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'Alliance of Virtue (or Get Your Bags

01/29/2016 07:32 am ET | Updated 8 hours ago


Yusuf Islam / Cat Stevens

Musician, Artist, Writer, Producer and Philanthropist








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1. Donald Trump Could Do Something

Unprecedented In Modern Elections

As we settle down into the grip of another New Year, the past slips further away
into obscurity and I am soberly having to grapple with the fact that many
youngsters' ears have never even heard the Beatles song, "Yesterday." It's an
ominous sign of age creeping up and tapping you on the shoulder like a policeman
halting you for driving too fast, dangling a rusty bucket in hand and reminding you
of your own inescapable mortality.
If that's the case, how much hope can we bank on to imagine they would know
that there once really was a guy called Cat Stevens who dreamed of transporting

2 days ago

Breakout Pitch Matt Fuller Matt Fuller
elections 2016
2. For California, Months Of Wet
Weather To Come

his generation to a better world with a song called "Peace Train"? The chance of
these young'uns ever hearing anything more about this old "Cat" becomes even
more remote when you realize that he decided to embrace Islam and become a
Muslim in 1977, almost 40 years ago, when none of these kids (and some of their
parents) were even born.

8 hours ago (AOL) Alexandra
Ma Alexandra Ma California drought
3. The Republican Party Can't Rid
Itself Of Trump, Even When He's Not

18 hours ago (AOL) Igor Bobic
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4. Advice For Anyone Who Has Ever
Doubted Their Religion

The next major ponderable impossibility would be for them -- as well as their
parents -- to have been given enough accurate information about "why" he
decided to jump o the friendly choo choo and align himself to what seems today

a day ago (AOL) Carol
Kuruvilla Carol Kuruvilla christianity
5. Rev. Jim Wallis: MLK Would Have
Hope For Black Lives Matter

to be an alien and anti-Western religion, hell-bent on the destruction of civilization

as we know it. How can we solve this paradox as we observe the increasingly
frightful and blood-chilling news connected to the name of the faith he adopted as
his own -- Yusuf Islam?
Listening more closely to the "Cat" and his songs of the '70s might have partially
solved the puzzle. When he stunned the music world by walking away from fame
and money, all you had to do was to listen to "Father & Son" to hear the last words
of the song say, "There's a way and I know, that I have to go -- away..." But that
still doesn't really explain "why."
Therein lies the riddle -- and here comes the explanation: What people don't know
is that the actual station, at which the earnest peace-seeking singer alighted, was
in fact hundreds of light years away from the (wild) world that sprouted around him
following his entrance to Islam.

"If the real intellectual and heart-cleansing

message of Islam is not publicized or promoted,

then the eld is left to the belligerents and
deadly aspirants of Armageddon."
After having reached the peaceful state of submission to God, emptying his ego

a week ago (AOL) barack
6. What Happened After A Blindfolded
British Muslim Asked London For

and bowing his head, learning to pray and fast, it was only one year after his
conversion when the Iranian Revolution suddenly shook the planet. This was
followed soon after by the war in Afghanistan, the Palestinian Intifada, the Iran-Iraq
War, The Satanic Verses publication, the Bosnian Genocide, the list of tragedies
rolled on through to 9/11 and all that followed up to the crisis we are facing in the

3 days ago AOL

Apps Carol Kuruvilla Carol Kuruvilla

world today with the arrival of ISIS and the ubiquitous war of-and-on terror which
has invaded and aected all of us.

7. How 9 Couples Brought Their Faiths
Together On Their Wedding Day

Now for the good news: Having recently attended the annual Reviving the Islamic
Spirit Convention in Toronto over the Christmas period, it was perhaps one of the
most exhilarating reminders of the wonderful faith I (first-person) had discovered
and embraced before the dark clouds appeared and negative storm of propaganda
against Islam began to hail down upon us.
Unfortunately, very few people know or have access to the enlightening and
spiritual teachings of this faith as so much time and attention is paid to the more
radicalized elements of the Muslim community. Nobody is saying such deviants do
not exist, but they are unrepresentative (approx. 0.01 percent) and they receive an
unfair percentage of the media's valuable and influential space, which should be
more fairly distributed to cover the real positive representations of the faith and its
ethical principles.
Although the new Prime minister of Canada Mr. Justin Trudeau sent a
special video message of welcome and support to the event, there was hardly any
other blip on the radar of media consciousness. Shame. Maybe that was because
there was no bomb threat, no chaotic scenes or bloodshed; so it passed most
people by like a snowflake floating in the breeze without even a whimper.
Why do beautiful things have such a hard time being noticed? And here's the
point: If the real intellectual and heart-cleansing message of Islam is not publicized
or promoted, then the field is left to the belligerents and deadly aspirants of
Armageddon. Can't we try a bit harder to get back on that "Peace Train" again? To
recall some lyrics in that anthem, "Why must we go on hating, why can't we live in
It was truly refreshing listening to some of the inspiring testaments and speeches
of the heart-centered scholars of this religion, reminding us of our common
humanity and the links to wisdoms so often forgotten in the flattened landscape of
modern reporting these days. The metaphysical mountain of knowledge and
wisdom of the scholars of the heart are hardly seen or heard.
One of the illuminated (Western) Muslim scholars of the convention, Dr. Umar
Faruq Abd-Allah reminded us of the universal essence in the axis of all being:
"Truth is necessarily coherent; it's in your DNA, in your teeth, the dragonfly, the
colorful fish of the reef -- it's in the Golden Mean of geometry."
He pointed out that the major problem with "science" today is its separation from
metaphysics. How can you study the beauties of the intricately unified geometric
patterns of the cosmos and not recognize the awesome intellect and artist behind
its existence?
Another problem is how little people know or are informed about the core
commonalities between roots of Islam and Christianity and Judaism. As a British

5 hours ago (AOL) Carol
Kuruvilla Carol Kuruvilla couples
8. Americans May Be Getting Less
Religious, But They're Feeling More

Muslim and artist and musician, born and bred in the heartlands of modern
Western culture and civilization, it's still disheartening. That's why, when lecturing
in public to mainly English-speaking audiences, I personally make sure to remind
them that Islam embraces an unshakable belief in Jesus, Moses, Abraham and
most prophets and messengers of the One true God mentioned in the Bible.

"How can you study the beauties of the

intricately unied geometric patterns of the

cosmos and not recognize the awesome intellect
and artist behind its existence?"
Like most things, the trouble lies is in the narrowness of our perception, as well as
where we first obtain our information about such increasingly politicized subjects.
The meaning of belief in God ultimately should lead a person to be the most
humane and charitable, exemplified by the true teachers of faith, the chosen
missionaries of God. The Last Prophet Muhammad said, "He is not a believer who
goes to sleep while his belly is full while his neighbor goes hungry."
He also prophesized that there would arise extremists of faith who's "words go no
further than their throats." The name given to radicals in Muslim history has always
been the same: outsiders (al-khawarij). The Prophet maintained that the best of
aairs lies in the "middlemost" of it, calling for justice, balance and moderation.
And this was exactly what the convention was inviting to; the necessity of an
"Alliance of Virtue."
It is high time the good people of the world, from all faiths and denominations work
together to benefit mankind, through knowledge and good actions. The center is
where we can all meet; a place where we can stand high above the sloganizing
and chaos caused by religious radicals and soldiers of self-immolation and
destruction. One of the memorable sayings of a famous Muslim mystic, Rumi,
comes to mind here: "Out beyond the ideas of wrong and right there is a field... I'll
meet you there." In that spirit, the words of my old song "Peace Train" also
Get your bags together,
Go bring your good friends, too
'Cause it's getting nearer
It soon will be with you
Call me Cat or Yusuf, I am an optimist -- and a believer cannot be anything else.
Until that great train arrives, I hope that the expanding year will truly be one in
which we can resolutely commit to our common humanity, and practice the
heavenly teachings of true teachers and guides, many of whom I was honored to
meet at the Convention in Toronto.

Peace be with you

Yusuf Islam (aka Cat Stevens)
For further information about the Revival of Islamic Spirit Convention please go to:
Follow Yusuf Islam / Cat Stevens on Twitter:
MORE: Canada, Justin Trudeau, Community, Mysticism, Cat Stevens, Yusuf Islam, Peace Train, Revival Of
Islamic Spirit Convention, Unity





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Gloria Nickel Winnipeg, Manitoba

Beautiful piece...I was a big fan of Cat Stevens as a teenageer...your songs
moved me so much...and I have no doubt that Islam has brought you to the
answers you were searching for...but I don't think I could ever reconcile
Islam's view of women with my perception of myself as an equal, functioning
member of society, answering to no other person. And I have a hard time
moving past Mohammed and Aisha...I have a deep problem with that...I don't
feel that Islam could ever include me...
Like Reply

24 9 hrs

Jeanette Barrett Spring, Texas

I don't think he was asking you to embrace Islam. He was asking
you to peacefully embrace the existence of another religion's faithful.
You may be pro-choice on abortion, and your neighbor may be prolife, but because you disagree on that one issue doesn't mean you
can't love your neighbor.
I don't think most non-Muslims know that followers of Islam, as the
author states, believe in Jesus, Moses and Abraham. They have
great misconceptions about the religion; I have great
misconceptions about the religion because I am constantly
bombarded with rhetoric about what it is and isn't.
The message was one of peace and optimism and tolerance and I
can wrap my head around that, if not the intricacies about the
religion of Muslims.
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33 9 hrs

Gary Mueller
Jeanette Barrett eus, Thor and Santa?
Like Reply 7 hrs

David Ong Works at UC Davis Health System

You missed his point: "It is high time the good people of the world,
from all faiths and denominations work together to benefit mankind,
through knowledge and good actions."
This doesn't require you to "reconcile" anything having to do with
Islam, including its "view of women." Speaking of which, Christianity
(via St. Paul, to be specific) exhorts "wives to be subject to your
husbands." How do you reconcile yourself with that?
Like Reply

12 7 hrs

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Daniel Spencer IBEW / NJATC

I am a small part of that generation that was going to bring love and peace to
the world. That generation has failed and become part of the worst of the
worst. Embracing greed, hatred not only of people of other faiths, but our
own neighbors. As I read this article by Cat Stevens, it reminds me that there
may still be hope, but only if the next coming generations decide to change
the world. Thank you Yusef.
Like Reply

22 7 hrs Edited

James Ellis Journeyman Wireman at International Brotherhood of

Electrical Workers
Well said brother daniel,My advice to any is to readthe Holy Quran
before you judge Islam.I am not a muslim but I have read the Holy
Quran,the Biblethe teachings of the compassionate Buddha as well
as some Hindu writings.Educate yourself before beleiving the words
of others. What local Dan,I am lu212
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9 7 hrs

Daniel Spencer IBEW / NJATC

James Ellis LU 915 Tampa, Fl retired
Like Reply 7 hrs

Timothy Kane
The inflection point was the election of Ronald Reagan. Before that
there were a lot of economic stabilizers, things like unions to ensure
people made enough to live off of, and restraint exercised by all,
including the rich and the powerful. Reagan set the demons loose,
the rich and the powerful used their wealth and power to become
more rich and powerful. In truth the median wage hasn't advanced
since 1972. Befor that: GNP had grown 100% since WWII, and all
groups improved equally. After that, only the wealthy. Your
generation had help from others. Perhaps they'll find redemption
through Bernie and a new start at trying to reverse that process.
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12 7 hrs

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Uta Johansdottir
Cat, you believe in a pedophilic warlord messiah who road a horse to
heaven. Can we just stop pretending that there is anything dignified about
that? It's every bit as silly as the other two Abrahamic religions.
Like Reply

19 4 hrs

Erica Mazurek-Bowshier Lowell High School

Beautiful. Being born in 1973, with hippie parents I grew up on Cat Stevens,

still love his music today, he's one of my favorites, I still have 2 of his vinyl
records, he is a music hero of mine. The only problem with it is getting
through to the 'outsiders', and knowing who the 'outsiders' are. It's if course
the media as well, good news doesn't bring as much attention because our
society thrives on carnage, which is undeniably sad. Ego and greed have
taken the place of peace, and it's been horrifying to watch this world crumble
as it has in my years...
Like Reply

14 8 hrs

J Lance Peppers
My parents weren't hippies but they loved Cat Stevens. One of the
first things my kid sister ever said was "I'm a pop star!"
Like Reply

3 7 hrs

Dalia Broderick Owner at Self-Employed

I wonder how Cat would explain how come so many Islamic
countries have refused Muslim refugees because of security
reasons and instead are supposedly paying up the UN. Where is the
Islamic kindness and peace here?
Like Reply

5 3 hrs

Geraldine Campos
Dalia Broderick - His silence on all those topics speaks volumes.
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3 2 hrs

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Robert Dols
In a world of "us against them" and "every man for himself" mentality this
was the most inspiring article I have read in a very long time.
Thank you Yusuf!
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16 9 hrs

Dhani Shattuck
On 21 February 1989, Yusuf Islam addressed students at Kingston
University in London about his conversion to Islam and was asked
about the controversy in the Muslim world and the fatwa calling for
Salman Rushdie's execution. He replied, "He must be killed. The
Qur'an makes it clear if someone defames the prophet, then he
must die."
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11 3 hrs

Dalia Broderick Owner at Self-Employed

I hope officials in Islamic countries like Qatar read this article and
take in at least one refugee.
Like Reply

3 3 hrs

Vince Porter
Dhani Shattuck Hopefully, Yusuf now recogizes that people like him
enabled Islam's descent into the abyss. He needs to recall the
Salman Rushdie fatwa and take ownership of his own despicable
role in it. Confession and retraction might not only be good for the
soul; it might lend some legitimacy to what he is now saying.
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7 1 hr Edited

Chris Rand William & Mary

The fact that the only thing that is commonly read about Islam is the violence
committed by extremists is a valid point that he makes, and it's high time that
peaceful Muslims took back the face of the religion. However, he didn't
address his past support of violent dictates by Muslim clerics - fatwas and
such. He can't have it both ways. Either denounce violence completely, and
in so doing defend Islam as peaceful, or don't. But don't try to appear pure as
snow, while still accepting violence advocated in some areas of the religion.

snow, while still accepting violence advocated in some areas of the religion.
I'm not a religious scholar by any means, and I'm very inclined to believe that
the vast majority of Muslims (and followers of other religions) are peaceful,
but there are some very specific things within Islam that talk about violence
in the name of the religion. They need to be addressed by those stating that
Islam is totally peaceful.
Like Reply

11 6 hrs

Dhani Shattuck
On 21 February 1989, Yusuf Islam addressed students at Kingston
University in London about his conversion to Islam and was asked
about the controversy in the Muslim world and the fatwa calling for
Salman Rushdie's execution. He replied, "He must be killed. The
Qur'an makes it clear if someone defames the prophet, then he
must die."
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19 5 hrs

Chris Rand William & Mary

Dhani Shattuck
Like Reply 4 hrs

Chris Rand William & Mary

Then I still have a problem with him. It's impossible to reconcile the
belief that Islam is totally peaceful with the belief that someone
should be killed because they didn't follow the religion the exact
same way that you wanted them to. I loved Cat Steven's songs, but I
think he's trying to have it both ways, and when dealing with matters
of life and death, that's not right. Either be peaceful, or don't. At least
people will know what you stand for, and can react to you
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10 4 hrs

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Laurie Piazza-Howard Works at Lakeshore Endodontics

Thank you Yusuf Islam, for that wonderful piece. To this day I still play your
music and love it. I maybe be an old hippie but I still embrace all that my
generation stood for. I chose Kindness, and understanding, for my religion. I
believe you did too.
Like Reply

9 7 hrs

Dhani Shattuck
On 21 February 1989, Yusuf Islam addressed students at Kingston
University in London about his conversion to Islam and was asked
about the controversy in the Muslim world and the fatwa calling for
Salman Rushdie's execution. He replied, "He must be killed. The
Qur'an makes it clear if someone defames the prophet, then he
must die."
Like Reply

1 3 hrs

Michael Chean Los Angeles, California

Dhani Shattuck Yes. Why does he get a pass on this??? Let him first
apologize for this, or acknowledge that he still holds with that
opinion. And ask him about Charlie Hebdo while we're at it. Here for
anyone interested is the recording of his support for the fatwa., its bone chilling.
Like Reply

2 2 hrs Edited

Terry Hicks Hashemi Portland State University

Thank you for your eloquent explanation of both the beauty and challenges
confronting Muslims today. For too long we have allowed the extremists to
direct conversations about Islam. I continue to have faith, and pray that saner
voices will prevail so that all may see the beauty of our faith. Thank you
Yousef for sharing this!

Yousef for sharing this!

Like Reply

7 7 hrs

Paul J Chamberlain
""Truth is necessarily coherent; it's in your DNA, in your teeth, the dragonfly,
the colorful fish of the reef -- it's in the Golden Mean of geometry.""
The search for the truth requires that every idea and assertion be subject to
scrutiny. Islam forbids inquiry into assertion that Mohammed was a
messenger of God or that the Quran is the inerrant word of God. The Quran
requires that people how speak out against Mohammed or Islam be put to
death. So how can anyone be confident that Mohammed isn't a fraud and
that by following Islam, one is going against God?
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6 4 hrs

Missy Meow Albuquerque, New Mexico

That's pretty nice and all, but do you still want Salman Rushdie to be killed?
Get back to me about your peaceful religion when your answer is No.
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8 4 hrs

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