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Fundamentals of Our Emunajin International Talmidines kehilaj of Yahshua Ha Mash

iachintroductionThis document is presented as a summary of the core beliefs that

were once delivered to the saints , Judas / Judah 1:3 . We invite you to consid
er the following overview of the principles of our emunaj , and that " scrutiniz
e everything and retain what is good, "1 Thessalonians / Tesaloniqim alef 5:21 .
We affirm that the following is true according to the inspired word of Yahweh :S
by Yahweh , and reveals knowledge that one can not learn alone. We must live by
every word that proceeds from the mouth of Yahweh , Matthew / Mattiyah 4:4 . "Al
l Scripture is inspired by Yahweh , and is useful for teaching , rebuking, corre
cting and training in righteousness, " 3:16 Timotio bet . " That no prophecy of
Scripture is of any private interpretation " 2 Peter / Kefa bet 1:20. We must no
t add or take away from Scripture , Deuteronomy / Devarim 4:12; 12:32; Disclosur
e / Hitgalut 22:18 ." YAHWEH" ( ???? ) THE ABBA / FATHER. 2 That the Abba / Fath
er was the sole designer of all creation through His Son at the beginning of His
creation , Mishlei / Proverbs 8:22, 31; Revelacion/Hitgalt3 : 14 ; Qolasiyim / C
olossians 1:15-17 . The name Abba / Father in Heaven , as in the original Script
ures in their FONETICA is "Yahweh" and the Hebrew Scripture is ( ???? ) , Tehill
im / Psalm 68:4 ; Yeshayahu / Isaiah 42:8 ; Yimeyahu / Jeremiah 16:21; Yahweh is
His Name always stop , Shemot / Exodus 3:14-15 ; Yeshayahu / Isaiah 63:12 , 66:
5 . His Majestic Name is exclusive of the whole family of Yahweh ( ???? ) , Tehi
llim / Psalms 22:22, Yonahan / John 17:11 ; Efesiyim / Ephesians 3:14-15 . He is
the source of all power and authority, all thanks and reverence should be direc
ted to Him, Mattiyah / Matthew 4:10; 6:9; Qolasiyim / Colossians 1:12; James / J
ames 1:17 ; Alef/1Pedro Kefa 2:5 . Yahweh ( ???? ) is ruach / spirit Yonahan / J
ohn 4:24 ; and all worship is directed to Him in the name of His Son Yahshua Mes
siah / Messiah Yonahan / John 14:6 , Efesiyim / Ephesians 5:20 .SON " YAHSHUA "
( ???? )Yahshua is the correct phonetic name of the Savior , a contraction of th
e combination of " YAHweh " " Shua " in Ivrim / Hebrew means " salvation." ( The
forms apocopada Yeshua is not) . Then Yahshua ( ???? ) IS YOUR NAME IN HEBREW Aramaic , meaning " Yahweh is salvation , " because He is the salvation that Ya
hweh gave us men to be saved , Maaseh / Acts 4:12 . Gleefully accept the names r
evealed by our glorious Abba / Heavenly Father Yahweh and His wonderful Son , ou
r Savior , Yahshua ( ???? ) Moshiach / Messiah. Yahshua is the Speaker , the Wor
d (Hebrew, davar ) that existed and was with the Father, Yahweh. Bereshit / Gene
sis 1:26; Yonahan / John 1:1-3 ; 8:58; 13:3 ; Qorintiyim alef/1Corintos 10:4; Qo
lasiyim / Colossians 1:15-17 . He laid aside His heavenly glory , denying the ri
ghts of the sky. Came in human form as a servant , Yonahan / John 17:5 ; Filipiy
im / Philippians 2:5-7 ; Messianic Jews / Hebrews 2:6-14 ; was born of a virgin
named Miriam by the power of Yahweh ; Mattiyah / Matthew 1:18,23 ; Luga / Luke 1
:26-38 ; His name came to Abba / Father YAH , Yonahan / John 5:43 . He lived his
life without sin, Yeshayahu / Isaiah 53:9 ; Alef/1Pedro Kefa 2:22, and was rais
ed from the dead by the Abba / Father after three days and three nights , accord
ing to the Scriptures , Mattiyah / Matthew 12:40; Maaseh / Acts 3:15 ; Qorintiyi
m alef/1Corintos 15:3-4 ; He ascended into heaven and sat at the right hand of Y
ahweh our Abba / Father Luga / Luke 24:51 ; Messianic Jews / Hebrews 1:13 . Now
is our counselor, our mediator and high priest Ivrim / Hebrews 3:1, 4:14; only t
hrough Him we can approach our Abba / Father, Yonahan / John 14:6 .HAKADESH Ruac
h / Holy Spirit ( ??? ???? )May the Holy Spirit / Ruach Hakodesh is the dynamic
force unseen , mind, given the power of the Father ( Abba ) and shared by his So
n , Luga / Luke 24:49; Yonahan / John 3:8 ; 14:17; 15:26; Qorintiyim alef/1Corin
tos 2:10-16 . This invisible essence or power within the believer gets through t
he Son , Maaseh / Acts 2:33 , Tito / Titus 3:6, when the believer is immersed /
baptized in the name of Yahshua and the elders placed their hands , Maaseh / Act
s 2:38; 5:32; 8:17; 19:6 ; Timotio alef/1Timoteo 4:14; Timotio bet/2Timoteo 1:6;
is also the immersion / baptism of the Spirit ( the Ruach ) because we dive int
o the body of Messiah , Romaniyim / Romans 8:15-17 ; Qorintiyim alef/1Corintos 1
2:13; Galatiyim / Galatians 3:28 . Through the power of the Ruach HaKodesh ( Hol
y Spirit ) placed in us , we show our joy ahavah / Yahshua and our love for Abba
/ Father by obeying His mitzvat / commandments Yonahan / John 14:15; 14:21-24 ;

Maaseh / Acts 1:8; Yonahan alef/1Juan 2:5 . The Ruach HaKodesh is like the wind
, Yonahan / John 3:8 ; Maaseh / Acts 10:45 , a dynamic and invisible force and
is NOT a person. So we find that emunah Trinity is not based on Scripture, but f
rom the Greek and Roman Hellenic paganism .DIP ( DIVE IN WATER ). 5 That after t
eshuvat / true repentance, immersion in water and in El Salvador Name Yahshua is
an act of consecration necessary Mattiyah / Matthew 3:13-17 ; Mattiyah 28:19-20
, Maaseh / Acts 2:38; 4:12; 8:16; 10:43; 19:5; Romaniyim / Romans 6:3; and that
there is salvation only in the name of Yahshua, Maaseh / Acts 4:12 . That bapti
sm is complete immersion , once in water, Maaseh / Acts 2:38 , which represents
the support and buried the body and ways of evil life , Romaniyim / Romans 6:3-5
; Qolasiyim / Colossians 2:12; rising to serve a new life with the ruach / spir
it Romaniyim / Romans 7:6; 12:1; Kefa 3:21 alef/1Pedro . There is only one immer
sion in the name of Yahshua El Salvador , which puts us into one Body , Romaniyi
m / Romans 12:5; Efesiyim / Ephesians 4:3-6 , uniting all members of the Body th
rough ruach / spirit in emunaj / true faith through Yahshua, Qorintiyim alef/1Co
rintios 12:12-14 . The immersion with the Trinitarian formula ( Father , Son, an
d Holy Espriritu ) is not acceptable because Yahshua command never do such a thi
ng " Mattiyah / Matthew 28:29 " in my name " ( in Christian translations but thi
s formula appears in the original NO APPEARS was a later addition of the 4th cen
tury. )THE TORAH / COMMANDS / MITZVAH6. Than great plan of salvation for the peo
ple of Yahweh is achieved only through His Son Yahshua our Messiah and accept wh
en we observe and commemorate all yom / holy days and holidays ( Moedim ) Vayigr
a / Leviticus 23 ; Bamidbar / Numbers 28-29, because we're in LA DIASPORA . The
Mitzvah / commandments ( Instructions) to sacrifice animals and offer blood for
the sins in the Temple , they are no longer needed , were replaced and fulfilled
by Yahshua the Lamb of Yahweh , Yonahan / John 1:29; Ivrim / 8-10 Hebrews . Now
our sacrifices are spiritual , Romaniyim / Ivrim Romans 12:1 / Hebrews 13:15-16
; Alef/1Pedro Kefa 2:5 . Also, although they are not abrogated , the mitzvah /
commandment concerning the Temple, the Levitical priesthood, the death penalty,
ARE NOT EFFECTIVE because nothing like that exists in our days ( I mean no Templ
e , no Levitical priesthood because it was substituted or replaced by another be
tter, and there is no government Teocratico Yisrael) But as Scripture says we wi
sely LEARN THEM ALL . With the Council of Yarusalaim / Jerusalem and Shaul (Paul
) , DO NOT accept the imposition of Brit Milah / Circumcision for non - Jews. Th
e circumcision has always been the heart obedience , Devarim / Deuteronomy 10:16
; 30:6-8 ; Yimeyahu / Jeremiah 4:4; Qorintiyim alef/1Corintos 7:19; Galatiyim /
Galatians 5:6; Filipiyim / Philippians 3:3; now possible, through the Ruach Hako
desh that resides within us, fulfill all His Mitzvah / Commandments with emunaj
/ faith in Yahweh , Devarim / Deuteronomy 7:9; Tehilim / Psalms 119:160 ; Mattiy
ah / Matthew 5:17-19 ; 19:16-19 ; Efesiyim / Ephesians 2:8-10 ; Yonahan alef/1Ju
an 3:21-24 . Be some mitzvah / commandment of the Torah that do not apply to tho
se who live in Yahshua the Messiah does not mean they were abolished , but rathe
r renewed its correct and original application. That is, according to the will o
f Yahweh expressed in text Escritural.MUCHOS COMPLIANCE OF THEM IS YAHSHUA HA Ma
shiach " did not come to abolish but to fulfill "SHABBAT / SABBATH ESCRITURAL7.
That the seventh day of the week ( Shabbat ) is the yom / day Yahweh away, and i
s a memorial of His Almighty power, Bereshit / Genesis 2:2-3 . The Sabbath is a
holy day of rest, Shemot / Exodus 20:8-11; and points to the great millennial re
st salvation Mattiyah / Matthew 11:28-30 ; Luga / Luke 4:16-18 ; Messianic Jews
/ Hebrews 4:1-6 . Yahweh provides free Shabbat as an opportunity to accept and e
xperience His marvelous creation and redemption ; Marly / Mark 2:27-28 ; Messian
ic Jews / Hebrews 4:7-11 . By participating in the Shabbat express our emunaj /
faith in Yahshua, as the HELPER AND MEDIATOR with Abba / Father and finisher of
our salvation , Messianic Jews / Hebrews 12:2 . By resting on the Sabbath symbol
ize our ahavah / love, loyalty and our emunaj / faith in Yahweh , Shemot / Exodu
s 31:13 . By devoting a portion of our time that He appointed for rest and worsh
ip , we demonstrate our desire to Teshuva / obey Him and acknowledge His dominio
n over our lives and all creation. The " day of rest " remains for his people ,
Ivrim / Hebrews 4:9 , a day without work to enjoy and relax, Yeshayahu / Isaiah
58:13 . NOT EQUIVALENT TO THE SHABBAT " Saturday " . We do NOT follow the Jewish

calendar 13 months neither Jews nor Romans months with 29 and 31 yom / day AS T
AILED STUDY )Geulah / Redemption. 17 That being that we have all sinned and dese
rve the punishment of death, it is now necessary to repent ; one has to repent f
or being disobedient to the Torah of Yahweh Kadosh . Now one has to change the m
odes of teshuva / obedience, following the example of the life of Yahshua Messia
h , Mattiyah / Matthew 19:17; Yonahan / John 8:11 ; Messianic Jews / Hebrews 6:1
9:14 . To get rid of this Torah infringing punishment , which is death , we hav
e to accept the sacrifice of Yahshua Ha Mashiach as payment for our sins , Matti
yah / Matthew 26:26-28 ; Qolashiyim / Colossians 3:13; Messianic Jews / Hebrews
9:26, 10:12; Alef/1Pedro Kefa 2:21-24 ; Yonahan alef/1Juan 1:7-10 . He is our Co
unselor and Mediator , Timotio alef/1Timoteo 2:3-5 .Sanctification / KOSESHIM18.
That having been cleaned and separated by emunah / faith in Yahshua, we believe
it is important to be clean inside and outside. Our body is the temple of the R
uach Hakodesh and gleefully adhere to the law of clean meats Vayigra / Leviticus
11 and Devarim / Deuteronomy 14 . It is a lesson of holiness , which teaches us
the difference between clean and unclean , the sacred and profane, Qorintiyim b
et/2Corintios 6:16-18 . We are what we think, and we must discipline ourselves t
o be careful with the material we read , time with television, radio, friends an
d partners. We eat clean , think clean, live clean lives, we must be clean and K
adosh / holy to Yahweh. We are to be examples to the world , Timotio alef/1Timot
eo 3:7, and be holy to Yahweh , Mattiyah / Matthew 5:48; Qorintiyim alef/1Corint
ios 3:17; Alef/1Pedro Kefa 1:15-16 ; Hitgalut / Revelation 21:27 . Such laws - t
ips are for our physical health.ANOINTING. 19 That 's perfect sacrifice Yahshua
has enabled us to be healed of our diseases , Yeshayahu / Isaiah 53:5 ; James /
James 5:13-20 . The anointing of the sick by the "Elders " of kehilaj in the nam
e of Yahshua , it is possible to cure our afflictions , if you just pray to Yahw
eh in Tefilat / prayer , trusting Him through Yahshua our mediator .OFFERINGS20.
's A blessing to honor Yahweh with our finances, Mishlei / Proverbs 3:9 , and a
n act of worship to support the work of Yahweh and / or its moreh / roeh / teach
ers with our VOLUNTARY OFFERINGS ( voluntarily nOT rEQUIRED .) is necessary to s
hare with you not, help the ajim / brothers , "they had everything in common and
no one went need " It is more blessed to give than to receive and give joyfully
, knowing that Yahweh is generous and gives us everything we need. Bereshit / G
enesis 14:18-20 yBereshit / genesis 28:20-22 ( as did Avraham , Yaakov , etc) an
d offerings Vayigra / Leviticus 27:30-33 ; Malaakh / Malachi 3:8-12 ; Mattiyah /
Matthew 23:23; Qorintiyim alef/1Corintios 9:1-25 ; Qorintiyim bet/2Corintios 9:1
-15 . The offerings are to help the needy.THE ADVERSARY. 21 Have " has satan " i
s a personal spirit, a Malakim / fallen angel , a being who was the cherub named
Lucifer ( Helel ) , and their high pride caused his expulsion from heaven , Yes
hayahu / Isaiah 14 : 12-20 ; Yejezqel / Ezekiel 28:13-19 ; Luga / Luke 10:18; Hi
tgalut / Revelation 12:7-9 . The devil is the adversary of Yahweh and His people
, Yonahan / John 8:44 ; Hitgalut / Revelation 12:10, and will eventually be des
troyed, Yeshayahu / Isaiah 14:18-19 ; Yejezqel / Ezekiel 28:16 ; Romaniyim / Rom
ans 16:20; Messianic Jews / Hebrews 2:14 . The intention is to destroy satan has
the future kingdom of Yahweh , Mattiyah / Matthew 4:1-11 . With the help of Yah
weh we can resist the devil and he will flee from us , James / James 4:7 .MORTAL
ITY ( the immortality of the soul somewhere ). 22 That the dead are unconscious
in their graves , asleep in his death and awaiting the resurrection , Job 14:1214; Daniyel / Daniel 12:2; Yonahan / John 5:29 ; Qorantiyim alef/1Corintios 15:5
1-56 ; Tesaloniqim alef/1Tesalonicenses 4:13-17 ; . Ivrim / Hebrews 11:13, 39 Ma
y immortality is what we want and when Yahshua comes the obtain , Romaniyim / Ro
mans 2:7; Qorantiyim alef/1Corintios 15:53-54 , and is possible through the work
of Yahshua Ha Mashiach , Yonahan / John 3:15 ; 17:2-3 ; Tomotio bet/2Timoteo 1:
10, Yahweh only hath immortality, Tomotio alef/1Timoteo 1:17, 6:16 . May the sou
ls of human beings are not immortal , Tehillim / Psalm 6:5; 115:17 ; Yeshayahu /
Isaiah 26:19; and that souls can die, Yejeqel / Ezekiel 18:4 , 20; Mattiyah / M
atthew 10:28 . Nigun are not in place as " hell, purgatory or glory "THE BODY OF
BELIEVERS / LA KEHILAJ23. Yahshua Ha Mashiach That is the foundation and corner
stone of His body (LA KEHILAJ ) , the assembly, who have accepted the sacrifice

of our Savior holy and changed their lives according to the word of Yahweh , Mat
tiyah / Matthew 12:50 . Training and preparation for the Kingdom is through the
body of the faithful, alef/1Pedro Kefa 2:5 and 9-10 ; Hitgalut / Revelation 1:6,
20:6 . It is in the kehilaj where spiritual gifts are exercised to perfect the
Kadosh / saints, for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Messiah ,
Efesiyim / Ephesians 4:7-13 ; Qorintiyim alef/1Corintios 12:7-10 ; 28-30 . In k
ehilaj / assembly spiritual fruits , Galatiyim / Galatians 5:22-23 manifest , an
d our relationship with members kehilaj must equal with Yahshua, Mattiyah / Matt
hew 12:50 ; 25:40 .Kehilaj women must cover their hair during Tefilat / prayer o
r prophesy when this habit is practiced today , which was established or confirm
ed at the time of the shelujim Shaul / apostle. Shaul wrote his reasons in Qorin
tiyim alef/1Corintios 11:1-16 . Yahweh is the head of everything, including Yahs
hua.Yahshua is now our High Priest and symbolically wears a miter of that office
, Vayigra / Leviticus 21:10 . In the world he depicts the glory of Yahweh and H
e bare front for ( in tefliat and Prophethood ) . Women represent the glory of m
an and must have their heads covered (when do Tefilat or prophesy ) . ( The text
of the King James Version Scripture NO clarifies what Shaul explains about Yahw
eh arrangements . ) The Flock Malakim / angels in heaven bear witness to the act
ivities of men , Qorintiyim alef/1Corintios 4:9 . The man is the head of the fam
ily and to love his wife as he loves the kehilaj Yahshua , Efesiyim / Ephesians
5:23-25 .Ahavah / AMOR24. Should we be the example of emunah / faith we profess.
Our example is Yahshua Ha Mashiach who try to emulate ahavah / love, honesty, h
umility, emunaj / faith, hope , patience and reverence Vayigra / Leviticus 19:17
-18 ; Mattiyah / Matthew 5, 6, 7, 22:39; Qorintiyim alef/1Corintios 6:1-11 ; Ale
f/1Pedro Kefa 2:21-23 .The ahavah / Love is the greatest attribute we try to kee
p in our homes, in our communities and in our kehilaj . The ahavah / Love is uns
elfish, focused on others and consider other people. The ahavah / love should be
between kehilaj members wherever they are , that is the true sign of Yahweh's p
eople .We believe that salvation is offered to everyone . Yahweh is the Creator
of all nations and has made His house a house of Tefilat / prayer for all people
s , Yeshayahu / Isaiah 56:7 ; Maaseh / Acts 8:27-39 ; Galatiyim / Galatians 3:28
and Qolasiyim / Colossians 3:11 . The ahavah / Love Yahweh manifested in the sa
crifice of His Son Yahshua Ha Mashiach , is available to all , Hitgalut / Revela
tion 3:20; 22:17 . We show that we love when we obey all His Mitzvah / commandme
nts Yonahan alef/1Juan 2:5; 5:3; Yonahan bet/2Juan 6. QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERS
HIPRepentance, immersion in the name of Yahshua, and receive the Ruach Hakodesh
, are the steps you have to take to be a member of the body of Yahshua, Maaseh /
Acts 2:38. A life of progress, knowledge and vajesed / grace in Yahshua , each
seeking his own salvation , with fear , reverence, and teshuva / obedience to To
rah that teaches real true conversion is expected of everyone Filipiyim / Philip
pians 2:12 ; Efesiyim / Ephesians 4:13 . Each member must also recognize this as
a basic summary of the solid teachings, proclaimed in the Scriptures Inspired .
( Follow in the footsteps of Yahshua Ha Mashiach , you can also include the use
of the beard. NOT A MITZVAH / Commandment , but the Scriptures teach that the be
ard was used by Yahshua ( Yeshayahu / Isa . 50:6 ) and the scriptures also talk
about the use of the beard by men of Israel , Vayigra / Leviticus 14:9 , 13:29-3
0 , but IS NOT AN ORDER, Vayigra / Leviticus 19:27; . 21:5 using beard depends o
n preference of each person. )Tevilah / IMMERSION Tevilah / Dip in AguaMuchos aj
im (brothers) performed the theme development Tevilah.En consider that many of t
hose who receive this teaching come from a Christian background , so will try to
make references to the texts that formed the Christian mentality for centuries
and yet today we know from archaeological discoveries and development of textual
criticism , many of these texts were not part of the original writings of " Ber
it Kjadasha ." in the emunah / Hebrew faith immersion can have different purpose
s and can performed several times , and many times, not just once . When Shaliac
h Shaul ( Paul ) speaks of a " emunah / faith , a dive ... " ( 4:5 Efesiyim ) is
obviously referring to the dive is done when a person comes to join the emunah
of Messiah Yahshua or that is, in the act where publicly confesses that he has r
eceived has Moshiach Yahshua as their Messiah and Adon . Not saying that once th
e believer must immersed in the same aguas.Pero Shaul speaks of " dives " in the

plural : "Therefore, leaving aside the elementary teaching about the Messiah, l
et us rise to be perfect, without reiterating the fundamental issues repentance
from dead works and emunah in Elohe ; instruction on the dives and the laying on
of hands ; the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment . " ( Ivrim 6:1-2
) The text speaks of " dives "using , the author of the letter to the Ivrim , th
e term in the plural , mentioning the teachings elementary superar.O we are, in
the community of the Messiah in the first century , and practiced various types
of inmersiones.En result is taught every time you make tevilot ( Dives ) , it sh
ould be clear what is the reason which brings us to do it and what is the purpos
e of the act. This article is intended as an aid to clarify these aspectos.1 . T
he tevilah ( Immersion ) , is an act of purification , which appears in the Holy
Scriptures , as shown below in the following texts : In the Torah : " And you s
hall Aharon and his sons shall you come to the entrance of the tent of meeting ,
and wash them with water "( Shemot 29:4 )" Then Moshe Aharon and made his sons
forward , and washed them with water "( Vayigra 8:6 ) In Neviim : " and the prie
sts and the Levites were purified ; also purified the people, the gates and the
wall " ( Nechemyah 12:30 ) " Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean ; wash m
e, and I shall be whiter than snow " (Psalm 51:7 ) " Wash you , make you clean ,
put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes ; Cease to do evil ... "
( Yeshayahu 1:16) " When Yahweh has washed away the filth of the daughters of Z
ion and purged the bloodshed of the midst of Yerushalayim with the spirit of jud
gment and the spirit of burning " ( Yeshayahu 4:4 ) " Wash your heart from evil
, Yerushalayim , that thou mayest be saved . How long dwell within you evil thou
ghts " ( Yimeyahu 4:14) In Berit Kjadasha :" Then Yahshua came from Galilee to t
he Jordan , where Yochanan was to be immersed by him " ( Mattiyah 3:13) " What s
hall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound ? No way ! We w
ho died to sin , how we live in it ? Do you not know that all who have been inme
rgidos in Yahshua the Messiah , we have been inmergidos into his death? Therefor
e we have been buried with Him through immersion into death, so that as Messiah
was raised from the dead by the glory of Abba , we too might walk in newness of
life "( Romaniyim 6:1-4 ) " ... sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of wate
r with the word" ( Efesiyim 5:26) " He saved us , not by works of righteousness
which we have done , but according to his rajeniyim / mercy , through the washin
g of regeneration and renewing of the Ruach Hakodesh " ( Titos 3:5 ) " Therefore
, leaving aside the elementary teaching about the Messiah, let us rise to the pe
rfect, without reiterating the fundamental themes of repentance from dead works
and emunajh / Elohe faith ; instruction on the dives and the laying on of hands
; the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment . " ( Ivrim 6:1-2 ) As we se
e in the pasukim , we have mentioned by way of example , the tevilah (immersion
in water) , is a Jewish practice , dating back to biblical times , and we can sa
y that it has been preserved as a practice , in a symbolic way that achieves a s
tate of purity ; is also important to consider that water was an element associa
ted with the trial , as we see in the event the Mabul ( Flood) . 's water featur
e to bring your cleaning and preserving life, ( because without it human life an
d every living would be impossible ) , has been associated with the Torah of the
Lord Yahweh , in Yeshayahu 55:1 says: "Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the
waters " This is interpreted ascome to the waters of Torah ! 119 also says in Te
hillim "With that young man cleanse his way? With keep your word ! " Also along
with the offering and the fire , the water is seen in Scripture as we have three
purificador.As element associations with water, as a judgment , as a transformin
g agent and as a purifying element and these three associations are you link wit
h the act of Tevilah.2 . The term tevilah ( Immersion ) comes from " Taval " whi
ch means " wet, bathing, washing and dipping " , and has been used primarily to
express immersion in a pool of water with the intention of achieving a change of
state of impurity purity . The tevilah points to a ceremonial cleansing by wate
r . Within the Christian tradition has been called "Baptism ," which comes from
a Greek word " baptizo " which was taken from the old world where it referred to
the work of soaking the fabric during the dyeing process in which the objective
was to change the color of the fabric. There was another Greek word to express
the act of tevilah in the Jewish world as a ceremonial act of Torah purificacin.L

a us Vayigr 15:16). " When a man has a seminal emission , he shall bathe his whol
e body in water it yquedar unclean until evening . "Being pure not only refers to
the fact of pollution or natural soils , which can be acquired in various ways,
but also to be understood as a necessity of our consciousness and our soul. Be
clean , be it physical impurity or by way of some fault or sin , is indispensabl
e in order to present our service to Yahweh , as Tehilim 24 says , "Who may asce
nd the hill of Yahweh? Who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands a
nd a pure heart ... " Requirements for a dive apropiada.Con intend to make a tev
ilah in the most appropriate manner , consistent with their spiritual value , it
is necessary to take into account the following considerations in the physical
, personal order: - nothing should be attached to the body , must be free of all
kinds of jewelry (rings, bracelets, hair presses , no adhesive, free of any typ
e of stain , no cosmetics , etc.- The person should consider your dress not tran
spire when being wet , that for reasons of decency and because of that our tevil
ot are generally within an order and place pblicos. - hair should be loose , prev
iously lavado. - The person must have completed a hygienic toilet before perform
tevilah. - Upon immerse the person should be completely covered , covered by wa
ter, otherwise , must be performed placed nuevamente.La person standing with leg
s slightly apart and eyes and mouths should not be closed strongly but weakly na
rrowed inclinadose then , down to be below the level of water - Depending on the
purpose or reason for the tevilah is needed testigos.Aparte the presence of all
these requirements, it is necessary that the person is fully aware of the signi
ficance and commitment assumed to do the dive , because as we said, is before th
e Eternal purificamos.Tambin we must be clear about why it takes the dive and it
should be known to the authorities respectivas.Orden and Blessings for tevilot (
Before plunging ) (are examples) " Baruch ata , Yahweh Eloheinu , melekh olam ,
asher kideshanu vetzivanu to haTevilah bemitzvotav . " Blessed are You , Yahweh
, Our Elohe , King of the universe , we sanctified us with your Mitzvaty make i
nmersin.En ordered the Name of Yahshua the Messiah , it is customary to proclaim
Amein.Tambin Bracha ( Blessing ) of Shehejeyanu ( we h as given life ) : " Baruch
ata , Yahweh Eloheinu , melech ha-olam , shehejeynu , vekiyemnu , vehigiyanu , la
z'man hazeh , Amen " blessed are You , Yahweh , Our Elohe , King of the universe
, who has blessed us with life, sustained us , and enabled us to reach this poin
t, Amen" the or participant can before entering the water, if he wants , can pub
licly confess the reason that made the dive ( this is according to the type of t
evilah you are doing ); then enters the water, take a deep breath , and complete
ly immersed ; remains under water for a moment , and then emerge.La authority to
make tevilot . A study of the book of Ma'aser / Acts ) , show us that the autho
rity was conferred on them in the talmidim of Yahshua to tevilot ( dives) , is t
he name of Yahshua the Messiah , as seen in some pasuk of this letter ( Ma'aser
2 : . 38 , 8:16, 10:48, and 19:5 ) for us as talmidines Yahshua , this is extrem
ely valuable , because our authority comes from himself and are aware that all w
ho invoke your name tevilah ago correctly is "an act of purification ." There ar
e a number of texts kjdasha Berit , which have been used to teach the tevilah is
an act without which the salvation of a person would be in doubt. However, this
is based on aggregate or additions made to the pasuk in later times the Century
II . Therefore , we do , following the ordinances of the Torah about purity and
a means of expressing the conviction by confession in this act , in the manner
and lifestyle we have made and share with our ajim in Community of Israel and un
der the authority , as we have said , specific Yahshua.Ejemplos of added or modi
fied immersion related pasuk : Margos 16:9-20 and 28:19-20 Mattiyah ( we have al
ready studied and explained ) in both scriptures as the Hebrews pasuk , referenc
es to the tevilah for followers of Messiah is made, but not to the Roman Catholi
c baptismal formula "... in the name of the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit
...", no reference is made the sentence " ... that creates and whatever immerse
d shall be saved ; but he that believeth not shall be damned "Shalom vehatzlaja
! Barut ! ata ata Hashem Yahweh and Yahshua Ha Mashiach Barut " International Ta
lmidines Kehilaj of Yahshua Ha Mashiach "PURIFICATION The Instruction "purificat
The Instruction (law) is a purification Inst
ion " What's The Torah purification
ruction that the vast majority of " Christian Churches " and almost all of the M

essianic congregations have completely done away . But KEHILAJ TALMIDINES INTERN
ATIONAL OF YAHSHUA HA Mashiach wants to resume the restoration and we must remai
n faithful to the Torah of YHWH and arguing this Mitzvat proclaiming the heavenl
y Father. (Note: There are Christian churches that if the practice .) The purifi
cation Instruction applies to men and women alike. Of course, each with their di
fferent singularities.

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