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En esta escuela el concepto de trauma es reemplazado por el de estrs.8 La

ventaja de este reemplazo, desde el punto de vista de un investigador, es que
estrs puede ser conceptualizado como una respuesta fisiolgica a ciertos
sucesos. En consecuencia, hay signos objetivos que permiten determinar tanto
su presencia como su nivel.
What you have Heard is true------the colonnel
Auschwitz significa la destruccin de la idea misma de humanidad. Por eso,
despus de ese
acontecimiento la poesa as como el mero pensamiento creativo son
totalmente absurdos y vanos. Lo
que desapareci en los campos de concentracin y exterminio es la idea de
hombre como la medida
de todas las cosas y, en particular, de nuestro pensamiento, porque pensar
significa intentar
comprender la relacin entre el hombre y el mundo.
I now understand that I did not return on that date, that the woman who
traveled to El Salvadorthe young poet I had beendid not come back. The
woman who did return wrote, in those years, seven poems marked by the El
Salvador experience, and also an essay, published in the summer of 1981 in
American Poetry Review, in which this returning poet states: It is my feeling
that the twentieth-century human condition demands a poetry of witness. Two
years later, Czeslaw Milosz would publish his monograph, The Witness of
Poetry, and a phrase, poetry of witness, entered the lexicon of literary terms,
regarded skeptically by some as a euphemism for political poetry, or as
political poetry by other means. Witness would come to refer, much of the
time, to the person of the poet, much as it refers to a man or woman testifying
under oath in a court of law. Poets of witness were considered by some to be
engaged in writing documentary literature, or poetic reportage, and in the
mode of political confessionalism.
Heidegger lo aclara explcitamente en Poticamente habita el hombre: El
poetizar es la capacidad fundamental del habitar humano. Pero el hombre
nicamente es capaz de poetizar segn la medida en la que su esencia est
apropiada a aquello que por s mismo tiene poder sobre el hombre y que por
esto necesita y pone en uso su esencia. Segn la medida de esta apropiacin,
el poetizar es propio o impropio. Es por esto por lo que el poetizar propio no
acaece en todas las pocas


In other words, testimony assumes a sacrifice in the name of ideals such as

and faithfulness above anything else, and the obligation to bear witness is
tied to the idea of history perceived as suffering.
The poem is a message, its biblical diction and style gives it
the force of a com m andm ent. It also contains an explanation - the duty of
It can be
seen clearly in the verb modality: im perative in H erbert, conditional in Milosz
Similarly, Zbigniew H erbert pronounces categorically:
you were saved not in order to live
you have little time you m ust give testim ony3
Milosz speaks simply of a task, explaining that he can fulfill his life only
by a public confession / Revealing a sham, my own and of my epoc
Apart from this morally imposing emergence, the Others face might well be
adequately addressed as
"Thou" (along the lines proposed by Martin Buber) in whose welcoming
countenance I might find great comfort,
love and communion of soulsbut not a moral demand bearing down upon me
from a height. "Through a trace the irreversible
past takes on the profile of a He. The beyond from which a face comes is in
the third person."[14]
It is because the Other also emerges out of the illeity of a He (il in French) that
I instead fall
into infinite debt vis--vis the Other in a situation of utterly asymmetrical
obligations: I owe the Other everything,
the Other owes me nothing. The trace of the Other is the heavy shadow of God,
the God who commands, "Thou shalt not kill!"[15]
en Dialctica Negativa escribe: La perpetuacin del sufrimiento tiene tanto
derecho a expresarse como el torturado a gritar; de ah que quizs haya sido
falso decir que despus de Auschwitz ya no se puede escribir poemas

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