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Como Posicionar HANA

Alexandre Castro
Channel Enabler & Solution Expert


SAP HANA is an in-memory database
It is a combination of software and hardware
Allows for processing massive real-time data sets
In-memory technology means no disk/memory latency
SAP HANA supports both data storage in columns and rows, but is optimized for column-order storage
Move business logic away from the client and move into the database (server side)
Has a persistence layer because memory is volatile logs and backups to disk
All SAP Business One data resides in-memory

2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


Plataforma SAP HANA Mais do que um banco de dados

Any Apps

SAP Business One

Any App Server

HANA Platform
SQL, SQLScript, JavaScript
Supports any Device


Analysis & Mining

Stored Procedure
& Data Models

Application &
UI Services

Business Function

Predictive Analysis




Integration & Streaming Services



SAP HANA is the platform

for ALL Applications

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Other Apps

Supports any application

A true platform

60% of HANA use cases are outside of the

SAP Landscape
1,600+ start-ups & ISVs developing on HANA

Converged OTLP + OLAP

Embedded business logic
Native data services


Nvel de Maturidade do Cliente

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ROI ou Razo para Comprar uma Soluo HANA

Como voc pode medir conceitos estratgicos?


na informao

Melhor gesto da informao

Melhor tomada de deciso

Usurios mais produtivos

Qual o valor para o negcio?

Como um C-Level pode conduzir seu negcio no futuro?

A plena

compreenso para a tomada de decises

A plena

compreenso dos drivers do negcio.

2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


CRM Data



Service Calls


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Sales Orders

Demand Planning

Instant Messages






Realidade #1 Exploso de Informaes



Realidade #2 Consumo de Informaes

Decises em tempo real

Respostas corretas e instantneas

Experincia pessoal no ambiente

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Realidade #3 IT no suporta as demandas


Alto custo no
gerenciamento de
grandes volumes de

Respostas Imediatas
para qualquer

Informao atual e completa

2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


Tecnologia HANA

SAP High Performance Analytic Appliance

Software In Memory
Hardware Certificado
Motor de Computao In Memory
Ferramentas para modelagem de dados e administrao
Replicao em tempo real
Suporte a mltiplas plataformas
Pacotes de contedo

Alta Performance

Computao In Memory

Novos Contedos

A tecnologia que permite o processamento de

quantidades massivas de dados em tempo real na
memria principal do servidor para proporcionar
resultados imediatos de anlises

Estamos falando de um novo paradigma,

no somente de uma soluo ou uma ferramenta!

Reinvente o seu Negcio para Atingir o Impensvel

Mais Inteligente

Mais Rpido

Mais Simples

Visibilidade em tempo real

do seu negcio para a
tomada de decises

Anlise imediata dos dados

- em segundos em vez de

Percepo mais profunda

das necessidades e desejos
dos clientes

Execuo mais rpida ao

ajustar as mudanas na
dinmica do mercado

Aumentar a eficincia e
economizar custos com
processos de negcios

Obter valor do Big Data e

criar novas aplicaes ou
redefinir os modelos de

Desempenho poderoso em
implementaes on-premise
ou em cloud

2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Dinamizar o cenrio de TI com

um sistema nico de anlise e
operaes e obter menor TCO

Amigvel para o usurio e

acessvel em qualquer


Ofertas SAP Business One em HANA

SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA

SAP Business One analytics powered by SAP HANA

Funcionalidades Chave

Funcionalidades Chave

Enterprise search
Dashboards e anlises
Relatrios ad-hoc interativos

Enterprise search
Dashboards e anlises
Relatrios ad-hoc interativos
Pervasive analytics
Extreme Apps disponveis com o SAP Business One , version for SAP HANA
(advanced available-to-promise (ATP) and cash flow forecasting)

Benefcios Chave

Benefcios Chave

Velocidade e flexibilidade em anlises baseado em um banco de dados inmemory lado a lado com um servidor transacional

Anlises em tempo real, cenrios inovadores e de elevada capacidade

transacional na plataforma SAP HANA

2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



SAP Business One alavancando a tecnologia HANA

Posicionamento do B1, B1A e B1H
Mensagens Principais
B1 desenvolvido para pequenas empresas
B1A pode ser usado apenas com o B1 como um plug-in sem interrupo e rpida percepo de valor. B1A oferece ferramentas de
gesto flexveis, alm de diminuir a carga de trabalho do banco de dados SQL.
B1H executado no banco de dados HANA DB ao invs do MS SQL, completamente transacional no SAP HANA com
funcionalidades adicionais de relatrios e x-apps.
O cliente pode migrar do B1/B1A para o B1H, aproveitando seu investimento existente nas licenas SAP.
B1A / B1H so executados apenas em hardware certificados. O mesmo servidor usado para B1A e B1H (proteo do
Gesto de Informaes
Analticas / Estratgicas


2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.


B1H: SAP Business One, Version for HANA

B1A: SAP Business One Analytics, powered by

B1 + B1A

SAP Certified

Capacidade de processamento transacional


Como Demonstrar HANA

Ter um ambiente HANA

SAP Business One analytics powered by SAP HANA

2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.




Fcil anlise em tempo real

Agilidade na informao

Melhoria de Performance
No impacta na base de dados transacional

Acompanhamento Estratgico
Acompanhamento da informao do cliente e construo de
cenrios O que acontece se.

Enterprise Search

Informao correta no
momento adequado
Disponvel para todas as pessoas de acordo com o perfil

Sem a necessidade de
Uso gil da informao

Interactive Analysis

Relatrios enxutos
Dar fim aos relatrios desnecessrios

Usar a linguagem de negcios

A transformar dados em conhecimento

Adoo Rpida
O valor pode ser percebido imediatamente

Projetos Rpidos
O tempo de implementao pode ser menor do que
uma semana

Impacto Imediato
Os resultados so vistos logo depois do final do projeto

Implementao sem interrupo

No ocasiona paradas na operao

Granularidade da informao
Com grandes volumes de dados, voc necessita de
ferramentas para ver os detalhes.

SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA

2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Pervasive Analytics

Informao analtica em tempo real

Fcil assimilao

Dados analticos em conjunto com as Transaes

Advanced Availability to

Cash Flow Forecast

Operaes dinmicas entre

atividades relacionadas
Preciso em tempo real
de dados transacionais

Acesso ao detalhe da informao

Anlises em tempo real

Sem defasagem de informao

Transaes em tempo real

Extremo desempenho, respostas imediatas, otimizao
em qualquer processo.

Plataforma em tempo real

100% in memory
Mobilidade em tempo real

Fuso entre ERP & Analytics

Soluo incomparvel

Outros Recursos HANA

Administration Console Home View

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Administration Console Database View

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SAP HANA Studio - Designer

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SAP Business One Mobile Apps

Cenrios poderosos com o SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA

Cash Flow Forecast

Enterprise Search
Pervasive Analytics
CashFlow Forecast
Available to Promise

SAP Crystal Reports baseado em SAP HANA

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Nossos Parceiros

64 GB

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96 GB

128 GB

256 GB

512 GB

1 TB




Informao correta no momento adequado
Disponvel para todas as pessoas de acordo com seu perfil

No necessita de configurao
gil uso e informao

Fcil anlise em tempo real

Agilidade na informao

Melhoria de Performance
No afetando a base de dados transacional

2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Acompanhamento do plano estratgico
Acompanhamento da informao do cliente e abordagem de cenrios O que acontece se

Relatrios Enxutos
Dar fim aos relatrios desnecessrios

Usar a linguagem de negcios

A transformao de dados em conhecimento

2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.





Voc verificou se est falando com a Pessoa Certa?

Voc verificou se a informao correta no momento adequado vai ser

utilizada para tomar as melhores decises para a empresa?

Os dados ou as informaes a serem analisadas em tempo real

realmente so crticos para a empresa?

uma melhoria de performance importante para a empresa ou para

um usurio?

Os dashboards so utilizados por um C-Level para a tomada de

decises da empresa?

Voc verificou se a empresa est trabalhando nas estratgias

preditivas neste momento?

Voc verificou se est falando com a pessoa certa que vai utilizar a
informao estratgica?

Voc verificou que tipo de informao crtica para o negcio neste


Voc verificou se possvel mensurar os benefcios que o HANA pode

trazer para a empresa neste momento?

Perguntas que devem ser respondidas antes da reunio com um C-Level (1/2)

Quais os desafios deste cliente?

Qual a perspectiva de crescimento?

Este cliente possui maturidade suficiente para esta soluo?

A velocidade da informao importante?

Qual a capacidade de investimento?

O cliente atende os requisitos para a soluo? (tamanho de base)

Este cliente ser um bom case de referncia?

O cliente aberto a inovao?

Cliente possui cultura de planejamento estratgico?

Quais os indicadores do mercado deste cliente?

Conheo e estou me reunindo com o verdadeiro decisor?

Conheo ou existe um influenciador?

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Perguntas que devem ser respondidas antes da reunio com um C-Level (2/2)

Entendo as variveis chave do negcio?

Por que vo gastar mais em HANA do que um Crystal Server?

Tenho claro qual o custo benefcio para este cliente?

Conheo o ponto crtico do negcio com quem vou me reunir?

Conheo todas as solues que tm em sua instalao?

Que tipo de perfil e responsabilidade tm a pessoa com quem vou me reunir?

Est satisfeito com o B1 ou teve problemas?

Quais so as dores da sua empresa do ponto de vista operacional e de informaes

para tomada de deciso?

Informao em tempo real tem valor para a empresa?


2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Star Dental Centre (India)

Simple & Intuitive the users love it.
SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA

As a retail chain, finance and logistics

are key components of our business.
In both these domains we need to
have control and effective reporting.
Hence, we chose SAP Business One,
version for SAP HANA.
Saurabh Singh Manager
Corporate Strategy


Healthcare (Dental Care)


75 Employees 12 SAP Business One users

Why SAP?

Star Dentals vision is to become a pan India institution of excellence in dentistry and dental customer
care. To achieve this, we knew that we had to have the right ERP solution in place at the beginning of
our operations. Who better to turn to than SAP?

Key Benefits

Better insight to action, better decisions we are now able provide service our customers in a more personal way - the
enterprise search makes it so easy to have up-to-date and faster information on each customer.

Solution has proven to be very simple and intuitive resulting in improved efficiency. The users absolutely love the new system.

Consolidating data from various clinics and using real time analytics to monitor clinic performance.

30% reduction in management information system reports preparation time

2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Antarc Ltd (Kenya)

The accurate and quick reporting systems have improved dramatically our decision making
SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA

Antarc sprung its customer service

levels in just months after
implementing SAP Business One ,
version for SAP HANA and gaining
90% improvement in customer
satisfaction .
Neha Malde
Head of Finance


Office and Home Furniture


85 employees, 12 SAP Business One users

Why SAP?

SAP Business One gave Antarc the independence to work as individuals, the business solution it
provides was an answer for the growth of Antarc. SAPs innovation and growth allowed Antarc to
grow 5 fold in 5 years and increase our customer base + product lines and become leaders in the
market in a short span of time.

Key Benefits

SAP Business One , version for SAP HANA has brought better efficiency and decision making as we can make a decision
on a product not doing well within seconds. We have seen this assist us in improving sales for slow moving items at particular
branches and improved stock turn around time.

Customer Service was our focus this year and we achieved 90% improvement in customer satisfaction all thanks to HANA
whereby we could precast the deliveries and products details as well as recognize our loyal customers and rewards them.

Interactive Analysis has assisted Antarc in major decision making in terms of products, branches and also sales staff. The
accurate and quick reporting systems have improved our decision making and increased our sales targets by another 30% in

Cash flow analysis and the predictions have assisted us to improve our cash management taking our overdraft situation
down by 30% . The users have become independent and reliance on the finance department for reports has dropped by
2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Intelligent information system (Ireland)

HANA gives us the ability to respond to the dynamics of our business
SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA

SAP HANA provides powerful

database functionality that allows us to
spend less time chasing down
information and more time providing
our customers with the services and
support they need.
Morgan Browne,
Chief Executive Officer,


Business management solutions


60 employees,

Why HANA ?

IIS has been SAP Business One customer and now can Leverage the SAP Business One
application powered by the SAP HANA platform

Enabled real-time snapshots using SAP Business Objects Dashboards software

Extended the processing power of the SAP HANA platform to the existing SAP Customer
Relationship Management application

Key Benefits

Better decisions, better insight to action with Snapshots of business profitability available in real time versus hours.
Process efficiency and cost savings - More efficient routine business processes such as invoicing and accounts receivable, 20%
Less time spent on invoicing process and 1 hour
Saved every day on tracking billable time for consultant
Market competitive advantage due to improved service levels Enhanced customer service and support

Scalability, throughput and user efficiency - Accelerate access to data for 33 consultants spread across five
entities in three different countries
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GLOOOBAL GmbH (Germany)

Our customers like the flexibility of a small company, focused on their needs with the
professionalism they expect from much larger organizations.

SAP Business One, version for SAP

HANA provides stability and easy of
use beyond our expectations. Due to
the pre-configuration we were able to
go live within one week.
Stefan Schaffer,

SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA


IT Consulting and Development


16 employees, 5 SAP Business One users

Reasons for

Required an ERP system able to scale in anticipation of rapid growth.

Business One

Selected SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA, due to its simplicity, ease of implementation and
ability to instantly provide information to demanding enterprise partners and customers. As a HANA
consulting company, GLOOOBAL wanted the experience of using a transactional system.

Implementation of SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA, took only one week.

Key benefits

Reduced administrative efforts by replacing spreadsheet-based processes, requiring redundant

data entry, with an integrated and modular solution.

Tighter control and documentation of all business transactions of global customer base.
Integrated reporting provides better insights on the profitability of different business activities and
reduces the time required for tax declarations.

Enterprise search instantly retrieves any document from within the system.
2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Power Foods International Pty Ltd (Australia)

Now we transform static data into real time data
SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA

With SAP Business One Analytics,

powered by HANA , we can see how
Customers sales orders are effecting
our required production quantities in
real time and better plan our
inventory requirements.
Robert Bogdanovski
General Manager


Sports Supplements & Nutrition Products


30 employees, 11 SAP Business One users

Why SAP?

Maturity of SAP Business One users application and record of continuous development. Best of
breed application

Key benefits

Key benefits

With SAP HANA we have a real insight into our data using tools that we are familiar with such as
Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables. No additional learning, we were getting a payback from the application
on Day 1.

Increased real time visibility of customer and inventory needs

Improved ability to understand product performance by geography
Ability to get reports in seconds as opposed to waiting
Transform static data into real time data
Greater accuracy in forecasting Inventory requirements
Easy to use analytics on customer buying patterns

With SAP Business One Analytics, powered by HANA , we can see how Customers sales orders are
effecting our required production quantities in real time and better plan our inventory requirements.
We reduced raw material inventory holdings by 15% and Improved ability to meet customer
orders on time by 20%


Key Business Solutions Pty Ltd.
2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Nashua Communications (South Africa)

Reports that took minutes, now take seconds
SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA

Nashua communications
increasing its ability to react quickly
to consumer demands, This allows
the company to differentiate itself
from competitors and attract more
Darren de Vries


Information and Communications Technology (ICT)


500 employees, 300 SAP Business One users

Why SAP?

Nashua Communications, a former Siemens Telecommunications business, previously used SAP R/3
as their ERP. In April 2010, they moved onto the SAP Business One platform and have been using it
ever since.
Former SAP R/3 reporting needs were satisfied with the standard SAP Business One reporting until
resource intensive Crystal reports affected the productivity and efficiencies of employees.

Key Benefits

Our user experience and efficiency improved, with the fantastic enterprise search users can now quickly find any relevant
data or transactional information based on a Google like search.

With the Crystal reports reading from HANA run much faster. Reports that took minutes to run, now take seconds! We can
make better and faster decisions.

The interactive analysis gives users access to relevant information in easy to use Excel pivots. This gives users the
confidence to generate their own reporting content, making them less dependent on consultants or power users. In fact we
have 50 % less user reliance on IT.

Nashua increasing its ability to react quickly to customer demands, it gives us both Market competitive advantage and
improved service levels as a result Nashua differentiate itself from competitors and attract more customers.

We improved process efficiency with 97% Faster inventory analysis

With SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA Monthly closing time is now 80% Faster
2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Reprico (Panama)
We now have confidence that we are making good business decisions
SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA

Analytics for SAP Business One,

powered by SAP HANA revolutionized
my business. We now have confidence
that we are making good business
decisions; ones that help us fulfil our
delivery commitments faster than ever
David Blanco


Pharmaceutical Product Distribution


250 employees, 98 SAP Business One users

Why SAP?

Changes in market dynamics required quick inventory analysis and margin calculations, however,
took approximately 15 20 minutes

Required accurate and up-to-date information on brands represented and distributed

Report generation required approximately 4 hours and significant manpower

Operational reports only take one minute to extract

Quick response times give Reprico competitive advantage

Real time mobile engagement allows distributors mobile access to information regardless of
location via use of integration tools (B1i)

Ad-hock reporting reduced by using personalized reports easily created with one analytic view

Better decision making when reports that used to take 24 hours to create now can be visualized
and analyzed in less than 10 minutes

Key benefits
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SAI Servizi Avanzati per le Imprese, (Italy)

With Enterprise Search we have immediate technical and commercial information about our
SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA

The introduction of Enterprise

Search speeds up finding activities
and information about our
customers, both technical and
Maurizio Fratini


Software & Service IT , SAP & ERP Solution


20 employees, 5 SAP Business One users

Why SAP?

SAP Business One is a customizable solution that gives us the flexibility to better support our
customers. The Add-On help allows us to solve the company and customers issues every day.

Key benefits

Real-time analysis of vast amounts of data keeps us up-to-date on customer activities

Easily create and modify dashboards and reports to better analyze our business

Simple deployment and integration of analytics module within existing IT infrastructure

Customer quote

The ability to analyze large amounts of data in a short time allows us to build more in-depth and
detailed reports. The introduction of "Enterprise Search" speeds up search activities and information
about our customers
2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Versino AG (Germany)
SAP Business One analytics Powered by HANA accelerates key business processes
SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA

Reporting no longer impacts our

transactional system. Now we get
information in real-time to make
better and faster business
Werner Hoelzl
CEO Versino


Service Provider Software


50 employees, 30 SAP Business One users

Key benefits

Speed and Efficiency: Reports are 100 times faster allowing employees to be more productive

Flexibility to create interactive reports and run ad-hoc analysis

Access new tools for tailored information through the creation of new sales analysis dashboards

More information in seconds: search for information across the entire SAP Business One
application using freestyle search

Make better, faster decisions

Customer quote

Working in the IT industry we need to run many reports. We have used SAP Business One for 8
years and have a 10 Gigabyte database. Because it is now powered by SAP Hana, the reporting
aspect no longer impacts our transactional system. We receive information in real-time to make
better and faster business decisions.
2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



M-way (Switzerland)
Sales reports which took minutes to prepare, now take seconds"
SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA

Using SAP Business One

analytics powered by Hana and
Excel for more detailed analysis or
dashboards, we now save time
when accessing relevant data.


Transportation Electric vehicles


45 employees, 30 SAP Business One users


As innovative sustainability specialists, Mway provides Switzerland with eco-friendly electric

transportation options. Since its launch in October 2010, the company has expanded its network of
stores and service outlets across all regions. Customers and partners require access to real-time
information about vehicle availability, service, maintenance, charging stations, rental options and
sharing programs.

Lukas Sramek


To help with these requests, Mway chose SAP Business One analytics powered by SAP Hana to
access in real-time its entire inventory of vehicles and sales transactions.

Key benefits

Customers obtain information in real-time about availability of products and services

Employees create reports in real-time to make more informed recommendations to customers

Data center hardware integration makes analysis tools accessible from anywhere, at any time

Implementation partner

Hosting Partner
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GCC German Computer Company GmbH (Germany)

The performance of SAP Business One improved significantly
SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA

Reporting from the large

database no longer impacts our
transactional systemit is 10
times faster.


Hardware Vendor and Professional Services Provider


30 employees, 12 SAP Business One users

About GCC

GCC (German Computer Company) GmbH is a an independent Hardware Vendor focused on the
optimization of IT-infrastructure. GCC has used SAP Business One for 8 years and has a 3.5
Gigabyte database.

Why SAP?

With SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA, the reporting system runs much faster than
in the past and the overall performance of SAP Business One has improved significantly. We now
have real-time view of data.

Chris Knig

The Enterprise Search feature allows us to react much faster to customer requests, while delivering
a higher standard of service.

Key benefits

Report generation is 10 times faster

New analysis Dashboards for sales people

Significant performance improvements in the transaction system

Worldwide Daily price Updates are now possible

Better analytical knowledge of customers and how they do business

2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



trans data elektronik GmbH (Germany)

Analysis reports which took several minutes, now only take a few seconds. "
SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA

We significantly improved our

critical business processes after
implementing SAP Business One
analytics powered by HANA.
Andr Engel


IT hardware networking infrastructure for the production and sales of copper and fiber optic cabling
systems, planning and installation of networking systems

Reasons for
choosing SAP

SAP Business One Analytics, powered by Hana improves flow of information from sales as well as
provides real-time access to data to better track inventory and delivery times.
Now we make more informed decisions and better address customer needs.

Key benefits

Ability to obtain better and more relevant product distribution data which leads to better
customer service

Real-time monitoring of production provides quick reaction times if a quality problems arise

Customer quotes

Now we have a real-time comprehensive view of our sales territories, operations, and customer
relationships which improves our entire business processes.


Uniorg GMBH
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Aqueo Import & Distribution (Australia)

Reports run from HANA do not impact the rest of users
SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA

With SAP Business One,

analytics powered by SAP
HANA, we are experiencing
significant speed and
performance improvements
when it comes to reporting. We
can now run key reports without
stressing our transactional
Andrew Meagher
General Manager


Designer Footwear Distribution, Australia


50 employees, 32 SAP Business One users

Situation before

Aqueo specializes in the distribution and wholesaling of designer footwear and footwear accessories
and is a SAP Business One customer since 2006
Due to the seasonality of the business Aqueo have a large number of forward orders in SAP
Business One system. Running key reports for sales and management stressed the system.
Therefore Aqueo was an ideal candidate for the SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA
Ramp Up process to address the reporting needs.

Key Benefits

We have now Better decisions, better insight to action, Accessing relevant information using the Excel based pivot table
report is almost instantaneous

The speed of reporting has greatly improved. A complex custom specific report that was migrated to run on the HANA
database, showed a more than 10 times faster performance improvement. And running large and complex reporting now no
longer impacts our transactional system.

Results of using SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA have been excellent and Aqueo plans to migrates more
reporting and data analysis to the platform. for greater company efficiency
2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



OSI (China) Holding Co. ltd. (China)

we can now trace our products back to their source of origin in seconds
SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA


SAP Business One analytics

powered by SAP HANA, we can
now trace our products back to
their source of origin in seconds all
the way through the quality
inspection stage
Steven Zhang,
VP and CFO


Food producer and provider to global leading brands


3,500 employees, 170 SAP Business One users

Why SAP?

OSI has been SAP Business One customer over 5 years; the flexibility and scalability of SAP
accompanied OSIs growth and changes.

Scalability of the software and ability to support best-practice business processes

Ability to meet enterprise demand for industry-specific functionality, data analysis, and

Enhance customers loyalty by providing better and quick service.

Key Benefits

improved process efficiency - We can now trace our products back to their source of origin in seconds, which enable to monitor
the foods quality in transparency in between the whole foods industry chain.
Better and faster decisions - Present reports of the whole group in 10 seconds, and support to view in multiple dimensions,
which helps management decision making with real-time data.
We build a food quality controlling and tracing system in SAP Business One, with the power of SAP HANA we may response to our
customers within 5 minutes on delivery time, materials and batch number, etc.

Implementation partner

Shanghai MTC Information Technology Co
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Group DAPSA (Mexico)

We make better decisions based on the real time information
SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA

With SAP Business One analytics

powered by HANA, we make the
processes efficiently, developing
strategies and now we can take
better decisions
Jos Clemente Guerrero Gmez
General Director


Wholesale Grocery


210 employees, 32 SAP Business One users

Why SAP?

Many of the companies in our industry run SAP, because the processes in this industry are
complicated and are not supported by other solutions.

SAP centralize and integrate all the sales, purchases, operations, finances and inventory
information in just one database.

SAP Business One has very easy to use reporting tools with the query manager, query wizard,

drag and relate and crystal reports.

Key Benefits

Thank to SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA Dashboards, we can view the information in real time and in a
more interactive way and make better decisions, and better insight to action.

Now we are 100% more efficient on taking decisions with the implementation and use of interactive analysis module and
search functionality.

By having a database in Hana, we migrated all the reports we had in SQL and that helped us to get reports faster and a
considerable improvement in the system speed,

We improved the sale process efficiency in 60 % generating reports faster. and cost savings.

We improved User efficiency and user experience reducing the system response time by 80% in the logins of the users and
reports generation.
2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Joyeras Bizzarro (Mexico)

Our business strategies are based now on real-time information
SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA

The Management and Control of

inventories has empowered us to
make real-time decisions while
creating strategies that have enabled
the company to considerably increase
sales by product line.
Sergio Nio
Commercial manager


Fine Jewelry Retail


420 employees, 60 SAP Business One users

Why SAP?

With 50 branches across Mexico , Joyeras Bizzarro, a leader in fine Jewelry , needed an ERP
solutions to manage the entire organizations with modern management tools.

Confidence on the competence of SAP as the world leader of ERP systems

Many challenges with the in-house developed ERP, which limited the companys growth.

World-class solution with the capacity to manage the day-to-day needs

of our organization.

Key Benefits

Increased efficiency in all areas of the organization now, all users can find by themselves the most relevant product
information thanks to Enterprise Search.

Report generation accomplished in a short time, providing instant insight to action.

Improved forecasting effectiveness and better purchase decisions using Interactive Analysis.

Real-time analysis and understanding of the impact of market and price variations on the company's strategy trough What if
2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



DATALAB Srl (Italy)

We are proud to use this new fantastic in-memory technology
SAP Business One analytics powered by HANA

With SAP HANA we eliminate the

delay in data analysis and have the
opportunity to use new extreme
applications specifically designed for
SAP Business One version for SAP
Paolo Masin
Board Member
Datalab Srl


Software & Service IT , SAP & ERP Solution


25 Employees , 10 Users B1

Why SAP?

We strongly believe that SAP HANA technology will help our customers to improve the
user experience using SAP Business One and will give us the opportunity to create new
extreme applications in order to give to our customers the best tools to analyze data and
make business decisions.

Key benefits

Improve the user experience using SAP Business One Analytics by SAP HANA.

Provide immediate report and analysis functionality to managers, without latency, dramatically
reducing waiting time and with new way to analyze complex data.

Our financial department benefits on use new Advanced Cash Flow functionality thanks to SAP
HANA technology

we really improve the user experience using SAP Business One with new functionalities and with
more and more speed!
2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Marco Ophthalmic Inc. (USA)

Real-time visibility with SAP Business One and SAP HANA
SAP Business One Analytics, powered by HANA

SAP Business One provides up-tothe-minute order status to the

entire company via a user-friendly
search with SAP HANA. This speeds
information delivery across the
organization, resulting in better
decision making, improving customer


Life sciences - Vision diagnostic equipment


53 SAP Business One users

Why SAP?

Single, affordable system that covers all functional requirements

Real-time data access with enterprise search functionality included with SAP Business One analytics
powered by the SAP HANA platform
Interactive analysis as a standard feature without requiring additional software
Ability to start with a small number of users, prove the project, and scale as needed

David Gurvis, Executive Vice President,

Key Benefits


Mobile access to real-time data, helping increase sales productivity and customer satisfaction and
providing a real competitive edge

Up-to-the-minute order updates, saving sales representatives precious minutes on every customer

Interactive analysis and dashboard reporting via mobile device, keeping everyone up-to-date

Lower annual maintenance costs

Effective Computer Solutions
2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Associated Brands Europe GmbH (Germany)

Reports are easy to create and can be refined without expert knowledge
SAP Business One Analytics, powered by HANA

SAP HANA Analytics Provides us

with important figures in real-time.
Due to the interactive analyzes, the
required tables can be quickly and
easily adapted by the user himself.


Wholesale Office supply


32 employees, 27 SAP Business One users

Why SAP?

As a supplier of large number of office and paper products , we have special emphasis on the
minimization of process costs. Given the number of product data sets that need to be constantly
move , we need high performance system .

SAP Business One is firmly integrated in our company as the leading system and processes the data
from our B2B framework and serves as an interface to our customers service system.

Joern Karbaum

Our employees can access from different locations at our central SAP Business One system.

Key Benefits

With SAP HANA our sales staff find customer data in seconds. Thus our employees can make optimal decisions during the call
with the customer.

Dashboards provide high aggregate measures prepared in real time. This contribute to high performance and Improved
customer satisfaction

Easy way to find data in the system using the Enterprise Search, much faster and saves employee and customer time

The seamless integration of MS Excel works perfectly . If necessary, the reports can be refined without expert knowledge or
complicated development.

Implementation partner
2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



KEDVENC JM Kft. (Hungary)

We can run our daily operation faster with SAP Business One Analytics
SAP Business One Analytics, powered by HANA

Thanks to SAP Business One

Analytics, I can finally reach my margin
report on time and as a result improve
the profitability of the company.
Because of the very fast data source
we can handle the business processes
and reporting in real time.
Rbert Jakab
general manager


Fresh and frozen foods wholesale, Hungary


90 employees, 35 SAP Business One users

Why SAP?

KEDVENC JM uses more than 100 reports monthly to manage business.

It took 2-3 days to prepare the data for the monthly reporting system on MSSQL.

When KEDVENC JM closed the financial annual reports, they had to prepare about 150 reports, it
took 10-15 days.

Key Benefits

Our user experience and efficiency improved, with the fantastic enterprise search users can now quickly find any relevant
data or transactional information based on a Google like search.

Refreshing data from SAP Business One Analytics to MS Excel is really 1000x times faster than MSSQL, and the size of
Excel file only a few kilobyte.

The size of the replicated database in SAP HANA is only 2% of the live transactional
MS SQL database.
Controlling save more than 1 day per month. Using the embedded reports and the users can have their reports much faster
than before.

Using the numerous Business Intelligence (BI) publishing features (Embedded Dashboards, Crystal Reports,
Interactive Analysis (MS Excel pivot)) of SAP Business One we really managed to implement a Self-Serving BI system.

We can access all of our reports using the standard authorization of SAP Business One (earlier we did not have this option in

Website -
2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Royal Sporting Club Anderlecht (Belgium)

With SAP Business One on HANA, we are ready for the future both on functional and technical level
SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA

With SAP Business One, version for SAP

HANA we control all the internal and
external processes and generate more
profit by improving sales and billing
processes .


Sport and entertainment


140 employees , 24 SAP Business One users

Why SAP?

Royal Sporting Club Anderlecht is the most successful Belgian soccer team and plays in the Jupiler
Pro League.

There was a big need for an integrated software system, with a strong accountancy module and overall
controlling functionalities. The new system should also have the possibility to integrate other
departments and processes on the same platform and interface with other software systems easily

We improved the management of digital

documents and contracts and have better
understanding of the business thus
improving decision making based on
correct figures

Key Benefits

Gert Boutsen
Head Financial departement

The SAP HANA solution can provides us all the necessary data extraction possibilities and can handle large data requests
without any problems.

Wit SAP Business One We roll-out event management CRM-functionalities, document management system and invoicescanning, ticketing-system and Cloud and mobile functionalities.

Better and correct reporting (management and operational). One single point of truth, one centralized system that will manage
all the master data.

Cost-saving by better control of the internal and external processes and generate more profit by improving sales and billing
processes .

More efficient management of digital documents and contracts. Better understanding of the business and improve decision
making based on correct figures.

Partner /
2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Em Resumo
SAP HANA nosso presente

SAP Business One analytics powered by SAP HANA

Preparem-se, capacitem-se
Temos uma tecnologia de ponta

B1A como oferta para a base instalada

Seja diferente do seu concorrente

SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA

2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



Alexandre Castro

2015 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

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