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The Initiation of value of Human Rights, Democracy and AntiCorruption through Education at Banda Aceh

A. Introduction
Supposedly understanding of human rights, democracy and anticorruption started early, hand in hand with education. Initiating moral
values, ethical values and aesthetic values in human rights can be given
from the beginning (at school) despite only limited to knowing only. The
values of honesty, cultural responsibility, simplicity, caring and fair will
bring character and form an anti-corruption behavior in students. While
the democratic values that have been understood by children will create
mutual respect and appreciate each other. This situation creates an
atmosphere of equality without the barriers of ethnicity, religion, or
economic status degrees. Thus later when they are adults, they have the
space to express themselves in a responsible manner.
This project is also becoming one of the efforts to sow the seeds of
human rights, democracy and anti-corruption through education
environment. The students who have introduced human rights, democracy
and anti-corruption from the beginning it would be easier to implement in
practice in their everyday lives. In this project, the participants are invited
to discuss and learn from the simplest case, the assignment, the
appreciation of the film or drama, games, contests and competitions and
the follow the election to become an ambassador.
The instructors and speaker involved, models and media used will
be compiled and designed by a Team of Education, Research and Training
Natural Aceh which educational background in doctoral and master's
education. Principles of presentation we provide goes progressively move
"closer to the real thing" in order to achieve learning "directly", so will the
relationship between the concept and the fact that we initiate in the lives
of the students to be very useful.
For this project we have designed a strategic concept that can
apply to long-term participants (students), educators (teacher assistant)
and institutions (schools) with the ability mastering models that fun and
interactive approach. As an independent public institution, Natural Aceh
principle to work with high professionalism to keep the name and
credibility of the institution. Established in 2008, Natural Aceh from the
beginning has focused in terms of strengthening human resources and
personnel capabilities in education, youth, students and the community in
the development of life, activities and work.
a) Purpose:
1) Provide an understanding of Human Rights early on elementary
school students
2) Establish Anti-Corruption character and potential for elementary
school students
3) Instill values and democratic culture for high school students
b) Project achieve and directly attributable:

1) The student can understand the diversity in the community,

appreciate and respect other religious activities.
2) The students understand that stealing, torturing and injuring others
is an activity that violates the rights of others.
3) The students know their basic rights as a child and a student at the
4) Creating a virtuous young generation (no corruption).
5) The student understands the dangers of corruption and the results
for them, their families, the environment and the state.
6) Allowing the values of honesty, caring, hard work, responsibility and
fairness to students
7) The creation of intolerance against corruption
8) The student understands the essence of democracy, participate and
be involved in the process.
9) The students uphold the principles of human rights, transparency,
participation, plurality, democracy and egalitarian culture.
The creation of a good insight into the implementation of
Election of the ambassador of human rights, democracy and
anti-corruption at each of schools.
c) Periode of project
The core activities will be carried out for 3 months, followed by
reflection and report for 2 months with the schedule as follows:

Zainal Abidin Suarja

Lembaga Riset, Pelatihan dan Publikasi Publik

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