe fret nince God wan existence, Tt would have eon Jost a easy to have steam engines, Meyeles, Tinting preses, rowing machine, ete, ete, 6000 io, wien dass as on earth, as ti to-day. tame prinegles were in existence Chen a8 now, int menkind aia not Know it: therefore, men have ot inert” any thing. And when they frst cates ‘the thought or light aboat these unkuowa rine ‘les, itin omy mere speck on one particular point, fand when they put Cat point Into operation more eit comes to them sbost other prindpes. con ted lth It; and thue It goen, on and on, Maer find higher towards perfection gaining a ite here find n tie there. Ro meh ia being ald on evecy Tine of thought nowadaya that fe if alimostimpous- Die to write pen aay miblect without running wpon ‘ A Stotoment part of some other person's thooghts, a8 20 one ‘nam ha dlacovered all ttt ia nowa aboot any ‘hing, It la lke the dine machinery we hare tn the ‘World today, “One man discovered the yeelple of eof it an this austed nother pans mind ing oves iso athe would yee a new polat Ivble had never enteced the sd of tho dwt maa} {ad thon It would gp from one poraon to another, ‘ceeh adding on a new discovery nti, ally, tho, ‘machine comer ont today'a marvel of Sntelligeace, ‘ake the great Pyramid of Bey for instance, a8 a ibject. —Teeyery doctors preachers, éitors Aitronemers,ellego profesor, judges and a great thet of pracna have been Agung oa tals great rion Dullding many comtislee—eapocally so during the Inet forty yearn One person dlacovered that the Pyramid chaght axtenomy; another one found ‘at laid down a perfect mpstem of weights and ‘measurta for u's wee, Another aw the science ft geometay und tslgaaometry oot init; and falls, Sie Robert Mensien, of SooUand, canght the Mex ‘ihe ench Inch representa a year, und tht It bad _xomething to do with to Bible teachings then MeO. ‘Thome of Peanapivaala U.S, thougkt he eaw the plam ofthe age ald ot i ta he wrote a chap- Fer afoot it and added on aw potnta, and I have toed many of his polsts and thoughts (rearrange!) Inmny chapter aboot Sead have added Tinks whlch other writers had overlooked. Another, haa written ‘Shont the Pyruald and Rreemoaonry. Thee i goes from one to another. Stacks of money and much time nave heen expended in inveatigatig it, Groat tsovietios in Europe and also here tn America. bare ‘ben formed to ntudy It Tees beoa the wonder of arth, Like a football, ¢ hus been bickod at frou. “A Statement, » ‘ll ides to sound tt. ‘The prophets Tealah and ero. Thin ew its greatnear and wpoke of It 2,300 yours ‘Het. So it Inout of order for uny ne man to cll» Mutho the ceilnater of ll the ideas now put forth [About the Pyramid or any other thing ‘THE AUTHOR, Angust, 1290. 6 racing the Thre, ‘TRACING THE THREAD, ‘Tho world hes spleituallzed every thing in the {thie Co such an exten that Ie i Toke pon an ‘hy book enttrely~not having anything to do with {his earth; and, as a consequence, i bot lowe te hitonand wortInthemindso! (uepeople a they 3 fad itasan extremely foreign doeument, belonging {oa faroll snd bigheap world, and hence Iu nate tives are not interesting (Co dei minds) nd, In mone ‘aes, not even Delleved as rete, but are regarded fas mere deli, manstaetared. ty nome toknown Dessous to make a plavstble ory.” Tho conatent pntaalaing of everything hae pavalyeed the sate: tents inthe Boo s0 that they fal a without even {Upotie. Isat few people nem {0 HIOW that the tien, vers, mountains oad countries meatloned ia the Hite are located on thls earth; and whan we ‘ake up our ilo and commence to rend and have ‘oer geographies and Matores Ing open by our ade fo ue to mace an we red, the work stand aston. ‘shed to think thatthe Boole etalk about move. ments hereon earth. They theught i was gabbllag bout the aky where there could be no hope of ever Tocating the places mentioned. So long aw a person Is guoraat of the eanetloestion of the ete, sive, ‘monntaiss, countees, ee, tentlened fm ft aad he lator ween oscerrebontonk place, he eam mot fol Joe fret of the arate nd of Conrme les Interest fo them at once—espetally 20 6 be attend the Bunday-achonla tnd chureken of today, iy always gve the Hook and i aubjects far” Of toiok sud Wave the kmprewsion that He contain Tracing the Thread. 1 such which way not intended or ustokow. ‘Thsie Dreacler hay ott talked about the Tver Jordan Det always fet them under the lupresion that Tt ‘was that imaginary Tine botwoen this life and the lite over there" after death. Tnever shall forget how deligated Iwan corel years ago) when T Art Tearned thatthe mane River f Jor fa the Bible in in existence, eve ‘hat fe starts up in the Lebanon moustatns, north end of Paleting, and rane wouth throogh the Galle country aud empties tuto the Dead Sea, ‘whieh be some mil southeast of Jerusalem. Of course Thad abled geography and. various other ‘things Insschool and was wiachool teacher in my ‘Younger days, anayet Twas fens ignorant cn all ‘ule wabjecta, I knew nothing ot all on that line fd Ghd not tent to know any lng abwot it, a8 T ‘a the dea that the Ble and Sts tik had nothing todo with this earth, bat that fe dealt eatcely wi ‘load persons, end ue" vas not deed T cared nothing stout i. That i, T thought T was not dead but L eo now that Twas dead, although T was walkiog Stroud and talking Ike other peaple.Tmect many ‘ead persona nowndaya walking arowad and argulng that fei the Tarif or the Gold Standard or the See Dang ths uproar en the erty aud that ht ee ee Se ee Pain nies see eae SS ee Saas ate tele oe Be ae SN a pew ee tee 8 ‘racing the Thread. Dvuried. ‘Thay see not tho great fact that the Hible ‘omtalna a record of tho movements which the earls ‘tions and indivduale are to make on th cath ia fuming fo pesfotion, which is God. Nothing But & teil grinding (alrendy starting) will make them foe this fat and wake them ap ont of thelr seep ot death 40 that thoy ea see thatthe great day of the Inatl of God Almighty ix eommenced. ‘The aging ‘of Jenon to the young uaa are now cleat El ae tohin, “Follow Be" The young man replled, “Let ‘me go back and bury my tathes, who fe dead” ‘Teaun mld, “Lat the dead bury the dead” Torus, ‘with His wonderful lumlnation, knew that the peo. Dle were all dea and had no Lite oc knowledge I fhem, and hae they could attend to barying that bay’ father, who was snply colder and Tove netive than the others azovod him, ‘Thay were all deta together and kuew not aay thing, ‘That eayag of Jenus about the dend burying the deud always looked tome as belag follsh aad extremoly sbyard tell T ‘ume ont of darkncas fnto ight mo that T could ace ow Intensely dead the people are apd how deld- ‘edly wrong they regard the Bible and Its teuchings, Church members snd all ethere exoept the spin ‘ually laminate) are Just the sane. ‘They are all fad together and are waiting for burial Thele dea ig that Chey must be baried and go away “over there” in order {o ee the Lord, not selag the start Hing fact that the Lord here a thet the king ‘of God Is within us; and ifthe Kingdom ia wha ‘uy then fn plain thatthe ng reldes sn Ha ng. dom. The preadent of the United States doce nat ‘elde in Germany; nelther does the caar of mala Fenide in England. They Hee ad have ther haba ‘on in thls own goverameats, where they belong. roving the Thread. 9 {ET want to a the president af the United States 1 fertainly will not leave thin land sad go of to an ther coun'ry to ind he. Up to thie tme the each {ing has always boon poiating vs to the “over there ‘beyond the grave, and holding oat the Iden that fe Impowsble to speuk with God or kaow His unt we areive at thit far country. This puts the Lond tad the Bible aul all cur good tine aay off ana Uhlatsseatings and Tam writing thle book and Age xing up the nnclent ‘hinge sad locating place and Elving date, ete, f0 fore your mind to see that ths ‘King rides up and down through the earth ad baa ales tho nations and Individuals nd (ir govern: sents up ot down to mit His own porponca, You ‘Dust know that the redemption of meakind te to ‘ako place hereon earth, and tat already ent. ‘enced with great foree aad velocity while dead men aro walking around arguing tae ey the Tent cor Pree Trade or paper moncy or tome other Snag inary thing that Is washing our foundation from Under ua They we uot that fie the iver of Tie {turned on and that tf running throug aod around the Tree of Life ad washing the rabbish away. ‘The ‘ile tells ve that the Tree of Lite te to be in the ‘eater of the River of Life and alse on bath siden of Seen that the water rane through ft, Tew. 22:10 ‘Tue Tree of Lite x mankind planted i the conten of ‘Goa with His powertal Spirte runing throngh an ‘round them; therefore, the trashy ato now piled Up around mien and nations x being torn nora by the Fereniotible Iver. Jesus was in the middle of thie iver, and ths is why He wld "The Father lain Me fapd'T a fa the Father” AN) will roikind it (eventually) to come into the middle of this River, ‘ere on earth; and by producing fact, gars, dates 10 ‘Troving the Thread, and places T hope to break your tale fens about ‘wanting to be baried and go away to wee God whi God is here. "A very tte cleeumstaace sometia, start the mind on 4 new line of thought. Foe fn ‘ance, sume years ao Ipleked up a litle book that ‘yas thiown atouod, ahd, as Yalvays exam every ‘thing, began fo etd snd found that as a wore ot comment on the general character of the Jordaa ‘iver, ete. Facts and Muses were at forth whieh, made ie plata to my mind that i ran the real iver ‘mentions Sn the ile. New light tasked across ‘my mind, and K felt that I ad discovered a great uct. The Iden that the Dible occurrences iad & foundation on tis earth brought the Book eloter home tome and I then bogan fo tak abut ft and Took tato it; and T have gone on, from one thing to father, ail T ad that it nn hore Honk enteey. ‘Tals is why T have so much to aay im my public, Hons about the tri nations and diferwat peo T know that if persons can Be diaentangled ll these things they wll seo the Bible tas new ght heh binge it elower heme to chem go tn te eat ake fe oto thelr minds and comprehend the move ‘ments of God, as He hades the mations and tara fovernments up or dowa and changes the affair ot ‘arth. Ieuan stoning etody andl show thot very thing goen an Tk clock work, mith each whee] furning arwand Sn is place to produce it share of the work tn the general ostcome. Some of tie ‘whee reolve rapialy and Keep up e gest frletion ‘and clatter, while other go very tlow and unnotie ‘able. “Thee seningly great}y mbeod movements ‘ante the people to tak thatthe world dels on fn ‘etaphasard way without mangement or order; bat Jet me fll you tht a onrfut tracing of things down ‘Trocing the Thread. u the agee shows potive and pefet opder and pur Doves kit togeies in the smoothint way. Wen {ek tine comes thes are (ere pret, rey fo Atop inte the uote ade for them and there 1.90 Sick a thing an preventing them” You ean catch Hd ot «spoke fn the wheel ata paah Daskean, bot {e will run oret you abd rweep Tou dows’ Moti Sou baye ofl forenight to ace wat the mat ierand what a certain movement trans, aad i309 trl then take bld'and urge Hoa sou best put ourself in the curent of spel ore hovering ‘ioana cnt movement of you betona not only talightened vat powerfal Bat you mus be cet {at yon understand the purpose of God and tk “in slde of the cms and til op ys mld x thi pt you Ste not Joe By apesrancen a At scarcely oven I tight say never the umooth ot bet lokng se that is God’ side when view ng the fest moremets af ato ey or the retro at Sntind rmed Jil ay around Sa {ce ookain an opposite dition fom God ed met {ting wih he tap turned upeldeduya; hene fhe rrovementy and pictoren on the righthand nde apy fearon the Left an are standing ou thelr eat ‘rc okt the daaded human eye aa fino ‘hile the mised and opeide-down sBare of men on The lft"band are given acrmect appearance fom the neous Sretion. eat faces ace righ that Ther ‘mk el a them striking them tnd they wll Bt ‘he toring with «sengetnce and do every Bing Ss ‘hie wot 20 defeat ino ont be lett fe heed And vpidedown conition his exactly the a uation at ls le troughout the erthepeily 8 eaing the Thread among the AngloSeron nations (Titel Staten, Canada, England, etc), where the great body of th Lost ‘Ton Tethen of Tact ronde, an the Lae ees fom and pet them apart aa the leaders the Mien. Bist Kingdom whieh In now beg pecpared for te ‘world, and thetefer, the commotion attcad ‘Ze Ler wl at te 08 i ths natn of he =< che ths head nd ot a ‘ Mottfous stozy miaputectured to elt the oreo, find when wo talk about hunting for the exact lo ‘ton ofthe Garden of Baten here en earth people open ‘thelr eyes in astonishment. ‘The Bible account of racing the Phread 18 creation and of the Eden transaction make no pre- ‘usa of being énepied. It simply starts ont en begins to tll things without saying who Ty telling the of ches (Cocenrred. Tt In generally believed that Moses wrote the drat Ave boob in the Ola Teta ment; and we kuow that Moses was bora abou! 1573 1. Gand that he resided the Seat 40 years of hin life ia Fp, when he Killed an Expt sad had to run away nd hide from the aberif’ <0 yeare (oo Exodus 2126 and Hx. (1520). This ould ‘make him 80 years old, He then returned to hie old Tome and Ted the Twelve Tribes eros the wilder: fees 40 years, whieh would ake him 120" years ‘lg, and'ie ta quite probable that he wrote thn book of Geneela fare before hia death, Which oc: ‘curred when he Wan 120 yetee of age. ‘Thin woUld ‘make the date of the woting of Genesie 1452 3.0. ‘Aad we kaow that Adam waa created litle over 12300 years before thls perod: erefore, tho reed fof the ercation of Adam and Eve was written 2.50 eee aftar the oceurences 00k 33 aay for sprit Wiedom to fook backward and fee what dar occurred aa to look forward and tell ‘what wil ocean. “And whoever wrote the fret five Tooke ot the O18 Tertament wax either Inapined ‘lee an extraordinary good gaeaer, ax statements fre there mage about the divisions ofthe people and ‘what the gutvome would be in future Lane prowat Tata verify as truth, Ths belng (he ca, we Nave ‘reasonable right to examine the statements about Tocttions and the tranmetiona which fook place be fore Cenesin wan writen and we natarally begin ak {he Garden of den where Adar sa plated, a9 it a geacraly belleved that we are hia descendants ad, therefore, we go tothe Garden for our wtaring u Tracing the Phra, Point. “Bat where was it loeatea” It ws a spot of ground, over arth?” ‘Tam foreed to believe dat 1 did. Tam trae of the fae hat yrsons are now teaching the {de that the Garden of Ben wax not «section oF country, bat that t was a race or rac of people i ‘whom God worked out erstain porpowey; therefore, ‘howe people were the garden.” Thi, im one nase, Istroe Dut there certainly was a partleula lca falled the Garden of Eden, as the Bible mentions certain well known eivers as Sowing out of the Gar {demand tl odieaten that i wa a ton of com ‘iy. There int tendeney nowadaye to ayiboion ery Bible sthtement and mae st vaniak to thin flrs that there is nothing tot. There aren great host of people wo belleve ot pretend to believe that ‘bo auch a perton a8 Jesue ever lived. They argue ‘hat at imply principe aad wa mained Jenn, ‘but that the re Meas mam Jesu Was Bot earth, ‘Thin ahewa how far people will carry a tag when ‘once they star ont to spltuallze everything In the Bible, ‘Thay do avay with every ma, ty, river, ‘moontatn, wea, house, ete, etc, and deere that m0 invch thingn exited, bat thn they were simply prin ‘ple called by those names, and thatthe real tgs never existed They declare that there wis. m0 Motes; no Twelve Tribew af Inaely no city of Jer. salem no David; no Israel Kiigdom; no Tonia) > {pve apostles; uo real eructdsfon of ¢ man on & ‘ones te proper Daniel; mo ansthing. They aay ‘hat none ofthese thingn exited, althoagh the dle ‘covers of today are digging up O1d brick snd pot tery with namen aid dates; and recenty some ol zits wore dog up in Jerusalem, after having been Duried nearly forty fet dee woe 9,000 years The racing the Thread 6 ible ats ost thee gten, Dt oor stalin Tied aa that woe spncpe” and pols nd tate gue 20, ao man og theo frecexireds bot wo ig ap the gue jn he sume "Nii ta nwsy erty hing mich ook pase ttt tine prod wane staal pnp, bt ite the moa chard folsom to tata he ‘tal hing or oranence never win on ear Po Sel pures sv over wera prin. ach fergie oasis up bo apposed 0 esa Tiree agaion tht pindple te they dre The ‘oto taken on thee, boking mado he Tact abst he principe, a that a wadetood ‘Afr oton all erer wil ay poo pretend ‘esp tht the naa elf neo en, Sort entted? Al the ble sgl wore uted bat pen, wien, ce ey Sd wl nt Co tay thet theee agents of the symbola never existe, oat here ace people who are tenting owt ‘eb tolchoms and tia tendency fo roa {tniements af a othng ao tat people rear te Dieu galing soot tha he Tale thytam welng bok ofthis Ried. “Tvant the replete ace ha the ble dete with Goats move Sows ameag men and government,” Joan repre Sed en pci wu fat ips and trong to light Serna Mio fora acne or wana embely bot wil sy perm ake ine lsat ty ying ha the Pea ech an fron nthe leo hone ere ‘ined Thee na tendency Jot po fer te pe fe toange themuelven and sey tage on at Uist No Get; so wo; Bo Jota; no mem ‘Te lene everythings grat biphlany, Yep a Tomy ot eer laraee Sch tanhy Beta 16 ‘Tracing the Phreod. 4 desteetive to men's moral and apitiinal makenp, Tin become scquained with God and ‘alk with Him and Me totale with and this will ‘be dene within the next few years It Th Jane nose Uy a few perseas satiered over the earth. ‘Bat we nut lay down every thing and osrecives to and five up Hl completely und then He wil act ax (Our King. Many of the seaming Srpoasiilites are foming Under cor control already aud many ‘wil follow. The Garden of Kaen han tong Tooked upon as a nothtag. “A mysterious figure of ‘speech wth ne baniyo: foundation at any partculat place but the weltor of Genesla devcrfbea character Intles about if tat make {teertnin that i was Jo ‘ated Nomewhere aloug the bane of the Euphontes ‘iver whlch rive at the foot of Mt. Ararat (a cen ‘ral Armenia) and sigeage southwort, south and soatheatt, 100 miles Tong, to the Persian Gulf, Now go alang that river snd look fr ofkereurmarke that belonged to the Garde, according to the Fesord. ‘whieh Feade a fellows And rier wo a9 ont water tho ead: and ‘gg hee a pred ot trie in ea {Site of te ete Pe wt ou amet tn pet a eerie ion whch manu ho wt IBor Bikes of Ate ta ota) ata iSite dal eae ry wl a ard Beeptog Ame Abd ihe ts eer Eon ‘Thesefor, ty the abore description we we that fone great rivers are broviht Into the account of the Garden location. Cam aay such a apot, ting the above devripton, be found oa earth today? You One of the rivers MEuplivatcs) Su a eetalety, Tha racing the Thread. a ‘Hide yw called the Tgp rive), rhieh goets toward the cast of Amiria” iw enather certainty. tt ‘rane 136 the Euphalce nowt 10 mili nocthwest ‘ot the Persian (nlf. Bo hove are to of the great Fiver joined together. Go down the Kopheates ive Inlles further and another great ver (lie Kersh £500 males Tong) come in ftom the uortheast (rather ‘borth) where it han ie head ja he Egan country a ‘our a broken clu of moustalne where ft ora ‘le the gold, capstone and elim were fond reported in the description quoted above tn tect foe to the Pinon rivet which wis one 0 the fo Uelonging to.the Eden description. Thie Kerkt ser maybe the Pho penned and ach he Wwe have Uiree of the rivera located. Goon ‘iowa the Rephraen farther snd soothe Ming iver {che Karan river) comes tn from the cust oF north faut Ie may be the Olga viver which the Bible mentions a ono of the four. ‘The Bible ange th Gikon ran clea? through the land of Rthiopia. The ‘word Bthopia means burnt faces (black ke. wu Dara); that i, the people were dark color, ‘Phew people came from Cust, te eldest ou of Ham (eco eo, 105); ad am van one of the nn of Noah one Gen, 10:1}. Aud. whieresoerer thove Cush. poople (Gluck coloe)rended, the auclents delgnated Uae oumty the Tand of Ce. Coss pene Blak and Bho means derut fawn (dark) and hence the country would be called Bthiopia (burnt faces) 0 Cash (hinek faces. For thie asm (black eae) ‘three eountees fn anceat tlmen were called tho pia or land of Cosh Ono of thee Cah (Ethiopia ountie jluod the Porslan Gulf on the north and fxtended northward slong the Tita river sn Pers, ‘to Media, whieh fs south of the Guia Bex ‘The 8 ‘racing the Thread sive Keka, boretofre decanted as poubiy the iulent Piso sive, rams cles trough the ne Sani.” The ihe tells tat the Pn er ee ‘lear trong the land of Hava where ther le fol onyrnon, ee onah wan ope of ce St Cte Ge 102. In ann nen he coos ‘try wax named after oF for the lending man or racc! ‘copying and gue key tha eras i ‘car rf thecal oft, Cun and ease] fore Haviland’ dacendanty bad’ tree couatey uaned ail ear ot Jotag lind Gf Cash Th wontd acount for the SiMe reco whlch mag tat the Pion Fier un through fe land of Havliah and thatthe Cites rer sea Lough the lind of Eionn: (nessing brat ‘ees which aa ave thn, fe th Sane as hy hi aan lnk, "Tereor, te nor an tw uadortand bow these name are aenclated {Sch vibes, Hare being’ the sow of: Cosh hd ‘Gah beng sac, wach Wings the ame poe Eto which metas barat fee” ‘Thercore, the Pion rive onan through te Hata cose ‘hile the Glnoa river could ran through the ‘countess th mea the Cue couse, "ily would put one rier Inte ind of Cosy ie father, wie the alr iver wocld be th and ‘Tian, the aon Ths cota be posible ws the {ve svers he Keothah sod the Kora Wick T {re named ae poly he Pleo a the Clio fometed with he Garin ot Een faction oo the Reothah andthe Haran both ron hyo te (eh countrys and It wan Mvided Yetwesy the {athee' dencendann (Cost) bail the foe de sectnts Halas) tn eanoable fo hak one ‘etwas a he Hari land 35d te he ie Seace that thin Cork country lay nosth and north ‘weet of the Persian Gull in Beri, Asi, and that It antraverved byrivern See Zeph 340, a, 121, ‘Husk. 38:5, lve then we luve four Hvéer whieh {ull reasonably well, the deseriytlo Tad dows {the lible about the Garden of Eden; and seo ot there rivers (the Bupheates and the’ Tigris) are counted certalties, as the Buphrats Ie named out ‘ght ance andthe Tigris ealed debe which th towards the eat of Assyea,” and thiajoat ft be deeription of tho Mgr. Aad we kaow that thy land of Cush iu Asia was (he north coast of the Persian Galf, Jost whero all these vers havo thelr way therefore, we bave the Garden of Eden ran flown to-a close quarter on earth. We have the rates and the Tigris Hvera aa eertaintleay and to other rivers whieh ft, reasonably well, the de ‘scription tld down in Geteaia 2:11, 13. We have the land of Havilah and the land of Ruhlopla oF Can; but as to thi (he land of Ethiopia) you are rot to got the Idea that i the Ethlopla in Afra ‘That, in Africa, ia an entirely difeont tract of coun ‘ry which wa also oceapted Dy Cut aud bia de sendaats. Te i sow called Abysinla, Nubla and ennaar. These tracts ie noth 9¢ By in Alea; boat tit ot he Etopla mentioned In esoneetion with Gade of Het heme th net ‘hree tracts of country occupied by the Cush (blac Ascendant, and each tract oe vielaty was called thlopla (burnt face, One ofthese places was In Africa, a8 jot described, while the other to neigh omoods were fa Asl:” and we know that one of ‘hem Asia wat on the north coast of the Persian (Gulf ia dhe rctlty of th four rivers fost named. 0 racing the Phra {Theve in another spot in Asia where the Garde of Eden may have boen located. At the head of tie Euphrates river, up in Armen, is a place where four great rivers ree within & few tllee of ench ther,” Tho Euphrates, Tis, Arazes and the Pha sin The five two dow sonthward fate the Person Ghit, while the Aracon Bows northeast Lato the Cas: tan 8, while the Phas dame northwest fo Diack Sea. The Araxos and the Phosis may ha ‘deen the Pion and the thon. Tere, with st area are the heads of fost grentriverm the Huyhras tes and the Tigre being eo of than and wbich T Tayo heretaforeahown are escalates that blonged to the Garden according tothe Bible acsourt, ‘The spot of country where the forr vexn thy Armenia) rine in yet a beautiful location, jure west of ML Arurat where Noalt Ark rested after the Flood. This tt is elecumetantiel evidence thet ‘Adam's race lived neat there ani ly not prababe ‘hat the Ark tonted away far from where i stated, at there is one objection to thls epot 1s row a leant rather ead there. eat elathing a ‘Pervon (lt (heretofore de seribed asthe probable Bden apot) would be. How. rer, we ean abt term conetoatons from this stand Hof, am the changes inthe ly af the counter, pet Aiud by he Hod, might hare ehanged imate one Aitions alsa. But i te reasonably certala that the Garden of Eien was Tented at ot near one or the ‘other ofthese two placea. One wie at or nent the ‘mouth ofthe Buphraten river, where foar great iver ‘come together;, while the olor spot is at the Read ‘rrocing the Thread, on othe Bophraten whore thee oer rvs se ad star out in Uterat section ieee et Be or he oad poetage'e te bene! ASR "tie reading bara tn the Armin sot noxe Mt Amat atime he fon) renin tae oF eustiy au tar oti erent Srtto tha cr outa sre amg tended of lon par The Bile denrion by not nay that the ers farted ito four moti, bat eau aa ver went eC tte and om thence pared at four Aaa ‘Svom thle wonld be necemiry for the Garden 0 {ton the mui erat © pint nor wher the oho ‘ce srern came tebe nd Jlaed the Garden Her. Thotoutia of tex vera wos betopethet ‘roar ech other, but thei far bende weed be Silly yart and Tost Ia aferent ection hls prety favors te ln thatthe Garden wa on {he Hepraen portent ihe Fes Gl where tnvAvta) and ve Har a Jn, tute own Bhs a yell, the place wher the Xam Peo lense lt wn ley eae the trend a ala isco teagag on al ensor pln and nate the eer deetatanoe whieh woe wre tometer Tstarte te people todlderent parts of earth The {rat nota wenrence Of ilu kind wan whe they fncened the ira te they woul bul a Mah ‘Sums atl the ower of Babe fo pereuate EE oder —oon HIS. 39 Tracing the Thread. ‘After tie Flood the doscondanta of Noss loatod In the rich valley in Shinar along the Eupheater rer, nordhweat ofthe Persian Gall and lated 9 fanetntratethemsclver there ato aloe wttlemeat sani wtnyon tht one spot of earch aad bulld up great improvements to perpetuate thelr name, ANP thi aw contrary to th divine plan, an it would leave i Ferainder of earth uot populated; therefore, after the people bad tomnented thelr grt tow ‘ment (Tower of Babel the Lord confused tele las ‘uuge eo that one could not understand Use othe, and of conrse thelr suaocations were decidedly aoe {creating to each other and they divided off ito it He squade—each of whieh contained, probably, nly auch persone am could speak and undortand the language of that quad. a Dea the ne se on an hey bert ears: ted Stud a That thoy tay ‘tol underage * See the lard meee tian alton toa test ‘twould be natural for them then to seek a low: ‘an, cach equad to seit; and to do thie they Would scatter out and hunt up «location foreach colony ‘This in jore what the Loed waated, vo thatthe earth ‘would be populated. A carstul tricklag of these Iorements shows that as ths Une would come for ‘new section of eountry to he settled sone circum ‘tance would arise to divide the people In opalen 90 {hat one part would pall out ana hant yp anew loca. Alon. Ts highly fntereating to tua, over history and notice how mayaterioualy thene tings have oe ‘uteed. “After the Noab dosesndanta wer onetred, ‘one of them (Abraham) was chogen By the Lord to be the head oF commencement of a eptcal mation of racing the Thre 2 ‘eople te lead in things godly, and, of course, ‘hey hd to. be apectally taupe and, there. fore, thes were seperated from other prople right ‘om the atar, beginning with Abram. He re ‘ed at Ur (on or near the Euphrates riven tn Moao- ‘tami, several hundeed tilen north (and Melo iat) of Jeruvales. ‘The Lord commanded Mas to Jeave hs kindred and hs 01d home and gonouthward Salo Paletine. aa am Lr ait Ara Ge. et 8 ag ‘Woeetuntoa tnd tact wil woe? wil tk Oe Satan ty tame cen as ‘They and tele descendants Uyed in Cannan un: ‘11 Chet atlated tine eam to go Eaypt, ae Goo aul {old Abraham that hs descendants would be driven, toe strange land not belonging to ther, and that they would ray Lo the strange land 400 years and be wervants or Haven ‘As be (oi) sd at Aram. Know of 2 suey that sagas tuners a ot Seg hy (Se Egrtay saaer ehe 40 yen. 5 ‘A famine in Fanti (at the peepee tig forced thom to move to Bgspt fn Africa) ae thin wns the ‘straage land” mentioued hy the Lord aad they dia stay Cero 400 ears (rou 1900 B,C to 1200 B.C) ‘and towarda the expiration of that ine th Kings of gypt became a0 extremely pinehing om thea that they cond hardly Iie there.” ‘Thele te ad come {or them ta more oot of Egypt fo Palestine which ‘was ready for Lem, and. Moves wi down In the sent (lone) thing Hewson the spletual shoo! ” Tracing the Thread ‘of Got so a8 to be ready to load the Tarai oat ‘when thelr last hour had wxyleed for theta to be here, ‘They were grumbling and growling about ‘he "bard tes” but never even sompieloned that ‘oad tie nian (ose) who was fo lead them ont flown tn the dovert teaching im how to be a great ‘aptata over thew: and speak the commands of God {fo them. ‘They thooght great evil had nck, them in Kigpt. ‘They did not know that by move {ng out from thee and going to Paletine they could havea gorerament of thelr own with God (a the pro- ply) talking with Uhr ‘Ther colton waa to be Iitered fasted of belng made worse, but Dey could ‘uot ee that potat, even thogh odd hele Kae (foots) away prepactag him for the move then. ‘They maved oer Into. Talestine and were estab. Insel tnto a govesament of thee own, bet whe (Be ‘ime came for a change in heir airs ditialty Aaron Among. themaelves and genera) etal: ‘hn stim and grew wormed worse many years "Misir Miogdom hd rn fis conrae and had core ‘tw ie Jumplngod place God permitted Ube kings, fone after another, to act fa what wr oud call ‘unremwonable manner. ‘They were tard and cruel ‘on the people and overtazed them and burdened ‘hem dawn in every way, and the more the people ‘complained the harder the bing burdened them, ue {Ul Mallya majority of the people rove up and lett ‘he government and wcattered oot to rome other polatand set up a new thing Tey poettvely stated fut Ringe 12/128 and 1 Kings 11:31 36 and Zech. Ai:16 that Gio ead the division of the Teraeiiah Kingdom. ‘Telia parpose Int Zech. 1:44 ayn ‘ie wanted to real the brotherhood hrteen Tara (fea Telbes) and Judah Jews. "The purports at ‘Tracing the Thread. 6 ‘stated, bot by looking back atthe movemont whet, have taken place since then we cas gets hte Mint ‘acto what some of the parpose was. Bngland a1 fll Europe weve Iving tere wert of them needing ‘these popleto devtlop the resoures of the ld and ‘atthe me he sprvad he godly inteuctions whi ‘hey had reesived tnay hundteds of Youre trvags Mones and the propeti They fally delted over ‘hat way and things went well aad Motrlablug far a tine yal heit time came to "more on,” then re Iigionh bigotry and oppression set fn upon them and eo walling that they Tooked for a new lo ton wire ty eould worslp God in thelr own way Mrithout dictation, Here. wan all this eh North ‘Rmerlean conntry Tying Ole whi ery thing favor able of for aplrttaal development and le chown amy of Lael well snrted i pletual schooling. Tt fremed proper to beng these people and th cous {iy topetier, and circomatnnces aroae that aceon ‘ished fy andthe resolt ix, we Bnd ere fn the raited states the moet advanced apietual people ‘select namber of whom ace fo lead in th fle ‘Mal Kingdom aad act ax the "governors of Seda a eee fonrahing way A fer banded Yeurw util about al Df the desirable aren were settied and then a cond tion arone that gradually agitted the people fod eonteatanent; amd disrupted condition will De the Tenalt, jst a each chauge has trout during the Inet 000 years. Before the change oecoreed. fs Tygrt the raters (Phacwobs) ousd them dows hnmder and tore vere tatil thas became alecon- tted and wing to leave. In Palestine the ume ‘hing occurred. "In Ragland the oppression took on 0 Tracing the Phread. seonstariicnr tr, Than wee tect a se el ttn tent eas Seca ee ma meeeee Seine eae a Sch no attend pat HENS Tielke wart amet ‘ronan neti ee ps Sonnet nn nin acest cee yey bake eghen ewe SPL? Bw hye te hal he pe Teeter eoute st ten aee nie carina at ng Bs SETS May ne ad ae See fe A a Chen hear cs iti eae Bocurepemr eres Space Tatiana ee re Senin dsm eee ty freee cere ote SERS Sane a cary eek Sain sot i al ad Ses taeda ance eae Stet me sce tomes easily oe a ay pleat ea ae ‘“ Spe ieas us eae Lo Trery thing gow on fie, and when the Hie comen tor breaking tp the old onde of things and neater Ing and collecting to'a new spot on earth the causes that will produce It begin to net (a and grow up to much proportion aa to rift every thing ‘open: ad ‘hss the sole and only cause of ‘he present dlarupted condition f pli, ehurchew ‘racing the Thread, on and society. One time us come and nothing fm pat it down of prevent Jt. Yor might at Wel fy t law the moon. Tt ill plow eight on {soa the clouds undisturbed while yom pomnd the alr nd curse atthe pinched conttion of things fd Blame thls voles and that ruler fey ote at om ane not to donw fons this that T advocate that {od works evil. God ix Love abd doeth no evi, bat in oremente often atm co the han atlee a col. No doubt Moab oo {grat ov had struck then whem (fe {ngs fel upon them and made “unpleasant—o rich to that they fave op thei od Thome and lett (o other parte of earth. "he Taal ten thooght @ great evil had struck (hom when things became wo pinching that they could not live In Egypt and bad to more out; and afterwards they tad to robelugalaat the Kay at Jeraelom aad split ‘the goversment In two. The Twelve Tbe had ‘nee living together sboat 1,000 yearh snd then have a disraption and family quarrel scemed. bad Indeed bot od tn Hs Book (the Bible) says, “hla thing is from Me” Kings 12:1625. Zech, 11:14 ‘The Bible positively deelarce that God coufased the tongver a: the Tower of Babel and catered the peo: ple Ges. 11-110. The Bible fella aw that God fused Nebuchadnearar, kag of Babylon, to como ‘over to Jesu snd breakup and enery away the ewieh Kingdom. cr. 35. OF course the Jews ‘houglit a goent exit had xtc them. ‘People want to bold ot to the ol way. ‘They can not nce the ood. belo prepared” for them. ‘Those ho are to lead the New Nation ate nov fa the situa school of God, ne Moven was, and the great ‘ovement will occur cre long aftr things became 8 ‘Tracing the Phresd, toe and more pinhog. Mankind Is so cat feted ttt ft he pel al they apt Isis stoes fora tp toe wane o aces Gee ten ond ath god Nd in hh foe and Die oa dy cena fo Gl Sislnpsos nybod), es maroc qr toae tito tien any Sg snd a ok thooabjet maken then sary itinony wis tay Sete dave le way tad toe ik fev tat te een ilag tba teat Me Gandecike Uaeee, Tus uote econ ‘hy ach eccoppetn and traps hes Soe terete dnuttacon’ end ie then sal sere pote ad and hens south ners met Ieutapton los hd ea tse apo ty them an oi setny en Viewing ts ‘fy st ata ae clit tearaoas he iin wc py ‘elated that God creates evil, ae fan a ect erscree hermes eet ee ae “he here cf peer oa, hn ce ny Wt afd et eas ot roca tat tom ugmet oe Giehumcd suet susie ‘Tho people are complaining and fearfel that the racing the Thread, 0 prevent wystem of governments carehen and society ‘ill perish, a tI belng paralyned now before helt ‘eyes and they thiak Hey” would be ruined if the [rosea order of tage were taken away frm them. {hoy ean not aoe that a bette thing--the bet thn ‘hat wae ever eatbllsed on thin earth for mankind fn to take the place of the present nsatiefactory fondition. They look at all this breaking up now a fr. Inthe springtime the warm atmospere etuaea ‘he ioe in the rivers to break lovee, and the pleter ‘ear and plenge aud rll over each other and sveop favy beidgos and every thing before Il. It iv de Mrrcilve. You moat keep out of ftw way. Witla tect? eis a highwayman, tall of slaaghters_ bat ‘what cansed 2 | What is coming ehind 17 Growth, Teauty and bouatiulnean. "The gran, the leaves om ‘the tree, the ie frit the gain and bonatifal crops fre coming ong irolditely behind all the sage {er and maduere They could not have eome had ‘tho ive remained Sroren and bard, Te had to sire ‘way fest; nd the aun atizosphere condition that ‘cued the fon to rae up and eke at eng Bromgit ‘the grass and the golden gran. We are jst now ‘onmlag fo the golden harvest of all peat agen. The freak climax of perfection in about to commence aad ‘the same spiritual covditions overhead that are bringing tare also breaking up the long fren, ley condition that haw held things Gown on the beastly plane 60 yeare.” ‘Tha breaking up te elveady eat {ng waffering ad slaughter to every thing tn Its ‘ray, Jost an the te inthe rivers dot in ta spring time tresking. Climb ont of the way ahd hinder fe hot If you would not be destroyed hy Kee com fag with invesstile force, Sexnd alll and wateh cy Tracing the Thread. ‘he redemption of Man and the earth, and see ag of te ew Nato Cat ef ed th wor Drop the foolish habit of apeitualising every thing fn the Tle and patting ‘every thing away “up ‘herey" out of your Feash. God is within os ‘The Groat Pyramid of Eqyp, 81 ‘BRIEF EXPLANATION ABOUT THE GREAT PYRAMID OF EOYPT, Teforo a porson ean fll andevwtand the de scription of a piece of workmanahiy the plan of It it be thoroughly imprinted on the mind; thre fore, iis necemary that you read thls carefally add ‘race ton the diagram het fa thi book. "Te Ryramid covers 19) square acres and ts 484 tect high. trance 00 feet above gronnd and 25 fet cast of cvater: Entrance door 4) nce high and 115 Inchee wide ‘he Pit io $6 fect long and 28 feet broad, and i Tecate 100 fet below the enter ofthe base of the Pyrat ‘Mona Hall Is 47 taches high (fo eling) and 41 Inches wide snd slate 28 dager loot length of Christian Hal, 18612 Snchea, Cling early 28 fet high. Door leading to hal Sb Inches nigh. Door leading oat at top end of hal Bp Inchew ‘Short pantage from top end of Cariataa Hall to AnteChamber, 5219 lachon Length of AnteChamber, 11626 tole; width, 05; hah, Lie." King’s Chamber longth, 412 tnebess width, ‘Temperature, 50. degrees 380 tind £0 contaen of masonry from baee of Pyramid 10 Mineman” Tor aon or fade of nd whleh i ppved to represent the Ark ofthe Covenaat, is Sood Techs long. 9801 wide tu S19 deep 82 The Creat Pyramid of Baypt. ‘ge of Prt somthng or 400 seam ulin 80 yeaete Reso aesang Wye nla at an te fmt Sree pecivey erat on be Salen te polut, It Is largely conjecture, made up from mere Biecqastal ian sient wates ‘celta knee oi tng Hioviapiai then Genie oat ay a lige uae Ln perenne reeeneet rre ae hep eda meg nt ethene rae RiP sear Foul me a hore hos oak tugs nk the sal we por the bdr ip tora sip antares” one a Lot pale Urea ctl iat as Sonat "i ine ha Hc hn fore be wera ‘indtheppha sonieweereee, Aad lca thls toro yet a oe Rewaan! oeceminny eet ae Mav cod bard ids tals tae pe few tow ery tha ives nivel ra as kts teste eae ceca Tidus. ‘The Groot Myntery Unveiled, 8 ‘THE ORBAT MYSTERY UNVEIED, In the northern part of Africa stands the great svonder of the world, Genesntions have come and Tock that seated fs lips, ‘guarded carefully the hidden secret in in caro ua {U'the tine would come for the volee witha it to Te hax spoken, aad in Breathless amazement at "The vel Ie tted saintly to 0 pore some of tx longhidden treararon. Silent 0 the tomb at midoight 1 iy yet its great mesage zl out upon us at au opportune moment whe ‘ost needed. Its apecchiees oratory te men down Iie sand. Well they may wondze (alts prew fence, as Jchovah's tracks are there, but He eovared ‘them from the exer of men, and aealed the sadam fof the ages fa solid stone no that nelther time nor the elements of weather can erase His eoret pally Will you read thin secret history? Come with me to the great Pyramid of Egypt—yray-headed with age ‘Tak of your soca and sneover Jour head in its tw fring prewaco, en Jebovas has bea thee. He was ‘the aehitect ‘whose plans and specications were formed before the fat moming stars tang together. ‘He gate the orders and the foundation for tha myx ‘trios building was lid before th grandparents ot ‘Abralanl were bora.” What i the measurement ‘heeoof 704 fect aquare a is base und 486 feet ih covering about thirteen neres of ground. Bullt ot tone laid solld within and withont. Some of the Er The Great Mystery Unltd. stonce beng thet fect i length and ft down apo. ‘cach other np cloely thatthe plat of a posket kite blade an be ren over them and not defet the folate atthorghino sortar wat used tn balding. Whose ithe machinery today that will dress a 30-00% stone xo ncourntoly as tomake mucha Jolt? And the freight of mach a stone! Some In the balding are ‘timated {0 welgh 800 tong.” What machinery ean life euch wtone over 4D0 fet hh and et it down to necarately a to make an almost unnoticeable Joint? Acemnon eg ar wll eats 20 tons and 2 thia tate fe would require 40 cara eo carry one one. All he steam engines in the world eould not ‘all thie 13aece bullding Tn one amp. Storms can ot bake ita je oll through from we to side fan from top to bottom exeept threw or four ile Ihalla ring Uhrough Tt at various anges; and in these some of the mysterice ate bull IE ls shaped ‘lng tapered and fect in a tharp pine, 486 feet highs ttt the {cme of wisdom form and tractor, ‘Witen"waw it bull? What wos the porpowe? 2" Hlow many thomsen mem were iene pom 1? All these questions mere aed GedeSnan ot peor btore ewes was bors Away back tn docoi'e tse thn great bulldog troubled ‘he heads of men, but Johorah kept ally the tine for unvelling tn deep aceets bad nat St come io built? Ref not pontvely known, bat tdrcumttaniat eeience. ween to nhow thot Mel Cinedok (the grett peaceful king of Salem), man ‘aged the works but he reosved the patter, inside nt oateide, directly trom God. ‘The Wile men ‘ons Mlehizedek am aing bec type of Christ— ‘Tha Great Aystry Unltd, as Se eeiie ene e See ae ae See ee eee oatteea ie Sot tS cere Seems eee ec Si cee aoe ees Sees bo hstnheelartite eee a ee wcaral arama alee rare eae are Sa ee ae eee = enters cee ee a ee eens Seieuae Sareea Bao ae eae a Sen ees 6 The Great Aywlery Uneeied. [What was the purpor in Dullding Ik? AL, here i the great question that ls Neen aed all through the agen, the lst four thiaand yey but wever ax ftwerel wal the Lord was rndy to let men nto some Or iis wecret plaun The prophet Dapll, wring under iapleation,Geclared that time would come ‘When “nea would oy te and fo and knocedge ‘yowld be increased; and sure enough that day ion na snd mt at having tele ejow opened ie toprcrles of Ged ad Tih universe, allroad tiaine are earryiog people to all parts of earthy aa tie meme st ovr great depots in large elles ah ‘hat the peophecien are now being foiled by peopl nling to and fro-some going one way aad some nother. It ln one continaoos harry and stir TBvezy body dea (o b¢ om the move. Traine, going in all aretlons, are erowded. ‘People are discon: tented and wart to bo golugs and If they can not go bn raileoute they gon wagon and 03 foot. Knob (ge in belng foereated ton.” "Tho Lords droppiog ‘crumbs of windoxs into the iminds of men ax rapidly te they are willing to rvs i, end tha n0W ent ent of fore rosiig rough the thonghts creates Termentaton whlle ts brekog people aay from thelr eld Ideas end this change canees a Glntarbod ‘condition among the people; this we eto that the {alslimene of Danie propiees ts now gol 035 fed with the increaing of knowledge, predicted by fim, comes new Knowledge ant thie great atone figsiery in Eygpt "The Tord fitted all {Us wecrots to ow nto one ma fmong them by dropping a pola to one and another polet to ancther, ad 0.08. The first dlecovery Thout ie wes that i contained sclentite Leanna in various lines of widow. It gives us the Key €0 8 ‘The Grect Mystry Cnet, ” correat system of weights and measnren and to ‘mathematical problems It answert quexons ia Autronamy. It points us to deep accrets ia earth fad ky. It shows the eycles or periods of rvolu- ion ofthe Icavenly Dodien Its measuremeats and ‘angle (wen understood) polnt out the path of a fand note the tine when cert occurrences tke place on earth. “Although (twas baile more than fro thomsand yearn before Jesas Chilat a8 bat, yet He marks the exact date when that great event froalit govan. Ie shows Tis death and rewarreetion ‘tad the upward path of man lowatds perfection and Dotes the dave when the Milleonial Age will wet fib geet Sal glory. I mapas the calling Gf the Bwelve Tribes of Teruel aad the wonderfl ‘eating God head with them and what i yet (0 ‘ect The path of all ations js thowa and what ‘helt inal dentiny whl Be. Te showa the Holy and the Meat Holy pace they were pictored omt be: {ove the Tweive Tribes ef Iewel daring thelr cle. brated Journey of forty yours tothe wilderness. At ‘hat fine the armbols were couetrdcted of cloth 38d Tigen hus up (0 fori ehambers and ante chamber, ‘with curtains dawn between them; Dut fa thie great ngelery ia Rgypt all these things aud any rote are shown tn stone Dates of otrsrwccn ate ‘most genfously marked and yet nota pletare, nok sword, nota gare to be found aboat tt The hie Seating ofthe world are carefully watton Yet nota ward veut, puluted of shown. Te speaks ta thunderiog tones fo tho ages, and yet ite ‘oles illeat ee the grave. No husaan eye ean ead {is astouteing story for the reason that reading ‘ean be fonnd there, Its wonderful monaagen never ‘would be noticed hy the alght, hearing, rove tate % ‘The Oreat Mystery Une, ‘oramell. ‘These five senses of man are dum in ite Drevence, Jehoval has a way of concealing tinge Anat the same ve holding them up ofa ew. ‘ally wi) shall wedarstone." Dash a te The great wecroty and history: dwelling thie egyptian mouoment are brought ¢o Tight hy meax retats aod calculating ie alent you kaow any thing about giawetny and trigonometry you ‘ow that there is way of meusting diatances by {process called frisuputtion. Civil eugineere se {hls method tn agaring the distances werone sera br Ehreugh monntains where the chain ean aot be Carried. The rule works with exastueas and shows Astance more uccnrately thas etn meamrentent scrote, hy applying this aud other mathematica) rales to the great stone Pyramidlof Egypt ft reveale ‘wonders, Tespeakeowt in tinadering tnen, and pet ‘ays aot a word. Por fnvtanee, ty meaauting the distance from ts northeast corner (at base) to wouthe ‘wont eremer, and adding i to the distance from northwest core to southeast corner will ow (i Inches teeaact nazbur of yearn inthe poscmonal ‘gee (veh ty 25827 years). The precemonal ey cle or period is the tue roqleed or the si to Imakeone rerolution or ere aronnd 4 central point, ppd te be Pleiades. Our earth and a great many ofher worlds circle around the wun. It is & eter for them’ bat while they are whirling aro¥nd the ean, the nn is moving in a large enele around Droiades; and the time required to make thle great circle is 25427 years Long before th wonders of {he stone Porat of Kuyt ad been discovered, a frouomers ad figured aut the tie required for the ‘The Great Motor Uv, 2° fun to make thls rent Scorer, and thee Sigaroe rere the ame an ate now discovered a the Pyanid Or course Jehovah knew all about the tin spd ‘overents going oa in the heatene ab He seetiy wrote them inthis great stone bldg ty taking Gil uch coun one sey te elakmed theretone ‘when yo mat fo mow the length of tine tn aay {ert depenatien of odo esis the date wh certain important event wll occu, fost Dik op ovr tnpeline snd mart around or thspugh se over ‘he Pyramid and ote ita smenurementy snd ang sour question willbe aaxwered a laches OF atic "Would you know the datance from this earth to the won? Jost mane the fitance trom the top nt ofthe Pyrna o Sexhane apd mete te Hane {tit iden nd thn apply the known rele of erth mele, pometry aod trgiaometty i Eanglaton, Ieveofore mestoned, and pout anewer wil Us STALOZTO niles ax the dinanee between theve tno Iwona Long Before the mere ot he Pyramid ‘rere tveledeetrosomere had vetted oa the die {ances 92 allen fle or thereabout When ‘hong ary gio ana aring pit ie Jatt ny fo caleniae the dite front ome wort a ania tot he ian ron ene {xt caring the chain scroe he space, an San lation rales are gecarate, ame ae othet mathemat God was aikiag Job certaln mysterious qu tions to set Job fo thinklag about the woaderfal ‘things ofthe universe and che great wis required 0 ‘The Great Mystery United, to convtrnc ther, and God used a boing a arm Dol to represent tha earth, and aka the qscations: Whee at th ude ial funtion of he art rth faerie ere fined snd ke ‘Pyramid was carefally leveled on natural rock and ‘hole or soeket cit down into the rock bottom, at fagh of the four foundation cormery 20 that the ‘workinea cold shape the Gre layer of dressed stone {o Mt into the soeketa; representing by thi that it should never slip of x foundation. "Tho Lord vas Dating to Job about dhe tings, Mrraspn ort te fendotns Aart fxtmal? Whe teil rere Ber a ‘Ts stone Pyramid may be considered thi earth built om a stall seale apd containing full Mistory ‘of man ad his winding path and tho key to a aye tem of weights and meantren bert adapted to mau ‘we; aad lao murklng the Ndden eaten when great ‘hunges or dlspeneations would oct La, eta ete. "The meaatrements of the four aides (kit base) faded togethse given the exact time tn four your, €0 the very fction—and makes due allowance for the "thero la but one opening into the Pyramid, an {het fs on tbe north ade tad ity Toe abe the Date, Prom this entrantedoor one arts Sarow, staiga, declining Passage or Mallory, $044 tnches (S57 feet) long: "The slant is regular And rather neep nod pees downward theoagh De foundation ofthe Pyramid aud goer outs downward course, throug the natural otk, a distance of 100, fect below the bas Iie ux! it meets a te room, The Grest Mystery Une, at or “pi,” 40228 tout inthe solid natural rock ander ‘he Pyramid, Ae before stated, the distaace from this “ple” room to the eotrance dove in the north ‘Mae of Pyramid, ix 4054 inches 37 fet), The Important pola to remember, us he length aft hal-was, expressed ia Lichen, a auppone to give ‘he numberof yenrs the human race wonld he going ‘ova the slanlng rod towed the spit” of trae Denn disanter—connting trem the time when the Pyramid was fnahod; now if we Kaow who that Dilldng wae completed wo can start at That date and ran down 4044 years aad dd when the tne of trouble, spoken of by Chest and Bible wzitery wil begin. “Their words am this turbulent Mime tre aa fal eee ‘Salagen thee mine Indian. een 8 re Sta ee i inn slog hs beri of Ee wee ae 3, ‘When was tho Pyramid bail? This is the point toe learned In order to get a wtarting Dolnt forthe AOU years AB, the date of the build: Ing of that great atone witness sn troubled the Iheads of generations, but God had ft marked Sa Mladen way so that when “inlay would te reamed," an spoken of by Daal, the Lard sould let then fo the Hportant necet. Mr, John Taylor, of England, was the teat per sn to prove that the Pyramld was ball for sore fread parpose, 0 portance, bot bls fe braneb of its teuehiogs; and he published some ry ‘The Gat Mystery Toeiet: thing aboot ft fn A.D. 1859. ince then many men have figured on Ie and written about 1 watt many ook and pamphlets om the abject ae now in ex Itfence. Each an dlacovers wome new point Aa fronomera have bun greatly taterstod In i for he reason that Ht teaches maay things In thelr Iie, Prof. Plaue Siyt Astrouciner Royal for Betland, went to Busptand madea study of fe and took care” fal measurements of ts angles and parts aa made Arawings of tt—showing locations and lengths of ‘alla as all the important. potas aboat it and ‘wrote a took on it eatitled “Our lakertance ba The Great Pyramid” ‘Part of the Ngan and drawl ‘et out ln thls work aze-takea from hls Book He ‘ras looking at tently trom the basi of wstrox: ‘uy, without thinking that 1 had any thing to do ‘vi the Bible ce God plans; and while wo engaged 1h Suriyg ont the Ieanone im aeons, an tangit ‘by the Pyramid, he noticed thet the long, narrow slanting hallway (entrance passage) teacbled 8 {eleecope, polling to a cerata place in the heavens Tee figured backward ia ustrouomy to nd when any ‘anet tad then at that spot fn tho ekys" in other vars, be tured the wheels of the dafverse back: srard wal woth woud eome in range with that Talway tn the Pyramid. He found that at mi aight of the autimonal eqainex, 1. C. 2170, the ‘Dragon sta had beet in direct Tine with the Lal. ‘way which pointa yard toward the merth There Inanother narrow hall leading off from the entrance ‘all and polota upward towards the souk Te ti tired backwards fo find what planet would he tn "ange with Mand he fornd tht the elater of even stata called Pleladen was the object to which the ‘uth painting all wom calling ou the aight of ‘The Great Mystery Cavell. a osm, B.0.2170, Ho therefore eoneuded thatthe ‘Pyramid was bul (afshed) 21708. C.” Ate Prot ‘Sinyu had discovered there lesaone fm astronnny, another gentleman named Wobert Menten cght ‘the Men Ghat the Tength of those balls had some tring from adliferent staring pol, ‘be umber of Tach world fell when t ‘vas ball. ‘The entrance hal earting ia from he forth wide of the Pyramid) runa south and. down- ‘ward, ax before sited, O44 Inches, But O28 inches ‘rom its starting point another hal sets fa and rene tpratd 1312 nlos to where fe mooted roa ino gallery whose celllag In twealy-

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