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PA MACMILLAN Katherine Stannett Hot Spot Activity Book 1 Contents Welcome module Lesson A What's your name? Lesson B How do you spell that? Lesson € Anything else? Learning diary Module 1 Lesson 1 Where are you from? Lesson 2 What's the matter? Lesson 3. All about Rick Lesson 4 Children from round the world Learning diary Module 2 Lesson 5 My family Lesson 6 My desk is a mess! Lesson 7 My dream town Lesson 8 The place where I ive Learning diary Module 3 Lesson 9. A really busy day Lesson 10 My big school bag Lesson 11. My schoo! lunch box Lesson 12 My school Learning diary Fast finisher and Extra practice activities Welcome module Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 The Wild Life Story Word List 2 4 16 "7 18 20 2 24 25 26 2B 30 2 3B 66 68 70 n 82 Module 4 Lesson 13 The things | lke Lesson 14 Fussy Freddy Lesson 15 Free time Lesson 16 Life in Britain Learning diary Module 5 Lesson 17 A day with the Gloom family Lesson 18 Are you a good friend? Lesson 19 Classroom rap Lesson 20 My journey to schoo! Learning diary Module 6 Lesson 21 My pet Cando Lesson 22 My new pet Lesson 23 Can | hold the hamster, please? Lesson 24 Animals around the world Learning diary Module 7 Lesson 25 Fashion show Lesson 26 Dinner’s ready Lesson 27 Home time Lesson 28 Right clothes forthe weather Learning diary Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Activites 34 36 38 41 58 62 64 65 66 74 76 78 80 Hot Spot Activity Book 1 Contents Welcome module Lesson What's your name? Lesson B How do you spell that? Lesson € Anything else? Learning diary Module 1 Lesson 1 Where are you from? Lesson 2 What's the matter? Lesson 3 All about Rick Lesson 4 Children from round the world Learning diary Module 2 Lesson 5 My family Lesson 6 My desk is a mess! Lesson 7 My dream town Lesson 8 The place where! live Learning diary Module 3 Lesson 9 A really busy day Lesson 10 My big schoo! bag Lesson 11. My schoo! lunch box Lesson 12 My school Learning diary Fast finisher and Extra practice activities Welcome module Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 The Wild Life Story Word List 10 12 4 7 18 20 2 24 25 26 28 30 32 3B 66 68 70 n 2 Module 4 Lesson 13 The things I lke Lesson 14 Fussy Freddy Lesson 15 Free time Lesson 16 Life in Britain Learning diary Module 5 Lesson 17 A day with the Gloom family Lesson 18 Are you a good friend? Lesson 19 Classroom rap Lesson 20 My journey to schoo! Learning diary Module 6 Lesson 21 My pet Cando Lesson 22 My new pet Lesson 23 Can hold the hamster, please? Lesson 24 Animals around the world Learning diary Module 7 Lesson 25 Fashion show Lesson 26 Dinner’s ready Lesson 27 Home time Lesson 28 Right clothes for the weather Learning diary Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Activites 34 36 38 a1 44 46 48 49 50 52 54 57 2288 65 66 "4 76 78 80 82 94 Oe ee Welcome module wm A What's your name? @ Vocabulary Write the words and complete the crossword. ow Across vue eve eVaawnag eoanSaues @ Vocabulary ie Complete the sentences. Use words from the box. ane 1S eet What's * this ? What's ? What's $ ? It’s a? chair lsat itsa® O Vocabulary Put the letters in the correct order to make words. C Hello) XX . 1 loHe 3 yeboGdo © Grammar and writing Put the sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue. It’s my pen. Goodbye, Ana. What's this? It's my bag. What's that? Goodbye, Jon Hello, Jon. My name's Ana Jon: * Hello. My name's Jon. What's your name. ? Ana: ? Jon: > Ana: * Jon: * Ana: * @ Vocabulary Look at the pictures. Find the words in the wordsearch. ° Ge 7 c oy h o k on a door i worotou Lo f ol 6 Vocabulary Read the clues. Then draw a picture and write the word. One is a camera. Five is a desk. Three is a pen. Sixis @ chair. Two is a window. Four is a bag. 1 4 camera 2 5 a] f= 6 Welcome module ie B'Fiow do you spell that? Reading Match the questions and answers. 1 What's your surname? < a C-L-A-Y-T-O-N 2 How do you spell that? b Imten 3 What's your telephone number? © It’s Clayton. 4 How old are you? d it’s 01444 821128 Owriting Look at the information. Write Fiddle’s answers. Teacher: What's your first name? Ws Fiddle ‘And what's your surname? Irs? How do you spell that? Fiddle: °0-0- Teacher: cld are you, Fiddle? Fiddle: fm Teacher: And what's your telephone number? Fiddle: I's O Alphabet Join and draw. a c rl O Grammar a be Write the short forms. "Fl y a, if 1 Lamten I'm ten 4 A i 2 Whats that? 3) Myname is Jenna 4 \amaboy. 5. Itisa house @ Vocabulary Match the keys to the doors. Complete the table 1b © Grammar Look at the information. Write the names. International Pen Pal Club Members: Name Boy/Girl 1 Hi I'm nineteen. My name's Ali. 2> Hello. 'm thirteen. 3. I'mtwebve. 4 I'meighteen 5. I'm fourteen, @Grammar Look at the information again. Write questions and answers about these people. Ali How old is Ali? He's nineteen. wewne Welcome module ke: C Anything else? @ Vocabulary © Reading and vocabulary Match the words to the pictures. Read and colour. The pen is green, The desk is brown. The glue stick is purple. The notebook is grey. Be a 4 notebook © Grammar Read and complete with is, ‘sare, or ‘re. 1) What colour és. this? It's blue. 2 What colour are these? They ‘re pink Reading 3 What colour those? They _orange Circle the correct words. 4 What colour. that? It green. @Grammar Circle the correct words. 1 This{ThatyThese/Those is a house. ee el et Bob: Hi. YAYan sandwich and two *orange/ 2. This/That/These/Those are pens oranges, please Faas acre 3 please. ‘. OK. 3 This/That/These/Those are books hy ae Faran eee, pes Ok. Anything “else/please? ©) “at No, "thank you/please Thank you. Goodbye. “Hi/Bye, 4 This/That/These/Those are chairs. i) study tips English around you ‘There is English all around you. Look and listen for English words in shopping, ‘Make a list of English words you know for each group. ma pop songs, tterce food clothes labels. Check you can do these things: 1 I know numbers from 1 to 20. ‘Write the numbers. one two three four five six eight ten eleven thirteen seventeen 2 I can say the alphabet. 1} Read and spell these names. 1 Jenny Quinn 2 Thomas Gray 3 Xavier Walpole 4 Fumiko Suzuki 5 Annabel Dickinson 4 I can ask about things. Look at the picture. Match the questions and answers. 3. can give information about myself. C) Complete this form about yourself. STUDENT Pirst name: Surname: Age: What's this? a They'te chocolate bars. What's that? b It'sa chair 1 2 Teeriche nines 3 Whatare these? ‘It's a desk. 4 What are those? dThey'te pens. Module 1 People and countries here are you from? Vocabulary Match the pieces and find the countries. i Aye Grammar Circle the correct words. A> . Oz elo. yout name’ de SSF nats!yourimy name? My name's Sticks. Where are/am you from? “'m/My from Canada. Where are you fromm? I'm from South Africa. SHow/What ‘old are you? I'm three ‘year/years old. And how F old are you? Your'm five, © Grammar @QGrammar Complete the form. Draw Write answers to these questions. a picture of yourself. 1 What's your name? My name's... 2 How old are you? 3) Where are you from? Module 1 hat’'s the matter? @OVocabulary Look at the pictures and write the words. Find the mystery word. 1 See 2 4 Mystery word © Grammar Choose words from the box to complete the dialogues. fan ‘m we you ae Ae 1e the} EY What's ' the. Fiddle? matter, Hmm. You thirsty. Here you are. O Vocabulary Ato the sentences 1 mhunay~. a Hereyou are, Acola 2 Imthirty, |b Here you are | Afootbat 3 I'mbored. \ ¢ Great! \ \ 4 I'm happy. \d_ Here you are. An ice cream O Grammar Complete the answers. Use words from the box. rent. ‘maot ‘tenet are am 1 We you sad? No, m not, 2 Are you tired? Yes, we 3 Are you worried? No, we 4 Are you hot? Yes, 5 Are you cold? No, @ Vocabulary Unscramble the words. 1osyhitet thirty 2 dorwier 3 rboed 4 toh 5 tide OGrammar Gircle the correct words. 1 Gis tired 2 A: Are/Am you sac? B: Yes, !’m not/am. 3 They is/are cold and hungry. 4 A: Are/Aren't they happy? B: Yes, they am/are. 5 He'si'm worried 6 A: Are/ls she bored? B: No, she is/isn't 7 We am/are angry @ Grammar and vocabulary Write a question for each picture. a happy? Is he happy? b thirsty? c sad? F a angry? e cold? f hungry? © Grammar Match the answers to the questions in Activity 7. No, he isn't a No, they aren't. Yes, she is. Yes, he is. No, she isn't Yes, they are auawna @ Vocabulary Look at the picture clues and complete the crossword. Across Lk . a (ui : © &) ij PPERER EH] @Grammar Match the questions and answers. 1 How old is Fiddle? — a Theyte brown, 2 When's his birthday? Xe He's from Canada 3° Where's he from? © He's three. 4 What colour are his eyes? d_—His favourite film star is Kea Knightley. 5 Who's his favourite film sta? ‘His favourite food is hamburgers. 6 What'stis favourite food? =F it's in March © Grammar Complete these sentences about Fiddle. Fiddle is * three His birthday is? He's from? His eyes are “ His favourite fitm star is * His favourite food is * Owriting a) Put the letters in the correct order to make months. crabM vmNbeore ylju yaJunra rebcmeeD rebuyafr rlipA yMa stguAu beSprmete neus b) Now write sentences about these celebrities: Jennifer Lopez 24/07/70 1 Her birthday isin July Paris Hilton 1707812. David Beckham 02/05/75. 3 Orlando Bloom = 13/077 ‘Avril Lavigne 2103184 @ Grammar Put the words in the correct circle. ice cream Lisbon in October ony sister fifteen Christina Aguilera tennis in August eleven, Poland OGrammar @Grammar Look at the information about Ben. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 2 3 4 5 who What Interviewer: Hello Anna WHEN? Anna: Hello. Interviewer: How old are you? Anna: a twelve Interviewer: And? are you from? Anna: tim4 Canada. Interviewer: © ‘s your favourite film star? Anna: My favourite film star ® Johnny Depp. Interviewer: ” 's your favourite food? Anna: My favourite food is ® Interviewer: — Thank you, Anna Ben Harman 1 Country: South Africa 2 Age: "1 % Favourite food: ice cream 4 Favourite film star: Angelina Jolie 5 Fevourtte sport: |_ swimming fiom you are Where ? you are old How ? your is favourite What food ? Where are you from? star film is your Who favourite ? favourite is sport What your ? @) Module 1 ildren from round the world inthiyedc ! @ QVocabulary |s aprliJl hjw Find these words in the wordsearch. wogslziwoum three sports ngmizjhecte skiing (ma y)rlajJi o ym three colours motnatt ths blue icecream three things to eat a notlneadtina pizza x three months gun@Tuept May opink ars joe Gk f @Reading Read about Marek. Hello. My name's Marek. m eleven years old and I'm from Poland. My home's in Gdynia. My school is the Nicolaus Copernicus School. And these are my rollerblades. They're really cool. My favourite sport isn't rollerblading, its ice hockey. ce hockey is great fun Se a oe O Reading Correct these false sentences. 1 Marek is from Brazil Marek isn't from Brazil. He's from Poland. 2 Marek is twelve years old. 3) Merek’s home is in Warsaw. 4 Marek’s friend is Nicolaus Copernicus, 5 Marek’s favourite sport is skiing Owriting Look at the formation about Sylvia. Write about her. Name: Sylvia Favourite thing: red bike Age: 10 Favourite sport: baskelball School: Willian Dawson High School Country: Canada Friend: Jodie Home Montreal This is Sylvia. She's ten @® — -—— — as yO Name Dote } ‘ : rar - +f ay I =) ; Check you can do these things: F Study tips i Learning vocabulary 1 I know words for (} Learn vocabulary in groups: | Write two or more words for each group. I colours red I ae countries Japan i ae | sports football ' Delhi he i Londen | & winza f : cities London r months June i countries Cube | 2. I can ask questions and write answers. CJ India Choose the correct question word. Then answer the Britain questions about yourself. E 1 Whofffow) old are you? Fm wu, sports 2 Where/How are you from? : swimming ‘skiing 3) What's/When’s your favourite food? eyoling 4 How’s/Who's your favourite singer? ind and write one more word ‘Who's/When's your birthday? each word group above. I know ten adjectives. 1) Complete the adjectives. 1 celd asd Swe “es 4b 1d 6hpey I can use the present tense of be. L} Complete the chart. Positive Negative Questions am tm not Am 2 yo you you? hershevit he/shevit hefshe/it? we we? you you? they they? Module 2 My world eo. = 5 My family O vocabulary — . Read the information. Write the My grandfather is Larry and my grandmother is Betsy names on the family tree. Topsy is my sister and Mutley is my brother. Jaylo is my | cousin. My father is Bobo and my mother is Dinky. My aunts are Willow and Lily. And Rover is my uncle OGrammar Complete the questions and answers about Sticks’ family. Fiddle: * Who's Bobo? Sticks: He's my* Sticks: He's my? father Fiddle: 7 Topsy? Fiddle: > ‘Willow and Lily? Sticks: They're my * Rover? Fiddle: * Larry? © Reading and grammar Read and match. Mary is John's sister Paul is Sam's uncle. Freda is Oscar's aunt. Philip is Sadie’s brother. Ella is Tracey's grandmother Beth is Anne's mother. 1 John 2 Anne 3 Sam 4 Sadie 5 Oscar OGrammar Now rewrite the sentences from Activity 3. Use his, her or their. 1 Mary is John’s sister Mary is his sister. 2 Freda is Oscar's aunt 3 Ella is Tracey's grandmother. 4 Paul is Sam and Nick's uncle. 5 Philip is Sadie’s brother. 6 Beth is Anne's mother. Ella Paul Beth Freda Mary Philip = © Vocabulary and grammar Look and write. She's fifty-one No, she isn't She's fifty-two. He's thirty-five Yes, he is. He's ninety-seven. They're thirty-two. It’s a hundred and six He's eighty-six. OGrammar Read and circle the correct words. Who's Sally? She's “Gnylyour aunt How old #is/are she? She *sfare forty-two. (Ok. And who are Jodie and Tim? ‘Wt's/They're my cousins. They're twins 5 Who's/Who are Boris? That's their *sister/father. He's my ?uncle/brother. How old is he? *He's/Is he thirty-eight, ed Module 2 = 6 My desk is a mess! @ Vocabulary and reading Read and draw. Where is Fiddle? ml 1 He's on the chair 2) He'sunder the chair, 3 He's in the bag, ) 4 He's on the desk, 5 He's next to Sticks. OGrammar Look at the picture. Write correct answers. 1. The sweets are under the chair. (pencil case) 4 The books are next to the posters. (chai) No, they aren't. They're in the pencil case. 2. The magazine is on the bed. (desk) 5. The bag ison the desk. (chait) 3 The apples are under the desk. (pencil case) «6 The posters are on the desk. (bag) ©OGrammar Find these things in the picture above. Complete the sentences. 1 The pencil case & next fo the apples 4 Thecamera 2 The rubber 5 The chair 3 The sandwiches 3 QGrammar Complete the dialogue. Use the words in the box. in dear amess they Theyre My Where to homework where's ‘Mum: Katie! Your room is' a mess! 2 are your socks? Katie: Um.* under my bag ‘Mum: And* your bag? Katie: Oh. It's next ® my chair. . ‘Mum: And your magazines. Where are . ? fie: Theyre” my cupboard, ° That's good. And your ® 2 ie: * homework? Yes, Katie. Where's your homework? d - fie: Oh” My homework’s a el ‘on my desk ... at school! dl = | zy Z oR 8 © Grammar Look at the picture. Answer these questions about Katie's things. 1. Whereis her bag? Its next to her chair. 2 Where are her socks? 3) Where is her homework? 4 Where are her magazines? © Grammar and reading Match the questions and answers. No, he isn’t. He's my grandfather. He's twenty-eight. They're on the table. He’s my brother. They're my cousins It’s under the desk, @ Where are the sandwiches? ~ Where's the book? > Who's John? ~ Who are Emily and Kevin? How old is Robert? Is Steven your uncle? ouaune se ance O Vocabulary Unscramble the words for these places 1 © DA®@e PEt’ haw 3 " iii tescal castle hrhuce pohs sehuo rrevi minswmgi loop cabeh yailwar tastnio rapk menaci ubs ntosita @Reading Read about Skyville. Then complete the char: In Skyvlle there isa fantastic beach and an old castle. There are two big cinemas, but there aren't any supermarkets. There's a lovely park ‘and a river, and there are four churches in Skyville. There isn't a bus station and there aren't ‘any swimming pools. There are twelve shops in Skyville and there's a big railway station, Skyville Roktown r 2 2 1 ol = 1 4 Sed ji ‘swimming pool | 1 bus station 1 beach 0 1 0 2 O Grammar Look at the information about Roktown. Complete the text below with there is, there are or there isn’t, there aren’t. Roktown is a great town. ' There are_ two path and? a cinema? ‘a supermarket and * four shops, but? a railway station . swimming pool and a bus station.” a beach, but . ariver.* any castles but ® two churches OGrammar Match the sentence halves. 1 Theearen't~ aa bus station? 2 Thereare |b abeach 3 Thereisn’t sixparks. 4 Are there | d__lotof shops 5. Isthere any supermarkets? 6 Therearea — \ f any churches ae ee ee ee © Grammar Complete the questions and answers. 1 isthere a beach? Yes, there i 2 Ave there any supermarkets? No, there arent. 3 any rivers? ves, 4 arallway station? No, 5 a bus station? ves, 6 any parks? Yes, 7 any cinemas? No, 8 a castle? Yes, @OReading and grammar Read Jenna's email about her town. Circle the correct words. te Amy Hi Amy My town is great! There \@ré/is two swimming pools and there is a beautiful old “castle/castles. There isn’t a/any railway station, but there's a big bus ‘park/station. There are a lot °ofifor shops and houses and there are ‘two/any big supermarkets. What about your town? Are there “a/any parks? “Aref there a castle? OWwriting Write a reply to Jenna. Use the information below for your town. 00 Your town = ae - Can you swim 200, E “Ak oe, mates? 1 touch/nose with tongue Ke - 3 Yes, I can./No, I can't. Can you touch your nose = with your tongue? Yes, Ican./No, I can't. ear Can you count to 100 in English? eat/four sandwiches in fone minute Can you ride a bike? Can you climb a tree? ski/on one leg swin/underwater ly new pet @ Grammar and vocabulary Match the pictures to the sentences. EE ai BR Ae a itisverybig. —bItcan't fly. thas € It can fly Ithas got four legs. @ Itcan't It can swim got e’ght legs. It can talk. It hasn't got wings Itean te 4 @ Reading and writing Read and write Yes or No. Se Fee CE 1 Hasitgot 2 Canitfly? 3 Doesiteat 4 Isitan 5 Doesiteat 6 Isitafish? wings? fish? insect? insects? Yes, it has. Owriting Now make sentences about these amazing animals. Marvomammal Supersnake _[/ Marvomammal | Supersnake | ey v = x eats insects | __ imb trees swim 1. The Marvomammal has got wings. it has got four legs. It eats 2 The Supersnake 3° The Fabufish @ = Ss = = Owriting OGrammar Invent an amazing animal and draw it. Choose words from the box to complete the ‘Complete the chart in Activity 3 about your questions. Then write answers. imal and write sentences. arimalland wisiip soreectes Have bo Are Gan Can Have Ave Do || My animal is called ie 1 Can pandas fy? | No they can't, | 3 dolphins live in the sea? 4 wolves birds? 5 polar bears run? 6 spiders mammals? Vocabular, ° i 7 crocodiles lve in Europe? Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences. 1 arefrom 8 lions got a tail? a butterfly. @ Grammar and vocabulary 2 This head is from a Complete the dialogue. Use words from the box. can't A our big sea fy spider 2 Fiddle: Can you guess my favourite animal? These legs are from a 7 Isit* big ? No, it isnt. t's srl 2 it dangerous? 4 : Yes, itis, This tals froma Canit? ? < No, it Him. Does it ive in the ® ? 5 No, it doesn't This head is from a Has it got © legs? No, it hasn't. t's got eight, Anal t's 2” ' ie Yes, itis. t's a black widow spider Us cos eony from* They're very 5 dangerous! ® Module 6 23 Can I hold the hamster, please @ Vocabulary Use the words to label the picture. bow! checklist } bit © Grammar Today, Ken and Danny are on rabbit duty. Look at the checklist and complete the dialogue. Use can I or can you. wo. Hanes a Rabbit Care + Clean the hutch + Fetch some carrots + Wash the bow! 4 « Fill the water bottle 6 + Feed the rabbit @ Grammar ji anise Wks tw carne Sora Danny: OK. I've got the checklist today. Ken, aks requests ‘ can you. _ clean the hutch, please’ Ken: Sure 1_{ill/please/can/the/bottle/you Danny: Thanks, and? cr Can you fill the bottles, please P some carrots, please? 2. the/car/hamster/please/hold/ law, [ceee(omaeteyae 7 5, feed the rabbit, pleas: 3 you/please/can/cage/clean/the Diafiny;, No; .Heed the ebbitiocty a Ken: ‘Oh. But, | 4 the/can/hamsteriplease/\/feed Dany: Now wash the 2 bowl, please? 5 some/can/please/yourfetch/water ee Sees auewEs bottle, please? 6 the/please/bowl/wash/can/you @ Sorry, Ken. Remember, today I read the checklist and you do the work! OGrammar Match the problems to the requests. 1. haven't got my book. — ‘a Can | borrow your dictionary? 2 Imvery hot b Can | watch TV? 3B i'mvery cold © Can |sit on this chair? 4 I don't understand this word d_ Can | open the window? 5 I'm very tired @ Can Ishare your book? 6 Imbored Can Iclose the window? OGrammar Write the requests. Vuse/your computer Can | use your computer, please? yourclearvmy bike Can you clean my bike, please? Vopen/the door Uread/your magazine you/fetch’my bag you/hold/this bow! Viook at/your new phone Voorrow/this DVD evousuna © Grammar and vocabulary Look at the pictures and write the requests. Use verbs from the box. {go borrow share close listen to your umbrella, please? your calculator, please? 3 = 6 BME: Ld] ee 3 I can talk about what people are 4 I can use the present continuous to talk wearing. 1) about what people are doing now. L) Write the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct 1. Peter / grey hoody / biue boots form of the present continuous. Peter is wearing a grey hoody and blue boots. 1. Sarah is walking (walk) to school 2) Mybrothers /jeans pee valor 2 My mum and dad (listen) to music. 3. 1/green jacket / red trousers 3. Myunde (watch) TV. 4 you (lay) football? come module: Fast finisher @ Vocabulary © Grammar OGrammar Do the sums and write the answers. Look at Sarah's shopping list. Complete the dialogue. one + four ~ three + eight = ten six — three + seven x two = two + nine ~ seven + fou three + eight — five five — one x six - three = two= wewne Write the questions for the answers. 1 How old are you? I'meleven. 2 ? W's David | 3 7 W's 0207 645 8112 Ben: Hello! 4 2 It’s Brown. Sarah: Hil ' Three chocolate bars, please Ben: Here? are. Anything © Grammar 3 ? Use the correct form of the verb to be to ate ‘ complete this email. ares Nee ence! soe e + please = = | Ben: — Here you* Anything ‘rom: sep | ? i | Yes,* pen, please | Anything * ? | No, * Goodbye. Goodbye. | @writing | Look and write questions and answers. 1 What's this? It’s a desk, 2 What are those? They're windows. Hi, Ben Myname "s Joseph, and |? : fourteen. This * Gemma, my sister. She ‘ twelve. How old 4 5 you? Bye! Joseph 3 Welcome module: Extra practice @QVocabulary Colour the circles. 1 m 2 pe 4 5 ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ \ 3 \ “ oi a sill J : , al \ @ Vocabulary J 5 orca Match the numbers. i 6 3 to the words. 9 four five 8 2ha two 7 4 10 sik tee She fen seven O Vocabulary Find eight words in the word snake. Write them under the correct heading. cle dwich Ba o Ba ens? OGrammar OGrammar Wire's or an. Circle the correct word. 1 an__ apple < desk A: What's (dhatythose? notebook 5 orange Wy tig 3 sandwich 6 ice cream © Grammar A: What are? that/these? Complete the dialogue. Use words from the box. B: It's/They're my sandwiches do_number its your See we) A: What's this? ‘A: What's your first name? - Br It's Josie B: ‘It’s/They’re my desk. A: And what's your? ? B: It's Green ‘A: What are this/those? A: How? you spell that? B: It’s/They’re my oranges B: G-R-* E-N. ‘A: What's your telephone > ? Bf 01455 878956 dule 1: Fast finisher @ Vocabulary Write the sports for these pictures. @Vocabulary OGrammar Write the countries for these cities: Complete the questions for these answers. 1 Havana 1 How old. ishe? 2. Lisbon He's ten. 3 New York 2 isshe ? 4 London She's from Russia. 5 Tokyo 3 her name? 6 Delhi Her name's Ana. 4 > © Grammar He's from South Africa. Write the questions for these answers. 5 2 She's eleven. No, he isn’t happy. He's sad. Owriting 2 Complete the information about a friend. My friend They're from Japan. Rene 3 Age Favourite film star Tony is twelve and Rob is eleven relurtesong 2 Favourite colour Yes, 'm very hungry Now write sentences about your friend. 5 My friend's name is He / She is My favourite sports star is Thierry Henry 6 It’s in January. Lo Module 1: Extra practice @Grammar ircle the correct words. Vocabulary Match the pictures to the words. Vm bored! I'm thirsty! Im cold! rm hungry! 'm tired! wena © Vocabulary As Hi, '@Y're Tracy. B: Hi Tracy, ’my/me name’s Mel. Where are you? for/from? I'm from South Africa. How old “arefis you? : *1'm/You're eleven. Look at the word snake. Find five sports and five months. months tennis July OGrammar Match the questions and answers. 1 ishebored? —— a No, they aren't 2. When isher birthday? b Japan. 3 Are they happy? © Yes, Lam, 4 How old are you? d_ tts in December. 5 How old is she? e I'mtwelve 6 Where's he from? She's eight. 7 Are you tired? 9 Yes, heis footballmarchskiingska,,, 0, "ep, Mp, cil ebruaryvorieypaiiaece™ @Reading Read about Hiroko. Then complete the table. Hi, Tim Hiroko. I'm ten years old and my birthday is in March. Lin from Japan. My home is in Kamakura. My favourite colour is red and my favourite pop star is Rihanna | Country: | City: Favourite colour: ‘Favourite pop star: dule 2: Fast finisher @OVocabulary OGrammar Choose the correct words to complete the Write sentences about this town. sentences. father aunt mother grandfather le_grandmother My father’s mother is my grandmother My cousin’s father is my u My mother's father is my g My cousin's aunt is my m My cousin's uncle is my f My father’s sister is my a ouaune O writing and vocabulary Write about this room. ae 1. sports centre/switmming pool poster bag bed desk _penclcase_books box (Poster bog_bed_desk_pencicase books box) In this town there is a sports centre, but there isn't a swimming pool. 2. parks/cafes 3 shops/supermarkets 4 bus station/railway station 5. river/beach OGrammar Now ask and answer questions about the town. 1 houses? Are there any houses? Yes, there are. There are two posters in the box. 2. railway station? 3° mountains? 4 football stadium? 5 river 6 cinema? a Module 2: Extra practice @ Vocabulary Owriting Write the missing words. Unscramble the words to make sentences. 1. aunt/Monica/isimy Monica is my aunt. 2 her/cousin/loanne/is uncle = 3. is/Sarasisterhis | | Pathan 4. isfourfuncle/Nick Scandmathes | 4 5 theit/Bob/is/grandfather | cousin 6 motheriis/Suzy/your OGrammar Look at the pictures. Circle the correct words. 1. The ruler is({nyon the pencil case. 2 The chair is on/near the desk. 3 The cat is under/on the box aS 4 The apples are under/in the bag. 5 The books are under/near the chair. “ OGrammar @Grammar Write there is or there are. Now write the negative form of the sentences for Activity 4. 1 There are two parks. 1 There aren't any parks. 2 a beach. E i 2 a beach. lot of fechas 3 alot of shops 4 a football stadium. 4 a football stadium. 5 six houses. 5 six houses. 6 a river 6 a river @ dule 3: Fast finisher @ Reading and vocabulary Owriting Look at Jim’s timetable. Tick (V) the correct Write sentences about what you have and sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. haven't got. 9.15 | Geography oe 10.00 | PE [1045 | BREAK I 11.10 | English 2 [11.86 | LoNCH | 12.40 | Maths | 1.25 | Science 3 [210 | BREAK | 2.80 | History 1 ve got Geography at a quarter past nine Wg 2 I've got PE at ten past ten. x I've got PE at ten o'clock. 3 I've got a break at quarter to eleven 5 4 I've got English at ten to ten, 6 5 I've got lunch at five to eleven @ Reading and writing Look at Jim's timetable again. Write sentences about the afternoon. sandwiches w/hairbrush x I've got some sandwiches, but I haven't got @ hairbrush apples Wipurse 7 ve got some apples and a purse. tissues Wimoney X teddy bear Wimagazines W rink Wisandwich x sweets Wimobile phone X © Grammar and vocabulary Complete the dialogue. Write one word in each gap. 1_I've got Maths at twenty to one, i Mrs Brown: What's in your lunch * box a Sarah? Have? got a a yoghurt? Sa No,13 But | have O Vocabulary got 4 apple. Unscramble the words for food items. Mrs Brown: Have you got § 1 cubtiis biscuit sandwiches? 2 knechic g , Thave. ve got 3 sehece three cheese? 4 kace Mrs Brown: And ® you got any 5 rthygou cake? 6 lepap Sarah: No, t haven't ? any 7 cspsir cake but 11” got 8 dalas two chocolate biscuits. Module 3: Extra practice @ Vocabulary Find ten school subjects and ten numbers in the word snake. Write them under the correct heading. sanity pot s "nes, ae Engh ol heh ni eeePeoneaighinister" ‘School subjects Numbers Geography. six @ Vocabulary Match the times. 1 148 a ten past seven 2 18.30 b twenty past ten 3 19.10 twenty-five past eight 4 08.25 d quarter to twelve 5 22.08 e twenty-five to five 6 10.20 half past three 7 16.38 g five past ten © Grammar Use a, an or any to complete the questions. Then write the answers. 1 Have you got any. sweets? v Yes, Ihave. 2 Have you got notebook? =X 3) Have you got mobile phone? x 4 Have you got orange? v 5 Have you got keys? x 6 Have you got. tissues? v OGrammar Circle the correct words. 1. Joe and Emma have got@omeYany sweets but they haven’t/not got any rubbish. 2 I've got a/an purse and I've got a/some keys 3. Julie hasn’t/haven't got any biscuits but she has got a/some crisps. 4 We've got two sandwich/sandwiches and any/some tissues. 5. My dad has got some/a yoghurt and any/a banana. 6 I've gota hairbrush and/but a teddy bear. 7 My sister and { have/are got some magazines but we haven't got some/any money. 8 Eric has/have got some cake and two ham sandwiches. dule 4: Fast finisher ~~». ay 1 Like hamburgers, but I don't like salad. Grammar Look at the chart. Then write about Fiddle. cS; hamburgers salad 3 films ghoststores | dogs cats | 4 football O Grammar Use words from the box to complete the text. sweets likes food Do you football like don't like sport, but my brother, Peter, likes ® and basketball. > you lke sport? My favourite 4 is ice cream, and 15 spaghetti. Peter ‘ salad and pizza. We like? tool What's your favourite food? Do ' like spaghetti or pizza? @O Vocabulary Write the free-time act wen take the dog for awalk s 5 7 SSS Ly rE 4 m m w a p J OGrammar Complete the dialogue. Write one word in each gap. A: Dot you like sport? B: Yes, Ido! | play football and |? swimming |A; What about your friends? Do 2 like sport? B: Saira and Jil lke sport. They don't $ football. They ‘ their dog for a walk. My friend Harry likes sport. He? skateboarding and he ® tennis Module 4: Extra practice @ Vocabulary and reading Who is it? Read the sentences and match them to the people. 1. I don't like football. Meera 2. ike apples 3. don’t lke apples. 4 like karate Owriting Write sentences about Ryan, Meera, Tim and Jenny. 1 Ryan likes pizza but he doesn't like apples. 2 Meera 3 Tim 4 Jenny @ Vocabulary 5 | don't like karate, 6 lke football 7 don't ike pizza 8 like pizza ©Grammar Circle the correct words. 1 A: ©oyDoes you like sweets? B: Yes, I do/don’t 2 We don't like/likes cleaning our room. 3 Henry like/likes Maths and Geography. 4 A: Do Suzie and Sarah like/likes dogs? No, they do/don't. 5 A: Do/Does your dad like ‘Pop Idol’? Yes, he does/doesn't. 6 They don't/not like yoghurt Find seven free-time activities in the word snake. cis nswriteadiarygosh «aa Jogarawoartoo PP nbleectbalcotgeygagesnanerie walk the dog @Grammar Write questions and answers. 1 you/go ice-skating? ¥ Do you go ice-skating? Yes, I do. 2 werlsten to music? v7 3 Jon and Pauligo swimming? x 4 Lola/read fantasy books? xX 5 Wike crisps? v 6 Zara/take her dog for a walk? a) dule 5: Fast finisher @OVocabulary @Vocabulary Complete these adverbs of frequency. Then Use the adverbs of frequency from match them to the diagrams. Activity 2 to complete these sentences ? about yourself. | ta s . vm do my homework. en 20 walk to schoo! ‘i y ome 31 tell the truth wo} ai 0 to bed at halt aC B.A past seven at night. | es) 1 90 school by bike 61 have breakfas: af het Scam | * acstoo | peomemnyr ss 7 1m ‘a good listener | 5 Onna ° enema |} 8m friendly O Vocabulary Look at the pictures and write instructions. 1 2 the door. to your teacher! 4 6 food classroom! in the classroom! magazines in the classroom! OGrammar Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete this text. My brother Sid * hates ___ (hate) his journey to school. He ® (take) the bus and there 2 (be) lots of people. He + (leave) the house at 7.30 in the morning. 1? (love) my journey to school. 1¢ (walk) to school. There 4 (be) lots of interesting shops and I* (look) at all the things in the shop windows. 1° (leave) the house at 8.00 in the morning Module 5: Extra practice @QVocabulary Find eight phrases for daily routines in the word snake. ew otkreadbook, spaghavedinnert ‘eho, RS Me Wak sos ‘cupgetdressedhavebre™ go to bed © Grammar Correct the sentences. Use the information in brackets. 1. I get up at half past six (seven o'dock)_I don't get up at half past six. I get up at seven o'clock. 2. I walk to school (go by bus) 3. Tina has lunch at twelve o'clock. (have breakfast) 4 My mum and dad watch TV in the evening, (Play computer games) 5. You do your homework in the morning. {in the evening) 6 We go to bed at half past nine (half past ten) ©Grammar OReading Write the opposite of these instructions. Read the texts. Who likes their journey to school? Who doesn’t like their journey? 1 Pick u i ee Draw © or @ next to each text. Don't pick up your pencil. 2. Don't brush your hair Brush your hair. 3. Count to twelve. Jane: | 90 to school by bus. I like my journey to school. The bus driver is very friendly. ©) Zillah: | go to school by car. ! don’t like my journey to school. t's boring! (_) 4. Clean the blackboard, 5° Don't talk to your friend. Bob: hate my journey to school. | walk up @ 6 Don't piay/sigame: very big hill. 1's. along journey. (>) 7 Look at the teacher. Julian: | love my journey to school. I go by train There are lots of people on the train I's “© @ 8 Siton the floor. dule 6: @QVocabulary Label the skeleton. am Se wa om = Owriting Write questions and answers about wolves. 1 livefin the sea No/land Do wolves live in the sea? No, they don't. They live on the land. 2. have got/two legs No/four 3 belreptiles No/mammals 4 eatimeat Yes 5 canftly No 6 can/un Yes Fast finisher © Grammar (Can you ride to the | shop and get an ice (cream for me?” Request Look at the pictures. Then read the questions. Are they about ability (A) or are they requests (R)? 1 evauawn Can you swim? A Can you fetch my sandwiches? _R Can | borrow your phone? Can dolphins fly? Can they read and write? Can I sit here? Can you clean the hamster cage? Can she speak English? Owriting Use the information in Activity 2 to write a short paragraph about wolves. FOE ee ae Gee ee oR Module 6: Extra practice @ Vocabulary and reading Read the description. Tick ¥ the correct monster - A, B or C. My monster has got two wings and four legs. I's got Ivo ears and one eye. I's got lot of teeth and a small nos. UW haset got any arms. @ Grammar and reading QReading Read about Sue and Gemma. Complete the Match to make sentences. ae ot 1. Dolphins live — a wings. Sue can swim but she can't ride a bike 2. Polar bears eat b four legs She can count to a hundred in English but 3. Crocodiles are ~ inthe sea she can't sing 4 Wolves have got di fish 5 Monkeys can e reptiles. Gemma can ride a bike and she can swim Bite havegct & canbees She can’t count to a hundred in English and she can't sing © Grammar 7 Use the phrases from the box to complete these requests. ab | wu fetch Horrow- you wash Ising" I 1 Can. I borrow. your pen, please? @ Vocabulary 2 Can the door, please? Find ten animals in this wordsearch. 3 Can your computer, please? oa 4 the hamster food, a Si ph eh ty to your CD, please? oe ors Wy the car, please? daonytion otcheassn lleoanripm |pwditbli»b hfitiesdu istetahey atrhei h n ° aoe @ Vocabulary Look at the models. Write the clothes items. Owriting Write sentences about the models in Activity 1. Sandy is wearing a skirt, 1a anda Greg Billy @ Vocabulary and grammar ‘Complete the text. ‘eating dog writing ‘re Kitchen sunny are skirt _ making living Hi Saffy It's very hot and t sunny. today, Dad is in the? He's 2 «lunch. My sisters, Sarah and Kelly, 4 in the garden. They 5 playing tennis. 'm in my bedroom. t'm 6 a letter to you. My mum is in the? room. She's mending her ® What are you doing? Are you ® lunch or are you taking your *° for a walk? Love Terri O Grammar and writing Write questions. 1. Why/eat/lunch/at 11 o'clock? Why are you eating lunch at 11 o'clock? 2. Where/go ? 3 Whoftext ? 4 What/read ? 5 Why/go to school/on Saturday ? © Grammar Write negative sentences. Use the correct form of verbs from the box. ‘wear eat play write listen ride 1 \imnot writing. to my friend. 'm doing my homework It’s hot today, so Ben She My friends park. They'te at home. 5 You to music. You're watching TV. 61 a jacket your bike. It's my bike football in the lunch. I'm not hungry. Module 7: Extra practice @ Vocabulary and reading Read and match. Then colour. 1 I'm wearing green trousers, brown boots and a grey hoody. a 2. I'mwearing blue shorts, an orange T-shirt and black sandals. 3. I'm wearing a purple jacket, a yellow skirt and red shoes. @ Vocabulary Find and circle the odd one out. 1 rainy GeodD snowy cold summer sunglasses autumn winter sandals hot jacket boots shoes hat snowy cold spring skirt cool wawn shirt OGrammar ircle the correct words. Joe(sJare making dinner. You am/are laying the table. Archie is/am mending his bike. Vamiis reading a magazine. Stefan isfam doing his homework Pip and Bob are/am playing football auaune O Grammar Match the questions and answers. Ave you cleaning your bike? Is Rob reading a book? ‘Are your friends playing football? Are we walking to school? Is she watching TV? wewne Yes, we are. Yes, they are. Yes, 1am Yes, she i. No, he isn't eance OGrammar Put the words into the correct order to make questions. 1. you/are/what/wearing ? What are you wearing? 2 my/whylreading/are/magazine/you ? 3 are/going/where/you ? 4 you/whostexting/are ? © MTthe Wild Life RE Welcome module Josh and Saira get ready for their trip to Africa. We're TV presenters. Our show is “The Wild Life!” «+s sandwiches, apples, chocolate bars... ‘Saira ... what's that? s ~ . Oh no! It's our bag! RM ye *< Module 1 Saira and Josh are at the camp in Africa. b i - aaPitots eyes are brown and LON ‘ic one's Mote his fur is brown. - Dm wes Ee ai or" Sion ne fre og, ‘ PS g | rh Nes Cha ei yo 4 op Module 2 Saira and Josh are in the Kruger National Park. Kruger National Park factfile ‘* The Kruger National Park is in South Africa itis 19,000 square kilometres big, There are buffalo, lions, cheetahs and giraffe at the park There are more than 11,000 elephants in the Kruger National Park (Hi kids! Today we're in the Look! There's an elephant next to the car! “V'mn thirsty. Where's the water bottle? 77 {W's under the WES] tren hi? J V'm bored and I'm hot. Whore are the elephants? "Modkle 3 ¥ Saira and Josh are on the Zambezi A.crocodile has got a V-shaped head Crocodile factfile * Crocodiles lve in rivers and lakes. * Baby crocodiles are 20 centimetres long, ‘Adult crocodiles are 5 to 7 metres fong! * Crocodiles have got a long tal, four legs and lots of teeth! An alligator has got a U-shaped head. What have you got i We're on the Zambezi lunchbox, Josh? River in Zamb Wine. Yum yum, t've got two people and s chimpanzee in my lunchbox! Module 4 Josh and Saira are at the campsite. It’s their free time now. What do they like? Hello again! | like animals and reading. In my free time, | read books about animals and Mtoto doesn't read and he doesn't doesn’t Ii Mtoto likes football and bananas. In his f free time, he runs and climbs trees. He eats bananas and he plays football. Josh doesn’t write a wildlife plays computer games! He doesn't draw pictures of plants and birds. animals and birds. She reads comics about superheroes! Module 5 This is a typical day on safari for Josh and Saira. Josh and Saira always get up at They have breakfast at seven o’clo half past six in the morning. “ Wo, Moto. Dont Teak, dent host at io aes eat my toast! Mtotol He's a little P ~ baby chimpanzee! Mie wi iin em ve eral vest Josh! Wake up! Jedi ues Oat nine o'clock they usually drive to the waterhole, They film the animals. Mtoto always eats my toast! They sometimes have lunch in the car. % losh often has a chocolate bar. A Vv hungry, dosh. And | I like chocolate. 6 | And, of course, they never fight. Module 6 Saira and Josh tell us about the animals on safari. Cheetahs can run very fast — 80 kilometres per hour. Cheetahs have got yellow fur with black spote. Their stomachs are white. The hippopotamus likes the water. It can swim very well. Hippopotami don't like the hot sun, They live in rivers and lakes because the water is coal. Elephants have got very big noses, called trunks. They can pick up food with their trunks, The African elephant has got big ears. It weighs 5,400 kilos. Wow! necks and long legs. They are 5 metres tall. Because giraffes are tall, they ean eat the leaves from tall tre Some crocodiles are 100 years old! swim very fast in the water and they can run very fast on land, Be carefull And chimpanzees an run and play. And thoy can throw bananas! | Module 7 Josh and Saira are back in England. Its beautiful. why are you we sweaters, scarves, hats and boots? Do you like the photos | them, Mum? from our amazing Five o'clock in Us five o'clock in hes esrelog fe never get up at shelneceiny eed five eeloc inthe Desert. I'm wearing very cold. morning at hor shorts, a T-shirt, sunglasses and lots of suneream, raining. Thats the Vietoria Falls. Tshirt and my sunglasses! That's Mtoto, He's wearing my sunhat and sandals and Welcome module 1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? a _Josh and Saira’s show is “Trip to Africa’. b Josh and Saira are on the plane to Africa. ¢ Josh and Saira’s bag is on the plane to Africa 2 Complete these sentences. a Josh and Saira are TV _ presenters Module 1 1 Write answers to the questions. a What colour are Mtoto’s eyes? Brown b What is Mtoto’s favourite sport? hy © Where is Mtoto from? d_ How old is Mtoto? 2 Unscramble the words to complete these | sentences. | | a Mtoto is Josh and Saira’s new (rnief) friend b Mtoto is (wto) ¢ Mtoto’s favourite food is J” Can you remember? ‘Can you remember? This is Saira’s | fabnsnaa) | o¢ | | | d_ Mioto's favourite toy is a 1 (tobro) This s Josh's | p> | (e- é | | 3 What do Josh and Saira pack? Tick (7) the things they take. pens VY chocolate bars glue sticks X= camera oranges rulers apples chair 3 Who says these things? Write J (Josh), S (Saira) or M (Mtoto). a Thisis our new friend. J b He's two, © It'sa robot dm hungry e Ouch! | Module 2 1 Find the answers to these questions. 3 Unscramble the words to spell animals. a Where are Saira and Josh? a ufbloaf buffalo, Kruger National Park. i» neti b How many elephants are in the Kruger a Hagereh Nationel Park? d egrafif How big is the Kruger National Park? d_ Where is the Kruger National Park? Use the correct preposition to complete the sentences. b thirsty? a The tree is next to the car, © bored? b The sandwiches are Josh's bag d hot? The water bottle is the tree. 3 Complete the sentences. a Josh has got some pizza and an_ apple in hs lunchbox. b Saira has got a and | some in her lunchbox | 1. Are these crocodile facts true (T) or false © The crocodile has got two yr anda in his lunchbox. a Baby crocodiles are 5 m long. fi (ee. | b Adult crocodiles are 7 m long, easy Cc: ber? ( i n member? | € Crocodiles have got lots of teeth. wa. ane | 4 Crocodiles have got V-shaped heads. 4 Who says these things? Write J (Josh), 2. Write answers to these questions. ia a Where's my lunchbox? b Help! © Mtoto, thank you dHurraht a Where is the Zambezi River? In Zambia, b What time is it? ¢ Who is in the canoe with Josh and Saira? || 1. choose the correct answer to each | question. a Where are Josh and Saira? | 1 inacar | 2 onariver 3. at the campsite |b What does Saira like? 11 geography and writing 2. reading and animals 3. drawing and plants || © What does Mtoto like? 11 computer games and comics 2. aliens and space rockets 3 bananas and football 2. Use words in the box to complete the sentences. | pictures facts reads birds doesn't her a Inher. free time, Saira books about animals and birds b_ Inhis free time, Josh draws | plants and | Mtoto learn and he doesn’t draw pictures. Can you remember? 3 Who... draws pictures of aliens and space rockets? Josh breads comics about superheroes? ¢ runs and climbs trees? Choose the correct word to complete the sentences... a Mtoto always/sometimes eats Josh's toast. b Josh and Saira usually/never drive to the waterhole at 9 o'clock ¢ They often/sometimes have lunch in the car d__Josh always/often has a chocolate bar. 2 Put these sentences in the correct order for Josh and Saira’s day. a. They have lunch in the car. b They eat breakfast. They look at pictures for The Wild Life’ d__ They drive to the waterhole. They get up. 1 3 Choose the correct verb from the box to complete the instructions, ‘ak look eat stand take shout a. Don't eat my toast! b Don't at Mtoto! © Don't up! Ssh! Don't e your feet off the tablet f at these pictures! rs 3 (=)! Can you remember?) 4 Who is hungry? Saira is tired? puts his feet on the table? a b c likes chocolate? Module 6 1 Match the animal to the description. a. They have got yellow fur with black spots 1. chimpanzees b They have very big oe noses. bananas. \ They don't like the Brest hot sun fe They can swim very fast. 5. hippotami f They have got very ong legs 6 elephants 2. Unscramble the adjectives. zngaami amazing flabuutei loco a b © Indiceerbi d e gib Write sentences about the animals with can + a verb from the box. 1. Cheetahs can run very fast. 2. Hippopotami very well 3. Giraffes the leaves from tall trees. 4 Elephants food with theit trunks. Can you remember? 4 Choose the correct numbers to complete these sentences. a Cheetahs can run at 60/70/80km per hour. b Some crocodilesare 100/150/200 years old ¢ The African elephant weighs 540/ 5,400/54,000 kilos. Giraffes are 2/5/10 m tall. Module 7 1 Match the sentences to the places. @ its verywet. 1. The Sahara Desert. b lt’sveryhot. | 2 Lake Malawi © Wtsverycold. \3_ The Victoria Falls, 2 Write answers. a. sit raining at the Victoria falls? No, it isn't. ‘Ace Josh and Saira wearing sweaters in the Sahara Desert? Is Moto wearing Saira’s jacket? b d__ Does Mrs Mourad like the photos? © Does Saira usually get up at five o'clock in the morning? Who says these things? Write J Gosh), § (Saira) or M (Mrs Mourad) a They're great! M b Ooops! © This is by Lake Malawi He's naughty! Match these sentence halves a b an Can you remember? Moto is — e 1 in Zambia The Kruger National 2 atthe Park is waterhole The Zambezi River is \ 3 in England Josh and Saira film animals 4 from Ghana Mrs Mourad lives 5 in South Africa rd List Adjectives beautiful big dangerous fantastic favourite friendly fun funny late cn time sharp small strong Adverbs always never often sometimes usually Animals bat bird butterfly camel at crocodile dog dolphin elephant fish frog hamster insect tion mammal monkey monster panda parrot penguin polar bear rabbit reptile snake spider stick insect tiger wolf Cities Delhi Edinburgh Havana Lisbon London New York Ottawa Tokyo Clothes boots dress gloves hat hoody jacket jeans leggings sandals scarf shoes shorts skirt sunglasses sweatshirt top trainers trousers Tshirt umbrella Colours blue brown green grey orange pink purple red white yellow Countries Brazil Canada Cuba England India Japan Poland Russia Scotland South Africa Daily routine verbs do homework get dressed get up 90 to bed {0 to school have a bath/a shower have a snack/lunch/breakfasv dinner leave home wake up walk to school Family aunt brother cousin father grandfather grandmother mother sister twins uncle Feelings angry bored cold happy hot hungry sad thirsty tired worried Food and Drink apple banana biscuit cake cheese chicken Chinese food chocolate bar crisps living room lean fruit table limb ham window close hamburgers count ice cream Months do lemonade itsry rink milkshake Faber eat orange Merch feed pizza Apri fetch salad May fill sandwich Ting fly spaghetti July hand in press ‘August hate yoghurt September have got fete October hide Free-time activities November hold clean my room December Juggle collect badges jump draw cartoons Numbers like 90 shopping ‘or es look at listen to music A aa mend make model planes ae Re open play footbalbasketball 3 thee pick up play the guitar/the piano/ ee read the trumpet 5 fe run read comics eek say surf the Internet Pea share take the dog for a walk B eight sing watch films/TV ‘tonne sit 10 ten sleep Geography 11 eleven stand city 12 twee swim country 13 thirteen talk forest 14 fourteen at grassland 15 fifteen touch hill 16 sixteen understand island 17 seventeen use mountains 18 eighteen wash sea 19 nineteen wear town 20 twenty ‘work tropical 21 twenty-one write village 30 thi a0 ory Parts of the body House 50 fifty arm bathroom s sey ear bed seventy eye bedroom 80 eighty face ceiling $0 ninety fin cha 100 one hundred finger cupboard 101 one hundred and one foot, feet dining room fur dag? Other verbs hair floor answer hand garage ask head garden be leg hall borrow mouth kitchen brush neck nose tail toe tooth, teeth wing Pet care bottle bow! cage checklist hutch water Places in a town beach bus station cafe castle church cinema football stadium house park railway station shop sports centre supermarket swimming pool Possessions badge bag book box camera cD comb computer diary DVD player clue stick hairbrush key lip gloss magazine mobile phone money pen poster purse radio robot rubbish stickers teddy bear television tissues toy wallet Prepositions across behind down in in front of into next to on out of under up Questions and question words anything else how how old what what time what's the matter when where who School break calculator classroom desk dictionary exercise book friend homework notebook pencil case rubber student teacher School Subjects Art English French Geography History IT (information Technology) Maths Music PE (Physical Education) Science Seasons spring summer autumn winter Sports basketball cycling football horse riding ice skating karate netball skateboarding skiing ‘swimming tennis Times five pastito ten pastto a quarter pastito twenty past/to twenty-five pastto half past o'clock evening morning Transport bicycle bus car taxi train Weather Hot Spot is a communicative course with an accessible grammar syllabus designed to address the needs of young en eee aunt mec esau nT) Pei Rene Rca CRU oc u h eC) Ble Bie Us Ar See eae ue Ree Cine e BST ue fere) aS is full of both controlled and open grammar and Dre A eae eed MRR UL Ried includes extra reading practice through a fun new story eco Rune Ce UC Eas oe Erode ee ORO ROR AME le) Peat ead Pee Ca kU Rm elu eR roe ‘own progress : eee Bo cue Rn ee cd Oe Ree CU Rm RU Cet Tad Oe eee ene) Cee DR ee Reo en 4 Deedee Meeting Fees a ttt NUR Bx? Ereeta 4 ead i Oe COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK VAI! A2|B1/ B2/C1] C2 oA MACMILLAN Se

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