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//from whiteboard
- getting a bit more and fighting a bit more
- dominate the jungle, or be dominated by it
- dato vam je samo ono u sta verujete
- social status => dominance rank
- fear of being dominant
- fear of having high social status, anxiety
- speak through your actions
- no need to verbalize what you are doing
- ** holding the belief until it solidifies
- ** beta shaming
- grow the fuck up
- A.----(beliefs)----->B.
- breaking the ice => breaking, interupting the reality
- living in your own reality
- assuming higher value
- becoming 'that guy'
- ** never be apologetic about your sexuality
- *** 'Yes, I just did it'
- flames => burning the fear
- the fire inside you
- your inner bitchy, winying, crying, baby,boyish, complaining, victim, selfish
-> uh,uh,uh, -> aah this, aaah that => fuck you, you little shit
- kill the boy
- comanding
- dominate by your fire
- all brain, no penis
- make mistakes fast, fail rapidly
- make more mistakes, faster
- *** fear, show yourself, pussy
- ** inferiority advantage
- *** seing the advantage in everything that happens, that is -> never falling t
o a victim mindset

- Do what you wana do!!

- What are the limits?!
- big money system
- fear of being yourself
- belief => reality
- your perception, reality changes
- *** fear of unknown
- paradigm(n) => reality(n)
- frames(n) => reality(n)
- breathing in constant intervals

// end of from whiteboard

- faith
- play to win
- ** I choose to fight back
- ** taking the risk
- being strong
- fear - Ozzie
- *** action is always the answer
- *** confesting you are pathetic
- being guided by resistance
- ** seing the future clearly
- celebrating the small victories
- I don't have time => excuse
- ** no one is going to do it for you
- the thing you want to do the lease, it the thing you have to do the most, (abo
ut resistance and action)
- - action ----> result
- you want to take on the belief system, no matter how 'unnormal' or immoral or
wierd of simple (what ever belifes it takes) for you to accomplish that result
- go full flames,
- *** embrace the fire

- ** positive dominant
- monopolize your sense of self
- frame battle
- understanding who you are
- being cool
- ** motivation is art
- fuck the avoiding of negative emotions, outcomes
- what's possible
- *** where does change begin??
- *** change begins in a way you communicate with yourself
- it
- I
- I
- I

starts in your thoughts

can change
will change
am change (ed)

- It's not over until I win

- *** develop a spine
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings to
tal obliteration.
I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
? Frank Herbert, Dune
- restricting your freedom and happiness
- group thinking
- saving mental energy
- approval and safty
- getting in jail
- sheep and the wolfs
- not being mentaly lazy
- cultural hypnosis
- easy thinking, easy truth
- think bigger, think about universal mission
- bigger values
- taking process sirously, taking life not so seriously
- work fucking hard
- recriation is overrated

- mental muscle for (fer?) taking action

- ** surrounding yourself with winners
- *** the iron gate,
- personal boundaries
- saying no to BS things
- raising above yourself
- *** conquering your fears
- step by step
- *** people want to be told what to do
- throwing yourself into a fire
- ** it depends
- people want sertanty
- they are feeding you with what you want
- people don't want to think
- *** mediocrity
- dumb down support
- chellenging yourself
- *** never accept the comfort as a goal ***
- coping -> focusing on what you want (worse,on what you don't want)
- thriving -> helping other pople
- the truth is somewhere in the middle
- think for yourself
- 'doing it the right way'
- just try it, fuck it up, and then tweak it
- you know nothing, at the start
- *** you can win or you can maintain the image
- just fucking start
- *** your circumstances will get shitier if you don't start not ***
- *** start before you are ready
- ***** learning,figuring things by yourself:
- game
- success
- wisdom
- spirit
- money
- avoiding conflict
- trosis mentalnu energiju dok razmisljas
- mentalna energija = resurs

- okupacija svesti, okupirana svest

- doprinosi dok si ziv
- *** kolicina novca koju imas je mera koliko si ti pomogao ljudima
- focus -> train analogy
- motiv
- sibmisivni mozak
- guze se na tvoju realnost
- 'Ne brini se ti nista'
- 'Cija si ti?'
- *** domination wars ***
- kako to u gejmu govoriti (Nenad)
- ** trosenje energije
- na prioritete
- na BS
- **** dominating your inner bitch
- **** fokusiranost za komfort,udobnost kao cilj
- *** trazenje odobrenja
- **** cilj > zadovoljstvo, cilj > emocije
- nosenej za zadovoljstvno, nezadovoljstvom
- ****** people pleasing
- **** podrazumeva se
- ** streight spine
- powerfull spine
- where are you going to spend your time??
- ** following instructions
- *** you are the ultimate authority
- final judgment is yours
- banging the gears
- *** sementary meditation
- *** focusing your energie on the most valuable thing
- ***** fighting for the scraps

- ****** go for the big piece

- fuck the 'what if'
- ***** thinking how fun would it be
- punching through the wall
- ****** being more competitive
- not being a pussy
- testing other people reality
- focused set of behaviors
- **** beat yourself of not seeing, doing the proceess that produce results, not
the results alone
- is this bringing me further?
- micro procrastinations / they stack up
- *** purpose gives you an armor of boundaries -> creats the gravity
- ******* sense of urgency
- + mastery
- **** purpose -> higher, divine goal
- 'so you think you understand shit?'
- ** life is made of stress, discomfort, ups and downs
- **** embracing the stress
- not focusing on avoiding it
- stress => fuel for success, but you can manage it, not beign affected by chron
ical stress
- fearing the comfort / paradigm shift
- worthy of happiness => something
- ***** not good enough for sth, said by someone
- *** King mindset
- you are the King of your mind, and you mind is your kingdom, your life is you
r kingdom
- practice of living consciously
- practice of self-assertivness
- *** 'living at the mercy pf chance'
- being motivated by sth great, divine, higher, god-like
- *** setting your mind for learning, listening what the universe is trying to c
ommunicate to you
- what is being seeked

- 'thinking you are not happy,already'

- 'hard to find'
- **** reprioritizing your life
- *** power of thinking
- *** power of being conscious
- *** discipline and *** intent
- *** foot on the gas not the brake
- *** "get it" like the lion gets the gazella
- nitro and glicerine
- *** all beliefs are vehicles that get your from one point to other,
- group think saves mental energy
- cultural hypnosis
- ***** lazyness
- all the things you could do
- will you do it?
- **** pushing ****
- **** your mind will find solutions *****
- ********* are you taking actions as much as the Connor is
- manifestation trips (psychadelics + loa + brain waves + x ...)
- **** it would be stupid not to use autosugestions, LOA, subconscious, believe
- benefits: over 9000
risk: 0
- manifest anything and everything, as long as it helps the whole mankind
- power to visualize, power of vizualizing
- *** power > will > force
- philosophy of leveling
- commonsense reasoning
- diagnosing
- problem solving
- power mantra
- being challelenged
- ***** if same principles of life can be applied on one person, can it be also
for the group, tribe, country, or one cell organism
- principles of physics apply same on every matter
- principle of logic and mathemathics apply same for whole universe
- *** could the principles of life be written in the fabric of universe?
- like boundaries (membrane), force, connections, food, kapital, systems inside
it, functions of the state as the functions of the human mind (izvrsna, sudska,

- ****** sense of what is posible ******
- what can be done, that it can be done
- manifestation
- powerfull thoughts, body, spirit
- getting present by taking action
- the state of prsence in the action itself
- comfort => autopilot rulles, autopilot is the boss here
- ******* people have as much power as you give them ******
- ******* the flinch happens right before the EXACT action which will make the g
reates progress
- the action you have to take
- **** the mental muscle of choosing
- **** fluidity of an identity, character ****

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