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Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako Vol. 1 No.

1, Januari 2015 : 1 - 10

hospital that has the number of cases of

An inguinal hernia is a surgical case most

inguinal hernia were hospitalized the period

after appendicitis. Until now, this is still a

2010 - 2011 Most ie 269 cases. [4] In 2012,

challenge in improving the health status of

the number of cases of inguinal hernia who

the community because of the cost required

are hospitalized in the Central Sulawesi is

in handling and loss of labor due to a slow

270 cases.

recovery and recurrence rate. The amount of

While the number of cases of inguinal

the costs required for the handling of hernia

hernia who are hospitalized in the city of

can also cause the socioeconomic problems.

Palu in 2012 is 244 cases. [5] Therefore, the


authors felt it was important to conduct

Of the cases of all types of abdominal

research on the characteristics of patients

hernias, 75% of inguinal hernia. Ingunalis

with inguinal hernia in Palu Anutapura

lateral hernia was found about 50% while

General Hospital in 2012.

the hernia ingunalis medial femoral hernia


25% and about 15% and 10% more

This research is a descriptive research.

abdominal hernia. [2] Bank Indonesia


Health Ministry data says that based on the

conducted by analyzing secondary data from

distribution of the digestive system diseases

medical records of patients with inguinal

according to the category of inpatient

hernia in 2012, and considering the rules and

hospital in Indonesia since 2004, hernia

ethics of doing research. Sampling was done

ranks 8th with a number of 18 145 cases,

by purposive sampling techniques, sample

273 of them died. Of the total, 15 051 of

size that have met the inclusion and

which occur in men and 3,094 cases occur in

exclusion criteria as many as 80 people.

women. [3]


According to data from the Central Sulawesi


Provincial Health Office, the number of

sociodemographic (age, occupation, and

cases of inguinal hernia who are hospitalized

gender), the chief complaint, classification

in the year 2010 - 2011 is 410 cases. This is

based on an exit organ, a classification based

the number of cases of inguinal hernia that

on the nature, recurrence, co-morbidities, the

occurs in 6 hospitals in Central Sulawesi.

action and the current state of exit.

Palu Anutapura General Hospital is a

Preparations of this data is done by editing,

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Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako Vol. 1 No. 1, Januari 2015 : 1 - 10

coding, entry and tabulating, with the use of

Table 4. Distribution of patients according to

SPSS software version 17. The timing of


this study was conducted in April 2013. The

Hospital Anutapura Palu in 2012

study was conducted at the General Hospital

Table 4 shows that patients who experience

Anutapura Palu.

recurrence of inguinal hernia as many as 1


(1.2%) and that did not experience a

Table 1. Distribution of inguinal hernia

recurrence amounted to 79 people (98.8%).

patients according to age groups at the

Table 5. Distribution of patients according to

General Hospital in 2012 Anutapura Palu

the classification of inguinal hernia organ

Table 1 shows that the age group of patients

discharge lines at the General Hospital in

with inguinal hernia highest age group> 60

2012 Anutapura Palu

years as many as 28 people (35%), and the

Table 5 shows that this type of hernia is the

lowest is in the group of 11-20 years of the 1

highest classification organ discharge path


experienced by patients with inguinal hernia

Table 2. Distribution of patients with

is HIL (D) as many as 43 people (53.8%),

inguinal hernia according to the job at

and the lowest was HIM (D) and bilateral

General Hospital Anutapura Palu in 2012

inguinal hernia, respectively as many as 1

Table 2 shows that this class of patients with


inguinal hernia highest job is self-employed

Table 6. Distribution of patients with

as many as 23 people (28.8%), and the

inguinal hernia by classification properties

lowest is in the work of students and

Anutapura General Hospital in Palu in 2012

members of the House of Representatives

Table 6 shows that the type of hernia highest

namely respectively of 1 (1.2%).

classification based on nature experienced

Table 3. Distribution of inguinal hernia

by patients with inguinal hernia is reponibel

patients according to sex at the General

many as 66 people (82.5%), and the lowest

Hospital in 2012 Anutapura Palu

was irreponibel (accreta) as many as six

Table 3 shows that the highest groups of

people (7.5%).

patients with inguinal hernias are inguinal

Table 7. Distribution of patients with

hernia patients with male sex as many as 79

inguinal hernia by action at the General

people (98.8%), while the lowest are the

Hospital in 2012 Anutapura Palu

female sex as many as 1 (1.2%).

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Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako Vol. 1 No. 1, Januari 2015 : 1 - 10

Table 7 shows that the action of the most

the General Hospital in Palu in 2012

widely given to patients with inguinal hernia


is operating as many as 76 people (95%),

Table 10 shows that the type of the main

and the least was not operating as many as 4


people (5%).

inguinal hernia patients treated at the

Table 8. Distribution of Inguinal Hernia

hospital when the top is a lump in the groin


appeared lost as many as 29 people (36.2%)










Anutapura General Hospital in Palu in 2012

and the least is the scrotal sac enlargement

Table 8 shows that the current state of

can not be lost as much as 3 people (3.8%)

inguinal hernia patients discharged from the

hospital the most is improved by 76 people


(95%), and the least was not improved as

From the age of 30 years, a person will

much as 4 people (5%).


Table 9. Distribution of Patients with

physiological function and change - change



in the structure. The decline in physiological

accompanying Diseases at the General

function and structural changes lead to

Hospital Anutapura Palu Year 2012


Table 9 shows that comorbidities in patients

someone suffering from an illness

suffering from an inguinal hernia inguinal

including diseases that cause an increase in

hernia is currently experiencing the most is

intra-abdominal or other diseases is one of

hypertension as much as 2 (2.5%) and the

the risk factors of inguinal hernia. Besides

least highly variable, namely DM, paralytic

the increasing age of a person, will have



many activities including doing heavy work.

bronchitis, TB lung, umbilical hernia,

According Sjamsuhidajat and Jong [6], the

dyspepsia and anemia respectively of 1

incidence of inguinal hernias increases with

(1.2%). Of all patients with inguinal hernias,

age due to increased illness and the hard

there were 70 people (87.5%) who did not

work that exalts interabdomen pressure and

have comorbidities when suffering from an

reduced the strength of the supporting

inguinal hernia.

network. It was also supported by data from

Table 10. Distribution of patients with

the Provincial Health Office of Central

inguinal hernia main complaint according to

Sulawesi that many patients with inguinal





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Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako Vol. 1 No. 1, Januari 2015 : 1 - 10

hernia that has aged> 25 years in 2012. [5]

or has a chronic illness that can increase

In previous studies, only performed on

intra-abdominal pressure after suffering a

children so that there is no comparative data

recurrence of hernia that can occur. On the

for the present study. Sjamsuhidajat and

lateral inguinal hernia recurrence is most

Jong, [6] states that the self-employed and

often the cause is the closure of the internal

farmers is a job that has a high activity level

inguinal ring inadequate, such as dissection

and is likely to lift heavy loads and done in a

of the hernia bag is less than perfect, etc. On

long time that will lead to an increase in

the medial inguinal hernias cause of relapse

intra-abdominal pressure well in a long time,

is generally due to excessive voltage at the

which is one factor the risk of inguinal

seams plastic or other flaws in technique. [6]



Of all the research that has been done

recurrence rate.

before, and in theory, stating that men are

Sondra Napitupulu, [7] states that the

more likely to have an inguinal hernia than

location of most of inguinal hernia is a

women. Research on children by Sondra

lateral inguinal hernia (100%) and the most

Napitupulu [7] in getting the results 39

that dextra (52.2%). While the results

(84.8%) men and 7 women (15.2%), while

obtained by the Sri Ramadhani [8] is an

research conducted by Sri Ramadhani, [8]

inguinal hernia dextra 64% and 32% of the

showed 88% male and 12% female. The

left inguinal hernia and bilateral 4%.

adult male is more active and lift heavy

Inguinal hernias occur on the right side as

loads that increase intra-abdominal pressure

much as 60%, 20-25% left side, and bilateral

is a risk factor for inguinal hernia. [9] While

15%. [6] A total of 65% a lateral inguinal

the boys more often than girls because of the

hernia and 35% a medial inguinal hernia.

slow closure or obliteration of processus

[10] This occurs because the process of

vaginalis testis is a path that led to the fall of

testicular descent, testis to the right of the

the inguinal hernia.

last decline and usually also the process of

Herniorraphy conducted at research sites are

closing of the processus vaginalis does not

already using the correct technique so that

happen perfectly.

cases of recurrence is very rare. Besides

Causes are more prevalent inguinal hernia

cases of hernia who have a relapse can also

hernia reponibel due to be addressed so that

be caused patient is still doing heavy work

has not happened adhesions or hernia

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Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako Vol. 1 No. 1, Januari 2015 : 1 - 10

sufferers have wide rings that do not pinch

that causes the healing hernia after surgery

the pockets hernia. Inguinal hernias occur

because of blocked or comorbidities and not

ireponibel accreta because of adhesions due

because of the healing obstructed inguinal

to fibrosis. Hernia incarcerated (trapped)

hernia. Morbidities can also be used to

when it sandwiched by hernia ring so that

follow up these patients, for example in

the bag is trapped and can not get back into

patients with chronic cough should also

the abdominal cavity. [6]

monitor cough experienced because it would

An operation in this case herniorraphy

cause the hernia becomes relapse due to

(herniotomy and hernioplasty) an act gold


standard for patients with inguinal hernia.


[10] While all patients who did not undergo

The major complaint of patients complained

surgery due to patient refuses to do surgical

of the emergence of an inguinal hernia bulge

therapy. Management of hernia surgery is

in the crotch of a good that can be lost

good with diagnosis and proper repair

during sleep and are not lost even in a state

techniques and also timely. This is because

of sleep. Clinical signs and symptoms of

the action operative measures are the most

hernia largely determined by the state of the

appropriate for inguinal hernia. The situation

contents of the hernia. Inguinal hernias are

is not improved in the present study due to

commonly found in research today is an

inguinal hernia sufferers refuse operative


action and only given conservative treatment

reponibel hernia complaint only one was a

while being treated in hospital.

lump in the groin that appears on standing,

Research by Ridhuan Ramadan [11] states


that people who suffer from chronic cough

straining, and disappeared after lying down

inguinal hernia more than those who do not

while ireponibel hernia complaints of a lump

suffer from chronic cough. In theory, there is

in the groin that can not be lost even if lying


down. [6]



















experienced by patients with inguinal hernia.






comorbidities in patients with inguinal

Based on the results of research on the

hernia, can be used to see if the length of

characteristics of an inguinal hernia patients

stay is influenced by concomitant disease

who are hospitalized in the Hospital

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Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako Vol. 1 No. 1, Januari 2015 : 1 - 10

Anutapura Palu in 2012, it can be concluded

with inguinal hernia is reponibel many as 66

as follows:

people (82.5%), and the

1. By age, the highest number of patients are

irreponibel (accreta) as many as six people

in the age group> 60 years as many as 28


people (35%), and the lowest is in the group

7. Under the action is given in patients with

of 11-20 years of the 1 (1.2%).

inguinal hernia, the most widely given to

2. Based on the work, the highest number of

patients with inguinal hernia is operating as

patients had a job as a self-employed as

many as 76 people (95%), and the least was

many as 23 people (28.8%), the second is

not operating as many as 4 people (5%).

the farmer as many as 22 people (27.5%)

8. Based on the current state out of the

and the lowest is the work of students and

hospital, state the most is improved by 76

members of the House are each as much as 1

people (95%), and the least was not


improved as much as 4 people (5%).

3. In terms of gender, the number of patients

9. Based on comorbidities, which dididerita

with inguinal hernia that most male sex as

by patients with inguinal hernia inguinal

much as 79 people (98.8%), while the

hernia is currently experiencing the most is

lowest are the female sex as many as 1

hypertension as much as 2 (2.5%) and the


least highly variable, namely DM, paralytic

4. Based on the recurrence, patients who


relapsed by 1 person (1.2%) and the did not


have a relapse amounted to 79 people

umbilical hernia, dyspepsia and anemia


respectively of 1 (1.2%). Of all patients with

5. Based on the classification according to

hernia inguinal, there were 70 people

exit the path hernia organ, the most common

(87.5%) who did not have comorbidities

type suffered by patients with inguinal

when suffering from an inguinal hernia.

hernia is HIL (D) as many as 43 people

10. Under the main complaint, which many

(53.8%), and the lowest was HIM (D) and

complained of inguinal hernia patients

bilateral HIL respectively by 1 people

currently treated at the hospital was a lump


in the groin appeared lost as many as 29

6. Based on the classification by their

people (36.2%) and the least is the scrotal

nature, are mostly experienced by patients

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lowest was





Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako Vol. 1 No. 1, Januari 2015 : 1 - 10

sac enlargement can not be lost as many as

of employees, especially for inguinal hernia

three (3 , 8%).

since a long healing process that will lose

Suggestions for institutional hospitals to

employment as a result of a slow recovery

improve health services, especially for

and recurrence rate. It should also be noted

doctors to provide good service and the right

that job support tools are used so that the

to all patients inguinal hernia good at

workers can work easily. There should be

providing action and provide information

more research on the characteristics of

and education to patients and families about

inguinal hernia as well as the relationship

inguinal hernia and follow up the patient's

between these characteristics.

good for hernia or comorbidities that could


lead to a relapse if any. It is also expected to

1. Surya B. Comparison of Pain Post-

be able to write medical record with

Hernioplasty Shouldice "Pure Tisue" with

complete and clear.


Expected to public attention to signs that

Medicine magazine. 2006; 211-218.

look for inguinal hernia and immediately

2. Stead LG. First aid for the surgery

went to avoid any complications and a poor

clerkships. International edition. The Mc

prognosis if it is given too late action. For

Graw-Hill Companies: Singapore; 2003. 3.

people with age> 30 years that are not often

MOH. Occurrence SistemCerna Inpatient

lift heavy loads alone but raised by some


people or lift heavy loads with the aid of a

Hospitals in Indonesia. Jakarta; 2004.

conveyance, especially for men who are at

4. General Hospital Anutapura Palu. Profile

greater risk so as not to increase intra-

General Hospital Anutapura Palu. RSU.

abdominal pressure. Communities do not

Palu: Anutapura. 2012.

take action themselves and even non-

5. Central Sulawesi Provincial Health

medical treatment that would endanger the

Office. Data situation Morbidity Inpatient

person's condition because of a hernia can

Hospital. PHO. Hammer. 2012.

only be cured by operative action which is

Sjamsuhidajat R, Jong WD. Textbook of

the gold standard measure of inguinal

Surgery. ed.2. EGC: Jakarta; 2004.


7. Napitupulu S. Prevalence of Inguinal

Expected government and employers pay

Hernia in Children in Dr H. Adam Malik

more attention to financing health and safety

period July 2008 - July 2010. 2010 [Cited

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Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako Vol. 1 No. 1, Januari 2015 : 1 - 10

2013 February 7]. Available from: http:

11. Ramadan R. The relationship between


chronic cough with Genesis Inguinal Hernia

in Adult Patients lateral on Digestion

8. Percentage of Genesis Ramadhani S.

Surgery Hospital Dr. Moewardi Surakarta.

Inguinal Hernia lateral in Children in

2010 [Cited 2013 May 29]. Available from:

General Hospital Haji Adam Malik Medan

in 2009. 2009 [Cited 2013 February 24].



/21384 9. Sabiston DC. Textbook of
Surgery. EGC: Jakarta; 2010.
10. Nigam S Nigam VK. Essentials of
Abdominal Wall Hernias. I.K. International
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd: New Delhi;

Healthy Tadulako Journal

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