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CHEVIOT COMPANY LIMITED CIN: L65993WB1897PLC001409 Registered & Administrative Office 24 Park Street, Magma House, 9 Floor, Kolkata-700 016 Group Ph: (033) 3291-9624/25/28; Fax (033) 22497269/22172488 Cheviot Email: cheviot@chevjute com ; Website: www.groupcheviot net Ref: CCL/Share/ Date: 25-5-2016 BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai 100.001 Ref: Company's Code No. 526817 ub: Standalone Audited Financial Results for the financial year ended 31st March, 2016 Dear Sir, . Pursuant to Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we are forwarding herewith the standalone audited financial results of the Company for the year ended 31st March, 2016 which has been approved and taken on record at the Board Meeting held on 25th May, 2016 alongwith Auditors’ Report thereon and Form A (for audit report with unmodified opinion). ‘The figures for the quarter ended 31st March, 2016 and the corresponding quarter ended in the previous year are the balancing figures between audited figures in respect of full financial year and the published year to date figures up to the end of the third quarter of the relevant financial year, which were subject to Further please be informed that the Board of Directors did not recommend any final dividend on the ordinary shares and the interim dividend declared by them at their meeting held on 10th March, 2016 is the dividend on the ordinary shares of the Company for the financial year ended 31st March, 2016. The meeting of the Board of Directors commenced at 11:30 A.M. and concluded at 12.25 P.M. Please display the said results in your Notice Board to keep the members of the exchange informed. Thanking you, Yours faithfully + _For Cheviot Company Limited a (aditya Banerj Company Secretary and Compliance Officer Encl. as stated above Chartered Accountants 21122 Redha Bazar Street, Kolkata —700 001 Phones: 2242-7216 6641 malt pX/1956@gmall com Fac _ 91-99-72486264 Auditor’s Report on Quarterly Financial Results and Year to Date Results of the Company Pursuant to the Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015, To The Board of Directors of M/s Cheviot Company Limited We have audited the quarterly financial results of Cheviot Company Limited (the Company) for the quarter ended 31 March, 2016 and the year to date results for the period 1“ April, 2015 to 31" March, 2016, attached herewith, being submitted by the Company pursuant to the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. These quarterly financial results as well as year to date financial results have been prepared on the basis of the interim financial statements, which are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial results based on our audit of such interim financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in Accounting Standard for Interim Financial Reporting (AS 25), prescribed, under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with relevant rules issued thereunder and other accounting principles generally accepted in India We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial results are free of mater misstatement(s). An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts disclosed as financial results. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. a Branch: AS Nariana Vita, Ring Road, New Deli 170028 Phones: 265054117342 Enalt Fee 91-112579-7973 JAIN & CO. Chartered Accountants 21/22 Racha Bazar Stree, Kolkata ~700 001 Phones: 2242-7215 6541 malt pXj1956@gmall com Fax _ 91-33-22486264 In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us these quarterly financial results as well as the year to date results: ( are presented in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 in this regard; and i) give a true and fair view of the net profit and other financial information for the quarter ended 3st March, 2016 as well as the year to date results for the period from Ist April, 2015 to 31st March, 2016. ‘The figures for the quarter ended 31" March, 2016 and the corresponding quarter ended in the previous year are the balancing figures between audited figures in respect of full financial year and the published year to date figures up to the end of the third quarter of the relevant financial year, which were subject to limited review. For Jain & Co, Chartered Accountants Registration No 302023E a Place: Kolkata (CAPK. Jain) Dated: 25th day of May, 2016 Partner (Membership No.52018) oa ‘Branch A Navona Vika, Ring Road, New Dehni= 170028 Phones! 2585541173412 Email: aki@jainandco com Foc 91tt-2670-7073 (CHEVIOT COMPANY LIMITED. ‘om LesesswotesT>Lceotao9 ‘Regd Ofc: 24, ark Steet, tagn Hous (9 Flor, Kohat 7006 Phono: (38) 3291. 0624282; Fx (33) 2497259722172408 havot het com Mable: wor groupcheviot. nt ‘STATEMENT OF AUDITED RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER AND YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2016 intake Comeaponing Preceding | Simontns montis | 3months | endedinthe | Curent Year) Previous ended ended ended _| year ended s sunsaore | suis2r2015 sunsiz0r6 | suoscz015 + fio} Parteware fornote No] (Unaudited) | ater now no.) | (Autos) | (Austad ) lpaRr 1 1 [income rom operations a. net salesincme rm operations (Net of Ces) 00438 mrss] so0s120] —zeasor0 lo. omer operating income 1273 esc2| ex2s0| sos [ott come rom operation (at) 3208.88 | 34300.00 | 76500.59 2 |expeneee 2. Cost of materi consumed cases sassae sursaa] ease] sanonoe lb. changes in inventors of firished goods and workin progress ave «n} saat aara] esas] oz Jc: Empoyee bonetts expense ves? asee teas] ceteae| aero +. Ooprciaton and amorisaton expense 14968 171 vasa] grams) eanae Jo. omer expenses ss09 2 sso7e ssonez| _ssoooo | saoaer ott expenses aro140| 308.08 a0ss.27 | | —74648.49 3 |Pront rom operations balore other Income, nace cont & exceptions ms (12) ‘054 ‘S763 ‘wssat] ez] aaearo + Jotnerincome 14589 763 vase] rare] ates 70 5 |Prott rm orinar sctvtes lore rane costs and exceptions ams (4), sar reat wis] sias| ames 6 |Fnance cote 20 oer sie] anes] saa 1 lott rm orcinry actos after fnanes cote bt Bator exceptions tan (6) sas 4220 wrsi| caves] atest 8 |Exceptnal tems (Rote Note 2 tolaw), arse Gass] ora ors 8 |Pront rom orn actives Btore tax +8) sess uae cases0 | tse rolTaxexponse eres 16550 ‘usom| 777) +1}net rot rom onary stn start (2:0) soa28 0336 surat] 45000 | 2} esvaornary tame +3}net rot forthe period (1-12) 308.20 yei348 | seara7 | 488.08 14}Pai-up ordinary share captal (Face valu -€ 10 each ) “su ws] asi] ast 15]Resorvos exuding Revaluation Reserve a pr Balance sheet lt eurent”prewaus accounting year srzessa] 2esess 16}eaings Per Snare of 10 eneh (PS) 8) 'Jeasic and aiued EPS beoreexraorinary tems - nt annualised an 208 cuz] ass ree 1 Jaasie and dtuted EPS ater extraordinary Rams net anual aus 96, ua] sass] 76s cont.) nn @ STATEMENT OF ASSETS & LIABILITIES intake wat eat _maz018 svosz0s Paricuars {Audits “Ausiteg ‘Alou ano unsicmies 1 |snarepoier nde a 2 Resenes an sues 35795 s52009 ‘Sub ota -Sharhoton une sao. 369400 2 |Nen-curantuaties 1 Dsarea tabs ne 10833 oat oer ang tem sites 205, 1036 Sub ttt -Noncurnt bat ase sear Ober uentiabies A407 7040 Subtotal - Curent biti 3892 TOTAL -EaUITY AKO UABLITIES| sms sare lasses 1 |Non-curant atts Fs ae ss099 sates 6 Longton as ote ste ose 4 Ober ronan sat erst sx2s0 ‘Sub toa -Noncurent act ame mess 2 current assets 1 Corot inveirents 2008 2410s 1 Shortbread acvanes s7a0 ea7 Sub tot - Current zz nores: 1 Interim dividend of 174 par Ordinary Share of tho fac value of 101: each paid on45.11.250 Oinary Shares amounting to 766.0 ak ortho year ended 3st Maren, 2016 hasbeen considered as reasonable by the Dietors and bereore no fa ddend hasbeen recommend forthe yea 2 Additonal tbityof bons forthe nancial year 2014-15 amoung to € 127.94 ake, pursuant to amendment of The Payment of Sonus Act, 1685 it reiospectve eet om Ist Apr, 2014, had been provided inthe previous quarto, as 3 prudent measure, but nas bean oversod in fhe caret quate new othe vay of respective arnendment being cralenged at various fgh curt, wth inren slay granted. end adjaeaton pending, ‘The Company s engages ina single busines segment ie, manufacturing and sale of Jute Goods. Hence segment reporing as quired by ASAT, 'ssund bythe nse of Chartered Accountants ot nds not applicable 4 Previous peri / year figures nave boon re-grouped /r-lasid o make them comparable othe cent period presentation. 5 Fawes forthe three months ended 31st March, 2018 and 3st March, 2015 are the balancing gues between aed figures (regrouped /e-tastied) ‘resect of fl nancial year and the publshed yar to date gues egrouped /v-clssied) up the rd quara ofthe respec nana yoore 8 The above franca resus ater review ofthe Aut committe were approved by the Boats of Ovecors atthe meeting held on 26th May.2016. Fer Cheviet Company Limited Hersh Vardhan Kenora (Chairman and Managing Director Pace Kotata Chiot Executive Offcar {IN : 00060269) Om CHEVIOT COMPANY LIMITED CIN: L65993WB1897PLC001409 Registered & Administrative Office 24 Park Street, Magma House, 9 Floor, Kolkata-700 016 Ph: (033) 3291-9624/25/28; Fax (033) 22497260/22172488 Email: ; Website: Dated: 25-5-2016 FORM A. (For audit report with unmodified opi [Pursuant to Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015] 1 ‘Name of the Company Cheviot Company Limited 2, [Annual financial statements for the year ended | 3ist March, 2016 (Standalone) 3. ‘Type of audit observation ~~ [Un-modified 4 Frequency of observation Not Applicable 5. To be signed by: CEO/Managing Director (Harsh Vardhan Kanoria) Chairman and Managing Director, Chief Executive officer DIN: 00060259 > CFO (CA Madhup Kumar Patni) Chief Financial Officer v v (CAP.K, Jain) Partner Membership No- 52018 Jain & Co. Chartered Accountants | Registration No. 302023E Meo Audit Committee Chairman (Navin Nayar) Independent Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee DIN: 00136057 Auditor of the Company v

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