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How to Improve Oral Communication Skills in English?


Language is a system of vocal symbols through which human beings in the same

speech community or subculture interact and hence communicate in terms of their common
cultural experience and expectations (Henry Lee Smith, Jr.). As we know that English
language is very important now days because it is becoming the lingua franca of the world.
From the small country until to big country, English language playing the important role in
communication. In Malaysia, which is a multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multireligious country is give a priority to English language as a second language. This is because
of the few reasons why this language is very important in Malaysia in 21st century.

Importance of speaking English for study and work purposes

The English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, second

only to Mandarin. Many people settle in areas near family or other immigrants from the same
part of the world so the language is easier, but there comes a time when every newcomer
needs to step out of his or her safety zone. Learning and speaking English is an important step
in the settlement process because it helps newcomers obtain better jobs, get involved in their
communities, participate in events, vote with confidence and express themselves. That
English is used almost everywhere is only one of the many advantages of learning the
Ibrahim Absiye, Executive Director of Culture Link, a Toronto-based settlement
agency for new Canadians, says communication "opens the door for employment, integration
and education." In Toronto, speaking English can be the first step to clear, effective
communication. Absiye identifies "5 Cs" for new immigrants; they are five major challenges,
all starting with the letter C: Colour, Cultural Confusion, Climate, Computers and
English is the primary language of work throughout the world. Most international
business transactions, including emails, memos, reports and contracts, are written in English.
The English language is predominantly spoken throughout the world, so international
travelers may find that speaking English can make their travels a little easier. Most hotel and
restaurant employees, as well as store merchants, probably speak English to some degree. The


English language is the predominant language of academics all over the world, with a large
amount of research conducted, written and presented in English. Knowing English can helpful
for scholars who wish to communicate their ideas and research findings to peers in their field.
Most software programs are written in English. Those seeking to expand their computer
knowledge can find the ability to read and understand the English language invaluable.
Learning English does not mean giving up culture, background or a native tongue, its
simply adding a new and valuable skill that will make the transition much smoother for all

Basic principles of effective speaking and listening skills

Camp and Satterwhite (2002) explained that oral communication is a two-way process that
required both a speaker and a listener. It is most of effective when sender of a message has
good speaking skills and the receiver has good listening skills. Speaking is very spontaneous
process and we cannot avoid making mistakes. So just stop worrying and speak English.
Everywhere we go we find language. Shop names, street names, advertisements, notices on
buses and trains..Even if we are not in an English-speaking country, there are often a lot of
English words you can see when walking in the street, especially in big cities. And there are
always numbers. How can this help us? When we walk down the street practice reading the
words and numbers that we see. Say them to ourselves. Its not exactly a conversation, but it
will help us to think in English.
Learning and speaking English is totally depends on environment. That environment
can be artificially created so that we can learn and speak English. To speak English try to
speak with your friends first so that you will get some confidence. Don't take tension at initial
stage when we go wrong go on speaking English. After some period we will be able to find
our own mistakes and then correct them. To improve English one should have good word
power. So why not English!
The best way which we think will great help us in increasing our level of English is
that if we record our voice while speaking English and then listen to it again and again. In this
way we will come to know our mistakes and the other thing which we can do is stand in front
of the mirror and speak what we want to speak this really helps us a lot. We can read the
Editorial Column of any National Daily in front of your mirror loudly. Underline tough words
and refer to Dictionary and note the meaning in a diary. If you find any new word go on
collecting them so that when these words are reused in news we can remember that. Learn at
least 3 to 4 words per day. Everything can be improved. This will grow confidence for us.


In the beginning don't try to use sophisticated constructions. Use the simple ones we
are sure. This helps us build our confidence and will make us speaking more fluent. The right
way to improve our English speaking skills is to have good vocabulary first. Then try to speak
with your friends, family members. It will give you a bit confidence. Practice will lead you
towards improvement and finally towards desired goal.
Speak as much as possible! Make as many mistakes as possible! When we know that
we have made a mistake, we know that we have made progress. Above all, dont be afraid to
speak. We must try to speak, even if we make mistakes. We cannot learn without mistakes.
There is saying: The person who never made a mistakes never made anything. So think of
our mistakes as something positive and useful.
In order to improve our speaking its better that listen more to English news, films and
songs carefully because when we want to speak English we are as an infant who in early years
just listen to mother and father voice after a while start to speak step by step. In order to speak
fluently we go to the internet find native speakers then try to speak with them in free time. It
helps us to have good accent, intonation, and pronunciation fluently.
Listen to the words of an English language song that we like. Then repeat them to
ourselves and try to sing with the music. Repeat the words as many times as possible until
they become automatic. Its good practice for our memory and for the mouth muscles that we
need for English. We also upgrade our listening skills which is necessary for natural speaking.

Various forms of oral communication in English

Oral communication is the process of people using verbal and non-verbal messages to

generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures, channels and media. It
encompasses various sets of skills including the ability to speak coherently and persuasively,
understanding of communication theory and processes, knowledge of verbal and non-verbal
cues, audience analysis, listening skills as well as communication ethics.
The seven forms that oral communication often takes: intrapersonal communication,
interpersonal communication, small group communication, public communication, mass
communication, corporate communication and intercultural communication. 2.0 How oral
communication works

Theories of oral communication

There is much discussion in the academic world of communication as to what actually

constitutes communication. Currently, many definitions of communication are used in order to



conceptualize the processes by which people navigate and assign meaning. Communication is
also understood as the exchanging of understanding. Additionally the biocommunication
theory investigates communicative processes within and among non-humans such as bacteria,
animals, fungi and plants.
We might say that communication consists of transmitting information from one
person to another. In fact, many scholars of communication take this as a working definition,
and use Lasswell's maxim, "who says what to whom in what channel with what effect," as a
means of circumscribing the field of communication theory. A simple communication model
with a sender transferring a message containing information to a receiver.
Communication stands so deeply rooted in human behaviors and the structures of
society that scholars have difficulty thinking of it while excluding social or behavioral events.
Because communication theory remains a relatively young field of inquiry and integrates
itself with other disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, and sociology, one probably
cannot yet expect a consensus conceptualization of communication across disciplines. One of
the issues facing scholars is the possibility that establishing a communication met theory will
negate their research and stifle the broad body of knowledge in which communication

Focus on the transactional model of oral communication

There are those who think that communication ideally should only involve messages

intentionally sent and successfully received, this is not the case in real communication
situations. How can we determine the true intentions of speakers and writers, anyway? This
model therefore proposes that all kinds of intentional sending and intentional receiving should
be considered as acts of communication.
This model suggests that both the receiver and sender of the message change roles
most of the time. The receiver is also a sender of the message, while the sender is also a
receiver of the message.



How the components of the model work together

Linear model is perhaps the most basic model of communication. Communication

involves two people the sender and the receiver of the message. The communication process
is relatively unproblematic: one person sends a message, and then another person receives it.
In this way, the flow of information is linear.
An interactional view of communication assumes that the sender who encodes a
message also receives feedback from the receiver who decodes the message. This view also
includes channel or medium of communication, as well as the physical environment. Simply
put, this model of communication stresses the importance of power relations in any form of
communication. Not only does power influence communication; it is part of any
communication situation.

What makes the process complex?

Clearly, cultural model puts culture at the centre of the communication process.

Communication happens because of culture, so there is no adequate understanding of the

nature and process of communication without recognizing the central role of culture in it.
Communication involves language and other non-verbal modes of interaction. All these are
culturally-shaped. Communication also involves the transmission and negotiation of meaning;
these are also cultural practices.
If we know that all these elements work together in every communication context, we
may be able to understand more adequately how and why people behave in a particular way.



My reviews about the topic from five people from different work / study setting. I

had interviews my respondents by asking them questions such as:

a) How can Malaysians improve their speaking/oral skills?
b) How do you develop your oral skills?
c) What do you do to make sure you English skills are developed?

Language learning supplies knowledge and skills that provide possibilities to receive

several messages, it makes peoples understand the messages as well as makes them express
new things properly.
The first language learns which is mother tongue contributed to understanding and
discovering the realities of the second language learning. These realities also provide the basis
of language communication and assumptions for establishing a communication. Using mother
tongue to respond in the classroom is natural things to do. But this is an issue that contributing
to less usage of the second language which make the learning of the second language
Accuracy and fluency are two factors which can determine the success of English
language students in the future. Fluency is the ability to produce language easily and
smoothly, but he child tend to make mistakes and misuse vocabulary as well as grammar.
Children also tend to influenced by mother tongue language. We can see that mother togue
issue is related to accuracy and fluency issue. A fluent speaker, may make a lot of
grammatical errors but they will speak or write efficiently as they may talk without pauses.
Fluency generally increases as learners progress and become more comfortable using the
As for me, I believe that the learning of a language is about the fluency in oral
communication. Fluency in oral should be the main goal in teaching and that it should be
practiced right from the start as it can promote the usage of second laguage in class. From
what I experienced, teachers more focus on grammar in teaching, so that the student can write
well but they will not fluent enough to speak English. So, here we see that both accuracy and
fluency are important. On the other hand, a more communicative approach will produce
students who are confident to use the language at the same time the teachers help them
improve their grammar and reduce mother tongue laguage during English class.
As far as teaching methodologies are concerned, we have to look the approaches the
we can apply in classroom. I would like to emphasize on the Communicative Approach and


Audio-lingual method. The Communicative Approach is the one that more on fluency, while
the audio-lingual approaches more on accuracy.
According to Nesamalar, the Communicative Approach to language learning focuses
on getting students to use language to communicate effectively. the Communicative
Approach, in order for learning to take place, the should apply the activities that involve real
communication promote learning and do the activities in which language is used to carry out
meaningful tasks supports the learning process. Language used also need to be meaningful
and authentic to the learners learning. Working in groups motivates them to do the task
better, even low-level students will try to speak.
Meanwhile, the Audio-lingual method used in classroom may help the students in
grammar. It help student to memorize new structures through many repetition drills
designated to familiarize students with grammar and patterns of the English language. Get
learners to develop their skills through drill and practice. Audio lingual method included
being inadequate of both learning process and the nature of language which depends more in
comprehension and active mental process rather than a process of habit formation.

How can Malaysians improve their speaking/oral skill?

The activity involves two-way communication.

The activities have both teacher-oriented and students oriented.
Students actively involved in class as the activity and materials used are attractive and

From set induction until the production part, the students look very attentive and
interested to the lesson.
In every activity, student need to listen and respond by speak out the answer. Hence, it
triggers listening and speaking in student.
Teacher must use some method to get the students involvement.
The use of ball to choose the student. It makes the student listen to teacher and pay
attention to teacher in front as well as make them alert in class.
Teacher also interested in acting, make body movement and here I see the student also
love to produce the sound and the respond is good as it involve class-wide
The use of puppet and story-telling. In this activity student need to listen and
respond in class. The language use by teacher to ask the question is easy and simple,


so it is suitable for the young learner. Hence, it promotes the student to speak as the
students understand it well and they are able to respond in class.
Casper-whisper game. The whole class involve actively as all the students must listen
to the information and whisper to peer. To control the class and avoid the missing of
the student involvement, the activity was done in group.

How do you develop your oral skills?

Having good speaking skills is important for todays society. Communication

continues to thrive in all aspects of life. Therefore, one should develop speaking skills. Speech
strategies can include a variety of things. In addition, knowing when to use correct speech
during certain situation is important.
Focusing on speech is important for developing speaking skills. This includes tonality,
expression, emphasis, and so on. The idea is to speak in a way that is most adaptable to a
situation. For instance, when giving a public speech, it is good to focus on the words as well
as speaking loud enough for the audience. Pronunciation is also very important and can save
potential embarrassment.
When speaking to another, it is important to clarify at times. Sometimes other people
misconstrue what we are trying to say. In addition, they may misunderstand or not fully pay
attention to us. Responding to environment cues is important in these cases. Clarifying what
we are saying is good for speaking skills. The idea is to be as understanding and responsive as
possible to make others feel that they are being heard. When dealing with situations, it is good
to know how to respond to them via our speaking skills. This can include formal greetings,
public speeches, talking to a small group, one to one conversation, and so on. We have to
adjust to the situation at hand many times. As a result, we can change our speaking
methodologies to fit the situation.
Speaking is one of the most basic functions of our lives. We all learn to communicate
with one another through various means. Developing our speaking skills is important such
that we can better communicate with others. Speaking has great influence. Great speeches are
usually admirable and have a long lasting effect. Therefore, having the speaking skills to
influence others for the better is good to obtain.

What do you do to make sure you English skills are developed?

Effective communication is a key to maintaining good personal relationships with

your spouse, parents, children and friends. Communication can include non-threatening


sharing of information, or it may involve emotionally heavy topics that are likely to set off
negative reactions in the person listening. Before you begin speaking with a significant other
on a difficult subject, first check your feelings and the message you want to communicate.
Remove from your speech and body language triggers that suggest you mean
something different from what you are saying. Effective communication is clear in content
and respectful of the other person. Choose your words carefully and select ones that correctly
represent your thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental way. If you are not sure your
message was received as intended, ask what was heard, and clarify. Effective communicators
do not interrupt.
It is essential to communicate effectively in English so that people belonging to
different regions, states, and countries are able to interact without constraints. To
communicate effectively and more confidently, enrolling in an English course can be
beneficial, but there are several other ways to improve your communication skills.
There are advantages if we practice oral communication effectively:

There is high level of understanding and transparency in oral communication as it is


There is no element of rigidity in oral communication. There is flexibility for allowing

changes in the decisions previously taken.

The feedback is spontaneous in case of oral communication. Thus, decisions can be

made quickly without any delay.

Oral communication is not only time saving, but it also saves upon money and efforts.

Oral communication is best in case of problem resolution. The conflicts, disputes and
many issues/differences can be put to an end by talking them over.

Oral communication is an essential for teamwork and group energy.

Oral communication promotes a receptive and encouraging morale among

organizational employees.

Oral communication can best be used to transfer private and confidential information


As we have seen, it is clear for us that English language plays an important role in

many fields such as education, social, economic and many more. Therefore, if we fail to teach
this language to our children, they will become a blind man in future. This is because, in


future, English language becomes very important in many deals in Malaysia. Although
English is the second language, but it will use widely everywhere include in the rural place.
Therefore, for our generations better life in future, we should start to use English from now.
However, several teachers say all of these fears can be overcome by always speak in
front of audience. They also learn from their experiences and mistakes. If somebody want you
to speak in public, do it with confident and dont make mistake. One way to make them
"work" is to "overwork" them. They do this by accepting every invitation to speak in public
and by seeking out additional opportunities to appear before the public. They speak as often
as possible, on as many occasions as possible, and in as many different venues as possible.
Sheer repetition generally helps to distance one from the tension generated by the anticipated
ordeal. But with some people it may ingrain the fear and concern
The best way to do this is to stand alone in a room in front of a full-length mirror. The trick is
to stand there with our eyes closed. Naturally, with our eyes shut, we cannot see ourselves, but
we know that you are in a sense being seen by the members of an imaginary audience beyond
the mirror. Imagine we are going to speak in five minutes. Conjure up the negative feelings,
the leading symptoms that have affected your equilibrium in the past.




1. Bialystok, E. (1990). Communication strategies: A psychological analysis of second
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2. Brooks, N (1960). Language and language learning: Theory and practice. New York:
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3. Devito, J.A. (2009). Human communication: the Basic course. Boston, USA: Pearson
4. Harold Lasswell (1948). The Structure and Function of Communication in Society. In
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5. Judy C. Pearson and Paul E. Nelson. (1999). The McGraw-Hill Companies. Retrieved
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6. Oxford, R. (1990). Language learning strategies: What every teacher should know.
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7. Seelye, H. N. (1994). Teaching culture: Strategies for intercultural communication
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