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November-December 2005

BREAKING NEWS: A comprehensive scientific model for the "Energetic Engine of

Evolution" has been proposed by David Wilcock, author of The Divine Cosmos. Citing the
work of a vanguard of researchers including Tim Harwood, Glen Rein, Bruce Lipton, Richard
Pasichnyk, Aleskey Dmitriev, Vladimir Poponin and Peter Gariaev, Wilcock presents a
model that unites many disciplines and provides several critical missing pieces to the
evolutionary puzzle. In his own words, this provocative model "suggests that humanity is on
the verge of a near-spontaneous metamorphosis into a more highly evolved state of

Basing his analysis on the realization, embraced by more and more of today's scientists,
that Darwinian evolutionary theory is "extinct," Wilcock observes that the "probabilities that
DNA could evolve by 'random mutation' are so minute as to be utterly laughable--akin to the
idea that if you have enough monkeys tapping away on typewriters, one of them will
eventually produce a complete Shakespearean play." Far surpassing the reach of gradual,
incremental evolution, which certainly occurs as environmental adaptation, the fossil record
from all over the planet makes it clear that species regularly evolve in heretofore inexplicable
leaps and bounds, skipping what would seem from a Darwinian perspective to be crucial
evolutionary phases. At the top of a long list of species whose evolution has baffled science
is the human species.

Although for more than a century a "missing link" has been assumed to exist based on
Darwinian presumptions, scientists have never managed to discover it. “When we consider
that the size of the brain literally doubled between that of humanity's apparent ancestors and
ourselves, with no evidence of a smooth transformation whatsoever," writes Wilcock, "once
again we see a spontaneous evolution of the creatures on Earth." One scientist associated
with National Geographic, studying the intricate bone carvings dating to 70,000 B.C. found
at Blombos Cave in South Africa, concluded that behavioral evolution mirrors anatomical
development--an important observation meaning, in Wilcock's words, that "spontaneous
evolution is not simply physiological, but consciousness-related as well. When a new bodily
form has emerged, consciousness changes appear to occur."

As indicated by the Mayan calendar, rather than in fits and starts, such evolutionary fast-
forwards of physiology and consciousness happen in cycles. Theorizing a "harmonic
relationship" between the 26,000-year Mayan calendar and 26-million-year period between
extinctions/evolutionary leaps in the fossil record, Wilcock notes that all Earth species have
suddenly evolved, or metamorphosed, every 26 million years, making a strong case for "an
outside energetic influence that operates in a regular, cyclic fashion."

To answer the question what outside energetic influence is responsible for these rhythmic
evolutionary revolutions, it is necessary to factor in a higher-dimensional form of energy
called torsion energy. Some writers, most notably Barbara Hand Clow, have focused
attention on something called the Photon Belt or Photon Band, which can be envisioned as
a torsion-wave "light lattice" connecting Earth via our sun to Galactic Center that serves as a
guiding data communication network for human and planetary evolution. 26-6-2010
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Cover image from Book One on the Regenetics Method, Conscious Healing (in press): The Photon Band &
Black Road. It takes 225 million Earth years for the Milky Way Galaxy to make one complete rotation through
the Photon Band, which is believed to be a birth cycle for our galaxy. The Black Road, a Mesoamerican phrase
for a type of wormhole, can be conceptualized as simultaneously an astrophysical and genetic alignment with
Galactic Center that engenders a Shift in consciousness, allowing humanity to return "home." Copyright (c)
2005 by Sol Luckman and Kara Brown. All Rights Reserved. Click here to preview Conscious Healing.

While some astronomers have scoffed at the notion of a Photon Band, other scientists who
grasp the higher-dimensional nature of this network's light understand that it not only exists
but plays a critical role in cosmic evolution. Wilcock's research indicates that something very
much like a Photon Band most definitely exists as lines of higher-dimensional torsion
radiation emanating from Galactic Center. Both Wilcock and Clow envision the Photon Band
as tracing figure-eights throughout the spiraling pattern of the Milky Way Galaxy (see Figure
above). It appears from Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev's research involving aether that such looping
torsion energy based on the phi ratio (1.6180339) is, among other things, directly
responsible for our cyclical experience of time.

Recalling the aether theories of Kozyrev, fellow Russian scientist Sergey Smelyakov's
research demonstrates that the harmonic vibrations of phi, also referred to as the Golden
Mean and Fibonacci sequence, inform the very fabric of space-time. Mathematically, the
Photon Band is minutely structured on phi, producing precise cosmic intervals the Mayans
were aware of when constructing their uncannily accurate calendar.


1. "The Crumbling of Certainty," by Charles Eisenstein

2. "Frequency Fields at the Cellular Level," by Stephen Lindsteadt

3. "Embodying Light: The Evolution of Consciousness," by Sol Luckman

Also, Also ... DNA-related Definition of the Month & Did You Know? 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY November 2005 Page 3 of 16

1. The Crumbling of Certainty (Chapter Six of The Ascent of Humanity)

Charles Eisenstein

The End of Objectivity

Every aspect of the regime of separation--the objectification of the world, the conversion of
life into money, the program of understanding and control, the alienation of a discrete and
separate self--is written into the official dogma of our civilization, the religion of science. Like
many religions, science encompasses an ideology, a program, and a method. The first
comprises our fundamental story of the world and how it works, our parsing of the possible
into the real and the imaginary, and our definition of what types of knowledge are valid. The
second is the Scientific Program, the ambition to bring all phenomena into the realm of
measurement, predictability, and control, so that all knowledge rests on a firm foundation of
experimentally verifiable, objective truth.

The third element of the religion of science, the Scientific Method, draws its validity from the
ideology of science and its motivation from the program of science. I have already discussed
how the Scientific Method depends on the replicability of experiments, the testability of
hypotheses, and ultimately on the assumption of determinism or objectivity. Scientific inquiry
in general--as well as a scientific, rational approach to life--assumes that there is a reality
out there that we can query, test, understand, and perhaps eventually predict and control.
Herein lies the quest for certainty, in which understanding rises from a foundation of facts.
By sticking with the facts and reasoning from there we remain objective, and obtain
knowledge of superior reliability.

The assumption of the possibility of objectivity has infiltrated nearly every sector of human
endeavor, anything that tries to be scientific. It is in fact very hard to define such terms as
"scientific" or "rational" without resorting to some variation of objectivity. A few examples will
be helpful. In science, the experimenter is supposed to maintain an objective distance from
his experiments, assuming that there is no necessary, ineliminable connection between
himself and the system under study. In medicine objectivity is embodied in the controlled
double-blind study, which seeks to isolate the objective effects of a therapy under study, so
that it can be applied scientifically according to objective criteria unconnected to the whims
or personality of patient or doctor. In agriculture we might plant two identical fields with crops
differing in only one significant variable, and measure the difference in yield. In journalism
the belief in objectivity implies that a reporter is just that: someone who "reports" whatever
facts are already out there. She is not supposed to actually be taking part in those events,
for then she would no longer be objective.

In other words, in taking the "scientific" approach to any endeavor, we seek to remove the
subjective desires and prejudices of the experimenter. The result will be principles that
purport to apply generally, because, after all, they are valid without reference to the
experimenter. It does not matter whether the patient or doctor believes antibiotics will cure
strep throat: their efficacy is an objective fact. It does not matter the intentions of the
canoneer: the cannonball will follow the same trajectory no matter what, as long as the initial 26-6-2010
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angle and propulsive force are controlled. Right?

This is the founding philosophy that galvanized the Scientific Revolutionaries and motivates
still the program of complete understanding and control. There is a reality out there that can
be observed, measured, quantified, and controlled. It is the same for you and for me, indeed
for any experimenter. Its laws are invariant: God does not operate the world according to
some changeable whim, nor do its laws operate differently for me than for you. Statements
like, "The unicorn was there--really there--for me, but not for you" we take to be the very
epitome of irrationality. Come on--was it there or wasn't it? The same holds for "The
computer works for you but not for me, even when I do nothing different." Reason as we
know it insists that something must have been different, either between us or in the
environment, to make the computer behave differently this time.

For several centuries after Galileo and Newton, the Scientific Program extended the
foundation of control by gaining an ever-finer understanding of the "reasons" and the
"reason" of the world, making ever-finer observations of the reality out there, until it got down
to the base level of the subatomic realm. Here were to be the building blocks of the
determinism and objectivity that embody scientific reason. And then calamity struck.

The calamity for science and reason is simply that at the subatomic level, the very bedrock
of the whole edifice of science, determinism and objectivity do not hold. At the most
fundamental level of reality, our scientific intuitions (embodied in the above statements about
unicorns and computers) are simply wrong.

As a result, the last eight decades or so have seen a proliferation of interpretations of

quantum mechanics that attempt to reconcile the indeterminacy and observer-dependence
of the quantum realm with the determinism and objectivity that we "know" characterizes the
world of everyday experience. None of these attempts have been successful--a marked
contrast to Newtonian mechanics, which provoked little serious dispute about what it all
meant because it fit in with the tide of the times. The present lack of agreement about the
interpretation of quantum mechanics--which after all lies lies at the basis of physics--testifies
to its incompatibility with our fundamental ontology.

It is beyond the scope of this book to give a thorough summary of precisely how quantum
mechanics violates determinism and objectivity. I refer the reader to the vast non-technical
literature on the topic, in particular the works of Paul Davies, Nick Herbert, David Wick,
Roger Penrose, Fritjof Capra, David Deutsch, and Johnjoe McFadden. I particularly
recommend the last two: Deutch's The Fabric of Reality for its lucid exposition of the many-
worlds interpretation that is currently in vogue, and McFadden's Quantum Evolution for its
elegantly clear introduction to the basic paradox of measurement.

Quantum mechanics' violation of determinism is somewhat less challenging to conventional

beliefs about self and world than is its violation of objectivity, so let's start there.
Determinism holds that initial conditions completely determine final conditions: in other
words, if you do the exactly the same experiment twice, you'll get the same result. This is a
key assumption in the requirement of repeatability used to determine scientific fact. But in
quantum mechanics the assumption is false. Fire a stream of electrons, photons, or indeed
any particle through a slit onto a detector screen, and the final detected position of each one
will be different. The overall distribution of particles is fully determined by mathematical
equations, but the fate of each individual particle is random. One might go left, the next right,
the next straight through, and there is no explanation for that behavior. It is acausal, which
violates a central assumption of the Scientific Program that with sufficiently diligent querying
of nature, the reason for everything can be found. Yet here, at the very basis of the
reductionist pyramid, matter behaves acausally, unreasonably, a state of affairs so troubling 26-6-2010
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to scientific orthodoxy as to incite Einstein's famous protest, "God does not play dice with
the universe."

The same indeterminacy affects not just the path of a particle through an aperture, but also
the decay of a radioactive particle, the polarity of a photon or electron, and many other
properties. But the challenge to our conventional world-view runs much deeper than that,
because not only are these measured quantities random; apparently, until they are
measured they don't have any definite status at all. Interference experiments such as the
double-slit experiment, the Stern-Gerlach experiment, and countless others demonstrate
that in the absence of measurement or observation, particles behave as if they occupied all
possible states at once. What's more, the very presence of observation can affect the
evolution of the system being observed, even in the absence of any physical force operating
between system and observer, even when the observer is outside the space-time light cone
of an affected part of the system (as in the Aspect experiment). In other words, the Baconian
view that there is an independently existing universe "out there", and that science can
discover all its properties by sufficiently precise measurement, is fundamentally flawed.
Observer and observed are intimately linked; the distinction ultimately does not even make

The consequences of this discovery are too huge for our culture to digest, so antithetical are
they to the reigning orthodoxy. The quantum measurement "paradox" is a product of
attempting to weld the observer-dependence of the quantum world with the supposed
objectivity of the world of everyday experience, which boils down to a discrete and separate
self looking out onto the universe. Quantum mechanics invalidates the discrete and separate
self. Because quantum mechanics represents such a profound challenge to our very self-
conception, for eighty years scientists and philosophers have gone through paroxysms of
interpretation to somehow mediate the two realms of non-objective, acausal quantum events
and the classical reality we think we experience.

Again, none of these attempts has been successful. On the practical level, most deny the
extension of indeterminacy and observer-dependence into the macroscopic world essentially
by claiming that quantum uncertainty tends to routinely cancel out, approximating classical
mechanics on the scale of everyday experience. Thus while there is a finite chance that a
marble flung through a hole will diffract onto a non-classical path, this chance is so close to
zero that it can be ignored. While this solves the practical problem of why classical
mechanics works so well for, say, designing machines and bridges, it doesn't deal with the
ontological problem: what is the fundamental nature of reality? Moreover, as the founders of
quantum mechanics, particularly Shroedinger, realized, the ontological problem does not go
away, but becomes especially pressing when quantum events are magnified into classical
observations (which is essentially what a quantum measurement does).

Some unconventional thinkers such as Roger Penrose and Johnjoe McFadden argue that
quantum effects are projected into macroscopic reality routinely in living systems, and not
just in the contrived conditions of a physics lab. Some, more radical, even cite indeterminacy
as an escape clause from Mechanicism that allows free will, and other quantum phenomena
as evidence to support various approaches to healing and spirituality. Such speculations
range from the ignorant to the highly sophisticated, but I believe that someday science will
establish a quantum explanation for many presently unexplained (and for the most part,
unacknowledged) phenomena. However, a detailed discussion of the measurement
paradox, and the dominant misunderstanding of decoherence, will have to await a future
book. For now I claim no direct link between quantum paradoxes and the world of ordinary
experience; instead I'll limit myself to their metaphoric significance.

The counterintuitive aspects of quantum mechanics referred to above are only counter to 26-6-2010
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those intuitions that are contingent on the modern conception of self and world. To people
before the Age of Separation was well underway, descriptions of quantum phenomena such
as "It occupied two positions simultaneously," or "It wasn't there until you looked for it," or "It
was there for you but not for me" may not have seemed paradoxical at all. To them, there
was no clearcut distinction between observer and observed, imagination and reality, human
and nature, self and other. To the extent that such distinctions existed, their provisional
nature was recognized, perhaps as a play, a creative artifice. Hence the original identity
cited in Chapter Two between ritual and reality, and in the Original Language between the
name and the thing named.

The mind of the primitive is often irksomely irrational to the Western visitor. I must admit
having suffered the same annoyance in my early encounters with New Agey people who
would (it seemed) taunt me with such statements as "It's true for you but not for me." I would
say, "I believe that if 'qi' really exists we would have detected it with scientific instruments"
and my friend would respond, "That belief is why you cannot detect it with your instruments."
I would say, "I don't believe out-of-body experiences are possible," and he'd say, "Then for
you they are not possible."

It was maddening. "I don't mean 'for me,' I mean not possible for real."

"Then for you, it is not possible for real."

What I meant by "for real" was "objectively". One friend, the healer and musician Chad
Parks, tried to explain a psychic invisibility technique taught him by some (to me) dubious
New-age guru. People choose not to look at you. "But surely if they looked, the light rays
bouncing off your body would still reach their eyes," I said, "so you're not really invisible."

"To them I am."

A similar situation arises in one of Carlos Castenada's books, in which the narrator, trying to
get a grip on Don Juan's shamanic powers, challenges him, "But what if someone was
waiting in ambush on your path--surely you couldn't stop a bullet, could you?"

"No, I could not stop a bullet. But I would not take that path."

Castenada could have continued, "But what if the situation required you to take that path?"
and Don Juan could have replied in kind, "Then I would not enter that situation."

In the prior example, I could have proposed to Chad an experiment: "Okay, make yourself
invisible--I bet I can still see you." He would have said, "It won't work, I am already here for
you." His invisibility is essentially untestable because the very grounds for objective testing
embody a conflict of assumptions. It is testable only in an objective universe, and it only
works in a non-objective universe. The whole idea of certainty of knowledge, built through
objective reasoning, is only as sound as the objectivity at its basis. Question that, and we
question the soundness of the entire edifice of experimentally-derived knowledge.

The reason that primitive and New Age logic seems irrational is that it is irrational, in the
original sense of the word described in Chapter Three. That paragraph bears repeating:

Not only scientific objectivity but reason as well is a natural outgrowth of our gradual abstraction from nature,
reflected in and propelled by the innovations of language, number, agriculture, and so forth. David Bohm
explains that reason is essentially the application of an abstracted relationship onto something new. We
observe the relationship between A and B, and say that the relationship between C and D will be like that too.
For example: "All humans die; I am a human; therefore I will die." A is to B and C is to D. Or, A:B::C:D. That is
a ratio; in other words, it is rational. Reason is the recognition and application of abstracted regularities. The 26-6-2010
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criticisms of professional skeptics on such forums as "reason" dot com, that New Age spirituality and other
denials of objectivity-based science are irrational, has merit. Reason as they understand it is contingent upon,
and not prior to, the assumption of an objective reality from which we can abstract. If this assumption is untrue,
then other forms of cognition are valid, and reason fraught with peril.

Professional skeptics are fond of railing at the abysmal stupidity of their opponents, who
seem dispossessed of that key function of higher cognition, reason. Like a fish unaware that
it is wet, these scientists rarely perceive their own immersion in assumptions of self and
world that constitutionally limit them to certain narrow modes of cognition, those that we call
rational. These are powerful in a certain domain, having enabled us to build the towering
edifice of our civilization; they are behind the vast program to engineer the world and
remake nature. As this program falters, we open to the possibility of other, higher modes of
cognition and relationship.

As quantum mechanics slowly replaces our Newtonian-Cartesian intuitions with those that
are non-dualistic, all of the fruits of Separation will lose their deepest rationale. For even if
conventional philosophy is right that quantum indeterminacy and observer-dependence has
no practical consequences for consciousness, mind, and self; even if no one ever proves
that our level of matter departs appreciably from the classical description, there still lurks at
bottom an implacable exception to the claim that "the universe is just like that." If only by
way of metaphor, quantum mechanics confers upon us a new logic, a new framework of
possibility. No longer will the discrete and separate self be the only conceivable, the only
cogent way of understanding the world.

Quantum mechanics heralds a momentous shift in our intuitions that will rapidly accelerate
as the failure of the old ways of life and thought become increasingly obvious. Just as the
regime of separation both set the stage for, and was reinforced by, its apotheosis in the
science of Newton and Descartes, so also will quantum mechanics quicken the emerging
realization of our interconnectedness with each other and all of nature, which will in turn
allow us to more fully digest quantum theory's profound ontological consequences. In other
words, quantum theory is both a cause and an effect, a harbinger and a symptom, of a
larger shift in consciousness.

Armed with the intuitions, or at least the metaphorical possibilities, that quantum mechanics
foretells, the beliefs of primitive humans will take on a new vitality, relevance, and import.
Already we feel their pull, as the popularity of "Native American spirituality" testifies. (That
this form of cultural capital is rapidly coopted and converted into money does not alter the
kernel of its appeal.) Already, we are becoming more willing to believe that our thoughts,
words, and actions have a power beyond their classical physical description as a mere
shifting of masses and flux of chemicals. Already we grow more at ease with the idea of a
fluid reality, not separate and absolute, but defined by our relationship to it and molded by
our beliefs. Little do we realize that the stage is being set for a wholly different science, and
a wholly different technology, no longer based on the premise of separation and no longer
reinforcing that premise. And no aspect of human life will remain unchanged.

Copyright (c) 2005 by Charles Eisenstein. All Rights Reserved.

[Charles Eisenstein is an author, Penn State faculty member, and transformational counselor. After
graduating from Yale University in 1989 in Mathematics and Philosophy, he spent most of the next decade in
Taiwan, where he became one of that country's leading Chinese-English translators and editors. His first book,
The Yoga of Eating (, a Nautilus Award finalist, describes a transformational path
of self-trust applied to health and diet, and is the basis for his "Willpower Free" workshop for weight loss,
health, and personal transition. His new book, The Ascent of Humanity, will be published in Spring 2006. A
complete draft is available by clicking here.]

DNA-related Definition of the Month 26-6-2010
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Solar-planetary Synchronism: phrase coined by Sergey Smelyakov to describe how Earth

connects to Galactic Center via our solar system in a harmonic fashion based on phi or the
Golden Mean. The Golden Mean, also known as the Fibonacci sequence, is a phi ratio of
1.6180339 that serves as a cornerstone for sacred geometry, from the mathematics of the
DNA molecule to the structure of the galaxy.

2. Frequency Fields at the Cellular Level

Stephen Lindsteadt

In the Scalar Heart Connection technique, we use muscle checking to provide physical,
mental, and emotional feedback regarding areas of coherence or incoherence. Yet, we may
not fully appreciate the remarkable functionality of the body's energetic field and holographic
characteristics that produce these positive or negative energetic feedback responses. By
expanding our awareness of the components underlying coherence, such as the absorption
of light into cells, we can take steps to move into more complete coherence, with resultant
benefits to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

For example, Dr. Kikuo Chishima, a Japanese professor, theorized that the energetic or
frequency information in the food we eat is even more important than the nutrients. Food
contains molecular compounds of amino acids, complex carbohydrate chains and various
chemical elements, each having their own unique frequency or vibration. It is the vibrations
of nutrients that raise the vibrations of the body's tissues. Pesticide and chemical laden fruits
and vegetables, as well as animal protein contaminated with antibiotics and growth
hormones, have chaotic vibratory oscillations that act to derail the high coherence of our
nutritional energy needs. Thus, our food has to be in the utmost coherent energy state
because that is what is taken into our cells in the form of biophoton energy. In addition, our
mental state creates an energy field around us that affects the vibration of the food we are
preparing or putting into our mouths.

This article also describes the exciting research of German biophysicist Fritz Albert Popp, a
Nobel prize winner in physics, who investigated the relationship between coherence and
biophoton energy in cells. Popp used highly sensitive light-measuring equipment to monitor
light emitted by living cells. He was able to confirm that living cells emit small bursts of light.
He determined that cells do not just radiate light, they also absorb light. In fact, the storage
time is relative to the quality of the cell. A healthy cell will store light the longest, while an
unhealthy cell will give off the light in a shorter time. He also discovered that the dying
process of a cell is identical to that of a star. Shortly before its death, it will change into a
supernova, whereby its radiation increases a thousand-fold. He further discovered that a
healthy cell radiates coherent light, while a diseased cell radiates chaotic light.

According to Popp, every cell in our body receives coherent light, stores coherent light, and
emits coherent light (1). The most basic sub-molecular component of our body is made up of
particles of light called biophotons. These biophotons, traveling at the speed of light, make
up the electromagnetic frequency patterns that are found in every living organism. This
matrix or field of frequency oscillations or resonance specificity provides the energetic
switchboarding behind every cellular function, including DNA/RNA messengering. Cell
membranes scan and convert signals into electromagnetic events as proteins within the
cell's bi-layer change shape to vibrations of specific resonant frequencies (2). Every
biochemical reaction is preceded by an electromagnetic signal. Cells communicate both
electromagnetically and chemically and create biochemical pathways that interconnect all 26-6-2010
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functions of the body.

Dr. Kikuo Chishima, professor at the Nagoya Commercial University in Japan and author of
a nine-volume collection of his research and scientific studies entitled Revolution of Biology
and Medicine, is best known for his studies demonstrating that the origin of red blood
corpuscles is not bone marrow but the intestinal villus, and that red blood corpuscles
differentiate into all kinds of somatic and germ cells in accordance with their cellular
resonant environmental conditions.

Dr. Chishima theorized that the intestinal villi act like small antennae that absorb both
nutrients and energetic or frequency information from food. He concluded that it is within the
intestinal villi that the body produces red blood cells in a manner similar to how plant roots
uptake nutrients from the soil and synthesize them into plant cells. These red blood cells or
erythrocytes respond to specific biophoton oscillations and aggregate, fuse and synthesize
DNA and differentiate into lymphocyte or mesenchymal cells (3). The capillary system,
which is over 90,000 miles long, is an open-ended system that allows erythrocytes to
migrate to any area of the body where they are needed. This open-ended system that
connects to the lymphatic system, the meridian system and the connective tissue provides
communication pathways for the flow of information and cellular instructions from the
electromagnetic energy matrix.

Chishima's work offers insight into today's quantum physics theories that remind us that at
the subatomic level matter does not exist. There is only energy; bits of photons with lots of
empty space around them. DNA has been thought of as the center of life. On closer
inspection we find that DNA is made up of molecules, which are made up of subatomic
particles, and we end up back at the level of biophotons again. DNA is found to be nothing
more than loose strands of deoxyribonucleic acid, a cluster of molecules attached to
proteins that make up the cell's chromatin nucleus. It is interesting to note that although
DNA goes under the name of an acid, it is actually a salt (sodium) (4). Sodium, as we know,
is one of the body's important electrolytes and a conductor of electromagnetism. A DNA
molecule is negatively charged, with the magnitude of the charge being proportional to the
chain's length. It is a linear, one-dimensional crystal (3).

The cell's innermost center is composed of ribonucleic acid and proteins (all molecules). The
antenna or filament strand-like configuration of DNA allows the molecules to receive and
transmit electromagnetic frequency information along its nucleotide bases, creating
resonance reactions in targeted genetic nucleotide triplets that create the template for the
formation of messenger RNA (mRNA). Once mRNA has formed, it leaves the cell nucleus
and attaches to structures known as ribosomes. Using raw material from cells, ribosomes
produce proteins by following the sequence as instructed by mRNA. Proteins, in turn, go
about their jobs inside or outside cells based on the original instructions passed down from
the electromagnetic coding from DNA to RNA and finally to ribosomes. This process is
known as transcription and provides the means for electromagnetic frequency oscillations,
the body's master conductor, to interact with the cell's command center to instruct what
notes to play, when, how loud, how long, etc., in order to maintain the precision and
harmony of the whole body's vibratory and cellular orchestra.

To reduce our DNA to subatomic particles of energy may leave us wondering what is left.
Our bodies have now totally disappeared into a sea of energy that is seemingly under the
control of a superconscious energy field. From this vantage point we begin to see how we
are interconnected with everything else. We also can begin to understand how it is possible
for red blood cells to transform into tissue cells and--with enough interference from poor
food, stress, environmental toxins, and inner conflicts--into cancerous cells. It also begins to
explain how it is possible for human limb regeneration to occur without the aid of cellular 26-6-2010
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mitosis (5).

An interruption or distortion in the range, strength and coherency of the body's

electromagnetic energy system leads to breakdown in the body's self-healing mechanisms.
Our thoughts and emotions are also frequency patterns and have a direct relationship to the
integrity of our energy field. A disruption in our consciousness can create an area of
stagnation or incoherence in our bodies that can derail DNA transcription, suppress T-cell
and NK-cell activity and other immune system functions, and lead to chronic and
degenerative illnesses, depression and other psychosis.

Dr. Ralph Alan Dale, director of the Acupuncture Education Center in North Miami Beach,
Florida, after spending the last two decades tracking down clinical and research data from
China, Japan, and Germany, has accumulated evidence of eighteen different
microacupuncture holograms in the body, including one in the hands, feet, arms, neck,
tongue, and even gums. Dale feels that these microsystems are "holographic reiterations of
the gross anatomy" and believes there are still other such systems waiting to be discovered.
In a notion reminiscent of David Bohm's assertion that every electron in some way contains
the cosmos, Dale hypothesizes that every finger, and even every cell, may contain its own
acupuncture microsystem (6, 7).

It is this holographic characteristic of the body's energy field that provides physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual feedback into areas of incoherence. The Scalar Heart Connection
muscle indicator system allows us to identify these non-coherent energy patterns that
manifest as our emotional, relational, or physical difficulties (8). The same feedback system
is also used to identify the proper healing modality needed to activate the macro- and micro-
structures of the human energy system to bring about coherence and a restoration of health
and mental/emotional wellbeing.

It has been documented that DNA repair can be activated using a frequency of 528hz. At
this precise frequency the clustered water molecules that surround and support the DNA
structure form a perfect six-sided hexagon (9, 10). This demonstrates how important it is to
our health and vitality to support and maintain our energetic coherence on all levels. Even
the slightest deviation in resonance on the cellular level can cause the frequency that
supports the beautiful and magical six-sided hexagon to become something less coherent.
Since every cell encapsulates information about the entire organism, we can see how
important it is to our health and vitality to support and maintain our energetic coherence.


Chang, J.J., Fisch, J., Popp, F.A.; Biophotons, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998

Yanick Jr., P.; Professional's Guidebook of Quantum Medicine, 2000

Chishima, K.; Revolution of Biology and Medicine, Neo-Haematological Society Press, 1972

Kamenetskii, F; Unraveling DNA, Perseus Books, 1997

Hunt, V. V.; Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness, Malibu Publishing Co., 1996

Talbot M.; The Holographic Universe, Harper Perennial, 1992

Leviton R.; The Holographic Body, East West 18, No. 8, August 1988, p. 42

Linsteadt, S.M.; The Heart of Health: The Principles of Physical Health and Vitality, Natural Healing House
Press, 2003 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY November 2005 Page 11 of 16

Horowitz, L.G. and Puleo, J.S.; Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, Tetrahedron Publishing Group,

Lorenzen, L.; Japanese American Research Society

Copyright (c) 2005 by Stephen Linsteadt. All Rights Reserved.

[Stephen Linsteadt is a doctor of natural health and certified nutritional consultant and is also certified in Bio-
Ecological Immunology. He is the author of The Heart of Health: The Principles of Physical Health and Vitality
and is internationally known for the development of the Scalar Heart Connection technique used to unblock
disrupted energy flows throughout the body due to negative emotional or psychological resonance patterns
from past traumas or negative beliefs. He provides individual diet guidelines and counseling in cellular nutrition
and other biological remedies for degenerative illnesses or to maintain health and longevity. Dr. Linsteadt can
be reached at Visit his website by clicking here.]

Did you know . . . In humans, evolutionary activation occurs as torsion waves (universal
creative consciousness) stimulate "junk" or potential DNA's transposons to rewrite the
genetic code--a phenomenon supported by a considerable amount of scientific evidence?
Cell biologist Bruce Lipton's research in the "biology of consciousness" affirms that cells
possess the ability to reprogram their own DNA, with measurable physical results such as
otherwise inexplicable dietary modifications in organisms, when environmentally prompted.
Dr. Lipton hypothesizes that such rewriting, which is typically beneficial, accounts for up to
ninety-eight percent of evolutionary transformation.

Similarly, in a concise but provocative study entitled "Retrotransposons as Engines of

Human Bodily Transformation" published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, biochemist
Colm Kelleher addresses the subject of radical genetic adaptation as a result of what he
terms a "transposition burst." "If one were to hypothesize a transmutation of the human
body," writes Dr. Kelleher, it
would be necessary to orchestrate a change, cell by cell, involving the simultaneous silencing of hundreds of
genes and the activation of a different set of hundreds more. A transposition burst is a plausible mechanism at
the DNA/RNA level that could accomplish such a genome wide change. Transposition bursts comprise the
concerted movement of multiple mobile DNA elements from different genetic locations to new positions,
sometimes on different chromosomes … Human DNA contains an abundance of the necessary genetic
structures to accomplish a transposition burst involving hundreds, or even thousands, of genes.

Referencing a particular DNA sequence containing three different transposon families

arranged in beadlike formation, Kelleher theorizes that owing to its tripartite configuration,
this DNA sequence would be "an effective participant in large scale transposon mediated
genetic change that eventually results in transformation of the human body."

3. Embodying Light: The Evolution of Consciousness

Sol Luckman

Everything is energy. Einstein definitively established this with his famous theorem E=MC2,
which proved the interchangeability of matter and energy. Concerning matter, Einstein once
remarked, "we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration
has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter." Arguably, this
truth that has now been validated by the quantum sciences was known to the ancient
Hindus when they employed the term maya, meaning the illusion often mistaken for reality.
Energy (including "matter") is consciousness, and vice versa. 26-6-2010
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The notion that everything is energy or consciousness directly applies to human biology.
The old materialistic view of the body as a machine that may run on energy but is somehow
separate from it is fast giving way to undeniable evidence that we, too, are manifestations of
conscious energy. The holographic model views the so-called physical universe in terms of
intersecting electromagnetic frequencies that, in effect, project the staggering illusions we
think of as the world … and ourselves.

In one of the classics in the field of energy healing, Vibrational Medicine, physician Richard
Gerber concludes that matter, including human cells, is actually "frozen light." Leading
health researcher Dr. Leonard Horowitz reaches precisely the same conclusion, bluntly
stating in DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral that humans are "crystallized or precipitated
light." This assertion is consistent not only with the holographic model and recent Russian
research in "torsion" energy, but with the findings of more mainstream quantum physics,
which has demonstrated that light (much like DNA) is capable of both carrying and
remembering data.

The notion of light as information, or "light in formation," is an old one that has for centuries
found expression in various types of sacred geometry. Others have suggested that angels,
often depicted as divine messengers, are really angles or rays of light that convey
information (typically experienced as "inspiration") from a celestial source. This expanded
conception of light as a form of consciousness underpins, for example, the Toltec worldview
of Don Miguel Ruiz, medical doctor, shaman and bestselling author of The Four
Agreements, whose cosmology includes the Photon Band (see above) as a light information
network connecting Earth to Galactic Center.

New neurological research indicates that humans' tremendous brainpower, even operating
at below ten percent of our capacity, results not just from biochemistry but from the brain's
impressive ability to function as a holographic data storage and retrieval system (a "hard-
drive") that employs different light angles to read information ("software"). This implies that
the brain is a sophisticated holographic bio-computer that operates through electromagnetic
frequencies. Not surprisingly, DNA has been shown to function very similarly. Human
biology may thus be considered electromagnetic at the level of its manifestation from the
torsion "life-wave" that sustains it. As Dr. Deepak Chopra has observed, human cells, far
from being merely functional vessels, are in actuality electromagnetic fields of possibility and

Human electromagnetic frequencies can be clearly identified in the aura. It is now generally
agreed that humans possess a detectable aura. Kirlian photography has captured this
iridescent halo around the body for decades; and recently, Dr. Valerie Hunt, UCLA professor
and author of Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness, has even
measured the human aura with an EEG machine. Early in the 20th Century, it was theorized
that the aura comprises various electromagnetic frequency bands known as auric fields, and
that each of these governs distinct aspects of human biology, psychology, and spirituality.

Each electromagnetic field also corresponds to, and interfaces with, a specific dimension.
The third field, for example, is keyed to the third dimension. The electromagnetic fields can
be thought of as a geometric matrix, a "Jacob's ladder" that allows access to increasingly
subtle frequency domains. This unfolding of perception to the full range represented by the
auric fields and corresponding chakras is what it means to become "multidimensional."

According to Gregg Braden in The God Code, the ancient Hebrew four-letter name for God
(YHVH, the Tetragrammaton) is secretly code for DNA based on the genetic code's
chemical composition. "Applying this discovery to the language of life," writes Braden, "the
familiar elements of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon that form our DNA may now be
replaced with key letters … In so doing, the code of life is transformed into the words of a 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY November 2005 Page 13 of 16

timeless message [that] reads: 'God/Eternal within the body.'" If God is indeed in the body--
and consciousness and physiology are, from an evolutionary perspective, inextricably
linked--we must acknowledge that divine consciousness is available in and through

One intriguing aspect of DNA is that most people utilize only about ten--some say as little as
three--percent of it. The other ninety percent or more has been dismissed by mainstream
genetic science as "junk." Interestingly, the fact that we use at best ten percent of our DNA
correlates to the fact that we use at most ten percent of our brain. Still more provocative is
that, according to one of the latest scientific models, String theory, less than ten percent of
the matter in the universe is visible. The other ninety percent or so is sometimes called "dark
matter" and may very well reside in other dimensions.

Could "junk" DNA have biologically transformative potential awaiting activation? Could it
somehow activate the unused portion of our brains? Could this brain activation succeed in
opening our godlike perceptual faculties, allowing us to climb the "multidimensional ladder"
of our electromagnetic fields and experience the invisible ninety percent of the universe?
Following the time-honored wisdom of "As above, so below," could reports that these
perceptual faculties are indeed emerging in many people, especially today's extraordinarily
gifted children, have anything to do with an increase in superluminal light emanating from
Galactic Center?

Many believe the answer to all these questions is an emphatic yes. According to author
William Henry, physicists "have established that a vast cosmic ocean of quintessence …
invisible to our telescopes … surrounds the visible galaxies. If they are right, this 'dark
matter' … that composes [what] we … see 'out there' is also 'in here' … This implies that
9/10 of ourselves is also unknown."

Braden, who began his career as a geological scientist, was one of the first from the
scientific community to theorize, based largely on observable Earth changes, that our planet
is experiencing some sort of frequency increase itself that will ultimately activate the
dormant potential of our DNA. As detailed in Awakening to Zero Point, this evolutionary
activation, or "Collective Initiation," possibly relates to Earth's harmonic frequency, known as
the Schumann resonance. Although this is a scientifically controversial subject and has yet
to be adequately substantiated, a number of researchers still believe that some, possibly
higher-dimensional aspect of Earth's resonance is increasing. Perhaps new data will
facilitate our collective understanding.

Braden argues that Earth's hypothetical frequency increase, possibly linked to denser or
brighter "light information" stemming from increased celestial activity, will result in new
combinations of amino acids--in essence, new DNA. From a genetics perspective, this is
tantamount to saying that a new life-form is emerging out of the human species. This is not
nearly as odd as it may at first sound, given DNA's spectacular capacity for adaptive
mutation. Recently, the phrase "quantum biology" has appeared in response (in some
cases) to allegedly suppressed evidence suggesting that a third strand of DNA is currently
activating in humans, forming what may be a "triple helix." I believe the creation of a third
strand of DNA is a reality; however, even as a metaphor for evolving the latent intelligence
of our existing DNA, the notion of a third helix has a certain conceptual value.

On the subject of the emergence of a new genotype of human, Judith Bluestone Polich
writes in Return of the Children of Light that the "codes to awakening our ancestral
endowment--namely, our inner light--may lie hidden within the structure of our DNA." As we
individually "begin to remember who we are, a new consciousness will emerge. [As] soon as
this revisioning reaches a critical mass, it will trigger an evolutionary leap to a new human
species--the long-awaited, quantumly endowed spiritual human known to ancient cultures as 26-6-2010
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the child of light."

All living beings emit light. Anticipating the latest Russian research in "wave-genetics," in the
1920s another Russian scientist, Alexander Gurvich, pioneered the concept of light
frequency signaling via "mitogenic rays" in human cells. At about the same time in Germany,
Marco Bischof published an influential text entitled Biophotons: The Light in Our Cells. By
1974 German Nobel prize-winner Fritz Albert Popp's biophoton theory had confirmed the
basic mitogenic hypothesis, demonstrating that DNA is the source of bioluminescence.
Popp's theory, in turn, was confirmed by Herbert Froehlich and Nobel laureate Ilya

In biology circles more and more attention is now being paid to a system known as
"biophoton light communication" that appears essential to many regulatory processes in
living organisms. The cellular hologram equivalent of the nervous system, this sophisticated
communication network that employs light for data transfer operates far more quickly than
the nervous system and may be considered a real-time (parallel-processing) quantum bio-
computer allowing for an unmediated electromagnetic interface with the individual's

Biologist Rupert Sheldrake's Morphic Resonance theory suggests that cellular

bioluminescence is both personal and transpersonal. Not only is the individual human
"networked" with DNA light emitters and receptors; it appears that our entire species is
morphogenetically networked much like individual cells that form a larger biological entity:
humanity. This assertion has been substantiated by a Russian team of genetics researchers
headlined by Dr. Peter Gariaev, whose findings liken DNA not just to a holographic bio-
computer but to a "biological Internet" that links all human beings. Many native wisdom
traditions are based on a similar understanding of the universe (human inhabitants included)
as a single living being intelligently networked like a biological organism.

"Eastern teachings tell us that the living light is encoded in our form," writes Polich. "The
ancient concept of the macrocosm as microcosm … tells us that the greater divine [light] is
reflected in the human body. Expressed in another manner, this means that … the spiritual
human … has encoded within it a divine blueprint." This divine blueprint, which Polich refers
to following the kabalistic tradition as the Adam Kadmon, is also called the lightbody. The
lightbody is no esoteric concept but a biological reality, one that gives rise to a radically new
"spiritual" biochemistry and genetics that allow for the incarnation of the full light of unity
consciousness in every cell of the body.

The lightbody begins to express itself when dormant DNA codes at the level of transposons
are keyed by torsion energy, particularly sound and light waves of a higher-dimensional
nature, such that our cells begin to recognize light as an energy source and metabolize it
somewhat like plants do in photosynthesis. Among many other benefits, this cellular
evolution is capable of significantly increasing metabolism--encouraging detoxification,
rehydration and, ultimately, regeneration.

In this profoundly transformational process, the liquid crystals of cells evolve from primitive
hexagonal structures observed in normal human tissues to what have been called "stellar"
tetrahedrons. This structural change is extremely consequential. The hydrogen bond angles
of our water molecules literally broaden and become interlocking tetrahedrons in order to
hold more light or photonic energy that partially results from the expanded hydrogen bonds
themselves. These structures that form the liquid matrix for the new blood and tissues
resemble three-dimensional Stars of David or molecular merkabahs. Merkabah is an ancient
kabalistic word that means "chariot of light."

This helps explain the confusion that has often surrounded the concept of merkabah, which 26-6-2010
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has sometimes been taken to denote a type of spaceship. The irony is that the merkabah is
a sort of spaceship--and that this spaceship is the individual's genetically activated
lightbody. According to Barbara Marciniak, the merkabah "represents the figure of the
human being in its most unlimited state--the totally free human … The lightbody is the body
that holds the complete mutation of the species. It [can] juggle realities through the shifting
of consciousness by intent" like changing channels on a television. In a similar vein, Tashíra
Tachí-ren in What Is Lightbody? describes the merkabah as a "crystalline Light structure that
allows you to pass through space, time, and dimensions, completely in your totality."

The lightbody results from and operates through embodied higher light or consciousness. It
represents the natural result of a perceptual evolution into bio-spiritual enlightenment that is,
by many indications, occurring on a planetary level. From this perspective, there is perhaps
no such thing as ascension, only "descension" of the light of soul into physical form. The
lightbody may also be, literally, the spaceship that allows us to travel through the stars.
Tachí-ren sees "going to Lightbody [as] only a part of a much larger process [in which] all
planes and dimensions [merge] back into the Source for this universe, which then merges
with other Source-systems, and so on, back to the One." However we define returning
home, the lightbody is the vehicle that takes us there.

Copyright (c) 2005 by Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

[Sol Luckman is editor of DNA Monthly and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, offering cutting-
edge educational services and materials designed to activate unity consciousness and actualize human
potential. The preceding article is adapted from the critically aclaimed Book One on the Regenetics Method,
Conscious Healing. For information visit]

Coming in our January issue ... "The Ultimate Secret of the Mayan Calendar" &
so much more!

***Unless otherwise indicated, all materials appearing in DNA Monthly are copyrighted (c) by Sol
Luckman and may be reprinted without permission provided there are no content changes and the
author's byline is included with the following: Sol Luckman is editor of DNA Monthly and cofounder of
the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, offering cutting-edge educational services and materials designed
to activate unity consciousness and actualize human potential. For information visit***

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[DNA Monthly is sponsored by the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, facilitating conscious personal
mastery as a bio-spiritual healing path through integrated DNA activation. For information on our
cutting-edge services, click here.]

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