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Minha cultura - My culture

Vocabulrio e frases chave

the tradition
Modern society is inclined to move
away from traditions.

a tradio
A sociedade moderna tende a se afastar
das tradies.

the culture
Different cultures tend to have
different customs regarding marriage.

a cultura
Culturas distintas tendem a ter diferentes
costumes com relao a casamento.

the heritage
The European Heritage Network tends
to focus on cultural heritage.

o patrimnio
A Rede de Patrimnio Europeu tende a
focar no patrimnio cultural.

the ritual
Rituals like hand-shaking and saying
hello are very common in most

o ritual
Rituais como aperto de mos e dizer ol
so muito comuns na maioria das

the stereotype
The stereotype of all Irish people
having red hair is an oversimplified

o esteretipo
O esteretipo de que todos os irlandeses
tm cabelos vermelhos um conceito
bastante simplificado.

the influence
Religion often has a huge influence on

a influncia
A religio frequentemente tem uma
grande influncia na cultura.

the social norms

Social norms are defined as
appropriate and inappropriate
behaviour within groups in society.

as normas sociais
As normas sociais so definidas como
comportamentos apropriados ou
inapropriados dentro dos grupos da

the multiculturalism
Australia has embraced
multiculturalism. There are many
people from different cultures living

o multiculturalismo
A Austrlia abraou o multiculturalismo.
H muitas pessoas de culturas diferentes
morando l.

the cultural diversity

It is necessary to be aware of the
cultural diversity that exists in a

a diversidade cultural
necessrio estar consciente da
diversidade cultural que existe em um

the melting pot

o crisol
New York city is a veritable melting pot A cidade de Nova York um verdadeiro
of cultures.
crisol de culturas. - All rights reserved


Minha cultura - My culture

the ethnic group

o grupo tnico
There are hundreds of ethnic groups in H centenas de grupos tnicos em

the folk culture

Folk culture tends to refer to the
localized lifestyle of a culture.

a cultura folk
A cultura folk tende a fazer referncia ao
estilo de vida local de uma cultura.

the typical cuisine

The typical cuisine of Tuscany is
generally very healthy and varied.

a cozinha tpica
A cozinha tpica de Toscana ,
geralmente, muito saudvel e variada.

the gastronomy
Goulash is a typical dish in Hungarian

a gastronomia
O refogado um prato tpico da
gastronomia hngara.

the folk music

The folk music of Ireland is inclined to
be very popular all over Europe.

a msica folk
A msica folk da Irlanda costuma ser
muito popular em toda Europa.

the traditional music

The traditional music of Peru is
normally played on panpipes.

a msica tradicional
A msica tradicional do Peru
normalmente tocada com flautas de

the native language

The native language of Denmark is
Danish but most people speak perfect

o idioma nativo
O idioma nativo da Dinamarca o
dinamarqus, mas a maioria das pessoas
fala um ingls perfeito.

the minority language

While Gaelic is a minority language in
Ireland, it is still an official language.

o idioma minoritrio
Enquanto o gals o idioma minoritrio
na Irlanda, ele ainda a lngua oficial.

the architecture
Through architecture it's possible to
guess many things about a culture

a arquitetura
Atravs da arquitetura, possvel supor
muitas coisas sobre uma cultura.

the works of art

The most famous works of art in Spain
can be found in the Prado museum.

as obras de arte
As obras de arte mais famosas da
Espanha podem ser encontradas no
museu do Prado.

the literature
Hamlet is one of the most famous
characters in literature.

a literatura
Hamlet um dos personagens mais
famosos da literatura. - All rights reserved


Minha cultura - My culture

the cultural institution

The Louvre museum in Paris is one of
the most important cultural institutions
in the country.

a instituio cultural
O museu do Louvre em Paris uma das
instituies culturais mais importantes do

the anthropology
Anthropology deals with the origins
and cultural development of

a antropologia
A antropologia trata das origens e da
evoluo cultural da raa humana. - All rights reserved


Minha cultura - My culture


Paul is telling Marc about his journey to


Paulo conta a Marcos sobre sua viagem ao


Paul: You know, it really is one of the most

spectacular countries in the world. It has
about thirty-six different ethnic groups and
multiple religions and languages.
Marc: Wow!
Paul: Nepal's culture is greatly influenced
by its music, architecture, religion and
Marc: Really and what about the food?
Paul: The food of Nepal is as diverse as the
country itself. It is healthy and easy to
cook. I am going to prepare a typical dish
for you tomorrow night..
Marc: Great. Thanks!

Paulo: Sabe, realmente um dos pases

mais espetaculares do mundo. Tem cerca
de trinta e seis grupos tnicos diferentes e
mltiplas religies e idiomas.
Marcos: Uau!
Paulo: A cultura do Nepal est fortemente
influenciada pela sua msica, arquitetura,
religio e literatura.
Marcos: Srio? E como a comida?
Paulo: A comida do Nepal to variada
como o prprio pas. saudvel e fcil de
cozinhar. Amanh noite eu vou preparar
um prato tpico para voc.
Marcos: timo. Obrigado! - All rights reserved


Minha cultura - My culture

Por favor, escolha a resposta correta

1. Where did Paul go on his holidays?

a. To India.
b. To China.
c. To Nepal.
2. How many different ethnic groups are there in Nepal?
a. 33
b. 31
c. 36
3. What is Paul going to do tomorrow night?
a. Dance a typical Nepalese dance for Marc.
b. Cook a typical Nepalese dish for Marc.
c. Sing a typical Nepalese song for Marc.

Respostas: 1(c): 2(c): 3(b) - All rights reserved


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