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Actually=in momentul de fata, in prezent;

Speak out=a vorbi pe fata, deschis, tare;

Im told I snore;
I think out loud;
Not that I know of;
Absolutely=categoric, absolut, fara discutie, sigur, pe deplin;
Im someone who like;
Clean and tidy=very clean;
Not about nu-s moarta dupa asta;
Get my own side= a-ti lua partea;
Heading up the West coast;
Apparently=dupa cate se pare;
Overtake=a depasi;
What are you up to at the moment?=ce faci?

Much more (Much-More-Most) cheaper incorrect.

Some is used with the plural form of countable nouns, and with uncountable
nouns. We use any with the plural form of countable nouns, and with
uncountable nouns. There isn't any milk in the fridge.
197g, 213 p, 219 pv, 240 t
Your English: Word grammar: though (cu toate acestea)
By Tim Bowen
Though is often used to imply that a statement is untrue. Tim Bowen's
explanation of this interesting conjunction is completely true, though!
Though the main use of though is as a conjunction (connecting two clauses or
phrases), where it is used in the same way as although, it does have another use
where it cannot be replaced by although.
As a conjunction it can be used in initial position to introduce a statement that
contrasts with the main statement to make it more surprising, as in Though we
are only a small country, we have a long and glorious history' and 'The
journey, though difficult, involved no real danger'. It can also be used after
adjectives to achieve the same effect, as in 'Difficult though the journey was, it

involved no real danger or Poor thoughher family was, they never asked for
Another use of though as a conjunction is to introduce a statement that makes
what you have just said less true or less likely, as in I really enjoyed your
lecture, though there were some parts I didnt understand and It was an
interesting film, though a bit too long for my liking'. Here too, though can be
replaced by although.
Finally, though is often used at the end of a sentence or clause to add a
statement or question that makes the previous statement less true, as in Its a
bit like a crossword puzzle more complicated though and The Savoys a very
nice hotel. Its a bit expensive though. In this use of though, it cannot be
replaced by although.
Hand-picked=select carefully with a particular purpose in mind.
Holidaymaker=persoana in vacanta;
To see what each paragraph is about. as not to offend..
Drawback=deficienta, dezavantaj; well youd think..
Indulgence=favoare, indurare, mila;
Increzut=pusher, stiff-neck, would-be, smug, perky
Outline=rezumat, conspect
Every bit=in intregime
To set up=a configura (informatica)
Lay awake all night=a sta treaza toata noaptea
As it was known back then...
Crackle=a sfarama
Cut out=a elimina, a indeparta

get-together=reuniune, petrecere, adunare;
come along=a veni cu cineva, a insoti pe cineva;
overhaul=revizie generala;
limbo=uitare (fig.);
pit stop=pauza pipi, mancare calatorie (argou);

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