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CSCI 510/EGGN 510

Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing

Fall 2014

In Class Exercise 2
We want to transform the left image below to produce the right image (you can find these images
on the course website). For this problem, dont use Matlabs cp2tform or
fitgeogtrans functions; just use the matrix equations presented in the lecture notes.

a) Calculate the affine transform matrix T that will map (u,v) points in the input (left) image
to (x,y) points in the output (right) image according to the equation
[x y 1] = [u v 1] T
(It is not necessary to find corresponding points automatically, you can find them by
hand, using say, imtool or imshow with impixelinfo.)

b) What coordinates does the point (u,v) = (82,18) map to in the output image?

c) What coordinates does the point (x,y) = (30,55) map to in the input image?

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