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Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary - 3rd Edition

airy adjective LIGHT

1. APPROVING with a lot of light and space
The new offices are light and airy.
airiness noun [U ] APPROVING

amazing adjective
This wine is really amazing.

atmosphere noun MOOD


[U] APPROVING a feeling that a place has of being pleasant and interesting or exciting
You want a restaurant that serves good food but has a bit of atmosphere too.
He put on some soft music and turned the lights down in order to give the room a bit more atmosphere.

atmospheric adjective MOOD

2. APPROVING creating a special feeling, such as mystery or romance
atmospheric lighting/music
I quite like fog because it's atmospheric.

bottle noun BRAVERY

3. [U] UK SLANG APPROVING bravery or willingness to take risks
It took a lot of bottle to do what she did.

broadminded adjective APPROVING

willing to accept other people's behaviour and beliefs, especially sexual behaviour
At seventy she was surprisingly broadminded.

candid adjective APPROVING

honest and telling the truth, especially about something difficult or painful
The two presidents have had candid talks about the current crisis.
To be candid with you, I think you're making a dreadful mistake.

charmingly adverb APPROVING

cherub noun [C ] (plural cherubs or FORMAL cherubim)
2. INFORMAL APPROVING a beautiful and well-behaved child

chunky adjective
2. APPROVING describes a person who is short and heavy

chutzpah noun [U ] APPROVING

unusual and shocking behaviour, involving taking risks but not feeling guilty

compassion noun [U ] APPROVING

a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help them
I was hoping she might show a little compassion.

compassionate adjective APPROVING

showing compassion
The public's response to the crisis appeal was generous and compassionate.
copybook adjective [before noun ] UK APPROVING
agreeing exactly with what is expected or with the rules that are connected with a situation
a copybook musical performance
a copybook military exercise

cosmopolitan adjective USUALLY APPROVING

containing or having experience of people and things from many different parts of the world
New York is a highly cosmopolitan city.
cosmopolitan noun [C ] USUALLY APPROVING
someone who has experience of many different parts of the world
Lisa is a real cosmopolitan.


1. hard enough to be broken easily


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2. describes cooked foods, such as pastry and biscuits, that are well cooked so that they are just dry and
hard enough


3. describes fruit or vegetables that are fresh and firm
a crisp apple


4. describes paper or cloth that is stiff and smooth
a crisp new 5 note/a crisp white tablecloth


5. describes sound or an image that is very clear
Now that we have cable, we get a wonderfully crisp picture, even on our old TV.


6. describes a way of speaking, writing or behaving that is quick, confident and effective
a crisp reply
a crisp, efficient manner


7. describes weather that is cold, dry and bright
a wonderful crisp spring morning


8. describes air that is cold, dry and fresh
I breathed in deeply the crisp mountain air.

crispy adjective APPROVING

describes food that is hard enough to be broken easily
crispy bacon

cuddly adjective APPROVING

liking to cuddle, or making you want to cuddle
a very cuddly child

decision noun DECIDING QUICKLY

2. [U] APPROVING the ability to decide quickly and without pausing because you are not certain
She acted with decision, closing the bank account and phoning the police.

demon noun
2. [C usually singular] APPROVING a person who does a particular activity with great skill or energy
She works like a demon.
Stefan has a demon serve.

diligent adjective
1. APPROVING careful and using a lot of effort
a diligent student
Leo is very diligent in/about his work.
Their lawyer was extremely diligent in preparing their case.

dinky adjective INFORMAL

UK APPROVING She's got dinky little (= small and charming) feet.
US DISAPPROVING They live in a dinky (= small and without charm) one-room apartment.
diplomacy noun [U ]
2. APPROVING skill in dealing with people without offending or upsetting them
It took all her tact and diplomacy to persuade him not to resign.
diplomat noun [C ]
2. APPROVING a person who is skilled at dealing with difficult situations in a way which does not offend people

diplomatic adjective
2. APPROVING acting in a way that does not cause offence
Ask him nicely - be diplomatic.

disarming adjective APPROVING

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He displayed a disarming honesty by telling them about his father's bankruptcy.

discerning adjective FORMAL APPROVING

showing good judgment, especially about style and quality
a discerning customer
discernment noun [U ] FORMAL APPROVING
the ability to judge people and things well
It's clear that you are a person of discernment.

discriminating adjective FORMAL APPROVING

able to know and act on the difference between good and bad
They're discriminating shoppers.
a discriminating palate
dry adjective (drier, driest or dryer, dryest) HUMOUR
8. APPROVING Dry humour is very funny in a way which is clever and not loud or obvious
a dry sense of humour
a dry wit

effortless adjective APPROVING

seeming not to need any effort
When you watch her dance it looks so effortless.
He was an actor of effortless charm.
a combination of style and energetic confidence, especially in performances or manner
She dances the role with such lan.
As a prime minister, she had a certain lan.

energy noun STRENGTH


[U] the power and ability to be physically and mentally active

Since I started eating more healthily I've got so much more energy.
I was going to go out this evening, but I just haven't got the energy.
[+ to infinitive] I didn't even have the energy to get out of bed.
APPROVING Her writing is full of passion and energy (= enthusiasm).

engaging adjective APPROVING

pleasant, attractive and charming
an engaging smile/manner/person

enlightened adjective APPROVING

1. showing understanding, acting in a positive way, and not following old-fashioned or false beliefs
The school has an enlightened policy of teaching boys to cook.
These days she's much more enlightened in her views on education.

enlightened adjective APPROVING

2. knowing the truth about existence
Buddha was an enlightened being.

exceptional adjective APPROVING

much greater than usual, especially in skill, intelligence, quality, etc
an exceptional student
exceptional powers of concentration
The company has shown exceptional growth over the past two years.

experienced adjective APPROVING

having skill or knowledge because you have done something many times
an experienced teacher
She is very experienced in marketing.

fairyland noun
2. [S] APPROVING a beautiful place with an attractive or special quality
It had snowed heavily during the night and in the morning the garden was a white fairyland.
fairy-tale , fairytale adjective [before noun ] APPROVING

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having a special and attractive or beautiful quality, like something in a fairy tale
They had a fairy-tale wedding.
Sadly, there was no fairy-tale happy ending to the story.

faultless adjective APPROVING

perfect and without any mistakes
a faultless performance
speaking faultless French

feline adjective
2. MAINLY APPROVING appearing or behaving like a cat
She had pretty, almost feline features.
femininity noun [U ] USUALLY APPROVING
Long hair was traditionally regarded as a sign of femininity.
fidelity noun [U ] EXACT COPY
2. APPROVING when you copy the detail and quality of an original, such as a picture, sound or story exactly
The best ink-jet printers can reproduce photographs with amazing fidelity.

fortunate adjective APPROVING

[+ to infinitive] You're very fortunate to have found such a lovely house.
He was fortunate in his choice of assistant.
[+ that] It was fortunate that they had left in plenty of time.

fresh adjective NEW


[before noun] APPROVING new and therefore interesting or exciting

His book offers some fresh insights into the events leading up to the war.
We have tried to come up with a fresh new approach.

fruity adjective VOICE

3. INFORMAL APPROVING (of a voice) deep and pleasant

gallant adjective BRAVE

1. FORMAL APPROVING showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things
Despite fierce competition she made a gallant effort to win the first medal of the championships.

gamine adjective APPROVING

describes a girl or young woman who is thin, short-haired and attractively like a young boy in appearance
Her newly cropped hair gives her a fashionably gamine look.
gentleman noun [C ]
2. APPROVING a man who is polite and behaves well towards other people, especially women
He was a perfect gentleman.
Not holding a door for a lady? You're no gentleman, are you?
gentleman noun [C ]
3. APPROVING a man of a high social class
a gentlemen's club

girlish adjective USUALLY APPROVING

describes behaviour or characteristics that are typical of a girl
a girlish laugh
His eyelashes were long and girlish.

great adjective FAMOUS

3. APPROVING famous, powerful, or important as one of a particular type
a great politician/leader/artist/man/woman
This is one of Rembrandt's greatest paintings.
Who do you think is the greatest modern novelist?
hunk noun [C ] MAN
2. INFORMAL APPROVING a tall strong attractive man

hunky adjective INFORMAL APPROVING

describes a man who is sexually attractive and usually big and strong

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I think he's quite hunky.

imaginative adjective APPROVING

1. new, original and clever
an imaginative new approach/policy
The architects have made imaginative use of glass and transparent plastic.

imaginative adjective APPROVING

2. good at producing ideas or things that are unusual, clever or showing skill in inventing
an imaginative designer

immaculate adjective APPROVING

1. perfectly clean or tidy
dressed in an immaculate white suit
an immaculate garden

immaculate adjective APPROVING

2. perfect and without any mistakes
He gave an immaculate performance as the aging hero.

insightful adjective APPROVING

instructive adjective APPROVING
giving useful or interesting information

integrity noun [U ] HONESTY

1. APPROVING the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change
No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity.

inventive adjective APPROVING

very good at thinking of new and original ideas
He is very inventive, always dreaming up new gadgets for the home.

inventively adverb APPROVING

irreproachable adjective FORMAL APPROVING
without fault and therefore impossible to criticize
Her conduct throughout was irreproachable.

just adverb EXACTLY


exactly or equally
This carpet would be just right for the dining room.
The twins look just like each other.
Things turned out just as I expected.
You've got just as many toys as your brother.
Thank you, it's just what I've always wanted.
I can't help you just now/yet.
Just then, the lights went out.
I can just imagine Sophie as a police officer.
INFORMAL APPROVING That dress is just you (= suits you very well).

lazy adjective
2. APPROVING slow and relaxed
We spent a lazy day on the beach sunbathing.

lean adjective EFFICIENT

4. APPROVING A lean company or organization uses only a small number of people and a small amount of
money etc. so that there is no waste
Nowadays even efficient, lean, well-run industries are failing.
machine noun [C ] VEHICLE
3. INFORMAL a vehicle, often a motorcycle
APPROVING That's a mean (= powerful) machine you've got there, Bill.

manly adjective APPROVING

having the qualities which people think a man should have
He has such a manly voice.

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My mother used to tell me it wasn't manly for little boys to cry.
maturation noun [U ] FORMAL DEVELOP MENTALLY
1. MAINLY APPROVING the process of becoming completely developed mentally or emotionally

mature adjective LIKE AN ADULT

1. MAINLY APPROVING Mature people behave like adults in a way that shows they are well developed
He's very mature for his age.


1. [I or T] MAINLY APPROVING to become more developed mentally and emotionally and behave in a responsible
Girls are said to mature faster than boys.
He matured a lot while he was at college.


2. [I] MAINLY APPROVING If ideas, opinions, etc. mature, they reach an advanced or developed state
It took several years for her ideas to mature.

maturely adverb MAINLY


in a mature and responsible way

maturity noun [U ] DEVELOP MENTALLY

1. MAINLY APPROVING the quality of behaving mentally and emotionally like an adult

maturity noun [U ] DEVELOP MENTALLY

2. MAINLY APPROVING a very advanced or developed form or state

merciful adjective APPROVING PERSON

1. describes someone who shows kindness and forgiveness to people who are in their power
"God is merciful," said the priest.
a merciful ruler
2. describes an event or situation which you are grateful for because it stops something unpleasant
After such a long illness, her death came as a merciful release.

mercifully adverb APPROVING

His illness was mercifully brief.

meticulous adjective APPROVING

very careful and with great attention to every detail
Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book.

modern adjective MOST RECENT


designed and made using the most recent ideas and methods
modern technology/architecture/medicine/art
We're in the very modern-looking building opposite the station.
APPROVING My grandpa's attitudes are very modern, considering his age.

modest adjective QUIETLY SUCCESSFUL

2. APPROVING not usually talking about or making obvious your own abilities and achievements
He's very modest about his achievements.
modesty noun [U ] QUIET SUCCESS
1. APPROVING when someone doesn't usually talk about or make obvious their abilities and achievements
She does a lot of work for charities, but her modesty forbids her from talking about it.

moist adjective
slightly wet, especially in a good way
Keep the soil in the pot moist, but not too wet.
APPROVING This cake is lovely and moist!
moreish adjective UK INFORMAL APPROVING
(of food) having a very pleasant taste and making you want to eat more
These peanuts are very moreish, aren't they?

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motherly adjective USUALLY APPROVING

describes a woman who treats other people with a lot of kindness and love and tries to make certain they are

naivety , navet noun [U ]

trust based on not having much experience
DISAPPROVING He demonstrated a worrying naivety about political issues.
APPROVING I think her naivety is charming - she's so unspoilt and fresh.

nimble adjective USUALLY APPROVING

quick and exact either in movement or thoughts
nimble fingers/feet
His nimble mind calculated the answer before I could key the numbers into my computer.

obliging adjective APPROVING

willing or eager to help
He found an obliging doctor who gave him the drugs he needed.

observant adjective APPROVING

good or quick at noticing things
"That's a new dress, isn't it?" "Yes, you are observant!"

original adjective DIFFERENT

3. MAINLY APPROVING not the same as anything or anyone else and therefore special and interesting
original ideas/suggestions/work
She's a highly original young designer.
originality noun [U ] MAINLY APPROVING
the quality of being special and interesting and not the same as anything or anyone else
We were impressed by the originality of the children's work.

outgoing adjective FRIENDLY

1. APPROVING (of a person) friendly and energetic and finding it easy and enjoyable to be with others
Sales reps need to be outgoing, because they are constantly meeting customers.
She has an outgoing personality.
perseverance noun [U ] MAINLY APPROVING
continued effort and determination
Through hard work and perseverance, he worked his way up from being a teacher in a village school to
the headmaster of a large comprehensive.
persevere verb [I ] MAINLY APPROVING
to try to do or continue doing something in a determined way, despite having problems
It looks as if the policy will be a success, providing that the government perseveres and does not give in
to its critics.
The education director is persevering in his attempt to obtain additional funding for the school.
Despite receiving little support, the women are persevering with their crusade to fight crime.

perspicacious adjective FORMAL APPROVING

quick in noticing, understanding or judging things accurately
His perspicacious grandfather had bought the land as an investment, guessing that there might be gold
perspicacity noun [U ] FORMAL APPROVING
the ability to understand things quickly and make accurate judgments
a woman of exceptional perspicacity
pet noun [C ] PERSON
3. INFORMAL APPROVING a kind person who is easy to like
He's always sending me flowers - he's a real pet!

petite adjective
1. APPROVING If a woman or girl is petite, she is small and thin in an attractive way
She was dark and petite, as all his wives had been.
pizzazz , pzazz noun [U ] INFORMAL APPROVING

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the quality of noticeable and energetic excitement
Their performance was full of pizzazz.
poetic adjective (ALSO poetical)
2. APPROVING very beautiful or expressing emotion
Deanne Sokolin creates abstract, mournfully poetic black-and-white images of wrapped objects.
poise noun [U ] APPROVING
calm confidence in a person's way of behaving, or a quality of grace (= moving in an attractive way) and
balance in the way a person holds or moves their body
He looked embarrassed for a moment, then quickly regained his poise.
Her confidence and poise show that she is a top model.

poised adjective
3. APPROVING showing very calm and controlled behaviour

polymath noun [C ] FORMAL APPROVING

a person who knows a lot about many different subjects

practical adjective EFFECTIVE

4. APPROVING able to provide effective solutions to problems
She has a lot of interesting ideas, but they're not very practical.
We need someone practical who can cope with a crisis.
practicality noun [U ] EFFECTIVE
2. [U] APPROVING the quality of being able to provide effective solutions to problems
Jonathan has demonstrated enormous practicality in his successful management of the shop.

pragmatic adjective MAINLY APPROVING

solving problems in a realistic way which suits the present conditions rather than obeying fixed theories,
ideas or rules
In business, the pragmatic approach to problems is often more successful than an idealistic one.

pragmatically adverb MAINLY APPROVING

in a pragmatic way
It is intended that these guidelines should be applied flexibly and pragmatically.
pragmatism noun [U ] MAINLY APPROVING
when you deal with a problem in a realistic way rather than obeying fixed theories, ideas or rules
The council has operated much more effectively since pragmatism replaced political dogma.

precise adjective CAREFUL

2. APPROVING very careful and accurate, especially about small details
Years of doing meticulous research had made her very precise in her working methods.

precisely adverb CAREFUL

4. APPROVING carefully and accurately
He works slowly and precisely whereas I tend to rush things and make mistakes.
precision noun [U ] CAREFUL
2. APPROVING the qualities of being careful and accurate
His books are a pleasure to read because he writes with such clarity and precision.

presence noun
4. [U] APPROVING a quality that makes people notice or admire you, even when you are not speaking
stage presence
He stood there in the corner of the room, a dark, brooding (= worrying) presence.

principle noun MORAL RULE

3. [C or U] APPROVING a moral rule or standard of good behaviour
She doesn't have any principles.
He was a man of principle.
Anyway, I can't deceive him - it's against all my principles.
I never gamble, as a matter of principle (= because I believe it is wrong).
She'd never ask to borrow money, on principle.

pristine adjective FORMAL APPROVING

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new or almost new, and in very good condition
pristine new offices
Washing machine for sale - only 2 months old and in pristine condition.

professional adjective
2. APPROVING having the qualities that you connect with trained and skilled people, such as effectiveness,
skill, organization and seriousness of manner
It would look more professional if the letter was typed.
She always looks very professional in her smart suits.
You've done a very professional job stripping that floor!


2. APPROVING having or showing self-respect
We Albanians are a proud people.
He might be poor but he's also proud, and he won't be pushed around by anyone.

provident adjective FORMAL APPROVING

making arrangements for future needs, especially by saving money

ready adjective QUICK

4. [before noun] MAINLY APPROVING quick with answers, jokes, solutions, etc
He had a ready reply to every question.
He was charming, with a ready wit (= the ability to quickly say clever and funny things).

real adjective NOT FALSE

5. [before noun] UK APPROVING (especially of foods) produced using traditional methods and without artificial
The pub sells several kinds of real ale (= traditional beer).

resolution noun DETERMINATION

3. [U] (ALSO resoluteness) FORMAL APPROVING determination
He showed great resolution in facing the robbers.

resourceful adjective APPROVING

skilled at solving problems and making decisions on your own
She's a very resourceful manager.
resourcefulness noun [U ] (FORMAL resource) APPROVING
the ability to make decisions and act on your own
This film reveals their resourcefulness in overcoming appalling weather and treacherous terrain.
right-minded adjective [before noun ] (ALSO right-thinking) APPROVING
having beliefs or opinions that most people think are reasonable and sensible
Every right-minded person is against terrorism.

rigorous adjective CAREFUL

1. APPROVING careful to look at or consider every part of something to make certain it is correct or safe
rigorous testing/checking/methods
rigour UK , US rigor noun [U ] CARE
3. SLIGHTLY FORMAL APPROVING when you look at or consider every part of something carefully to make certain
that it is correct or safe
Her arguments lacked intellectual rigour.

roomy adjective APPROVING

If something such as a house or car is roomy, it has a lot of space inside it.

rosy adjective
1. having a colour between pink and red
APPROVING Your rosy cheeks always make you look so healthy.

selfless adjective
Someone who is selfless only thinks of other people's advantage
selfless devotion to duty


selflessly adverb APPROVING

selflessness noun [U ] APPROVING

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sensational adjective
1. APPROVING very good, exciting or unusual
a sensational sports car/dress
She looks sensational (= extremely attractive) in her new dress.

seraphic adjective LITERARY APPROVING

beautiful in a way that suggests goodness and purity
a seraphic smile

shapely adjective APPROVING

used to describe something that has an attractive form, especially a woman's body or parts of a woman's
shapely legs

sharp adjective CLEVER

8. MAINLY APPROVING clever or quick to notice things
Bird-watchers need to have sharp ears and eyes.
She has a sharp eye for a bargain.
Our new director is very sharp.
She manages to combine a sharp mind/intellect with a sympathetic manner.
He was a man of sharp wit/sharp-witted man who always spoke his mind.
The play was full of sharp one-liners.
US He may be old but he's still as sharp as a tack.
sheen noun [S ] APPROVING
a bright, smooth surface
The conditioner gives the hair a beautiful soft sheen.
showman noun [C ] MAINLY APPROVING
someone who is very good at entertaining people

showstopper noun [C ] APPROVING

a piece in a stage performance that the audience enjoy so much that their clapping and shouts of approval
interrupt the performance

shrewd adjective APPROVING

having or based on a clear understanding and good judgment of a situation, resulting in an advantage
[+ to infinitive] He was shrewd enough not to take the job when there was the possibility of getting a
better one a few months later.
She is a shrewd politician who wants to avoid offending the electorate unnecessarily.
It was a shrewd move to buy your house just before property prices started to rise.

silky adjective USUALLY APPROVING

soft and smooth, like silk
Persian cats have long, silky fur.
FIGURATIVE The villain leans over and speaks to her in a silky persuasive voice.

simple adjective NATURAL

5. USUALLY APPROVING ordinary; traditional or natural rather than modern and complicated
He was just a simple fisherman.
slim adjective (slimmer, slimmest) APPROVING
(especially of people) attractively thin
slim hips/legs
She's got a lovely slim figure.
FIGURATIVE They've only a slim chance of winning (= It's unlikely that they will win).

snappy adjective STYLISH

1. INFORMAL APPROVING (especially of a man's clothes or of his appearance) modern and stylish
He's a snappy dresser.
That's a very snappy new suit you've got, Peter.

snappy adjective EFFECTIVE

2. APPROVING immediately effective in getting people's attention or communicating an idea

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The magazine will be launched in September with a snappy new design.
They're looking for a snappy slogan to communicate the campaign's message.

snappily adverb APPROVING

The sales team are usually fairly snappily dressed.

snazzy adjective INFORMAL APPROVING

modern and stylish in a way that attracts attention
Paula's wearing a very snazzy pair of shoes!
He designs snazzy new graphics for software packages.

sociable adjective APPROVING

describes someone who likes to meet and spend time with other people
Rob's very sociable - he likes his parties.
I had a headache and I wasn't feeling very sociable.

spacious adjective
large and with a lot of space
a spacious house/living room
spacious accommodation


spaciously adverb APPROVING

spaciousness noun [U ] APPROVING
spanking adjective [before noun ] INFORMAL APPROVING
very quick
They raced by at a spanking pace.
(used with some adjectives) very, completely
a spanking new suit
spanking white sheets

spare adjective NOT DECORATED

4. LITERARY USUALLY APPROVING plain and not decorated
The interior is spare, almost minimalist.

spirit noun ENTHUSIASM

8. [U] APPROVING enthusiasm, energy or bravery
The orchestra performed the Rite of Spring with great spirit.
The torture failed to break the prisoner's spirit.

spirited adjective APPROVING

enthusiastic and determined
The home team's spirited playing ensured them a comfortable victory.
spirituality noun [U ] APPROVING
the quality of involving deep, often religious, feelings and beliefs, rather than the physical parts of life

spontaneous adjective
happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being forced
His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.
APPROVING She's such a spontaneous, lively woman.
spontaneity noun [U ] APPROVING
The script has a refreshing spontaneity and sparkle.

spruce adjective APPROVING

(of a person) tidy and clean in appearance
He looked spruce and handsome in a clean white shirt.
statesman noun [C ] APPROVING
an experienced politician, especially one who is respected for making good judgments

statesmanlike adjective APPROVING

having or showing the qualities of a statesman
a statesmanlike speech

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steadfast adjective APPROVING

staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly
a steadfast friend/ally
steadfast loyalty
The group remained steadfast in its support for the new system, even when it was criticized in the

sterling adjective VERY GOOD

2. APPROVING of a very high standard
You've done a sterling job.
Everyone has made a sterling effort.

stirring adjective APPROVING

A stirring speech or song is one which produces strong positive emotions.

stout adjective OBJECT

2. APPROVING describes objects that are strongly made from thick, strong materials
I've bought myself a pair of good stout boots for hiking.

style noun HIGH QUALITY

5. [U] APPROVING high quality in appearance, design or behaviour
That car's got real style, which is no surprise considering how much it cost.
When she decides to do something, she always does it in/with great style.

stylish adjective APPROVING

of a high quality in appearance, design or behaviour
The film's direction is subtle and stylish.

stylishly adverb APPROVING

stylishly dressed
stylishness noun [U ] APPROVING

subtle adjective APPROVING


not loud, bright, noticeable or obvious in any way

The room was painted a subtle shade of pink.
The play's message is perhaps too subtle to be understood by young children.

subtle adjective APPROVING


small but important

There is a subtle difference between these two plans.

subtle adjective APPROVING

3. achieved in a quiet way which does not attract attention to itself and which is therefore good or clever
a subtle plan/suggestion
subtle questions

subtlety noun APPROVING

1. [U] the quality of being subtle
Listening to the interview, I was impressed by the subtlety of the questions.

subtlety noun APPROVING

2. [C] a small but important detail
All the subtleties of the music are conveyed in this new recording.

succinct adjective APPROVING

said in a clear and short way; expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words
Keep your letter succinct and to the point.

succulent adjective APPROVING

Succulent food is pleasantly juicy
a succulent peach.
a big piece of succulent steak

supportive adjective
2. APPROVING giving help and encouragement
Children with supportive parents often do better at school than those without.

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system noun METHOD

7. [U] APPROVING the intentional and organized use of a system
There doesn't seem to be any system to the books on these shelves - they're certainly not in alphabetical

systematic adjective
using a fixed and organized plan
APPROVING We've got to be a bit more systematic in the way that we approach this task.
DISAPPROVING We're hearing reports of the systematic rape and torture of prisoners.

taste noun JUDGMENT


[U] APPROVING a person's ability to judge and recognise what is good or suitable, especially relating to
such matters as art, style, beauty and behaviour
He has the most awful taste so you can probably imagine what his house looks like.
His taste in clothes leaves a little to be desired.
He told a joke about death that I thought was in rather poor taste considering that Steve's father had
just died.

telegenic adjective APPROVING

(especially of a person) appearing attractive on television
With their new youthful and telegenic leader, the Labour party looks set to woo the voters.

together adjective INFORMAL APPROVING


organized, confident of your abilities and able to use them to achieve what you want
He's strikes me as a fairly together sort of a guy.

torch noun
3. [S] APPROVING used as a symbol of a political movement or idea that has an important positive influence
We must not let the burning torch of socialism go out.

translucent adjective OFTEN APPROVING

If an object or a substance is translucent, it is almost transparent, allowing some light through it in an
attractive way
translucent plastic/glass
This china is so fine and delicate that it's translucent.
Delia's skin has a translucent quality.
trier noun [C ]
APPROVING someone who tries hard to succeed in what they do, even if they fail
She's a real trier, I'll give her that.
trim adjective (trimmer, trimmest) THIN
1. APPROVING thin in an attractive and healthy way
You're looking very trim - have you lost weight?
trouper noun [C ]
2. APPROVING anyone with a lot of experience who can be depended on and does not complain
Good old Edna - she's a real trouper to do the washing-up without even being asked!
He took his disappointment like a trouper.

unaffected adjective SINCERE

2. APPROVING natural and sincere in your behaviour
For someone who has spent forty years in show business she remains remarkably unaffected by it all.

unassuming adjective APPROVING

Someone who is unassuming is quiet and shows no wish for attention or admiration
He was shy and unassuming and not at all how you expect an actor to be.

unbeatable adjective APPROVING

unable to be defeated or improved because of excellent quality
The 23-year-old US tennis star looks unbeatable this season.
For good pizzas at a reasonable price they're unbeatable.

uncomplaining adjective APPROVING

willing to do boring or difficult work without complaining or becoming angry

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The work is boring, but he's cheerful and uncomplaining.

understanding adjective APPROVING

describes someone who has the ability to know how someone else is feeling or what their situation is, and
can forgive them if they do something wrong
He had expected her to be horrified, but she was actually very understanding.

understated adjective
not trying to attract attention or impress people
APPROVING He's very elegant, in an understated way.

unimpeachable adjective FORMAL APPROVING

describes a personal quality of honesty and morality that is so complete that it cannot be doubted or
Lord Fletcher, said the Bishop, was a man of unimpeachable integrity and character.

uninhibited adjective APPROVING

free and natural, without embarrassment or too much control
The students we spoke to were surprisingly uninhibited in talking about sex.
We watched two hours of glorious, uninhibited football.
She gave a loud uninhibited laugh.

unobtrusive adjective APPROVING

not noticeable; seeming to fit in well with the things around it or them
Make-up this season is unobtrusive and natural-looking.

unpretentious adjective APPROVING

simple and/or sincere; not pretentious
The food is delicious and unpretentious.

upright adjective MORAL

3. APPROVING honest, responsible and moral
She behaved as any upright citizen would have under the circumstances.

uprightly adverb APPROVING

in an honest, responsible and moral way

uprightness noun [U ] APPROVING

the quality of being honest, responsible and moral

urbane adjective APPROVING

(especially of a man) confident, comfortable and polite in social situations
John Herschel was an urbane, kindly and generous man.

versatile adjective APPROVING

able to change easily from one activity to another or able to be used for many different purposes
He's a very versatile young actor who's as happy in horror films as he is in TV comedies.
A leather jacket is a timeless and versatile garment that can be worn in all seasons.

virile adjective MAN

1. APPROVING describes a man, especially a young man, full of sexual strength and energy in a way that is
considered attractive
She likes her men young and virile.

virile adjective POWER

2. LITERARY APPROVING powerful, strong and energetic
In this role, Durante is able to give full expression to that wonderfully virile voice.
virility noun [U ] APPROVING MAN
1. male sexual strength or qualities
There was no doubting his virility.
virility noun [U ] APPROVING POWER
2. strength or power
If a country's foreign trade is a measure of its economic virility, this country looks sadly impotent.

vital adjective LIVELY


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He had never felt so vital and full of life.
vitality noun [U ] APPROVING
energy and strength
According to the packet, these vitamin pills will restore lost vitality.

vivacious adjective APPROVING

A vivacious person, especially a woman or girl, is attractively energetic and enthusiastic
He brought along his wife, a vivacious blonde, some twenty years his junior.

warming adjective APPROVING

describes a type of food or drink that makes you feel warm
Have a nice warming bowl of soup.

watchable adjective INFORMAL APPROVING

describes a television programme or film that is entertaining
It's not the most profound series I've ever seen but it's very watchable.

wholesome adjective APPROVING

good for you, and likely to improve your life either physically, morally or emotionally
wholesome food
good wholesome family entertainment
He looks like a nice, wholesome, young man.

willing adjective
2. APPROVING describes someone who does their work energetically and enthusiastically
a willing helper

willowy adjective APPROVING

(especially of a woman) graceful (= moving smoothly and attractively) and thin
a willowy blonde

winsome adjective LITERARY APPROVING

attractive and pleasing, with simple qualities, sometimes like those a child has
Maria brought along her eldest daughter - a winsome lass with brown eyes and a ready smile.

wise adjective
1. APPROVING having or showing the ability to make good judgments, based on a deep understanding and
experience of life
I think you made a wise choice.
"I never drink more than three glasses of wine." "How wise."
Looking at the weather, I think we made a wise decision not to go to the coast this weekend.
I think it would be wiser to wait and see how much money you've got left before you make any decisions.
I never used to save money but now I'm a little older and wiser I can see the sense in it.
Was it Thomas More who said that the wise man learns from the experience of others?

workmanlike adjective
1. APPROVING skilful
The Australian side turned in a very workmanlike performance.

youthful adjective APPROVING

1. having the qualities that are typical of young people
At the time I admired his youthful enthusiasm.
She has very youthful skin.

youthful adjective APPROVING

2. young
A youthful president can be good for a country's morale.

zippy adjective INFORMAL APPROVING

energetic or fast
a zippy car
a zippy performance

al dente adjective APPROVING

describes a cooked vegetable or pasta that is still firm when bitten

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clean-cut adjective MAN

1. APPROVING describes a man who is tidy in appearance and behaves well
Julie's fianc is a nice clean-cut young man.

clean-limbed adjective APPROVING

healthy-looking and active
The school sports field swarmed with clean-limbed young people eager for the day's events.

down-to-earth adjective APPROVING

practical and sensible
She's a down-to-earth sort of woman with no pretensions.

easy-going adjective APPROVING

relaxed and not easily upset or worried
an easy-going attitude/manner
a friendly, easy-going type of guy

even-tempered adjective APPROVING

always calm and never angry or too excited about anything

happy medium noun [S ] APPROVING

a state or way of doing something which avoids being extreme, often combining the best of two opposite
states or ways of doing something
I try to strike a (= achieve a) happy medium when I'm on holiday, and spend half my time doing things
and the other half just relaxing.

object lesson noun [C ] APPROVING

an action or story which teaches you how or how not to act, or which clearly shows the facts of a situation,
usually a bad one
The disaster was an object lesson in how not to run a ship.

old-world adjective [before noun ] APPROVING

belonging to or typical of a period in the past
Much of the town centre retains its old-world charm, with buildings dating from Shakespeare's day.

piping hot adjective , adverb USUALLY APPROVING

describes very hot food or drinks

presence of mind noun [U ] APPROVING

the ability to make good decisions and to act quickly and calmly in a difficult situation or an emergency
When the gunmen came into the bank, she had the presence of mind to press the alarm.

public-spirited adjective APPROVING

wanting to help people generally
You pick litter up in the park? That's very public-spirited of you!

self-assured adjective APPROVING

having confidence in your own abilities
The interview showed her as a self-assured and mature student.

self-confident adjective APPROVING

behaving calmly because you have no doubts about your ability or knowledge
At school he was popular and self-confident, and we weren't surprised at his later success.

self-controlled adjective USUALLY APPROVING

having strong control over your emotions and actions
He's always seemed very self-controlled, so I was amazed by his sudden outburst in the office.
self-discipline noun [U ] APPROVING
the ability to make yourself do things you know you should do even when you do not want to
You need a lot of self-discipline when you're doing research work on your own.

self-reliant adjective APPROVING

not needing help or support from other people
Lone parents have to be self-reliant, resilient and inventive.

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self-sacrifice noun [U ] APPROVING

giving up what you want so that other people can have what they want
People say this is a selfish society, but frankly I've seen too much kindness, self-sacrifice and generosity
to believe that.
The job requires a lot of enthusiasm, dedication and self-sacrifice.
self-starter noun [C ] APPROVING
a person who is able to work effectively without regularly needing to be told what to do
The successful applicant for the position will be a well-motivated self-starter who has excellent
communication skills.

well-behaved adjective APPROVING

behaving in a way that is accepted as correct
a well-behaved child

well-brought-up adjective APPROVING

describes people, especially children, who are polite and who act in a quiet and pleasant way, because they
have been taught this behaviour at home
Some children were well brought up, despite family breakdown, he admitted.

well-endowed adjective
2. HUMOROUS APPROVING (of a man) having large sexual organs, or (of a woman) having large breasts
He's very well-endowed!

well-spoken adjective APPROVING

having a pleasant and polite way of speaking which is considered socially acceptable
The two men who called at the house were well-spoken and had a reassuring manner.
fairy-tale , fairytale adjective [before noun ] APPROVING
having a special and attractive or beautiful quality, like something in a fairy tale
They had a fairy-tale wedding.
Sadly, there was no fairy-tale happy ending to the story.
pizzazz , pzazz noun [U ] INFORMAL APPROVING
the quality of noticeable and energetic excitement
Their performance was full of pizzazz.

resolution noun DETERMINATION

3. [U] (ALSO resoluteness) FORMAL APPROVING determination
He showed great resolution in facing the robbers.
right-minded adjective [before noun ] (ALSO right-thinking) APPROVING
having beliefs or opinions that most people think are reasonable and sensible
Every right-minded person is against terrorism.
old bird
INFORMAL an older woman
DISAPPROVING This old bird was lecturing the shop assistant about her manners.
APPROVING She's a game (= energetic and willing to do risky things) old bird.
sb's artistic/professional, etc. integrity APPROVING
someone's high artistic standards or standards of doing their job and their determination not to lower those
Keen to preserve his artistic integrity, he refused several lucrative Hollywood offers.
in all modesty APPROVING
said when you want to say something good about yourself, but do not want to seem to think you are too
Quite frankly, and in all modesty, we'd probably have lost the game if I hadn't been playing.
know all there is to know about sth APPROVING
to know a lot about a subject or activity, or be very good at it
be one in a million APPROVING
to be a very special person
Thanks again - you're one in a million!
ripe old age APPROVING

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old age
My grandmother died at the ripe old age of 92.
said about someone when they have made an effort to make their appearance as tidy and pleasant as
possible and they look very attractive and stylish
Mary scrubs up well.
work like a Trojan (US work like a dog) APPROVING
to work very hard
work like a Trojan (US work like a dog) APPROVING
to work very hard

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