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ase 1.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome
1. anatomi saraf perifer
2. anatomi spinal cord (dorsal-ventral root ganglion)
3. inervasi otot2 ekstrimitas atas-bawah
4. histologi saraf perifer
5. neuromuscular junction
6. embriologi saraf perifer
7. potensial aksi saraf
8. pembentukan selubung myelin
9. klasifikasi serabut sraf (myelinated-unmyelinated)
10. topografi sensoric distribution (dermatome, sklerotome, myotome)
11. general concept of lower motor neuron (sensory, motoric, reflex)
12. patologis dan disorder polyneuropathy
13. hub infeksi neuropathy dengan degenarasi wallerian
14. patomekanisme degenerasi saraf perifer, degenasi wallerian, akson, demyelinating,
15. patomekanisme NMJ disease
16. patomekanisme periferal disease
17. klasifikasi periferal disease berdasarkan lokasi
18. GBS
Case 2. Spinal injury and PTSD
1. Explain anatomy of vertebrae
2. Explain the segmental of spinal cord and its function
3. Explain the anatomical section of spinal cord (cervical, thorac, lumbar, sacral)
4. Explain about the spinal injury and the etiology
5. Clinical appearance of medula spinalis
6. Explain about ascending and decending tract
7. Explain the function of spinal cord (sympatis and parasynpathetic)
8. Explain the sensory and motor pathway
9. Explain about meninges
10. Explain about reflex arc
11. Explain the spinal cord disease (brown sequard syndrom, anterior/posterior cemtral cord
syndrom, anteroquard syndrome)
12. Histology of spinal cord
13. Explain about axiety disorder (PTSD)
14. Explain the difference between anxiety and fear
15. Explain the normal anxiety and abnormal one
16. Diagnostic criteria of PTSD
17. PTSD and acute stress

18. Explain about PTSD

ase 3 Parkinson Disease
1. Anatomy, physiology and neurotransmitter related to movement (basal ganglia and
extrapyramidal system)
2. Definition of parkinsonism and Parkinson disease
3. Classification and etiology of parkinson
4. Pathology and etiopathogenesis of PD
5. Pathophisiology of PD
6. Clinical feature and staging of PD
7. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis f PD
8. Management of PD
9. Course and prognosisof PD
10. Medico-legal aspect of PD
Cass 4 Stroke
1. Explain the anatomy, histology, embryology, and physiology of cerebrum (Lobes,
cerebellum, brainstem, and meningeal layer)
2. Explain the vascularization brain (cycle of Wilis) of
3. Explain innervations of meninges
4. Explain physiology of cerebrospinal fluid
5. Explain about blood brain barier
6. Explain physiology of consciousness (Reticular Activating System)
7. Explain the physiology and pathology of ascending-descending tract
8. Explain about Corticospinal-Corticobulbar tract
9. Explain the physiology of cranial nerve
10. Explain about brain sinus
11. Explain about Ischemic and hemorrhagic Stroke (Classification, definition. Diferential
diagnosis, pathomechanism, sign and symptoms, primary and secondary prevention,
complication, rehabilitation, and prognosis)
12. Explain the complication of hypertension
13. Explain about intracranial pressure
14. Explain the mechanism of hypertension
15. Explain the pharmacological properties of mannitol
Case 5 Dementia Alzheimer disease
1. Explain the anatomy, histology and physiology of cerebral cortex

2. Explain the concepts of cognition and memory and higher cortical cortex
3. differentiated normal age-associated, forgetfulness, mild cognitive impairment, dementia,
delirium, and depression by comparing.
4. Describe the definition and incidence of delirium
5. describe the etiology of delirium
6. Describe the diagnostic criteria of delirium
7. describe the differential diagnosis of delirium
8. Explain the principle of delirium management
9. Describe logicalibe of the course and prognosis of delirium
10. Describe the definition, classification, etiology,and epidemiology of dementia.
11. Describe the neurotransmitter involvement in memory process and cognition
12. Describe the pathophisiology and neuropathology of dementia
13. Describe the psychiatric and neurological changes of dementia.
14. Describe the diagnostic criteria and tools for diagnosing dementia
15. Describe the differential diagnosis of dementia
16. Explain the principle management of dementia
17. Explain of the course and prognosis of dementia
18. Recognize the indication for dementia case referral
Case 6 Epilepsy and Schizophrenia
1. Explain the anatomy and physiology of limbic system and cerebral lobes
2. Explain about personality, personality disorder and personality changes in epilepsy
3. Explain the definition of epilepsy and seizure
4. Explain the epidemiology etiology of epilepsy
5. Explain the classification of epilepsy and seizure
6. Explain the classification of psychotic disorder
7. Explain about normal brain neurotransmitter
8. Explain about neurotransmitter in epilepsy and schizophrenia
9. Explain about normal transmission
10. Explain the lab examination for epilepsy
11. Explain differential diagnosis for epilepsy
12. Explain the management of epilepsy and schizophrenia
13. Describe pharmacological properties of drug related to case
14. Describe prognosis of epileptic and schizophrenia patient
Case 7 Mood and Personality Disorder
1. Describe the term and definition of mood disorder

2. Describe classification of mood disorder

3. Describe epidemiology of mood disorder
4. Explain the etiology of mood disorder
5. Review the anatomy and physiology of limbic system
6. Explain the neurotransmitter involved in mood disorder
7. Explain the psychopathology and psychodinamic of mood
8. Explain the signand symptom of mood disorder
9. Differential diagnosis of mood disorder
10. Explain the management of mood disorde
11. Explain the course and prognosis of mood disorder
12. Describe the medicolegal aspects of mood disorder
13. Describe the definition of personality
14. Describe the classification of personality disorder
15. Explain the sign and symptom (diagnostic feature) of dependent personality disorder
16. Describe the epidemiology of dependentpersonality disorder
17. Explain complication comorbidity and impairment of dependent personality disorder
18. Explain epidemiology of dependent personality disorder
19. Explain the etiology, psychodynamic of dependent personality disorder
20. Differential diagnosis of dependent personality disorder
21. Explain the management of dependent personality disorder
22. Explain the course and prognosisof dependent personality disorder
Case 8 Cerebral palsy and mental retardation
1. Explain the development, anatomy, histology and physiology of human brain
2. Describe the definition of growth and development
3. Describe the basic principle of growth and development
4. Describe the period of human growth and development
5. Describe the factor influencing human growth and development
6. Describe the normal pattern of human growth and development
7. Describe the aspect domain in child development
8. Describe the milestone of development in children
9. Describe the screening and monitoring of growth and development
10. Describe about normal child behavior
11. Describe the definition of cerebral palsy
12. Explain about etiology of cerebral palsy

13. Explain about sign and symptoms of cerebral palsy

14. Describe the neurological examination of cerebral palsy
15. Describe the radiological examination of cerebral palsy
16. Describe the management procedure of cerebral palsy
17. Describe the definition and classification of mental retardation
18. Describe the sign and symptoms of mental retardation
19. Describe the neurological and psychiatric aspect of mental retardation
20. Describe the management procedure of mental retardation
Case 9 CSOM

Describe the anatomy of the ear and eustachian tube

Describe the embryology of the ear and eustachian tube
Describe the histology of the external auditory canal, Tympanic membrane,
eustachian tube, middle ear, and inner ear
Describe the physiology of hearing and balance
Describe the definition and classification of otitis media
Describe the etiology and risk factor of otitis media
Describe the pathophysiology of the otitis media
Describe the differential diagnosis of otitis media
Outline the clinical manifestation, physical examination, and ancillary test of CSOM
Outline the diagnosis of hearing loss and vertigo
Evaluate and outline the management of CSOM
Outline the prevention of CSOM
Explain prognosis of CSOM

Case 10 Decrease Visual Acuity

Describe embryology of the eye (C2) [Lab activity]

Describe ocular anatomy, extra ocular muscle, and ocular cranial nerve
(2,3,4,5,6,7), orbita, palpebra, lachrymal system (C2) [Anatomy]
Describe the histology of eye (ocular and adnexa) (C2) [histology]
Explain visual pathway and physiology of vision (C4) [physiology]
Explain transform of light into energy (C4) [physiology and biochemistry]
Explain physiology and metabolism of the lens (C4) [Physiology and Biochemistry]
Explain etiology of decreased visual acuity (C4) [Ophthalmology]
Explain pathophysiology and pathogenesis of cataract (C4) [PA & Ophthalmology]
Describe sign and symptoms of cataract (C3) [Ophthalmology]
Describe external examination of the eye, visual acuity examination, and supporting
tool (C4) [Ophthalmology]
Describe definition and classification of cataract (C2) [Ophthalmology]
Describe risk factor of cataract (C2) [Ophthalmology]
Explain management of cataract (C3) [Ophthalmology]
Describe cataract complication (C3) [Ophthalmology]
Describe screening of cataract (C3) [Ophthalmology]

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