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The One Coded Master

The One Coded Master, still imperceptible to most of your world, enters mass min
d only when enough of you are cleared to hold her vibrational pattern at your fr
equency, which we can tell you begins to occur in your Earth year 2010. This is
not the Messiah, nor is it our intention to present her as your savior, so please
do not give your power away to that possibility, for it would mean that you have
completely misinterpreted our message. Those of you who have begun the work of
clearing your fields and moving out of fear have realized that you are being poi
nted in the right direction, guided by your higher consciousness, and that nothi
ng outside of you is going to be able to do that for you.
It is your focus and purity of intent that will lead you through the desert of t
he Gaian winter; it will be your feelings of community, your sense of the whole,
that will bring the planet through the starless night. Dreams of the Messiah an
d other saviors can be relinquished now, yielding to the inner knowing (your str
ength and sense of purpose), with which each of you holds your own frequency, ta
king responsibility for all thoughts that you send across the waves; taking resp
onsibility for every deed, every act, every word.
The body workers are available now to assist you in the shifting and clearing of
the energies, and the true teachers are bringing through the message. Have you
felt the scintillating waves of light moving through you? Surely you are stunned
by the acceleration being experienced on so many levels, for never before has y
our family of celestial bodies known such vibrational intensity, and every plane
t of your solar system, in turn, has begun its metamorphosis. All is interrelate
d, all is experienced in every living creature of your Solar Deity, from the far
reaches of the outer orbits to the innermost spheres and there, within the expl
osive mass of the gaseous star your central Sun.
Entering into the foreground now are revolutionary new thinkers in the fields of
astronomy and astrology, those who will be clear to chart the new byways, for t
he relationships of the heavenly bodies will soon take on altered proportions, a
s the planets begin their acute stages of transmutation
and old paradigms no lon
ger fit. The archetypes are blossoming into more complex personae and new bodies
are emerging from the obscurity of the unexplored. As your Sun begins its colla
pse, all is pulled inward, and the yet undiscovered will come into the light and
then move through the vortex with you.
There are new leaders, strong icons in whom you can place your trust, who will g
uide you through the cataclysms of the tearing realities and bring you to the ca
lm. There are mothers and healing teams to nurture and restore the energies; see
rs and gifted instruments are bringing through the Wisdom. Others will serve as
record keepers those who will carry the genetic codes into the next dimension. The
re are the Earth Keepers, who will hold Gaian vibration and facilitate your acti
vation when you take yourselves to the sites. But do not delude yourselves with
imaginings of a great savior, for that is simply mythical allegory. As light bei
ngs, you will join together and within the sacred circles of your union will you
find protection and safe harbor in your love of Gaia and all that is pulsating
to the heartbeat of the universe.
When, earlier, we introduced the One Coded Master as one whose mission it is to
help lead you back into the light, we did not mean to imply that she is a physic
al being, although there are many who would be ecstatic to claim title. For this
reason, we will make only such reference to her as is necessary to fulfill our
purpose in these transmissions, which is to initiate perception of her presence
in this difficult stage of your planetary evolution and to extend that awareness
to as many human beings as is possible, so that you can receive her in your hea

rts and accept her into group mind.

When we speak of the Coded One, we refer to an Ascended Master who has served at
many intervals of consciousness throughout Universal Being. She comes into your
realm as a sort of galactic midwife to assist in your Solar Deity s rebirthing. S
he has already descended from beyond the Andromedan Galaxy, the tenth dimension,
in preparation of what will be required of her the monumental task of setting the
lock-on points of the celestial bodies of your Solar Deity. This requires consc
ious mind powers so beyond our capabilities that we are somewhat awestricken by
its magnitude
for here we are speaking of one entity affecting the course of an
entire solar system, as it slips out of one dimensional context into another.
This is an unimaginable assignment, even from our perspective, so that to attemp
t description is futile at this point in our common development. We can tell you
, however, that she enters to unlock the portals of every celestial body in your
solar system and to set the interplanetary gravitational linkage for the journe
y through the great vortex of Universal Being s astral chords. This will take plac
e when the proper galactic alignments and planetary conjunctions coincide with t
he Mayan coordinates. This involves parallel universes, multidimensional celesti
al beings, and your beloved solar family of planets, moons, and asteroids, which
will all have moved into optimum position at the Mayan projection point of 21 D
ecember 2012.
Of the descent of the Coded Master, we do not wish to imply that she takes human
form or crystallizes as matter; indeed, a vibrational essence of this intensity
cannot be condensed into a physical body. Let us just say that that would be li
ke trying to hold a quart of pure uranium in a plastic bottle. Her essence alrea
dy permeates your atmosphere, particularly concentrated over the vortices, for i
t is from the Earth realm that she will coordinate the planetary linkage.
As you will not experience the Coded One as a physical deity, we advise you to b
e wary of those who will claim to witness her image in the abstract forms of clo
uds and the trees. She is beyond form, a being of such vibrational magnitude tha
t there can be no specific visual reference, nor spoken word. She is essence, co
nsciousness of the purest intensity, performing a mission
assisting in the rebir
thing of a Deity.
Some of you have begun to connect with her at the primary energy level, the firs
t in increasingly intense stages of communication that may be reached via a step
-up process of alignments so great is her light. The presence enters your awarenes
s as a most intense brilliance, a radiant iridescence that is nonexistent in you
r present spectrum, but rest assured that you will know it when it moves through
More will become aware of her presence at the beginning of the new millennium, a
nd it will be that very brilliance that will spark your awareness, a sign that y
ou have reached Level One acclimatization. This is color that you will feel deep
within you, which moves in to create the necessary alterations at the subatomic
level just as at other moments in your evolution have you absorbed frequencies
from other dimensions that have brought you into resonance. The radiance of the
Coded Master enters into the subatomic make-up of every being on the planet and
beyond, throughout your Solar Deity s body, the exhilarating prelude to your final
passage onto the next level.
If it is now, through these teachings, that you are being introduced to this ent
ity, then you are initiating at this moment your conscious perception of her a pre
liminary to receiving the vibrational adjustments, which will begin once you sim
ply allow yourselves to hold the probability of such a being in your conscious t
houghts. This is not going to be readily accepted by your rational minds, for it
is still quite inconceivable to you that a being of such magnitude could exist.

Here we are describing an Ascended Master resonating as a Deity, and we know ho

w very difficult it is for Western culture, still enslaved by its white male-dom
inant religions, to embrace the Goddess.
All beings, in the process of their ascension along the spiral, become more Godlike. We ask that you consider that statement a spiritual given. Just as you mov
e through karma as it manifests in your physical lifetimes, so do you, as spirit
beings, evolve eventually into that uncontainable light vibration of the lumina
ry the evolved soul. Long is the journey to initiation, further yet to mastery an
d beyond
to ascension. It is the same path for all souls
the road home to Suprem
e Being. All creation is in that state of upward mobility of becoming and return
ing to Source. The One Coded Master has reached that point of merging, but she m
ust first consecrate this final act as individual consciousness

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