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Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta

The Malta Government Gazette

Il-imga, 23 ta Diembru, 2016

Friday, 23rd December, 2016

Pubblikata bAwtorit
Published by Authority

Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern.............................................................................................. 10,287 - 10,291
Government Notices.......................................................................................................... 10,287 - 10,291
Avvi tal-Pulizija.............................................................................................................. 10,292 - 10,293
Police Notice..................................................................................................................... 10,292 - 10,293
Opportunitajiet ta Impieg................................................................................................. 10,294 - 10,330
Employment Opportunities............................................................................................... 10,294 - 10,330
Avvii tal-Gvern................................................................................................................ 10,330 - 10,339
Notices............................................................................................................................... 10,330 - 10,339
Offerti................................................................................................................................ 10,339 - 10,349
Tenders.............................................................................................................................. 10,339 - 10,349
Avvi tad-Direttorat gar-Reistrazzjoni tal-Proprjet Industrijali.................................. 10,349
Industrial Property Registrations Directorate Notice...................................................... 10,349
Avvii tal-Qorti................................................................................................................. 10,350
Court Notices.................................................................................................................... 10,350

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016




Nru. 1417

No. 1417



HUWA avat gall-informazzjoni enerali illi l-Abbozz

ta Lii li ej huwa ppubblikat fis-Suppliment li jinsab ma
din il-Gazzetta:

IT is notified for general information that the following

Bill is published in the Supplement to this Gazette:

Abbozz ta Lii Nru. 188 imsejja Att tal-2016 biex

jemenda l-Att dwar il-Medjazzjoni.

Bill No. 188 entitled the Mediation (Amendment) Act,


It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016

Nru. 1418

No. 1418



BIS-SAA tas-setgat mogtija bl-Artikolu 91 (1) u blArtikolu 124 (5) (a) tal-Kostituzzjoni ta Malta, il-President ta
Malta, fuq il-parir tal-Prim Ministru, approvat il-atra ta Dott.
Philip Galea Farrugia, BA, LLD, Assistent Avukat enerali,
bala Aent Avukat enerali mill-4 sas-7 ta Diembru, 2016,
i-ew dati inklui.

IN exercise of the powers conferred by Article 91 (1)

and by Article 124 (5) (a) of the Constitution of Malta, the
President of Malta, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister,
has approved the appointment of Dr Philip Galea Farrugia,
BA, LLD, Assistant Attorney General, to act as Attorney
General from 4th to 7th December, 2016, both days included.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016

Nru. 1419

No. 1419


Radiation Protection

Ngarrfu gall-informazzjoni ta kuladd illi l-Prim

Ministru, fuq parir tal-Ministru gad-Djalogu Sojali, Affarijiet
tal-Konsumatur u Libertajiet ivili, atar il-Bord gallProtezzjoni mir-Radjazzjoni, skont Artiklu 10 (1) u (2) tat-Tielet
Parti tar-Regolamenti dwar is-Sigurt Nukleari u l-Protezzjoni
mir-Radjazzjoni tal-2003, kif ej, gal perjodu ta tliet snin:

It is notified for general information that, the Prime

Minister, upon the advice of the Minister for Social Dialogue,
Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties, has appointed the
Radiation Protection Board, according to Article 10 (1) and (2)
of the Part III of the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection
Regulations, as follows, for a period of three years:

Chairperson Eekuttiv
Is-Sur Paul Brejza

Executive Chairperson
Mr Paul Brejza

Is-Sur Joe Cremona
Is-Sa Nadine Mercieca
Is-Sur Clive Tonna
L-In. Albert Tabone

Mr Joe Cremona
Ms Nadine Mercieca
Mr Clive Tonna
Ing. Albert Tabone

Dawn il-atriet huma validi sat-8 ta Ottubru, 2019.

These appointments are valid till the 8th October, 2019.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

Nru. 1420

No. 1420





Is-Segretarju Permanenti Ewlieni fl-Uffiju tal-Prim

Ministru approva l-atra temporanja li ejja:

THE Principal Permanent Secretary in the Office of the

Prime Minister has approved the following acting appointment:




Aent Kummissarju tal-Artijiet

Acting Commissoner of Land

Proprjet tal-Gvern
Government Property


Mr Martin Bajada

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016



28.12.2016 - 3.01.2017

23rd December, 2016

Nru. 1421

No. 1421





L-ISKRIVAN tal-Kamra tad-Deputati approva l-atra

temporanja li ejja:

THE Clerk of the House of Representatives has approved

the following temporary appointment:







Mrs Josanne Paris

Aent Skrivan tal-Kamra

Acting Clerk of the House
of Representatives

Kamra tad-Deputati
Parlament ta Malta
House of Representatives
Parliament of Malta

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016



23rd December, 2016

Nru. 1422

No. 1422


(KAP. 452)


(CAP. 452)

atra ta Membru fuq il-Bord dwar

ir-Relazzjonijiet dwar l-Impjiegi

Appointment of the Employment

Relations Board

NGARRFU illi, skont is-setgat mogtija lilha

bArtikolu 3 (2) tal-Att dwar l-Impiegi u r-Relazzjonijiet
Industrijali, il-Ministru gad-Djalogu Sojali, Affarijiet talKonsumatur u Libertajiet ivili, atret lis-Sur Alfred Attard
bala membru fuq il-Bord dwar ir-Relazzjonijiet dwar
l-Impjiegi, minflok is-Sa Isabella Debattista. Din il-atra
hija valida sa nhar l-14 ta Lulju, 2017.

IT is hereby notified that, in terms of the powers conferred

by article 3(2) of the Employment and Industrial Relations
Act of 2002 (Cap. 452), the Minister for Social Dialogue,
Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties has appointed Mr
Alfred Attard as member of the Employment Relations
Board, instead of Ms Isabella Debattista. This appointment
is valid until the 14th July, 2017.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


Nru. 1423

No. 1423


(KAP. 452)


(CAP. 452)

atra ta Membru fuq il-Bord ta Amministrazzjoni

tal-Fond ta Garanzija

Appointment of a Member on the Guarantee Fund

Administration Board

NGARRFU gall-informazzjoni ta kuladd li

l-Ministru gad-Djalogu Sojali, Affarijiet tal-Konsumatur
u Libertajiet ivili approvat il-atra tas-Sur Alfred Attard
bala membru fuq il-Bord ta Amministrazzjoni tal-Fond ta
Garanzija minflok is-Sa Isabella Debattista.

IT is hereby notified for general information that the

Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil
Liberties has appointed Mr Alfred Attard as member on
the Guarantee Fund Administration Board, instead of Ms
Isabella Debattista.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016

Nru. 1424
Id-Direttur enerali (Kummer)
jera lura fuq dmirijietu
IS-SUR GOWDIN Warr, Direttur enerali (Kummer)
rea daal lura fuq dmirijietu fid-19 ta Diembru, 2016, u
l-arranamenti li hemm referenza galihom fin-Notifikazzjoni
tal-Gvern Nru. 1361 tat-12 ta Diembru, 2016, huma bdin
It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

No. 1424
Resumption of duties of
Director General (Commerce)
Mr Godwin Warr, Director General (Commerce),
resumed duties on 19th December, 2016, and the arrangements
referred to in the Government Notice No. 1361 of 12th
December, 2016 are hereby being cancelled.
23rd December, 2016

Nru. 1425

No. 1425

Regolatur gas-Servizzi
tal-Enerija U L-ILMA

Regulator for Energy

and Water Services

Avvi ta Estensjoni tal-Iskema mwaqqfa

bin-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru. 531 tal-2016

Notice of Extension of Scheme established

by means of Government Notice No. 531 of 2016

NGARRFU bdin illi l-iskema ffinanzjata mill-ERDF:

Gotja fuq xiri ta sistemi fotovoltaji fis-settur domestiku
seja 2016/PV, imwaqqfa bin-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern
Nru. 531 tal-2016 qiegda tii estia sal-aar ta Marzu,

It is hereby being notified that the scheme funded by the

ERDF: A grant on the purchase of photovoltaic systems in
the domestic sector Call 2016/PV, established by means of
Government Notice No. 531 of 2016 is being extended till
the end of March, 2017.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016

Programm Operattiv I Fondi Ewropej Strutturali u ta Investiment 2014-2020

It-Trawwim ta Ekonomija Kompetittiva u Sostenibbli li Tilqa l-Isfidi Tagna
Fond Ewropew gall-Ivilupp Rejonali
Rata ta kofinanzjament: 80% Unjoni Ewropea; 20% Fondi Nazzjonali
Operational Programme I European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020
Fostering a Competitive and Sustainable Economy to Meet Our Challenges
European Regional Development Fund
Co-financing rate: 80% European Union; 20% National Funds


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

Nru. 1426

No. 1426

Regolatur gas-Servizzi
tal-Enerija U L-ILMA

Regulator for Energy

and Water Services

Estensjoni tal-Iskema Stabbilita bin-Notifikazzjoni

tal-Gvern Nru. 409 tal-2012

Extension of Scheme Established by Government

Notice No. 409 of 2012

NGARRFU bdin illi l-iskema ffinanzjata mill-Gvern

Malti: Gotja fuq xiri ta sistemi gall-uu domestiku li
jnaqqsu l-konsum tal-enerija, stabbilita bin-Notifikazzjoni
tal-Gvern Nru. 409 tal-2012, qiegda tii estia sal-31 ta
Diembru, 2017.

It is hereby notified that the scheme funded by the

Government of Malta: A grant for the purchase of systems
for domestic use that reduce the consumption of energy,
established by Government Notice No. 409 of 2012, is being
extended to 31st December, 2017.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016

Nru. 1427

No. 1427

Regolatur gas-Servizzi
tal-Enerija U L-ILMA

Regulator for Energy

and Water Services

Estensjoni tal-Iskema Stabbilita bin-Notifikazzjoni

tal-Gvern Nru. 347 tal-2011

Extension of Scheme established by Government

Notice No. 347 of 2011

NGARRFU bdin illi l-iskema ffinanzjata mill-Gvern

Malti: Gotja fuq xiri ta sistemi ta solar water heaters fissettur domestiku seja nazzjonali 2011/SWH, stabbilita
bin-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru. 347 tal-2011, qiegda tii
estia sal-31 ta Diembru, 2017.

It is hereby notified that the scheme funded by the

Government of Malta: A grant for the purchase of solar
water heater systems in the domestic sector 2011/SWH/
national call, established by Government Notice No. 347 of
2011, is being extended to 31st December, 2017.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016

Nru. 1428

No. 1428

Regolatur gas-Servizzi
tal-Enerija U L-ILMA

Regulator for Energy

and Water Services

Estensjoni tal-Iskema Stabbilita bin-Notifikazzjoni

tal-Gvern Nru. 1020 tal-2013

Extension of Scheme by means of Government

Notice No. 1020 of 2013

NGARRFU bdin illi l-iskema ffinanzjata mill-Gvern

Malti: Gotja fuq restawr ta bjar domestii li jintuaw gallilma tax-xita, stabbilita bin-Notifikazzjoni tal-Gvern Nru.
1020 tal-2013, qiegda tii estia sal-31 ta Diembru, 2017.

IT is hereby notified that the scheme funded by the

Government of Malta: A grant for the restoration of domestic
cisterns intended for rain water harvesting, established by
Government Notice No.1020 of 2013, is being extended to
31st December, 2017.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016

Nru. 1429

No. 1429





IL-MINISTRU gall-Intern u s-Sigurt Nazzjonali gobu

japprova l-promozzjoni tal-imsemmija hawn tat gar-rank
ta Logutenet bse mid-data li tinstab dejn isimhom.

THE MINISTER for Home Affairs and National Security

has been pleased to approve the promotion of the under
mentioned to the rank of Lieutenant with effect from the date
shown against their names.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Tieni Logutenet Muscat Iona
Tieni Logutenet Abdilla Mark
Tieni Logutenet Micallef Karl
Tieni Logutenet Mallia Ryan
Tieni Logutenet Cassar
Mark Anthony
Tieni Logutenet Spiteri
Tieni Logutenet Vassallo Ryan
Tieni Logutenet Mizzi
Jean Pierre
Tieni Logutenet Galea

Is-16 ta Diembru, 2016
Is-16 ta Diembru, 2016
Is-16 ta Diembru, 2016
Is-16 ta Diembru, 2016
Is-16 ta Diembru, 2016
Is-16 ta Diembru, 2016
Is-16 ta Diembru, 2016
Is-16 ta Diembru, 2016
Is-16 ta Diembru, 2016

Second Lieutenant Muscat Iona

Second Lieutenant Abdilla Mark
Second Lieutenant Micallef Karl
Second Lieutenant Mallia Ryan
Second Lieutenant Cassar
Mark Anthony
Second Lieutenant Spiteri
Second Lieutenant Vassallo Ryan
Second Lieutenant Mizzi
Jean Pierre
Second Lieutenant Galea

16th December, 2016

16th December, 2016
16th December, 2016
16th December, 2016
16th December, 2016
16th December, 2016
16th December, 2016
16th December, 2016
16th December, 2016

23rd December, 2016

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Nru. 1430

No. 1430


(KAP. 55)


(CAP. 55)

Nomina ta Nutar Delegat/Konservatur

Appointment of Notary Delegate/Keeper

NGARRFU bdin illi bis-saa tas-setgat mogtijin

bl-Artikolu 20 tal-Att dwar il-Professjoni Nutarili u l-Arkivji
Nutarili, il-Qorti tar-Revijoni Nutarili nnominat lin-Nutar Dr
Keith Zammit bala nutar delegat u konservatur fl-atti tanNutar Dr Sara Ellul, u dan gall-perjodu bejn is-6 ta Jannar,
2017 u d-9 ta Jannar, 2017.

IT is hereby notified that in exercise of the powers conferred

by Article 20 of the Notarial Profession and Notarial Archives
Act, the Court of Revision of Notarial Acts has appointed
Notary Dr Keith Zammit to be notary delegate and keeper of
the Acts for Notary Dr Sara Ellul, for the period between the
6th January, 2017 and the 9th January, 2017.

Illum, l-20 ta Diembru, 2016

Today, 20th December, 2016.

Gar-Reistratur Qorti tar-Revijoni tal-Atti Nutarili

For the Registrar Court of Revision of Notarial Acts

Nru. 1431

No. 1431


(KAP. 46)

(CAP. 46)

IL-KUMMISSARJU tat-Taxxi Interni jgarraf illi fiddata li tidher hawn tat, il-prezz tad-deheb u l-fidda li fuqu
huma bbaati l-valutazzjonijiet magmulin mill-Konslu
gall-addiema d-Deheb u l-addiema l-Fidda ie ffissat
gall-finijiet tal-artikolu 14 tal-imsemmi Att kif ej:

THE Commissioner of Inland Revenue notifies that on

the date shown hereunder, the price of gold and silver on
which valuations made by the Consuls for Goldsmiths and
Silversmiths are based has been fixed for the purposes of
article 14 of the said Act as follows:



It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Deheb Pur
Fidda Pura
Pure Gold
Pure Silver
Grams Grams

23rd December, 2016


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702



Nru. 188

No. 188

Bis-saa tal-Artikolu 52 (1) tal-Ordinanza dwar irRegolament tat-Traffiku (Kap. 65), il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija
jgarraf illi l-vetturi tas-sewqan ma jkunux jistgu jgaddu
mit-toroq imsemmija hawn tat fid-dati u l-inijiet indikati.

In virtue of Article 52 (1) of the Traffic Regulation Ordinance

(Cap. 65), the Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that the
transit of vehicles through the streets mentioned hereunder will
be suspended up to the dates and times indicated.

al Safi

al Safi

Nhar is-Sibt, 24 ta Diembru, 2016 fis-6.00 p.m., minn

Trejqet it-Tewmin, Triq lantun, Triq tal-Ajar, Triq San
wann, Triq ta Rqajja, Triq Bieb il-arra, Triq San or,
Misra San uepp, Triq il-Kenn, Triq Ta awhar, Triq
l-Iskola, Triq i-urrieq u l-pjazza.

On Saturday, 24th December, 2016, at 6.00 p.m., through

Trejqet it-Tewmin, Triq lantun, Triq tal-Ajar, Triq San
wann, Triq ta Rqajja, Triq Bieb il-arra, Triq San or,
Misra San uepp, Triq il-Kenn, Triq Ta awhar, Triq
l-Iskola, Triq i-urrieq and the square.

al Kirkop

al Kirkop

Nhar is-Sibt, 24 ta Diembru, 2016, fis-6.00 p.m., minn

Triq Nejder, Triq il-Lewiet, Triq San Nikola, Triq il-Belt
Valletta, Triq San Pietru, Triq l-Iblieq, Triq il-Fieres, Triq
San uepp, Triq l-Imdina, Triq San Benedittu, Misra al
Kirkop u Triq il-Paroa.

On Saturday, 24th December, 2016, at 6.00 p.m., through

Triq Nejder, Triq il-Lewiet, Triq San Nikola, Triq il-Belt
Valletta, Triq San Pietru, Triq l-Iblieq, Triq il-Fieres, Triq
San uepp, Triq l-Imdina, Triq San Benedittu, Misra al
Kirkop and Triq il-Paroa.

Nhar it-Tnejn, 26 ta Diembru, 2016 mill-5.00 a.m. il

quddiem minn Triq il-Fdal, Triq Raffael Caruana, Triq id-9 ta
April, Triq id-29 ta Mejju, Triq i-ebbieg u Triq il-Lewiet.

On Monday, 26th December, 2016 from 5.00 a.m. onwards

through Triq il-Fdal, Triq Raffael Caruana, Triq id-9 ta April,
Triq id-29 ta Mejju, Triq i-ebbieg and Triq il-Lewiet.



Nhar l-Erbga, 14 ta Jannar, 2017, mit-3.30 p.m. sal5.00 p.m. minn Triq it-Trux, Triq Virtut u Pjazza Viitazzjoni.

On Wednesday, 14th January, 2017, from 3.30 p.m.

till 5.00 p.m. through Triq it-Trux, Triq Virtut and Pjazza

Ir-Rabat (Gawdex)

Victoria (Gozo)

Nhar il-amis, 15 ta Jannar, 2017 mit-8.30 a.m. sal10.00 a.m., minn Triq ir-Repubblika, Pjazza Indipendenza,
Telga tal-Kastell u Pjazza Katidral.

On Thursday, 15th January, 2017 from 8.30 a.m. till 10.00

a.m. through Triq ir-Repubblika, Pjazza Indipendenza, Telga
tal-Kastell u Pjazza Katidral.

Vetturi li jiksru l-ordni ta dan l-avvi ikunu suetti li

jiu rmunkati.

Any vehicles found parked in contravention to the order

of this notice are liable to be towed away.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Vetturi bi Status ta
Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jgarraf lill-pubbliku li l-vetturi
msemmija hawn tat inabru gall-finijiet tal-Artikolu 7 (1)
u (2), Leilazzjoni Sussidjarja 65.13 (Regolamenti dwar
l-Ikklampjar u t-Tneija ta Vetturi bil-Mutur u Oetti

23rd December, 2016

Impounded Vehicles with a
Status of Derelict/Encumbrance
The Commissioner of Police notifies the general public
that the following vehicles have been removed by virtue
of Article 7 (1) and (2), of Subsidiary Legislation 65.13
(Clamping and Removal of Motor Vehicles and Encumbering
Objects Regulations).

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Nru. ta Re.


Reg. No.


Data ta
Date of


Ordni minn




Order by





06/12/2016 al Qormi






12/12/2016 In-Naxxar


No license and


13/12/2016 Birkirkara

Isnp Sergio

No license


SV 04 LKM Mini





No license/







No license and







No license and





al Kirkop

Insp C.Casha

No license and






WPS198 PC300

No license and






WPS145 PC895

No license and



VW polo



WPS145 PC895

No license and












al Qormi

PS290 PC1608

No license and







No license and


Dawn il-vetturi jinsabu fil-bita tal-garaxx tal-Pulizija

fil-Foss ta Notre Dame, il-Furjana.

All the above listed vehicles are being kept at the Police
Garage, in Notre Dame Ditch, Floriana

Aktar informazzjoni tinkiseb mill-Kwartieri enerali talPulizija, Taqsima A.L.E., MT Garage, il-Foss ta Notre Dame,
il-Furjana. Tel: 2122 4001

Further information can be obtained from the Police

General Headquarters, A.L.E. and MT Garage Sections, Notre
Dame Ditch, Floriana. Tel: 2122 4001

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

ministeru gaLl-edukazzjoni u X-xogol


Post ta Senior Education Support Practitioner

(Psikoterapista) fi dan il-Ministeru
gall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogol

Post of Senior Education Support Practitioner

(Psychotherapist) within the Ministry for Education
and Employment

(Skont l-HR Plan tal-Ministeru gas-sena 2016)

(As per Ministrys HR plan for the year 2016)

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.

Nomenclatures importing the male gender include also

the female gender.

Il-Ministeru gall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogol (MEDE)

jixtieq jibed l-attenzjoni tal-applikanti interessati
li l-ebda forma ta abbu fuq it-tfal mhuwa tollerat.
Fil-proess tar-rekluta, il-MEDE jimxi mal-Lii
Sussidjarja 327.546 (Rekluta, Tari Inizjali u vilupp
Professjonali Kontinwu u Protezzjoni ta Minorenni flEdukazzjoni Obbligatorja).

The Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE)

would like to remind all interested applicants that it has
zero tolerance policy towards any form of child abuse.
MEDE adheres to S.L. 327.546 (Recruitment, Initial
Training and Continuous Professional Development
of Personnel and Protection of Minors in Compulsory
Education Regulations 2016) in its recruitment process.

1.0 Introduzzjoni
1.1 Is-Segretarju Permanenti, Ministeru gallEdukazzjoni u x-Xogol (MEDE), jilqa applikazzjonijiet
gall-post ta Senior Education Support Practitioner
(Psikoterapista) fi dan il-Ministeru gall-Edukazzjoni u
2.0 Termini u kundizzjonijiet

1.0 Introduction
1.1 The Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Education
and Employment (MEDE) invites applications for the post
of Senior Education Support Practitioner (Psychotherapist)
within the Ministry for Education and Employment.
2.0 Terms and conditions

2.1 Din il-atra hija suetta gal perjodu ta prova ta

tnax-il (12) xahar.

2.1 This appointment is subject to a probationary period

of twelve (12) months.

2.2 Is-salarju taSenior Education Support Practitioner

(Psikoterapista) huwa ta Skala ta Salarju 8, balissa
20,619.02 fis-sena li jidied b486.83 fis-sena sa
massimu ta 23,540.00.

2.2 The salary for the post of Senior Education Support

Practitioner (Psychotherapist) is Salary Scale 8 currently,
20,619.02 per annum, rising by annual increments of
486.83 up to a maximum of 23,540.00.

3.0 Dmirijiet

3.0 Duties

3.1 Id-dmirijiet ta persuna fil-atra ta Senior Education

Support Practitioner (Psikoterapista) jinkludu:

3.1 The duties of a Senior Education Support Practitioner

(Psychotherapist) include:

tassigura li s-servizz tal-psikoterapija jingata garfien

xieraq fil-kuntest tal-iskola;

ensuring that the psychotherapy services are well

promoted in the school context;

twettiq ta intervent psikoterapewtiku fkaijiet ta

problemi emozzjonali u ta problemi ta miba;

conducting psychotherapeutic intervention in cases of

emotional and behavioural problems;

twettiq ta sessjonijiet ta psikoterapija fuq livell

individwali jew grupp bala parti minn servizz integrat ta
prevenzjoni u intervent;

carrying out psychotherapy sessions on an individual

or group level as part of an integrated preventive and
intervention service;

tadem fkollaborazzjoni mill-qrib mat-tim edukattiv

psikosojali tal-Kulle, mal-amministrazzjonijiet taliskola, mad-Dipartiment tas-Servizzi gall-Istudent, u
professjonisti ora impjegati ma entitajiet ora governattivi

working in close collaboration with the College Education

Psycho-Social team, School Management Teams, the
Student Services Department (DES) and other professionals
employed with other government entities and also with

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


u anke nongovernattivi biex jii assigurat l-uu massimu ta

riorsi gall-benefiju tal-istudenti;

non-governmental agencies, thereby ensuring maximum

utilisation of resources for the benefit of the students;

tassigura li r-rekords u s-sistemi ta lloggjar dwar

l-interventi kollha mal-istudenti jinammu sew filwaqt li
tiggarantixxi li l-kunfidenzjalit tinamm dejjem skont ilprovvisti legali eistenti;

ensuring that records and logging systems are well kept

regarding all interventions carried out with each student
while ensuring confidentiality at all times in accordance with
existing legal provisions;

tassisti u tagmel rapporti annwali;

assisting and compiling of annual reports;

tibor u tanalizza informazzjoni dwar il-qagda kurrenti

tal-istudenti gall-fini ta laqgat tal-professjonisti jew case
conferences gall-id tal-istudenti nfushom;

collecting and analysing information about the current

situation of the students in order to assist in professionals
meetings or case conferences for the benefit of the student;

tkun marbuta li tagti rendikont ta gemilha lis-Service

Manager, Servizzi Edukattivi Psikosojali, u lid-Direttur
tas-Servizzi gall-Istudenti;

being accountable to the Education Psycho-Social

Service Manager and Director Student Services Department;

twettaq dmirijiet ora skont l-esienzi tas-Servizz

Pubbliku fuq struzzjonijiet mogtija mid-Direttur enerali

performing any other duties according to the exigencies

of the Public Service as directed by the Director General

twettaq dmirijiet ora skont l-esienzi tas-Servizz

Pubbliku fuq struzzjonijiet tas-Segretarju Permanenti

performing any other duties according to the exigencies

of the Public Service as directed by the Principal Permanent

Aktar dettalji dwar id-deskrizzjoni tal-impjieg ta dan ilpost jistgu jinkisbu mis-sit elettroniku (https://education.

A detailed job description for the post of Senior Education

Support Practitioner as a Psychotherapist can be obtained
from the website (

3.2 Persuna magula tadem fuq bai ta Kulle kemm

fil-livell primarju kif ukoll fil-livell sekondarju u tappoja
l-istudenti, l-istaff tal-iskola u l-enituri fi-ew livelli
biex bhekk tassigura kontinwit ajar fl-ivilupp edukattiv
tal-istudenti u prattika professjonali ajar. Senior Education
Support Practitioner bala Psikoterapisti huma mistennija li
jadmu fqafas ta tim multidixxiplinarju.

3.2 A Senior Education Support Practitioner

(Psychotherapist) will work on a College basis at both
primary and secondary level supporting students, school
staff and parents at both levels thus ensuring better
continuity in the educational development of students and
better professional practice. Senior Education Support
Practitioner (Psychotherapists) are expected to operate in a
multi-disciplinary team framework.

3.3 L-applikanti magula jsirilhom proess ta induction

fl-ambjent u s-sistema tal-Kulle u skola organizzat millMEDE.

3.3 A selected candidate shall undergo an induction

process in the College and school environment and system
organised by MEDE.

4.0 Rekwiiti tal-eliibbilt

4.1 Sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti gandhom ikunu:
(i) (a) ittadini ta Malta; jew
(b) ittadini ta Stati Membri ora tal-Unjoni Ewropea li
gandhom jedd gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin
fi kwistjonijiet ta impjieg bis-saa ta leilazzjoni talUE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i-aqliq ieles taladdiema; jew

4.0 Eligibility requirements

4.1 By the closing time and date of this call for
applications, applicants must be:
(i) (a) citizens of Malta; or
(b) citizens of other Member States of the European Union
who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in
matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treaty
provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; or


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

(c) ittadini ta kwalunkwe pajji ieor li gandhom jedd

gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet
ta impjieg minabba li jkunu japplikaw gal dak il-pajji
bleilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar iaqliq ieles tal-addiema; jew

(c) citizens of any other country who are entitled to

equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to
employment by virtue of the application to that country of
EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free
movement of workers; or

(d) kwalunkwe persuni ora li gandhom jedd gal

trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet
ta impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari taghom ma
persuni msemmija f(a), (b) jew (c), skont kif hemm fil-lii
jew fil-leilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati
msemmija hawn fuq; jew

(d) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment

to Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in
terms of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and
treaty provisions, on account of their family relationship
with persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or

(e) ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu ngataw status

ta residenti li joqogdu gal mien twil fMalta tat irregolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar Status ta
Residenti li joqogdu gal mien Twil (ittadini ta Pajjii
Terzi), jew li jkunu ngataw permess ta residenza tat
ir-regolament 18 (3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien malmembri tal-familja ta ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu
ngataw permess ta residenza tat ir-Regolamenti tal-2007
dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

(e) third country nationals who have been granted longterm resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the
Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)
Regulations, 2006 or who have been granted a residence
permit under regulation 18 (3) thereof, together with family
members of such third country nationals who have been
granted a residence permit under the Family Reunification
Regulations, 2007.

Gandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment ta-ittadinanza

u Expatriates skont il-tiea fl-interpretazzjoni taddispoizzjonijiet imsemmija hawn fuq.

The advice of the Citizenship and Expatriates Department

should be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the
above provisions.

Il-atra ta kandidati msemmija f(b), (c), (d) u (e)

hawn fuq tetie il-ru ta lienzja tax-xogol fdawk ilkaijiet fejn hija metiea skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni
u leilazzjoni sussidjarja. Il-Jobsplus gandha tii
kkonsultata skont il-tiea dwar din il-materja.

The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d)

and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment
license in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act
and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as
necessary on this issue.

(ii) kapai jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u bil-lingwa


(ii) be able to communicate in both the English and

Maltese languages;

(iii) gandhom jew ikunu ew approvati biex jingataw

kwalifika Bachelors, rikonoxxuta fLivell 6 tal-MQF
(suetta gall-minimu ta 180 ECTS/ECVET credits, jew
ekwivalenti, rigward programmi mibdija minn Ottubru
2003), fl-Edukazzjoni jew fis-Social Work, jew Youth Work,
jew fil-Psikoloija, jew foqsma relatati, jew kwalifika
rikonoxxuta xierqa komparabbli; u

(iii) be in possession, or have been approved for the

award of a recognised Bachelors qualification at MQF
Level 6 (subject to a minimum of 180 ECTS/ECVETS,
or equivalent, with regard to programmes commencing as
from October 2003), in Education, or Social Work, or Youth
Work, or Psychology, or other related field, or a recognised
appropriate comparable qualification; and

(iv) ghandhom jew ikunu ew approvati biex jingataw

kwalifika Masters rikonoxxuta fLivell 7 tal-MQF (suetta
gall-minimu ta 60 ECTS/ECVET credits, jew ekwivalenti,
rigward programmi mibdija minn Ottubru 2008), filPsikoterapija jew qasam ieor relatat; u

(iv) be in possession, or have been approved for the

award of a recognised Masters qualification at MQF Level
7 (subject to a minimum of 60 ECTS/ECVETS credits,
or equivalent, with regard to programmes commencing
as from October 2008), in Psychotherapy, or a recognised
appropriate comparable qualification; and

(v) ikollhom mhux anqas minn sentejn (2) kalendarji

esperjenza, tat supervijoni, ta prattika fil-Psikoterapija
forganizzazzjoni rikonoxxuta li tadem mat-tfal u
adolexxenti. Fdan ir-rigward l-applikanti gandhom
jipprovdu evidenza ffirmata mis-superjuri taghom.

(v) have at least two (2) calendar years supervised

practice in Psychotherapy Psychotherapy in a recognised
organisation working with children and adolescents. In this
regard applicants are to produce testimonials endorsed by
the Supervisor.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


4.2 Kwalifiki li huma ta livell ogla minn dak mitlub

hawn fuq jiu aettati gall-fini ta eliibbilt, sakemm
dawn ikunu fis-suetti mitluba.

4.2 Qualifications at a level higher than that specified

above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided
they meet any specified subject requirements.

Dawk il-kandidati li ma jkunux gadhom abu l-kwalifiki

msemmija hawn fuq formalment xorta jiu kkunsidrati, basta
jipprovdu evidenza li ew approvati gall-goti tal-kwalifiki
msemmija sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet.

Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally obtained

any of the above-mentioned qualifications will still be
considered, provided that they submit evidence that they have
been approved for the award of the qualifications in question
by the closing time and date of the call for applications.

4.3 Uffijali Pubblii li gandhom grad fi klassi

partikolari, u li ngataw il-atra ta Officer in Scale permezz
ta deijoni tal-Grievances Unit fl-istess skala ta dak ta
grad ogla fl-istess klassi, huma eliibbli li japplikaw gal
gradi miftua gal uffijali li gandhom tali grad ogla blistess skala ta dik tal-atra ta Officer in Scale.

4.3 Public Officers holding a grade in a particular stream,

and who were granted Officer in Scale status by virtue of
a Grievances Unit decision in the same scale as that of a
higher grade in that stream, are eligible to apply for grades
open to officers holding such higher grade within the stream
that carries the same scale as that of the Officer in Scale

Is-snin ta servizz mid-data ta meta iet effettiva l-atra

bala Officer in Scale jgoddu bala parti mis-snin ta
servizz mitluba fis-seja ta applikazzjonijiet.

The years of service since the effective date of

appointment as Officer in Scale are reckonable for the
purpose of satisfying any requisite years of service stipulated
in calls for applications.

Kwalunkwe kriterju ieor ta eliibbilt gall-post irid

jii sodisfatt skont din is-seja ta applikazzjonijiet.

Any other eligibility requisites for the post must be met in

terms of this call for applications.

4.4 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta kondotta li hi xierqa

gall-post li l-persuna qed tapplika galih (applikanti li
di qegdin jadmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta Malta jridu
jippreentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47);
filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra jridu jippreentaw
ertifikat tal-Kondotta rienti maru mill-Pulizija jew
awtorit ora kompetenti mhux aktar minn xahar (1)
qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt kinux
impjegati tal-Gvern qabel u jagtu d-dettalji).

4.4 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate

to the post applied for (applicants who are already in the
Malta Public Service must produce a Service and Leave
Record Form (GP 47); those applying from outside the
Service must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the
Police or other competent authority not earlier than one (1)
month from the date of application and state whether they
have ever been in Government Service, giving details).

4.5 Il-kandidati magula jridu jkunu eliibbli gall-atra

fdan il-grad, skont 4.1 sa 4.4 hawn fuq, mhux biss sal-in u
d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, ida
wkoll fid-data tal-atra.

4.5 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due

appointment, in terms of 4.1 to 4.4 above, not only by the
closing time and date of this call for applications but also on
the date of appointment.

4.6 L-applikanti prospettivi gandhom jaraw ilprovijonijiet enerali marbuta ma din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet fejn jikkonerna s-sottomissjoni ta
dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki mingand
l-MQRIC, jew awtorit pertinenti ora, kif applikabbli (ara
l-link aktar l isfel).

4.6 Prospective applicants should note the requirement

to produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their
qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities,
as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for
applications (see link below).

5.0 Sottomissjoni ta dokumentazzjoni

5.1 Il-kwalifiki u/jew l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha
gandhom jintwerew bertifikati u/jew dokumenti li kopja
taghom gandha tkun uploaded mal-applikazzjoni fuq
l-edurecruitment portal (
ertifikati tad-diploma/degree/post-graduate jew kwalifiki
rikonoxxuti komparabbli gandu jkollhom maghom

5.0 Submission of supporting documentation

5.1 Qualifications and/or experience claimed must be
supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of which
should be uploaded on the edurecruitment portal (https:// when you apply. Diploma/degree/
post-graduate certificates or comparable qualifications
must be accompanied by a transcript (diploma/certificate


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

transcript, bl-Ingli (diploma/certificate supplement), li juri

l-grad miksub u l-klassifikazzjoni finali.

supplement) in English, showing the degree obtained and

the final classification.

5.2 Id-dokumenti oriinali gandhom,

eezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista.

5.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be

invariably produced for verification at the interview.


6.0 Proeduri tal-gala

6.0 Selection procedure

6.1 L-applikanti eliibbli jiu assessjati minn Bord

tal-Gala biex jii ddeterminat jekk humiex adatti gallpoizzjoni. Il-marka massima gal dan il-proess tal-gala
hija 200 u l-marka li persuna trid iib biex tgaddi hija 100.
Il-kriterji tal-assessjar jinstabu mis-sit (

6.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a Selection

Board to determine their suitability for the post. The
maximum mark for this selection process is 200 and the
pass mark is 100. The assessment criteria can be accessed on

6.2 Tingata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li,

minbarra dak mitlub fparagrafi 4.1 sa 4.3, gandhom
esperjenza ta xogol relevanti u ppruvata.

6.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who,

besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 4.1to 4.3, have
proven relevant work experience.

6.3 Notifika ta pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat tista taraha missit (


6.3 A notification of results published can be accessed on:


7.0 Sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjoni

7.0 Submission of applications

7.1 Applikazzjonijiet, flimkien ma Formola ta Rekord

tas-Servizz u l-Leave (GP 47) aornata fil-ka ta Uffijali
Pubblii u sommarju tal-kwalifiki u esperjenza fil-format
tal-Curriculum Vitae Ewropew, gandhom jintbagtu
permezz tal-Portal tal-Inga tal-Edukazzjoni BISS fdan
l-indirizz: ( mhux aktar tard
minn nofsinhar (in entrali Ewropew) ta nhar il-imga,
is-6 ta Jannar, 2017. Irevuta awtomatika tintbagat lilek
permezz ta email li tinformak li l-applikazzjoni tiegek

7.1 Applications, together with an updated Service and

Leave Record Form (GP 47) in the case of Public Officers,
and a summary of qualifications and experience in the
European Curriculum Vitae format are to be submitted
through the Online Education Recruitment Portal ONLY
at the following address: (
by not later than noon (Central European Time) of Friday,
6th January, 2017. An automatic receipt will be sent to your
email informing you that your application was submitted

7.2 L-applikanti huma mea biex ma jistennewx

sal-aar urnata sabiex jissottomettu l-applikazzjonijiet
taghom peress li numru kbir ta applikazzjonijiet fdaqqa
jew xi sara fil-konnessjoni tal-internet tista twassal gal
diffikultajiet fis-sottomissjoni. MEDE ma tistax tinamm
responsabbli gal xi dewmien minabba tali diffikultajiet.

7.2 Applicants are strongly advised not to wait until the

last day to submit their applications since heavy internet
traffic or a fault with the internet connection could lead to
difficulties in submission. MEDE cannot be held responsible
for any delay due to such difficulties.

7.3 L-impjegati tal-MEDE biss, minbarra l-entitajiet

gandhom japplikaw gal GP 47 billi jibgatu email lil
(, u jindikaw bmod ar l-isem
u l-kunjom si, in-numru tal-karta tal-identit, il-grad,
in-numru tat-telefown, u l-indirizz tad-dar flimkien marreferenza tas-seja li applikaw galiha. Kopja tinbagat lillapplikant permezz ta email u l-oriinali tinbagat lill-Bord

7.3 MEDE employees only, excluding entities are to apply

for GP 47 by sending an email to (,
indicating clearly the applicants full name and surname, ID
number, grade, telephone number and residential address
together with the reference of the said call applied for. A
copy will be sent to the applicant and the original will be
sent to the Selection Board.

7.4 Aktar dettalji dwar is-sottomissjoni talapplikazzjonijiet jinsabu fid-dispoizzjonijiet enerali

msemmija hawn isfel.

7.4 Further details concerning the submission of

applications are contained in the general provisions referred
to below.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


8.0 Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora

8.0 Other general provisions

8.1 Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora dwar din is-seja

gall-applikazzjonijiet, breferenza partikolari gal:




bdil raonevoli gall-persuni rreistrati bdiabbilt;

sottomissjoni tadikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent dwar ilkwalifiki;
pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat;
eami mediku;
proess sabiex tintbagat petizzjoni dwar ir-riultat;
aess gall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji
relatati (mhux applikabbli fid-dawl ta paragrafu 7.1 hawn
amma ta dokumenti
jinsabu fis-sit elettroniku tad-Divijoni dwar Nies u
aspx). Dawn id-dispoizzjonijiet enerali gadhom jitqiesu
bala parti integrali minn din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet.
It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

8.1 Other general provisions concerning this call for

applications, with particular reference to:
applicable benefits, conditions and rules/regulations;
reasonable accommodation for registered persons with
submission of recognition statements in respect of
publication of the result;
medical examination;
the process for the submission of petitions concerning the
access to application forms and related details (not
applicable in view of paragraph 7.1);
retention of documents
may be viewed by accessing the website of the People
and Standards Division (
Forms-and-Templates.aspx). These general provisions are to
be regarded as an integral part of this call for applications.
23rd December, 2016

ministeru gaLl-edukazzjoni u X-xogol


Post ta Principal Education Support Practitioner

(Counsellor) fi dan il-Ministeru gall-Edukazzjoni
u x-Xogol

Post of Principal Education Support Practitioner

(Counsellor) within the Ministry for Education
and Employment

(Skont l-HR Plan tal-Ministeru gas-sena 2016)

(As per Ministrys HR plan for the year 2016)

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.

Nomenclatures importing the male gender include also

the female gender.

Il-Ministeru gall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogol (MEDE)

jixtieq jibed l-attenzjoni tal-applikanti interessati
li l-ebda forma ta abbu fuq it-tfal mhuwa tollerat.
Fil-proess tar-rekluta, il-MEDE jimxi mal-Lii
Sussidjarja 327.546 (Rekluta, Tari Inizjali u vilupp
Professjonali Kontinwu u Protezzjoni ta Minorenni flEdukazzjoni Obbligatorja).

The Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE)

would like to remind all interested applicants that it has
zero tolerance policy towards any form of child abuse.
MEDE adheres to S.L. 327.546 (Recruitment, Initial
Training and Continuous Professional Development
of Personnel and Protection of Minors in Compulsory
Education Regulations 2016) in its recruitment process.

1.0 Introduzzjoni
1.1 Is-Segretarju Permanenti, Ministeru gallEdukazzjoni u x-Xogol (MEDE), jilqa applikazzjonijiet
mingand persuni kompetenti u kwalifikati gall-post ta
Principal Education Support Practitioner (Counsellor) fi
dan il-Ministeru gall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogol.

1.0 Introduction
1.1 The Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Education
and Employment (MEDE) invites applications for the post
of Principal Education Support Practitioner (Counsellor)
within the Ministry for Education and Employment.

2.0 Termini u kundizzjonijiet

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

2.0 Terms and conditions

2.1 Din il-atra hija suetta gal perjodu ta prova ta

tnax-il (12) xahar.

2.1 This appointment is subject to a probationary period

of twelve (12) months.

2.2 Wara l-iskadenza tat-termini stipulati fparagrafu 2.1,

il-Principal Education Support Practitioner (Counsellor)
jibqa fuq il-probation sakemm ikun mogti l-Warrant talCounselling, kif stipulat mill-Counselling Profession Act

2.2 After the lapse of terms stipulated in paragraph 2.1,

a Principal Education Support Practitioner (Counsellor)
will remain on probation until s/he obtains the Counselling
Warrant, as stipulated by the Counselling Profession Act

2.3 Is-salarju ta Principal Education Support Practitioner

(Counsellor) huwa ta Skala ta Salarju 7, li balissa huwa,
22,043.98 fis-sena, li jidied b531.17 fis-sena sa
massimu ta 25,231.00 .

2.3 The salary for the post of Principal Education Support

Practitioner (Counsellor) is Salary Scale 7, currently,
22,043.98 per annum, rising by annual increments of
531.17 up to a maximum of 25,231.00.

3.0 Dmirijiet

3.0 Duties

3.1 Id-dmirijiet ta persuna fil-atra ta Principal

Education Support Practitioner (Counsellor) jinkludu:

3.1 The duties of a Principal Education Support

Practitioner (Counsellor) include:

timmanija s-servizzi tal-Counselling fil-kullei talIstat, kemm fl-iskejjel primarji kif ukoll dawk sekondarji;

managing the counselling services in the State colleges

including primary and secondary schools or post-secondary

tamministra counselling sessions fuq livell individwali

jew fi grupp bala parti minn servizz ta prevenzjoni integrata
u intervenzjoni;

carrying out counselling sessions on an individual

or group level as part of an integrated preventive and
intervention service;

tassigura li s-servizz tal-counselling jingata garfien

xieraq fil-kuntest tal-iskola;

ensuring that the counselling services are well promoted

in the school context;

tassigura li s-Senior Education Support Practitioner

(counsellor), Education Support Practitioner (trainee
counsellor) u l-guidance teachers jadmu fqafas ta etika u
kwalit ta standards;

ensuring that the Senior Education Support Practitioner

(counsellor), Education Support Practitioner (trainee
counsellor) and guidance teachers work within ethical
framework and quality standards;

tassisti u tipprovdi monitera professjonali lis-Senior

Education Support Practitioner (counsellor), Education
Support Practitioner (trainee counsellor) u l-guidance
teachers kollha;

assisting and providing professional monitoring to

the Senior Education Support Practitioner (counsellor),
Education Support Practitioner (trainee counsellor) and
guidance teachers;

tadem fkollaborazzjoni mill-qrib mal-Prinipal talKulle, mat-tim edukattiv psikosojali tal-Kulle,

mal-amministrazzjonijiet tal-iskola, mad-Dipartiment tasServizzi gall-Istudent, u professjonisti ora impjegati ma
entitajiet ora governattivi u anke nongovernattivi biex
jii assigurat l-uu massimu ta riorsi gall-benefiju talistudent;

working in close collaboration with the College Education

Psycho-social team, School Management Teams, the
Student Services Department DES and other professionals
employed with other government entities and also with
non-governmental agencies, thereby ensuring maximum
utilisation of resources for the benefit of the students;

tassigura li r-rekords u s-sistemi ta lloggjar dwar

l-interventi kollha mal-istudenti jinammu sew mis-Senior
Education Support Practitioner (counsellor), Education
Support Practitioners (trainee counsellors) u l-guidance

ensuring that records and logging systems are well kept

by the Senior Education Support Practitioner (counsellor),
Education Support Practitioner (trainee counsellor) and
guidance teachers regarding all interventions carried out

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

teachers filwaqt li tiggarantixxi li l-kunfidenzjalit tinamm
dejjem skont il-provvisti legali eistenti;
tassisti u tagmel rapporti annwali;

with each student while ensuring confidentiality at all times
in accordance with existing legal provisions;
assisting and compiling of annual reports;

tibor u tanalizza informazzjoni dwar il-qagda kurrenti

tal-istudenti gall-fini ta laqgat tal-professjonisti jew case
conferences gall-id tal-istudenti nfushom;

collecting and analysing information about the current

situation of the students in order to assist in professionals
meetings or case conferences for the benefit of the student;

tlaqqa l-SMTs ta kull skola tal-Kulle mal-guidance

teachers u membri ora tat-tim multidixxiplinarju talKulle biex jiddiskutu dwar il-kaijiet tal-istudenti u jiedu
azzjonijiet neessarji;

meeting SMTs in each school of the College, together

with guidance teachers and other members of the college
multi-disciplinary team, for case reviews and other related
work to the counselling services;

tkun marbuta li tagti rendikont ta gemilha lill-College

Counsellor u lis-Service Manager, Servizzi Edukattivi
Psikosojali, u lid-Direttur tad-Dipartiment tas-Servizzi

being accountable to the College Counsellor, the

Education Psycho-Social Service Manager and Director
Student Services Department;

twettaq dmirijiet ora skont l-esienzi tas-Servizz

Pubbliku fuq struzzjonijiet mogtija mid-Direttur enerali

performing any other duties as according to the exigencies

of the Public Service as directed by the Director General

twettaq dmirijiet ora skont l-esienzi tas-Servizz

Pubbliku fuq struzzjonijiet tas-Segretarju Permanenti

performing any other duties according to the exigencies

of the Public Service as directed by the Principal Permanent

Aktar dettalji dwar id-dmirijiet ta Principal Education

Support Practitioner (counsellor) jistgu jinkisbu mis-sit
elettroniku (

Further details of the job description for the post of

Principal Education Support Practitioner (Counsellor) may
be obtained from the website (

3.2 Persuna magula bala Principal Education Support

Practitioner (counsellor) tadem fuq bai ta Kulle kemm
fil-livell primarju kif ukoll fil-livell sekondarju u tappoja
l-istudenti, l-istaff tal-iskola u l-enituri fi-ew livelli
biex bhekk tassigura kontinwit ajar fl-ivilupp edukattiv
tal-istudenti u prattika professjonali ajar. Il-Principal
Education Support Practitioners (counsellors) huma
mistennija li jadmu fqafas ta tim multidixxiplinarju.

3.2 A Principal Education Support Practitioner

(counsellor) will work on a College basis at both primary
and secondary level supporting students, school staff and
parents at both levels thus ensuring better continuity in the
educational development of students and better professional
practice. Principal Education Support Practitioners
(counsellors) are expected to operate in a multi-disciplinary
team framework.

3.3 L-applikanti magula jsirilhom proess ta induction

fl-ambjent u s-sistema tal-Kulle u tal-iskola organizzat

3.3 A selected candidate shall undergo an induction

process in the College and school environment and system
organised by MEDE.

4.0 Rekwiiti tal-eliibbilt

4.1 Sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti gandhom ikunu:
(i) (a) ittadini ta Malta; jew
(b) ittadini ta Stati Membri ora tal-Unjoni Ewropea li
gandhom jedd gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin

4.0 Eligibility requirements

4.1 By the closing time and date of this call for
applications, applicants must be:
(i) (a) citizens of Malta; or
(b) citizens of other Member States of the European Union
who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

fi kwistjonijiet ta impjieg bis-saa ta leilazzjoni talUE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i-aqliq ieles taladdiema; jew

matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treaty

provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; or

(c) ittadini ta kwalunkwe pajji ieor li gandhom jedd

gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet
ta impjieg minabba li jkunu japplikaw gal dak il-pajji
bleilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar iaqliq ieles tal-addiema; jew

(c) citizens of any other country who are entitled to

equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to
employment by virtue of the application to that country of
EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free
movement of workers; or

(d) kwalunkwe persuni ora li gandhom jedd gal

trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet
ta impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari taghom ma
persuni msemmija f(a), (b) jew (c), skont kif hemm fil-lii
jew fil-leilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati
msemmija hawn fuq; jew

(d) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment

to Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in
terms of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and
treaty provisions, on account of their family relationship
with persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or

(e) ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu ngataw status

ta residenti li joqogdu gal mien twil fMalta tat irregolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar Status ta
Residenti li joqogdu gal mien Twil (ittadini ta Pajjii
Terzi), jew li jkunu ngataw permess ta residenza tat
ir-regolament 18 (3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien malmembri tal-familja ta ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu
ngataw permess ta residenza tat ir-Regolamenti tal-2007
dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

(e) third country nationals who have been granted longterm resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the
Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)
Regulations, 2006 or who have been granted a residence
permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family
members of such third country nationals who have been
granted a residence permit under the Family Reunification
Regulations, 2007.

Gandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment ta-ittadinanza

u Expatriates skont il-tiea fl-interpretazzjoni taddispoizzjonijiet imsemmija hawn fuq.

The advice of the Department of Citizenship and

Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should
be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above

Il-atra ta kandidati msemmija f(b), (c), (d) u (e)

hawn fuq tetie il-ru ta lienzja tax-xogol fdawk ilkaijiet fejn hija metiea skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni
u leilazzjoni sussidjarja. Il-Jobsplus gandha tii
kkonsultata skont il-tiea dwar din il-materja.

The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d)

and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment
licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act
and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as
necessary on this issue.

(ii) kapai jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u bil-lingwa


(ii) able to communicate in both the English and Maltese


(iii) gandhom kwalifika Bachelors, rikonoxxuta fLivell

6 tal-MQF (suetta gall-minimu ta 180 ECTS/ECVET
credits, jew ekwivalenti, rigward programmi mibdija minn
Ottubru 2003), fl-Edukazzjoni jew fis-Social Work, jew
Youth Work, jew fil-Psikoloija, jew foqsma relatati, jew
kwalifika rikonoxxuta xierqa komparabbli; u

(iii) in possession of a recognised Bachelors qualification

at MQF Level 6 (subject to a minimum of 180 ECTS/
ECVETS, or equivalent, with regard to programmes
commencing as from October 2003), in Education, or Social
Work, or Youth Work, or Psychology, or other related field,
or a recognised appropriate comparable qualification; and

(iv) gandhom kwalifika Masters rikonoxxuta fLivell

7 tal-MQF (suetta gall-minimu ta 60 ECTS/ECVET
credits, jew ekwivalenti, rigward programmi mibdija minn
Ottubru 2008), fil-Counselling, kif stipulat mill-Counselling
Profession Act 2015; u

(iv) in possession of a recognised Masters qualification

at MQF Level 7 (subject to a minimum of 60 ECTS/
ECVETS credits, or equivalent, with regard to programmes
commencing as from October 2008) in Counselling as
stipulated by the Counselling Profession Act 2015; and

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


(v) (a) ikollhom mhux anqas minn sentejn (2) kalendarji

ta esperjenza prattika, tat supervijoni, fil-counselling
forganizzazzjoni rikonoxxuta, li tadem mat-tfal u
adolexxenti; u

(v) (a) have at least two (2) calendar years supervised

practice in counselling in a recognised organisation working
with children and adolescents; and

(b) sentejn (2) kalendarji ta esperjenza fil-counselling.

(b) two (2) calendar years experience in counselling.

Fdan ir-rigward l-applikanti gandhom jipprovdu

evidenza gal v (a) u (b) ffirmata mid-Direttur jew il-Kap
tad-Dipartiment/Aenzija; u

In this regard applicants are to produce testimonials for v

(a) and (b) endorsed by the respective Director or Head of
Department/Agency; and

(vi) barra l-pussess tal-kwalifika msemmija hawn fuq

fparagrafu 4.1 (iii), (iv) u (v), kandidat magul irid ikun filpussess tal-warrant tal-Counselling jew il-kandidat magul
ikollu bonn japplika gal dan il-warrant kif stipulat millCounselling Profession Act 2015. Sakemm il-Principal
Education Support Practitioner (counsellor) tkun mogtija
dan il-warrant, hija tibqa fuq probation.

(vi) in possession of the qualification mentioned in

paragraph 4.1(iii) (iv) and (v) above, the selected candidate
must be in possession of the counselling warrant or
the selected candidate will be required to apply for the
Counselling Warrant once the Council of the Counselling
Profession starts operating as stipulated by the Counselling
Profession Act 2015. Until the Principal Education Support
Practitioner (counsellor) is awarded the required warrant, s/
he will be on probation.

4.2 Kwalifiki li huma ta livell ogla minn dak mitlub

hawn fuq jiu aettati gall-fini ta eliibbilt, sakemm
dawn ikunu fis-suetti mitluba.

4.2 Qualifications at a level higher than that specified

above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided
they meet any specified subject requirements.

Dawk il-kandidati li ma jkunux gadhom abu l-kwalifiki

msemmija hawn fuq formalment xorta jiu kkunsidrati, basta
jipprovdu evidenza li ew approvati gall-goti tal-kwalifiki
msemmija sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet.

Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally obtained

any of the above-mentioned qualifications will still be
considered, provided that they submit evidence that they have
been approved for the award of the qualifications in question
by the closing time and date of the call for applications.

4.3 Uffijali Pubblii li gandhom grad fi klassi

partikolari, u li ngataw il-atra ta Officer in Scale permezz
ta deijoni tal-Grievances Unit fl-istess skala ta dak ta
grad ogla fl-istess klassi, huma eliibbli li japplikaw gal
gradi miftua gal uffijali li gandhom tali grad ogla blistess skala ta dik tal-atra ta Officer in Scale.

4.3 Public Officers holding a grade in a particular stream,

and who were granted Officer in Scale status by virtue of
a Grievances Unit decision in the same scale as that of a
higher grade in that stream, are eligible to apply for grades
open to officers holding such higher grade within the stream
that carries the same scale as that of the Officer in Scale

Is-snin ta servizz mid-data ta meta iet effettiva l-atra

bala Officer in Scale jgoddu bala parti mis-snin ta
servizz mitluba fis-seja ta applikazzjonijiet.

The years of service since the effective date of

appointment as Officer in Scale are reckonable for the
purpose of satisfying any requisite years of service stipulated
in calls for applications.

Kwalunkwe kriterju ieor ta eliibbilt gall-post irid

jii sodisfatt skont din is-seja tapplikazzjonijiet.

Any other eligibility requisites for the post must be met in

terms of this call for applications.

4.4 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta kondotta li hi xierqa

gall-post li l-persuna qed tapplika galih (applikanti li
di qegdin jadmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta Malta jridu
jippreentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47);
filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra jridu jippreentaw
ertifikat tal-Kondotta rienti maru mill-Pulizija jew

4.4 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate to

the post applied for (applicants who are already in the Malta
Public Service must produce a Service and Leave Record
Form (GP 47); those applying from outside the Service
must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the Police
or other competent authority not earlier than one (1) month


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

awtorit ora kompetenti mhux aktar minn xahar (1)

qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt kinux
impjegati tal-Gvern qabel u jagtu d-dettalji).

from the date of application and state whether they have ever
been in Government Service, giving details).

4.5 Il-kandidati magula jridu jkunu eliibbli gall-atra

fdan il-grad, skont 4.1 sa 4.4 hawn fuq, mhux biss sal-in u
d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, ida
wkoll fid-data tal-atra.

4.5 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due

appointment, in terms of 4.1 to 4.4 above, not only by the
closing time and date of this call for applications but also on
the date of appointment.

4.6 L-applikanti prospettivi gandhom jaraw il-provijonijiet

enerali marbuta ma din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet fejn
jikkonerna s-sottomissjoni ta dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent
tal-kwalifiki mingand l-MQRIC, jew awtorit pertinenti ora,
kif applikabbli (ara l-link aktar l isfel).

4.6 Prospective applicants should note the requirement

to produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their
qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities,
as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for
applications (see link below).

5.0 Sottomissjoni ta dokumentazzjoni

5.0 Submission of supporting documentation

5.1 Il-kwalifiki u/jew l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha

gandhom jintwerew bertifikati u/jew dokumenti li kopja
taghom gandha tkun uploaded mal-applikazzjoni fuq
l-edurecruitment portal (
ertifikati tad-diploma/degree/post-graduate jew kwalifiki
rikonoxxuti komparabbli gandu jkollhom maghom
transcript, bl-Ingli (diploma/certificate supplement), li juri
l-grad miksub u l-klassifikazzjoni finali.

5.1 Qualifications and/or experience claimed must be

supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of which
should be uploaded on the edurecruitment portal (https:// when you apply. Diploma/degree/
post-graduate certificates or comparable qualifications
must be accompanied by a transcript (diploma/certificate
supplement) in English, showing the degree obtained and
the final classification.

5.2 Id-dokumenti oriinali gandhom,

eezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista.

5.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be

invariably produced for verification at the interview.


6.0 Proeduri tal-gala

6.0 Selection procedure

6.1 L-applikanti eliibbli jiu assessjati minn Bord

tal-Gala biex jii ddeterminat jekk humiex adatti gallpoizzjoni. Il-marka massima gal dan il-proess tal-gala
hija 200 u l-marka li persuna trid iib biex tgaddi hija 100.
Il-kriterji tal-assessjar jinstabu mis-sit (

6.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a Selection

Board to determine their suitability for the post. The
maximum mark for this selection process is 200 and the
pass mark is 100. The assessment criteria can be accessed on

6.2 Tingata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li,

minbarra dak mitlub fparagrafi 4.1 sa 4.3, gandhom
esperjenza ta xogol relevanti u ppruvata.

6.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who,

besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.3,
have proven relevant work experience.

6.3 Notifika ta pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat tista taraha missit (


6.3 A notification of results published can be accessed on:


7.0 Sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjoni

7.1 Applikazzjonijiet, flimkien ma Formola ta Rekord
tas-Servizz u l-Leave (GP 47) aornata fil-ka ta Uffijali
Pubblii u sommarju tal-kwalifiki u esperjenza fil-format
tal-Curriculum Vitae Ewropew, gandhom jintbagtu
permezz tal-Portal tal-Inga tal-Edukazzjoni BISS fdan
l-indirizz: (, mhux aktar tard

7.0 Submission of applications

7.1 Applications, together with an updated Service and
Leave Record Form (GP 47) in the case of Public Officers,
and a summary of qualifications and experience in the
European Curriculum Vitae format are to be submitted
through the Online Education Recruitment Portal ONLY
at the following address: (,

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


minn nofsinhar (in entrali Ewropew) ta nhar il-imga,

is-6 ta Jannar, 2017. Irevuta awtomatika tintbagat lilek
permezz ta email li tinfurmak li l-applikazzjoni tiegek

by not later than noon (Central European Time) of Friday

6th January, 2017. An automatic receipt will be sent to your
email informing you that your application was submitted

7.2 L-applikanti huma mea biex ma jistennewx

sal-aar urnata sabiex jissottomettu l-applikazzjonijiet
taghom peress li numru kbir ta applikazzjonijiet fdaqqa
jew xi sara fil-konnessjoni tal-internet tista twassal gal
diffikultajiet fis-sottomissjoni. MEDE ma tistax tinamm
responsabbli gal xi dewmien minabba tali diffikultajiet.

7.2 Applicants are strongly advised not to wait until the

last day to submit their applications since heavy internet
traffic or a fault with the internet connection could lead to
difficulties in submission. MEDE cannot be held responsible
for any delay due to such difficulties.

7.3 L-impjegati tal-MEDE biss, minbarra l-entitajiet

gandhom japplikaw gal GP 47 billi jibgatu email lil
(, u jindikaw bmod ar l-isem
u l-kunjom si, in-numru tal-karta tal-identit, il-grad,
in-numru tat-telefown, u l-indirizz tad-dar flimkien marreferenza tas-seja li applikaw galiha. Kopja tinbagat lillapplikant permezz ta email u l-oriinali tinbagat lill-Bord

7.3 MEDE employees only, excluding entities are to apply

for GP 47 by sending an email to (,
indicating clearly the applicants full name and surname, ID
number, grade, telephone number and residential address
together with the reference of the said call applied for. A
copy will be sent to the applicant and the original will be
sent to the Selection Board.

7.4 Aktar dettalji dwar is-sottomissjoni talapplikazzjonijiet jinsabu fid-dispoizzjonijiet enerali

msemmija hawn isfel.

7.4 Further details concerning the submission of

applications are contained in the general provisions referred
to below.

8.0 Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora

8.0 Other general provisions

8.1 Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora dwar din is-seja

gall-applikazzjonijiet, breferenza partikolari gal:

8.1 Other general provisions concerning this call for

applications, with particular reference to:

benefiji applikabbli, kundizzjonijiet u regoli/

bdil raonevoli gall-persuni rreistrati bdiabbilt;

applicable benefits, conditions and rules/regulations;

aess gall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji

relatati(mhux applikabli fid-dawl ta paragrafu 7.1 hawn fuq);
amma ta dokumenti,

reasonable accommodation for registered persons with

submission of recognition statements in respect of
publication of the result;
medical examination;
the process for the submission of petitions concerning the
access to application forms and related details (not
applicable in view of paragraph 7.1);
retention of documents,

jinsabu fis-sit elettroniku tad-Divijoni dwar Nies u

aspx). Dawn id-dispoizzjonijiet enerali gadhom jitqiesu
bala parti integrali minn din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet.

may be viewed by accessing the website of the People

and Standards Division (
Forms-and-Templates.aspx). These general provisions are to
be regarded as an integral part of this call for applications.

sottomissjoni tadikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent dwar ilkwalifiki;

pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat;
eami mediku;
proess sabiex tintbagat petizzjoni dwar ir-riultat;

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

ministeru gaLl-edukazzjoni u X-xogol


Post ta Senior Education Support Practitioner

(Counsellor) fi dan il-Ministeru gall-Edukazzjoni
u x-Xogol

Post of Senior Education Support Practitioner

(Counsellor) within the Ministry for Education
and Employment

(Skont l-HR Plan tal-Ministeru gas-sena 2016)

(as per Ministrys HR plan for the year 2016)

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.

Nomenclatures importing the male gender include also

the female gender.

Il-Ministeru gall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogol (MEDE)

jixtieq jibed l-attenzjoni tal-applikanti interessati
li l-ebda forma ta abbu fuq it-tfal mhuwa tollerat.
Fil-proess tar-rekluta, il-MEDE jimxi mal-Lii
Sussidjarja 327.546 (Rekluta, Tari Inizjali u vilupp
Professjonali Kontinwu u Protezzjoni ta Minorenni flEdukazzjoni Obbligatorja).

The Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE)

would like to remind all interested applicants that it has
zero tolerance policy towards any form of child abuse.
MEDE adheres to S.L. 327.546 (Recruitment, Initial
Training and Continuous Professional Development
of Personnel and Protection of Minors in Compulsory
Education Regulations 2016) in its recruitment process.

1.0 Introduzzjoni
1.1 Is-Segretarju Permanenti, Ministeru gall-Edukazzjoni
u x-Xogol (MEDE), jilqa applikazzjonijiet gall-post ta
Senior Education Support Practitioner (counsellor) fi dan
il-Ministeru gall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogol.
2.0 Termini u kundizzjonijiet

1.0 Introduction
1.1 The Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Education and
Employment (MEDE) invites applications for the post of
Senior Education Support Practitioner (counsellor) within
the Ministry for Education and Employment.
2.0 Terms and conditions

2.1 Din il-atra hija suetta gal perjodu ta prova ta

tnax-il (12) xahar.

2.1 This appointment is subject to a probationary period

of twelve (12) months.

2.2 Wara l-iskadenza tat-termini stipulati fparagrafu

2.1, Senior Education Support Practitioner (Counsellor)
jibqa fuq il-probation sakemm ikun mogti l-warrant talCounselling, kif stipulat mill-Counselling Profession Act

2.2 After the lapse of terms stipulated in paragraph 2.1,

a Senior Education Support Practitioner (Counsellor) will
remain on probation until s/he obtains the Counselling
Warrant, as stipulated by the Counselling Profession Act

2.3 Is-salarju ta Senior Education Support Practitioner

(counsellor) huwa ta Skala ta Salarju 8, li balissa huwa,
20,619.02 fis-sena, li jidied b486.83 fis-sena sa
massimu ta 23,540.00.

2.3 The salary for the post of Senior Education Support

Practitioner (counsellor) is Salary Scale 8, currently,
20,619.02 per annum, rising by annual increments of
486.83 up to a maximum of 23,540.00.

3.0 Dmirijiet

3.0 Duties

3.1 Id-dmirijiet ta persuna fil-atra ta Senior Education

Support Practitioner (counsellor) jinkludu:

3.1 The duties of a Senior Education Support Practitioner

(counsellor) include:

tamministra counselling sessions fuq livell individwali

jew fi grupp bala parti minn servizz ta prevenzjoni integrata
u intervenzjoni;

carrying out counselling sessions on an individual

or group level as part of an integrated preventive and
intervention service;

tassigura li s-servizz tal-counselling jingata garfien

xieraq fil-kuntest tal-iskola;

ensuring that the counselling services are well promoted

in the school context;

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


tadem fkollaborazzjoni mill-qrib mal-Principal

Education Support Practitioner (counsellor), the Education
Support Practitioner (trainee counsellor) u l-guidance

working in close collaboration with the Principal

Education Support Practitioner (counsellor), the Education
Support Practitioner (trainee counsellor) and guidance

tadem fkollaborazzjoni mill-qrib mal-Prinipal talKulle, mat-tim edukattiv psikosojali tal-Kulle, malamministrazzjonijiet tal-iskola, mad-Dipartiment tas-Servizzi
gall-Istudent, u professjonisti ora impjegati ma entitajiet
ora governattivi u anke nongovernattivi biex jii assigurat
l-uu massimu ta riorsi gall-benefiju tal-istudenti;

working in close collaboration with the College Principal,

the College Education Psycho-social Team, the School
Management Teams, the Student Services Department DES and
other professionals employed with other government entities
and also with non-governmental agencies, thereby ensuring
maximum utilisation of resources for the benefit of the students;

tassigura li r-rekords u s-sistemi ta lloggjar dwar

l-interventi kollha mal-istudenti jinammu filwaqt li
tiggarantixxi li l-kunfidenzjalit tinamm dejjem skont ilprovvisti legali eistenti;

ensuring that records and logging systems are well kept

regarding all interventions carried out with each student
while ensuring confidentiality at all times in accordance with
existing legal provisions;

tagti l-kontribut tagha fil-kompilazzjoni tar-rapporti


contributing to annual reports;

tibor u tanalizza informazzjoni dwar il-qagda kurrenti

tal-istudenti gall-fini ta laqgat tal-professjonisti jew case
conferences gall-id tal-istudenti nfushom;

collecting and analysing information about the current

situation of the students in order to assist in professionals
meetings or case conferences for the benefit of the student;

tlaqqa l-SMTs ta kull skola tal-Kulle mal-guidance

teachers u membri ora tat-tim multidixxiplinarju talKulle biex jiddiskutu dwar il-kaijiet tal-istudenti u jiedu
azzjonijiet neessarji;

meeting SMTs in each school of the College, together

with guidance teachers and other members of the college
multi-disciplinary team, for case reviews and other related
work to the counselling services;

tkun marbuta li tagti rendikont ta gemilha lill-Principal

Education Support Practitioner (counsellor), lill-College
Counsellor u lis-Service Manager, Servizzi Edukattivi
Psikosojali, u lid-Direttur tas-Servizzi gall-Istudenti;

being accountable to the Principal Education Support

Practitioner (counsellor), the College Counsellor, the
Education Psycho-Social Service Manager and Director
Student Services Department;

twettaq dmirijiet ora skont l-esienzi tas-Servizz

Pubbliku fuq struzzjonijiet mogtija mid-Direttur enerali

performing any other duties as according to the exigencies

of the Public Service as directed by the Director General

twettaq dmirijiet ora skont l-esienzi tas-Servizz

Pubbliku fuq struzzjonijiet tas-Segretarju Permanenti

performing any other duties according to the exigencies

of the Public Service as directed by the SENIOR Permanent

Aktar dettalji dwar id-dmirijiet ta Senior Education

Support Practitioner (counsellor) jistgu jinkisbu mis-sit
elettroniku (

Further details of the job description for the post of

Senior Education Support Practitioner (counsellor) can be
obtained from the website (

3.2 Persuna magula bala Senior Education Support

Practitioner (Counsellor) tadem fuq bai ta Kulle
kemm fil-livell primarju kif ukoll fil-livell sekondarju,
li tappoja l-istudenti, l-istaff tal-iskola u l-enituri
fi-ew livelli biex bhekk tassigura kontinwit ajar flivilupp edukattiv tal-istudenti u prattika professjonali ajar.

3.2 A Senior Education Support Practitioner

(counsellor) will work on a College basis at both
primary and secondary level supporting students, school
staff and parents at both levels thus ensuring better
continuity in the educational development of students and
better professional practice. Senior Education Support


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

Is-Senior Education Support Practitioners (counsellor)

huma mistennija li jadmu fqafas ta tim multidixxiplinarju.

Practitioners (counsellors) are expected to operate in a

multi-disciplinary team framework.

3.3 L-applikanti magula jsirilhom proess ta induction

fl-ambjent u s-sistema tal-Kulle u tal-iskola organizzat

3.3 A selected candidate shall undergo an induction

process in the College and school environment and system
organised by MEDE.

4.0 Rekwiiti tal-eliibbilt

4.1 Sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti gandhom ikunu:
(i) (a) ittadini ta Malta; jew

4.0 Eligibility requirements

4.1 By the closing time and date of this call for
applications, applicants must be:
(i) (a) citizens of Malta; or

(b) ittadini ta Stati Membri ora tal-Unjoni Ewropea li

gandhom jedd gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin
fi kwistjonijiet ta impjieg bis-saa ta leilazzjoni talUE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i-aqliq ieles taladdiema; jew

(b) citizens of other Member States of the European Union

who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in
matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treaty
provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; or

(c) ittadini ta kwalunkwe pajji ieor li gandhom jedd

gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet
ta impjieg minabba li jkunu japplikaw gal dak il-pajji
bleilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar iaqliq ieles tal-addiema; jew

(c) citizens of any other country who are entitled to

equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to
employment by virtue of the application to that country of
EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free
movement of workers; or

(d) kwalunkwe persuni ora li gandhom jedd gal

trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet
ta impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari taghom ma
persuni msemmija f(a), (b) jew (), skont kif hemm fil-lii
jew fil-leilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati
msemmija hawn fuq; jew

(d) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment

to Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in
terms of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and
treaty provisions, on account of their family relationship
with persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or

(e) ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu ngataw status

ta residenti li joqogdu gal mien twil fMalta tat irregolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar Status ta
Residenti li joqogdu gal mien Twil (ittadini ta Pajjii
Terzi), jew li jkunu ngataw permess ta residenza tat
ir-regolament 18 (3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien malmembri tal-familja ta ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu
ngataw permess ta residenza tat ir-Regolamenti tal-2007
dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

(e) third country nationals who have been granted longterm resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the
Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)
Regulations, 2006 or who have been granted a residence
permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family
members of such third country nationals who have been
granted a residence permit under the Family Reunification
Regulations, 2007.

Gandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment ta-ittadinanza

u Expatriates skont il-tiea fl-interpretazzjoni taddispoizzjonijiet imsemmija hawn fuq.

The advice of the Department of Citizenship and

Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should
be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above

Il-atra ta kandidati msemmija f(b), (c), (d) u (e)

hawn fuq tetie il-ru ta lienzja tax-xogol fdawk ilkaijiet fejn hija metiea skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni
u leilazzjoni sussidjarja. Il-Jobsplus gandha tii
kkonsultata skont il-tiea dwar din il-materja.

The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d)

and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment
licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act
and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as
necessary on this issue.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


(ii) kapai jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u bil-lingwa


(ii) able to communicate in both the English and Maltese


(iii) ghandhom kwalifika Bachelors, rikonoxxuta fLivell

6 tal-MQF (suetta gall-minimu ta 180 ECTS/ECVET
credits, jew ekwivalenti, rigward programmi mibdija minn
Ottubru 2003), fl-Edukazzjoni jew fis-Social Work, jew
Youth Work, jew fil-Psikoloija, jew foqsma relatati, jew
kwalifika rikonoxxuta xierqa komparabbli; u

(iii) in possession of a recognised Bachelors qualification

at MQF Level 6 (subject to a minimum of 180 ECTS/
ECVETS, or equivalent, with regard to programmes
commencing as from October 2003), in Education, or Social
Work, or Youth Work, or Psychology, or other related field,
or a recognised appropriate comparable qualification; and

(iv) gandhom kwalifika Masters rikonoxxuta fLivell

7 tal-MQF (suetta gall-minimu ta 60 ECTS/ECVET
credits, jew ekwivalenti, rigward programmi mibdija minn
Ottubru 2008), fil-Counselling, kif stipulat mill-Counselling
Profession Act 2015; u

(iv) in possession of a recognised Masters qualification

at MQF Level 7 (subject to a minimum of 60 ECTS/
ECVETS credits, or equivalent, with regard to programmes
commencing as from October 2008), in Counselling as
stipulated by the Counselling Profession Act 2015; and

(v) ikollhom mhux anqas minn sena (1) kalendarja

ta esperjenza prattika, tat supervijoni, fil-counselling
forganizzazzjoni rikonoxxuta, li tadem mat-tfal u
adolexxenti. Fdan ir-rigward l-applikanti gandhom
jipprovdu evidenza ffirmata mid-Direttur jew il-Kap tadDipartiment/Aenzija; u

(v) have at least one (1) calendar year supervised practice

in counselling in a recognised organisation working with
children and adolescents. In this regard applicants are to
produce testimonials endorsed by the respective Director or
Head of Department/Agency; and

(vi) barra l-pussess tal-kwalifika msemmija hawn fuq

fparagrafu 4.1 (iii), (iv) u (v), kandidat magul irid ikun
fil-pussess tal-warrant tal-Counselling jew il-kandidat
magul ikollu bonn japplika gal dan il-warrant kif
stipulat mill-Counselling Profession Act 2015. Sakemm isSenior Education Support Practitioner (counsellor) tkun
mogtija dan il-warrant, hija tibqa fuq probation.

(vi) in possession of the qualification mentioned

in paragraph 4.1 (iii), (iv) and (v) above, the selected
candidate must be in possession of the counselling warrant
or the selected candidate will be required to apply for the
Counselling Warrant as stipulated by the Counselling
Profession Act 2015. Until the Senior Education Support
Practitioner (counsellor) is awarded the required warrant, s/
he will be on probation

4.2 Kwalifiki li huma ta livell ogla minn dak mitlub

hawn fuq jiu aettati gall-fini ta eliibbilt, sakemm
dawn ikunu fis-suetti mitluba.

4.2 Qualifications at a level higher than that specified

above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided
they meet any specified subject requirements.

Dawk il-kandidati li ma jkunux gadhom abu l-kwalifiki

msemmija hawn fuq formalment xorta jiu kkunsidrati, basta
jipprovdu evidenza li ew approvati gall-goti tal-kwalifiki
msemmija sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet.

Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally obtained

any of the above-mentioned qualifications will still be
considered, provided that they submit evidence that they have
been approved for the award of the qualifications in question
by the closing time and date of the call for applications.

4.3 Uffijali Pubblii li gandhom grad fi klassi

partikolari, u li ngataw il-atra ta Officer in Scale permezz
ta deijoni tal-Grievances Unit fl-istess skala ta dak ta
grad ogla fl-istess klassi, huma eliibbli li japplikaw gal
gradi miftua gal uffijali li gandhom tali grad ogla blistess skala ta dik tal-atra ta Officer in Scale.

4.3 Public Officers holding a grade in a particular stream,

and who were granted Officer in Scale status by virtue of
a Grievances Unit decision in the same scale as that of a
higher grade in that stream, are eligible to apply for grades
open to officers holding such higher grade within the stream
that carries the same scale as that of the Officer in Scale

Is-snin ta servizz mid-data ta meta iet effettiva l-atra

bala Officer in Scale jgoddu bala parti mis-snin ta
servizz mitluba fis-seja ta applikazzjonijiet.

The years of service since the effective date of

appointment as Officer in Scale are reckonable for the
purpose of satisfying any requisite years of service stipulated
in calls for applications.


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

Kwalunkwe kriterju ieor ta eliibbilt gall-post irid

jii sodisfatt skont din is-seja ta applikazzjonijiet.

Any other eligibility requisites for the post must be met in

terms of this call for applications.

4.4 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta kondotta li hi xierqa

gall-post li l-persuna qed tapplika galih (applikanti li
di qegdin jadmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta Malta jridu
jippreentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47);
filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra jridu jippreentaw
ertifikat tal-Kondotta rienti maru mill-Pulizija jew
awtorit ora kompetenti mhux aktar minn xahar (1)
qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt kinux
impjegati tal-Gvern qabel u jagtu d-dettalji).

4.4 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate to

the post applied for (applicants who are already in the Malta
Public Service must produce a Service and Leave Record
Form (GP 47); those applying from outside the Service
must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the Police
or other competent authority not earlier than one (1) month
from the date of application and state whether they have ever
been in Government Service, giving details).

4.5 Il-kandidati magula jridu jkunu eliibbli gall-atra

fdan il-grad, skont 4.1 sa 4.4 hawn fuq, mhux biss sal-in u
d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, ida
wkoll fid-data tal-atra.

4.5 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due

appointment, in terms of 4.1 to 4.4 above, not only by the
closing time and date of this call for applications but also on
the date of appointment.

4.6 L-applikanti prospettivi gandhom jaraw il-provijonijiet

enerali marbuta ma din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet fejn
jikkonerna s-sottomissjoni ta dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent
tal-kwalifiki mingand l-MQRIC, jew awtorit pertinenti ora,
kif applikabbli (ara l-link aktar l isfel).

4.6 Prospective applicants should note the requirement to

produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their
qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities,
as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for
applications (see link below).

5.0 Sottomissjoni ta dokumentazzjoni

5.0 Submission of supporting documentation

5.1 Il-kwalifiki u/jew l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha

gandhom jintwerew bertifikati u/jew dokumenti li kopja
taghom gandha tkun uploaded mal-applikazzjoni fuq
l-edurecruitment portal (
ertifikati tad-diploma/degree/post-graduate jew kwalifiki
rikonoxxuti komparabbli gandu jkollhom maghom
transcript, bl-Ingli (diploma/certificate supplement), li juri
l-grad miksub u l-klassifikazzjoni finali.

5.1 Qualifications and/or experience claimed must be

supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of which
should be uploaded on the edurecruitment portal (https:// when you apply. Diploma/degree/
post-graduate certificates or comparable qualifications
must be accompanied by a transcript (diploma/certificate
supplement) in English, showing the degree obtained and
the final classification.

5.2 Id-dokumenti oriinali gandhom,

eezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista.

5.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be

invariably produced for verification at the interview.


6.0 Proeduri tal-gala

6.0 Selection procedure

6.1 L-applikanti eliibbli jiu assessjati minn Bord

tal-Gala biex jii ddeterminat jekk humiex adatti gallpoizzjoni. Il-marka massima gal dan il-proess tal-gala
hija 200 u l-marka li persuna trid iib biex tgaddi hija 100.
Il-kriterji tal-assessjar jinstabu mis-sit: (http://education.

6.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a Selection

Board to determine their suitability for the post. The
maximum mark for this selection process is 200 and the pass
mark is 100. The assessment criteria can be accessed on:

6.2 Tingata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li,

minbarra dak mitlub fparagrafi 4.1 sa 4.3, gandhom
esperjenza ta xogol relevanti u ppruvata.

6.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who,

besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.3,
have proven relevant work experience.

6.3 Notifika ta pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat tista taraha missit (


6.3 A notification of results published can be accessed on:


It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

7.0 Sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjoni

7.0 Submission of applications

7.1 Applikazzjonijiet, flimkien ma Formola ta Rekord

tas-Servizz u l-Leave (GP 47) aornata fil-ka ta Uffijali
Pubblii u sommarju tal-kwalifiki u esperjenza fil-format
tal-Curriculum Vitae Ewropew, gandhom jintbagtu
permezz tal-Portal tal-Inga tal-Edukazzjoni BISS fdan
l-indirizz: ( mhux aktar tard
minn nofsinhar (in entrali Ewropew) ta nhar il-imga,
is-6 ta Jannar, 2017. Irevuta awtomatika tintbagat lilek
permezz ta email li tinfurmak li l-applikazzjoni tiegek

7.1 Applications, together with an updated Service and

Leave Record Form (GP 47) in the case of Public Officers,
and a summary of qualifications and experience in the
European Curriculum Vitae format are to be submitted
through the Online Education Recruitment Portal ONLY
at the following address: (
by not later than noon (Central European Time) of Friday
6th January, 2017. An automatic receipt will be sent to your
email informing you that your application was submitted

7.2 L-applikanti huma mea biex ma jistennewx

sal-aar urnata sabiex jissottomettu l-applikazzjonijiet
taghom peress li numru kbir ta applikazzjonijiet fdaqqa
jew xi sara fil-konnessjoni tal-internet tista twassal gal
diffikultajiet fis-sottomissjoni. MEDE ma tistax tinamm
responsabbli gal xi dewmien minabba tali diffikultajiet.

7.2 Applicants are strongly advised not to wait until the

last day to submit their applications since heavy internet
traffic or a fault with the internet connection could lead to
difficulties in submission. MEDE cannot be held responsible
for any delay due to such difficulties.

7.3 L-impjegati tal-MEDE biss, minbarra l-entitajiet

gandhom japplikaw gal GP 47 billi jibgatu e-mail fuq
(, u jindikaw bmod ar, l-isem u
l-kunjom si, in-numru tal-Karta tal-Identit, il-Grad,
in-numru tat-telefon, u l-indirizz tad-dar flimkien marreferenza tas-seja li applikaw galiha. Kopja tinbagat lillapplikant permezz ta e-mail u l-oriinali tinbagat lill-Bord

7.3 MEDE employees only, excluding entities are to apply

for GP 47 by sending an e-mail to (,
indicating clearly the applicants full name and surname, ID
number, Grade, telephone number and residential address
together with the reference of the said call applied for. A
copy will be sent to the applicant and the orignal will be sent
to the Selection Board.

7.4 Aktar dettalji dwar is-sottomissjoni talapplikazzjonijiet jinsabu fid-dispoizzjonijiet enerali

msemmija hawn isfel.

7.4 Further details concerning the submission of

applications are contained in the general provisions referred
to below.

8.0 Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora

8.0 Other general provisions

8.1 Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora dwar din is-seja

gall-applikazzjonijiet, breferenza partikolari gal:

8.1 Other general provisions concerning this call for

applications, with particular reference to:

benefiji applikabbli, kundizzjonijiet u regoli/

bdil raonevoli gall-persuni rreistrati bdiabbilt;

applicable benefits, conditions and rules/regulations;

sottomissjoni tadikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent dwar ilkwalifiki;

pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat;
eami mediku;
proess sabiex tintbagat petizzjoni dwar ir-riultat;
aess gall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji
relatati (mhux applikabbli fid-dawl ta paragrafu 7.1 hawn
amma ta dokumenti,

reasonable accommodation for registered persons with

submission of recognition statements in respect of
publication of the result;
medical examination;
the process for the submission of petitions concerning the
access to application forms and related details (not
applicable in view of paragraph 7.1);
retention of documents,


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

jinsabu fis-sit elettroniku tad-Divijoni dwar Nies u


may be viewed by accessing the website of the People

and Standards Division (

Dawn id-dispoizzjonijiet enerali gadhom jitqiesu

bala parti integrali minn din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet.

These general provisions are to be regarded as an integral

part of this call for applications.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016

Kamra tad-Deputati

House of Representatives

atra ta Ict Support Officer fil-Kamra


Post of Ict Support Officer in the House

of Representatives

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.

Nomenclatures denoting the male gender include also the

female gender.

applikazzjonijiet gall-atra ta ICT Support Officer filKamra tad-Deputati.

1. The Clerk of the House of Representatives, invites

applications for the post of ICT Support Officer in the House
of Representatives.

Termini u kundizzjonijiet

Terms and conditions

2.1 Din il-atra hija soetta gal perjodu ta prova ta

tnax-il xahar.
2.2 Is-salarju ta ICT Support Officer huwa ta Skala ta
Salarju 11, 17,113,98 fis-sena, li jidied b375.17 fissena sa massimu ta 19,365.00.

2.1 This appointment is subject to a probationary period

of 12 months.
2.2 The salary for the post of ICT Support Officer is Salary
Scale 11, that is, 17,113.98 per annum, rising by annual
increments of 375.17 up to a maximum of 19,365.00.

2.3 Persuna fil-grad ta ICT Support Officer titla fi Skala

10 (18,218.98 x 407.67 - 20,665.00) wara sitt (6) snin
servizz fil-grad, jekk tkun qdiet dmirha bmod sodisfaenti
u jekk tkun kompliet il-kors ICT toolkit partikulari gal
dan il-grad kif stabbilit minn mien gal mien millAmministrazzjoni entrali.

2.3 An ICT Support Officer will progress to Scale 10

(18,218.98 x 407.67 - 20,665.00) on completion of
six (6) years service in the grade, subject to satisfactory
performance and subject to completion of a specific ICT
toolkit course related to this grade as established from time
to time by the Central Administration.

2.4 Din il-atra hija fuq bai full-time u l-persuna

magula tista titqieged fuq massimu ta imga ta xogol
ta amest (5) ijiem flessibbli bmedja taerbgin (40) siega
fil-imga fuq medda ta sena kalendarja skont skeda taxxogol kif stabbilita mill-Iskrivan tal-Kamra tad-Deputati.

2.4 The post of an ICT Support Officer is on a full-time

basis and may be required to work a maximum of five (5)
day flexible working week with an average of forty (40)
hours per week distributed over a calendar year according
to a work schedule established by the Clerk of the House.

2.5 Il-inijiet tax-xogol ta ICT Support Officer addett

mal-Kamra tad-Deputati huma l-inijiet normali tal-uffiju
lief meta jkun qed jiltaqa l-Parlament filgaxijiet kemm
fil-plenarju kif ukoll fil-kumitati u meta jinammu attivitajiet
parlamentari ora wara l-in normali tal-uffiju. Fdawn
il-ranet, l-ICT Support Officers ikunu mistennija jadmu
skont l-iskeda msemmija fil-paragrafu 2.3 sabiex jii
assigurat li jkun hemm numru adegwat ta impjegati waqt
is-seduti u l-attivitajiet hawn fuq imsemmija. L-ICT Support
Officers li jkunu qed jagmlu xogol fuq bai tarotazzjoni

2.5 The working hours of an ICT Support Officer at the

House of Representatives are the normal office hours except
on those days which necessitate attendance outside hours
such as during evening parliamentary sittings inplenary or
in committees or when parliamentary activities are held
outside office hours. On such days, ICT Support Officers are
expected to work on a rotation basis as per work schedule
mentioned in paragraph 2.3 in order to ensure adequate staff
levels during the above-mentioned sittings and activities.
ICT Support Officers performing duties on a rotation basis

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


jkunu intitolati gal shift allowance ta 2.56 fil-imga.

Dan bla preudizzju gal dak li jingad fparagrafu 2.3 li
allura jintitola lill-uffijal gar-rati applikabbli taovertime
fka li jii mitlub jadem aktar minn 40 siega fil-imga.

shall be entitled to a weekly shift allowance of 2.56. This

is without prejudice to paragraph 2.3 and, therefore, officers
exceeding a 40 hour week shall be entitled to the applicable
overtime rate.

3. Id-dmirijiet ta ICT Support Officer fil-Kamra tadDeputati jinkludu:

3. The duties of ICT Support Officer include:

(a) Assisting in the analysis, evaluation, purchasing and

implementation of IT hardware and software;

(b) Jinstalla, jispezzjona u jagmel manutenzjoni talhardware u s-software tal-kompjuter skont il-bonn u skont
il-policies, l-istandards u d-direttivi tal-Gvern;

(b) Installing, inspecting and maintaining computer

hardware and software as required and in accordance with
Government standards, policies and directives;

(c) Iwieeb gal mistoqsijiet mill-users dwar l-operat tassistema u jidentifika problemi fil-hardware u s-software;

(c) Responding to enquiries regarding system operation

from users, and diagnosing hardware and software problems;

(d) Jirrakkomanda jew jipprovdi rimedju gall-problemi,

inklu difetti fuq hardware u li jagmel l-upgrades neessarji
fuq hardware u software;

(d) Recommending or performing remedial actions to

correct problems including the fixing of defective hardware
and performing hardware and software upgrades;

(a) Jassisti fl-analii, l-evalwazzjoni, ix-xiri

l-implimentazzjoni ta hardware u software tal-IT;

(e) Jikkoordina proetti ma terzi persuni;

(e) Coordinating projects and services with third parties;

(f) Jikkonforma mar-rekwiiti tal-protezzjoni tad-data;

(f) Complying with Data Protection requirements;

(g) Jassigura l-integrit u s-sigurt tas-sistemi talInformazzjoni skont il-policies tal-Gvern;

(g) Ensuring Information Systems integrity and security

as required by Government policies;

(h) Jipprovdi assistenza lill-membri u l-istaff talParlament;

(h) Providing ICT support to Members of Parliament and

Parliamentary Staff;

(i) Isegwi l-manutenzjoni

l-applikazzjonijiet tas-software;

(i) Overseeing the maintenance of the physical network

and software applications;



(j) Jagmel il-backups tas-server;

(j) Performing backups of server;

(k) Jieu sieb il-website uffijali tal-Parlament;

(k) Administering the official Parliamentary website;

(l) Jassigura li sistema ta tagmir ta xandir permezz talawdjo u tal-video topera kif suppost;

(l) Ensuring correct system operation of the audio and

video web streaming equipment during Parliamentary
sittings and Committee meetings;

(m) Jassigura li sistema ta tagmir ta Public Address

(PA) fis-Sala tal-Parlament u fil-kmamar tal-kumitati topera
kif suppost;

(m) Ensuring correct system operation of the Public

Address (PA) system of the Parliamentary Chamber and
Committee rooms;

(n) Jassigura li l-PABX topera kif suppost u jagmel ilverifiki tal-manutenzjoni regolari kif mitlub;

(n) Ensuring the correct operation of the PABX including

performing routine maintenance checks as directed;

(o) Jassigura li s-sistemi ta sigurt tal-Parlament ta Malta

jadmu kif suppost u jagmel il-verifiki tal-manutenzjoni
regolari kif mitlub;

(o) Ensuring the correct operation of the security systems

available at the Parliament of Malta and performing routine
maintenance checks as directed;


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

(p) Jassigura li s-sistemi ta aess ikkontrollat filParlament ta Malta jadmu kif suppost u jagmel il-verifiki
tal-manutenzjoni regolari kif mitlub;

(p) Ensuring the correct operation of the door access

system available at the Parliament of Malta and performing
routine maintenance checks as directed;

(q) Jirievi tari fuq teknoloiji odda jew dawk relatati

ma proetti futuri. Dawn jistgu jinkludu, ida mhumiex
limitati gal, manutenzjoni ta wesbsites;

(q) Obtaining training on new technologies or related to

future technical assignments. These may include, but may
not be limited to website maintenance;

(r) Dmirijiet ora ta filing, amma ta rekords jew rapporti

bil-miktub relatati ma ICT;

(r) ICT-related administrative duties that include filing,

record keeping and report writing;

(s) Jaqdi dmirijiet ora relatati mal-ICT, kif assenjati lilu

minn mien gal mien mill-Iskrivan tal-Kamra, skont kif
inhu relatat gal din il-poizzjoni; u

(s) Other ICT-related works or projects as assigned from

time to time by the Clerk of the House;

(t) Jaqdi dmirijiet ora skont l-esienzi tas-Servizz

Parlamentari skont struzzjonijiet tal-Iskrivan tal-Kamra.

(t) Any other duties according to the exigencies of the

Parliamentary Service as directed by the Clerk of the House
of Represntatives.

Rekwiiti tal-eliibbilt
4.1 Sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti gandhom ikunu:
(i) (a) ittadini ta Malta; jew

Eligibility requirements
4.1 By the closing time and date of this call for
applications, applicants must be:
(i) (a) citizens of Malta; or

(b) ittadini ta Stati Membri ora tal-Unjoni Ewropea li

gandhom jedd gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin
fi kwistjonijiet ta impjieg bis-saa ta leilazzjoni talUE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i-aqliq ieles taladdiema; jew

(b) citizens of other Member States of the European Union

who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in
matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treaty
provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; or

(c) ittadini ta kwalunkwe pajji ieor li gandhom jedd

gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet
ta impjieg minabba li jkunu japplikaw gal dak il-pajji
bleilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar iaqliq ieles tal-addiema; jew

(c) citizens of any other country who are entitled to

equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to
employment by virtue of the application to that country of
EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free
movement of workers; or

(d) kwalunkwe persuni ora li gandhom jedd gal

trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet
ta impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari taghom ma
persuni msemmija f(a), (b) jew (c), skont kif hemm fil-lii
jew fil-leilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati
msemmija hawn fuq; jew

(d) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment

to Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in
terms of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and
treaty provisions, on account of their family relationship
with persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or

(e) ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu ngataw status

ta residenti li joqogdu gal mien twil fMalta tat irregolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar Status ta
Residenti li joqogdu gal mien Twil (ittadini ta Pajjii
Terzi), jew li jkunu ngataw permess ta residenza tat
ir-regolament 18 (3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien malmembri tal-familja ta ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu
ngataw permess ta residenza tat ir-Regolamenti tal-2007
dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

(e) third country nationals who have been granted longterm resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the
Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)
Regulations, 2006 or who have been granted a residence
permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family
members of such third country nationals who have been
granted a residence permit under the Family Reunification
Regulations, 2007.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


Gandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment gall-Affarijiet

ta-ittadinanza u Expatriates fi dan l-Aenzija Identity
Malta skont il-tiea fl-interpretazzjoni tad-dispoizzjonijiet
imsemmija hawn fuq.

The advice of the Department of Citizenship and

Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should
be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above

Il-atra ta kandidati msemmija f(b), (c), (d) u (e) hawn

fuq tetie il-ru ta lienzja tax-xogol fdawk il-kaijiet
fejn hija metiea skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u
leilazzjoni sussidjarja. Jobsplus gandha tii kkonsultata
skont il-tiea dwar din il-materja.

The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d)

and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment
licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act
and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as
necessary on this issue.

(ii) ikunu profijenti fil-lingwa Maltija u l-lingwa Inglia;

(ii) must be proficient in the Maltese and English


(iii) (a) li gandhom kwalifika rikonoxxuta flivell 5 talMQF bminimu ta 60 ECTS / ECVETS, jew ekwivalenti
fil-Computing u / jew fl-ICT; jew

(iii) (a) who are in possession of a recognised qualification

at MQF Level 5 with a minimum of 60 ECTS / ECVETS or
equivalent in Computing and /or ICT; or

(b) Uffijali Pubblii fi Skala ta Salarju mhux inqas minn

Skala 13, bi tliet (3) snin esperjenza ta xogol relevanti u
li gandhom ertifikat rikonoxxut fil-Computing jew ICT
fLivell 4 tal-MQF bminimu ta 120 ECTS/ECVETS jew

(b) Public Officers in a Scale not below Salary Scale 13,

with three (3) years relevant work experience and with a
recognised Computing or ICT Certification at MQF Level 4
with a minimum of 120 ECTS/ECVETS or equivalent.

4.2 Kwalifiki li huma ta livell ogla minn dak mitlub

hawn fuq jiu aettati gall-fini ta eliibbilt, sakemm
dawn ikunu fis-suetti mitluba.

4.2 Qualifications at a level higher than that specified

above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided
they meet any specified subject requirements.

Dawk il-kandidati li ma jkunux gadhom abu l-kwalifiki

msemmija hawn fuq formalment xorta jiu kkunsidrati, basta
jipprovdu evidenza li ew approvati gall-goti tal-kwalifiki
msemmija sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet.

Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally obtained

any of the above-mentioned qualifications will still be
considered, provided that they submit evidence that they have
been approved for the award of the qualifications in question
by the closing time and date of the call for applications.

4.3 Uffijali Pubblii li gandhom grad fi klassi

partikolari, u li ngataw il-atra ta Uffijal fi Skala permezz
ta deijoni tal-Grievances Unit fl-istess skala ta dak ta
grad ogla fl-istess klassi, huma eliibbli li japplikaw gal
gradi miftua gal uffijali li gandhom tali grad ogla blistess skala ta dik tal-atra ta Uffijal fi Skala.

4.3 Public Officers holding a grade in a particular stream,

and who were granted Officer in Scale status by virtue of a
Grievances Unit decision in the same scale as that of a higher
grade in that stream, are eligible to apply for grades open
to officers holding such higher grade within the stream that
carries the same scale as that of the Officer in Scale status.

Is-snin ta servizz mid-data ta meta iet effettiva l-atra

bala Uffijali fi Skala jgoddu bala parti mis-snin ta
servizz mitluba fis-seja ta applikazzjonijiet.

The years of service since the effective date of

appointment as Officer in Scale are reckonable for the
purpose of satisfying any requisite years of service stipulated
in calls for applications.

Kwalunkwe kriterju ieor ta eliibbilt gall-post irid

jii sodisfatt skont din is-seja ta applikazzjonijiet.

Any other eligibility requisites for the post must be met in

terms of this call for applications.

4.4 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta kondotta li hi xierqa

gall-post li l-persuna qed tapplika galih (applikanti li
di qegdin jadmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta Malta jridu
jippreentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47);
filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra jridu jippreentaw
ertifikat tal-Kondotta rienti maru mill-Pulizija jew

4.4 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate to

the post applied for (applicants who are already in the Malta
Public Service must produce a Service and Leave Record
Form (GP 47); those applying from outside the Service
must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the Police
or other competent authority not earlier than one (1) month


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

awtorit ora kompetenti mhux aktar minn xahar (1)

qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt kinux
impjegati tal-Gvern qabel u jagtu d-dettalji).

from the date of application and state whether they have ever
been in Government Service, giving details).

4.5 Il-kandidati magula jridu jkunu eliibbli gall-atra

fdan il-grad, skont 4.1 sa 4.4 hawn fuq, mhux biss sal-in u
d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, ida
wkoll fid-data tal-atra.

4.5 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due

appointment, in terms of 4.1 to 4.4 above, not only by the
closing time and date of this call for applications but also on
the date of appointment.

4.6 L-applikanti prospettivi gandhom jaraw ilprovijonijiet enerali marbuta ma din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet fejn jikkonerna s-sottomissjoni ta
dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki mingand
l-MQRIC, jew awtorit pertinenti ora, kif applikabbli (ara
l-link aktar l isfel).

4.6 Prospective applicants should note the requirement to

produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their
qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities,
as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for
applications (see link below).

Sottomissjoni ta dokumentazzjoni

Submission of supporting documentation

5.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha

gandhom jintwerew bertifikati u/jew dokumenti li kopja
taghom gandha tkun mehmua mal-applikazzjoni. Kopji
scanned mibguta bmod elettroniku huma aettati

5.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must be

supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of
which should be attached to the application. Scanned copies
sent electronically are acceptable.

5.2 Id-dokumenti oriinali gandhom,

eezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista.

5.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be

invariably produced for verification at the interview.


Proeduri tal-gala

Selection procedure

6.1 L-applikanti eliibbli jiu assessjati minn Bord talGala biex jii ddeterminat min hu adatt gall-post. Ilmarka massima gal dan il-proess tal-gala hija mija (100)
u l-marka li persuna trid iib biex tgaddi hija amsin (50).

6.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a Selection

Board to determine their suitability for the post. The
maximum mark for this selection process is hunred (100)
and the pass mark is fifty (50).

6.2 Tingata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li,

minbarra dak mitlub fparagrafi 4.1 sa 4.3, gandhom
esperjenza ta xogol relevanti u ppruvata.

6.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who,

besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.3,
have proven relevant work experience.

Sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjoni
vitae li juru l-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza, jintlaqgu millIskrivan tal-Kamra tad-Deputati, fis-Sezzjoni Finanzi u
Amministrazzjoni, Kamra tad-Deputati, Misra il-elsien,
Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1111 sa mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar
(in entrali Ewropew) ta nhar il-imga, 13 ta Jannar,
2017. L-applikazzjonijiet jistgu wkoll jiu sottomessi
permezz tal-Online Government Recruitment Portal fuq
( sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din
is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, kif indikat hawn fuq. Aktar
dettalji dwar is-sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjonijiet jinsabu
fid-dispoizzjonijiet enerali msemmija hawn isfel.
Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora
8. Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora dwar din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet, breferenza partikolari gal:

Submission of applications
7. Applications, together with a curriculum vitae showing
qualifications and experience, will be received by Clerk of
the House of Representatives at Finance and Administration
Section, House of Representatives, Freedom Square,
Valletta VLT 1111 by not later than noon (Central European
Time) of Friday, 13th January, 2017. Applications can also
be submitted through the Online Government Recruitment
Portal on ( by the said closing time
and date of this call for applications, as indicated above.
Further details concerning the submission of applications
are contained in the general provisions referred to below.
Other general provisions
8. Other general provisions concerning this call for
applications, with particular reference to:

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

benefiji applikabbli, kundizzjonijiet u regoli/
bdil raonevoli gall-persuni rreistrati bdiabbilt;
sottomissjoni ta dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent dwar ilkwalifiki;
pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat;
eami mediku;
proess sabiex tintbagat petizzjoni dwar ir-riultat;
aess gall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji relatati;
amma ta dokumenti

applicable benefits, conditions and rules/regulations;
reasonable accommodation for registered persons with
submission of recognition statements in respect of
publication of the result;
medical examination;
the process for the submission of petitions concerning the
access to application forms and related details;
retention of documents

jinsabu fis-sit elettroniku tad-Divijoni dwar Nies u

aspx) jew jinkisbu mill-Uffiju tal-Iskrivan tal-Kamra tadDeputati. Dawn id-dispoizzjonijiet enerali gandhom
jitqiesu bala parti integrali minn din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet.

may be viewed by accessing the website of the People

and Standards Division (
Forms-and-Templates.aspx) or may be obtained from Office
of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. These general
provisions are to be regarded as an integral part of this call
for applications.

Is-sit elettroniku, numru tal-fax u indirizz elettroniku tadDipartiment/Divizjoni/Direttorat huma (

u ( rispettivament.

The website address, fax number and e-mail address of

the receiving Department/Division/Directorate are (www. and ( respectively.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016



Ministry for Health and Ministry

for the Family and Social Solidarity

Post ta Allied Health Professional fuq bai Full-Time/

Part-Time fil-Ministeru gas-Saa u fil-Ministeru
gall-Familja u Solidarjet Sojali

Post of Allied Health Professional on a Full-Time/

Part-Time Basis in the Ministry for Health and
in the Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity

(Skont l-HR Plan tal-Ministeri gas-sena 2016)

(As per Ministries HR Plan for 2016)

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.

Nomenclatures importing the male gender include also

the female gender.

1. Is-Segretarju Permanenti, Ministeru gas-Saa

flimkien mas-Segretarju Permanenti, Ministeru gallFamilja u Solidarjet Sojali, jilqgu applikazzjonijiet gallpost ta Allied Health Professional fuq bai full-time/parttime fil-Ministeru gas-Saa u fil-Ministeru gall-Familja
u Solidarjet Sojali.

1. The Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Health and the

Permanent Secretary, Ministry for the Family and Social
Solidarity, invite applications for the post of Allied Health
Professional on full-time/part-time basis in the Ministry for
Health and in Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity.

1.2 Vakanzi jeistu hekk kif ej:

1.2 Vacancies exist in the following:

(a) Audiology fil-Ministeru gas-Saa;

(a) Audiology within the Ministry for Health;

(b) Medical Laboratory Science fil-Ministeru gasSaa;

(c) Occupational Therapy fil-Ministeru gas-Saa;

(b) Medical Laboratory Science within the Ministry for

(c) Occupational Therapy within the Ministry for Health;

(d) Occupational Therapy fi dan id-Direttorat talAnzjanit Attiva u Kura fil-Komunit fil-Ministeru gallFamilja u Solidarjet Sojali;
(e) Podiatry fil-Ministeru gas-Saa;
(f) Podiatry fi dan id-Direttorat tal-Anzjanit Attiva u
Kura fil-Komunit fil-Ministeru gall-Familja u Solidarjet
(g) Radiography fil-Ministeru gas-Saa;

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

(d) Occupational Therapy within the Active Ageing and
Community Care within the Ministry for the Family and
Social Solidarity;
(e) Podiatry within the Ministry for Health;
(f) Podiatry within the Active Ageing and Community
Care within the Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity;
(g) Radiography within the Ministry for Health;

(h) Radiography fi dan ir-Residenza ta San Vinenz de

Paule fil-Ministeru gall-Familja u Solidarjet Sojali;

(h) Radiography within St Vincent de Paule Residence

within the Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity;

(i) Speech and Language Pathology fil-Ministeru gasSaa;

(i) Speech and Language Pathology within the Ministry

for Health;

(j) Physiotherapy fil-Ministeru gas-Saa;

(j) Physiotherapy within the Ministry for Health;

(k) Physiotherapy fi dan ir-Residenza ta San Vinenz de

Paule fil-Ministeru gall-Familja u Solidarjet Sojali;

(k) Physiotherapy within St Vincent de Paule Residence

within the Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity;

(l) Physiotherapy fi dan id-Direttorat tal-Anzjanit

Attiva u Kura fil-Komunit fil-Ministeru gall-Familja u
Solidarjet Sojali.

(l) Physiotherapy Active Ageing and Community Care

within the Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity;

Termini u kundizzjonijet

Terms and conditions

2.1 Is-salarju ta Allied Health Professional (bid-Diploma)

huwa ekwivalenti gal Skala ta Salarju 12, 15,972.00 fissena, li jidied bi 354.00 fis-sena sa massimu ta 18,096.00.

2.1 The salary for the post of Allied Health Professional

(with Diploma) is equivalent to Salary Scale 12, currently
15,972.00 per annum, rising by annual increments of
354.00 up to a maximum of 18,096.00.

2.2 Persuna fil-grad ta Allied Health Professional (bidDiploma) tipprogressa fi Skala ta Salarju 10, (18,127.98 x
407.67 - 20,575.00) wara ames (5) snin servizz fil-grad,
jekk il-persuna tkun qdiet dmirha bmod sodisfaenti.

2.2 An Allied Health Professional (with Diploma)

will progress to Salary Scale 10, currently (18,127.98
x 407.67 - 20,574.00) on completion of five (5) years
service in the grade, subject to satisfactory performance.

2.3 Persuna fil-grad ta Allied Health Professional (bidDiploma) tipprogressa minn Skala ta Salarju 10 gal
Skala ta Salarju 9 (19,320.02 x 447.33 - 22,004.00)
wara gaxar (10) snin servizz fil-grad ta Allied Health
Professional (bid-Diploma) fi Skala ta Salarju 10, jekk ilpersuna tkun qdiet dmirha bmod sodisfaenti.

2.3 An Allied Health Professional (with Diploma) will

progress from Salary Scale 10 to Salary Scale 9 (19,320.02
x 447.33 - 22,004.00) subject to satisfactory performance
on completion of ten (10) years service as Allied Health
Professional (with Diploma) in Salary Scale 10.

2.4 Is-salarju ta Allied Health Professional (bid-Degree)

huwa ekwivalenti gal Skala ta Salarju 10, (18,127.98
fis-sena, li jidied b407.67 fis-sena sa massimu ta

2.4 The salary for the post of Allied Health Professional

(with Degree) is equivalent to Salary Scale 10, currently
18,127.98 per annum, rising by annual increments of
407.67 up to a maximum of 20,574.00.

2.5 Persuna fil-grad ta Allied Health Professional (bidDegree) tipprogressa fi Skala ta Salarju 9 (19,320.02 x
447.33 - 22,004.00) wara sentejn (2) servizz fil-grad,
jekk tkun qdiet dmirha bmod sodisfaenti.

2.5 An Allied Health Professional (with Degree) will

progress to Salary Scale 9, currently (19,320.02 x 447.33
- 22,004.00) on completion of two (2) years service in the
grade, subject to satisfactory performance.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


2.6 Persuna fil-grad ta Allied Health Professional (bidDegree) li jkollha kwalifika ta wara l-gradwazzjoni Masters
MQF fLivell 7 xierqa, tidol fi Skala ta Salarju 10 u
tipprogressa gal Skala ta Salarju 8 (20,619.02 x 486.83
- 23,540.00) wara sentejn (2) servizz sodisfaenti bala
Allied Health Professional (bid-Degree). Kemm-il darba
kwalunkwe persuna li tapplika jkollha Masters Degree
fLivell 7 tal-MQF xierqa, u li jkollha total minimu ta sentejn
(2) servizz sodisfaenti fil-professjoni tal-allied health
mal-Gvern, titpoa immedjatament fit-tara relevanti ta
Salarju Skala 8 skont id-dispoizzjonijiet stipulati fil-Public
Service Management Code (PSMC) minn mien gal ieor.
Ladarba titpoa fi Skala ta Salarju 8, dawn l-Allied Health
Professionals iridu jagmlu l-competency programme u
evaluation framework sabiex jipprogressaw aktar fit-triq
rilevanti tal-karriera hekk kif dettaljat aktar fi klawoli
ora tal-Ftehim Settorali li jappartieni gall-Allied Health

2.6 An Allied Health Professional (with Degree) in

possession of an appropriate post-graduate Masters Degree
at MQF Level 7 shall enter in Salary Scale 10 and shall move
to Salary Scale 8 (20,619.02 x 486.83 - 23,540.00)
upon completion of two (2) years satisfactory service as
Allied Health Professional (with Degree). Provided that any
applicants in possession of an appropriate Masters Degree at
MQF Level 7, and who have a minimum aggregate of two
(2) years satisfactory allied health professional service with
Government, shall be immediately placed in the relevant step
of Salary Scale 8 in accordance with the provisions stipulated
in the Public Service Management Code (PSMC) from time
to time. Upon being placed in Salary Scale 8 these Allied
Health Professionals will have to undertake the competency
programme and evaluation framework in order to progress
further in the relevant career path as further detailed in
other clauses of the Sectoral Agreement pertaining to Allied
Health Professionals.

2.7 Persuna matura tkun intitolata gall-benefiji l-ora

tali, u suetta gall-kundizzjonijiet u obbligi ora tali li
jkunu mnilin fi kwalunkwe ftehim rilevanti bejn il-Gvern
u l-unjin kompetenti.

2.7 An appointee will be entitled to such other benefits

and subject to such other conditions and obligations as
may be stipulated in any pertinent agreement between the
Government and the competent union.

3.1 Id-dmirijiet ta persuna fil-atra ta Allied Health
Professional jinkludu li:
(a) tippjana, twettaq u tevalwa servizz speifiku tal-allied
(b) tippreenta dokumentazzjoni ara, preia u fil-in;

3.1 The duties of an Allied Health Professional include:
(a) planning, delivering and evaluating specific allied
health service;
(b) presenting clear, accurate and timely documentation;

(c) tikkomunika, tadem id fid effettivament ma

professjonisti ora, individwi u gruppi ta pazjenti, familji/
carers u aenziji ora skont il-tiea;

(c) communicating and liaising effectively with other

professionals, individuals and groups of patients, family/
carers and other agencies as required;

(d) iomm ruha aornata fuq viluppi u modi filprattika ta professjoni speifika tal-allied health permezz ta
studju tal-letteratura kurrenti jew billi tattendi korsijiet talcontinuous professional development disponibbli u taddatta
prattiki ta xogol skont evidenza l-aktar reenti;

(d) keeping up-to-date on developments and trends in the

practice of the specific allied health profession by study of
the current literature or by attending continuous professional
development courses available and to adapt work practices
according to the latest evidence;

(e) twettaq kwalunkwe dmirijiet ora li jkunu metiea

mill-Allied Health Professional responsabbli brispons
gall-esienzi tas-servizz;

(e) performing any other duties which may be required by

the responsible Allied Health Professional in response to the
exigencies of the service;

(f) iomm mal-policies u l-proeduri kollha kif

applikabbli lill-entit/entitatjiet fejn l-Allied Health
Professional ikun ie allokat;

(f) abiding by all policies and procedures as applicable

to the entity/entities that the Allied Health Professional is
deployed to;

(g) dmirijiet ora skont l-esienzi tas-Servizz Pubbliku

skont struzzjonijiet mogtija mis-Segretarju Permanenti

(g) any other duties according to the exigencies of the

Public Service as directed by the Principal Permanent


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

(h) tagmel uu mis-sistemi tat-Teknoloija talInformatika li jkunu qed jintuaw fil-Ministeru gas-Saa
u fil-Ministeru gall-Familja u Solidarjet Sojali.

(h) making use of the Information Technology systems

which may be in operation within the Ministry for Health
and the Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity.

3.2 Il-persuna matura tista tii allokata fi kwalunkwe

servizzi tal-kura tas-saa fMalta u Gawdex u tkun
appuntata mal-ministeru responsabbli gas-servizz rispettiv.

3.2 An appointee may be posted to any of the health care

services in Malta and Gozo and will be appointed with the
Minisitry responsible for the respective service.

Aktar dettalji dwar id-dmirijiet marbuta ma dan il-post

jistgu jinkisbu mid-Direttorat tar-Resourcing and Employee
Relations, Ministeru gas-Saa, Palazzo Castellania,
15, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1171, li jista
jii kkuntattjat ukoll permezz ta email lil (recruitment. jew mid-Direttorat gall-Immanijar
tar-Riorsi Umani, Ministeru gall-Familja u Solidarjet
Sojali, Palazzo Ferreria, 310, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt
VallettaVLT 2000, li jista jii kkuntattjat ukoll permezz ta
email lil (

Further details of the job description of the post may

be obtained from the Resourcing and Employee Relations
Directorate, Ministry for Health, Palazzo Castellania, 15,
Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta VLT 1171, which may also be
contacted by email at ( or by the
Human Resources Management Directorate, Ministry for
the Family and Social Solidarity at Palazzo Ferreria, 310,
Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta VLT 2000, which may also be
contacted by email at (

3.3 Il-kandidata magula tista tkun metiea tadem fuq

bai ta shift li jinkludi xogol billejl skont rosters stabbiliti
fil-Ministeru gas-Saa u fil-Ministeru gall-Familja u
Solidarjet Sojali u jkollha tadem roster bminimu ta
goxrin (20) siega fil-imga.

3.3 The selected candidate may be required to perform

duties on a shift basis including night duty according to the
established rosters in the Ministry for Health and the Ministry
for the Family and Social Solidarity. He/She will be required
to work on a minimum of twenty (20) hour roster per week.

Rekwiiti tal-eliibbilt
4.1 Sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti gandhom ikunu:
(a) ittadini ta Malta; jew

Eligibility requirements
4.1 By the closing time and date of this call for
applications, applicants must be:
(i) (a) citizens of Malta; or

(b) ittadini ta Stati Membri ora tal-Unjoni Ewropea li

gandhom jedd gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin
fi kwistjonijiet ta impjieg bis-saa ta leilazzjoni talUE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i-aqliq ieles taladdiema; jew

(b) citizens of other Member States of the European Union

who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in
matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treaty
provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; or

(c) ittadini ta kwalunkwe pajji ieor li gandhom jedd

gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet
ta impjieg minabba li jkunu japplikaw gal dak il-pajji
bleilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar iaqliq ieles tal-addiema; jew

(c) citizens of any other country who are entitled to

equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to
employment by virtue of the application to that country of
EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free
movement of workers; or

(d) kwalunkwe persuni ora li gandhom jedd gal

trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet
ta impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari taghom ma
persuni msemmija f(a), (b) jew (c), skont kif hemm fil-lii
jew fil-leilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati
msemmija hawn fuq; jew

(d) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment

to Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in
terms of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and
treaty provisions, on account of their family relationship
with persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or

(e) ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu ngataw status

ta residenti li joqogdu gal mien twil fMalta tat irregolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar Status ta

(e) third country nationals who have been granted longterm resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the
Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


Residenti li joqogdu gal mien Twil (ittadini ta Pajjii

Terzi), jew li jkunu ngataw permess ta residenza tat
ir-regolament 18 (3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien malmembri tal-familja ta ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu
ngataw permess ta residenza tat ir-Regolamenti tal-2007
dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

Regulations, 2006 or who have been granted a residence

permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family
members of such third country nationals who have been
granted a residence permit under the Family Reunification
Regulations, 2007.

Gandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment gall-Affarijiet

ta-ittadinanza u Expatriates fi dan l-Aenzija Identity
Malta skont il-tiea fl-interpretazzjoni tad-dispoizzjonijiet
imsemmija hawn fuq.

The advice of the Department of Citizenship and

Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should
be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above

Il-atra ta kandidati msemmija f(b), (c), (d) u (e) hawn

fuq tetie il-ru ta lienzja tax-xogol fdawk il-kaijiet
fejn hija metiea skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u
leilazzjoni sussidjarja. Jobsplus gandha tii kkonsultata
skont il-tiea dwar din il-materja.

The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d)

and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment
licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act
and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as
necessary on this issue.

(ii) ikunu kapai jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u billingwa Inglia;

(ii) able to communicate in the Maltese and English


(iii) ikollhom ertifikat ta reistrazzjoni fl-ispejalit

speifika mal-Kunsill gall-Professjonijiet Komplimentari
gall-Mediina (Malta).

(iii) in possession of a certificate of registration in the

specific specialty with the Council for the Professions
Complementary to Medicine (Malta).

4.3 Uffijali Pubblii li gandhom grad fi klassi

partikolari, u li ngataw il-atra ta Officer in Scale permezz
ta deijoni tal-Grievances Unit fl-istess skala ta dak ta
grad ogla fl-istess klassi, huma eliibbli li japplikaw gal
gradi miftua gal uffijali li gandhom tali grad ogla blistess skala ta dik tal-atra ta Officer in Scale.

4.3 Public Officers holding a grade in a particular stream,

and who were granted Officer in Scale status by virtue of a
Grievances Unit decision in the same scale as that of a higher
grade in that stream, are eligible to apply for grades open
to officers holding such higher grade within the stream that
carries the same scale as that of the Officer in Scale status.

Is-snin ta servizz mid-data ta meta iet effettiva l-atra

bala Officer in Scale jgoddu bala parti mis-snin ta
servizz mitluba fis-seja ta applikazzjonijiet.

The years of service since the effective date of

appointment as Officer in Scale are reckonable for the
purpose of satisfying any requisite years of service stipulated
in calls for applications.

Kwalunkwe kriterju ieor ta eliibbilt gall-post irid

jii sodisfatt skont din is-seja ta applikazzjonijiet.

Any other eligibility requisites for the post must be met in

terms of this call for applications.

4.4 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta kondotta li hi xierqa

gall-post li qed japplikaw galih (applikanti li di qegdin
jadmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta Malta jridu jippreentaw
is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47); filwaqt li
dawk li japplikaw minn barra jridu jippreentaw ertifikat
tal-Kondotta rienti maru mill-Pulizija jew awtorit
ora kompetenti mhux aktar minn xahar (1) qabel id-data
tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt kinux impjegati talGvern qabel u jagtu d-dettalji).

4.4 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate to

the post applied for (applicants who are already in the Malta
Public Service must produce a Service and Leave Record
Form (GP 47); those applying from outside the Service
must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the Police
or other competent authority not earlier than one (1) month
from the date of application and state whether they have ever
been in Government Service, giving details).

4.5 Il-kandidati magula jridu jkunu eliibbli gall-atra

fdan il-grad, skont 4.1 sa 4.4 hawn fuq, mhux biss sal-in u
d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, ida
wkoll fid-data tal-atra.

4.5 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due

appointment, in terms of 4.1 to 4.4 above, not only by the
closing time and date of this call for applications but also on
the date of appointment.


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

4.6 L-applikanti prospettivi gandhom jaraw ilprovijonijiet enerali marbuta ma din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet fejn jikkonerna s-sottomissjoni ta
dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki mingand
l-MQRIC, jew awtorit pertinenti ora, kif applikabbli (ara
l-link aktar l isfel).
Sottomissjoni ta dokumentazzjoni

4.6 Prospective applicants should note the requirement to

produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their
qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities,
as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for
applications (see link below).
Submission of supporting documentation

5.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha

gandhom jintwerew bertifikati u/jew dokumenti li kopja
taghom gandha tkun mehmua mal-applikazzjoni. Kopji
scanned mibguta bmod elettroniku huma aettati

5.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must be

supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of
which should be attached to the application. Scanned copies
sent electronically are acceptable.

5.2 Id-dokumenti oriinali gandhom,

eezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista.

5.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be

invariably produced for verification at the interview.


Proeduri tal-gala

Selection procedure

6.1 L-applikanti eliibbli jiu assessjati minn Bord talGala biex jii ddeterminat min hu adatt gall-post. Ilmarka massima gal dan il-proess tal-gazla hija 100% u
l-marka li persuna trid iib biex tgaddi hija 50%.

6.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a Selection

Board to determine their suitability for the post. The
maximum mark for this selection process is 100% and the
pass mark is 50%.

6.2 Tingata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li,

minbarra dak mitlub fparagrafi 4.1 sa 4.3, gandhom
esperjenza ta xogol relevanti u ppruvata.

6.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who,

besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.3,
have proven relevant work experience.

Sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjoni

Submission of applications

7.1 L-applikazzjonijiet flimkien mal-curriculum vitae

dettaljat li juri l-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza, jintlaqgu midDirettorat tar-Resourcing and Employee Relations, Ministeru
gas-Saa, Palazzo Castellania, 15, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt
Valletta VLT 1171, jew mid-Direttorat gall-Immanijar
tar-Riorsi Umani, Ministeru gall-Familja u Solidarjet
Sojali fPalazzo Ferreria, 310, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt
Valletta VLT 2000, sa mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar (in
entrali Ewropew) ta nhar il-imga, is-6 ta Jannar, 2017.
L-applikazzjonijiet jistgu wkoll jiu sottomessi permezz
tal-Online Government Recruitment Portal fuq (http:// sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din isseja gall-applikazzjonijiet, kif indikat hawn fuq. Aktar
dettalji dwar is-sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjonijiet jinsabu
fid-dispoizzjonijiet enerali msemmija hawn isfel.

7.1 Applications, together with a detailed curriculum

vitae showing qualifications and experience, will be received
by the Resourcing and Employee Relations Directorate,
Ministry for Health, Palazzo Castellania, 15, Triq ilMerkanti, Valletta VLT 1171, or by the Human Resources
Management Directorate, Ministry for the Family and Social
Solidarity at Palazzo Ferreria, 310, Triq ir-Repubblika,
Valletta VLT 2000, by not later than noon (Central European
Time) of Friday, 6th January, 2017. Applications can also
be submitted through the Online Government Recruitment
Portal on ( by the said closing
time and date of this call for applications. Further details
concerning the submission of applications are contained in
the general provisions referred to below.

7.2 Aktar minn hekk, fil-ka ta applikanti li jixtiequ

japplikaw gal aktar minn vakanza wada, formola talapplikazzjoni separata, flimkien ma dokumenti ora abbinati,
iridu jiu sottomessi gal kull vakanza li galiha jkunu

7.2 Furthermore, in the case of applicants who wish to

apply for more than one vacancy, a separate application
form, together with supporting documentation, must be
submitted for each vacancy applied for.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora

Other general provisions

8. Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora dwar din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet, breferenza partikolari gal:

8. Other general provisions concerning this call for

applications, with particular reference to:

perjodu ta prova u kundizzjonijiet ora;

bdil raonevoli gall-persuni rreistrati bdiabbilt;

the probationary period and other conditions;

reasonable accommodation for registered persons with
submission of recognition statements in respect of
publication of the result;
medical examination;
the process for the submission of petitions concerning the
access to application forms and related details;
retention of documents

sottomissjoni ta dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent dwar ilkwalifiki;

pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat;
eami mediku;
proess sabiex tintbagat petizzjoni dwar ir-riultat;
aess gall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji relatati;
amma ta dokumenti
jinsabu fis-sit elettroniku tad-Divijoni tan-Nies
Forms-and-Templates.aspx jew jinkisbu mid-Direttorat tarResourcing and Employee Relations, Ministeru gas-Saa,
Palazzo Castellania, 15, Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta VLT 1171,
jew mid-Direttorat gall-Immanijar tar-Riorsi Umani,
Ministeru gall-Familja u Solidarjet Sojali, Palazzo
Ferreria, 310, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta, VLT 2000.
Dawn id-dispoizzjonijiet enerali gandhom jitqiesu bala
parti integrali minn din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet.

may be viewed by accessing the website of the People

& Standards Division at the address
Forms-and-Templates.aspx or may be obtained from or may
be obtained from the Resourcing and Employee Relations
Directorate, Ministry for Health, Palazzo Castellania, 15,
Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta VLT 1171, or from the Human
Resources Management Directorate, Ministry for the Family
and Social Solidarity at Palazzo Ferreria, 310, Republic
Street, Valletta, VLT 2000. These general provisions are to
be regarded as an integral part of this call for applications.

Is-sit elettroniku tal-Ministeru gas-Saa huwa (http://, in-numru tal-fax huwa +356 2299 2604
u l-indirizz elettroniku tad-Direttorat huwa (recruitment.

The website address for the Ministry for Health is (http://, the fax number is +356 2299 2604 and the
email address is (

Is-sit elettroniku tal-Ministeru gall-Familja u Solidarjet

Sojali huwa (
EN%20homepage.aspx) u l-indirizz tal-email huwa

The website address for the Ministry for the Family

and Social Solidarity is (
MFSS%20EN%20homepage.aspx and the e-mail address is

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016


Ministry for Health

Post ta Resident Specialist (Paediatric Surgery)

fuq Bai Locum fid-Dipartiment tal-Kirurija
fil-Ministeru gas-Saa

Post of Resident Specialist (Paediatric Surgery)

on a Locum Basis in the Department of Surgery
in the Ministry for Health

(Skont L-HR Plan tal-Ministeru gas-sena 2016)

(As per Ministrys HR Plan for the year 2016)

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll ilfemminil.

Nomenclatures importing the male gender include also

the female gender.

1. Id-Direttur (Resourcing and Employee Relations),

Ministeru gas-Saa, tilqa applikazzjonijiet gall-post ta

1. The Director (Resourcing and Employee Relations),

Ministry for Health, invites applications for the post of

Resident Specialist (Paediatric Surgery) fuq bai Locum fidDipartiment tal-Kirurija fil-Ministeru gas-Saa.
Termini u kundizzjonijet

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

Resident Specialist (Paediatric Surgery) on a Locum basis in
the Department of Surgery in the Ministry for Health.
Terms and conditions

2.1 L-inga huwa gall-perjodu inizjali ta sitt (6) xhur,

li jista jii esti bperjodi ora ta sena (1) suett gal
prestazzjoni sodisfaenti, u huwa suett gal prova ta sitt
(6) xhur, ser ikun fuq bai full-time u huwa suett garregoli u r-regolamenti li jkunu fis-se minn mien gal
mien fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta Malta bmod enerali u filMinisteru gas-Saa bmod partikolari. Persuna matura
tista tii trasferita skont l-esienzi tas-Servizz Pubbliku ta

2.1 The engagement is for an initial period of six (6)

months, which may be extended by further periods of one
(1) year subject to satisfactory performance, and is subject
to a probationary period of six (6) months, and shall be on
a full-time basis and is subject to any rules and regulations
governing from time to time the Malta Public Service in
general and the Ministry for Health in particular and involves
liability to transfer according to the exigencies of the Malta
Public Service.

2.2 Il-post ta Resident Specialist (Paediatric Surgery)

fuq bai Locum gandu salarju ekwivalenti gal Skala ta
Salarju 5, preentament 25,288.98 fis-sena li jidied
b640.67 fis-sena sa massimu ta 29,133.00.

2.2 The salary for the post of Resident Specialist

(Paediatric Surgery) on a Locum basis is equivalent to Salary
Scale 5 currently 25,288.98 per annum rising by annual
increments of 640.67 up to a maximum of 29,133.00.

2.3 Qed jii nnutat li s-salarju marbut mal-post ta

Resident Specialist (Paediatric Surgery) fuq bai Locum
hu supplimentat ballowances hekk kif speifikat filftehim settorali fis-se iffirmat bejn il-Gvern ta Malta
u l-Assojazzjoni Medika ta Malta (MAM), li fost orajn
tinkludi allowance ta postgraduate tutor u allowance gal
Continuous Medical Education.

2.3 It is being noted that the salary for the post of

Resident Specialist (Paediatric Surgery) on a Locum basis
is supplemented by allowances as specified by the sectoral
agreement in force signed between the Government of
Malta and the Medical Association of Malta (MAM), which
amongst others include a postgraduate tutor allowance and
an allowance for Continuous Medical Education.

2.4 Persuna matura tkun tista tagel li tadem fuq

skema Schedule I jew Schedule II kif miftiehem malmanagement skont il-ftehim mal-Assojazzjoni Medika
ta Malta (MAM) u tista wkoll tkun allokata sa erba (4)
sessjonijiet ejda fil-imga.

2.4 The appointee will be able to choose to work on a

Schedule I or Schedule II as agreed with the management
as per Medical Association of Malta (MAM) agreement and
may also be allocated up to four (4) extra weekly sessions.

2.5 Persuna matura titalla teerita l-prattika privata

tal-professjoni tagha sakemm:

2.5 The appointee will be allowed to undertake private

practice of his/her profession provided that:

(a) dan isir strettament barra mill-inijiet uffijali tagha

ta xogol; u

(a) it is carried out strictly outside his/her office hours of

work; and

(b) ma jfixkilx jew imur kontra d-dmirijiet uffijali tagha

jew l-esienzi tas-servizz.

(b) it does not interfere or conflict with his/her duties or

with the exigencies of the service.



3.1 Id-dmirijiet ta persuna fil-atra ta Resident

Specialist (Paediatric Surgery) fuq bai Locum jinkludu,
fost l-orajnli:

3.1 The duties of the Resident Specialist (Paediatric

Surgery) on a Locum basis include, amongst others:

a) tkun parti mit-tim fi dan id-Dipartiment tal-Kirurija

u tkun responsabbli lejn il-Clinical Chairperson tadDipartiment tal-Kirurija;

a) forming part of the team within the Department of

Surgery and will be accountable to the Clinical Chairperson
of the Department of Surgery;

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


b) tipparteipa fil-provediment ta kuljum tal-kura medika

ta rutina u emerenza kemm gall-outpatients kif ukoll

b) participating in the day to day provision of routine and

emergency surgical care both for outpatients as well as for

c) twettaq dmirijiet klinii, li jistgu jinkludi dmirijiet ta

billejl skont rosters stabbiliti fid-Dipartimient tal-Kirurija,
hekk kif ikun metie;

c) performing clinical duties, which may include night

duties according to established rosters within the Department
of Surgery, as may be required;

d) tadem mill-qrib ma kollegi li jkunu xogol

immedjatament qabilha jew warajha biex tassigura
komunikazzjoni xierqa u kontinwit tal-kura tal-pazjent. Hi
tkun trid tadem mill-qrib ma impjegati ora (infermiera,
allied health, teknii u impjegati ora ta dipartimenti ora)
biex tassigura li l-informazzjoni metiea fuq il-kura talpazjent u l-investigazzjonijiet metiea jkunu mifhuma

d) liaising with colleagues who are on duty immediately

before or after himself/herself to ensure adequate
communication and continuity of patient care. He/she must
liaise with other staff (nursing, allied health, technical and
other staff of other departments) to ensure that necessary
information on patient care and investigations required are
fully understood;

e) tagmilha flok il-Consultant skont il-tiea;

e) deputising for Consultants as necessary;

f) tissorvelja staff mediku ieor tat ir-responsabbilt


f) supervising other medical staff under his/ her charge;

g) twettaq dmirijiet ta residenital on-call skont

roster imfassal gall-tiijiet tad-Dipartiment. Tieu
d-deijonijiet metiea dwar l-immanijar ta pazjenti u
tirreferi gall-Consultant On Call gall-parir kif metie u
meta jkun xieraq;

g) performing residential on-call duties according to a

roster tailored to the needs of the Department. He/she will
take the necessary decisions concerning the management of
patients and will refer to the Consultant on Call for advice
as necessary and when appropriate;

h) tkopri kollegi ora femerenza jew meta dawn ikunu

bil-vacation jew xi leave ieor;

h) providing cover for other colleagues in an emergency

or when on vacation or other leave;

i) tipparteipa fi kwalunkwe programm ta taglim jew

tari gall-undergraduates jew postgraduates, skont iltiea, u tinvolvi ruha fi programmi kontinwi ta rierka
u kwalunkwe attivitajiet ora organizzati mid-Dipartiment;

i) participating in any teaching or training programme for

undergraduates or postgraduates, as required, and involving
himself/ herself in on-going research programmes and any
other activities organised by the Department;

j) tistabbilixxi mekkanimi xierqa biex tigura l-kwalit

tas-servizz u verifika medika;

j) establishing appropriate mechanisms to ensure quality

of service and medical audit;

k) tagmel dmirijiet ora skont l-esienzi tas-Servizz

Pubbliku skont struzzjonijiet mogtija mis-Segretarju
Permanenti Ewlieni;

k) carrying out any other duties according to the

exigencies of the Public Service as directed by the Principal
Permanent Secretary;

l) tagmel uu mis-sistemi tat-Teknoloija tal-Informatika

li jkunu qed jintuaw fil-Ministeru gas-Saa.

l) making use of the Information Technology systems

which may be in operation within the Ministry for Health.

3.2 Kandidati magula jistgu jiu mitluba li jwettqu

dmirijiet fi kwalunkwe servizz gall-kura tas-saa kemm
fMalta kif ukoll fGawdex, inklu servizzi pprovduti

3.2 An appointee may be required to perform duties in

any of the health care services in Malta and Gozo, including
services provided for the Elderly.

Rekwiiti tal-eliibbilt
4.1 Sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti gandhom ikunu:

Eligibility requirements
4.1 By the closing time and date of this call for
applications, applicants must be:

(i) (a) ittadini ta Malta; jew

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

(i) (a) citizens of Malta; or

(b) ittadini ta Stati Membri ora tal-Unjoni Ewropea li

gandhom jedd gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin
fi kwistjonijiet ta impjieg bis-saa ta leilazzjoni talUE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar i-aqliq ieles taladdiema; jew

(b) citizens of other Member States of the European Union

who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in
matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treaty
provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; or

(c) ittadini ta kwalunkwe pajji ieor li gandhom jedd

gal trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet
ta impjieg minabba li jkunu japplikaw gal dak il-pajji
bleilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati dwar iaqliq ieles tal-addiema; jew

(c) citizens of any other country who are entitled to

equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to
employment by virtue of the application to that country of
EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free
movement of workers; or

(d) kwalunkwe persuni ora li gandhom jedd gal

trattament ugwali daqs ittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet
ta impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari taghom ma
persuni msemmija f(a), (b) jew (c), skont kif hemm fil-lii
jew fil-leilazzjoni tal-UE u dispoizzjonijiet ta trattati
msemmija hawn fuq; jew

(d) any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment

to Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in
terms of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and
treaty provisions, on account of their family relationship
with persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or

(e) ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu ngataw status

ta residenti li joqogdu gal mien twil fMalta tat irregolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar Status ta
Residenti li joqogdu gal mien Twil (ittadini ta Pajjii
Terzi), jew li jkunu ngataw permess ta residenza tat
ir-regolament 18 (3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien malmembri tal-familja ta ittadini ta pajjii terzi li jkunu
ngataw permess ta residenza tat ir-Regolamenti tal-2007
dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

(e) third country nationals who have been granted longterm resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the
Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals)
Regulations, 2006 or who have been granted a residence
permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family
members of such third country nationals who have been
granted a residence permit under the Family Reunification
Regulations, 2007.

Gandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment gall-Affarijiet

ta-ittadinanza u Expatriates fi dan l-Aenzija Identity
Malta skont il-tiea fl-interpretazzjoni tad-dispoizzjonijiet
imsemmija hawn fuq.

The advice of the Department of Citizenship and

Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should
be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above

Il-atra ta kandidati msemmija f(b), (c), (d) u (e) hawn

fuq tetie il-ru ta lienzja tax-xogol fdawk il-kaijiet
fejn hija metiea skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u
leilazzjoni sussidjarja. Jobsplus gandha tii kkonsultata
skont il-tiea dwar din il-materja.

The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d)

and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment
licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act
and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as
necessary on this issue.

(ii) profijenti fil-lingwa Inglia, dment li jingata

rikonoxximent xieraq lill-kandidati li gandhom ukoll ilkapait li jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija.

(ii) proficient in the English Language provided that due

recognition will be given to candidates who also have the
ability to communicate in the Maltese Language.

4.2 Sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti gandhom ukoll:

4.2 By the closing time and date of this call for

applications, applicants must furthermore be:

(i) ikollhom isimhom imniel fir-Reistru gallIspejalisti tar-Paediatric Surgery mimum mill-Kunsill
Mediku ta Malta; jew

(i) listed in the Specialist Register of Paediatric Surgery

kept by the Medical Council of Malta; or

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


(ii) ikunu approvati li isimhom jitniel fir-Reistru gallIspejalisti tar-Paediatric Surgery mimum mill-Kunsill
Mediku ta Malta; jew

(ii) approved for inclusion in the Specialist Register of

Paediatric Surgery kept by the Medical Council of Malta; or

(iii) (a) ikollhom Certificate of Completion of Training

(CCT) maru mill-Kumitat gall-Approvazzjoni ta
Spejalisti ta Malta li jindika li l-applikant temm it-tari
spejalizzat li jista jkun mitlub gar-Paediatric Surgery ;

(iii) (a) in possession of a certificate of completion

of training (CCT) issued by the Specialist Accreditation
Committee of Malta, which shows that the applicant has
completed such specialist training as may be prescribed for
Paediatric Surgery; or

(b) ikollhom kwalifika ta spejalist ekwivalenti gasCCT fir-Paediatric Surgery jew spejalit ekwivalenti, li
tkun marua mill-Awtorit kompetenti fi Stat Membru
ieor tal-Unjoni Ewropea, kif indikat fparti 1b tat-Tieni
Skeda tal-Att dwar il-Professjonijiet tas-Saa ta Malta; jew

(b) in possession of a specialist qualification equivalent

to the CCT for Paediatric Surgery which is issued by the
competent authority in another EU Member State, as
listed in Part Ib of the Second Schedule of the Health Care
Professions Act of Malta; or

(c) ikollhom kwalunkwe kwalifika ora ta spejalist

fuq kundizzjoni li ma din tinheme dikjarazzjoni formali
ta rikonoxximent mill-Kumitat gall-Approvazzjoni ta
Spejalisti ta Malta, li tiddikjara li l-kwalifiki/esperjenza
miksuba huma suffijenti sabiex tabib ikun reistrat malKunsill Mediku ta Malta bala Spejalist tal-Paediatric

(c) in possession of any other specialist qualification

provided that this must be accompanied by a formal
recognition statement by the Specialist Accreditation
Committee of Malta, stating that the qualifications/
experience are sufficient for a doctor to be registered with
the Medical Council of Malta as a specialist in Paediatric

4.3 L-Applikanti magula li jkunu eliibbli tat

paragrafu 4.2 (iii) (b) u paragrafu 4.2 (iii) (c) hawn fuq iridu
jkunu mnilin fir-Reistru gall-Ispejalisti mimum millKunsill Mediku ta Malta qabel il-atra.

4.3 Successful candidates eligible under paragraph 4.2

(iii) (b) and paragraph 4.2 (iii) (c) above must be listed in
the Specialist Register kept by the Medical Council of Malta
before appointment.

4.4 Kandidati li japplikaw skont it-termini ta paragrafu

4.2 (iii) (b) u paragrafu 4.2 (iii) (c) hawn fuq iridu jiksbu
ittra ta rikinoxximent mill-Kumitat gall-Approvazzjoni ta
Spejalisti ta Malta li tikkonferma li l-kwalifiki miksuba
jistgu jitqiesu bala ekwivalenti gas-Certificate of
Completion of Training (CCT) maru mill-Kumitat gallApprovazzjoni ta Spejalisti ta Malta. Fka ta diffikult,
il-parir tal-Kumitat gall-Approvazzjoni ta Spejalisti ta
Malta gandu jkun mitlub.

4.4 Candidates applying in terms of paragraph 4.2 (iii) (b)

and paragraph 4.2 (iii) (c) above must obtain a recognition
statement from the Specialist Accreditation Committee of
Malta confirming that their qualifications may be considered
as an equivalent to the certificate of completion of training
(CCT) issued by the Specialist Accreditation Committee of
Malta. In case of any difficulty, the advice of the Specialist
Accreditation Committee of Malta is to be sought.

Sabiex tii ffailitata r-referenza, il-website tal-Kumitat

gall-Approvazzjoni ta Spejalisti ta Malta tista tii
kkonsultata fuq:

For ease of reference, the website of the Specialist

Accreditation Committee of Malta may be consulted at:



4.5 Kandidati li japplikaw skont it-termini ta paragrafu 4.2

(iii) (b) jew paragrafu 4.2 (iii) (c), u li jkunu jridu jippreentaw
dikjarazzjoni mill-Kumitat gall-Approvazzjoni ta Spejalisti
kif mitlub fil-paragrafu 4.4 gandhom jinkludu kopja ta din
id-dikjarazzjoni mal-applikazzjoni u jippreentaw l-oriinali
waqt l-intervista. Kandidati li ma jkunux fil-pussess ta din iddikjarazzjoni xorta jistgu japplikaw, basta jissottomettu kopja
ta din id-dikjarazzjoni hekk kif din tkun gad-dispoizzjoni

4.5 Candidates applying in terms of paragraph 4.2 (iii)

(b) or paragraph 4.2 (iii) (c) and who are required to present
a statement by the Specialist Accreditation Committee as
specified in paragraph 4.4 should include a copy of that
statement with their application and present the original at
the interview. Candidates not in possession of the required
statement may still apply, provided that they submit a copy
of the statement as soon as it is available and, in any case,

taghom u febda irkustanza mhux aktar tard minn xahar
mid-data tal-geluq tas-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet.
Applikanti li ma jilqux jippreentaw din id-dikjarazzjoni
fi mien xahar gal raunijiet mhux fil-kontroll taghom
jistgu jitolbu gal estensjoni bxahar ieor lill-Kap tadDipartiment fejn qed jintlaqgu l-applikazzjonijiet, u
jindikaw bmod ar ir-raunijiet gad-dewmien. Talbiet
gall-estensjonijiet itwal minn dan il-perjodu, gandhom
jiu sottomessi gall-konsiderazzjoni tal-Kummissjoni dwar
is-Servizz Pubbliku.
4.6 Uffijali Pubblii li gandhom grad fi klassi
partikolari, u li ngataw il-atra ta Officer in Scale permezz
ta deijoni tal-Grievances Unit fl-istess skala ta dak ta
grad ogla fl-istess klassi, huma eliibbli li japplikaw gal
gradi miftua gal uffijali li gandhom tali grad ogla blistess skala ta dik tal-atra ta Officer in Scale.

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

by not later than one month from the closing date of this call
for applications. Applicants who fail to present the required
statement within the one-month period for reasons beyond
their control may request an extension of this time limit,
up to a further one month, from the Head of Department
receiving the applications, indicating clearly the reasons for
the delay. Requests for an extension beyond this period are
to be submitted for the consideration of the Public Service
4.6 Public Officers holding a grade in a particular stream,
and who were granted Officer in Scale status by virtue of
a Grievances Unit decision in the same scale as that of a
higher grade in that stream, are eligible to apply for grades
open to officers holding such higher grade within the stream
that carries the same scale as that of the Officer in Scale

Is-snin ta servizz mid-data ta meta iet effettiva l-atra

bala Officer in Scale jgoddu bala parti mis-snin ta
servizz mitluba fis-seja ta applikazzjonijiet.

The years of service since the effective date of

appointment as Officer in Scale are reckonable for the
purpose of satisfying any requisite years of service stipulated
in calls for applications.

Kwalunkwe kriterju ieor ta eliibbilt gall-post irid

jii sodisfatt skont din is-seja ta applikazzjonijiet.

Any other eligibility requisites for the post must be met in

terms of this call for applications.

4.7 L-applikanti gandhom ikunu ta kondotta li hi xierqa

gall-poizzjoni li qed japplikaw galiha (applikanti li
di qegdin jadmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta Malta jridu
jippreentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47);
filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra jridu jippreentaw
ertifikat tal-Kondotta rienti maru mill-Pulizija jew
awtorit ora kompetenti mhux aktar minn xahar (1)
qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt kinux
impjegati tal-Gvern qabel u jagtu d-dettalji).

4.7 Of conduct which is appropriate to the post applied for

(applicants who are already in the Malta Public Service must
produce a Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47); those
applying from outside the Service must produce a Certificate
of Conduct issued by the Police or other competent authority
not earlier than one (1) month from the date of application
and state whether they have ever been in Government
Service, giving details).

4.8 Applikazzjonijiet jiu wkoll ikkunsidrati minn

kandidati li huma ittadini ta pajjii terzi u li ma
jissodisfawx il-kriterji msemmija fparagrafu 4.1(i), dment
li jissodisfaw il-rekwiiti msemmija fparagrafi 4.1 (ii) sa
4.7. Il-atra ta dawn il-kandidati tetie il-ru ta lienzja
tax-xogol fdawk il-kaijiet fejn hija metiea skont l-Att
dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u leilazzjoni sussidjarja.

4.8 Applications will also be considered from candidates

who are third country nationals and do not satisfy the
criteria set out in paragraph 4.1(i), provided that they satisfy
the requirements stated in paragraphs 4.1 (ii). to 4.7. The
appointment of such candidates would necessitate the issue
of an employment licence in so far as this is required by the
Immigration Act and subsidiary legislation.

4.9 Applikazzjonijiet jiu wkoll ikkunsidrati mingand

applikanti li mgandhomx ir-rekwiiti indikati fparagrafu
4.2 hawn fuq, dment li jissodisfaw ir-rekwiiti msemmija
fparagrafi 4.1 (li jistgu jiu rtirati kif provdut fil-paragrafu 4.8)
u dawk tal-paragrafi 4.3 sa 4.7. Madankollu, dawn il-kandidati
jridu jkunu konformi mar-rekwiiti tal-imsemmi paragrafu
4.2 sa mhux aktar tard minn disa xhur mid-data tal-geluq
tas-seja gal dawn l-applikazzjonijiet. Jekk jiu magula,
dawn il-kandidati jridu jippreentaw evidenza ta dokumenti li
jissodisfaw ir-rekwiiti ta paragrafu 4.2 qabel il-atra.

4.9 Applications will also be considered from applicants

who are not in possession of the requirements indicated
in paragraph 4.2 above, provided that they satisfy the
requirements of paragraphs 4.1 (which may be waived to the
extent provided for by paragraph 4.8) and paragraphs 4.3 to 4.7.
Such candidates must however comply with the requirements
of the said paragraph 4.2 by not later than nine months from
the closing date of this call for applications. If selected, such
candidates must obtain documentary evidence satisfying the
requirements of paragraph 4.2 before appointment.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


4.10 Tingata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lil dawk l-applikanti

li, minbarra li jissodisfaw ir-rekwiiti stipulati fparagrafi
4.1 sa 4.7, gandhom esperjenza relevanti ppruvata.

4.10 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due

appointment, in terms of 4.1 to 4.7 above, not only by the
closing time and date of this call for applications but also on
the date of appointment.

4.11 L-applikanti prospettivi gandhom jaraw iddispoizzjonijiet enerali marbuta ma din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet fejn jikkonerna s-sottomissjoni ta
dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki mingand
l-MQRIC, jew awtorit pertinenti ora, kif applikabbli (ara
l-link aktar l isfel).

4.11 Prospective applicants should note the requirement

to produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their
qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities,
as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for
applications (see link below).

Sottomissjoni ta dokumentazzjoni

Submission of supporting documentation

5.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha

gandhom jintwerew bertifikati u/ jew dokumenti li kopja
taghom gandha tkun mehmua mal-applikazzjoni. Kopji
scanned mibguta bmod elettroniku huma aettati

5.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must be

supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of
which should be attached to the application. Scanned copies
sent electronically are acceptable.

5.2 Id-dokumenti oriinali gandhom, mingajr

eezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista gall-verifikazzjoni.

5.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be

invariably produced for verification at the interview.

Proeduri tal-gala

Selection procedure

6.1 L-applikanti eliibbli jiu assessjati minn Bord talGala biex jii ddeterminat min hu adatt gall-post. Ilmarka massima gal dan il-proess tal-gala hija 100% u
l-marka li persuna trid iib biex tgaddi hija 50%.

6.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a Selection

Board to determine their suitability for the post. The
maximum mark for this selection process is 100% and the
pass mark is 50%.

6.2 Tingata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li,

minbarra dak mitlub fparagrafi 4.1 sa 4.6, gandhom
esperjenza ta xogol relevanti u ppruvata.

6.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who,

besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.6,
have proven relevant work experience.

Sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjoni
7. L-applikazzjonijiet, flimkien mal-curriculum vitae li
juri l-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza kif ukoll mal-isem u dettalji ta
ew (2) referees, jintlaqgu mid-Direttorat tar-Resourcing and
Employee Relations, Ministeru gas-Saa, Palazzo Castellania,
15, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1171, sa mhux aktar
tard minn nofsinhar (in entrali Ewropew) ta nhar il-imga,
l-20 ta Jannar, 2017. L-applikazzjonijiet jistgu wkoll jiu
sottomessi permezz tal-Online Government Recruitment Portal
fuq ( sal-in u d-data tal-geluq ta
din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet, kif indikat hawn fuq. Aktar
dettalji dwar is-sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjonijiet jinsabu fiddispoizzjonijiet enerali msemmija hawn isfel.
Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora

Submission of applications
7. Applications, together with a curriculum vitae
showing qualifications and experience and the names and
contact details of two (2) referees, will be received by the
Resourcing and Employee Relations Directorate, Ministry
for Health, Palazzo Castellania, 15, Triq il-Merkanti,
Valletta VLT 1171, by not later than noon (Central European
Time) of Friday, 20th January, 2017. Applications can also
be submitted through the Online Government Recruitment
Portal on ( by the said closing
time and date of this call for applications. Further details
concerning the submission of applications are contained in
the general provisions referred to below.
Other general provisions

8. Dispoizzjonijiet enerali ora dwar din is-seja gallapplikazzjonijiet, breferenza partikolari gal:

8. Other general provisions concerning this call for

applications, with particular reference to:

perjodu ta prova u kundizzjonijiet ora;

bdil raonevoli gall-persuni rreistrati bdiabbilit;

the probationary period and other conditions;

reasonable accommodation for registered persons with


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

sottomissjoni ta dikjarazzjoni ta rikonoxximent dwar ilkwalifiki;

pubblikazzjoni tar-riultat;
eami mediku;
proess sabiex tintbagat petizzjoni dwar ir-riultat;
aess gall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji relatati
amma ta dokumenti

submission of recognition statements in respect of

publication of the result;
medical examination;
the process for the submission of petitions concerning the
access to application forms and related details;
retention of documents

jinsabu fis-sit elettroniku tad-Divijoni tan-Nies

RESOURCING/Pages/Forms%20and%20Templates/Formsand-Templates.aspx) jew jinkisbu mid-Direttur (Resourcing
and Employee Relations), Ministeru gas-Saa, Palazzo
Castellania, 15, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1171.
Dawn id-dispoizzjonijiet enerali gandhom jitqiesu bala
parti integrali minn din is-seja gall-applikazzjonijiet.

may be viewed by accessing the website of the People

and Standards Divison at the address (
Forms-and-Templates.aspx) or may be obtained from the
Director (Resourcing and Employee Relations), Ministry for
Health, Palazzo Castellania, 15, Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta
VLT 1171. These general provisions are to be regarded as an
integral part of this call for applications.

Is-sit elettroniku huwa (, in-numru

tal-fax huwa +356 2299 2604 u l-indirizz elettroniku tadDirettorat huwa (

The website address is (, the fax

number is +356 2299 2604 and the e-mail address is

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016



Poizzjoni ta Koordinatur tat-Trasport tal-Iskola

fi dan il-Ministeru gall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogol

Position of School Transport Cooridnator within

the Ministry for Education and Employment



BReferenza gall-poizzjoni msemmija hawn fuq,

ippubblikata fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern Nru. 19,693, tad-9 ta
Diembru, 2016, paragrafu 5.1 (iv) (b) gandu jaqra kif ej:

With reference to the abovementioned position, published

in the Government Gazette No. 19,693, of the 9th December,
2016, paragraph 5.1 (iv) (b) should read as follows:

Uffijal Pubbliku fi Skala ta Salarju mhux anqas minn

Skala 15, jew impjegati fis-Settur Pubbliku jew addiema
tal-RSSL fil-livell ta responsabbilt kumparabbli bi (3) tliet
snin esperjenza ta xogol relevanti.

Public Officer in a scale not below Scale 15, or Public

Sector employees performing duties in the Public Service,
or RSSL employees at a comparable level of responsibility
with three (3) years relevant work experience.

Skont id-Direttiva 9, id-data tal-geluq qed tii estia gal

mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar (in entrali Ewropew)
ta nhar il-imga, is-6 ta Jannar, 2017. Applikazzjonijiet,
gandhom jintbagtu permezz tal-Portal tal-Inga talEdukazzjoni BISS fdan l-indirizz: (https://edurecruitment. Tintbagat irevuta awtomatika bl-email lillapplikanti biex tinformahom li l-applikazzjoni waslet.

As per Directive 9, the closing date is being extended till

not later than noon (Central European Time) of Friday, 6th
January, 2017. Applications are to be submitted through the
Online Education Recruitment Portal ONLY at the following
address: ( An automatic
receipt will be sent by email informing applicants that their
application was submitted successfully.

Wieed jista jara s-seja oriinali fuq:

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

The original call can be accessed at:

P o s i t i o n % 2 0 o f % 2 0 S c h o o l % 2 0 Tr a n s p o r t % 2 0
23rd December, 2016

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016




Eamijiet tal-AQA/Edexcel London

Mejju/unju 2017

AQA/Edexcel London May/June 2017


Id-Direttur tal-Eamijiet jgarraf lill-kandidati li fi

siebhom joqogdu gall-Eamijiet tal-AQA/Edexcel London
Sessjonijiet Mejju/unju 2017 li l-formoli tal-applikazzjoni
jintlaqgu minn nhar it-Tnejn, it-2 ta Jannar, 2017, salimga, it-13 ta Jannar, 2017, mit-8.00 a.m. sa nofsinhar u
mis-1.30 p.m. sal-4.00 p.m. kif ej:

The Director of Examinations notifies candidates that

applications will be accepted for the AQA/Edexcel London
May/June 2017 Examinations on Monday, 2nd January, 2017
till Friday, 13th January, 2017 from 8.00 a.m to noon and from
1.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. as follows:

Kandidati fMalta:

Dipartiment tal-Eamijiet

Triq Sarria


Malta candidates:
Examinations Department
The Mall
Triq Sarria

Kandidati fGawdex:

entru tal-Eamijiet
Triq Fortunato Mizzi



Gozo candidates:
Examinations Centre
Triq Fortunato Mizzi

Dettalji jistgu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment tal-Eamijiet

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Details may be obtained from the Examinations Department

23rd December, 2016

MinistEru gall-EKONOMIJA,

Ministry for THE ECONOMY,


Estensjoni tal-inijiet tal-ftu fLejlet il-Milied

u fLejlet l-Ewwel tas-Sena

Extension of Opening Hours on Christmas Eve

and New Years Eve

Skont il-Leilazzjoni Sussidjarja 441.07, qieged jii

approvat li stabbilimenti kummerjali lienzjati bala stabbilimenti tal-catering, night-clubs, diskoteki jew xi post fejn
isir i-fin jibqgu miftuin sal-4 ta filgodu matul il-lejl ta
bejn l-24 u l-25 ta Diembru, 2016 u matul il-lejl ta bejn
il-31 ta Diembru, 2016 u l-1 ta Jannar, 2017.

In accordance with Subsidiary Legislation 441.07, it is

approved that licensed catering establishments, night-clubs,
discotheques or other premises where dancing is held may
remain open until 4.00 a.m. on the night between 24th and
25th December, 2016 and the night between 31st December,
2016 and 1st January, 2017.

L-obbligi kollha li jikkonernaw id-daqq ta muika

amplifikata jibqgu japplikaw filwaqt li mhuwiex permess
li jii kkawat fastidju jew inkonvenjenza lir-residenti viini
bxi xorta ta oss li jinstema minn barra l-istabbiliment jew
bxi air li jse ewwa jew barra l-istabbiliment. Fin-nuqqas
ta konformit mad-dispoizzjonijiet ta dan il-paragrafu
l-Pulizija gandha l-jedd li tieu kull azzjoni kif ipprovdut
fil-Leilazzjoni Sussidjarja 441.07.

All obligations concerning the playing of amplified music

remain unchanged and no annoyance or inconvenience to
neighbours is permitted by any sound which may be heard
from outside the premises or by anything else done inside or
outside the premises. In the event of non-compliance with
the provisions of this paragraph the Police may take any
action provided under Subsidiary Legislation 441.07.

Dan mingajr preudizzju gal kull azzjoni ora li tista

tittieed skont il-lii.

This is without prejudice to any other action which may

be taken under the law.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

(KAP. 363)


(CAP. 363)



Bis-saa tar-regolament 90 tat-Tielet Skeda tal-Att dwar

Kunsilli Lokali (Kap. 363), il-Kummissjonarji Elettorali
jgarrfu illi l-kandidati nominati skont id-dispoizzjonijiet tarregolament 89 tal-iskeda msemmija hawn fuq, gall- elezzjoni
kawali ta Kunsillier gal-Lokalit ta Floriana huma dawn
li ejjin, jiifieri:

By virtue of regulation 90 of the Third Schedule of the

Local Councils Act (Cap. 363), the Electoral Commissioners
hereby notify that the candidates nominated in accordance
with the provisions of regulation 89 of the aforesaid schedule
for the casual election of a Councillor for the Locality of
Floriana are the following that is:

Kandidati Nominati

Nominated Candidates





Il-Kummissjonarji Elettorali jgarrfu wkoll illi huma se

jibdew jeaminaw il-poloz ta Dott. Matthew Paris galLokalit ta Floriana, skont id-dispoizzjonijiet tar-regolament
91 tat-Tielet Skeda tal-Att dwar Kunsilli Lokali (Kap. 363),
nhar it-Tnejn, is-26 ta Diembru, 2016 fis-1.00 p.m. flUffiju tal-Kummissjoni Elettorali, Evans Building, Triq
il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta.

The Electoral Commissioners further notify that they will

proceed to examine the ballot papers of Dr Matthew Paris for
the Locality of Floriana, in accordance with the provisions of
regulation 91 of the Third Schedule of the Local Councils Act
(Cap. 363), on Monday, 26th December, 2016 at 1.00 p.m.
at the Office of the Electoral Commission, Evans Building,
Merchants Street, Il-Belt Valletta.

Kummissjonarju Elettorali Prinipali
Uffiju tal-Kummissjoni Elettorali,
Evans Building,
Triq il-Merkanti,
Il-Belt Valletta.
It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Chief Electoral Commissioner
Office of the Electoral Commission,
Evans Building,
Merchants Street,
Il-Belt Valletta.
23rd December, 2016



(Att Nru. XXX tal-2001 dwar Sojetajiet Koperattivi)

(Co-operatives Societies Act No. XXX of 2001)

Avvi ta Emendi ta Regola fl-Istatut

Notice of Amendment of Rules in Statute

Ordni Nru. 14

Order No. 14

Ngarrfu bdan illi l-istatut ta Malta Boatmen &

Mooring Services Co-op Ltd ie emendat. Dawn l-emendi
ew reistrati mill-Bord tal-Koperattivi fil-5 ta Diembru,
2016, skont id-dispoizzjonijiet tal-artikolu 35 tal-Att Nru.
XXX tal-2001.

It is hereby notified that the statute of Malta Boatmen &

Mooring Services Co-op Ltd has been amended. The Cooperatives Board has duly registered these amendments on
the 5th December, 2016, in accordance with article 35 of Act
No. XXX of 2001.

Is-Sur Paul Debono

Bord tal-Koperattivi

Mr Paul Debono
Co-operatives Board

Il-5 ta Diembru, 2016

5th December, 2016

(CB 34/79/124)

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016




(Att Nru. XXX tal-2001 dwar Sojetajiet Koperattivi)

(Co-operatives Societies Act No. XXX of 2001)

Avvi ta Reistrazzjoni

Notice of Registration

Ordni Nru. 15

Order No. 15

Ngarrfu bdan illi s-Sojet li ib l-isem Blue Lagoon

Ferry Co-op Limited u l-istatut tagha ew reistrati millBord tal-Koperattivi fil-5 ta Diembru, 2016, skont iddispoizzjonijiet tal-artikolu 29 (1) tal-Att Numru XXX tal2001.

It is hereby notified that the Society with the name Blue

Lagoon Ferry Co-op Limited and its statute were registered
by the Co-operatives Board on the 5th December, 2016, in
accordance with the provisions of Article 29 (1) of Act No.
XXX of 2001.

Is-Sur Paul Debono

Bord tal-Koperattivi

Mr Paul Debono
Co-Operatives Board

Il-5 ta Diembru, 2016

5th December, 2016

CB 34/79/140





Ngarrfu illi l-kumpaniji teatrali li kienu kkummissjonati

sabiex jiedu sehem fi-iguajg 2016 Festival Internazzjonali
gat-Tfal u -gaag li sar fNovembru, 2016, kienu:

It is notified that the theatre companies commissioned

to take part in the iguajg 2016 International Festival for
Children and Young People were the following:

Kumpaniji Teatrali
Theatre Companies

Ammont esklu il-VAT

Amount exclusive of VAT

Imaginart Sensacional


Teatru Salesjan Starlet A Peculiar Encounter


Peut-tre Theatre ShhBang!


Laughing Matters Il-Babaw


Bunk Puppets Stick Stones Broken Bones


Shakeshorts Presents a Midsummer Nights Dream


Kelma Kelma Nota Nota Iniguajgu ma Kelma Kelma Nota Nota


FM Theatre Productions Il-Biera il Quddiem


Studio18 Ine kienet Perf


LitCircus Hogwallops


Matthew Pandolfino Sillu


It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702


for the period 1st January 2016 to 30th November 2016









Jan - Nov

Jan - Dec

Jan - Nov





Customs and Excise Duties

Licences, Taxes and Fines
Income Tax
Value Added Tax
Fees of Office
Public Corporations
Central Bank of Malta
Dividends on Investment/Receipts
Interest on loans made by Government
Social Security
Miscellaneous Receipts





Total Ordinary Revenue

















XV Loans
XVI Repayment of loans made by Government
XVII Extraordinary Receipts

Total Non-Ordinary Revenue


Note: Figures in Statement may not add up due to rounding

The Treasury
Authority: Treas 22/2016

Date: 09 - 12 - 2016

M. Zammit Munro B.A. (Hons.), Accountancy, FIA, CPA, CPFA

A/Accountant General

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016



for the period 1st January 2016 to 30th November 2016

Budget *







Jan - Nov

Jan - Dec

Jan - Nov






Office of the President





House of Representatives





Office of the Ombudsman





National Audit Office





Office of the Prime Minister





Public Service Commission










Government Printing Press





Electoral Office






Government Property Division

Ministry for European Affairs and Implementation of the Electoral










Ministry for Foreign Affairs






Ministry for Education and Employment






Ministry for Sustainable Development, the Environment and
Climate Change









Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure






Ministry for Gozo

Ministry for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil










Industrial and Employment Relations






Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business






Commerce [Trade Services]


Ministry for Finance























Inland Revenue
























Economic Policy






Ministry for Energy [the Conservation of Water] and Health














[Ministry for] Health


Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity


Social Policy






Social Security Benefits






Social Welfare Standards






Elderly and Community Care






Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government












Local Government






Ministry for Tourism





Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security






Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702


for the period 1st January 2016 to 30th November 2016

Budget *







Jan - Nov

Jan - Dec

Jan - Nov







Armed Forces of Malta

Correctional Services
Probation and Parole
Civil Protection



EFSF/ESM Credit Line Facility



Public Debt Servicing

Contribution to Sinking Fund - Local
Contribution to Special MGS Sinking Fund
Interest - Local
Repayment of Loan - Local
Contribution to Sinking Fund - Foreign
Interest - Foreign
Interest - Short-term borrowing







































Note: Figures in Statement may not add up due to rounding

The Treasury
Authority: Treas 22/2016

Date: 09 - 12 - 2016

M. Zammit Munro B.A. (Hons.), Accountancy, FIA, CPA, CPFA

A/Accountant General

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016



for the period 1st January 2016 to 30th November 2016

Budget *







Jan - Nov

Jan - Dec

Jan - Nov






Office of the President

Office of the Prime Minister
Ministry for European Affairs and Implementation of the Electoral
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Ministry for Education and Employment
Ministry for Sustainable Development, the Environment and
Climate Change
Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure
Ministry for Gozo
Ministry for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil
Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business
Ministry for Finance
Ministry for Energy and Health
Ministry for the Family and Social Solidarity
Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government
Ministry for Tourism
Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security



Ministry for Finance

Investment - Equity Acquisition




































Note: Figures in Statement may not add up due to rounding

The Treasury
Authority: Treas 22/2016

Date: 09 - 12 - 2016

M. Zammit Munro B.A. (Hons.), Accountancy, FIA, CPA, CPFA

A/Accountant General


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

Kunsill Lokali N-NAXXAR

NAXXAR Local Council

Lista ta Bejjiega tal-Monti Approvati

List of Approved Market Hawkers

Din il-lista ta bejjiega tal-monti approvati sal-31 ta

Diembru, 2016, flimkien man-numru tal-posta taghom qed
tii ppubblikata hawn tat skont l-Artikolu 27 (1) tal-Att dwar
il-Lienzi tal-Kummer u skont l-Artikolu 34 (2) tal-Att dwar
il-Kunsilli Lokali.

The following list of approved market hawkers as at 31st

December, 2016, with their stall number is being published
hereunder, in terms of Article 27 (1) of the Trade Licences
Act and in terms of Article 34 (2) of the Local Councils Act.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016

Suq fil-Bera
Open-Air Market

Numru tal-posta
Number of stall

Isem tal-Bejjieg
Name of Hawker

Posta Vakanti

Anthony Attard


Salvu Azzopardi


John jew Ivan Camilleri


Joanna Cilia

Lorraine Caruana/Jonathan Caruana

Isabel Attard

Leonard Gauci



Numru tal-Karta tal-Identit

Identity Card Number

Mario Vella/CD Vella

Posta vakanti

Spiridone Grech
Posta vakanti



Posta vakanti
Posta vakanti
Posta vakanti
Posta vakanti
Posta vakanti

Kevin Bonello
Posta vakanti


Posta vakanti
Posta vakanti

Saviour jew Rita Buttigieg

Dettalji tal-applikanti (li qed jistennew allokazzjoni)
Details of applicants (awaiting allocation)

Balissa mhemm add fuq il-lista ta stennija.

At present there is no one on the waiting list.


It-23 ta Diembru, 2016




Il-Kunsill Lokali tal-Gira jgarraf illi nhar is-Sibt, 24

ta Diembru, 2016, u nhar is-Sibt, 31 ta Diembru, 2016,
l-uffiini tal-Kunsill Lokali se jkunu magluqa.

The Gira Local Council notifies that on Saturday, 24th

December, 2016, and on Saturday, 31st December, 2016, the
Local Councils offices will be closed.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016



Laqga tal-Lokalit

Locality Meeting

Skont l-Artikolu 70 tal-Att dwar il-Kunsilli Lokali (Kap.

363), se ssir Laqga Pubblika Annwali nhar it-Tlieta, l-24
ta Jannar, 2017, fl-Isptar il-Qadim, Triq San Innoenzju,
L-Imqabba, fis-6.30 p.m.

In accordance with Article 70 of the Local Councils

Act (Cap. 363), an Annual Public Meeting will be held
on Tuesday, 24th January, 2017, at 6.30 p.m., at the Old
Hospital, Triq San Innoenzju, Mqabba.

Ir-residenti li isimhom jidher fl-aar ara tar-Reistru

Elettorali huma mistiedna li jattendu u jgaddu l-ilmenti
u s-suerimenti taghom biex jiu kkunsidrati fl-Estimi
Annwali tal-2017.

All residents whose names appear in the last issue of the

Electoral Register are invited to attend and put forward their
complaints and suggestions to be considered in the Budget

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016



Id-Direttur enerali (Kuntratti) jgarraf illi skont

AL352/2016, Regolament 45 (1) Pubblikazzjoni fuq livell
nazzjonali, sejiet gall-offerti odda mhumiex se jkunu
ppubblikati aktar fuq il-Gazetta tal-Gvern sakemm dawn
ikunu ppubblikati fuq is-Sistema Elettronika gall-Akkwisti
Pubblii (ePPS) fuq (

The Director General (Contracts) notifies that as per

LN352/2016, Regulation 45 (1) Publication at National
Level, new calls for tenders will no longer be published on
the Government Gazette as long as they are published on
the Electronic Public Procurement System (ePPS) at (http://



CT 2181/2015 Provvista ta Transcatheter Aortic valve

implantation (TAVI) device fuq bai pay per use MEH

CT 2181/2015. Supply of Transcatheter Aortic valve

implantation (TAVI) device on a pay per use basis MEH

Id-Direttur enerali (Kuntratti) jgarraf gallinformazzjoni ta kuladd illi d-data u l-in biex jintbagtu
l-offerti gall-avvii imsemmi qed jiu estii sad-9.30 a.m.
tat-TLIETA, is-17 ta Jannar, 2017.

The Director General (Contracts) notifies for general

information that the date and time for the presentation of
offers for the above-mentioned adverts is being extended up
to 9.30 a.m. on TUESDAY, 17th January, 2017.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Il-Kummissarju tal-Artijiet jgarraf li:

23rd December, 2016

The Commissioner of Land notifies that:

Offerti magluqin gall-avvii li ejjin gandhom

jintefgu fil-Kaxxa tal-Offerti tad-Dipartiment talArtijiet, Bera tal-Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m.
tal-amis, 29 ta Diembru, 2016.

Sealed tenders in respect of the following advertisements

have to be dropped in the Tender Box at the Land
Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by 10.00 a.m.
on Thursday, 29th December, 2016.

Avvi Nru. 47. Bejg ta partijiet mill-Kantina, li tii tat ilFondi Nri. 42 sa 46, Triq id-Dejqa, Il-Belt Valletta, kif murija

Advt. No. 47. Sale of parts of a Basement, underlying

Premises Nos. 42 to Land 618/63/15 46, Triq id-Dejqa,


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

bl-amar u mmarkati A u B fuq pjanta P.D.101_2003_1.

Din il-kantina hija aessibli biss mill-Fond Nru. 44, Triq
id-Dejqa, Il-Belt Valletta, li huwa proprjet ta terzi. Din
l-offerta hija soetta gad-dritt tal-ewwel rifjut. L-offerti
gandhom ikunu akkumpanjati bBid-Bond gall-ammont
ta 10,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta.

Valletta, as shown A and B and edged in red on plan

P.D.101_2003_1. This basement is accessible only from
Premises No. 44, Triq id-Dejqa, Valletta, which is third party
property. This tender is subject to a right of first refusal.
Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for an amount
of 10,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions.

Irid jitallas dritt ta 50 gal kull kopja tad-dokument


A fee of 50 will be charged for each copy of tender


L-offerti gandhom isiru biss fuq il-formola preskritta,

li flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relevanti u dokumenti ora
jistgu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment tal-Artijiet, Bera talBaviera, il-Belt Valletta, fkull urnata tax-xogol bejn it8.30 a.m. u 11.45 a.m.

Tenders should be made only on the prescribed form which,

together with the relevant conditions and other documents are
obtainable from the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere,
Valletta, on any working day between 8.30 a.m. and 11.45 a.m.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Id-Dipartiment gall-Ivilupp Rurali u d-Direttorat
gall-Kura tal-Annimali fi dan il-Ministeru gall-Ivilupp
Sostenibbli, l-Ambjent u Tibdil fil-Klima jgarraf illi offerti
elettronii dwar l-avvi li ej se jintlaqgu fid-data u l-in
indikati hawn isfel:
Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 10 ta Jannar, 2017, gal:

23rd December, 2016

Ministry for Sustainable Development,
the Environment and Climate Change
The Rural Development Department and the Animal
Welfare Directorate within the Ministry for Sustainable
Development, the Environment and Climate Change notifies
that electronic tenders in respect of the following notice will
be received on the day and time indicated below:
Up to 10.00 a.m. of Tuesday, 10th January, 2017, for:

Avvi. Nru. MSDEC/AGRIC 241/2016 (Avvi 72/2016).

Provvediment ta servizzi ta tindif bmod li ma ssirx sara
l-ambjent fil-bini tad-Dipartiment gall-Ivilupp Rurali u
d-Direttorat gall-Kura tal-Annimali fl-Gammieri.

Advt. No. MSDEC/AGRIC 241/2016 (Advt. 72/2016).

Provision of environmentally friendly cleaning services at
the premises of the Rural Development Department and the
Animal Welfare Directorate at Gammieri.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgu jinkisbu mingajr las u

jistgu jintwerew jew jitnilu u sottomessi BISS mill-website
tal-e-tenders fuq (

Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed

or downloaded and submitted ONLY through the e-tenders
website on (

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Id-Direttorat gar-Regolamentazzjoni Veterinarja fi dan
il-Ministeru gall-Ivilupp Sostenibbli, l-Ambjent u Tibdil
fil-Klima jgarraf illi offerti elettronii dwar l-avvi li ej se
jintlaqgu fid-data u l-in indikati hawn isfel:
Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 10 ta Jannar, 2017, gal:
Avvi. Nru. VPRD 152/2016 (Avvi 73/2016). Provvista
ta uniformijiet blivelli baxxi ta sustanzi tossii gatTaqsima tas-Sorveljanza u Ispettorat fi dan Direttorat garRegolamentazzjoni Veterinarja.

23rd December, 2016

Ministry for Sustainable Development,
the Environment and Climate Change
The Animal Welfare Directorate within the Ministry for
Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate
Change notifies that electronic tenders in respect of the
following notice will be received on the day and time indicated
Up to 10.00 a.m. of Tuesday, 10th January, 2017, for:
Advt. No. VPRD 152/2016 (Advt. 73/2016). Supply
of uniforms with low levels of toxic substances for the
Surveillance and Inspectorate Unit within the Veterinary
Regulation Directorate.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgu jinkisbu mingajr las u
jistgu jintwerew jew jitnilu u sottomessi BISS mill-website
tal-e-tenders fuq (
It-23 ta Diembru, 2016
Id-Direttorat gall-Kura tal-Annimali fi dan il-Ministeru
gall-Ivilupp Sostenibbli, l-Ambjent u Tibdil fil-Klima
jgarraf illi offerti elettronii dwar l-avvi li ej se jintlaqgu
fid-data u l-in indikati hawn isfel:
Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 10 ta Jannar, 2017, gal:

Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed
or downloaded and submitted ONLY through the e-tenders
website on (
23rd December, 2016
Ministry for Sustainable Development,
the Environment and Climate Change
The Animal Welfare Directorate within the Ministry for
Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate
Change notifies that electronic tenders in respect of the
following notice will be received on the day and time indicated
Up to 10.00 a.m. of Tuesday, 10th January, 2017, for:

Avvi. Nru. MSDEC/AGRIC 238/2016 (Avvi 74/2016).

Xiri ta panel van biex jintua bala ambulanza gallannimali mid-Direttorat gall-Kura tal-Annimali.

Advt. No. MSDEC/AGRIC 238/2016 (Advt. 74/2016).

Purchase of a panel van to be used as an animal ambulance
by the Animal Welfare Directorate.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgu jinkisbu mingajr las u

jistgu jintwerew jew jitnilu u sottomessi BISS mill-website
tal-e-tenders fuq (

Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed

or downloaded and submitted ONLY through the e-tenders
website on (

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Id-Direttorat gas-Saa tal-Pjanti fi dan il-Ministeru
gall-Ivilupp Sostenibbli, l-Ambjent u Tibdil fil-Klima
jgarraf illi offerti elettronii dwar l-avvi li ej se jintlaqgu
fid-data u l-in indikati hawn isfel:
Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 10 ta Jannar, 2017, gal:

23rd December, 2016

Ministry for Sustainable Development,
the Environment and Climate Change
The Plant Health Directorate within the Ministry for
Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate
Change notifies that electronic tenders in respect of the
following notice will be received on the day and time indicated
Up to 10.00 a.m. of Tuesday, 10th January, 2017, for:

Avvi. Nru. MSDEC/AGRIC 175/2016 (Avvi 75/2016).

Provvediment ta servizzi ta tindif bmod li ma ssirx sara
l-ambjent fil-bini tad-Direttorat gas-Saa tal-Pjanti.

Advt. No. MSDEC/AGRIC 175/2016 (Advt. 75/2016).

Provision of environmentally friendly cleaning services at
the premises of the Plant Health Directorate.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgu jinkisbu mingajr las u

jistgu jintwerew jew jitnilu u sottomessi BISS mill-website
tal-e-tenders fuq (

Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed

or downloaded and submitted ONLY through the e-tenders
website on (

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016



Ministry for Sustainable Development,

the Environment and Climate Change

Id-Dipartiment tal-Operazzjonijiet tal-Bierija fi dan

il-Ministeru gall-Ivilupp Sostenibbli, l-Ambjent u Tibdil
fil-Klima jgarraf illi offerti elettronii dwar l-avvi li ej se
jintlaqgu fid-data u l-in indikati hawn isfel:

The Public Abattoir Operations Department within the

Ministry for Sustainable Development, the Environment and
Climate Change notifies that electronic tenders in respect of
the following notice will be received on the day and time
indicated below:

Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 10 ta Jannar, 2017, gal:

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

Up to 10.00 a.m. of Tuesday, 10th January, 2017, for:

Avvi Nru. MSDEC/AGRIC 177/2015 (Avvi 76/2016).

Kuntratt perjodiku gal servizzi ta tindif fl-Uffiji talBierija, il-Marsa.

Advt. No. MSDEC/AGRIC 177/2015 (Advt. 76/2016).

Period contract for cleaning services at the Public Abattoir
Offices, Marsa.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgu jinkisbu mingajr las u

jistgu jintwerew jew jitnilu u sottomessi BISS mill-website
tal-e-tenders fuq (

Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed

or downloaded and submitted ONLY through the e-tenders
website on (

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016



Ministry for Sustainable Development,

the Environment and Climate Change

It-Taqsima tar-Regolamentazzjoni gall-Gasafar Selvai

fi dan il-Ministeru gall-Ivilupp Sostenibbli, l-Ambjent u
Tibdil fil-Klima jgarraf illi offerti elettronii dwar l-avvi li
ej se jintlaqgu fid-data u l-in indikati hawn isfel:

The Wild Birds Regulation Unit within the Ministry for

Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate
Change notifies that electronic tenders in respect of the
following notice will be received on the day and time indicated

Sal-10.00 a.m. tal-imga, 13 ta Jannar, 2017, gal:

*Avvi Nru. MSDEC 337/2016 (Avvi 77/2016). Offerta
ta servizz gal studju xjentifiku indipendenti fuq l-influss jew
passa ta summien komuni migratorju u gamiem fMalta
matul l-istaun tal-arifa 2017.
*Avvi li qed joro gall-ewwel darba

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgu jinkisbu mingajr las u

jistgu jintwerew jew jitnilu u sottomessi BISS mill-website
tal-e-tenders fuq (
It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Up to 10.00 a.m. of Friday, 13th January, 2017, for:

*Advt. No. MSDEC 337/2016 (Advt. 77/2016). Service
tender for an independent scientific study on the influx or
passage of migratory common quail and turtle dove in Malta
during the 2017 Spring season.
*Advertisement appearing for the first time

Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed

or downloaded and submitted ONLY through the e-tenders
website on (
23rd December, 2016


Water Services Corporation

I-Chief Executive, Korporazzjoni gal Servizzi tal-Ilma,

jgarraf illi:

The Chief Executive, Water Services Corporation, notifies


Jintlaqgu offerti fil-urnata u l-in indikati hawn tat.

L-offerti gandhom jintbagtu online BISS fuq (http://www.

Tenders will be received on the date and time indicated

below. Tenders are to be submitted online ONLY on (http://

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-imga, 27 ta Jannar, 2017, gal:

Up to 9.30 a.m. of Friday, 27th January, 2017, for:

Avvi Nru. WSC/T/62/2016. Bai ta ftehim gallprovvista u konsenja ta ir (trab fin) gall-impjanti tarreverse osmosis tal-Korporazzjoni gal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Advt. No. WSC/T/62/2016. Framework agreement for the

supply and delivery of hydrated lime (fine powder) for the
reverse osmosis plants of the Water Services Corporation.

Avvi Nru. WSC/T/64/2016. Bai ta ftehim gall-provvista

u konsenja ta kloru likwidu gall-impjanti tar-reverse osmosis
tal-Korporazzjoni gal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Advt. No. WSC/T/64/2016. Framework agreement for the

supply and delivery of liquid chlorine for the reverse osmosis
plants of the Water Services Corporation.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 31 ta Jannar, 2017, gal:
*Avvi Nru. WSC/T/65/2016. Provvista u konsenja
ta electric horizontal centrifugal surface pumps gallKorporazzjoni gal Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Up to 9.30 a.m. of Tuesday, 31st January, 2017, for:
*Advt. No. WSC/T/65/2016. Supply and delivery of an
electric horizontal centrifugal surface pumps for the Water
Services Corporation.

*Avvi li qed joro gall-ewwel darba

*Advertisement appearing for the first time

Id-dokumenti huma mingajr las.

No participation fee is required.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti jistgu jinkisbu minn fuq l-Electronic

Procurement System: ( Trid
issir reistrazzjoni sabiex isir uu minn dan is-sit. Operaturi
ekonomii Maltin jetie ikollhom l-Organisation e-ID
sabiex ikunu jistgu jidlu fdan is-sit. Iktar informazzjoni
tista tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit.

Tender documents are obtainable from the Electronic

Procurement System: ( Registration
is required in order to make use of this website. Maltese economic
operators need to be in possession of their Organisation e-ID in
order to access this website. More information is available from
the FAQ Section of the same website.

Operaturi ekonomii li huma interessati sabiex

jipparteipaw fdawn is-sejiet gal offerti huma mea
jiedu nota tal-workshops organizzati mid-Dipartiment
tal-Kuntratti. Fdawn il-workshops, operaturi ekonomii
jkollhom l-opportunit sabiex isiru jafu ajar kif gandhom
jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-offerti taghom online. Iktar
informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.

Economic operators interested in participating in these

calls for tender are urged to take note of the workshops
being organized by the Department of Contracts. During
these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that
economic operators familiarise themselves with compiling and
submitting their tender online. More information is available
in the tender document.

Il-pubbliku jista jattendi waqt il-ftu u reistrazzjoni talofferti fil-in u d-data msemmija aktar il fuq.

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling

of tenders at the time and date specified above.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016

Korporazzjoni gar-Rienerazzjoni
tal-Port il-Kbir

Grand Harbour Regeneration

Corporation PLC

Il-Korporazzjoni gar-Rienerazzjoni tal-Port il-Kbir

tgarraf illi:

The Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation plc

notifies that:

Sa nofsinhar tal-amis, 9 ta Frar, 2017, jintlaqgu

offerti kompluti, inklu id-dokumentazzjoni
supplimentari, li gandhom jittellgu fuq is-sistema
e-PPS gal:

Complete offers will be received together with the

required supplimentary documentation are requested
to be uploaded on the e-PPS system by not later than
noon of Thursday, 9th February, 2017, for:

Avvi Nru. GHRC/043/2016-TS. Xoglijiet mekkanii

u elettrii fil-Landfront Ditch, il-Belt Valletta.

Advt. No. GHRC/043/2016-TS. Mechanical and

electrical works at the Landfront Ditch, Valletta.

Il-parteipazzjoni gal din l-offerta hija bla las u

partijiet interessati jistgu jiksbu aess gad-dokumenti
tal-offerta mill-Electronic Procurement Portal (e-PPS)
tal-Gvern ta Malta.

Participation in this tendering procedure is free of

charge and interested parties may access the tender
documents on the Government of Maltas Electronic
Procurement Portal (e-PPS).

Korporazzjoni gar-Rienerazzjoni tal-Port il-Kbir,

email: (

Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation plc,

email: (

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702



L-Uffijal Kap Eekuttiv ta Heritage Malta jgarraf illi:

The Chief Executive Officer, Heritage Malta notifies that:

Sa nofsinhar ta nhar it-Tlieta, 31 ta Jannar, 2017,

fHeritage Malta, Bini tal-Eks Sptar Navali, Triq ilMarina, Bighi, il-Kalkara, jintlaqgu proposti magluqa
tal-istadju 1, gal:

Sealed proposals for stage 1 will be received at Heritage

Malta, Ex Royal Naval Hospital, Triq il-Marina, Bighi,
Kalkara. The proposals will be accepted by not later than
noon of Tuesday, 31st January, 2017, for:

Avvi Nru. GHRC/037/2016-CG (HM28.10.2016). Seja

ta proposti gal Espressjoni/jiet Artistika/i gall-Entratura
tal-Belt Valletta.

Advt. No. GHRC/037/2016-CG (HM28.10.2016). Call for

proposals for the Artistic Expression/s at City Gate, Valletta.

Il-formoli ta l-offerta u kull tagrif ieor jistgu jinkisbu

billi tintbagt e-mail lil: (

Tender forms and other information may be obtained by

sending an e-mail to: (

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Direttorat tal-Anzjanit Attiva
u Kura fil-Komunit

23rd December, 2016

active ageing and community care

Id-Direttur, Anzjanit Attiva u Kura fil-Komunit jgarraf

The Director, Active Ageing and Community Care notifies


Jintlaqgu kwotazzjonijiet sal-urnata u l-in indikati

hawn tat. Il-kwotazzjonijiet gandhom jintbagtu online
BISS fuq (

Quotations will be received on the date and time indicated

below. Quotations are to be submitted online ONLY on


Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-imga, it-13 ta Jannar, 2017, gal:

Kwot. Nru. Q50/2016 AACCD/135/2016. Provvista
u konsenja ta gypsum spares gad-Direttorat, Anzjanit
Attiva u Kura fil-Komunit (AACCD).
Id-dokument huwa bla las.

Up to 9.30 a.m. of Friday, 13th January, 2017, for:

Quot. No. Q50/2016 AACCD/135/2016. Supply
and delivery of gypsum spares for the Active Ageing and
Community Care Directorate (AACCD).
No participation fee is required.

( Trid issir reistrazzjoni
sabiex isir uu minn dan is-sit. Operaturi ekonomii Maltin
jetie ikollhom l-Organisation e-ID sabiex ikunu jistgu
jidlu fdan is-sit. Iktar informazzjoni tista tinkiseb misSezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit.

Quotation documents are obtainable from the Electronic

Procurement System: (
Registration is required in order to make use of this website.
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of
their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same

Operaturi ekonomii li huma interessati sabiex

jipparteipaw fdin is-seja gall-kwotazzjonijiet huma
mea jiedu nota tal-workshops organizzati mid-Dipartiment
tal-Kuntratti. Fdawn il-workshops, operaturi ekonomii se
jkollhom l-opportunit sabiex isiru jafu ajar kif gandhom
jikkompilaw u jissottomettu il-kwotazzjoni taghom online.
Iktar informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta.

Economic operators interested in participating in this

call for quotations are urged to take note of the workshops
being organised by the Department of Contracts. During
these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that
economic operators familiarise themselves with compiling
and submitting their quotation online. More information is
available in the tender document.

Il-pubbliku jista jattendi waqt il-ftu u reistrazzjoni talofferti fil-in u d-data msemmija aktar il fuq.

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling

of tenders at the time and date specified above.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

Transport Malta
Transport Malta tgarraf illi:

Transport Malta
Transport Malta notifies that:

Offerti elettronii jintlaqgu sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta,

24 ta Jannar, 2017, gal:

Electronic tenders will be received up to 9.30 a.m. of

Tuesday, 24th January, 2017, for:

Avvi Nru. TM073/2016. vilupp ta nautical information

mobile application.

Advt. No. TM073/2016. Development of nautical

information mobile application.

Il-parteipazzjoni hija mingajr las.

Participation is free of charge.

biss minn fuq l-Electronic Public Procurement
System ( Gandha ssir
reistrazzjoni sabiex issir sottomissjoni minn dan is-sit.
Operaturi Ekonomii Maltin jetie ikollhom l-Organisation
e-ID alli jagmlu din is-sottomissjoni. Iktar informazzjoni
tista tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit.

Tender documents are only obtainable from the

Electronic Public Procurement System (http://www. is required in order to submit
through this website. Maltese economic operators need to
be in possession of their Organisation e-ID in order to make
their submission. More information is available from the
FAQ Section of the same website.

Operaturi ekonomii li huma interessati sabiex jipparteipaw

fdin is-seja gal offerti huma mea jiedu nota gallworkshop li sejjer jigi organizzat mid-Dipartiment tal-Kuntratti
fejn, fdawn il-workshops, operaturi ekonomii se jkollhom
l-opportunit sabiex isiru jafu ajar kif gandhom jikkompilaw
u jissottomettu l-offerti taghom online.

Economic operators interested in participating in this call

for tenders are urged to take note of a workshop to familiarise
themselves with compiling and submitting a tender online.
More information on this workshop is available in the tender

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016




Id-Direttorat gas-Servizzi u Inizjattivi jgarraf li offerti

elettronii rigward dan l-avvi se jintlaqgu sad-data u l-in
indikati hawn tat. L-offerti gandhom jintbagtu online
BISS fuq (

The Directorate for Services and Initiatives notifies that

electronic tenders in respect of the following notice will be
received on the day and time indicated below. Tenders are
to be submitted online ONLY on (

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tnejn, 9 ta Jannar, 2017, gal:

Up to 9.30 a.m. of Monday, 9th January, 2017 for:

Avvi Nru. MEIB/177/16/2/01. Kiri ta failitajiet gal

konferenza li jinkludi l-provvediment ta ikel u xorb matul
konferenza ta urnata u akkomodazzjoni gal madwar
goxrin delegat li ser jattendu l-istess konferenza.

Advt. No. MEIB/177/16/2/01. Hiring of conference

facilities including catering for a one day conference and
accommodation for circa twenty delegates attending the
same conference.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgu jinkisbu biss minn

fuq l-Electronic Public Procurement System (http://www. Trid issir reistrazzjoni sabiex isir uu
minn dan is-sit. Operaturi ekonomii Maltin jetie ikollhom
l-Organisation e-ID sabiex ikunu jistgu jidlu fdan is-sit.
Iktar informazzjoni tista tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ talistess sit.

Tender documents are only obtainable from the Electronic

Public Procurement System (
Registration is required in order to make use of this website:
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of
their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

Operaturi ekonomii interessati sabiex jipparteipaw

fdawn is-sejiet gal offerti huma mea jiedu nota
tal-workshops organizzati mid-Dipartiment tal-Kuntratti.
Fdawn il-workshops se jsiru simulazzjonijiet sabiex operaturi
ekonomii jiffamiljarizzaw ruhom bil-kompilazzjoni
u sottomissjoni tal-offerti online. Iktar informazzjoni
tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta. Dawn il-workshops huma
intenzjonati BISS gal dawk l-operaturi ekonomii li
besiebhom jissottomettu offerta gal din l-offerta; operaturi
prospettivi orajn huma mistiedna jattendu wada missensiela ta sessjonijiet ta informazzjoni organizzati midDipartiment tal-Kuntratti sabiex tingata arsa enerali talproeduri odda tal-electronic procurement.

Economic operators interested in participating in these

current calls for quotations are urged to take note of the
workshops being organised by the Department of Contracts.
During these workshops, simulations will be carried
out so that economic operators familiarise themselves
with compiling and submitting their tender online. More
information is available in the document. These workshops
are ONLY intended to economic operators that intend to
submit an offer for these tenders; other prospective operators
are invited to attend one of the information sessions currently
being organised by the Department of Contracts that give an
overview of the new electronic procurement procedures.

Il-pubbliku jista jattendi waqt il-ftu u reistrazzjoni talofferti fil-in u d-data msemmija aktar il fuq.

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling

of tenders at the time and dates specified above.

Din l-offerta qed tii kkunsidrata sabiex tii parzjalment

iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea tat il-Fond COSME
Programme (2014-2020).

This tender is being considered for European Union partfinancing under the European Unions COSME Programme

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016




Espressjoni ta Interess Inga ta Esperti fil-Qasam

tal-Online Marketing

Expression of Interest Engagement of Experts

in the Field of Online Marketing

L-Awtorit ta Malta dwar il-Komunikazzjoni (MCA) qed

tingaa espert estern gal madwar 50 siega biex jassisti
fi proett ta rierka relatata mal-preenza online ta kaini
tal-banda bl-iskop li tippriserva u tippromovi l-wirt kulturali
lokali. Tingata preferenza lill-esperti bi sfond professjonali
fl-online marketing, u binteress qawwi fil-kultura/wirt Malti
u t-teknoloija. Il-proett se jkun jikkonsisti few faijiet
kif deskritt hawn tat:

The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) is engaging

an external expert for an estimated 50 hours to assist in a
research project related to the online presence of band clubs
with the aim of preserving and promoting the local cultural
heritage. Experts with a professional background in online
marketing, and with a keen interest in Maltese culture/heritage
and technology will be preferred. The project shall consist of
two phases as described below:

Jieu sieb jagmel rierka dokumentata u revijoni tassitwazzjoni kurrenti rigward il-preenza online ta kaini
tal-banda permezz ta webpages/portals, mezzi differenti ta
midja sojali u servizzi ora bbaati fuq l-internet. Jattendi u
jippresiedi laqgat masuba ma kaini tal-banda magula biex
ikun magruf ajar kif kaini tal-banda jutilizzaw l-internet,
xbenefiju jiggwadanjaw mill-uu tiegu, u r-restrizzjonijiet li
jiffajaw biex jisfruttaw dawn l-opportunitajiet. Ifasslu rapport
li jinkludi: is-sejbiet, azzjoni rakkomandata biex tittieed
minn kaini tal-banda biex itejbu l-preenza online taghom,
u jidentifikaw tiiet partikolari ta tari.

Undertaking desk research to analyse and review the

current situation with regard to the presence band clubs have
online through webpages/portals, different social media
platforms and other internet based services. Attend and
chair focused meetings with selected band clubs to further
understand how band clubs utilise the Internet, what benefit
they seek to exploit from its use, and the restraints they face
in exploiting these opportunities. Draw up a report to include:
the findings, recommended action to be taken by band clubs
to improve their online presence, and identify any particular
training needs.

Jipparteipaw fworkshop fejn kaini tal-banda jiu

ppreentati bnumru ta suerimenti li jiffokaw fuq kif

Participate in a workshop through where band clubs will

be presented with a number of suggestions focusing on how

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


jistgu jtejbu l-preenza taghom online, ifittxu l-ajar uu

ta search engine, itejbu l-website navigation u l-uu tagha,
u jkollhom kuntatt ajar online man-nies permezz tal-mezzi
tal-midja soali, fost l-orajn.

they can improve their online presence, seek search engine

optimisation, improve on website navigation and usability,
and better engage with people online through social media
channels, amongst others.

Biex wieed ikun jista japplika gal din l-espressjoni ta

interess, applikanti gandu jkollhom Degree fil-Management
jew eBusiness/eCommerce u juru esperjenza fil-qasam talinternet marketing.

In order to be eligible to respond to this expression of

interest, applicants must hold a Degree in Management or
eBusiness/eCommerce and demonstrate experience in the
field of internet marketing.

Barra minn dan, l-applikant gandu jigura li huwa/hija

jaqbel mal-kundizzjonijiet imsemmija hawn tat kemm-il
darba jii offrut kuntratt ta servizz.

Furthermore, the applicant must confirm that he/she would

adhere to the below conditions should a contract for service
be offered.

L-esperti se jitallsu brata ta inga fis-siega li ma

taqbix l-40 (erbgin ewro) mingajr VAT.

Experts will be remunerated on a per hour engagement

rate of 40 (forty euro) net of VAT.

L-espert biss jista jadem fuq ix-xogol metie. L-ebda

xogol, jew parti minn, ma tista tii mgoddija lil addieor
jew mogtija lil impjegati jew esperti ora.

Only the expert may work on the engagement. No task, or

part of, may be subcontracted or reassigned to subordinates
or other experts.

L-MCA ma tagmilx tajjeb gal xi remunerazzjoni jew

allowance finanzjarja biex tkopri spejje jew telf li jsofri
l-Espert rigward trasport, akkomodazzjoni, spejje ta kuljum,
oetti ta konsum u failitajiet ta xogol.

The MCA will not make available any remuneration or

financial allowance to cover costs or disruption incurred by the
Expert in relation to transport, accommodation, subsistence,
consumables and working facilities.

Applikazzjonijiet, li jinkludu CVs, gandhom jintbagtu flindirizz elttroniku: ( sa mhux aktar
tard mill-11.00 a.m. (UTC+1) tal-imga, it-13 ta Jannar,
2017. Applikanti eliibbli jkunu mistennija jattendu gal
intervista. Il-kandidati jintgalu skont is-CV u l-kwalifiki u
l-esperjenza kollha taghom.

Applications, including CVs, are to be sent to the following

email address: ( by not later than
Friday, 13th January, 2017, at 11.00 a.m. (UTC+1). Eligible
applicants will be expected to attend an interview. Candidates
will be selected based upon their CV and overall qualifications
and experience.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016



Is-CEO (Procurement u Provvisti, Ministeru

gas-Saa) jgarraf illi sottomissjonijiet gas-seja
kompetittiva ERU bir-referenza ERU Ref. Nru: 2612U16
jintlaqgu sal-10.00 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 27 ta Diembru, 2016.

The CEO (Procurement and Supplies, Ministry for

Health) notifies that submissions for the ERU competitive
call with reference ERU Ref. No: 2612U16 will be received
up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 27th December, 2016.

Sejiet kompetittivi tal-Emergency Response Unit (ERU)

jistgu jitnilu mill-website tas-CPSU (

Emergency Response Unit (ERU) Competitive Calls can

be downloaded from CPSU website (

Sottomossjonijiet gal din is-seja kompetittiva jistgu

jintbagtu BISS bl-email (emergency.procurement-unit.

Submissions for this call for competition are to be

submitted ONLY via email (emergency.procurement-unit.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702



Is-CEO (Procurement u Provvisti), fil-Ministeru gasSaa jgarraf illi:

The Chief Executive Officer (Procurement and Supplies),

in the Ministry for Health notifies that:

Jintlaqgu offerti elettronii rigward l-avvi li ej

sal-11.00 a.m. tal-imga, 27 ta Jannar, 2017. L-offerti
gandhom jintbagtu BISS online fuq (www.etenders. gal:

Electronic tenders in respect of the following notice

will be received up to 11.00 a.m. on Friday, 27th January,
2017. Tenders are to be submitted ONLY online on (www. for:

CFT 021-10056/16. Provvista ta partijiet tas-saqajn tattiie iffriati u sidra tat-tiiea.

CFT 021-10056/16. Supply of frozen chicken legs quarters

and chicken breast.

Dan id-dokument tal-offerta huwa mingajr las.

This tender document is free of charge.

Id-dokumenti tal-kwotazzjonijiet/offerti jinkisbu biss millElectronic Public Procurement System: (

mt). Ir-reistrazzjoni hija metiea sabiex tkun tista tintua
l-website. Operaturi ekonomii Maltin gandu jkollhom l-eID tal-Organizzazzjoni taghom sabiex ikunu jistgu jidlu
fdin il-website. Aktar tagrif jinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ
tal-istess website.

Quotation/tender documents are only obtainable from

the Electronic Public Procurement System (www.etenders. Registration is required in order to make use of this
website. Maltese economic operators need to be in possession
of their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website.
More information is available from the FAQ Section of the
same website.

Il-pubbliku jista jattendi waqt il-ftu u l-iskedar talkwotazzjonijiet/offerti fil-inijiet u d-dati msemmija hawn fuq.

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling

of quotations/tender at the times and dates specified above.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

L-Awtorit Maltija dwar il-Logob tgarraf li:
Offerti elettronii rigward dan l-avvi se jintlaqgu
sal-urnata u l-in indikati hawn tat. L-offerti gandhom
jintbagtu online BISS fuq (
Sal-10.30 a.m. tat-Tnejn, 16 ta Jannar, 2017, gal:

23rd December, 2016

The Malta Gaming Authority notifies that:
Electronic tenders in respect of the following notice will be
received on the day and time indicated below. Tenders are to be
submitted online ONLY on (
Up to 10.30 a.m. of Monday, 16th January, 2017, for:

Avvi Nru. MGA/04/2016. Provvediment ta servizzi ta

tindif fl-Awtorit Maltija dwar il-Logob

Advt. No. MGA/04/2016. Provision of cleaning services

at the Malta Gaming Authority.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta jistgu jinkisbu biss minn

fuq l-Electronic Public Procurement System (http://www. Trid issir reistrazzjoni sabiex isir uu
minn dan is-sit. Operaturi ekonomii Maltin jetie ikollhom
l-Organisation e-ID sabiex ikunu jistgu jidlu fdan is-sit.
Iktar informazzjoni tista tinkiseb mis-Sezzjoni tal-FAQ talistess sit.

Tender documents are only obtainable from the Electronic

Public Procurement System (
Registration is required in order to make use of this website.
Maltese economic operators need to be in possession of
their Organisation e-ID in order to access this website. More
information is available from the FAQ Section of the same

Operaturi ekonomii interessati sabiex jipparteipaw

fdawn is-sejiet gall-offerti huma mea jiedu nota talworkshops organizzati mid-Dipartiment tal-Kuntratti. Fdawn

Economic operators interested in participating in these

current calls for tender are urged to take note of the workshops
being organised by the Department of Contracts. During

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016


il-workshops, se jsiru simulazzjonijiet sabiex operaturi

ekonomii jiffamiljarizzaw ruhom bil-kumpilazzjoni u
sottomissjoni tal-offerti online. Iktar informazzjoni tinsab fiddokument tal-offerta. Dawn il-workshops huma intenzjonati
BISS gal dawk l-operaturi ekonomii li besiebhom
jissottomettu offerta gal dawn l-offerti: operaturi prospettivi
orajn huma mistiedna jattendu wada mis-sensiela ta
sessjonijiet ta informazzjoni organizzati mid-Dipartiment talKuntratti sabiex tingata arsa enerali tal-proeduri odda
tal-electronic procurement.

these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that

economic operators familiarise themselves with compiling
and submitting their tender online. More information is
available in the tender document. These workshops are
ONLY intended to economic operators that intend to submit
an offer for these tenders: other prospective operators are
invited to attend one of the information sessions currently
being organised by the Department of Contracts that give
an overview of the new electronic procurement procedures.

Il-pubbliku jista jattendi waqt il-ftu u reistrazzjoni talofferti fil-in u d-data msemmija aktar il fuq.

The public may attend during the opening and scheduling

of tenders at the time and dates specified above.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016


Il-Kunsill Lokali ta al Gargur jgarraf illi:


The al Gargur Local Council notifies that:

Offerti gandhom jintlaqgu mill-Kunsill Lokali ta

al Gargur permezz tal-ePPS sal-11.30 a.m. ta nhar
it-Tnejn, 23 ta Jannar, 2017, gal:

Tenders will be received at the al Gargur Local

Council through ePPS, up to 11.30 a.m. on Monday, 23rd
January, 2017, for:

Knis u tindif tat-toroq gall-Kunsill Lokali ta al


Street sweeping and cleaning for the al Gargur

Local Council.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta huma bla las u jiu miksuba/

milquga BISS minn fuq is-sit elettroniku (www.etenders.

Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed/

submitted ONLY through the e-tenders website on (www.

Kull kjarifika jew addenda lid-dokument jittellgu fuq ilwebsite u wieed jista jarahom jew iniilhom mill-istess sit.

Any clarifications or addenda to the tender document will

be uploaded and available to view and download from this
same website.

Il-Kunsill Lokali jomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta,

anke l-aktar wada vantaua.

The Local Council reserves the right to refuse any offer,

even the most advantageous.

It-23 ta Diembru, 2016

23rd December, 2016


The patent/s indicated below has/have been amended in terms of the Patents and Designs Act 2000:
(21) EPR398/2195450
(22) Filing date: 22 Aug 2008

(73) TrovaGene, Inc


Interested parties may give notice of an opposition within sixty (60) days from date of this publication in accordance with
the Patents and Designs Act 2000.
23rd December, 2016

Comptroller of Industrial Property


Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta Malta 19,702

AvviI tal-Qorti Court NoticeS

Bdiriet tal-14 ta Diembru, 2016, mogti millQorti tal-Prim Awla ivili (Malta), din il-Qorti ordnat ilpubblikazzjoni tal-estratt li jidher hawn tat biex iservi ta
notifika skont l-Artikolu 187(3) tal-Kodii tal-Proedura u
Organizzazzjoni ivili (Kap.12).

By a decree of the 14th December, 2016, given by

the First Hall of the Civil Courts, ordered that the extract
hereunder mentioned be published for the purpose of service
according to article 187(3) of the Code of Organization and
Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).

Illi brikors ippreentat minn Philip Zammit fis-26

ta Settembru, 2016, qed jintalab l-ibank fl-ammont ta
3770.79 depoitati bedola numru 124/11 fl-ismijiet:

That by the application filed by Philip Zammit on 26th

September, 2016, is asking for the withdrawal of the amount
of 3770.79 deposited by the schedule of deposit number
124/11 in the names of:

Joseph Vella (KI 329254M) pro et noe vs Philip Zammit

(KI 71099M)

Joseph Vella (ID 329254M) pro et noe vs Philip Zammit

(ID 71099M)

Il-Qorti ordnat in-notifika lill-kontroparti bamest ijiem


The Court ordered the notification of this application to

the interested parties with the right to reply in five days.

Reistru tal-Qorti Prim Awla, Qrati ivili (Malta), illum

l-20 ta Diembru, 2016

Registry of the First Hall of Civil Courts (Malta), today

the 20th December, 2016
Marvic Farrugia
For Registrar of Courts and Civil Tribunals

Marvic Farrugia
Gar-Reistratur, Qrati ivili u Tribunali
Bdigriet tat-17 ta Ottubru, 2016, mogti mill-Qorti
ivili PrimAwla, din il-Qorti ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni
tal-estratt li jidher hawn tat biex iservi ta notifika skont
l-artikolu 338 (1) tal-Kodii tal-Proedura u Organizzazzjoni
ivili (Kap.12).

By a decree of the 17th October, 2016, given by the

First Hall Civil Court, the Court ordered that the extract
hereunder mentioned be published for the purpose of service
according to article 338(1) of the Code of Organization and
Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).

Illi brikors u edola ta kompensazzjoni kontestwalment

preentati minn Cassar Ship Repair Limited (C 6929) fl-14 ta
Ottubru, 2016, qed tintalab tpaija tal-ammont ta 48,500,
prezz minnhom offert fil-bejg bl-irkant 4/16 fl-ismijiet
Cassar Ship Repair Limited vs M.V. Tiuboda mimum tat
l-Awtorit ta din il-Qorti fl-10 ta Ottubru, 2016.

That by application and a schedule of set-off filed

contemporaneously by Cassar Ship Repair Limited (C 6929)
on the 14th October, 2016, the approval of the said judicial
acts is being demanded for the amount of 48,500, following
judicial sale by auction 4/16 in the names Cassar Ship Repair
Limited vs M.V. Tiuboda held under the Authority of the
said Court on the 10th October, 2016.

Skont Artiklu 338 (2) tal-Kapitlu 12: Kull min jista jkollu
interess u l-persuni hekk notifikati gandhom mien goxrin
urnata biex jippreentaw tweiba li fiha jiddikjaraw biddettall ir-raunijiet gall-oppoizzjoni taghom u s-somom
kontestati; u meta dik l-oppoizzjoni tkun imseja fuq talba
li tolqot ir-rikavat tal-bejg u allegata kawa ta preferenza,
huma gandhom jiddikjaraw l-ammont ta dik it-talba u
l-bai gal dik il-preferenza. Dawn il-persuni gandhom
flimkien mar-risposta jippreentaw kull prova relevanti
sabiex jissostanzjaw l-opoizzjoni taghom.

According to Article 338 (2) of Cap. 12: Any person

who may have an interest and the persons so served shall
be allowed the time of twenty days to file an answer stating
in detail the reasons for their opposition and the amounts in
contestation; and where such opposition is based on a claim
against the proceeds of sale an alleged cause of preference,
they are to state the amount of such claim and the basis for
the preference. Such persons shall with the answer file all
relevant evidence to substantiate their opposition.

Reistru tal-Qorti Superjuri, illum it-Tlieta, it-18 ta

Ottubru, 2016

Registry of the Superior Courts, this Tuesday, 18th

October, 2016

Marvic Farrugia
Gar-Reistratur, Qrati ivili u Tribunali

Marvic Farrugia
For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni ( Valletta Published by the Department of Information ( Valletta
Mitbug fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta riiklata Printed at the Government Printing Press on recycled paper

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