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J. Niedre, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
and Bioengineering

February 24, 2016

Queen Mary University of London
International Study Abroad Programme Admissions Committee

Dear Members of the Admissions Committee,

I am writing this letter to whole-heartedly endorse Ms. Colleen Gallagher for the Internatinoal
Study Abroad Programme at the Queen Mary University of London.

I am an Associate Professor in the College of Engineering at Northeastern University, with joint
appointments in the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Bioengineering.

I have known Ms. Gallagher since the Fall of 2015, where she was a student in my EECE2150
Circuits and Signals class. This is a Sophomore-level (2nd year) foundational course in the
Electrical Engineering curriculum. The course is challenging since it has both theoretical and
laboratory components. Ms. Gallagher was one of the top performing students in the class,
earning a final grade of A, which the maximum we can award (her numerical score was 93%).
In observing her in the class, she is a diligent, committed student. In addition to her technical
abilities, her oral and written communication skills are very strong.

In summary, I feel strongly that Ms. Gallagher will be an outstanding ambassador for
Northeastern University at your Study Abroad Programme! She strikes me as being quite
mature relative to her peers, and is a very pleasant person to interact with. I am confident that
she will work hard and contribute to your programme, and that you will enjoy hosting her.

If you require any further information on the matter, please do not hesitate to contact me via
phone (617-373-5410) or email as needed.


Mark Niedre, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Bioengineering

Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Ave, 213B Lake Hall, Boston, MA, 02115, USA
Tel: 617-373-5410. Fax: 617-373-8970. Email:

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