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‘THE MASTER KEY OF DESTINY, PREFACE, ‘This little book should be worth its weight in gold to every man and womaa, young or old, desiring to make the most of thelr ite and. opportunities ‘Ir tells you how to accurately plan your lifs, when you will experience prosperity or adversity and enables You te measure the enact deration of each period of gain Te tells you when to 4eek favors {rom others, when to avoid emtaring into new enterprises or investments, how and when to select easociates, friends or employees and the best time for accomplishing your every purpose 'No matter how skeptical you may be, an. honest application of the rules and principles contained herein will prove the valus of the given rules and satisfy you Of the genuineness and value of these Master Keya of Destiny. ‘There is nothing uncanny about these principles con- tained herein,” They are besed upon the Secret Teach Ings of the Ancient Bgytians, Chaldeans, Babylonians, Hebrews, Persians, Hindus and Chinese who have used ‘them for centuries ‘AS stated in our Bible, these ancient peoples believed that God placed the win and. stars in the heavens as signs snd symbols for man and centuries of observation fon the part of thousands upon thousands have pro’ the truth of thelr assertions, ‘Man is not ruled by sare. Tostead of being victims of Fate, we are all Wards of God. ‘Therefore, the study of HIS Laws. and an understanding of the celestial Symbols by which they are interpreted will free all inate from mistakes and errors to thet consequent Profit and happiness. “'Morely,” in summing up the life of Napoleon, said he war no geniss but that his greatness lay in bis freedom from the mistakes of ordinary man. Practice these keys. Master thelr principles. No matter what your station in hfe may ‘be, you will Gnd them an Invaluable aid’ in the conducting of your everyday affaics and in the solving of perplexing probleme. THE AUTHOR, [21 THE MASTER KEY OF DESTINY. CHAPTER ONE. _ = == tetera of the varie fates of askin we Sol eth et aver Sesmage me aha mane wed cae em aoe were it es et a ee were thanpcnin ale ead ene ee Tinong the oustendng. predictions tate the plone and Sag or Bega tua the eee o rea eens mes Getpedchons ats sened 2 BBS ee se rh LT Piss lands ln lad Sosa Fis life and fhe religious attitude of the world’ general ite lia age Sees Rye se, Coming down tthe 186 entry we hae the fre ae chye Gln of etingdona of Batangas oe HED ay ec gre pete east a Set, decade ye Se Habs Se" werk of ke -.hlLrlLrhLrTrLr polled et he peehl a the Hoan Rete Beate aS ee ee eet Na Brea nadshebus st 5, ose Site Bests acing wba Cork Sits SPRL aca Gerla oho aon e the Seoae eae Wika Th faces ne go chough these ancient ond, we oF Sadr giking el alae aren sobkege mee er waney HS Gree ny a neve ge mens RCL bnomial olde ta ensuite ined Do STCLET URED ead ee See Meee Wt mere these men? How were hey able to mate ae eee RE My ea ate tmnt Se PUR ahig About elter"tien oa Boda Ba nk tae te ere Beye biget Sate’ Winn Dupe Whee Badge Geen Higion Monty alice Bae eat 1 Rameeey, Brennand, Hazelrigg, Gor Old and a host of qually cement research workers, we are able through {em not only to reproduce but to apply theie methods to the solution ef the problems of everyday life Now, I am going to acquaint you withthe fret of the Secrets contalned in ths tie Booke The wise ten of the past took seriously the wlatemente meade in ost wn’ Bible and the sacred books of other peoples, that 5 placed the sun and. stare the heavens as signs Sid dymbols for man” Belleving these statements’ to ‘eltrat, hey obeerved and recorded the movements of ie rua tase and planets wath celaion, to earthly ‘Mfaige and events, and found that their return to silat positions in the Heavens coincided with events of Uke Bature on Earth and in the individual experience of fpankind, This anelent study of the heavens and great Bodies of spuce han come down to us as the Sconce of the Stare or Astrology. ‘This grand old Science is, however, very diferent fromm the ro-called astrology that we are sil ¢o familiar with through the ‘catch penny pamphlets and birthday Books" published by Astrological promoters, fortune tellers and amateure of the present day. It was the brand old science which was developed and perfected By the Prophets, Magi and Priests of Egypt, Babylon, Chaldea, ‘India ‘and China, who centuries ago taught that God, the Creator and Preserver of all ised the ‘tars fret as instrments with which to blend, preserve and radiate those great electro-magnetic. or, cosmic foreet which supply us with light, heat and other Iife- Biving ‘elements, and second, a8 signe and symbole Which when properly read make clear the nature of coming events. In other words, tis by means of this Science that we are able to observe how He preserves and directs. all life manifestations, the means by which He injects into the lives and environments of each of us_the exact amount of stimulus, inspiration and experience that is Fequired to develop and bring out all that is best ia each human soul eo that when in His infiaite wisdom ‘we are called to take up the great work He has destined Us to perform, we will be perfect instrumenta for His purpose. ‘This is the real Science of Astrology and so accurate, giear and tus were the forecaste of us early fore: fathers than man soon came to. accept their science as the most sacred and worthy of all, 4) When we realize that it afords the only material means by which we can prove’ the cea’ of ode existence, that it is the only sclence by whieh we can demonstrate His continued Interest in and eirection of ur lives even in thelr minutert detaily thet itis the only avenue by which we can observe’ His laws. and analyse our characters, abilities and coms to understand the meaningvof the contingencies and life experiences with “which "we find ourselves gurroundel’ through Periods of sunshine and rain, we begin { ‘dea of what Astrology really means and ca how itis entitled to a definite place in our busy every day lives. ‘The Ancients were wo thoroughly aware ¢f ite worth that they did everything that lay within thein Power to preserve its beneht for future generations Ehie they aegomplished by inventing the fizogiyehice, or Ancient Sacred Temple languages, by perfecting @ system of Mythology that makes the inner Truths of the “Seen, ear Ro ie inate By. ding ‘he mansions of the sky and attaching (0 alphabets and mamberg hele Eepecive nner oettngs ic when froderna even i his dzneci week aed mate age Gh ted werd age {Sima grape charts of our hte far Say Jour toad Weck day of hour shout which we deste Dioraatons” sndene esto Hau Bion Gh Oa en Of the ‘Tree of Life, which are deciphered and fully Sxplaingd ithe Tollowing pages. Take tem, 20a ides CS yong daly. edar aad you rl be great Surpeieed gt bible accuracy and eh reece na soot eal ane eed oh ceetica Bs, ocean rae ‘whith she Boat tes of their worth and vate, (sl CHAPTER TWO. he Arcanes of th ye twenty-two in nore oe Sila nas ‘The frst division, compsxing Ar wih whith itevaricns poral ivan are coeed Bud Yom the erpiettons we pet sone Hes of Powe dt festspen dian corpora ‘the-native Passes dorng” his eater, int ‘mates of te efesip of Dat seve catenton i ar type, and the main Auctantions or pr and’ dows, siti enperinceee ‘The aymbologies, with their numeral values, names and tiphabetial equivatents, contain the following (a) The Great Truths man must assimilate and live by, before be ean attain perfection, ‘@) the Physical type be represents ag inter. seted by the “Atcane ruling bie date of bith, or Sy Number ae hercoatter explained. Cyihe native's highest form of expression is represented by the motmal type Teasing of the Arcane tha ees hing wil he, ore pee fyper ate explained "ty their minture withthe Pubits and Peculisites expressed. 2) The Occupations witch his type are best sled to follow. (G) The Failings, Impulses and Habite he should leita fo master and control © The Annual, Monthiy, Weekly or Ds 'y events each type may experience during the life Petlods and suleperiods fuled by cach Arcane (@) "The natives ‘Keynotes ‘or dominating im pollvs, a proper understanding oC which, wil aid im to express the highest degree of success Bis type apabe of atafin ‘The first division of these Arcanes is numbered, named and alphabetically valued as follows Arcane Numerical No. Name Alphabetical Vi 1°". Osiris, or The Crown ‘Ari 1, Q,Y equalé t 2.1.) Isis, or The Divine Mother... B, ¢,,R equals 2 3.0.) Honus, or Urania GUS equals 3 S000) Locitet or The Balting Star SM quale ¢ S'1.) Hermed, oe The High Priest |, 6.11) Astarte ot Bros TY, Wx 3.2) Posetdea, or The Chariot Diver 0} 2 8..." Kronos, ot The Hermit)... FH, P 9.1. Janus, or The Werrior Noni 101... Fortusas, or The Wheel of Fortene. None. [61 i ii ‘The second division of these Arcanes is numbered and Nene 11, The Gliterigg tattigence, oe The Cleached Fist 120... Fhe Seericad, or te Settyed 13.0.) he Path of Unity or The Mower 140°.) Vestal Vig, or he Descog Gil 15...) The Path ot burcaees, or Typhon 1g.".. The Thunderbat or Tee Sattered Tower 17...) Gharon, or Conralssence 18... The Grave, or Twig 19.00) Reworreston or gee 40... The Divine Brent ot Preparation 21..." The Growaed Sua_or Toe Universo 421... The Stove or Tae Blind Fook Notes:c-(1) Tt will be noticed that the second divi sion carries no alphabetical value, (2) Full readings of all of the Arcanes will be found fon pages 17 to 38, inclusive 3) By mature, the Arcane age arly eat broke in thet bane of 1918 equals 14. that periods In 874 (Ste Exhibit ES, when he was 29 years of age, he came under the rule 3 Arcane 14 (See Arcane 14 Tage Se"atgecagh “When Baling « Wonsy at whi abe Re Gogaticed the Edgar Thfonson Sted Works which tienedover #105000 profs dings eat year of 0 The forgsing example thow conchstey tat ever year of at ied nmes Mor gone that ey Ewe! Ancien uphethereores we shold eae iba advce‘ang ap Gut enc fetid of a tan 0b IES ec ‘ate elantage ot ach foreie peed tnd sb.peod We teal whe Senn coer ear lotee during the tean egtee he horas HoU ove aude fo Dicemoagctn exert nd cployes In all nes of uvieee hows kt ould eae to employ aly thee sf an Spocanes SiGe, for jmportat mor, Goring’ het ped ace EES pu eam at roane oe peprator Cork Sk thi utlvorble of lean’ peed far clk ee a Bo coe demonsony te Ee ito sume Ie res miles when propery underteods wake tte Sle advantage gf Sur every cppotting te well link Surones Sig he igs of alee Rec ses sng hat Sly Manager acter ripper on jtsaiy 390 hed apenas ater which bad to Be entrusted to’ one of two erployees of Taig inthigenceWoinow with wartac ee eet ihe pete tine te would sncettain as ost'ch Bi and atts of BU alte Wika be ould ke the flowing scl Me Aor Daler, Me BY Aen ES A es aes Kent ‘Tie ot Arase 2 whch rates te THES oc Arash 18 rch se te ‘areki anos sae er oh ita ant eat eel ve 1 ich res oe ul ice sok Totals for Mr. A. Totals for Mr. B. Year Arcane equals 22 Year Arcane equals 18 Mouths Arcane equals 13. Month Arcane equals 13, Week Arcane equals 14 Week Arcane equals 11 Day Arcane equals § Day Arcane’ equals 18 118] He, could then by turing to Note 3, Page 7, and to anes in question, Paragraph “When Ruling a Year,” find out that Mr. A. had two favorable Arcanies at the time in question, while Mr. B. did not have any. He would therefore assign the matter to Mr. A. know: ing that he was his stronger employee. The question of whether he should employ either of them at all, or whether he had better wait if possible, would be deters mined by measuring his own Arcane strengths for the day because they also would have an important bear= ing in the matter. ‘The question of the best time of the day for the con- summation of the matter is explained by the planetary hour tables and readings on page #1 to 59 inclusive ‘The methods for using same are fully explained after the following illustration In addition to the application of these Arcanes in solving questions concerning the careers, favorable and lunfavorabte arcs of life and the questions that come up day by day, these Arcanes can also be used in deter- mining all kinge of questions as was so. ably demon Strated by Sepharial, the great English authority on the Kebbotah Turkey, Bere, fegaded by — 4057 or Arcane 22, The Blind Fool 3415. 12, The Betrayed Gtr dae he Des ot Bon Te Se Set 4 Feeaeh Seg (oan ‘Austria Fepze Revegaszed Des Ub atuined age ef Rape 2H ce yectempee seer ge HT TUR Te jrage it, The Thasdeshalt 1 aeained age of Raire or Avcane 28,71 ind Fool O68 or Arcane 24 ot 6, Asurte Ronse, apie founded by Ruri Been Boke founded 185, 1B or trace 11, The Cleached The Mek it "BS anataed 1858 atalaed age of Bap 16) Arcane 1, OSIRIS—THE CROWN, IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM it symbolizes the Supreme God, the Lord of Hosts who predestnes, cone gga and diets all Me matifesationsthroughott the IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes Osicus the gun man, entering life ab a pioneer and conqueror, ‘Awa plonser, he enters life surrcunded on al idee by the massed forces of pasion and error, while the toad ahead Us occupied by falos pride, worldly ambition and Greed. "Ar a. conqueror, he. It gorbed inthe. bright Stmour of undimmed conhdencs Hie heal is pro- fected by the helmet of Creative Intelligence, On his Tete arm he carries the shield of Inspiration, while his right hand gasps the naked sword of Wil Power Pointed towatde the eetth, symbolizing his readiness to begin the battle of ie THOSE RULED by this Arcane possess lage strong bodiss, round radiant faces, ight brown halt fine eyes and plenty of confidence, energy and magnetim, ‘They have good constitutions, but Should pay careful atten: on t0 diet, and ll heating foods or etmataste thould be avoided DISPOSITIONS. ‘Those ruled by this Arcane are eneronn, habe, ine, candid unaected, cea and Exact. Thay posses quick tempers, but forge ceadl tnd hold no grudges. “They are generally popular and Fenpected, PAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. In their weak moments they are incined to sl(indulgence, fattery, Slackmness, vanity and useless display, They see only their own side of every question, and inast on giving there Unwanted. advice that they would be beneSted By vere they to follow it themes OCCUPATIONS. They make good Presidents, Chairmen, Corporation Executives, Managers, Dep mont Heads, Generals, Trostees, Taventors, Politica Merchants, Artiste, Schoolmasters, Decorators, Jewel: tre, Gildete, Jockeys, Coachmen and Butler, aid are Sepecially Bited for portions of authority and fespon: ity. WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promises advancement to postions of honour and authonty te cording. to. the oaties position in lie. They “60 Well i large cities or governmental employ. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of the life it promises promotion, preferment, inrease in Income and a prosperous happy period. generaly.. Tt {s\tn especially good time in which to staft new Under tangs or enderpraes. ITS KEYNOTES are Domination, Egotism, Todi vidoalty and Acton un Arcane 2, ISIS THE DIVINE MOTHER. IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane sym. bolizes the Absolute Being. io ie mater, fenbaing Aapect, visualizing as in a glass the Past, Present and Fikece ofa cretued mantitation; while the Moser ove, emanating ftom the Heavenly form supplies ose and ail with the Divine Love necessary for Bet our rey through the Valley of Lite, IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM it symbolizes Vestal Virgin, veiled, seated between two. columne which mark the ‘entrance to the wayside temple of ‘arthly "pleasure, “The columns are emblematic of Mammon and Worldly ambition, the insidious forces which Ture humanity to destruction; while the veiled Virgin represents, the Conscience which holés” man steddfast to the road of Duty and Spiritual Atainment. IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes the unbroken tle between the toul and the source from which it sprang. the union of man and woman, the Grown of Creation THOSE RULED by this “Arcane possess bodies of moderate size, and frequently # peculiar rolling Salk, light eyes, brown hair and A quick, active bein ‘They shoutd be careful of diet and avoid ail fermenting foods, drugs, worry and mental sraing dressing warm al mee ana protection against colds fo wich they te very sunceptbe, DISPOSITIONS. Those ruled by this Arcane have vivid imaginations, retentive memories, fondness for hhome andéeldren, high ideale, agreeable and gellant manners, and a strong attraction for those of the oppo: FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, In their weak moments this Arcane inclines its natives to captious ‘rluclem, want of sympathy ot adaptability, lack of cone Etntraticay dissipation, day-dreaming, overateain, wom: Sch trosbies, thos complaints and headaches OCCUPATIONS. ‘They make good Navigators, Sea- men, Travelers, Accountants, Advertising, Men, Book: Keepers, Solichors, Agents, Entertainers, Caterers, Nutsca’ Servants, Laundsssses, Miswives, Berale OF Cals, Wine Merchants, Manufacturers and Dealers in feat juices and. liguids, Waitresses, Bartenders and Handlers and Dealers in common commodities, WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promises a moderate degree of progrest with many changes but Inthe end the native wif overcome his obsacier and Eiievela reasonable degree of success. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of life it promises changes and tnactled income, tlle, Journeys that are beneficial to women and disappoint: [Se'to men, as well as a siolent but short Ived fondness {GF the want of the other sex TS KEYNOTES are Change, Tosabilty and Pest wily. 138) Arcane %, HORUS —URANIA, IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM thie Azcane sym. bolizes the balanced wisdom and sustained energy of Bs Stareme, Godhead whore traterble Wil tear orth Mike Light, impregnating the darkness of space like Spin entering matter, transforming all gross sub: stances into pertest conceptions of the Divine Will IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM it symbolizes Horus, the young Won crowned with twelve tare, per fonifying twelve functions of Creative Intelligence.” ih Ne lete hand is a globe tipped scepter, emblematic of man's domination aver snimal life and the lesser forcea Of nature: while his right hand points upwards toward an eagle in Fight, signdying the desire of -he Human Sout'fo return to ite inal Heavenly home, IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes the highest products of human endeavor, the perfect frul offnature, the union of body, soul and spit. THOSE RULED by this Arcane possess wellpro- portioned bodies, good complexions, clear eyes, broed foreheads and-an open, frank countenance. "They. are honest, just and incere, endowed. with boundless nergy. "They. should avoid over-exeition, eat blood nouriehing foods and “indulge in moderste outdoor sports DISPOSITIONS, Those ruled by this Arcane are jovial, honest, Highly talented, energete, fond of argus zment, truchearted and lovers of law, philosophy and (Sie ud. ey ae Yond Chen rand posses boundless ent ese an. active. fatinet {Owards helping others, but heir confidence ie abused Ste through for good ind al FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. In their weak snomenta its-aatives are Tiable-to.Ay to peses over nimpertant things, dissipate, be overcconSdent, prod, ‘Septleat, rebeliouy, and to fitter away thee tee. OCCUPATIONS. They make good Judges, Cou sellers, Clergymen, Collegians, Lawyers, Doctors, Bashers, Trutecs Negotaory'Desiee ts Com Gal paper, loane and. mortgages, Explorers, Admirals, Solalers, ‘Provision esters, Commission “Merchants Grocers, Mechanics, Clothing Merchante or Manufac: Sites allors, Wool Brokat, Buyers ane Dealers sn Eatley Hotel Keepers, Mimics, Singers, Acors, Vaude- ‘vie Managers, Gamblers, Speculators, Horsemen, Com. Fence men and: Trainers of animal WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane usvally indicates one who will tise o high honors az measured yy his Hation in life, one who will be respected and ered to his farsily, business of community WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, of lesser period of the life 1 promises the wupport of thote im authority, ipecialy Iwyers and the clergy Te giver prosperity, Promotion, inéveased income and happiness. YTS KEYNOTES ace Expansion, Growth and Per- 091 Arcane 4, LUCIFER — THE FALLING STAR, IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane eyr bolizes the emptying of the vial of Divine wrath spon the Realms of Barty and Soul of Man IN THe CONSCIOUS REALM it eymbolizes Luck fer, the sun of rman, seeking to Increave his individ: ally theeugh Poree' and Démination TK THE MATERIAL REALM It symbolizes Luc fer as a man crowned with the dim star of earth dor: nation, sitting ats council table surrounded by Di content, Bgotiam, Worlding, Ambition and Greet who Urge him to gebel ageinst the Most High, Wt repre. sents the archectursl reformer, the Gertoyer of old Forma, the outpouring of Chaos, the forerunner of @ new cycle or age, THOSE RULED by this Arcane poesess middle, neat ature; strong, well-built bodies. Their com! Plesions ‘are’ riddy Yo fair. “They seually have Night fie “Bae eyes and are quite handsome, expecially it of the feminine sex. “They have a reasonable degeet vitality, but iis enecetal that they be. kept ee From worty. “Their eyes should be carcilly protected And care Be observed in diet as they are susceptible to Plomaize pleoning and acute indigteton DISPOSITIONS. “Those ruled by this Arcane are magnetic, generous, studious, somewhat reserved, but Tiable to vislen tikes and dither: They ate economi- fal, faving and lke to. invest but are oppored to tdvice fom others Generally marry ‘wien Young, bat he tempers often destroy all chance of happiness. FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, “In thelr weak momenta its natives ate rash, impulsive and” given te Spposing everything and” everybody, and’ betatee of GH tendency the temper is seldom well vontclled and they ace often ed, despite their good sense, into foo: actions. Whea ‘opposed to. othere they’ are diets forial and’ apt tog to any extent to force others thee owe way of Thinking ‘OCCUPATIONS. "They make good Generate, Se enfists Astrologians, Astonemerss Lectorers, Inve ofs, Aviators, Metaphysiciang, Paychologists, Hospi Attendants, Civic Offeiale, Batemece, Spiritual Medi tums, Antiquarlans, Commercial Travelers, Electricians Tavestigators, Machinery Manufacturers, Real. state Buyers and” Property Owners, Promoters, Painters Carpenters, Taxi drivers, and are successful in most uncommon pursuits WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promise a scrisof sharp ups and downs ail through the natives areer. They either, in proportion to. their atation in lite, become a Napéleon’ or like Lucifer, the Falling Stat, are dropped fom the Heavens to Destruction of the rock beneath, WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lester period of the life t promises the sudden breaking up of eld tics, toss of employment, upsetting of conditions, rebellion, iacontent and) rouble ofall Linde which usualy the ‘result of the native's own impulsive or fools Scfions for fe is the greatest sensation secker of earth VPS KEYNOTES are Sensation, Pride, Ostentation and Seltindulgence. (a1 Arcane 5, HERMES —THE HIGH PRIEST, IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane sym. bolizes the Godhead as the Master of all Secrete and regulating the Tabnite manifestations of cosmic and Hanetary ile by meins’ of HIS allembracing Us IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM it symbolizes Spic~ ltual_ perception and reception, by which mankind ‘maintains connection with the Absotute, IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes Her- fics, the High Priest, seated in the sanctuary of the ‘Temple of True Perception, his left hand resting on the triple eross persorifying’the act of Divine Mind in the heaven, mental and material worlds; while with his right hand he mates the alga of silence and medi {ation and at hi feet kneel the unredeemed, seeking the blessings of Divire Iilumination ax the messenger of: the gods. THOSE RULED by this Arcane generally possess rather tall bodies, long’ arms, legs and hands, fait com= Blerons brows yea, good sigh and a ite bright Active tind” They have a. quick, active walk, but Should guard themoelves against exposure and nervous Strain, “The lungs particularly should be watched and Care iaken that the vital fluids of the body are not ‘wasted, all fattening and. heating foods should "be avoided. “Outdoor sporte will prove beneficial. DISPOSITIONS. ‘Those ruled by this Arcine never setm able to keep theit hands or fect stil, are apt in Scquicing, Tanguages, impulsive, changeable, and. ner vously active Fond of changing around the arrange nent of furniture, butare seldom entirely happy. They (charm and are joyous, eloquent ND PECULIARITIES. In thelr weak momenta, they ate mbject to extravagance, wayward hess, flightiness, fickleness, change and the unscrupy- Tous use of other people's inoney or property. OCCUPATIONS. ‘They make good Writers, Au thors, Professors, Secretaries, Stearapship and Corpora tion Offelais, Sclentsts, Geologists, Interpreters, Ac- Countants, Teachers, Editors, Lawyers, Parish Cletks, Dramatic Artists, Printers, Entertainers, Clerks, Book tellers, Engineers, Pestmaen, Expressmen, Bookbinders Wood’ Turners, Carvers, Guartymen, Nurses, Strong. Men Wrestlers, Cheis, Stewards, Dalrymen, Lavatory Atandants, Scavengers WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane makes 2 hard. struggle for the native to acquire or finish his ducation and brings illness in the famally at an eatly ge, Tt promises loss through speculation in adverse Pitiods and gives a fairly ‘successful life, WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of the life this Arcane is a partialiy'fortunate cycle but all gains made will te at a result of hard steugele and toon dissipated or lost, Tt is a changeable, unstable Cycle accompanied ty anxiety and worry But inthe Tig KEYNOTES are Learning, Activity, Commerce and Variety. [21 Arcane 6. ASTARTE —EROS. IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane sym. bolizes the effect of Divine Love as the uniting power which Brought order and harmony out of ‘Chee TW) THE CONSCIOUS REAUM it eymbolizes the eaulibrium or balanced harcany of the Universe every tlement.of which ts held by God's ‘Love to its a>. pointed place and to the expression ofits true nature INTHE MATERIAL REALM It symbolizes 1 cording to sex Astarte or Eron, the young nun, be ing between Duty in the garb of Vitue, and Pleasire in‘the garb of Vicer while from the aky above an angel Malta eady to speed the tvow sf Bestng or cone: uence. That, pervonlfying the antagoniams of Want thdlwrong and che binding of effects to thelr chuses THOSE RULED by this Arcane possess short, fll bodies, large faces, exprentve eyes, large mouthe and Average complerions. he hal ie brown and curly, he shoulders are trong and heavy and bath sexes ave indifferently andsomer “Regular habile are eavental tp thin pe, and plenty of phys excrete whould be taken, the heart, Roreat and hearing being expecially Sensitive. ‘They’ are inclined toward obesity and they ‘should therefore, be careful. of their dit and studiously Avoid: Overceating and starchy foods DISPOSITIONS. Those ruled by this Arcane are magnet, kind hearted, amiable, generous and possess Eonoiderable’ charm, therefore taking good husbands, ‘elven and parents” They are fond ot fnidcen, plenty event, quer surroundings, and are successful fhe Prosecution of love afte FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. In theic weak moments. they are selbindulgent, overeat, possert 4 Slivish adherence to. routine, ae extravagant, inched to disipate, waste of energy and siubbornnets, ‘OCCUPATIONS. They fake good Artois Beinters, Poets, Singers, Theatriedl Managers, Motion. Plesare Producers, Actors, Film Dealers, Investment Brokers Insurance Men, Promoters, Sales Advertising or iret lution Managers for any business conducted with the general public, Salermen, Merchants, Manufacturers. of Foliee aecesscries, Dealers in Women's wearing ap pare, Embroiderers, Seamstresses, Miliners, Haber: Bashers, Upholsterers, Glove Makers and Deners, Con fectionsre, Perfumers, Barbers, Engravers, Farmers, Setvants; Housewives and! Chambermaids WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promises such success in all domestic and. social activities but E'omy moderate Iq. business. The natives ef this Arcane outside of the promotion of new enterprise ‘whieh they should not manage, de bem io small com Iupitier in the occupations atlined above. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of tne’ life it inclines the native tosiard indulgence: and plesaute, irtegslarities of all ‘kinda, lines, trouble Ticough servants ot employees, which however seldom distu the native’s home or toca! activites TIS KEYNOTES sre Dostey, Art, Music, Sock! ‘Accomplishments, Afections and the practical appl Cation things to thelr ends (21 Arcane 7, POSEIDON— THE CHARIOT DRIVER, IBLE BPUScTUAy, REALM sp Arce walt SUTURE PALM ety eae anseaneneUs mkt orate Sl eee Sea ea es grub taeda Peat oer et ELSES Th ih ce ae Gag leona Sark tere Ma inert ee Sareea dee Pegi They ate seldom fools, have contiderable patience and Sai ati ct rea ts et el eit rtd Seti otis SkgOR SNE" ty lp nd fan Dee He eh es el ba al ISU olerear ecnes Srna ari etre rents (231 Arcane 8. KRONOS —THE HERMIT. IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane sym bolizes God as the Great Teacher watching through eyes of Love every effort made and every step gained in our strugele toward Lite Eternal, THE ane, HE alone sees and understands our moments of weakness for trial, for after each error or misstep be lifts ue back upon the Path and instead of condemning, HE ipspiees us onward and spward ‘towards our’ Final IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM it symbolizes the Conscience, man's ever present guide and friend, urging him fe tear from his eyes the bandage. repretenting the valor of bis ignorance so that he may sce ahead the clear, stright fond of human emancipation IN THE MATERIAL REALM adventurer of Arcane Ose with his Snd'helmet ‘east sede, leaning. wounded upon forest rine om which ia incriteds"Tf man sede only that ‘which is tue, ithe dave only that which be ean attempt nd then go forward’ with unbroken wit he ts bound some day fo fing beneath Bis hand, the key to Power thd Attaioment* THOSE RULED by this Arcane possess « some: what sim Byure. They unally have a arge nose, fem Hips amall beard, dare thn halt, and deepsect ever with Heavy brows, Care shoull be tasen against colds and Infectious “diseases, for which reason animal food Mould be avoided DISPOSITIONS. Those ruled by this Arcane are often depressed and elds ‘happy ‘unless they have fomething to worry abowt: are fond of long. walks, drives, mountain climbing, outdoor aporta and are very particular about the location of their home, object to Efvolity and are strong in purpose, ambition desire (9 govern’ are changeable, quict and exelusive FAULTS AND PECUCIARITIES. In thet, weak moments they are ineined towards, worldly ambitions, Sra nw, deernnavon to wicced at 3 pre, Whining about how people treat them, peying into the Meat of others and spending too eh beep Sn te owl ‘QeCUPATIONS. They make good Dealers ip land and property, Bankers, Fisunciers, Pawnbrokers, Money Lenders, Miners, Mining. Oficale, Coat ‘Merchant, Plambers, "Architects, Politi! Agents, Diplomats, Brests, Nuns, Literary Workers, Mosks, Antiqua Florists, Dealers in Sporting Goods, Undertakers, ors, Grave-digacre, Begear, or heavy materiais, Dealers in leather, wool or Farmers Horshoers and Ship Chandler WHEN RULING THE LINE this Arcane generally gives hard seogele with many impediments and much Strain and effort to make all ends meet, tut is good foc fanciers and bank employees : WHEN RULING ANT YEAR, or lesser period of the Ife It promises an arc of strain and: stile, the Break up ot oldles and tptrtion Tis "KEYNOTES are Prudence, Caution and Patience (24) Arcane 9, JANUS —THE WARRIOR, IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane aym- belles the Vitality, Enecgy and all Pertading mceiy of the SUPREME MIND which produces, Sener 1 Geegap s Fa Gon the diay of tah oe ‘am or spark of consciousness contained in'tin, Gen tial Planetary or Tervenal Res IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM it symbolizes the exipourings of man’s inner nature: which Meee 1 to fight ies battee to victorious concianes® IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes Janus, the tun man of Arcane Hight, who, despite hs osnae, has through the power of git thoughe sight monies ie way back oh ‘of Final Emancipation, thereby teaching that ne matter how lar we see oil we can by divine grace win our way to the eal gent THOSE RULED ty this Arcane Strong bodies, stature shove averm thick shoulders, shallow compleston of sandy’ hair, strong’ constitutions. bat shouid wk plenty of, sleep, avoid overstrain, overeating. and fo ulgence in rare meats or stimulating dake, DISFOSITIONS. Those ruled by tht Arcane are enterprising, generous, sincere, quick to anger nie ent, restless, enthusiastic, hopeful ang mest’ of ae time quite courageous, ‘They like ftivolity and posses a deep sincere, love for their homes,” making tne mothers, splendid” husbands and excellent weldiong ‘They are ubually ingenious, active, ready to exsegeenn, the importance of favors shown’ thers, posters ead voices and ate fond of sentimental, sed ‘manic FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, In their weak moments they are cash, audacious, reckless, extra gant, hot tempered, sel-willed, vain and easly dissate fed. They delight in monopolizing conversations tts to talk about themselves, are jealous, furrous when told thei faults and are much inclined to divorces ard eee rations aga result of lktimed ts of anger, OCCUPATIONS, ‘They make good Surgeons, Den- fists; Chemists, Authors, Writers) Oratorst Inventor, Explorers, Miltary Oficers, Seliiere, Pioneers, Fire, eh, Polke Ofc ad Paiemen Goverment Eo ployees, Surveyors, Saltsmen, Iron and Steel Workers, Phonograph Dealers, Automobile, Manufacturers “aed Dealers, Veterinary Surgeons, Cattle Dealers, Butchers, Blacksmiths, Grooms, Velets, Doormen and Poster WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promises an ‘active, energetic lie, success in military. prefers ons or other martial occupations, but makes the'astve liable to loss through fre, accidents, explosicns, tren 40n, olson, oF insanity WHEN RULING ANY YEAR or lesser period, it Promise much strife, annoyances through oilers gait through new positions or enterprises. “There: wilf be such activity, Increase i income, taveling and Rabies to loss through fee or accidents, ITS KEYNOTES are Energy, Keenness, Zeal, Fire and: Accidents. 125) light eyes, black Arcane 10, FORTUNAS—THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE. IN THE SPIRITUAL REALM this Arcane sym- bolizes the connecting link between the Divine fatal. tes with which man has been endowed and the stage of, environment on which he plays his part. Free this Arcane on he gathers the experience {fe holdem ftofe 0. that when the lesson is complete, he will have achieved one more step of the educational prom, £88 God is putting him through to ft him as an insta: ment for hls Divine or Heavenly activites which fol, low the expression of Earth Life, IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM it symbolizes Youth, peady to blossom int, manor womanhood equipped as only the God of the Heavens can equip hhim for the feld of Life. IN THE MATERIAL REALM the ancient symbol showed youth surrounded by a weeath eepreseniere the world, above which was placed two angelic gure while below were a tion and a bull, thus. personllying how every act in life is followed by’ an inevitable fone gequence, which, according to itt nature, is fated to blossom into Blessing or a Consequence. THOSE RULED by this Arcane possess good sized bodies, broad shoulders, large, prominent eyes, light ot yellowish ‘hais, an oval face and. ruddy ‘complexion, ‘emporate living is essential to their heclth, for which reason, all stimulating foods and drinks ‘are to" ‘be avoided. Special attention should be given. the lungs fand heart, and avoid all emotional oversteain DISPOSITIONS, Those rules by this Arcane are energetic, rather proud of family and possess ail of the sttcibutes of @ good leader, being enterprising, inven five, resourceful, constant,’ good-natured and happy. Their power of concentration is strong, their clearnecs of mental vision good and are clever af repartee at repartee, FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, In their weak moments they are inclined to go to law, to be too elfindulgent, susceptible to Aattery, slackness. and egotism, lary’ and selfish. They also have a habit of butting into things that do not concern them, to give unwanted advice, to set up standards for others to lng by and ate particular and’ orderly OCCUPATIONS. “They make good Inventors, Ge- fometricians, Secret Service ‘Men, Church Dignitaries, Rulers, Presidents, ‘Trustees, Government Executive Managers, ‘Department Heads ‘Treasurers, Artists, School Principals, Teachers, Actor Draughtsmen, Jewelers, Jockeys, Coachmen, Butlers and are generally fitted for positions of responsibility ‘and authority, making especially good Sales Managers, WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promisct clevation to positions of responsibility, honor, general success in life and many wellearned honors, WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lester period of the Ie promises promotion, prelerment and « happy Prosperous period. It is especially good for the beg. Sng of ne enterrats of all kind . ITS KEYNOTES are Domination, Egotism, Action and pronounced Individuality (26) Arcane 11, THE GLITTERING INTELLIGENCE— CLENCHED FIST. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane sym- bolizes the transitory nature of ife, the effects of good and bad scons TN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes that to him who in equipped with The Glittering Totelligence of true understanding, life means only a series of teats fn which "most of the obstacles become phantom ot Stepping stones which he, through courage, fath and decision of wil, fs able ¥o surmount THOSE RULED by this Arcane usually possess rather fall, slender to stocky bodies, with Fandsome Eyes, dark’ wavy hair and. mediim complexions. Ca ‘ould be taken againetoverstrains aa they are especially fasceptible to preumonia, bronchitis, tuberculons, skin Aiseases and nervous collaps DISPOSITIONS, The higher types ruled by thie Arcane are generous, but, easly influenced by those they lke. ‘They are fond of leamiag which they acquire ater abard stcagle. They ate given to moving about, Changes and traveang. uney always display consider: able activity of one sect of another and are very ingen- fous, active mentally, and most of them ate resourceful confident, entertaining and persevering. FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, In their weak moments they are inclined to be kl wayrar extravagant, unscrupulos and given to making sarcastic, Bian abd annoying enterentes “hey carrot keel and, if diseipated, toon go completely to pieces. Their Soret faulet are selsstness, ariogance Sud abuse of power. OCCUPATIONS, ‘They make good Journal Writers, Raitors, Noted Orators, Real Eeiate Agents, Surveyors, Mus clans, Singers, Composers, Entertainers, Conductors, Astronomers, Astrologians, Advertising Writers, Agents and Salesmen, Secretaries, Religious Evangelists, Ministers, Commircal Salespeople, Ate torneys, Telegraph and “Telephone. Oficuts, Typist, Bookkeepers, Aviators, Football Players, Runners, Car: fiers, Drygodds Merchants, and Shoemaker, WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane denotes that the native will be subject to many upr and downs and changes in ie. I threatens Heath ess of hye fal strength, denies robustness, and often compels the ‘ative to remain always on guard to prevent nervous Strains or breakdowns, ‘Thove rated by thie Arcane Should Be eepecally” careful to ‘avoid. worry, mental excitement, wasting ther vital uidn of over-inulgencel Re'best, thin Arcane promises only transitory gaint which are's00n dissipated. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of the life # promises either_glittering succes af a rest fof bold, wellthought-out, energetic action, of as. it ‘ost usually the cate, a period of change and reversal ITS KEYNOTES are Glittering Intelligence ‘Arrogance, Change and Instability. (7) Arcane 12, THE SACRIFICED—-BETRAYED, IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane sym- bolizes the acquired experience of life or the teachings which come through sacrifice and repressment of sel IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes the Peace, content and ttue happiness that comes through Unselfishly helping others; teaches that the only victory worth while is the conquest of lf: that man's only Permanent gains come through sncrifce, self-denial and fhe" atsamption of his obligations to unselfishly help others. ‘The ancient symbol of this Arcane was a Hanged Man signifying that he who failed to comprehend this law. and Instead of following the Will of God worshipped at the altar of Mammon will reap hit harvest of woes ag ture as the sn will rise on the morrew's dawn, "To the worldly wise thie Arcane Promises punishment, reverses, trouble and a violent, Stdden or turbulent end. ‘THOSE RULED by this Arcane usually medium stares which fend toward fleshiness in middle {ile pale round faces, broven eyes and hale: They are not very strong and should not over-eat oF Indulge is Heh Watiees, fosde or Pastry. DISPOSITIONS, "The higher type ruled by thie ‘Arcane are usually talented musically, Yond of children, loyal"in ove or friendship, economical and capable of considerable. self-sacrifice but ace. inclined to. brood ‘over trifle, to grow old gracefully and sometimes have Proptetic deeams or presentiments eat frequently and ire obliged to watch their stomachs and throats which Are more thon usually sensitive FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. In their weak moments they love mysteries, ate Inclined to melancholy or to show considerable false pride, disipate or become Snvolved with the opposite sex, "They thow marked fendenciet {oon al kinds of organizations and. to fall asleep during the late afternoon or eecly evening. OCCUPATIONS. They make good Physicians, Sur- cons, Admirals, Seamen, Actors, Singers, Musienl Com: ‘poser, Edueators, Authors, Writers, Engineers, Bank: ra, Financiers, Cominal Judges, Lawyers, Statesmen, hers; Small Traders and Merchants, Animal Train fs, Dealers in common commodities, such as Groceries, Clecgymen, Hotel Keepers, General Clothing Deslers, Prison Matrone, Laundresses WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promises outside of the Church only moderate success, many changes, unsettled income ‘nd. unless the ative re Dresses his ambitions and desires, in a0 far a8 they may. Effect others, he will have # hicd time of it, Anding Promotion slow. They do best in the employ of others End should stay out of business for themselves, WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, o lesser period of the life it promises change, ceversal of position, culpabil- fey, chastisement or toss of honor, angers from women, catastrophes and danger of a violent end Tig KEYNOTES. are Patience, Sacifce, Betrayal (781 ‘Arcane 13, THE PATH OF UNITY—THE MOWER. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM thie Arcane eym- boliser Hope, ‘Transformation, Divine’ Chsstivement Sra Death IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes Karma ox the Consequences of previous actions. To thove who have conquered their lower nature it promies Fegenerative changes and the rewards of Virtie, whe it deals punishmem, destruction and death to thote whe have followed the path of selGahness, greed, indulgence and dissipation. ‘THOSE RULED by this Arcane us full strong bodies, large frames, broad shoulders, ight eyes, pale complexions anda frin vigorous walk.’ They should adttere to « simple diet and avoid overeating a they are especially sentitive to stomach, heart, nerfout aad blood disorders, aieurisme and fainting. DISPOSITIONS. The higher type ruled by thie Arcane are very ambitious faithful fo their alley and friends, affectionate and elegant in appearance. ‘They are generally dating and. venturesome, exceedingly inteligent, somewhat proud “and given to. stay. snd self-improvement. FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, In their weak moments they are inclined to hesitate, yacllate and become fearsome, crade or beorith, seeking to force their will upon others or to play the part of "bullies? In auch moments they are very susceptible to dissipa- tion, sudden changes and to infatuations with the crude ff ignorant members of the opposite sex. They ars ways superstitious, fearsome, and more or lest exact ig, and their violeat temper at these times makes them very impulsive and unpopular OCCUPATIONS. They make good Government Of- ficials, District Attorneys, Criminal Lawyers, Lectucers, Inventors, Astronomers, Antologans, Scientists, Pay chologiste, Engineers, Commercial Salespeople, Avi. tors, Electricians, Jewelers, Mechanics, Dealers in Elec trical, Medical and Scientife Apparatus, Hypnotists, and, Sometimes are" dangerous Anarchiste' and’ Leaders of Revolutions WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane denotes that the native will be subject to tnany sudden ups and owns in fe, "and wil suffer fromm estrangements, eatasteophes, changes, wanderinge and imposition, the first all of the fe being the most fortunate WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of the lie it promises sudden gaine followed by sharp dis intments, upsets or changes of hacrafal nature; however, ate teldom lasting even though they are generally the result of the native's own acte or impulses. Tt often brings a severe ilness to the native or death within the drcle of relatives, ITS KEYNOTES are Pride, Ostentation, Force and Destruction. ly have rather [a1 Arcane 14. VESTAL VIRGIN-THE DANCING GIRL. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane aym= bolizes the everlasting movements, combinations, tials and dangers of hfe IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes the combination of environment with the individuality and fautions one and all against giving way to. worldly Aecires, forgetfulness and felse ambitions. Tt” points ut the old trai, that each Period of rogperity ang activity fe followed by one of reaction and tiah, and cachet those following the path to. husband ‘thelr ‘etourees and to avoid overdelts on helt moral and physical strength, that they may be able to successfully fetist the temptations and dangers of environment and fatute, and avoid the storm of disillusion and Win the Goal of attainment THOSE RULED by this Arcane usually have well- proportioned bodies, brown hair, good. complexions, Rttractive eyes and are very neat and pleasing in appe: lance. They. are liable to. indigestion, physical. and nervous breakdowns for which reason they should get Plenty of ‘sleep, avoid heavy lifting and adhere toa Simple, wholesome diet DISPOSITIONS. The higher types ruled by this Arcane ate bright, cheetfal, economicel and faithful, fond et ‘muste end dancing, often marry when quite young, and prove. sincere, industrions, practical “and Sonsthuctively critical, They are kind-hearted, witty, Considerate, pure in thought and often quite talented, PAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, In their weal moments they are inclined fo lack imagination and sym: pathy, to become calculating, selish, talkative, restless, Guarfelsome and express. dissatisfaction, with everyone ind everything, which makes them tend towards disi- ation, carelessness, vanity and. recklessness, accking Excitement, sensation and excesses of all sorts: thereby, Geing themselves. much harm. OCCUPATIONS. They make good Public Speakers, School Teachers, Secretaries, Lawyers, Scientiets, Crit les, Physiciane. Writers, Chemists, Tutors, Professors, Journalists, Publishers, Guardians, Police Officials, Tn: terpreters, Registrars, Orators, Proof-readers, Printers Engineers, Clerks, Bookscllers, Messengers, Contec toners, Clothing ‘Dealers Second.tand Detlers, De- signers, Milliners, Dressmakers, Dancers, Stewards, Daleymen, Chefs and Pastry Cooks, WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promises intellectual conquests, travel, popularity, and moderate access, but it seldom gives good health or a etled frome. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, of lesser period of thee, Haken he nae ren, anise and. de Stisfied causing’ Him to. change it position, business or domicile, Tt marks an average bat not ever prot: peroun cycle 1T§ KEYNOTES are Change, Pleasure, Ambition and Dissrimination. [301 Arcane 15. THE PATH OF DARKNESS—TYPHON, IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane sym- belies the Taperance, Rempuation and) Pall of an, predetermined convequences in the tideous forms of Suffering, Destruction and ‘Chaos. IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes the i in man turned loose, helding in one hand the ‘Torch ot ‘Bestruedon, and'in the other the symbol of uncontrolled Passion’ Hatred and. Vice, wie rough hod. he amples. over. the. Nomen ‘aiprations aka Tights of others, and dsitroye everything that i good int mankind, thus, reducing’ them to the level the ‘Monstrous beasts which accompany him: It Yepresems the convequences of uncontrolled passion, wrong Seine na mlsdtected wll power. THOSE RULED by this Arcane generally possess strong, thick, well-balanced bodies, ‘medium stature, large broad ince, sallow complexions, dark ‘cing halt, thick necks afd dark eyes. ‘They often suffer from ruptures, hemorchoids, and complaints of the excretory. Sytem, heart and liver, DISPOSITIONS. The higher types ruled by this ‘Arcane are devoted in thelr loves and friendshipe, and are jvery teserved, vigilant, thorough, steong willed, modest and cautious.” They'have quick brilliant minds, ood voices and are inclined to be religious and fond St study and clence, FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. In their weak moments they are inclined. to be cruel, suspicious, Cunning, vindictive and indifferent to the mental and moral sufferings of others, and scem to take a delight in saying mean and hurtful things, They” are great scolds, naggers and cranks, and when bad are thoroughly bad, thus, often bringing upon themselves and. those dependent upon them suffering, ruin and destruction. OCCUPATIONS. ‘They make good Secretaries, Judges, Ministers, Public Speakers, who are especially ‘successful in religious lines, Singers, Dramatic Artists, Painters, Commercial Artists, Music Teachers, Dealers in Women's Undergarments, Seamstresses, Uphol. sterers, Engravers, and Dealers in Toilet Accessorie, WHEN RULING THE LIPE, this Arcane promises an ordinary but seldom successful careec, success in ‘ccupation”or business being offset by domestic and Other troubles, which cause the native much unhappt- fess, hardship and misery WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lessor period of the life it promises trouble with and through others, danger to! their children, “domestic disagreements, Tis a good time in which to be 5 and to keep to ones self ITS KEYNOTES are Patience, Unexpected Losses through otters, Reaction and Sell-Indulgence ry Arcane 16, THE THUNDERBOLT—THE SHATTERED TOWER. Bi IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane sym- tolizes the Tower and” Power of the Gonsccnee Sestroyed and laid in ruins ar the result of Tgnorance, Selfuhiness and Vice IN THE MATERIAL REALM it is eymboliced by a lighising struck ot Shattered "Tower which fepec- fente the certain love of characte, postion and respect that "follows exaggerated. pride, foolish ventures and voluntary misdeeds ‘THOSE RULED by this Arcane usualy have either quite short or vaty tal satures, weak bodice, pale faces, Sleepy even dare halt and thvformed feet ane. te auetily "beter trom inertial rouslen,gout colds {umorous affections, dropay or ‘contagious. diseases ‘They should avotd Tich sauces, pastritns warchy foods and aru, DISPOSITIONS, ‘The higher types ruled by this Arcane are selfsacrifcing, devoted romantic, brave frank and honorable, “hey are fond of oalgy, che istry, muste and frequently have considerable artisic talent PAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, In theic weak moments they are inclined tobe stubborn, grasping, Gverconident and indolent. “They are fond of specs: {tings eaesies tm business indulgent of foo. exacting with “employees, inclined. to wander and to tet ahelt Spportuncr ide by, and\ are" given to deceit and ine poting upon others ticough gating and sioating their Eonfdence and using their ieends for their own ends OCCUPATIONS. They make good Naval OFicers Scldiers, Chemists, Oil and Color Merchants a0 Mane: {cturers, Photographers, Sculptors, Painters, Surgeons, Founders, Secret Service Operators, Cale. Tenders, ‘Agnovics, Thestceal Help, Clownay and. second-class Motion Picture Actors. ‘This Arcane sometimes pro- duces shrewd frauds of the most subtle character, Con: fidence Men and. Quacks WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promises success through schemes of one kind or anther, or by mental occupations. ‘The life fe not ony unrial But tives the native 4 series of upe and downa, and a #0 fime or other brings marked troubler oF misery into the life. “While seKiom broke for any lengt®-of time they letaaat Haaen to money or progetye PM fee Guently become exiled trom telr famiee and are sub- ect to divorce, entrangemente and the enmity of others. never give @ eucteesfal or happy lie 20 1 We the Most unfoftunate of ail Arcanes, WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, of lesser period of spell promises overthrow fascial ran ov death fo exe loved, bankruptcy, doimeate tzuble or luxury fellowes by unexpected feversals, which ave usually the Tesult of the natives own careless neglect or due {0 the tecret enmity or jealouay of those in whom ‘he bas placed confidence, ITS KEYNOTES are Ruin, Loss of Position, Satastrophe and Misery. 132) Arcane 17. CHARON—CONVALESCENCE. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM thie Arcane sym- bolizes the Hope and Illumination that follows Despair IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes Truth, unveiled or naked, inclining two turns toward earth from which the pours the Waters of Hope and the Fice of Illumination, Tt signifies that the native should hhold tight to his faith as the ever-loving God wil succor the afflicted and ferry them across the river of Despair, back to the clear, straight path of Life Eternal. THOSE RULED by this Arcane are usually short, stocky, but not gracefully formed. They have thin to broad faces, thin beards, large eyes, weal knees, and HEE susceptible to cheumatlam, “dysentery and ein DISPOSITIONS. The higher types ruled by this Arcane are inclined to be reserved, determined in este ing obstacles, and. tow a ken fnterest in all family matters. ‘They are devoted, honest, industeious, arr. bltious, tender and much respected for their good iudg> rent, tound sense and splendid characters FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. Io thee weak moments they are often gloomy, narrow-minded, siper= Stilous and: determined to nictsed. sogardleay of con: Sequences, frequenly indulging in undethand Biratons, and unnecessaty changes, Journeys and quarrel. They are also given to scolding and annoying thelr associate OCCUPATIONS. They make good Explorers, At- torneys, Clergymen, Physiclang, Social Workers, Or ganisers, Avistors,” Ci ‘Commercial. ‘Traveler Beaters'in Property, Valuera, Assayers, Bank Clerk Libearians, Tekst Brokers, Theatrical Managers, Pro fessional. Dancers, Designers, Small. Drygoods’ Mer- chante and Manufacturers, Phumbrokers, Hoatewive, Farmers, and with the more primitive type they are Prone to irregular occupations WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promises a moderately successful career, a. pleasant home Ife, Gutiful children, more than one tarnage, chureh and Social activises’ “They are fond ‘of young people and Inclined to dislike those older than themeehves, WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, of lesser period of she et promien an uncertain Bt favorable prod change of home, occupation er positon, many” unex” pected guint of a tecondary sare and'a hapby pro- Eresnive and constructive period. generally. gdTS KEYNOTES are Hope, Paith, uminaton and 1337 Arcane 18, ‘THE GRAVE~TWILIGHT, IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane symbole izes Over-confdence, Treachery, Deception and the consequences of vil Companionships. IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolises two Pyramids, one white representing the Mumination te- sulting from right thought and right conduct: while the ‘ther black personifies the forces of evil, false pride find ‘selidelusion, This Arcane warns the native t© rust’ only in God an the promises of air weather friends and those. who would use him for thelr own benefits, hiding thelr treacheay uncer the garbof Mats ety, only lead to misery and’ destruction, THOSE RULED by this Arcane are usually of ehort stature, with rather lean ‘bodies, ruldy complexions, small head and face, €ark baie and light eye, They are Susceptible to over’ excitement and hear! trouble, and Should, theretorg, avod quarreling, exsiement, heavy lifting or overeating, DISPOSITIONS. ‘The higher types ruled, by thie Arcane are humorous, loyal, courageous, prudent and determined, "They have a deep regard for their homme ties and make good parents and faibial friends: FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. Tn their werk moments they are inclined to. melancholia, unproftable Sseociatons. with the “opposite. sex, over-conhence, Febellion against. authority, fickleness, wasting thelt time and effort or indulging in feneifl schemes that produce unneceisary trouble and suffering OCCUPATIONS. They make good Political Agents, Diplomats, Government’. "Employees, Counseliors Fanciful Writers, Dealers in Wool, Heavy ‘Metals and Ordinance, Distributors on a large scale, Ship Chandlers, Dealers in Land, Property, Fish and Meats. They make attendants in all sorte of inattutions, Hospitals, Ineane ‘Atylums, Prisons, etc, and farmece and’ handlers of heavy materials WHEN RULING THE LIPE, this Arcane promises a constent strugele to get ahead and to maintain one’s Position. It beitgs Gotieste unhappiness, unproseale ESsociations with those of the other sex and olten gives Peve fait to the nine of oping. Tp ho forten Rte and those born under its rulersip should be most fautious in the conducting of their affaits and relation: ship with others. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of the'life gives a Yalse sense of accurity, quertels with the opposite sex, unprofitable: associations or partner- ships, unstable income, heavy expenses in proportion to worry and often times iiness of '@ ferlous ITS KEYNOTES ate Over-confdence, Treachery, Deception, Evil Companionships and Trouble, 4) Arcane 19. RESURRECTION—LIGHT. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane symbol- izes Divine Help, the Return of the Prodigal, the Guid- ing Light of Sanity. IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolises Eros and Astarte holding each other by the hand encircled by a wreath of flowers which personifies the Content and Happiness that results from Right Conduct, Faith and Spiritual Pereeption and: Reception. THOSE RULED by this Arcane usually possess graceful, healthy bodies: medium height: ight eyes! elm, happy contented faces; clesr complexions and an active, well poised carriages and with temperate habs they Should! retain heir Hacaltes'and Heath to 8 ripe DISPOSITIONS. All types ruled by this Arcane are ind, humane, dutiful and possess warm aympathi ‘They are thoughtiul, easy to please, chivalrous, tolerant and hospitable. “They take great pride in thelr homes, are often witty, usually ‘marry when young, are inver five by nature, and successful because. of their whole- somencss and charm with most everyone. FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES. In their seak moments they are impulsive, somewhat slack, self-indale Zent and fainthearted, but support adversity with Fatience OCCUPATIONS. They make good Electricians, Scientists, Promoters, Painters, “Ship "Carpenters, Builders” conraciors, Real atte Deatee. for tow ing land, Politicians, Clergymen, Generals, Senators, Keasurers, Social Leaders’ Managers, Exscutves, Trustees "and Professional “Reformers, Literary Workers, Artists, Teachers and School Principals WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arise promiee a moderately prosperous but vety happy life, «com: fortable home and a respected place in the community of circle in, which he lives. petiod of the ite giv ostpone sents, goed Fepuration fortunate a happy areisge or partnership, promotion, preferment ped Rilstattery income ITS KEYNOTES are Good Fortune, Happiness, Contentment and Progress. pe 138] Arcane 20, ‘THE DIVINE BREATH—PREPARATION. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane symbol- ies the Healing Power of the Godhead on the sorely tried Sin Seul of the previous Arcanes, healing wounds, strengthening fis spins and. preparing’ him for the Gral tet symbolized By Arcane Pwenty One IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes an Angel whose head is surrounded by the Halo of Divine Tove, calling ober by means of « umpc, womia and litte child ar from a tomb, whith peryonk Bey the re-awakering of the souls of those: who have been putt to sleep. by ercor and reaction, which again tignises that thane woo hear and anawer the eait fave suson fo perform and wil be given the strength Secesuary to overcome il obstacles tBat ie in their path ‘THOSE RULED by this Arcane are usually rather hese and short in attire. "They have ful sound face, etty mouths, pale. complexions, light or brown ait find hee prone to constimption, Infectious’ aorders, headaches and sometimes idiocy, DISPOSITIONS, The higher types ruled by this Arcane have active, quick. inteligent brains, ae enti, ffindhearted, chaste, contemplative, dignifed and sincere ‘They will defend their viens whether they be ight wrong, have a strong love of music and art and are {lek ee through the shams and delusions of others. FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, In their weaker moments they are inclined to be improvident, prac fal and yearn for stimulants or excitement. “When die Sipated ey are heartless and. prone’ to be fanatical to tee exeed or dogma, narrow-minded, stebborm and un resronatle, OCCUPATIONS. They make. good Evangelists, Physicians, “Foot. Specialists. Shoe” Manafactacess. Navigators, Nurses, Comedy Actors, Traveling Salee fone Dealer in. common commodities, Mediate uggints and Psychic. WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane promises fucked ae nthe ile a5 corpiced to eaton tt, any changes, journeys and, upe and gowns, but in the nd he overcomes all obstaier and achieves'a real and Igeting success it, however, frequently gives trouble in the domestic circle and home, and causes strong immpal- Hie attachments to: those of the opposite tex, and pro. ded the native masters bis protetaion or occupation Promises an unusual degree Of succes. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lesser period of the life i indicates hindrances and cbstacies” that the {ative will be able to overcome. Tr very frequently bangs mariage or strong love sifars, changes‘in the ome of position and Sefore the end of the period Un: expected gains or elevation, I$ KEYNOTES are Power, Conquest, Reversal and change (361 ‘Arcane 21 THE CROWNED SUN—THE UNIVERSE. IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane sym. bolizes the reward of Absolute ‘Truth, Right Living nd Spiritual Perception. IN THE MATERIAL REALM it symbolizes the fun soul of Arcane One grovn to maturity and cleansed bythe path of Sacrifice which began at Arcane Twelve and ended with Arcane Righteen. fe is now back on the path ready for the Boal test which begine with this rete pa et ea cpa wile Sogorany ower and Inspiration, and provided he keeps the Fait ad fat learned the lessons of the previous Areanes, he "Sound to mocceed and achieve hie goal THOSE RULED by this Arcane are usualy of middle lean stature, possess alr complexions, Hight hate, quick bright eyes and-e wealth of good health, Being physically attactive and fall of vitality. ‘The throat 8, however, futher delleate and they should avoid over-tating snd Toes of sleep DISPOSITIONS. The higher types culed by this Areane are obliging, courteous, brillant mentally and ‘ery talented. Phey are fond pi literature, musi the drama and are fall of courage, energy and the wil to ‘ttn by fair and honorable means. FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, In their weak moments thote ruled by this Arcane are inclined to be Readstrong, over-confident, reckless, extravagant, hot tempered, selfindalgent ana egotst QCCUPATIONS. They make good Pioneers, Soldiers, Shorrstory Writers, "Surgeons, Government Employtes, Actors,“ Singere, "Financiers, Ralroad Executives: Astronomers, Musicians, Speculitors: Stosk Brokers, Municipal Employees and” Oficials, Adverts lng. Mes, Engineers, Carbuilders, Gardenett, Pertume Manufacturers, and’ on account of their many ering ualiies they are able tov adapt themselves. to almott fry lige of business in which they will throw thelt ‘whole heart and soul, WHEN RULING THE LIFE, thie Arcane promise marked advancement, uaually wealth ands {o crown the native with dignites, honors and WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lester period of the life it promises a cycle of marked gains, advancement and honor, Tt seems to be the one period in which the hative has the free: will necessary’ to accomplish his ambitions and derives be they what they may. ITS KEYNOTES are Success, Wealth, Honors and Selfairection, is] ne 22 THE SLAVE—THE BLIND FOOL, IN THE CONSCIOUS REALM this Arcane sym- bolices Error, Folly, False Pride and Ignorance with their consequences, ‘which are Restraint, Arrogance, Catastrophe and Final Destruction, IN THE MATERIAL REALM thie Arcane aym- bolizes a Blind Slave garbed as a Fool with a knapsack fall of mites, wrong-dgingeatd coneequercen, tug. ling along the edge of the precipice of destruction. It Personifee the final end of all that ia not good, and of hose who, drunk with the valor of their ignorance and Pride, eraist in resisting. the will of the Most High. THOSE RULED by thie Arcane are usually pos- sessed of thick, flabby, short bodies, with pig-like eyes, dark hair and a pale; weak, sickly complexion. They are very susceptible to. sudden attacks of illness and the maintaining of physical, mental and spiritual bal: ance should be tier chief study. DESCRIPTIONS. The higher type ruled by this Arcane are very fond of travel, they love personal adornment, ate very "generous, philanihsopie and tre- ‘Quently give away their all without a thought of the FAULTS AND PECULIARITIES, tn their weak ‘moments thore ruled by this Arcane are eanly led astray, Aisike to say no to anyone and bring alt sorts of trouble on themeciver by thee eteavagancs, and inclination to pend money at every opportunity. At these times the Become slaves. of the "AWanderluse™ indulge in dic. Sipation and tink down to associating with the lowest Adtegs of humanity, OCCUPATIONS. They make good Salespeople, Importers, Exporters, Ship Ownere, Supercargos, Demonstrators. of Electrical ‘Equipment, Machinery oF Devices, and are especially adapted as officers. "and employees on coastwite veasels, harbour craft, and. as Seamen on the great lakes in. which occupations. they ket the short and constant changes that seem necessary te ehis tyre. WHEN RULING THE LIFE, this Arcane usually promises constant change of home and position, sharp ds of brillant success followed by equally’ severe Rosse, and itis only towards the end’ of He that their coniitions become fixed at which time they frequently Become inmates of old peoples homes or dependent upon the charity and Rindnets of others. WHEN RULING ANY YEAR, or lester period of the life it promises sudden reversals. dae to ver-con Fidence or the natives own folly, for during such periods hee dectaediy racial, wil not fiten to advice and ant ave his_own way regardless of consequences Arcane Sixteen this fs the most unfortunate TTS KEYNOTES ‘are. Presumption, Polly, ment and sudden Reversals £38) NOTES ON PLANETARY HOURS, One of the most valuable discoveries made by the Asclente is that when the days are divided into’ hour divisions corresponding to the order of the days of the week, we are able to determine the nature of the events we will experience or contact at auch times. ‘Further abservation and a earefal recording of such experiences, 43008 brought a realization that each planetary hour was favorable or unfavorable for the consummation of fit. ferent ‘purposes, and out” of these observations has grown the system of reading such divisions i order that We may intelligently uee‘each part of the day for those’ things er purposes which it proves, ‘Therefore, to find the nature of any hour turn to the tables of planetary hours as given on pages fl 10 $8 Inclusive, and after Gnding the'day of the week at the top of the column ruling the day in question, locate the time or hour operative at the moment for which the tables are consulted and turn to the reading for the planet culing that time,” Byample—-To find the nature Of any hours note the time by your watch and if during the’ daylight ‘saving. period ‘abtract-one Hour, “Thet turn to the planetary’ table for the month Gesiced and Under the head of the day of the week for which it is constlted you will find the name of the planct ruling that hour.” Then’ by tuning to the reading for that Planet you will soon Tearn whether that time is favor= able for your purpose. Tey them out. Apply them to your dally problems Properly used they wil prove a valuable aid in protec ing ou from lose or embarrassment and a substantia help Yowarde attaining prosperity ‘They will satsty you that the scriptural maxim which gaye, Uthere ts & time’ for everythings. ite,” We Know of mo other system which Brings home this ceath more simply or efiectively than these ancient Blanet- Sy Hour Keys James Harvey, the prominent Scotch Astrologian, a Tecent sucvey of thelr appiteation to events, Hetorical {nd individual, points out: “The airship, Roma, was wrecked at Norfolk, Vir- ginia on February 21, 1922 at 2:17 o'clock P.M. during the plantary hour of Mars.” “The English airship, R-38, was destroyed at Hull, England on, August 24, 102i, at Sal. ovlock P.M. during the planetary hour of tars.” “At Los Angeles, California William Desmond Taylor yas murdered on February 1, 1922 at ® clock P.M daring the planetary hour of Venus" “Harvey, there: fore, asks, “Was it'a man who did the deed?” Mark the reading for the hour of Venus, (31 “Lord Carano did Cag, Berton the th of agains, Sel se Suey Bere op th sh of a is aE geese A ae "Marchi dr the or of Mara, a ga of a Marth 220 dering a eas of Ma ed sit tea ce ae aah es Prete te operieoee ed bones dat hour of Mars. ¥ wht pdt neo, 0 te TRS RE ae Ee re enh Rarer teats Fe Sd EES, A de ed dt 288 ard cee by ee tare, art i ane a atin eet ce ot Bae haat ata aeee bell ie ce Shes ig nee come at sa ag toa foto a fod eee pees yi Real ess tate eee a Di ane Dated tei aa pete eed tact ty lice on day 0d wanted sehoaie spn ut ay ai one dey and watt Bar ee cele oe ea eM Oidter'es PE talks Bae fet ata by Tee oe te le soe ws re, hay ae ad et Shoe Shee Rees aay, a aaa ete tee feae orice sate Sana teks chee Ath arent sent conden, pete an ge Sipe sere gf orn Phe canbe neler prominence ea ere Sete a eee bat severe SPE comeing She ee In. closing the writer wishes to. acknowledge his indebtedness to. Papus, Eliphas Sevi, Peck, Sepharial Eyre, Hatheld, Heyton and others whose years of pax tient reacacch and valuable hints enabled him to develop tnd perfect the system hereinbefore outlined Additional suggestions for the practical use of thie little manual willbe found in the Summary at the end fof the book.” Read them and master every. deta Srey them out on your own experiences and ‘those of fiends and members of your Tamily and’ when you ve become convinced of their genuineness, apply thera fo convince others of the Trath for by showing those tn trouble the good eras ahead, yoo an. do-much to Felieve their despondeney and help them to face thelr ature with courage and contdence. tao) JANUARY (Any year) i Use column 1 forall golats NORTH of «line passing thru ‘Washington, D. C., St. Louis and San Francisco, Use column 2 for al laces SOUTH ofthis tne Subtract one hour for Daylight Saving Time where and ia) FEBRUARY Morning Hours ~ (Midnight to Noon) Use columa 1 forall polats NORTH of line passing thru ‘Weshingtos, D.C, St Louls and Sen Francisco. Use columa 2 for all places SOUTH of this line. Subtsact ose hour for Daylight Saving Time where and when used. MARCH Morning Hours ~ (Midnight to Noon) rt, enue [oars Use courant for al pots NORTH of a line passing thru wadtiigion, D: Gy St Louis end Sea Francisco. Use column 2 for all plices SOUTH of this line Subtract one hour for Daylight Saving Time where and when sed, (431 APRIL ‘Morning Hours — (Midnight to Now) {Use column 1 forall points NORTH of a line passing thro ‘Washington, D. C, St. Louis and San Francico. Use column 2 forall places SOUTH of this fine Subtract one hour for Daylight Saving Tine where and when used, 4) ‘MAY = (stdin to Neon) JUNE 2 fe fi fase ae Ge Re ‘Use column 1 for all points NORTH of « achiseton, D.C, St Louis and Sus Brat ‘Use column 2 for all places SOUTH ofthis ne. iiberaee/ast surlaee Dariiat esse (aie gece for al peas NORTH of ine pasing thre wien edo DOM for Darght Saving Tine wisre und ‘Washington, D. Cyt Lous and Sun Brancacor ‘Use column 2 forall places SOUTH ofthis Eablet one our for Daylight Soving Time where and when used. 14s) 146) = Es lets lise ‘Use column t for al points NORTH of « tine passing Washington, D. Cy St ult sea, ‘ve column 2 for ll places SOUTH of ths ine Ssbtract one hour for Daylight Saving Time where and (47) Atternoon Hours ~ (Noon to Midnight) Sebtract ose hour when used. ts NORTH of line pasting thru als and San Francisco SOUTH of this ine, light Saving Time where and 481 SEPTEMBER ‘Morning Hours — (Midnight to Nooe) les hee PgESEeSsee lism eitue i as Meet [SP p ee eoluena 1 fora Wash ints NORTH of «line passing thru D.C, St, Louis and San Prascisco se column 2 for all places SOUTH of this line. wSubtsct one hour for Dapight Saving Time where and (49) OCTOBER ‘Morning Hours — (Midnight to Noon) ‘roe | wet. [tao] at, | say [cot 2 ‘Use colums 1 for all points NORTH of « ‘Washington, D. C,, St. Louie and San Fran Use column 2 forall places SOUTH of this ine, Subtract one hour for Daylight Saving Tine where and when used. line passing thea seo (0) NOVEMBER DECEMBER ‘Morning Hours — (Midnight to Noos) ‘Momnng Hours — (Midnight to Noon) ty confor al pats NORTH of Hae passing thre Washington, D.C, St. Louis and San Francisco. ae cori oral pees SOUTH oh ne ee clan 2 for al places SOUDH of tse Subtract oue hour for Daylight Saving Time where and Subtract one hour for Daylight Saving Time where and watts when used. 182] tsi] JUPITER, “ss qtr the lustrous, lordeth nom And the dark work, complete of preserttion, Fe crave by force lta the tenia o eee —Eehitee, THE HOUR OF JUPITER is pottve and fortunate, Ht elates to all precious object favorable ‘to. all new ‘unc takings and during this Period one should attend to all matters of a chastabie legal, clesical or publie mature. Nearly everyone i Aisposed to exercise better judgment snd 20 fe goer ous sympathetic, genuine and upright. during this “moot fortunate ofall planetary hous which a Leown ar oe HOUR OF GobD FORTUNE, ‘THIS HOUR is favorable for seeking to: mortgages or favors: ans, credits, a oe fod pero ir eh tg ise iseyers, ans, edtcators,_ politicians ‘and sharitable persons; to deal with bankere, merchant jndges, moneyed people and cashiers, te commence wey undertakings, epen new stores and’ ofices oto Seek Pith commercial ‘salesmen, brokers, and’ agents, “Ty fhe neal males beth dui tha pid ent favorably,” It is an especially good ‘period'is white compromise dificulies with others, “ee Which PEOPLE brought in contact with you ducing this Befiod are usuallyof good size with clear cempleions, frank, open eyes and large foreheads. Thalr manner i free, open, generous and: upright. They are fond of animals, despise cliques, low or mean acta and when their confidence is lon it fe seldom regained 4, JELNESS brought to your attention during this hour js usually due to Blood or liver disturbances, spoplony from high living, inflammation of the lungs, eeersee, gatareh ot connected with the veins riba setesey ot igestive organs, CONVERSATION OR LETTERS RECEIVED daring this hour will generally refer to legal chariuabic, nancial or public matters of relate to sebjecs aasoer. Sted! with precious metals or objects tae, wrest Dale rok ela alge, moneyed nol ig politicians, ‘new enterprises or undertakings: basin education religion, ne animals, large publié movements or projects, FOR ARTICLES LOST during this hour, look NORTHEAST, They may be recovered again If your ay and week ‘values are good, (see Part No. 1), by hratd search or threatening satutudes £531 VENUS. “Lot in the painted oriel of the West, Whore panes the sun son incarnadie, Like a fair lady at her casement, The evening star, the star ef love Longfellow. ‘THE HOUR OF VENUS is feminine and fortunate, 1s elt fll mate connected with Tove, mariage, pleasure, heart, "music, dress, ormamentations, the fheatre, social gatherings, ete, It is known a the HOU of LOVE and PLEASURE, THIS HOUR is favorable for gain through dealin in commodities that appeal to the public taste, such a “perfumes, delcacien, amusements, theatre, “women Clothing, drets accessories, and omaments, It isa good time in which to. deal with hotel keepers, housewives, Festaurant, managers, dressmakers, mmiliners, jewelers Furniture dealers, tailors, Aorists, nurses, musicians and artists, to. cultivate new friends, court women enter a Man's hovte or to begin any business relating to ‘women's apparel or to start on short journey er to take medicine and have dealings with femalss in general, PEOPLE brought in contact with you during this hour ace usually of moderate height with plamp bodies, IRE Bald cdptnone orgs handeone ef tond rk Sytashes, fll red lpm, the ope larger than fowerand are'ot'« sonny Snposition, ‘They are ford Of dress peamsre and the opposite sex and generally fe jeatul of those whom they Tove. ESS brought to your attention is usally due to female complaint of Mcknest’ anscelated with te [Giteys, threat or fesh, due to encene of some tort CONVERSATION or LETTERS RECEIVED du ing thn hour usu fest plane women, com ay, marriage, court, places of aminement, dress hurscs, furniture, adornments or other subjects ruled By thls hour FOR ARTICLES LOST daring this hour, look SOUTHEAST andi your day valuk is good, (ce Park Nor they wil be found 154) MERCURY, “Hermes, nothing loth Obeyed the Aegie-besrer'swill—for he in able to persuade all easily.” THE HOUR OF MERCURY ie masculice, fortunate and changeable. Tt relates to intellectual matters; eee mental activity but is very sensitive and quite lopress sonable. "Most people during this hous are uscsiiy active mentally and physically and. it a favorable for matters that can be quickly closed and for ail fortas of study, invention and acience. “It ie known as the HOUR gpINTELLECTUAL “and NERVOUS AWARED: THIS HOUR is favorable for signing of papers, the Wing of letters, advertsementar and contact; te begin studies, buy books, send mevsengers of mesetge deat" with “attorneys, trebitects, golarien, scents teachers "printers, publishers, “edltors,"hewspapsry Mvertistrs, commission men, creditors, Young people, eis aloo a good tims te betes bute ‘hg, to'buy houses, to grat or plant to begin short jptrseyn, to lend er bottow money toca Sivien or favoce ftom wealthy or prominent persons, Iti goed for making minor thanges ot dealing ith weighboos relatives, musicians and eervants, PEOPLE brought im contact with you during this yeriod are usually slender and tall with loegish facet ‘hat are often trecled. They ‘have’ high deep. fo heads often hazel eyer and afe quick a4 nervous in their ovementn, ‘Theit manner isnervous and worse, Abels "Volee atit_and.aharp, ‘their Rngers long aed Htner and such people are feldom entiely wok ILLNESS Brought to your attention during this hour ip.utily connected wat dhe Wal organathe tongs, nin, hands oc moving parte of the boay and eaten sccoripanied by stammeting, hoarseness of cough CONVERSATION of LETTERS RECEIVED ur- ing this hour wil generally refer to active ot enjoysble tabjecte connected with a¥clsllteragy scent ome Cational or other matters ruled by this hour FOR ARTICLES LOST during this tour, look NORTH and if your day: and week. values are favors abe, (see Part No.1), such articles will be recovered, SUN Most glorious orbl that wert a worship, ere "The mystery of their mating was reveal! ‘Thou earliest minister of the Almighty, ‘Which gladden'd on their mountain ope the hearta isbe Chaldean tephra, it they pour ‘Phemselves in orfaonel™ — Byron, ‘THE HOUR OF THE SUN is positive, masculine but only semi-fortunate. Tt relates to-and is good for all, vital dignihed, government, public or political matters but is unfavorable for the beginning of the erection of Balidings, ‘moving into a new howe, office or store, putting’ én new clothing oF dealing with the fensinine Fox. fe fe mown as the HOUR of HONOR, PRIDE, tnd POWER. THIS HOUR is favorable for seeking, employment, promotion, preferment, popularity, friends or dealing With, government offcits, senators, representatives, mayors, trurtees and prominent persons generally. ZORLE brought in contact with You dung this hour ace ‘usually rather large of body, possess broad shouidrs, larg’ Beads, a radey comlexfon, fu grey eyes, brown hair anda deep strong voice.” They-are clined to be proud and commanding, somewhat slow {9 anger but dangerous when aroused: "Phey ave fond of children, homer, power snd postion. ‘They make ood friends and ate generous enemies, ILLNESS brought to your attention during this hour will generally relate to siden fainting spel palpitation of the heart, heart diacase, conjunctivitis, quney, epi Semic fever, nevraigta, dysentery, dropay and other ace complaints CONVERSATION or LETTERS RECEIVED dur- Ing pis period will generally gter to bunneas matters, lic eharacters, honors, prelecment, promotion, gov: Ernment, sate er Tunicipal politcal afaire and Boch ther matters as are ruled by the sun. FOR ARTICLES LOST during this hou, took EASTWARD. They may be recovered atthe full moon, provided your day value, (see Part No. 1) is favorable, [561 MOON. nc Tagite bane Moon, Ym aaiten. THE HOUR of the MOON is feminine, changeable and unsettled. ‘Therefore, promises made’ during tia hour are not to be relied upon and should yeu be inclined to seek relief during thie period, stick it out until the hour of Jupiter rises. ‘This hour relates to‘all common and changeable maiters, people and: things, sien ag tal ele itor, teem, Tau a Uncertain or indefinite problems, “It is Iowa a8 the HOUR of TRAVEL and CHANGE, THIS HOUR is good for travel and bringing about favorable conditions a8 the minds of mort people are unsetted or wavering. during this period. "They are therefore, more easly influenced than at otber tinea Tt is good for all forms of water sports and dealings that ME‘not of a binding nature but ail matters or deisions to your interest should be clindhed at once Q Pinions wil be chaaged end the opportunity ood hour in which to purchase shall animals, euch as'pigs, sheep, gots, dogs Sr eats and you should avoid tang medige, eediee Toney or mitking new clothing durfag this pered PEOPLE brought in contact with you ducing thi hour are of moderate size, pale or dusky sommplccisns eases fll large, light eyes, brown hait and frequenty ave & peculiar walks ‘They are generally ress Ecko and changeable, never long contented, fond of traveling and sambling about and ‘only too offen they are we Heady fn thse habit ILLNESS brought to your attention daring this hour generally relates to colle, stomachache, convulsions, Breasles, shortness of breath, rotten coughs, blade? and eye complaints CONVERSATION or LETTERS RECEIVED dur- ing this hour will generally refer to. travel, lauds, removals, changes, Unsetted state of afirg) women visitors, and all things of common or changeable nature FOR ARTICLES LOST during this hour, look to the NORTHEAST. You will find them genefaly mis. laid and easily recoverable 187) MARS He tthe tener ear of ove, estar of love and dream’ 22, from that blue fent above heros armour gleam owe THE HOUR of MARS is positive, fery, contentious and. dangerous. snd relates to, all kinds of accidents explosions, miltary, ery, warlike matters and persons, Eriminaly lire and evildoers are generally active during this peried which {s’known as the HOUR of COUR: ‘STRIFE and FIRE” ‘THIS HOUR is good for military men, surgeons, police authorities and hil those whose gecupation require fhe wearing of uniforms. Te is favorable fo carpenters hardware. Ceales, machinists, structural iron workers, barbere, dentate and metal workers. Dating this period Stick t0 your work, ake advantage of the increased ‘tality of this hour which heightent, the ambitions and Spake ong couagaous and reat "Phe Hout is epee fly “good for all matters requiring “courage, plac Sudachy “and. frmnens Crimital types of a" valent, Sangerous character are usually active dating ths period. ‘Thetetore, avoid quatsels and visiting dangerous places. PEOPLE brought in contact. with you during this hour ate usually of, medium size, with strong’ wel Balanced bodies, sun-burned or dark complexions, dark eyes, fed or datk hair and of & bold, courageous, arguc Renjative or dictatorial nature ‘They frequently beat & fark ot gear on the head or facer possess vety Bede Beard, a long nose, walk fast and a quite high-atrung. oslive earrfage, ILLNESS brought to your attention duting this hour will generally relate to tiatempers arising fom anger Bf pltsion oF fo cuts, wounds, sears, burt accidents, Fevers, small pox and'all complaints of an inBammatery ratere, CONVERSATION or LETTERS RECEIVED dur- ing this hour usually relate to quartels, disputes, frauds, ies fire, accldenta, thicwing, surgical operation and all other matiere ruled by this hour FOR ARTICLES LOST during this hour look WESTWARD but the chances of recovery are genersily very alight. 138} SATURN “The empite of Saturnus is gone by: Lord of the secret birth Of thiges ie her ‘Within the lap of earth, and in the depths OF the imagination dominater; ‘Andi his are all things that eachew the tight.” “Sehilier THE HOUR OF SATURN is deceitful and treacher. ‘ous in all matters of a world nature. I usually inlioe fone tobe serious, conservative, cautious and attentir to business Tt relates to labor, seal estate, agriculture Sickness, gic, death dll’ metals, crmen off of dt places, cellars, sewers snd people’ connected with suet fhings “It ig known es the HOUR of POVERTY, MISERY and DESPAIR, THIS HOUR is good to buy or sel real estat, to pe, leases or houses, land or buidings, ta buy gale of all Kinds, to" deat with onl dealers landlorde reat state agents, farmers, miners, excavaters, masons Rasy fess makers, shoematern leather Goals, plumbers sed ‘lesly of very conservative pesple: PEOPLE brought in contact with you duting this period are usualy ean of body, faily all and wouslly Stoop as they walk or stand. They possess dull com, exons, small eyes, with dark ‘icles beneath. thems Key sebrows bad or artineattenth end ar hegeeey melancholy and’ downeasted or in toubhe, ILLNESS brought to your attention during this hour aways of hn oy acte carat uch at broken bones, bad fall, Soothache or ear ane spieen complain. nf QNVERSATION or LETTERS RECHIVED du ing this hour generally reer to land, property, agri {Oke scknens, Sent, Drkes Monet aged pee, eee ‘ry, fear or things of an unclean nature FOR ARTICLES LOST during this hour, look SOUTHWEST and you may Bnd them if your tose Weck and day values are all favorable, (eee bare Nort, ut it will generally be sometime’ Scfore they ape recovered. FTI 7 [891 TABLE OP BIRTH DATE VALUES Mar, wat fret) ma 144 was, 1-1 No Day 0] May ait 23 a 2s 216 27 218 29 220 aa 2 2s 24 25, 235 a7 218 229 2-30 ea ha ay x3 ae Bs 6 7 ae ao 3410 40 ‘TABLE OF BIRTH DATE VALUES Jy +10 on on ay + os +6 a7 oe 9 +20 par na a om vs 436 a7 Aug. 9 S10 su a saa su 55, 516 a7 sas s9 S20 oa sm 523 oa get gee ees TTP TTTE Sept. 9 610 oat on 3 ou eis o18 on oe os 570 on on on ou 6-35 36 on tod oct, re 70 m1 ma m3 me ns rs aT re 9 0 ma mn a 14 ras 136 ra re 1-99 7-30 & & o = > * o o o & * 89 NeDay Dee. 410 oan on os oe ous 6 7 rary rary 920 on on 93 om 95 9-36 27 8 29 9-30 1 10-2 103 10-4 wes 10-6 10-7 1-8 1-9 10-10

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