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Let There Be Light

And God said,

Let there be light

and there was light.

Know that without the darkness there could have been no contrast, no point of re
ference in such a godly pronouncement, and understand how the Creator is just as
omnisciently Lord of the Sacred Darkness as of the Blessed Light.

In this difficult time of transition, as human consciousness is being blasted ou

t to both extremes of the poles, chaos has manifested as a constant in your worl
d. Yet, within its fiber, its whirling frenzy, is laced the order underlying all
life and intelligence in the Cosmos. There is order in chaos, however veiled in
the subtle mysteries of nature s illusive rhythms. Once you understand and incorp
orate this truth into your awareness, you will flow in the wake of change, just
as falling leaves dance and pirouette in the wind.
Technology is delivering information from every corner of your planet with such
rapidity that it is short-circuiting the neurological networks of your minds. It
is too much, too fast. You are being distracted from the universal picture and
programmed to perceive your master, technology, as the Great Liberator. Haven t yo
u realized yet that you are becoming enslaved by your computers and the techno-g
rid of the Net ? The information industry has moved far ahead of your ability to co
nceive of its potential impact upon the future of all life forms on Gaia, while
you are being spoon-fed only what it feels you will be able to first absorb and
then purchase. Recognize, however, that every new electronic instrument is alrea
dy obsolete well before the cashiers ring up their high-tech invoices and Wall S
treet grooms you for the next level.
Information regarding the Secret Government s alliance with alien intelligence is
being methodically leaked to you in the same way, because you are deemed emotion
ally incapable of dealing with extraplanetary life and the implications of alien
intervention on Earth. But you do understand
for you are starseed.
So many of you are now reclaiming your stellar wisdom that the governments and t
he hierarchy from whom they receive their mandates simply cannot keep the truth
from you any longer. You have moved beyond searching for clues or tangible proof
and are reconnecting with galactic intelligence. There are those of you who hav
e adjusted your frequencies to serve as direct channels for transmissions from o
ther dimensions, and this is now moving from the shadow of ridicule and distrust
into the mainstream consciousness of lightworkers across the planet. You are pl
ugging back into the Akasha wisdom you access throughout existence and it is that kn
owing at the very deepest level of your being that we shall refer to as center.
Let us begin with birth. Your God consciousness has been so distorted by male-do
minated religions that many of you would believe your very birth a sin. You have b
een taught that you are guilty from birth of the shame and sin of sexual union b
etween your parents, who still carry the guilt and shame of the proverbial eatin
g of the apple in Eden the original sin. Do you think about the absurdity of original
sin and how religious empires have been formed around your belief in it? Baptism
, whereby you are cleansed of the impurity of that sin, is representative of tho
se rituals designed to program you into believing not only that God lies outside

of you
but that by kneeling before the administrators of the judgmental God, yo
u may just receive the absolution necessary to squeak through your earthly lives
and find your way into heaven.
We ask you to question the hypocrisy of any religion that would sanction and enc
ourage sexual union for the express purpose of bearing children, while any other
sexual expression is totally forbidden, even in the so-called sanctity of marri
age. Despite the blessing of the marital union, the child must still undergo bap
tism, to cleanse it of the sin of creation.
Haven t you had enough of such religious manipulation to question its true intenti
on? How possibly can birth the deliverance of life through the sacred darkness of
the womb be tainted or impure? Why must the Goddess Mother be virginal, when the m
iracle of new life the ultimate manifestation of the Godlight is sparked through the
explosive union of woman with man? By asking yourselves how and why you have al
lowed these alienating religious canons to separate you from the very process of
God s emergence between you, you begin the process of letting go and letting God wi
thin you. Indeed, many of you are now releasing yourselves from the holds of the
dogma, recognizing your godliness and we commend you for your courage and your
You are becoming empowered now with an expanding awareness of how your souls twi
nkle in the night skies of your being like the stars in the heavens, and how glo
rious is your birth into physical reality. Many of you have understood, while ot
hers are still floundering, lost in the confusion of the power systems of church
and religion, governments and societies which build upon your feelings of shame
, guilt, and alienation from Prime Creator, The All That Is, That Has Ever Been,
and That Always Will Be. You have yet to imagine what immense power lies in you
r mastery of human sexuality, for they have cleverly disempowered you with fig l
eaves and ignoble allegory. That archetypal memory of forbidden fruit and disobe
dience has been deliberately stimulated within you throughout many civilizations
of their control.
You are sparks from the flame, fragments of the Absolute, choosing to exercise f
ree will in your descent into matter again and again gods in your own right. As co
nscious beings, you experience and learn the alchemy of transcending matter and
returning to spirit, the true purpose of the ascent along the evolutionary spira
l towards illumination. However long the journey home, as co-creators you are jo
ining together to return to Source in the perpetual cycle of life.
Imagine just as shimmerings of fiery brilliance exploding out as radiance of you
r Solar Deity and slowly cooling take form as celestial bodies in your solar sys
tem, so does all consciousness break from the light, and in descending into phys
ical reality take on the crust or outer shell of the physical body. As the God con
sciousness of Gaia reaches out from her fiery core, permeating every layer of he
r body and etheric shield the ozone so do you. Following this metaphor of life/spiri
t awareness, we ask you to come now to clarity regarding the question of living
from the center of your being.
You can find your way through the maze of outer reality and the illusions of app
earance by returning to center, that perfect oneness of dark and light within al
l things. It is the yin/yang balance, the nurturing cool of magnetism which crad
les the spark of your electrifying radiance. It is here that the soul is seated,
and from here and here alone will you find the truth to guide you through your
storms. Like a lighthouse, it is the beacon of all your experience as you ride t
he waves of Earth s tumultuous journey upward along the evolutionary coil. Until y
ou return to that center place the seat of the soul you will feel powerless and afra
id in the wake of the great transformation that has begun on Earth.
From a position of balance and acceptance, you will recognize creation in chaos,

light s emergence from darkness once again repeating itself in the theater of lif
e. Rather than fear and tremble on your knees you will cluster together in breat
htaking patterns of brilliantly colored spectra: the Gossamer Web of Light. Reun
ited with your galactic family, it will be yours to experience firsthand the abs
olute perfection of creation unfolding the divine explosion a radiance that you, as
incarnate souls, will have the privilege to choose to experience in body at a ve
ry near future time.
Put away your images of the apocalyptic final curtain. They do not serve you, an
d will only fuel the fears of annihilation which keep you swinging further and f
urther outwards on the emotional pendulum. You must be at center, in balance, if
you are to correctly run the energy through your body circuitry. At the hub of
the spinning wheel, you will feel only minimally the centrifugal force of Gaia s r
Understandably, as you pass now across the great divide of your linear time fram
e (the new millennium), humankind is experiencing a vibrational surge of great i
ntensity. The force of such energy rolling through you will make you feel, at ti
mes, like you are absolutely losing touch with yourselves and in a positive sense
you are doing exactly that, while moving beyond the sensate experience

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