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>Problem of order and social structure

Question: model, metaphor used by

thet ehoriests for expalinings tucutre
durkehim metapohor for modern
society, model that has influenced
other theoriests,
>Durkheim :organic analogy; society
is a living organism, what is it that
distuingus modern from traditional
cahracted by mechanical solidarity,
metaphor for dukrhiem for traditional
society, mechanical: properties of
gases in physics, each part of the gas
is reducible to individualized atoms of
the gas, modern society living
organism specialized insotitins, which
are like parts of body which has
fucnitno in mainting society as a
whole. In dividion of labor, in modern
soieyt, law comparable the nervous
system concerned with coordinating
various parts of society as a whole, to
see how durkehim applies his method,
start with his dissertation, division of
labor in society, to see how he applies
rules of socieilog method; explain
social by the social ; his goal in that
dissertation; wanted to explain
changes in social solidarity, argues
with positivistic method from otme
need to idnety socialfact that will
change as society changes overtime
social solidarty as a social fact; llook
for a empirical referent that will
indivcate changes in soicla solidarity,
durkehim selected the law as a
complete empirical, visible, social
fact to demonstrate changes in social

structre, sabi nya kahit naong lipunan

may batas, f society changes, then
types of law will also change,
following socio method ruels, explain
soicla factby sical fact, changes in law
as an empirical changes to soicla
>first law he encountered is penal law,
another law is law ith restitutieve law
>durkheims def on law: rules on
sanction ; sanctions attached to
villations of laws; sancitons attachd in
violation consist of repressive
sanctions either by deprivation of
ones life,
> law with resutitut ve funcitons;
simple return in state of things ; if
may nakabanga sa kotse mo,
>durkhiem will ask why is criminal or
penal law a concerte indicator of
traditiona society characterize dby
mechanical solidarity? What is the
whole idea of dukrhiem on trade or
mehcnicl osicldry; def : society that is
very repressive, since people engage
in the same things, experiences,their
beliefs and outlooook are the same,
such that any violation of the common
sentiment of society, will be met with
vengeance, it is understanble why
crime requreis repressive sacnitons
because it is omehting that offends
common consiceint of society, how
can we see in his iddisrtaiotn, how he
will apply sociological method, that
we ecnoutnered earlier, he would say
that we should question common
sense notions that people have about
crime, there are various writeir who
will think there is universal def of

cirime, but killing a prso not a crime

in all times and places,
> only universal feature of crime;
nothing to do with universal morality;
if you look at soiceitie siidff period of
time; they will have diff def of what
counts as a crime; universal feature; it
is repressively punished because it is
offensive to the collective consicience
of the people.
> crime really a visible referent of
trade society.
>in traditnoal soiey because of
strength of collective eocnsicnec, any
violation of it is met with venagance
or represeev sanctions, it trad society
not possbielt o be an indviudal,
because nay deviation from collective
econsicne wis met with repression, in
diviosn of labor, we encounter idea
that Durkheim, a certain leve l of
crime, Iis necessary for noral or healty
functinos os oicetys, beacsue thorught
their punishment that osocial
solidarity is strneghthend,
>for soiceyt to be unified; adentifiy
set of deviance
> law with reparati vefunction sor
restutituiev functions that corresponds
to modern society ;at a certain poin tin
time, society will have a divison of
labor an dsince people are engaged in
diff activities, it leads to a paradoxical
effect because of differences, it will
lead to integeration in society,
> for us to meet everyday needs we
are dependen ton oether people, but
because people are very peroforimg
diff activiites, the y think tof thesleves

as iniviualds who hare free to pruse

their beliefs or outlooks lin life.
> at a eratin pint div of labor will give
rise to a new notion of collective,
onceinsice, in modrn society; there is
a new scared object of society is the
individual; by virtue , change in social
structure, having a more complex
division of labor ins oicety that allows
people to thin of theseves as
> there is a collective gareemtn that
indivudals are sacred, which is why in
his writings; the kidn of scantions
applied to crininals also changes in
modern society
> hallmark in modrns ocety; criminals
deserving of reights and must be
treated with igintiy or respect; which
is an outcome of changes in structure
> organs of societyinstituitons not
ividuals, Durkheim will point out that
when I carry out my duites, as a ___,
duties for my own ociety,
> organic anlaoogy: to remember that
Durkheim was ery critical fo oscieal
contract and ultiltiarn. Society not
aggreagate of individuals,
>organic anaogy ; universal model of
aprticular phase of osicety, modern
society, strucutarl mdel o society,
people think act, given by strucuture
by the instiution to which they belong,
objectivist account of society also, to
understand insituteions, starting point
use objective maining rather than
subjective meaning,
Totehnism : plant/ animal symboliszes
a clan, people who beling in the same

family, if one examines day-t-day

expreinces of peole who are part of
Totem- represatnin of the clain itself;
It becomes sacred because oscieyt
defines as sacred.
Identity of a clan depends on
diffefernces on totems; works on the
bais of differences
Religion: means people dramatize the power that
society has over individuals, people are not
aware of it but when they partiicpiat ein
religious __, they celebrate power society ahs
over them
-modern functionslit; functional equlaitlvalen of
religion in modern osiceties, the flag-totemic
symbol; it is treated with awe and reverence
Totem-symbol of the clan; toetem stands dfor a
clan because it differs from other totems of
>Durkheim considered an ancestor of later
sturctuarlist constantly employed sturutrual
thinking in his work ,re lgions-distinctino
between sacred and profane.
Traditoinal sicoetiy-trad religion,
>Crimes-violations of collective sentiments
>Because people are engaged in different
occupoations, their common sense idea is that
they are free idniduals, free to purse acitivities
different from others, ---new dolidarty , they
become very dependent on other people even if
they think they are indivdiuals who are free and
separate from others..
>Society an organism made up of sepcialez
parts, to maintain social equlialibrium
>Notion of idniviudality itself, product of
change in structure of society.
>objective and submective maning: to explain
organic analagoy Durkheim makes use of
objectivist starting point in explaining
insituitustions; or deifning what crime us;
question common sense prenotions; crime is not
about an act that is universally reprehesnicle;
something become a scrime because it is defined
by society as a crime

: what is now the sacred of society I moder

nsodicety; contraty to argument is social
contract ehoriests; recognizes sanctity of
individual; what allows people to be diffeen tin
doern society ; agreemtn to respect differences
or repsect individual; that is why idivudal is new
sacred object in society such that even in the
case of criminal law even in kind of penaltiy
attached evolves or changes, dveops ideas that
even criminals deserve respect, entitle to
>base and superstructure
>dialectecil method; Hegelian; soeicty can be
understood in line witih diealiectic, unity of
apparent contradicitons l one hand, eoncomci
base and superstructe, in economic base, 2
component parts which at a certain point
explains basis of social change, productive
forces and relations of production;
>later marx; -capitalism and crituqe of classical
> Hegelian interpretation of marx; the wriitngs
of marx which clearch show depbts to hegel;
marx aprpaprir atfrom ehgel; method of
odialcetic; reconciling irereconclialb eto explain
universal pattern in history which will involve
huankind as a thinking sujbjec graduatlly getting
nkowldge of what is necessary to free itself from
constarisnts by treating itself as its object of
knowledge; through philosophy and socience,
people with recover knowelelg to get knowledge
to free itself at the ne do fh istoryy; but ehgel
focuses on conflict on ideas; marx verion of
history of history focus on conflict of classes. To
understand history history of class struggle,
> hegelina Marxists; they will dney that marx
was a simply concerned with how stuructur
determines agency of han beings; deny marx as
a ecnonomic determinist or explaining ting is
terms of calss
>staring point of marx; humankind as w hole has
the capacity to change its nature to develop more
skills and talent sthoughout society by meeting
aterial needs; in the course of producing for own
exisitence; huans need to apppripriate sources
from nature; if you thin at economic base parts;
where dow eseee aprpiapr prdarfrm nature; part

of productive forces includes labor power or

exert by hunas to meet their needs;
>marx often says that market involves exhcnage
of goods but a necessary component of osicety
would be the dpendicuter of labor power which
is the epparopraiton of resources coming from
> antoher part of productive forces include
manis of production; 2 parts pf-productive and
loabor power; in the case of capitalism when iwe
exaine class and property relations it is the case
that while capitalist class owns the means of
production; one important part of means of
mproduction si moey itself or capital
> financial capital as a eas o procution; siceince
and technology also means of production;
--ntellectual property law
-there are some peol who wm enas of prdocution
-class or proety relations-ownershiop or
nonsoernshio pof means of production
Capitslim-remiani proepytof reworking class is
labor power, to surivive; to memet their needs;
they weill selel their ownly proepty that htye
have which is thyeir labor power in exchange of
: relation of clalses is exploitative; has to do
with structure of capitalism itself; for dominalnt
class to be able to produce profit or surplus
claue they must buy labor pwer of working class
and pay them wages or exchange value of lablro;
and use labor power of prletatrairt to produce
good and srvices which the domincnat class will
sell in the open market for a higher value;
>capitalism dapt may surplus value r diff
between exahcange value of wages and
exchange of value of good
> good and services pordocus for profit; heart of
capitalism is exploitaition;
> in common sense terms there is no such thing
a fair days work for fair days power;
>when we get to next floor of society
> law and state, idealogy-forms of ideas that are
based on mode of production; doinat ways by
swhich people product and distirubte goods
> capitalists own means of production like
capital, land, facotires, machienryy even the
from of patented invientsin een siceit and
technology is itself property
> there are prople who are preorpeptiless; they
have labor power

.>common sense idea: man people think that a

fairdays work equal faoir days pay
>labor or praxis
: part of the economic base; examining 2
comonepnt poarts; forces and relation of
production or property of relations
: huan beings exert labor power to obtain
resources from nature so part of economic base;
means that are necessary to meet needs;
: means of production-change overtime, science
and technology
;science-part of productive forces; can be owned
by I ntellectual property;
; to understand society; we cannot accept
anlaysis of dieas because ideas in society are
influence dby the dominant ways ain which
goodds are produced and distributed
: productive forces-labor power nd means of
; means of production I nclapitalism-money
Money-universal ediuum of exchang; part of
enas of prducion to e ngage in productive
Means of production changes overtime
: domintnat ways by which goods reproduced an
idsitubte which will determine ____
: important means of production in capitalism :
finaincila capital
: first act of human itosry act by which they
produced for their own exisitencehistory
making acvitit
: humanity as a whole produces history
: Marxist theory sociologyical theory because is
cfoucs on social relationships that are produced
as huan beinngs make history
: they will enter relaitnos with other of human
being hich serves a foundation of human society
: private property is a uneirvsal feature of
society- it has bee nther since time in memorial
: social contract theorist-tate exsts to protect
natural rights
: marx-ther is a need to question unviersalim of
private prorpety; his startiin gpoint; the nees to
explain how it cam to be that some people are
able to appropripaite means of production while
otherds do not.
: property relatins- rlations of conflict

: how doid it come to be that som eopeole own

means of production; how is it it psosbile that
wer are able to aprpiaprite labors of othehr
people even if they don not themsees produce
and expend labor power
: class relaiotns logically realted to means of
production in that there are people who control
means ofproduction and there are people who do
on ot oanything except their labor poepwer
: acnetin mode of production : slaves subject to
: in capitalist mode: diffent method of
appropairiatoin goods and seriec sby the wokrin
glcass; formally free labor-they can alwas resign
from their jobs; grants all sorts of rights
: certainly as a mode of production grants grater
reedom for majority of peole because
eoffapearance of equal rights
: how is it tha tsurplus si aprpoiarped from
working class; working class will sell the only
property they have which is their labor ower
and important point remember staritn igpoint;
labor or praxis is what makes us human; isit is
throught labor that we must needs and increase
our talents and skills
Capitalism as mode of pdouion generates idea
that eductation itselt Is to be proided by the state
it is a right becaue capitalism requires labor
force that is literate
: ideas in society; ideas iin ruling class
: result of beougeouoi idealogy that people thik
that religonis, faily are separate from society;
divide by public and private effect of idealogy
for althouser
: law and state- instrument of ruling class
: if it is the case that base affect sstuperstutcutre;
: crises for capitalism-why are relationships
between working and upper class exploitative;
capiltism works on appropaioiatn of working
class of the ; it is the case that values of goods
higher than wages given to them; exchange
value of labor and goods that show the
exploiatiiave nature of capitalism
: state-excute commitiet of boeugoieosie
:: needs to capitlsi mitself which will give rise to
a legistlation that will prodide for social welfare
: capitalism-subejct tod contradiction

: to udnerstan law and state, we must examine

ways by which goods are produced and
: base determines superstructure
: why marx will einsist that astarint
apintdominat ways by which goods are pdocured
in and distributed
: we cannot start with intereptations of peple
about social world
: because in many weays their perception of
realtioy is mistaken byecause te are influenced
by idealolgy
: variety of interperation so fiddealoyg (onesided set of ideas which are related to dmonant
ways by which good are produced and
: dominat ideas are by worling lcass
: althuser
: pcapitalism-perfect societ because freeom;
natural right to private prrpet
: utlilaitiran theory and social contract-idealogy
produced by capitalism; peoplw will feel free;
because the hae the right ot decide to look for
other employment
: illlusin of freedom becaseuthose who don town
means of pfprduction are forced to sell their
labor; ideaology-not something that falls forom
the same thin gneeds a basis, basis is everyday
activities of people, many ideas based on
experience of people
: since it capitalism it is the case that for
pduction to become efficient, there is a need of a
complex division of labor, or divide acitivity
into minute tasks, as a reulst they become
alienated from the product
Workers also alienteated from their humanity
because they only perform sam kind of tasks ;
; working classes see each other as competiteors
for scarce jobs beccaseu there is a threat that the
can be easil replaced
: they are alientated from the goods that they
produced: this is what elads to think of the world
in binary oppositontins , given that in their
everda ylives, what they experience is lack of
capacity to use labor to be free; they see a clear
cut ospartaio of
: idealogy subejctiv meaning; treat it as a false
: ideas-relate them to mode of production of

:even dinatn cass- they thik it is natural thatthye

have the right to appropriate to appriato surplus
money because hits how the system works;
natural rig tto provate property
: idioealogy prodcut not of human beings;
utcoe of structure of capiltistm an drequreiments
of mode of production
: dominnat idealogicl state apparatus- educaitn al
institution- which serves to reproduce loabr
power and reproduced submission to the rulin
gidealogy of capitalism as a mode of production

>model of society: organism
> society is composed of different organs,
which perform fucntions for mantiatin
gsociety as a totality
> if you look at depictin of modern society;
universal model of development of society;
organic analogy
>method in dividion of labor; universal laws
relationship between social facts in lign with
empiricism of comte, argument of
dukrheim ; not possbiel to apprehend tyes of
social oolidariy; necessary to look for
(unviersalim patiualrim) look at nivueal
phenomenon that exist in society that will
embody changes in society;
> durkheims; auge: universal phenomenon is
law; at paritucal points in time; you will
have the rise of law with reparative
sanctions or restitiuutve sancntions;
associates with organic solidarity;
>traidiontal society; associated with law
with represeive santions; penal law or
criminal law; argue with relationship with
law with criminal santions in tradinoal
> in traidional societies, basis for socilidary
of societyl mehcnaicla soldiariy rests in
sameness doeond by bpeople. Engaged in
different activiites therefore sma
experiences, so theyw ill value the same
things, and outlook in life, ; leads to
collecitive consicenes, if violated will
leadsociety to ask for veangeance , thus the ,

reprseiisve natur of the sanciotnso

associated with penal law,
>analysis of penal law; encounter idea of
dukrhit that to be scienteisitc, starting point,
common sense prenontions or subjective
maning, in division o f labor,
> criminal law; such as a thing as crime that
is unerslaly a crime; nol it is the csee that
something become a crime because society
will define something asa crime
> he will refute arugment of utilitran
phiosopehrs that represeiv sacnitons thare
attached to ivolation ofc riinal laws because
inteintions is to prevent peoplfrom
commiting crimes because of the santions
attached to the vilations
: characterisit co cohuman beings; enaged in
rational calculation, maximize pleasure over
pain, crimes are punished because people
wtnt o sta away from pain, .
>indiivudlism is a product of divison of
> argument of durkhim: why are sacnitons
in cinrimal law so coervic has to do with the
fact that people belive in values or
sentiments because of their smaness in
activiites and experiences in traidonioal
: his eecripit no oftrad soicet is that I tis i
represeive o rocoercive
: for dukrhiem, with diivosn of lablor , there
will come about a form of solidrity which he
terms orgnic,
: organic solidarity, rests odifreences idoen
by people ;lead to soicla soldriary because
: although they feel lke thei rindiviudals; but
because they ar eegnaged in highly
specialized aciiviites; they ar no longer suelf
succiicent, they have o epend on so mnay
strangers to meet their needs=organic
>sturucture and action
: univeesl-organic analogy
: method of pvoing organic and solidary;
mkes use of unviaesalims and
: asosociates organic solslary with crimail
alw with resititutive sanctions;

: basis of u nity is difference because peole

ar no longer self-sucfficeint; een if they feel
individuals; they are dependent on somany
strngers for the meting of their needs
: give examples of how Durkheim deals with
crime ; law with represiv sianciton
: it is ociety that deifnes what counts a s
: objective and subjective meaing
: many moral philsosphers will think that
amre man acts tha are acrime; using
soiclogay s a science, one casn see that it is
csoicety that deifnies what is a crime
: objective meaning-quesiotnion iof common
sense prenontions; crime is all about; not
deterrent for individuals to prevent them
from commiting crimes; crime is puished
because it is offensive to collective
consiceincee of society which are strong
held sentimes which arise from samesness in
: utilitarian: crime is punished to scare
people; Durkheim: crime iis about puishet
collective ecosentincments held by
: it is entire community that carires out the
; it is thorugh the punishment of crime that
social soicldary is mainitined; therefore all
normal or healthy societies need crimes to
be puihed
: crime is necessary for nthe ufnciton of
society to strengthen soloraidaites of
: structure and action: especially for oganic
analogy; one example to illsutreate structe fo
ddukrie; organs in dividon oof blabor are
insitutituions; argued aaitinst that society is
aggregate eof individulas that individuals
just raitnolaly ecided to form a societ though
a social contrat
: structure and agency; imdoenrity; soiceity
of chage in structure; uvnieslalim and
praiuclirm; strucue and action

: relgion-sacred because it is
iteratedscaredly; treated with awe an
In trad society; colletive socnsoncien baed
on tradinoal religion
: structure na action ; theory of religion;
contrary to common sense assumptions that
religion is the wokrhsip of a being;
ulitimately, religion is about the worhio pfof
the power societ has over indiviulais
: elelntary forms of religious life; dukrhiem
will oin tout that tometm sypliblises the clan
: new relgion sof modern osiceity is the
indiviula who nw becomes the sacred object
of osicety
: even pealiteis associeated with crimes
changes I modern society; criminal is treated
as a sared object because it crinal is bested
with reights
: so penailaties attached to crimes changes
: it is structure that produces freedom or
: organic analogy: organs ofo society; not
indivudals but insitutiaont s that perfroma
: functions of insiutitons go against common
sense; regliosnunconsoincss, crinal-ensure
social solidarity so it is a nompart of osicety
Rights; give the illusion that peoplare free; it
is their relations to the mode of prudciot kild
determine their lif chances
: change ins tructurthat prouddces agency
: detemrinaint is class as basis of inqueality
; weber-aside fom class it is im priotant to
examine social esteem as an idnepnetndent
dionsoni iof peower, and pure power.
: quesiotn ocomon sense prenontison;
cirmanlmodertnity ives rise to a new rielgion
in humanity
; marx owed intllecutal debts to hegel
: society is made up of bas-foudnation of
oiety; supersturutre
; marx made egel stand on hiw head
: do not start with ideas;, for us tot analyze
any feature of osicety, we have to ake use of

unierasl model oso ciceit of marx; doknow

dominant ways which gooda re produced
and disturubuted
: society made up of unity of
oppositions;economic base made oup of
productive and realotins of production
: component partslabor and means of
: first act of history; at by which theybean to
produce tofo their own dsruvival; so labor
power is
: prpety relaitons; in capitalism stoicety;
capitalist wo means of production; working
class only know labor power which tey are
compleled to sell in thoee laobor pmarket in
exhage of wages
: universal model-base and sourpersturcte
: problem of heistoyr; hisutaite isoity within
orld histoy
: cannotstart with ideas; because it is mode
of prdution wthat will lead tod evelpmetn of
instiuations an ideas
: how peopt hink; life chances; rsts on base;
it ist heri posioin in threlation of production
that will etermine ones life changces
: not conisciuoness that determines soicla
being but other say around
: cannot start iwht anlaysis of ideas or
consicnes of people first; know dominant
way s by wwhich propel procue and
disturbute goods
: state and idealogy: actios of hnan beings
shaps by dstrucure
: exisitn grelaiotn os production swill shape
agency; freedoms exieiced by people are
affected by the structure of society as givn
by class relationins;
: mtao nalysze society using base and
stuperstructe, we cannot start wit hidas , we
have to question common snese notion so
orsubjectie maningl wehich are contained in
idealogy; to understand ideas in society; we
have to examine the ojectie structure of
society which his the base and stuperstrucre

; idealogy s form of falsoe cnocnisouness; in

a ssne that it misrepresents the objective
ralities of affecting hunan beings; base and
upserstructur emtapohor highlights; conflit
as basis ofociety; ubt there is a falso
concsnuss thorugh iealogy ; peole think that
they have common values; and ideas;
religion opium of the poele
Laws be analyzed thoruhg mode of
production ; natural form of amily is na s
product in the change in made of odouctio
Which empahixes in thte monogamy onf
women because men had to be balbe to ass
on their private property tolegitime offspring
: consensus/conflict
; Durkheim: did not neglect fonclif in the
anlaysis of mechanical and organic
osldriaty; conflict in work of dukrhiem
: conflicts take place in societies transition tt
o organic osldiray beause there is a forced
divion of labor
: som epeola are able to occupy positions in
sicety no tecause of sill and talent but
because the have inherited statuses,
: class conflict- due to anomie, lack
oregulaitn gnorms in society;
: debt to neokantian philosophy; for social
soceintsts to apprehend facts; counterpat to
aprirori categoires is thte ideal typical
sontiucts of weber; lay don ideal ypical
sontcuts; to answer problem of;
: iron cage- model for western society at
acetian poin tin time; identification of ideal
thpicsl soicontsruc os ooscial action;
because of intellectual debt to kant; hat
makes us hauman is that we live for alues;
world of meainig given by balues; we have
to take into accutn the interpretative account
of hua beings in the stud of oosciety;
socielaogy is a social action;
: preodinat form of action-tradition
: to dienty iron cage as a model for society;
he has to make use of general/ u niersal
ideal tpical contstucts consiintent with neokantian philosophy; in line with new-ka

ntainism ; weber came up with iron cage; his

sitarint point issiein of osocial action: he
shows that isnturental rational action isthhe
unitineted consesnquence fot h earlier form
sof social action; what peolt hink as tradion
as someitng that is constraining or cfinig by
applying objective manign, predicticabality,
calculability, hallmarks oare instrumtan
lraiton al citons, are themselves prions, just s
tradionti sered a a caacage or prions of
earlier soceites.
: if we loka t webers accotn of precondiont
sfor makrekt to

: we see that market is an illustration of

effects of iron cage
; beuraucry becomes dominiat form of social
organizintio oin the west because it it sht e
most effeiient form of organiziton; deciosno
made on the basis of laws; not ton the base
on the whim of traidiotnal or charamistiac
leaders; based on existin aws;
: we ca

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