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‘System Dynamics and Control (MEEG 313) Laboratory 3 Note: Lab report should be submitted as a formal report with neat presentation. Also, attach print out of MATLAB programs and outputs with your name and ID clearly indicated. All work should be done independently. Figure shows a schematic diagram of an automobile suspension system. As car moves along the road, the vertical displacements at the tires excite the automobile suspension system, whose motion consists of a translation motion of the center of mass and a rotational motion ‘about the center of mass. Mathematical modeling of complete system is quite complicated. A highly simplified version of the suspension system is also shown in Figure. Assume that ‘the motion u at point P is the input to the system and the vertical motion y of the body is ‘the output. In Figure m1 and k: represent the wheel mass and tire stiffness, respectively. The mz, kzand b are for the automobile and suspension system. Center of mass —= Se FG (a) Obtain the transfer function Y(s)/UIs) of the system assuming that the displacement x and y are measured from their respective equilibrium positions in the absence of the input u. (b) Assume that the automobile hit a bump while moving on the road. That is input u(t) can bbe represented as a small bump by a triangular wave for 0 we oblain + Fi (uw ims? + bo + (ky + ka)IX(s) = (bs + ka) (8) + UC) ims? + bs + kal¥(s) = (bs + h)X(5) Eliminating X() from the last two equations, we have mys? + bs + ky (ms? + bs + ky + ha) 2Y(s) = (bs + k)¥(s) + WULs) beth which yields ¥(s) ky(bs +k) U (3) ~ mimas* + (mm, + ma)bs* + [kymy + (mm, + my)kels? + kybs + kik UC e mee Uc) +E kymy + Cm tm) ky tRibs + Key =, = lo Ka rl ay wrasse Fore OEFRELS ms WF Ky 7 (suspension systems Ks B00 Nim [ we = 400 N-SJwr 7 mesa = CK, b kits J dew = Dm cme b km pO, KE Henig 2/34/07 12:56 BM. MATLAB Command Window dof @ _% se a caseroom sicense for instructional use only. Research and commercial use is prohibited. To get started, select MATLAB Help or Demos from the Help menu. ~ >> auto() Successfully implemented automobile suspension modeling using MATLAB. m Lofi 2/14/07 5:12 PM C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2006b\work\at function Output = auto() Lab 3 % Modeling of automobile suspension system by Dr. Vira t= 0:0.02:20; m= 10; kL = 200; k2 = 500; b = 400; num = (ki*b ki¥k2] ; den = [mi*m2 (mLem2)*b k1*m2+(ml+m2)*k2 kitb k1*k2) 7 sys = tf (num,den) ; ul = (0:0.02:21; u2 = [0.98:-0.02:-1) ; u3 = [-0.98:0.02:0] ; ud = 0* [4.02:0.02:20] ; u = (ul u2 u3 ud); y = 1sim(sys,u,t) ; plot (t,y,t,u) grid title('Response of auto suspension modeling’) xlabel ("t (sec) ') label (Couepue y(t) and input ue) ) dent (2.2, 0.78,'/(ovEpuE)") tent (.05,0e2, "uCanput)") Dovsre = “siccesstully inplonented auconobile suspension node 1g using MATLAB. + Response of auto suspension modeling Output y(t) and input uf st 2/14/07 12:56 PM__C:\Progr: m_Piles\NATLAB\R2006b\work\auto.m Loft function Output = auto() js Lab 3 ' Modeling of automobile suspension system by Dr. Vira t = 0:0.02:8; b= 400 num = (ki*b ki*ka] ; den = [mi*m2 (mlem2)*b ki*m2+(mi+m2)*k2 ki*b k1*k2] + sys = tf (num,den) ; ul = [0:0.02:21 5 u2 = [0.98:-0.02:-1] 5 u3 = [-0.98:0.02:0] ; ud = 0#(4.02:0.02:8) ; u = fut u2 u3 ua); y = Isim(sys,u,t) : plot (t,y,t,u) grid title(*Response of auto suspension modeling") xlabel ("t (see) ') ylabel (‘Output y(t) and input u(t)') text (2.2,0.72, 'y (output) * text (1.05,0.1, 'w(input) *) Qo = ‘Successfully implemented automobile suspension modeling using MATLAB." Response of auto suspension modeling yloutput) u(input) Output y(t) and input u(t may

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