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Diabetes mellitus ( DM ) is a metabolic disease group Happens BECAUSE abnormalities in

insulin secretion , insulin OR second - second to none . Chronic hyperglycemia WITH THE
DM Associated Long-Term damage , failure of multiple organ dysfunction OR body
especially the eyes , kidneys , nerves , heart , and blood vessels 3. WHO defines DM based
Laboratory tests Glucose concentrations WITH More than 7.8 mmol / l ( 126 mg / dl ) taxable
income fasting OR More than 11.1 mmol / l ( 200 mg / dl ) prayer jam taxable income OR
carbohydrate diet prayer diet jam taxable income Glucose Equivalents 75 g 15
World Heatlh Organization ( WHO ) reported that there were 347 million people worldwide
are diagnosed with diabetes . The prevalence of diabetes in the world is estimated at about 6.4
% in 2010 and is predicted to rise to 7.7 % in 2030. Most of the increase in prevalence in
developing countries 5 .
DM causes disturbances in the metabolism of carbohydrates , proteins , and fats caused by
insufficiency atauresistensi secretion of insulin , and / or keduanya.Hal this be the reason why
oral medication and injections in recent decades has not behasil troubleshooting DM . Various
drugs only react to some parts of the pathogenic process . For example, a sulfonylurea
antidiabetic drugs to stimulate insulin secretion from pancreatic cells or by reducing hepatic
clearance of the hormone can not be the only drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes
mellitus who etiology is not only related to pancreatic -cell function 5
Treatment with insulin injections and oral medications to treat diabetes is not only expensive,
but long-term use can lead to various complications. Several species of wild plants has
demonstrated its effectiveness, non-toxic, and has substances that can treat diabetes. In
Africa, some plants have been studied as Anacadium occidental, Congronema latifolium,
Vernonia amygdalina, and others shown to lower blood glucose levels in diabetes. This is
because the effectiveness, side effects are minimal, and relatively inexpensive 9. African tea
leaf (Vernonia amigdalina) has a height of about 2-5m. The plant is cultivated in Nigeria as a
vegetable. This plant is very useful for etnoterapi diabetes, asthma, skistostomiasis, malaria,
diarrhea, tuberculosis, abdominal pain, fever, and cough 12. The plant is not so popular in
Indonesia. Most people know the efficacy of these leaves and eat them with boiled as a
vegetable engulfed 4. Vernonia amygdalina have antihiperglikemia effect, antihiperlipidemia,
and protection of the kidney in mice diabetes because it can increase the secretion of insulin
from pancreatic cells and the mechanism of transfer of carbohydrates in the network.
Phytochemical substances contained in extracts of Vernonia amygdalinaadalah flavonoids,
saponins, polyphenols and tannins 2. flavonoids and polyphenols known as a good
antioxidant. Vitamin A, C, and vitamin E is most found in the extract act as protective cells
and tissues in the degenerative process of diabetes mellitus. Saponins, sterols, glycosida,
tannins and flavonoids could potentially induce increased synthesis of insulin 11.
This type of research that will be done is research using randomized designs Pre and Post
Test Control Group Design to find a picture of blood glucose levels in mice induced DM
alloxan. Maintenance, alloxan injection performed in the laboratory of Pharmacy STIKES
Minang. Extracting leaves of Vernonia amygdalina conducted laboratory integrated Kopertis,
Padang in January 2016. The study population was white mice (Mus musculus) male.
Samples were as many as 15 mice were divided into 3 groups: negative control group (K1), a
group of mice induced alloxan (K2), and a group of mice induced by alloxan and extracts of
Vernonia amygdalinal. The sampling was based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The

inclusion criteria of this study are male mice of 6-7 weeks old and weighing 20-30 grams and
no anatomic defects or illness, while an exclusion criterion in this study were dead or
diseased mice.
The data obtained are grouped into a frequency distribution tables and table relationships
between groups of mice K1 , K2 , and P. These data were analyzed using T test and One Way
Anova Test with a confidence level of 95% . Hypothesis was accepted if p < 0.05 .
The mean fasting blood glucose levels of three groups of mice at the end of the
acclimatization worth normal, whereas after five days there is an increasing alloxan induced
exceeds the value noemal (> 126mg / dl) in the group K2 and P. At the end of the experiment
a significant increase in the K2 group, while the group P decreased mean fasting blood
glucose levels after 10 days treated with extract of Vernonia amygdalina.
Table 1. Effect of test analysis comparability of treatment at the end of acclimation
K1 (mg / dl) Mean SD K2 (mg / dl) Mean SD P (mg / dl) Mean SD Significance
Mean of 63.4 15 323 80.40 84.20 24.682 18.370 0.382
Test one final GDP wayanova acclimatization. Test post-hoc LSD: K1 K2 vs. p = 0, 0.182;
K1 vs P p = 0, 649; K2 vs. P p = 0, 360
Comparability test aimed to compare the mean glucose levels between groups of mice. The
results of the analysis of significance using One Way Anova test in mice the end of the
acclimatization obtained a significant difference (p> 0.05), ie with a significance value of

Table 2. Table 2 Results of the analysis of the comparability test Influence Treatment After
K1 (mg / dl) Mean SD K2 (mg / dl) Mean SD P (mg / dl) Mean SD Significance
The mean of 80.60 23.384 152.20 175.00 44.435 15.304 0.001
Test one wayanova GDP after alloxan induction. Test post-hoc LSD: K1 K2 vs. p = 0.003; K1
vs P p = 0, 000; K2 vs. P p = 0, 198
Analysis of treatment effect was tested by the mean blood glucose levels between groups
after alloxan induced. The results of the analysis of significance using One Way ANOVA
showed that p = 0.001. This means that the average blood glucose levels in all three groups
after treatment given significantly different (p <0.05). The results of post-hoct LSD test
showed a significant difference (P <0.05) in the negative control group (K1) with the positive
control (K2) and a negative control (K1) with treatment (P). This is because the increase in
blood glucose levels were significant in the positive control group (K2) and treatment (P)
after induction of alloxan 150mg / kg. Table 3. Effect of comparability test analysis Treatment
At the end of the experiment K1 (mg / dl) Mean SD K2 (mg / dl) Mean SD P (mg / dl)
Mean SD Significance Mean 76.60 435.80 8.295 5.975 0.000 139.820 100.80 Test
one wayanova GDP at the end of the study. Test post-hoc LSD: K1 K2 vs. p = 0.000; K1 vs P
p = 0.648; K2 vs. P p = 0, 000

Analysis of treatment effect was tested by the mean blood glucose levels between the groups
after being given treatment . The results of the analysis of significance using One Way
ANOVA showed that p = 0.000 . The results of post - hoct LSD test showed a significant
difference ( P < 0.05) in the negative control group ( K1 ) with the positive control ( K2 ) . It
is because the increase in blood glucose levels in the positive control group ( K2 ) again
experienced an increase in blood glucose levels at the end of the experiment . However , a
significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) are in the negative control group ( K1 ) to the treatment
group ( P ) due to blood glucose treatment groups ( P ) returned to normal after being fed
extracts of Vernonia amygdalina 200mg / kg 2 times a day

DISCUSSION Gluoksa levels of fasting blood at the end of the acclimatization valuable
group of mice a normal (<126mg / dl). These results are consistent with research from the
American Diabetes Association in 2011 that normal blood glucose levels, ie <126mg / dl for
fasting glucose and <200mg / dl for random blood glucose levels. Insulin acts as a hormone
effective to store glucose in cells in normal people. Additionally receptors such as GLUT 1,
GLUT 2, GLUT 3, and GLUT 4 was also instrumental in the process of storage of glucose in
the cells so as not to cause conditions of hyperglycemia 10. Fasting blood glucose levels in
the positive control group (K2) and treatment (P) 5 days after induction of alloxan 150mg /
kg single doses increased> 126mg / dl. Alloxan has been used as a substance that can cause
the condition of diabetes in experimental animals. Alloksan can be given intravenously,
intraperitoneal, and intramuscular. The usual dose is used for inducing intraperitoneally is
150mg / kg dose. Alloksan cause pancreatic cell damage through the activation reaction of
reactive oxygen species (ROS), Fenton reaction, and the reaction of insulin and related K +
ATPase 14. Alloxan reacts by damaging essential substances in the beta cells of the pancreas
that causes a carrier granules of insulin is reduced. Alloxan increase the release of insulin
from the pancreatic beta cells but had no effect on the secretion glukogon. This effect is
specific to pancreatic beta cells so that alloxan with high concentrations has no effect on other
networks. Alloxan diabetogenic effect by urging kerusaakn beta cell membrane by increasing
permeabititas 16.

However, a different result was found by some researchers that not all experimental animals
have elevated levels of blood glucose. A decrease in blood glucose levels in animals induced
alloxan can occur due to pancreatic cells have the ability to regenerate. Age and animal
immunity and alloxan dose also affects the pancreatic cell damage. Alloxan can also
damage the kidneys resulting in failure of the filtration tubules of glucose so that the glucose
out memalui urine and blood glucose levels to be down 8.
Blood glucose levels at the end of the experiment showed results of a negative control (K1) is
worth the normal, positive control increased blood glucose levels significantly, while the
treatment group (P) which has been given extracts of Vernonia amygdalina 200mg / kg 2
times a day experienced a decrease in blood glucose levels ,
Vernonia amygdalina contains many minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium,
magnesium, zinc, iron, and vitamins (A, C, and E). Phytochemical the greatest role as
antihipergikemi is flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins, alkaloids, glycosides, isoflavones,
cholinergic acid, and safonin. Chronic exposure of cells against oxidative substances (ROS)

of alloxan resulted in pancreatic cell destruction and inhibits regeneration of pancreatic

cells resulting in elevated blood sugar levels. Flavonoids serves to inhibit the activity or
improved its mendeaktivasi ROS and regeneration of pancreatic cells. These substances not
only play a role in pancreatic cells but also on the network associated with diabetes
complications. polyphenols inhibit the function mekanise glucose uptake in the intestine and
peripheral jarigan that activate the enzyme alpha-glucosidase, G6Pase inhibit liver enzymes,
increased expression of GLUT 4, and modulate the expression of GLUT 2 in pancreatic
cells. These substances can also inhibit alpha-amylase, sucrase, which is working on a
sodium glucose transporter (GLUT-1-S) in the brush border of intestinal cells. Isoflavones,
tannins, acids cholinergic, alkaloids, glycosides, and safonin also found by researchers in the
role of the enzyme inhibitors on S-GLUT-1 15.
Based on histopathological picture, the pancreatic beta cells in mice induced alloxan alone
and mice induced by alloxan and extracts of Vernonia amygdalina showed that pancreatic
beta cells of mice induced by alloxan just undergone degeneration. There are areas of necrotic
cells undergo sclerosis on. In the histopathology of pancreatic beta cells in mice diindukis
alloxan and given extracts of Vernonia amygdalina there are many areas of cell proliferation,
meaning the pancreatic beta cells to regenerate 2.
The results differ by Akinola, et al in 2009 said that the Vernonia extract amygdalina not have
anti-hyperglycemic effect on the first 3 weeks of the experiment. After 3 weeks, fasting blood
glucose levels in mice decreased until reaching normal. The study was conducted for 7 weeks
at a dose of 400mg bw / d. This happens because of the effects of streptozocin that causes
necrosis strong effect on pancreatic cells and thus require a longer treatment time. This
study also used the normal mice were given extracts of Vernonia amygdalina 400mg bw / d
and found that the extract can lower blood glucose levels in normal mice since the beginning
of the study. This is because bioaviabilitas Vernonia amygdalina against pancreatic normal
mice better than mice DM 1.
Research by Ekam, et al in 2013 doing research with Vernonia amygdalina dose of 100mg /
kg and 200mg / kg body weight of the mice for 14 days with a variety of different types of
solvents. The results showed that both doses with alcohol solvent capable of lowering blood
glucose levels mainly dose of 200mg / kg, but each dose was not able to lower blood glucose
levels to normal. However, better results contained in the extract obtained by solvent benzene
and blood glucose levels were normal at the end of the study 6
Research by Happy , et al in 2014 doing research with extracts of Vernonia amygdalina dose
of 100 mg / kg per day for 14 days . The results showed that there is no decline in blood
glucose levels were significantly ( P > 0.05 ) on the first day until the seventh day of the
study. The eighth day until the end of the study there is a decrease in blood glucose levels
were significantly ( P < 0.05 ) in mice DM . This is because the dose of 100mg / kg body
weight per day is not enough to lower blood glucose levels more quickly 7 . CONCLUSION
Amygdalina Vernonia extract can lower fasting blood glucose levels significantly in DM
mice . THANK-YOU NOTE Acknowledgements to dra . Erlina Rustam , MS , Apt , Dr.
Almurdi , DMM , Kes, dr . Malinda Meinapuri , M.Si.Med above suggestions, feedback , and
direction in this study .

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