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Around what would eventually become modern day

The women were expected to do their fair share of work.
Meeting house held town meetings and church services.
Very religious.
Subsistence farming.
Winters long and cold.
Kept some traditions from England, not all of them.
Rocky soil and dense forests.

Take notes on the general characteristics of the region in this space. Be sure to
identify what makes this region unique.

Fertile soil and fair weather

Owned most of the slaves
Mostly plantation lands
Made up own rules as needed
Conflict between enslaved/natives and wealthy
Maryland, Virginia, N. Carolina, S Carolina

Middle Colonies

Key Terms to Remember

Take notes on the general characteristics of the region in this space. Be sure to
identify what makes this region unique.

Define key terms in this box.

C o l o n ia l R egio ns N o t es

Take notes on the general characteristics of the region in this space. Be sure to
identify what makes this region unique.

Make 3 concise comparisons on Community Life between the

regions. What is similar? What is different?

Farming for profit, many started off as subsistence farmers.

Built sturdy ships.
Fishing and whaling.

Cali did this part.

Tobacco, indigo, rice and cotton.

Slave trade.
Charlestown/central trading hub-cash crops exported, slaves imported.


Make 3 concise comparisons on Education between the regions.

What is similar? What is different?

Make 3 concise comparisons on Government between the

regions. What is similar? What is different?

Government is very important for New England! (Meeting house

for men) "Model for democracy."Elders of church ran meetings.
Government for the Middle colonies was as diverse as the people.
Wealthy land owners and elders of church held power or made
decisions. Women had more power.
Unlike New England and Middle colonies which were ruled by a
British governor, the Southern colonies were ruled by the wealthy
individuals who made decisions they saw fit for their

T h em es

Created a wagon called the Conestoga Wagon to transport wheat and

wheat products.
Cash crops- bread basket colonies (nickname)
Ship building and lumber trade.

C o mpa r in g

Make 3 concise comparisons on Business and Trade between the

regions. What is similar? What is different?

The Southern Colonies consisted of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. The choice of geographic location
helped influence the type of community that would develop. The fair weather and wide open plains were ideal for creating large
plantations and farms , but since those required workers, the Southern colonies became major buyers in the Slave Trade.

C o l o n i a l R egio n S u m m a r y

Write your complete "Colonial Region Description" in this space. Be sure that your summary includes the key characteristics of the region that make it
unique from the others reviewed in this unit. Attach your "Business Cards" for each theme in the space below this box.

C o l o n i a l R egio n S u m m a r y

Write your complete "Colonial Region Description" in this space. Be sure that your summary includes the key characteristics of the region that make it
unique from the others reviewed in this unit. Attach your "Business Cards" for each theme in the space below this box.

C o l o n i a l R egio n S u m m a r y

Write your complete "Colonial Region Description" in this space. Be sure that your summary includes the key characteristics of the region that make it
unique from the others reviewed in this unit. Attach your "Business Cards" for each theme in the space below this box.

In which region do you think life would have been easiest? Explain.

Write a complete answer with specific facts and details from the information
gathered in the activity.

Write a complete answer with specific facts and details from the information
gathered in the activity.

Discussed orally with Ms. Theisen

What major concerns w ere faced by all of the regions? How did each de al with these concerns?

Write a complete answer with specific facts and details from the information
gathered in the activity.

In which region would you have chosen to live? Why?

Write a complete answer with specific facts and details from the information
gathered in the activity.

How was democracy seen in the different colonial regions?

Write a complete answer with specific facts and details from the information
gathered in the activity.

W r a p - up Q u e s t i o n s

H o w did h om e land tra d it io n s p lay a role in the d e v e lo p m e n t o f the c o lo n ia l regions?

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