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Matching Compensation and Organizational Strategies

Author(s): David B. Balkin and Luis R. Gomez-Mejia

Source: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2 (Feb., 1990), pp. 153-169
Published by: Wiley
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Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 11, 153-169 (1990)


College of Business and Administration, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado,

College of Business, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.

This study examiines the impact of organizational strategies (at both the corporate and
business unit level) on pay strategies, and their interactive influenice on the effectiveness of
the compensation system. The enmpirical findings are based on the survey responses of 192
human resource management executives in business units of large manuifacturing firmizs.
Corporate strategy was a significant predictor of pay package design, pay level relative to
the market, and pay administration policies. Buisiness uinit strategy was a significant predictor
of pay package design anid pay level relative to the market. The findings are supportive of
congruency notions which suggest that the effectiveness of the coml2pensation system is partly
a function of the fit between pay strategies and organizational strategies.

Issues of variation, interrelation, and fit are well

Schendel, 1983). The congruency question has

developed in the strategy literature. It contains

been operationalized by examining the relation-

many analyses of congruence between strategy

ship between vectors of variables that typically

and other organizational variables-including

fall within the realm of management responsi-

formal organizational structure, technology, mar-

bility; that is, controllable variables such as

ket competence, and environment-(cf. Miller,

pricing, promotion, and research and develop-

1986; Tichy, 1983; Prescott, 1986). This body of

ment (e.g. Woo and Cooper, 1981). Because

research suggests that coherent or matching

they are collections of controllable factors them-

strategy types are more effective (e.g. Woo and

selves, it is possible to consider these in terms

Cooper, 1981; Hambrick, 1983a, 1984).

of functional or subfunctional area strategy,

The concept of fit is based on the notion

such as marketing strategy, financial strategy,

that strategies are decomposable (Simon, 1981),

compensation strategy, etc. (Galbriath and Schen-

consisting of elements (e.g. technology) that are

del, 1983).

interesting for their individual importance as

well as their role in overall strategic plans

a growing number of writers are advocating a

(Venkatraman and Camillus, 1984). If the various

strategic approach to the reward system based

elements are not integrated or congruent with

on such notions as 'congruency', 'fit', and

Following the stream of research noted above,

the overall strategy, the organization has an

'linkages' which call for a close articulation

unclear, or missing, strategic direction leading

between compensation, overall corporate strate-

to suboptimal or even dysfunctional outcomes

gies, and business unit missions (e.g. Carroll,

(Lawless, 1987). In other words, because strategy

1987; Lawler, 1981; Balkin and Gomez-Mejia,

'elements' should be mutually determined by

1987a; Henderson and Risher, 1987). In a

a firm, this interrelationship implies that an

futuristic 'environmental scanning' of major com-

important normative test for a firm's strategy is

pensation trends, Hay Management Consultants

internal consistency (Porter, 1980; Galbraith and

(1986) concluded that linking pay systems to


?) 1990 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Received 4 May 1987

Revised 5 July 1989

154 D. B. Balkin and L. R. Gomez-Mejia

overarching organizational strategies will be the

All things considered, however, surprisingly

major challenge in compensation as we move

little empirical investigation has been conducted

into the twenty-first century. The underlying

that could serve as a guide in designing reward

assumption is that, when properly designed, the

systems that are aligned with corporate and

reward system of an organization can be a key

business unit (SBU) strategies. Much work

contributor to the accomplishment of its strategic

remains to be done if we are to move from a

objectives (Schuler and MacMillan, 1984). How-

prescriptive to a research-based body of knowl-

ever, for this to occur, careful analysis needs to

edge in this area. First, there is a need to study

be made of the role that reward systems can and

these issues at a macro level of analysis using a

should play in the strategic plan of the firm.

broad conceptualization of compensation strategy

The normative implication flowing from these

that includes pay package design, market position-

arguments is that unless pay strategies reinforce

ing, and pay policy choices. Second, there is a

the organization's overall strategy, the return on

lack of multivariate research that examines the

compensation dollars (which average about 60

unique and additive impact of both corporate

percent of total costs in the United States) will

and business unit strategies on SBU pay strategies,

be less than optimal, and even negative in some

after partialling out the effect of other correlates

cases if pay policies induce behaviors that run

(e.g. firm size). Third, the contingency notion of

counter to the firm's strategic objectives (Lawler,

effectiveness should be explored so that it is


possible to determine the conditions under which

Perhaps the oldest and most voluminous

reliance on particular pay strategies is more likely

literature that specifically addresses strategic

to produce desired results. This paper addresses

concerns in compensation can be found in the

all three of these concerns. The research questions

executive compensation area (e.g. Roberts, 1959;

driving this study may be summarized as follows:

Kerr and Bettis, 1987; Salter, 1973; Gomez-

Mejia, Tosi and Hinkin, 1987; Tosi and Gomez-

1. Are there consistent and recurrent patterns of

Mejia, 1989). The major thrust of this research

SBU compensation strategies (in terms of pay

has been focused on the relationship between

package design, market positioning, and pay

pay level, the design of the pay package, and

policy choices) that are associated with particu-

organization performance. Closely related to the

lar organizational strategies?

work on executive compensation are some studies

2. Do corporate and business unit strategies

that have examined the relationship between

exercise an independent as well as a combined

corporate strategy and rewards for middle man-

influence on various SBU pay strategies? If

agers. Based on expectancy theory, Guth and

so, are there any discernible patterns?

MacMillan (1986) provide evidence that middle

3. What is the pay effectiveness configuration

managers are not motivated to implement corpo-

for various combinations of pay, corporate,

rate strategies that conflict with their own self-

and SBU strategies?

interest. Kerr's (1985) data, based on 20 large

organizations, suggest that the process by which

a firm's diversification strategy had been achieved

exerts a major influence on the design of the


managerial reward system. Napier and Smith

A total of 600 business units from different

(1987) report that highly diversified firms offer

manufacturing companies was selected for this

larger bonuses to their middle managers when

study. SBUs were chosen within manufacturing

compared to less diversified companies. Some

additional research has examined compensation

to assure some comparability of technology,

capital intensity and other characteristics among

strategy in terms of specific industries and

them (Hambrick, 1983b). The top human

employee groups. For example, Balkin and

resource (HRM) executive within the business

Gomez-Mejia (1987b) found that the effectiveness

of pay incentives for scientists and engineers in

individual is intimately involved in the formulation

the high-technology industry was related to the

of organizational pay policies. Also, the HRM

unit was selected as an informant because this

growth stage of the product life cycle and

executive is likely to be the most knowledgeable

inversely related to company size.

person about the SBU compensation strategies.

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Matching Compensation and Organizational Strategies 155

The annual membership directory from the

(1983) was used to measure SBU strategy (see

American Compensation Association (ACA) was

the Appendix for a description of scale). This

used to identify the respondents. Many human

typology was selected for three main reasons.

resource executives belong to this association to

First, it is a hybrid of most existing typologies

keep current with trends in the compensation

and has wide applicability across a broad cross-

environment. Of the 600 HRM executives selected

section of firms. It provides a simple yet eclectic

for this study, 212 (35.3 percent) agreed to

description of each strategy type. Second, it is

participate in exchange for a free copy of a

relatively free of academic jargon, so that it is

technical report. All participants were promised

intuitively meaningful and more appealing to

strict confidentiality of any information provided

practicing managers. Obviously, this is a crucial

to the investigators. The organizations that

consideration given the sample used in this study.

participated in the study had an average sales

Finally, a policy capturing study of manufacturing

volume for 1985 (the latest year available) of

firms in the PIMS data base by Galbraith and

$840 million in sales.

The instrument used in the study was developed

Schendel (1983) produced a SBU typology that

greatly overlaps with the Gerstein and Reissman

after an exhaustive literature review and on-site

(1983) strategy types, providing empirical con-

interviews with human resource executives. The

firmation of its validity in a manufacturing

survey instrument was pretested with a sample


of 10 executives to ensure it was complete, easy

Only the 'dynamic growth' and 'rationalization/

to follow, and that the items were not ambiguous.

maintenance' SBU strategy choices generated

The survey, conducted through the mail during

enough cases from the respondents to be entered

summer 1986, included questions pertaining to

into the analysis. The lack of dispersion of the

corporate and SBU characteristics, corporate and

respondents' SBU strategy choices probably

SBU strategy, and pay strategies. The operational

reflects the homogeneity of the ACA member-

measures are described in greater detail below.

ship, which is more representative of larger

organizations with full-fledged human resource

Operational measures

management departments that provide resources

that support professional association memberships

The organizational strategy at both the corporate

and travel to meetings. Business units characterized

and business unit level was operationalized from

by entrepreneurial, turnaround or divestiture strat-

existing strategy typologies. The HRM executives

egies are more likely to rely on external manage-

were asked to identify their firm's strategy from

ment consultants instead of hiring their own

written descriptions in a manner similar to the

internal, specialized human resource staff.

approach used by Snow and Hrebiniak (1980).

The domain of corporate and SBU strategy

Advantages of this method are (1) it is possible

choices covered in this study is summarized by

to obtain standardized and consistent strategy

the matrix in Table 1.

measures across different organizations; and (2)

it is possible to study a larger sample of firms

(Snow and Hrebiniak, 1980).

Butsiness uniit compenisation strategies

Compensation strategies were operationalized in
terms of pay package design, market positioning,

Corporate strategy

and pay policy choices (Milkovich, 1988; Balkin

The corporate strategy measure used in this study

and Gomez-Mejia, 1987a; Lawler, 1981; Gomez-

is the widely known taxonomy developed by

Mejia and Welbourne, 1988). The first dimension

Rumelt (1974), who operationalized it as the

refers to the relative importance of salary,

degree of diversification exhibited by the firm

benefits, and incentives in the pay mix. Market

(see the Appendix for description of scale).

positioning refers to the extent to which the

organization targets its pay level below or above

Business unit (SBU) strategy

its competitors. The last dimension, pay policy

choices, consists of the organization's admin-

In the present study, a modified version of the

istrative framework, criteria, and procedural

typology developed by Gerstein and Reissman

approaches used to remunerate its employees.

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156 D. B. Balkin and L. R. Gomez-Mejia

Table 1. Matrix of corporate and SBU strategies (n = 192)
SBU strategies

Corporate Growth Maintenance

strategies (n = 68) (n = 124) Decline
Single n = 11 n = 13 N/A
product Average = 52' Average = 75

(n = 24) (8, 121)b (21, 163)

Dominant ni = 13 ii = 19 N/A
product Average = 422 Average = 643

(n = 32) (85, 657) (171, 865)

Related n = 44 n = 92 N/A
product Average = 825 Average = 1042

(n = 136) (361, 1124) (549, 1833)






aAverage firm size in sales revenues ($ millions).

bRange of firm size in sales revenues ($ millions).

Thirteen composite scales were created to measure

down by organizational strategy. The multivariate

these dimensions (see the Appendix for a de-

linkages between organizational and pay strate-

scription of scales and how they were measured).

gies were then measured via multiple regression

and discriminant analysis. These multivariate

SBU pay effectiveness

procedures are described below.

A stepwise multiple regression model was

Pay effectiveness was operationalized in terms of

utilized to test for the significance of corporate

the extent to which the pay system contributes

and business unit strategy (as predictors) on each

to the achievement of organizational goals. The

of the SBU pay strategy measures (as dependent

HRM executives were asked to make this

variable). The first step consisted of the corporate

assessment based on five separate pay effective-

control variables. The second step tested for the

ness items, which were later averaged into an

sign and significance of the corporate strategy

overall composite (see the Appendix for a

variable. The third step included the business

description of this measure).

unit control variables. The fourth step tested for

the sign and significance of the business unit

strategy measure (as described in the Appendix:

Control variables

O= growth; 1 = maintenance).

A number of control variables were included in

The corporate strategy typology was operation-

the study for both the corporation and the

alized into the regression model by the use of

business unit, because they may have an effect

reciprocal averages (Dawis and Weiss, 1968;

on the SBU pay strategy measures, in particular

Weiss, 1963). This method, designed for categorical variables, obtains similar results to that

those related to the design of the pay package

and market positioning. These control variables

of dummy coding (Gomez-Mejia, 1984). This

include (see the Appendix): sales volume (Lew-

procedure scales each interval of each predictor

ellen and Huntsman, 1970); profitability (Agar-

according to the magnitude of the mean score

wal, 1981); and the ratio of labor costs to total

on the criterion for those respondents whose

costs of production (Hicks, 1963; Kochan, 1980).

predictor scores fall in that interval of each

predictor (Dawis and Weiss, 1968; Hoyt and

Collier, 1953; Mitzel and Hoyt, 1954).


Discriminant analysis was used to classify each

Descriptive statistics (means and standard devi-

organization by corporate and SBU strategy

ations) were computed for each pay scale, broken

category, utilizing the pay strategy measures as

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Matching Compensation and Organizational Strategies 157

discriminating variables. This procedure allows

compared to the market (market positioning)

one to obtain a combined estimate of the

and greater emphasis on salary and benefits vis-

simultaneous effect of all pay strategies in

a-vis incentives. It is also associated with the

differentiating across organizational strategies. A

most bureaucratic pay policies. There is a higher

separate discriminant analysis procedure using

degree of pay secrecy, internal consistency, pay

the direct method (Statistical Package for the

centralization and job-based pay policies and a

Social Sciences, 1987) was conducted for the

lower degree of pay-for-performance, egali-

corporate and SBU strategy typology. The

tarianism, participation in pay decisions and long-

classification accuracy of this method is assessed

term pay policies. The single-product strategy,

by the 'hit rates' or the percentage correspondence

on the other hand, is associated with lower pay

between actual and estimated group membership

levels relative to the market and a stronger

for each categorical (organizational strategy)

emphasis on incentives in the compensation mix.

variable. Because firms are classified into an

It is also associated with more flexibile pay

estimated group membership for each categorical

policies: an emphasis on pay for performance,

(organizational strategy) variable, there was no

pay participation, decentralized compensation

need to develop a numerical scale for each of

decisions, egalitarianism, long-term orientation

these variables. Therefore, in addition to the

and skill-based pay and lower levels of pay

classification information offered by discriminant

secrecy and internal consistency. The dominant-

analysis, this method provided a built-in double

product category tends to be associated with pay

check on the reliability of the regression pro-

strategies that fell between the mean responses

of the single-product strategy and the related-

The last set of analyses was designed to answer

product strategy.

the question: which pay strategies appear to be

Table 2 also shows a comparison of pay

most effective under each corporate and SBU

strategy means for the SBU strategy types. The

strategy type? A cross-tabulation table was

relationship between SBU strategy, the design of

developed, with each of the pay strategies on the

the pay package, and market positioning reached

vertical axis and the corporate and SBU strategies

statistical levels of significance. The maintenance

along the horizontal axis. Each of the pay

strategy is associated with a higher pay level

strategies was dichotomized into 'high' (firm is

relative to the market and more emphasis on

above the median) and 'low' (firm is below the

salary and benefits vis-a-vis incentives in the

median) groups. A matrix was then created that

compensation mix. The growth strategy, on the

showed the mean effectiveness score for each

other hand, exhibits a lower market position and

cell. So, for example, all firms below the median

a greater reliance on pay incentives. Risk-sharing

in 'internal equity' that are also pursuing a

is also more pronounced under the growth

'growth' strategy would have an average pay

strategy, with a portion of an employee's earnings

effectiveness score calculated in that subsample.

tied to individual, group or organizational goals.

Statistical tests of significance were then computed

Only three out of eight pay policies are signifi-

for mean differences. This procedure provides an

cantly related to SBU strategy. Under the

overall picture of the effectiveness configuration

maintenance category, pay policies are less

associated with various organization/pay strategy

egalitarian, less involving employee participation


and more job-based (implying a lower tendency

toward skill-based pay). Under the growth
strategy there were higher levels of egalitarianism,


participation in pay decisions and skill-based pay.

Table 2 presents descriptive statistics (means and

findings. The overall regression model explained

Table 3 summarizes the stepwise regression

standard deviations) for each of the pay strategies

between 25 percent (long-term pay) and 44

broken down by corporate and SBU strategy type.

percent (market positioning) of the variance (R2)

As shown in the table, the overall relationship

of the SBU pay strategies. (Note: the direction

between corporate strategy and each of the 13

of the corporate strategy variable in the regression

SBU pay strategies was statistically significant.

table with respect to the reciprocal averages

The related product strategy (i.e. most diversified

coding procedure can be discerned by inspecting

firms) is associated with a higher pay level as

the corresponding means for each strategy type

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158 D. B. Balkin and L. R. Gomez-Mejia

Table 2. Means and standard deviations for pay strategy measures broken down by corporate and SBU
strategy types

Corporate strategy Business unit strategy

Single Dominant Related
product product product Growth Maintenance


(n=24) (u=32) (n = 136) (ui =68) (u i124)


Pay Mix













(1.00) (1.11) (1.03) (1.14) (0.53)







(1.00) (1.03) (0.95) (1 19) (0.58)

3.34 3.04 i 3.58 2.82 i

(1.11) (0.96) (1.07) (1.13) (0.71)

Marketing positioninig

4. Pay relative to competitors 1.66 3.01 3.42- * 2.87 3.80*

(1.02) (0.91) (0.92) (1.03) (0.66)

Pay policies









(0.86) (0.92) (0.98) (0.99) (0.68)

6. Internal consistency 2.78 3.37 3.36"' 3.13 3.41

(0.79) (0.71) (0.87) (0.92) (0.65)









(0.88) (0.83) (1.05) (1.17) (0.61)

8. Pay for performance 4.66 3.76 3.67" > 3.85 3.49

(0.48) (0.87) (0.93) (1.06) (0.67)

9. Pay decentralization 3.98 2.97 3.04" 3.42 3.03

(1.21) (1.08) (1.08) (1.05) (0.74)

10. Egalitarian pay 4.45 3.41 3.03' 3.57 2.73;
(0.59) (1.07) (0.98) (0.93) (0.77)

11. Pay participation 3.95 3.16 2.73 " 3.31 2.62"




(1.21) (1.05) (1.00) (1.05) (0.56)






(1.17) (0.82) (0.92) (1.07) (0.80)

13. Long-term pay 4.36 3.34 3.40R 3.85 3.58

(0.90) (0.88) (0.98) (0.85) (0.86)

Standard deviations in parentheses.

* p < 0 05; * * p c 0.01 (F test, one-way ANOVA).

in Table 2). After partialling out the effect of

significance. The SBU strategy increased R2 an

the control variables (step 1), corporate strategy

average of 0.8 percent across all pay scales,

(step 2) was significant for incentives (scale 3),

and 2.0 percent for salary, incentives, market

market positioning (scale 4), and for all nine

positioning, and pay for performance.

pay policies (scales 5-13). Corporate strategy

The following control variables reached statisti-

accounted for an average increase of 2.4 percent

cal levels of significance in the regression model:

in explained variance across the 13 pay scales.

The business unit strategy (last step in the

corporate sales volume (in 12 out of 13

regressions), corporate labor cost/total cost (in

regression model) was significant for two out of

12 out of 13 regressions), business unit sales

three pay package design variables (salary and

volume (in 6 out of 13 regressions), and corporate

incentives),and for market positioning. Only two

profitability (in 1 out of 13 regressions).

out of nine pay policies (internal equity and pay

Table 4 summarizes the multiple discriminant

for performance) reached statistical levels of

analysis results in terms of hit rates and the

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Matching Comnpensation and Organizational Strategies 159
























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160 D. B. Balkin and L. R. Gomez-Mejia

Table 4. Discriminant analysis results in terms of classification accuracy for corporate and SBU strategy
categories using control variables and pay strategies as discriminating factors
Corporate strategy SBU strategy
Single Dominant Related
product product product Growth Maintenance

(n=24) (n=32) (n = 136) (n=68) (n= 124)

Control variables
Percentage improvement over chance 18.8 -1.3 12.9 -1.8 -2.8
Pay mix variables
Percentage improvement over chance 44.8 21.5 37.8 16.3 19.3
Market positioning
Hit rate

82.2 58.6 79.6 76.9 79.8

Percentage improvement over chance 48.7 25.3 46.3 26.9 29.8

Pay policies
Percentage improvement over chance 55.8 34.4 56.1 32.3 34.5
Note: The percentage increment in hit rates attributable to the pay strategies entered at each step reached statistical levels
of significance at p < 0.05 in all equations.

percentage improvement over chance in classify-

Table 5 shows the mean effectiveness scores

ing cases by corporate and SBU strategy. By

broken down by each of the pay scales and

chance alone, 33.3 percent of the cases should

the organizational strategy categories. Table 6

be correctly classified by corporate strategy

summarizes these findings by indicating the

(which has three categories), and 50 percent by

corporate and SBU strategies under which par-

SBU strategy (which has two categories). As

ticular pay strategies are most effective.

shown in that table, the control variables have

The profile shown in Table 6 supports the

a percentage improvement over chance (PIC)

contention that the effectiveness of the compen-

averaging 10.1 percent for corporate strategy and

a slightly negative average PIC for SBU strategy

sation system (based on assessments made by the

executives in the survey) varies as a function of

(-2.3 percent). Addition of the pay mix variables

the interaction between pay and organizational

into the discriminant analysis increases the PIC

strategies. An emphasis on incentives vis-a-vis

to an average of 34.7 percent for corporate

salary and benefits appears to work best for

strategy (a 24.6 percent increase) and 17.8 percent

single-product firms and for SBUs following a

for SBU strategy (a 20.1 percent increase).

growth strategy. Paying above the market seems

Including market positioning into the equation

to be most appropriate for related product firms

increases the cumulative PIC to an average of

and for more mature SBUs. This pattern suggests

40.1 percent for corporate strategy and 28.4

that offering of incentive pay by single-product

percent for SBU strategy. The last set of variables

firms and SBUs at the growth stage may be a

simultaneously added into the discriminant analy-

useful strategy to attract and retain employees,

sis procedure, the nine pay policies (scales 5-13),

while at the same time underemphasizing expen-

increased the cumulative PIC to an average of

sive fixed-pay components (salary and benefits)

48.8 percent for corporate strategy and 33.4

percent for SBU strategy. These results indicate
that pay package design, market positioning and

relative to more established, mature firms. Such

a compensation strategy would tend to free up
scarce dollars in the short run so that these may

pay policies do have substantial discriminating

be devoted to finance continued expansion.

power in distinguishing across various corporate

Although pay level may be below market for

and SBU strategy categories.

these firms, employees may choose to work there

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Matching Comnpensation anzd Organizational Strategies 161

Table 5. Average compensation effectiveness scores broken down by pay and organizational strategies
Corporate strategy SBU strategy
Single product product Related produict Growth Maintenance

Pay strategies (n=24) (n=32) (n=136) (n =68) (n =124)

1. Salary




2. Benefits



3. Incentives




















4. Pay level vis-a-vis competition

Low 4.82 4.21 4.18'"
High 2.35 3.41 3.04k

Pay policies
5. Risk-sharing




3.24 4

4.78 4.17 4.14*k 4.45

3. 55

6. Internal equity

Low 4.82 4.21 4.18'; 4.52 3.29kk

High 2.84 3.48 3.05k 2.33 3.53**
7. Pay secrecy

Low 4.73 4.01

High 2.45 3.08

4.08 4.46
3.08' 2.28

3.29* *
3.50'k i

8. Pay for performance














9. Pay decentralization
High 4.82 4.24 4. 1 1 4.45 3.49*

10. Egalitarian pay













11. Pay participation


2.15 3.23 2.94k 2.04 3.45''

4.82 4.31 4.27 '' ' 4.56 3.38kk

12. Job based pay


4.77 4.17 4.05k 4.36 3.46 B

High 2.65 3.41 3.00 2.25 3.42<;

13. Long term pay














p < 0. 05; .ip < 0. )1.

Note: A one-way ANOVA was computed for mean differences in pay effectiveness scores across the corresponding
organizationial strategy categories.

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162 D. B. Balkin and L. R. Gornez-Mejia

Table 6. A profile of most effective pay strategies by corporate and SBU strategies
Corporate strategy SBU strategy

Single Related
product product Growth Maintenance









Pay package design Incentives Salary and benefits Incentives Salary and benefits
Market positioning Below market Above market Below market Above market
Pay policies Risk-sharing Guaranteed pay Risk-sharing Guaranteed pay
Flexibility Internal External Internal
consistency orientation orientation
Open pay Pay secrecy Open pay Pay secrecy

communication communilcation
Pay for Seniority Pay for Seniority

performance performance
decentralization centralization decentralization centralization
Egalitarian pay Hierarchical pay Egalitarian pay Hierarchical pay

Employee Low employee Employee Low employee

participation input participation input

Skill-based Job-based pay Skill-based Job-based pay



Long-term Short-term Long-term Short-term

orientation orientation orientation orientation

Note: For the sake of simplicity, only the two ends of the corporate
shown in the above table.

in exchange for greater potential returns in the

vs. skill-based pay; and (8) short-term vs. long-

future. Balkin and Gomez-Mejia (1987a) found

term orientation.

that to be the case among smaller high-tech firms

in the New England area, which tend to rely
quite heavily on incentive compensation.
The profile shown in Table 6 also suggests


that more 'freewheeling' pay practices that are

responsive to varying conditions, contingencies,

The purpose of this study has been to examine

and individual situations seem to be most effective

the relationship between organizational and pay

for single-product firms and SBUs at the growth

strategies and their interactive impact on the

stage. Formalized rules and procedures that tend

effectiveness of the compensation system. The

to 'routinize' pay decisions, and that are applied

results reported here indicate that two levels of

uniformly across the entire organization, appear

organizational strategy, corporate and business

to work best for related-product firms and SBUs

unit, are determinants of several SBU pay strategy

at the maintenance stage. In contrast to single-

dimensions. The corporate-level influences pay

product firms and SBUs at the growth stage, the

strategies across a wide domain, including pay

following pay policies appear to be most effective

package design, market positioning, and all nine

for the latter group: (1) guaranteed pay vs. risk

pay policies included in the study. The SBU

sharing; (2) internal consistency vs. flexibility;

level, on the other hand, seems to have a more

(3) pay secrecy vs. open pay communication;

focused effect on pay strategies, primarily those

(4) seniority vs. performance emphasis; (5)

pertaining to pay package design and market

hierarchical vs. egalitarian pay; (6) low employee


input vs. employee participation; (7) job-based

The data also show that organization size as

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Matching Compensation and Organizational Strategies 163

measured by sales volume is related to pay

within related product corporations. In organi-

package design. Large organizations place a

zations with corporate strategies that lead them

heavier emphasis on fixed pay components (salary

to diversify into unrelated businesses, i.e. con-

and benefits). Smaller organizations tend to rely

glomerates, the reward system policies may not

on variable pay components (pay incentives) to

develop according to the above discussion,

complement the salary and benefits.

however. The findings in this study are only

The findings may be interpreted to support a

extended to corporate diversifications in related

contingency approach to compensation. That is,

businesses where corporate management pos-

management adjusts its pay strategies to fit with

sesses a core of management expertise that relates

the organizational strategy. The results suggest

to the different businesses in the corporation.

that in a given business unit in a diversified

The results also suggest that as the business

corporation, the pay policy is influenced by both

unit strategy shifts from a growth to a maintenance

the corporate and business unit strategy. In

focus there is a change in pay mix. The pay mix

business units of diversified corporations in

associated with the growth strategy has a strong

related businesses, corporate strategy influences

incentive component (to emphasize unit and

most of the pay administration policies such as

individual performance and to share the results

the amount of pay information to reveal to

of growth) with lower salary and benefits (to

employees or the level of employee participation

conserve cash which can be reinvested in the

in the development of pay policies. On the other

business). The pay mix associated with a mainte-

hand, both the corporate and business unit

nance strategy has a strong emphasis on salary

strategy were found to influence the design of

and benefits (because the business unit is more

the pay package and pay level relative to

likely to be operating efficiently and profitably)

competitors. The salary level may reflect the

and lower emphasis on pay incentives.

competitive market position of the business unit

This study provides some data that support the

in the local or regional labor market, reflecting

congruency notions of effectiveness. It appears

the business unit strategy. The design of the

that the use of incentives to complement a lower

benefits package may reflect the business unit

salary and benefits level, accompanied by flexible

strategy because some benefits such as life

and less formalized pay policies and procedures

insurance or vacation pay are tied to the salary

with an emphasis on performance, seems to work

level. It may also reflect corporate strategy

best for single-product firms and SBUs at the

because benefits are perceived as organizational

growth stage. A reliance on fixed compensation

membership rewards and need to be internally

and the use of bureaucratically oriented pay

consistent across related business units to maintain

policies and procedures seem to be most effective

employee perceptions of fairness.

The data indicate that as corporate strategy

for related product firms and SBUs at the

maintenance stage.

shifts from a low level of diversification to a

The empirical findings suggest that there are

higher level of diversification (but still remaining

two major strategic patterns of compensation

in related businesses) the SBU reward system

decisions. Each pattern is associated with a

becomes more bureaucratic and inflexible. As

unique set of corporate and SBU strategies that

additional business units are added to the

tend to 'hang together'. This dual typology is

corporate structure according to the diversifi-

discussed below.

cation strategy, pay comparisons across business

The mechanistic pattern is associated with

units are made by corporate management. Pay

related product firms and SBUs at the mainte-

policies that ensure fair, consistent treatment

nance stage. It emphasizes formalized rules and

of employees in different business units are

procedures that are uniformly applied across the

developed at the corporate level. Internal pay

organization. The mechanistic pattern focuses on

equity through job evaluation becomes increas-

paying for the job, not the individual. The pay

ingly important as the level of diversification

mix consists mainly of salary and benefits. Pay

increases. This means that managing the potential

policies reflect the job's hierarchical position in

conflict between the quest for 'fairness and

the firm and tend to be centralized, subject to

equity' vs. 'adaptiveness and differentiation' in

secrecy and lacking in opportunities for employee

the pay system could become a major challenge


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164 D. B. Balkin and L. R. Gornez-Mejia

The second strategic pattern of compensation

ates more likely to use mechanistic or organic

dimensions to emerge is organic in nature. The

patterns of compensation dimensions? Research

organic pattern is associated with single-product

on this question should include different industries

firms and SBUs at the growth stage. It emphasizes

and focus on different job families to extend the

pay practices that are flexible. The organic

generalizability of the findings.

pattern pays for the individual, not the job, and

Finally, research should be undertaken to

places a significant part of the pay package 'at

examine how, within related-product firms, the

risk' in the form of pay incentives to complement

conflict between the need for consistency and

the salary and benefits. Pay policies tend to be

the need for flexibility in the pay system is

decentralized with open communication of pay

managed for each SBU. Carroll (1988) appropri-

procedures, and there are opportunities available

ately argues that this is one of the most challenging

for employees to participate in pay decisions.

tasks in designing strategic pay systems, yet we

The mechanistic and organic patterns of com-

know very little about it. For example, suppose

pensation may be viewed as two extreme positions

an electronics corporation is following a related-

on a continuum. Many firms may find that their

product strategy and has one of its units following

patterns of compensation policies fall between

a growth SBU strategy. The SBU is pursuing a

these two poles, exhibiting some characteristics

strategy which places a high emphasis on research

of each. It is our belief, however, that a firm's

and development. How can it differentiate its

relative positioning on this continuum will depend

pay system to attract and retain the scientists and

on its corporate and business unit strategies. The

engineers it requires, while at the same time

greater the deviance from the 'ideal' compen-

being responsive to the need for consistency and

sation pattern associated with a particular corpo-

equity in pay which is important to other

rate and business unit strategy, the less effective

employees in the corporation? To answer ques-

the firm's pay policies are likely to be.

tions such as this will require the use of qualitative

The empirical findings suggest some needed

and quantitative methodologies to unravel the

research that may build on this study to further

mechanisms used by these firms to buffer, yet at

examine the relationship between organizational

the same time integrate, the pay systems of

strategy and pay policy. There are severa,

diverse SBUs.

research issues and concerns that arise that could

not be adequately handled within the constraints

of this study. First, does organizational strategy


affect the pay of all job families equally, or are


the rewards of some employees more closely

linked to organization strategy than others? More

Corporate strategy

specifically, do strategic factors explain the pay

The corporate strategy in the present study

policies of executives and sales representatives

was reported by HRM executives according to

and nonstrategic factors explain the pay policies

Rumelt's (1974) typology of diversification: (1)

that affect pay for production workers and

the single-product firm which obtains 95 percent

clericals? How does the effectiveness of these

of its revenue from a single product (24 cases);

strategies vary by employee group? Newman

(2) the dominant-product firm which obtains

(1988) argues that employees in 'boundary

between 70 and 94 percent of its revenue from

spanning' roles (such as executives and sales)

should be given the highest priority when
designing compensation strategies. Second, how
do pay strategies differ by 'entrepreneurial',

a single-product domain (32 cases); (3) the

related-product firm which receives less than 70
percent of its revenues from a single-product
domain and the remainder of its revenues from

'turnaround', and 'divestiture' strategies? These

a related-product domain (136 cases); (4) and

interesting categories could not be examined in

the unrelated-product firm which receives less

the present study due to low cell sizes.

than 70 percent of its revenues from a single-

Another research question that builds on

product domain and the remainder of its revenues

this study is how do conglomerates develop

from an unrelated-product domain (eight cases).

The diversification strategies were coded on a
nominal scale. Because only eight cases were

compensation strategies as the shared core of

management expertise declines? Are conglomer-

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Matching Compensation and Organizational Strategies 165

associated with the last category, this strategy

terms of pay mix, their target position vis-'a-vis

was deleted from the analysis.

the market, and pay policy choices. To this end,

While it may seem surprising that there

a set of 35 Likert-type items was developed to

are few 'unrelated-product' firms, the sample

cover these different aspects. These 35 items

selection procedure of choosing manufacturing

were then used to construct 13 separate composite

firms for purposes of comparability led to the

scales. A brief description of each scale is provided

deletion of many conglomerates from the sample.

below; Table Al lists the items associated with

Therefore a subset of the full range of diversifi-

each of the scales and the coefficient alphas.

cation strategies is examined in this study in

Six items were used to operationalize pay mix,

order to assure some comparability between

broken down into three separate scales that


measure the relative importance of salary, benefits

and incentives (see Table Al). The response

Business unit (SBU) strategy

format for each item consisted of a five-point

Likert scale ranging from 'strongly disagree' to

Executives were asked to identify their SBU

'strongly agree'. As shown in Table Al, the

strategy by choosing one of the following catego-

coefficient alpha exceeded 0.80 for each of the

ries (see Gerstein and Reissman, 1983): 'entre-

three scales, indicating high internal reliability.

preneurial' (five cases), 'dynamic growth' (68

Two questions in the survey (one for salary

cases), 'rationalization/maintenance' (124 cases),

and one for benefits) asked the executive to

'turnaround' (no cases) and 'divestiture' (seven

indicate the SBUs preferred pay level vis-'a-vis

cases). Because of small n sizes, only the second

its competitors (see Table Al). The response

and third categories were included in the analysis.

format consisted of a five-point Likert scale

These two categories are briefly described below.

ranging from 'substantially below the market' to

(a) Dynamic growth strategy. Projects with

were combined into a single score to measure

'substantially above the market'. These two items

significant financial risks are undertaken

the SBU's market positioning. The Crombach

frequently. Firm is making high invest-

alpha for the composite scale was 0.94, indicating

ments in order to expand market share.

a high degree of homogeneity.

There is a constant dilemma between

The nine pay policy dimensions used in this

doing current work and building support

study were adapted from Lawler (1981). Table

for the future. A need is beginning to be

Al shows the items associated with each of the

felt for more control and structure for an

nine pay policy scales and the coefficient alphas.

ever-expanding operation. This category

The response format for each item consisted of

closely corresponds to the 'growth' strategy

a five-point Likert scale ranging from 'strongly

in the Galbraith and Schendel (1983)

disagree' to 'strongly agree'. The coefficient


alphas were all satisfactory, ranging from a low

(b) Rationalization/maintenance strategy. The

firm is interested in minimizing costs while

of 0.83 for 'internal consistency' to a high of 0.92

for 'risk-sharing'.

retaining its position in the market. The

focus is on maintaining existing profit

levels. Modest cost-cutting and employee

terminations may be occurring. Control

SBU pay effectiveness

A five-item scale (see Table Al) was developed

systems are well developed along with an

to measure pay effectiveness. The response

extensive set of policies/procedures. This

format for each item consisted of a 1-5 Likert

category closely corresponds to the 'main-

tenance' strategy in the Galbraith and

scale that ranged from (1) 'strongly disagree' to

(5) 'stron-gly agree'. The composite scale was

Schendel (1983) study.

tested for reliability and found to be internally

consistent with an alpha of 0.94. The composite

Business unit compensation strategies

The HRM executives were asked to report tl-he

pay strategies followed in their business uInits in

effectiveness score was calculated by averaging

the respoinses to the five items.
It would be ideal if objective pay effectiveness
indices could be used as a way to cross-validate

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166 D. B. Balkin and L. R. Gomez-Mejia

Table Al. SBU compensation strategy and effectiveness dimensions
Strategy dimension I: Pay package design (pay mix)
1. Salary (coefficient alpha: 0.92)

(a) The base salary is an important part of the total compensation package.
(b) The base salary is high relative to other forms of pay that an employee may receive in this

2. Benefits (coefficient alpha: 0.84)

(a) The benefits are an important part of the total pay package.
(b) The employee benefits package is very generous compared to what it could be.
3. Incentives (coefficient alpha: 0.89)
(a) Pay incentives such as a bonus or profit sharing are an important part of the compensation
strategy in this organization.
(b) Pay incentives are designed to provide a significant amount of an employee's total earnings in

this organization.

Strategy dimension II: Market positioning

4. Pay relative to competitors (coefficient alpha: 0.94)

(a) Preferred position of organization's salary levels with respect to competitors.
(b) Preferred position of organization's benefits level with respect to competitors.
Strategy dimension III: Pay policy choices

5. Risk sharing (coefficient alpha: 0.92)

(a) In this organization a portion of an employee's earnings is contingent on group or organization
performance goals being achieved.
(b) We designed our compensation system so that a portion of our compensation costs is variable.
(c) We believe that employees should be risk takers with some of their pay.

6. Internal consistency in pay relationships (coefficient alpha: 0.83)

(a) Internal pay equity is an important goal of our pay system.
(b) We try hard to achieve comparable pay relationship across different parts of the organization.
(c) In our organization we give a higher priority to internal pay equity than we do to external
market factors.

7. Pay secrecy (coefficient alpha: 0.90)

(a) We keep pay information secret from the employees.
(b) We have formal policies that discourage employees from divulging their pay to coworkers.
(c) Our organization does not openly disclose the administrative procedures on how pay levels and
pay raises are established.

8. Pay-for-performance (coefficient alpha: 0.90)

(a) We have a strong commitment to a merit pay system.
(b) In this organization pay raises are determined mainly by an employee's job performance. There
is a large pay spread between low perfornmers and high performers in a given job.
(c) An employee's seniority does not enter into pay decisions.

9. Pay decentralization (coefficient alpha: 0.89)

(a) Pay policy is not centralized in this organization.
(b) The Personnel staff in each business unit has freedom to develop its own compensation

(c) There is a minimum of interference from corporate headquaiters with respect to pay decisions
made by line managers.
10. Egalitarian pay (coefficient alpha: 0.89)
(a) Our compensation system reflects a low degree of hierarchy. In other words, we try to give a
minimum of perks (reserved parking spots, first-class air travel, etc.) to top executives.
(b) We offer special pay packages and privileges as status symbols to the higher echelons in the

(c) We try to make our pay system as egalitarian as possible. There are very few perks or special
rewards available to any 'elite' groups of employees.


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Matching Compensation and Organizational Strategies 167

Table Al. continued

Strategy dimension III: Pay policy choices Continued

11. Pay participation (coefficient alpha: 0.88)

(a) Employees' feelings and preferences for various pay forms (e.g. bonus vs. profit-sharing) are
taken very seriously by top management.

(b) Many different kinds of employees (individual contributors, managers, personnel staff,
executives) have a say in pay policies.
(c) Pay decisions in this organization are made on an autocratic basis. We tend to follow the book'
very closely. Very few employees have any input to pay decisions.
12 Job-based pay (coefficient alpha: 0.88)

(a) We have a job-based pay system. That is, factors within the job are key determinants of the
amount of pay.

(b) We have a skill-based pay system. That is, individuals are rewarded in part on their mastery of
job skills.

(c) The job is a more important factor than an incumbent's ability or performance in the
determination of pay rates in this organization. Heavy emphasis is placed on job evaluation
procedures to determine pay levels.

13. Long-termn pay (coefficient alpha: 0.84)

(a) The pay system in this organizationi has a futuristic orientation. It focuses employees attention

on long-term (2 or more years) goals.

(b) The pay system in this organization rewards employees for short-term accomplishments during a
fixed time period (e.g. annual or semiannual performance reviews).
(c) Our pay policies recognize that long-term results are more important than short-term results.
Compensation system assessment

14. Pay effectiveness (coefficient alpha: 0.94)

(a) Our pay policies and practices are highly effective
(b) Management is very happy with the way the compensation system contributes to the
achievement of overall organizational goals.

(c) All things considered, the compensation strategies used in our organizationi truly give
shareholders 'their money's worth'.

(d) Our pay policies and practices appear to enjoy widespread acceptability among employees.
(e) Our pay policies and practices greatly contribute to retention, attraction, and motivation of
Note: with the exception of the'pay relative to competitors' scale, all items had a five-point response format ranging from

'strongly disagree' to 'strongly agr-ee'. The 'pay relative to competitors' scale had a five-point response format ranging from
,substantially below the market' to 'substantially above the mar-ket'. All items worded negatively were reverse-scored for

the perceptual assessments. The exclusive reliance

as the return on investment (ROI) for 1985. The

on self-report effectiveness measures was dic-

ratio of labor costs to total costs was measured

tated, in large part, by the sensitive nature of

as a percentage. The participants in the survey

pay-related information. It was judged that

reported these figures based on the latest available

reliable information about the specific character-

company information. These measures were

istics of the compensation system,and about the

reported both at the corporate level and the

effectiveness of the pay policies, would not be

business unit level.

readily forthcoming if subjects were asked to

identify their companies. Also, it was felt that

the response rate would drop dramatically if the

survey was not anonymous.

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