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AP English 12
Period 2
27 September 2016
Beowulf Discussion: The Banquet
Beowulf wants the Geats to fight Grendel without the Danes present because he
wants the Geats to have all the glory of purifying Herot of its monster. He roasts Unferth
by talking about how the Danes needed the Geats to defeat Grendel, because warriors
have huge egos. Beowulf may also feel that fighting alone is the only way of fully
repaying his fathers debt.
The significance of the seating and eating together symbolizes the act of
communion. Both tribes, the Geats and the Danes, come together to bond, be close,
and share something intimate: a feast in the halls of Herot. The location is important
because the King treats these strangers like his own tribe if he allows them to celebrate
in a place made to be one of the Great Wonders of the World.
Wealhtheows role in Herot seems to be like a mother in charge of the household.
She personally hands the goblet to the men, instead of having her hand-maidens do so.
Wealtheow also checks out Beowulf to make sure he is worthy and has good intentions
before approving him.

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