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Procedure Checklists


Chapter 16








1. Saw Promoting Safety and Comfort: Hand Hygiene.

2. Made sure you had soap, paper towels, an orangewood stick or
nail file, and a wastebasket. Collected missing items.
3. Pushed your watch up your arm 4 to 5 inches. Pushed long
uniform sleeves up too.
4. Stood away from the sink so your clothes did not touch the sink.
Stood so the soap and faucet were easy to reach.
5. Turned on and adjusted the water until it felt warm.
6. Wet your wrists and hands. Kept your hands lower than your
elbows. Was sure to wet the area 3 to 4 inches above your wrists.
7. Applied about 1 teaspoon of soap to your hands.
8. Rubbed your palms together and interlaced your fingers to work
up a good lather. Lathered your wrists, hands, and fingers. Kept
your hands lower than your elbows. This step should have lasted
at least 15 to 20 seconds.
9. Washed each hand and wrist thoroughly. Cleaned the back of
your fingers and between your fingers.
10. Cleaned under the fingernails. Rubbed your fingernails against
your palms.
11. Cleaned under the fingernails with a nail file or orangewood
stick. Did this for the first hand-washing of the day and when
your hands were highly soiled.
12. Rinsed your wrists, hands, and fingers well. Water flowed from
above the wrists to your fingertips.
13. Repeated steps 7 through 12, if needed.
a. Applied about 1 teaspoon of soap to your hands.
b. Rubbed your palms together and interlaced your fingers to
work up a good lather. Lathered your wrists, hands, and
fingers. Kept your hands lower than your elbows. This step
should have lasted at least 15 to 20 seconds.
c. Washed each hand and wrist thoroughly. Cleaned the back of
your fingers and between your fingers.
d. Cleaned under the fingernails. Rubbed your fingertips against
your palms.
e. Cleaned under the fingernails with a nail file or orangewood
stick. Did this for the first hand-washing of the day and when
your hands were highly soiled.
f. Rinsed your wrists, hands, and fingers well. Water flowed
from above the wrists to your fingertips.
14. Dried your wrists and hands with clean, dry paper towels.
Patted dry starting at your fingertips.
15. Discarded the paper towels into the wastebasket.
16. Turned off faucets with clean, dry paper towels. This prevented
you from contaminating your hands. Used a clean paper towel for
each faucet. Or used knee or foot controls to turn off the faucet.
17. Discarded the paper towels into the wastebasket.

Date of Satisfactory Completion

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