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1. Mengusulkan ( suggestion )
Asking suggestion
- what do you recommended we do about .....?
- what would you advices to do .....?
- do you have any suggestion .....?
- what would you about .....?
- what do you think i should to .....?
Giving Suggestion

i could recommended that you .....

my advice would be to .....
may i suggest that we .....
If i were you, i would .....
I think you should .....
Maybe you should .....

= Purpose : to ask or give suggestion to someone =

2. Memohon ( request )
1. Can you/Could you
Can you help me,please! ( artinya : Bisakah kamu membantuku
Could you open the gate. ( artinya : bisakah kamu membukakan gerbangnya ? )

2. Will you/Want you

Will you pick me up ? ( artinya : maukah kamu menjemputku ? )
Want you sent the letter ? ( artinya : maukah kamu mengirim surat ini ? )
3. Would you like to
Would you like to drink this tea,please ! ( artinya : maukah anda meminum teh ini ? )
Would you like to lift this chair,please! ( artinya : maukah anda mengangkat kursi ini ? )
4. Would you mind
Would you mind finishing it first? ( artinya : tidak keberatankah anda untuk
menyelesaikan dahulu ? )
Would you mind watching film wwith me ? ( artinya : Tidak keberatankah anda
menonton film dengan saya ? )
Purpose : To request about something to someone

3. Mengeluh ( complain )
Ungkapan mengeluh ( complaining ) :
- Im fed up with . . .

Ty Im sick and tired of . . .

Im sick of ... / im tired of . . .
Ive had enough !
Its got to stop !
What really gets under my skin is . . .
I want to complaint about . . .
I have a complaint to make . . .
Something must be done about . . .
Im not at all satisfied with . . .
Iam angry that . . .
This is crazy ! / oh no !

Ungkapan Memohon :
- Would you mind . . .,please !
- Id be very greatfull if youd . . .
- Would you be so kind as to . . .
- Could I ask you to . . .
4. Possibility or Impossibility
Expressing asking about poissibilities :
- Would it be for (somebody) to . . .?
- Do you think its possible that . . . ?
- What possibility is there that . . . ?
- Whats the possibility of . . . ?
- What are the chances of . . . ?
Responding :

Yes , it is
Thats possible
Sure. It can be
I think so
Its possible
Not a chance

Expressing imposibility
Digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu hal yang mungkin tidak terjadi atau bisa juga
dikatakan tidak mungkin terjadi .

Expressing impossibility yaitu :


It is impossible . . . . . ( itu tidak mungkin )

It is not possible . . . . . ( itu tidak mungkin )
It cant be . . . . . ( itu tidak mungkin )
It is not really happened . . . . . ( itu tidak benar-benar terjadi )
May be no . . . . . ( mungkin tidak )
It is not probable . . . . . ( tidak mungkin )

I cant believe it . . . . . ( saya tidak mempercayainya )

Purpose : to tell/ask about possibility or impossibility to someone

5. Memerintah ( Command )
Command sentece juga sering diartikan sebagai kalimat suruhan. Di dalam Bahasa Indonesia
kata-kata suruhan itu ditambah dengan lah dan diakhiri dengan tanda seru (!). Contohnya,
Duduklah!, Makanlah atau Pergilah! dan lain sebagainya .Characteristic atau ciri-ciri
dari Verbal Command adalah Bare Infitive terletak di awal kalimat! .
For you remember Bare infinitive yaitu suatu kata kerja (verb) terntentu yang dapat
digunakan tanpa menggunakan to pada kalimat tersebut. Bare Infinitive sering disebut
juga dengan istilah base form, short infinitive or zero infinitive .
Contoh kalimat :
- Stand up! ( Berdiri!/Berdirilah! )
- Sit down! ( Duduk!/Duduklah! )
- Come in! ( Masuk!/ Masuklah! )
- Come on in! ( Ayo masuk!/Ayo masuklah! )
- Talk to me! ( Bicaralah padaku )
Purpose : to command someone to do something

6. Mengakui Kesalahan ( Admitting mistake )

Admitting Mistake
When we did something wrong, its better for us to admit or confess our mistake. We can use
the following expressions.
- I have to admit that . . .
- I was the oneto blame
- I admit i was wrong
- I haved made a mistake

We can also use the expressions of apology, for example,iam sorry, forgive me! To respond
it, we can use :

Okay, just dont do it again

Its alright

Purpose : to admiting mistake to someone

7. Berjanji ( Promising )
Expressing promise adalah topik pelajaran speaking untuk kelas XII. Cara menyatakan janji
dalam bahasa Inggris ini menggunakan ungkapan Expressing Promise sebagai berikut :

( artinya : Saya berjanji / Saya bersumpah )
( artinya : saya berjanji kepada anda bahwa )
( artinya : Saya bersumpah (untuk melakukan sesuatu) )
- I promise/swear that I . . . . .




Purpose : to ask/give promise to someone

8. Menyalahkan ( Blaming )
1. Blaming
- It was your fault
- You are the one to blame
- Serves you right
Someone who accused of blamed usually declines it. The following are the
responses used

Its not true

It wasnt me
You are wrong, I didnt do it
Iam not the one to blame
Purpose : To blaming someone about something

9. Menuduh ( accusing )

It must have been you who did it

( artinya : pastilah kamu yang tekah melakukannya ? )
I think youre the only person who could have done it
( artinya : saya kira hanya kamulah satu-satunya orang yang bisa melakukannya )
You must be doing something wrong
You must be the doer

Purpose : To accusing someone about something

10. Mengungkapkan keingintahuan dan hasrat ( curiosity )

Curiosity adalah saat ketika kita ingin tahu
Here are somo useful expressions to show curiosity

I wonder what causes poverty

I wish I knew more about unemployment problems
How on earth . . . ?

Id be very interested to know . . .

What Id really like to find out is . . .
Id very interested to know . . .
Ive been meaning to ask you

Dialog bahasa inggris 1 Expressing Curiosity

Situation 1
Sarah : Im so curiosity about the new student
Farhan : yeah, me too. Lets wait for her. She loves coming to the library during the break

11. Menyatakan berbagai sikap ( agreement and disagreement )

Example Expressing of agreement :
- I agree with your opinion ( artinya : saya setuju dengan pendapatmu )
- Iam on your side ( artinya : saya ada dipihakmu )
- I can go a long with that ( artinya : saya setuju dengan itu )
- I think so ( artinya : aku pikir begitu )
- Iam with you ( artinya : aku setuju padamu )
- I like your idea ( artinya : aku suka idemu )
Example Expressing of disagreement :

I disagreement with you ( artinya : saya tidak setuju dengan pendapatmu )

Iam not with you ( artinya : aku tidak dipihakmu )
I cant go along with that ( artinya : aku tidak setuju dengan itu )
I dont think so ( artinya : aku pikir tidak begitu )
No, I dont like the idea ( artinya : tidak, aku tidak setuju dengan ide itu )

12. Text functional pendek ( announcement )

Pengertian announcement
Announcement adalah pernyataan ( pemberitahuan resmi ) dalam bentuk lisan atau
tulisan yang berisi sesuatu untuk diketahui semua orang
Tujuan announcement
The purpose is to inform the announcement text information about an event, job
vacancies, new enrollment, new admissions, and so on
Generic structure announcement
1. Title : ini adalah bagian yang paling penting karena mewakili isi keseluruhan dari
pengumuman tersebut . Meski begitu kadang tidak disebutkan dengan jelas
2. Explanation : penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang pengumuman tersebut. Biasanya terdiri dari
informasi dasar yang mencakup : jenis kegiatan, waktu, tempat, dan partisipant .
Bagian-bagian announcement

Judul atau jenis kejadian ( the title/type of event )

Tanggal dan waktu ( date and time )

Tempat ( place )
Orang/alamat yang dapat dihubungi ( contact person/address )

English speech contest

For all student SMAN Englishindo , we announce English speech contest
Time : Saturday , 22 march 2012
Place : Hall of SMAN Englishindo
Each class should register at least one student with one of these following topics :

The advantage of learning english

The difficulties of learning english
The effective ways of learning english

For further information, visit the committee of this english speech contest in

13. Iklan ( Advertisement )

Advertisement ( iklan ) is a text that has the objective to announce a something that appeals to
many people and that adds a well known product in all public .
Purpose of advertisement
The purpose of advertisement is to announce/advert about a case or a public, or in other words to
introduce a product to the public in order to buy and attraced to the product being advertised.
Nasi Goreng Mak Imah
Visit mak imah restaurant to get the best fried rice
The new recipe ever made fropm angel
Its tasty with 50% discount, you will not hungry for days !!!
Find us on 23 Sriwijaya street,cirebon

14. Surat ( letter )

1. Pengertian surat ( letter )

a letter is a written from one party to another containing information
Contoh surat ( Letter )
Jl.Bumi manti 3 no 80
Bandar Lampung
Hi my patner, how are you there? I trust you are great. I miss you on the grounds that we
have not met in quite a while. Do you miss me as well ? on the off chance that you are out
of town, i trust you can visit Jogjakarta. I hope we can meet each other soon. I really
missing you .
Ideally we can meet soon,my closest patner
Your patner,
Purpose : to send or give information to someon

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